of the spectroscope .












(like a filament) creates a spectrum of colors that is smooth and follows a bell curve. At around 5,000 degrees Celsius an object looks white because the spectrum centers around with lesser amounts of , , at smaller wavelengths, and lesser amounts of and at longer wavelengths.

, but aimed at something white that is in the sunshine or even in the shade. You see a continuous shade from red to purple. It's basically the same as a rainbow.
light (which we can't see). However, this photon strikes the inside of the fluorescent bulb which is coated with various . A phosphor is a mineral that absorbs light and converts it to visible light. Zinc sulfide (ZnS) doped with silver and aluminum emits light. Many phosphors use exotic metals to create different colors.

the type of lighting. For example, let's say we work at a company that wants to by switching all lights to the type. You can walk through the building and easily spot the that haven't been changed.

You see the continuous spectrum of incandescent bulbs (top) and the banded spectrum of the energy saver fluorescent bulbs (bottom). So we'd know quickly that the top 4 bulbs need to be replaced.

Intro Physics for Living Systems

Intro Physics for Living Systems

Lab 10: Spectroscopy

In this final lab, we will be exploring the interaction of light with matter. Using spectroscopy (also called spectral analysis , spectrometry , or spectrophotometry ), we will examine emission and absorption of light by various substances. Spectrometers (also called spectrophotometers ) are measurement tools designed to distinguish different colors of light. The spectrometers we will use in this lab detect the intensity of the light (the power-per-area associated with the light) as a function of the wavelength of the light. These spectrometers have a sensitivity range from 350 nm to 1000 nm, with a spectral resolution of 2 nm. In contrast, the human eye has a sensitivity range from approximately 400 nm (violet) to 700 nm (red), with a spectral resolution ranging from 1 nm (in the green to yellow range) to 10 nm (in the violet and red ranges). You may have been exposed to spectroscopy data through your previous chemistry and biology courses. To thoroughly understand data, one must know where it came from, its limitations, and its interpretations and potential meanings. With this lab we hope to deepen your comprehension of the function of spectrometers and thereby enrich your understanding of the data they produce. This will lay a firm foundation for your use of spectroscopy in your broader scientific career.

Matter has rich internal activity. Since matter is bound together in stable situations by forces, it has lots of natural ways to oscillate and resonate. The methyl groups on organic molecules can spin around. Similarly, long molecular chains can vibrate back-and-forth like a spring. Within each atom, electrons are constantly shifting towards and away from the nucleus. Each of these processes has a particular wavelength (color) of light associated with it: a specifically-sized photon energy packet is emitted or absorbed. Since light can only be absorbed or emitted in these packets, the way different colors of light interact with matter tells us about the energy spacing between the allowed excitation states of atoms and molecules. Doing a spectral analysis of light emitted or absorbed by something can give us a lot of information about it. Stokes (famous for his study of viscosity) was the first to show that hemoglobin was the molecule responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood—he did this using spectral analysis! On an entirely different physical scale, it’s spectral analysis that permits us to figure out the composition of stars.

Your lab will consist of three parts: I) exploring the quantized atom; II) exploring emission and absorption; and III) analyzing the emission spectrum of chlorophyll. The lab report you turn in at the end of this investigation should discuss answers to questions posed in the sections below as well as any insights you gain from your explorations and investigations, along with the data supporting those insights.

A Short Introduction to Light and Photons

spectroscopy laboratory experiment

  • All light waves move at a speed of c = 3.0 × 10 8 m/s in a vacuum. In a medium other than vacuum their speed is reduced to v = c / n , where n is the index of refraction of the medium. Since nothing can move faster than c , it follows that n ≥ 1; since n air = 1.0003, light in air moves at a speed so close to c that we don’t usually even bother distinguish between air and vacuum.
  • A light wave’s frequency, f , and wavelength, λ , are related with their speed, v , according to the standard wave speed equation:  v = f λ .
  • All of these different waves are produced by electric charges moving, oscillating, and resonating in very specific ways. For each resonant frequency producing a photon of light there is an associated packet of energy, called a quantum. Because all light is made of these packets, these quanta, we say that light is quantized. The energy, E , carried by a photon is proportional to its frequency: E  = hf , where the proportionality constant, h , is Planck’s constant ( h = 6.63 × 10 –34 J·s = 4.14 × 10 –15  eV·s).

The Bohr Model of the Atom

Perhaps the most famous model of the quantization is the Bohr model of the hydrogen (H) atom. In this model, the proton nucleus of the hydrogen atom is orbited by the single electron at fixed orbital radii, like a planet orbiting a star. Unlike a planet, however, the electron can have only certain discrete radii corresponding to certain discrete energies. The energy of the n th level is

E n = – E 0 /n 2

where n is the integer that labels the state. The lowest-energy state (usually called the ground state ) has n=1, corresponding to energy – E 0 ; the next-lowest-energy state (usually called the first excited state ) has n=2, corresponding to energy – E 0 /4; and so on until the highest energy state (n=∞) where  E =0. Larger values of n correspond to the electron being farther and farther from the nucleus until it finally escapes altogether at n=∞ and the atom is ionized .

spectroscopy laboratory experiment

Δ E if = E 0 (1/n i 2 – 1/n f 2 ).

Specifically, when a H atom transitions from a higher energy state to lower energy state (that is, when n i > n f ) it must make and emit a photon containing the energy Δ E . When a H atom transitions up in energy (that is, when n i  < n f ) it must obtain extra energy from somewhere; typically it gets this energy by absorbing a photon with energy Δ E . Quantitatively, conservation of energy tells us that Δ E if + E photon = 0, so

E photon = – Δ E if = E 0  (1/n f 2 – 1/n i 2 ).

In summary, only certain discrete values of energy can be emitted (or absorbed) by the atom – in accordance with the formula for Δ E  above. Each of these values of Δ E corresponds to a particular wavelength (and frequency), so an atom can only emit or absorb certain discrete wavelengths of light .

Some of the energy level transitions within the hydrogen atom have been given specific names. All transitions to/from the ground state (lowest energy level, n = 1) are part of the Lyman series. All transitions to/from the 1st excited stated (n = 2) are part of the Balmer series. All transitions to/from the 2nd excited state (n = 3) are part of the Paschen series. Other transitions also have formal names, but the Lyman, Balmer, and Paschen are the most commonly encountered.

Materials and Methods

  • Fire up the hydrogen emission tube and clamp the end of the fiber optic up against it.
  • Insert the cuvette end of the fiber into the spectrometer.
  • Turn on the spectrometer. Its three LEDs will flash in succession.
  • Select “Analyze Light”
  • Select the “Record” button (bottom left) to start acquiring data.
  • Tweak the integration time and number of averages in order to obtain a large (but not cut off) signal. You may need to use different values of these parameters for different emission peaks. You should be able to locate 3 or possibly 4 emission peaks by judiciously adjusting the integration time and signal averaging.
  • Use “Autoscale Display” and/or click and drag on the axes to zoom the plot.
  • Use the “Coordinate Tool” to extract the wavelength of each peak. This tool is a box that snaps onto a peak when you drag it nearby. You may want to stop acquiring data while doing this (click the “Stop Record” button on lower left).
  • Calculate the photon energy E photon (in eV) corresponding to each wavelength in the emission spectrum.
  • Guess (or look up from a diagram of H emission spectra) n i for each wavelength. The spectrometer can only see H emission in the Balmer series (n f   = 2). Calculate the quantity (1/n f 2 – 1/n i 2 ) for each photon.
  • Plot E photon vs (1/n f 2 – 1/n i 2 ). From the equation for E photon  above, you can see that you should obtain a straight line that goes through the origin; its slope is E 0 . When you do your fit, make sure you constrain the trend line so that it goes through the origin.
  • Compare your value for  E 0  (from the plot) to the accepted value of 13.67 eV. How well do they agree?  Calculate E 0 using your data.
  • Hold the spectrometer’s fiber optic end up to a white LED lamp (for instance, the “flash” from your phone and to the incandescent lamp and record their spectra. You may want to use the lens to collect more light.
  • Record the Sun’s spectrum. Hopefully you’ll be able to do this by standing near the window, but if necessary you can plug the spectrometer into your laptop and take it outside. You will need the software, which is available on the Using our spectrometer  page.
  • In the spectrometer’s “Analyze Light” mode, measure the spectrum of the green LED on the top of the spectrometer.
  • Switch to “Analyze Solution” mode and measure the absorption of a cuvette full of green food coloring.
  • Measure the absorption of chlorophyll.
  • Measure the fluorescence spectrum of chlorophyll with excitation at 405 and 500 nm.
  • If you are having trouble holding the optical fiber steady in front of the hydrogen tube, clamp it in place.
  • The spectrometer is not terribly sensitive. You can see easily in light levels that are too low for it to record via the fiber optic insert. Also, your vision adapts effortlessly to a huge range of light levels, so you are probably a very poor judge of whether a source is bright enough to be measured by the spectrometer.
  • You can use a lens to capture more light. Hold the fiber optic cable at the focus of the lens.
  • Be gentle with the fiber optic cable.
  • The spectrometers do have a WiFi connection, but the WiFi on the lab computers is permanently disabled. You can connect with the USB cable, though.
  • You may need to manually pair your spectrometer with your computer if you are using WiFi. Check the number on the bottom of the spectrometer to ensure you connect to the correct one!
  • In Absorbance / Transmittance mode, you will need to first take “Dark” and “Blank” measurements. See the  Using our spectrometer  page on our website for guidance, look at the documentation from the manufacturer (PASCO), or ask a TA for help.
  • All our samples are dissolved in ethanol (EthOH) so you should use plain EthOH as the blank.

Use  Lab 10 blank  as a template for your lab writeup.

Questions to be answered

  • Which series of emission lines is visible in the hydrogen emission spectrum?
  • Calculate E 0 (the constant in the Bohr formula for the hydrogen atom) and compare it to the accepted value of 13.6 eV.
  • Which artificial light source (the LED or the incandescent light) is likely to reproduce the effect of natural light more closely? Though this is a  qualitative question, answer with reference to the quantitative spectra you recorded.
  • Compare and contrast (with measured spectra) the mechanism by which a green LED looks “green” and by which green food coloring looks “green”.
  • Why is the 405 nm emission spectrum so much bigger than the 500 nm curve? You will want to refer to the absorption spectrum.
  • You may see an extra bump in the 500 nm emission spectrum at around 500 nm (compared to the 405 nm emission spectrum). Where does this come from? Hint: it’s not real.
  • In our experiment, chlorophyll in solution absorbs photons and then re-emits their energy as fluorescence photons, which is kind of pointless. Inside a cell, the energy absorbed by chlorophyll as passed along to an electron acceptor (eventually making a transmembrane potential that can be used to, for instance, make ATP from ADP). Assuming that the emitted photon energy (for chlorophyll in solution) is the same as the donor electron energy (for chlorophyll in a chloroplast), estimate the % efficiency for photosynthesis using 405 nm light.

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Experimental physics i & ii "junior lab", raman spectroscopy, description.

Raman spectroscopy uses the inelastic scattering of monochromatic light to probe molecular structure. In Raman scattering, the frequency of the scattered light is shifted from the frequency of the incident beam. The rotational and vibrational energy levels of the molecule in question determine the magnitude of the frequency shift. In this experiment, you will use a high powered laser scattered off of a gaseous sample to find the rotational constants of the molecules.

spectroscopy laboratory experiment

Raman spectrum experiment equipment.

Greytak, T. “ Indistinguishable Particle Effects in Rotational Raman Scattering (PDF) .” MIT course 8.044 Statistical Physics I on MIT OpenCourseWare.

Zhou, H. and F. Machado, “ Raman Spectroscopy on Diatomic Molecules (PDF) .” Junior Lab Exploratory Project Proposal 2015.

Ferraro, J.,  K. Nakamoto, and C. Brown,  Introductory Raman Spectroscopy. Amsterdam: Academic Press, 2002. ISBN: 9780122541056.

Weber, A. Raman Spectroscopy of Gases and Liquids (Topics in Current Physics).  Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1979.

Edwards, D. F. and C. Y. She, “ Laser Excited Raman Spectroscopy .”  American Journal of Physics  40 (1972): 1389-1399.


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Spectroscopy Lab

Researchers at the USGS Spectroscopy Lab are studying and applying methods for identifying and mapping materials through spectroscopic remote sensing (called imaging spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging,imaging spectrometry, ultraspectral imaging, etc), on the earth and throughout the solar system using laboratory, field, airborne and spacecraft spectrometers.

USGS Digital Spectral Libraries

Collage of spectral library data and spectroscopy laboratory images

Reflectance spectra of minerals, mineral mixtures, rock coatings, liquids, frozen volatiles, organic compounds, manmade materials, vegetation, and other biological materials. You can download the main spectral library

Hyperspectral Imaging Spectrometer Maps

Maps of hyperspectral imaging spectrometer data used to identify and characterize mineral deposits, vegetation, and other land surface features.

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VNIR-SWIR (400–2500 nm) reflectance measurements were made on the surfaces of various cores, cuttings and sample splits of sedimentary rocks from the Tertiary Jackson Group, and Catahoula, Oakville and Goliad Formations. These rocks vary in composition and texture from mudstone and claystone to sandstone and are known host rocks for roll front uranium occurrences in Karnes and Live Oak Counties, T

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Hyperspectral Imaging of Mineral Resources from New and Old Origins: Minerals for the Nation’s Economy and Utilization of Legacy Mine Lands

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Celebrating 2010 as the 50th anniversary of the laser. Join events throughout the year and around the world that showcase how the laser works, the history of the laser and its impact on society, and the laser's potential for the future.



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Astronomical images carry a lot of scientific information hidden within the beautiful colors, but even that’s only part of the story. A great deal of knowledge comes from analyzing the light as broken down into its spectrum. The specific colors and relative amounts of each color reveal information about temperature, what atoms are present, and the speed of the astronomical object being observed, which reveals the distances to far-off galaxies. For those reasons, spectroscopy is one of the essential tools of astronomy.

Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian scientists apply spectroscopy to every aspect of astronomy:

Hunting for absorption spectra in the atmospheres of exoplanets, using the next generation of telescopes. Future observatories such as the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) will be able to detect the spectrum from traces of oxygen and water, chemicals that are important for life as we know it. Potentially Habitable Super-Earth is a Prime Target for Atmospheric Study

Developing new spectrographs for the next-generation observatories, including the GMT. The GMT-Consortium Large Earth Finder (G-CLEF) is a precision spectrograph designed to measure Doppler effect red- and blueshifts for exoplanets, down to 10 centimeters per second, or less than a quarter of a mile per hour — about the rate an ant walks. CfA Research: http://gclef.cfa.harvard.edu/

Studying the spectrum of interesting environments, including the regions around newborn star systems. Astronomers use the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and other observatories to identify molecules from their spectrum. In that away, they identified an organic molecule in common between an infant star system and a comet in the Solar System. Astronomers Discover Traces of Methyl Chloride around Infant Stars and Nearby Comet

computer-generated preview of the Giant Magellan Telescope

The Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) will carry the G-CLEF spectrometer to study the atmospheres of exoplanets and perform other spectroscopic measurements. This computer-generated image shows the GMT at sunset, preparing for observations.

The Quantum Rainbow

As Isaac Newton demonstrated in 1704, white light is a mixture of all the colors of the rainbow, which can be separated using a prism or — in the case of a real rainbow — a drop of water. In the 19th century, scientists realized they could identify different types of atom by the light they emitted. A group of astronomers even discovered the element helium by looking at the spectrum from the Sun, naming it for “Helios”, the Greek sun god.

Spectroscopy rapidly became a powerful tool in both chemistry and astronomy. The quantum theory of atoms provided an explanation for the unique spectrum of each element and molecule. Thanks to the particular interactions between the electrons and nuclei, each type of atom or molecule can only absorb or emit light of specific wavelengths, which are the physical property of light that gives its color. For instance, colors of neon, krypton, or sodium light bulbs are colored red, blue, and yellow because atoms of those elements emit most of their light in those wavelengths.

Today, astronomers use that quantum knowledge to build spectrographs, which split light into its component colors in a more precise way than Newton’s glass prism. By seeing which colors are emitted or absorbed, and the relative amounts of each wavelength, astronomers can identify the chemical composition of a star’s atmosphere or an interstellar nebula , along with the temperature and pressure of the gas.

Astronomers also use known spectra to measure the distance to galaxies. The universe is expanding, carrying galaxies along with it, so distant galaxies appear to be moving away from us. The light emitted by those galaxies is “redshifted”, meaning it’s stretched to longer wavelengths. The larger the redshift, the faster the galaxy seems to be moving, and the farther away it is. By identifying how much the spectrum of hydrogen from distant galaxies is redshifted, astronomers can measure the distance to those galaxies.

On a smaller scale, astronomers use spectroscopy to measure the the motion of a star in a binary star system, from an orbiting exoplanet, due to the tug of a black hole, or any number of other possibilities. The motion of the star toward us blueshifts the light slightly, moving it to shorter wavelengths, while moving away redshifts the light. This is the Doppler effect for light, the same essential phenomena produced when an ambulance siren changes pitch as it passes.

Laboratory Spectroscopy

Researchers also do spectroscopy in the lab, studying the spectrum of different elements and molecules under a variety of conditions.

For example, experiments have determined that the relative strength of two emission lines in a spectrum provides an independent test of the temperature and density of the atoms making that spectrum. That in turn is useful for astronomical observations.

Astrochemists have also produced and studied complex organic molecules in the lab under simulated interstellar conditions. These molecules were later observed in space, confirming the experiments’ findings.

Laboratory research in astrochemistry studies how ionization changes the spectrum of atoms and molecules. Ionization in astronomy means stripping electrons away, turning the material into a plasma. This happens in many astronomical environments, including the atmospheres of stars, interstellar space, the region between galaxies in a galaxy cluster , and many other places. Using laboratory experiments and theoretical calculations, researchers develop methods of studying astronomical plasmas and the processes that made them.

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  • How do stars and planets form and evolve?
  • Solar & Heliospheric Physics
  • Instrumentation
  • Laboratory Astrophysics
  • Stellar Astronomy
  • Planetary Systems
  • Atomic and Molecular Physics
  • Radio and Geoastronomy

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Sensitive and reliable lab-on-paper biosensor for label-free detection of exosomes by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

  • Published: 24 September 2024
  • Volume 191 , article number  617 , ( 2024 )

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spectroscopy laboratory experiment

  • Sevda Akay Sazaklioglu 1 , 2 ,
  • Hilal Torul 3 ,
  • Uğur Tamer 3 , 4 ,
  • Hilal Kabadayi Ensarioglu 5 ,
  • Hafize Seda Vatansever 5 , 6 ,
  • Bilal H. Gumus 7 &
  • Hüseyin Çelikkan 8  

51 Accesses

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A new, sensitive, and cost-effective lab-on-paper-based immunosensor was designed based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for the detection of exosomes. EIS was selected as the determination method since there was a surface blockage in electron transfer by binding the exosomes to the transducer. Briefly, the carbon working electrode (WE) on the paper electrode (PE) was modified with gold particles (AuPs@PE) and then conjugated with anti-CD9 (Anti-CD9/AuPs@PE) for the detection of exosomes. Variables involved in the biosensor design were optimized with the univariate mode. The developed method presents the limit of detection of  8.7 × 10 2 exosomes mL −1 , which is lower than that of many other available methods under the best conditions. The biosensor was also tested with urine samples from cancer patients with high recoveries. Due to this  a unique, low-cost, biodegradable technology is presented that can directly measure exosomes without labeling them for early cancer or metastasis detection.

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The authors are thankful to Gazi University Scientific Research Office (FCD-2021-7119). This study originated from a section of Sevda Akay Sazaklioglu’s Ph.D. thesis.

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Authors and affiliations.

Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Ankara Medipol University, 06050, Ankara, Turkey

Sevda Akay Sazaklioglu

Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Gazi University, 06560, Ankara, Turkey

Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Gazi University, 06330, Ankara, Turkey

Hilal Torul & Uğur Tamer

METU MEMS Center, Ankara, Turkey

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology, Manisa Celal Bayar University, 45200, Manisa, Turkey

Hilal Kabadayi Ensarioglu & Hafize Seda Vatansever

DESAM Institute, Near East University, Mersin 10, Turkey

Hafize Seda Vatansever

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology, Manisa Celal Bayar University, 45200, Manisa, Turkey

Bilal H. Gumus

Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Gazi University, 06560, Ankara, Turkey

Hüseyin Çelikkan

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Sevda Akay Sazaklioglu data curation, investigation, methodology, writing of the original draft, and validation. Hilal Torul investigation, methodology, and formal analysis. Uğur Tamer conceptualization, methodology, and supervision. Hilal Kabadayi Ensarioglu data curation and investigation. Hafize Seda Vatansever resources and methodology. Bilal H. Gumus resources and methodology. Hüseyin Çelikkan conceptualization, methodology, supervision, funding acquisition, review & editing of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Hüseyin Çelikkan .

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The urine samples used in this Project were collected with the collaboration work of Manisa Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine Department of Urology and Manisa Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology with the approval of Manisa Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine Health Sciences Ethics Committee dated 25/10/2017 and numbered 20.478.486–164.

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• Impedimetric detection of exosomes with paper electrodes has been suggested for early cancer detection.

• Simple, rapid, real-time quantitative determination of exosomes takes only 40 min.

• The lowest LOD for exosomes in PBS medium was 8.7 × 10 2 exosomes mL −1 .

• The biosensor design allowed analysis in a sample volume as low as 5 µL.

• Exosomes in urine samples taken from patients were detected with 79% to 110% recoveries.

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About this article

Sazaklioglu, S.A., Torul, H., Tamer, U. et al. Sensitive and reliable lab-on-paper biosensor for label-free detection of exosomes by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Microchim Acta 191 , 617 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00604-024-06644-2

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Received : 10 July 2024

Accepted : 19 August 2024

Published : 24 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00604-024-06644-2

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PPRI seeks faculty-student bids for unique State Department policy-development program

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WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — The Purdue Policy Research Institute (PPRI) is inviting proposals for participation in the spring 2025 Diplomacy Lab , a U.S. Department of State initiative that connects with academic institutions to address real-world policy challenges.

Through the PPRI Diplomacy Lab initiative , students can gain valuable learning opportunities while giving the State Department fresh perspectives on complex problems. The program covers a wide range of topics such as climate change, sustainable development, human rights, economic policy, global health, energy security, conflict and stabilization, and more.

The Diplomacy Lab seeks teams of Purdue students, each led and supervised by a faculty member, to conduct research in those and other areas of interest relevant to the State Department’s affairs.

Those wishing to apply can use the menu of projects available in creating their project bid. PPRI is coordinating the application process, which is currently open to faculty at all Purdue campuses. Project bids, which are limited to 200 words, are to be submitted in a Word document or directly via email to [email protected] , before noon ET, Oct. 3.

Each bid must state the project of interest and explain how the project will be conducted (as a course, capstone, stand-alone project, etc.). It also must explain the planned approach(es) and note whether the student team will be composed of undergraduates, graduate students or both. Purdue will submit up to six project bids.

The State Department will review submissions from the first round of bidding and respond with decisions after Oct. 18. A second round of bidding will be announced in late October.

General queries regarding the Diplomacy Lab initiative or the bidding process should be emailed to Krista Kelley, PPRI senior operations manager, [email protected] . To learn more about Purdue’s partnership with the Diplomacy Lab program, please watch this PPRI-led info session . For more information, please visit PPRI’s Diplomacy Lab web page .

About Diplomacy Lab

Launched by the Department of State in 2013, Diplomacy Lab enables the State Department to “course-source” research related to foreign policy challenges by harnessing the efforts of students and faculty experts at colleges and universities across the United States. Diplomacy Lab underscores the State Department’s commitment to engage the American people in its work, and the need to broaden its research base in response to the proliferation of complex global challenges. 

About the Purdue Policy Research Institute

The Purdue Policy Research Institute (PPRI) catalyzes and leverages extant policy-relevant transdisciplinary research among members of the Purdue research community, facilitates enduring connections among local and global actors, and generates impact on policymaking and beyond. The institute is guided by the principle that policy development must consider the interdependencies among technological, economic, ethical, and social factors. Together with collaborators in academia and the public and private sectors, PPRI inspires the development of nonpartisan policies that solve pressing global challenges.

Source: [email protected]

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Hospital, Laboratory, Referring Physician, and Lab Employees Pay More than $7.2 Million To Resolve Civil Allegations of Fraudulent Laboratory Testing

LEXINGTON, Ky. — A hospital, a laboratory, three lab employees, and a referring physician and his office manager have agreed to collectively pay the United States more than $7.2 million dollars to resolve civil allegations that they defrauded federal healthcare programs in connection with laboratory tests that were not medically necessary or were tainted by violations of the federal Anti-Kickback Statute.

Physicians’ Medical Center, LLC (“PMC”), a hospital in New Albany, Indiana, operated a clinical laboratory that was managed by the now defunct United States Medical Scientific Indiana, LLC (“US Med Sci Indiana”).  The United States alleged that PMC, through its lab manager’s fraudulent conduct, violated the False Claims Act by submitting false claims for laboratory services to Medicare, Kentucky Medicaid, and TRICARE, from December 2016 to September 2018.

Federal healthcare programs only pay for laboratory services that are used for medical diagnosis or treatment.  As set forth in the settlement documents, the United States alleged that PMC billed Medicare, Kentucky Medicaid, and TRICARE for urine drug tests referred by various entities – including a homeless shelter and peer-to-peer recovery centers – that did not use the test results for medical diagnosis or treatment.  These nonmedical entities only used the test results to monitor clients’ compliance with the conditions of their programs and with court orders. In total, the United States alleged that PMC submitted nearly $3 million in false claims to Medicare, Kentucky Medicaid, and TRICARE, for urine drug tests referred by these nonmedical entities.

Two lab employees also entered settlement agreements to resolve their False Claims Act liability, for causing PMC’s submission of false claims for lab tests from these nonmedical entities.  The United States alleged that Bobby Sturgeon, a sales representative for PMC’s laboratory, knew that these entities did not provide medical services, but nonetheless pursued and worked with them as clients.  And Sturgeon financially benefited from these fraudulent sales practices because his salary was based in part on the amount insurers paid PMC for his clients’ tests, including those from the nonmedical entities.  Similarly, the United States alleged that Derrick Arthur, one of the peer-to-peer recovery center’s directors, worked as a specimen collector for PMC’s lab and helped arrange for a volunteer doctor to order urine drug testing, despite knowing that the doctor did not provide medical treatment to the center’s clients.  By doing so, Arthur facilitated the improper billing of laboratory tests to federal healthcare programs.

After PMC closed its laboratory in October 2018, Sturgeon became a sales representative for Bluewater Toxicology, a laboratory in Mount Washington, Kentucky.  As set forth in the settlement documents, Sturgeon then caused Bluewater to submit false claims for medically unnecessary urine drug tests, from the same peer-to-peer recovery centers and homeless shelter, through July 2019.  Like PMC, Bluewater knew that federal healthcare programs would not pay for urine drug tests used for nonmedical purposes, but still submitted the claims for payment.  In total, the United States alleged that Bluewater submitted nearly $450,000 in false claims to Medicare and Kentucky Medicaid for urine drug tests referred by the nonmedical entities. Bluewater, Sturgeon, and Arthur have entered settlement agreements resolving their liability for the submission of Bluewater’s false claims for tests from these nonmedical entities.

In a related scheme, Steve Moore, a laboratory sales representative for PMC and Bluewater Toxicology, allegedly paid a physician, Pablo Merced, M.D., and his wife and office manager, Theresa Merced, to induce referrals of laboratory tests to PMC and Bluewater Toxicology.  To gain Dr. Merced’s large volume of referrals, Moore paid cash to the Merceds and paid additional salary to lab specimen collectors who worked at their office.  PMC, through its lab manager, also employed specimen collectors in Dr. Merced’s medical practice, who were alleged to perform office work unrelated to their specimen collection duties.  Moore’s cash payments and the PMC lab manager’s in-kind payments to the Merceds violated the Anti-Kickback Statute, 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b(b).  PMC and Bluewater submitted millions of dollars of claims to federal healthcare programs for the lab tests that were tainted by their sales representative’s kickbacks.  PMC, Moore, and the Merceds have entered settlement agreements resolving their liability for the submission of the false claims tainted by kickbacks.

PMC’s settlement agreement also resolved its False Claims Act liability for claims for lab tests referred by medical providers at Prescribe Recovery, a medical practice in Paris, Kentucky. The United States alleged that PMC’s lab manager, US Med Sci Indiana, actually owned Prescribe Recovery, and directed its medical providers’ referral of laboratory tests to PMC’s lab.  As PMC’s lab manager, US Med Sci Indiana received 78% of the laboratory claim reimbursements paid to PMC, including the reimbursements from Prescribe Recovery.  PMC’s payment of 78% of laboratory reimbursements to US Med Sci Indiana induced them (as the lab manager) to direct Prescribe Recovery’s lab referrals to PMC, and violated the Anti-Kickback Statute.

Collectively, these civil healthcare fraud settlements return more than $7.2 million to the Medicare, Kentucky Medicaid, and TRICARE programs.  For their roles in the scheme as the laboratories submitting the false claims, PMC agreed to pay $5,219,000 and Bluewater Toxicology agreed to pay $895,952. Sturgeon and Moore, agreed to pay $713,466 and $40,000, respectively, to resolve their liability.  Arthur agreed to pay $5,500 to resolve his liability; and Dr. and Mrs. Merced collectively agreed to pay $450,000 to resolve their liability, under the False Claims Act and Dr. Merced’s liability for separate conduct under the Controlled Substances Act.  The value of Moore’s, Arthur’s, and the Merceds’ settlements included factoring in their inability to pay, based on financial disclosures. 

“Through a complex patchwork of schemes, the federal government was defrauded out of millions of dollars,” said Carlton S. Shier, IV, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky.  “This money was appropriated to provide medical services to eligible Americans; instead, it improperly yielded proceeds to those who were submitting false claims.  When fraud and abuse deplete these valuable resources, it injures all of us.  With the assistance of our partners and the filing of a qui tam complaint, vital resources are now being returned to their intended purpose.”

“Individuals and entities participating in the federal health care system must comply with laws designed to protect program funds and ensure patients receive appropriate, quality care,” said Special Agent in Charge Kelly J. Blackmon of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG). “We will continue to collaborate with our law enforcement partners to hold health care providers accountable for improper payments from federal health care programs.”

The settlements resolve a lawsuit brought by a private citizen under the qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act.  Under those provisions, a private party can file a civil action on behalf of the United States, thereby bringing allegations of fraud to the Government’s attention, and share in any financial recovery.  As part of this resolution, the individuals who filed the qui tam complaint will receive a portion of the settlement proceeds.  The civil case is captioned United States ex rel. Clark et al. v. United States Medical Scientific, LLC, et al. , Case No. 0:18-cv-109-KKC.

The settlement agreements resulted from the joint efforts of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Kentucky; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration; U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Inspector General, Defense Criminal Investigative Service; and the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office of Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Control .  The United States was represented by Assistant U.S. Attorney Meghan Stubblebine.  The claims resolved by the settlements are allegations only, and there has been no determination of liability.

CONTACT: Gabrielle Dudgeon

PHONE: (859) 685-4887

E-MAIL:  [email protected]

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Rocket Lab Completes Second Spacecraft for Varda Space Industries, Advancing In-Space Manufacturing

Rocket Lab Completes Second Spacecraft for Varda Space Industries, Advancing In-Space Manufacturing

Long Beach, Calif. September 26, 2024 – Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) (“Rocket Lab” or “the Company”), a global leader in launch services and space systems, has completed testing and integration of its second Pioneer spacecraft for Varda Space Industries, Inc. (“Varda”), the world's first in-space pharmaceutical processing and hypersonic Earth re-entry logistics company.

Rocket Lab’s first Pioneer spacecraft for Varda was launched in June 2023. Varda successfully crystallized the HIV drug Ritonavir while on orbit and Rocket Lab and Varda successfully landed the re-entry capsule in the Utah desert in February 2024. The Company is now preparing Varda’s second mission during which Rocket Lab and Varda will once again conduct in-space operations, reentry positioning maneuvers, and deorbiting to recover Varda’s capsule. Varda received permission from the FAA under a Part 450 license earlier this month, making them the only company to ever secure a second reentry license.

Designed and built at Rocket Lab’s Spacecraft Production Complex and Headquarters in Long Beach, California, the Pioneer spacecraft will provide power, communications, propulsion, and attitude control for Varda’s 120 kg reentry capsule. Each Pioneer spacecraft leverages the company’s vertically integrated spacecraft components and subsystems, including star trackers, reaction wheels, solar panels, flight software, and radios.

“By leveraging Rocket Lab’s vertically integrated approach to spacecraft production, we can rapidly develop and deliver the highly capable and reliable spacecraft that Varda needs for their missions,” said Rocket Lab Founder and CEO, Sir Peter Beck. “This close collaboration allows us to push the boundaries of innovation, enabling Varda to create high-value products in microgravity and bring them back to Earth. We’re excited to work alongside Varda as they revolutionize manufacturing processes and open new markets through space.”

"Our partnership with Rocket Lab demonstrates the power of collaboration to evolve the orbital economy," said Varda CEO and co-founder Will Bruey. "Each reentry is a remarkable milestone that paves the way for future innovations, and the day when reentry is as common as launch"

Rocket Lab’s Pioneer spacecraft is a flight proven highly configurable medium delta-V platform designed to support large payloads, re-entry capabilities, and dynamic space operations.  

Learn more about Rocket Lab and Varda’s partnership: Varda Space Industries | Rocket Lab (rocketlabusa.com)

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Lindsay McLaurin


+ About Rocket Lab

Rocket Lab is a global leader in launch and space systems. Rocket Lab’s Electron launch vehicle is the second most frequently launched U.S. rocket annually and has delivered more than 197 satellites to orbit for commercial and Government partners, including NASA, the U.S. Air Force, DARPA and the NRO. Rocket Lab also delivers proven suborbital hypersonic launch capability with its HASTE launch vehicle. Building on the deep heritage of Electron, Rocket Lab is developing Neutron, an advanced 13-tonne payload class, reusable launch vehicle tailored for constellation deployment and interplanetary missions. Rocket Lab is also a premier supplier of advanced satellites, flight-proven subsystems and spacecraft components. At a component level, Rocket Lab spacecraft technology spans space solar power, composite structures, flight software, star trackers, reaction wheels, separation systems, and more. Rocket Lab satellite technology and components have been integrated into more than 1,700 satellite missions globally. www.rocketlabusa.com .

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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We intend such forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions for forward looking statements contained in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”). All statements contained in this press release other than statements of historical fact, including, without limitation, statements regarding our launch and space systems operations, launch schedule and window, safe and repeatable access to space, Neutron development, operational expansion and business strategy are forward-looking statements. The words “believe,” “may,” “will,” “estimate,” “potential,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “expect,” “strategy,” “future,” “could,” “would,” “project,” “plan,” “target,” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, though not all forward-looking statements use these words or expressions. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including but not limited to the factors, risks and uncertainties included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, as such factors may be updated from time to time in our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), accessible on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov and the Investor Relations section of our website at www.rocketlabusa.com, which could cause our actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the forward-looking statements made in this press release. Any such forward-looking statements represent management’s estimates as of the date of this press release. While we may elect to update such forward-looking statements at some point in the future, we disclaim any obligation to do so, even if subsequent events cause our views to change.

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About Varda:

Varda Space Industries is expanding the economic bounds of humankind by designing and building the infrastructure needed to make low Earth orbit accessible to industry, from in-orbit production equipment to reliable and economical reentry capsules. The company operates out of El Segundo, California with office and industrial production space. You can follow Varda on X (@vardaspace) and LinkedIn.

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Job Postings

Welcome to rowan university’s career site.

A top 100 national public research institution, Rowan University offers bachelor’s through doctoral and professional programs in person and online to 22,000 students through its main campus in Glassboro, N.J., its medical school campuses in Camden and Stratford, and five others. The University has earned national recognition for innovation, commitment to high-quality, affordable education, and developing public-private partnerships. A Carnegie-classified R2 (high research activity) institution, Rowan has been recognized as the fourth fastest-growing public research university, as reported by The Chronicle of Higher Education. For more information on Rowan University, click here

All positions are contingent upon budget appropriations. 

Please send any inquiries to [email protected]  

Lab Technician (Strich Lab), Department of Molecular Biology, Rowan-Virtua School of Translational Biomedical Engineering & Sciences

Apply now Job no: 499969 Work type: Regular Full-Time Location: Stratford, New Jersey Categories: Laboratory

Under direction, performs and assists with technical laboratory procedures and analyses in support of specialized research activities of the laboratory. Assists in the set-up and execution of experiments as required. Performs other related laboratory duties as described below.

ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other duties may be assigned.

As assigned, performs various research and technical procedures, as well as assists in the establishment of new methodologies and instrumentation use.

Assists in preparing culture media, reagents, buffers, and stock solutions.

Assists in ordering laboratory supplies, maintaining chemical inventories, and other lab-related administrative duties.

Prepares reports and documents related to experimental methods and results and maintains accurate records of experimentation and research.

Experience in molecular biology and biochemistry techniques including, but not limited to, buffer preparation, electrophoresis, and chromatography.

Understands and adheres to legacy Rowan-SOM compliance standards as they appear in the Corporate Compliance Policy, Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy.

Keeps abreast of all federal, state and Rowan University regulations, laws and policies as they presently exist and as they change or are modified.

Performs other duties as assigned.


To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed above are specific for the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.  


Bachelors' Degree in a relevant field such as Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Molecular Biology, Biophysics, or Neuroscience. Previous research experience is desirable.

  • Only completed, online applications submitted on or before the deadline will be considered.
  • Candidates must be legally authorized to work in the US, and the university will not sponsor an applicant for a work visa for this position.

Advertised: Sep 26 2024 Eastern Daylight Time Applications close: Oct 9 2024 11:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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Position Location Closes
Stratford, New Jersey
Under direction, performs and assists with technical laboratory procedures and analyses in support of specialized research activities of the laboratory. Assists in the set-up and execution of experiments as required. Performs other related laboratory duties as described below.

Current Opportunities

Position Location Closes
Stratford, New Jersey

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About Rowan University

A top 100 national public research institution, Rowan University offers bachelor’s through doctoral and professional programs in person and online to 22,000 students through its main campus in Glassboro, N.J., its medical school campuses in Camden and Stratford, and five others. Rowan University is home to eight colleges and nine schools. For more information on these colleges, please click here .

Now celebrating its Centennial, Rowan focuses on practical research at the intersection of engineering, medicine, science, and business while ensuring excellence in undergraduate education. The University has earned national recognition for innovation, commitment to high-quality and affordable education, and developing public-private partnerships. A Carnegie-classified R2 (high research activity) institution, Rowan has been recognized as the fourth fastest-growing public research university, as reported by The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Non-Discrimation at Rowan University

Rowan University celebrates diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ethnicity, race, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, (dis)ability status, military status, and other NJ protected classes. Rowan University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities, including employment as required by Title IX. Rowan is committed to providing access, equal opportunity, and reasonable accommodation for individuals with (dis)abilities.

To request reasonable accommodation, contact Christy Mroz, Administrative Assistant, [email protected], 856-256-5494. Rowan strongly encourages applicants from underrepresented groups to apply. 

Pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and supporting regulations, Rowan does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education programs or activities that it operates; this extends to admission and employment. Inquiries about the application of Title IX and its supporting regulations may be directed to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, or to the University’s Title IX Coordinator, Office of Student Equity & Compliance, Rowan University, Hawthorne Hall, Suite 312, 201 Mullica Hill Rd, Glassboro, NJ 08028, [email protected] , 856-256-5440.

For information on the Title IX Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault policy and grievance procedures, please click here . 

More Information

Rowan University is subject to the residency requirements of the NJ First Act (N.J.S.A. 52:14-7, P.L. 2011, Chapter 70). Any person hired to a non-exempt position shall either have their principal residence in New Jersey or have one (1) year from the date of employment to establish, and then maintain, principal residence in the State of New Jersey. Any person hired to an exempt position shall either have their principal residence in New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, or New York or have ninety (90) days from the date of employment to establish, then maintain, principal residence in the State of New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, or New York.

Rowan University is committed to assisting all members of the Rowan community in providing for their own safety and security. The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available on the Department of Public Safety website at: https://sites.rowan.edu/publicsafety/_docs/annual_security_report.pdf

If you would like to receive a hard copy of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report which contains this information, you can stop by the Department of Public Safety Office, located at Bole Hall Annex, 201 Mullica Hill Road, Glassboro, NJ 08028 or you can request that a copy be mailed to you by calling (856) 256-4562 or 4506.

The report contains information regarding campus security and personal safety including topics such as: crime prevention, public safety authority, crime reporting policies, fire safety, disciplinary procedures and other matters of importance related to security on campus. The report also contains information about fire statistics in Rowan University Residential Facilities and crime statistics for the three previous calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the University; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. This information is required by federal law, Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or "Clery Act" and is provided by the Rowan University Department of Public Safety.

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Rowan University • 201 Mullica Hill Road • Glassboro, New Jersey 08028 • 856-256-4000

©2024 Rowan University.  Consumer Disclosures .

Read the Notice of Availability of Rowan’s Annual Security & Fire Safety Report


  1. Atomic and Molecular Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory

    spectroscopy laboratory experiment

  2. Building a Spectroscopy High Resolution Experiment

    spectroscopy laboratory experiment

  3. Understanding Spectrometry and Spectroscopy

    spectroscopy laboratory experiment

  4. Atomic and Molecular Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory

    spectroscopy laboratory experiment

  5. Atomic and Molecular Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory

    spectroscopy laboratory experiment

  6. Laboratory of photoluminescence spectroscopy

    spectroscopy laboratory experiment


  1. Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Advanced Lab

  2. NMR Spectroscopy Experiment S21

  3. Infrared Spectroscopy: Tips & Tricks

  4. Infrared spectroscopy experiment

  5. Introduction to Spectroscopy

  6. LIBS spectroscopy experiment Laser Laboratory IPN-CICATA Altamira



    EXPERIMENT 2: INTRODUCTION TO SPECTROSCOPYIn Part One of this experiment you will be intr. duced to the fundamentals of spectroscopy. You will first learn how to properly use a Spectronic 20 instrument and then you will use the instrument to find the wavelength (λ) at which absorbance of light by a solution of food.

  2. PDF Module 1: Fundamentals of Spectroscopy

    This module is designed to introduce the basic concepts of spectroscopy and to provide a survey of several of the most common types of spectroscopic measurement. You will conduct the following measurements. UV-VIS (ultraviolet-visible) spectroscopy of electronic states. Fluorescence spectroscopy of electronic states.

  3. PDF Exp 8

    The purpose of this laboratory experiment is for you to gain hands-on experience in the operation of an infrared (IR) spectrometer and interpretation of IR spectra to elucidate structural details. This experiment will supplement the theoretical aspects of IR spectroscopy discussed in lecture. The information provided below was written to be ...

  4. PDF Experiment 11

    Experiment 11 — Infrared Spectroscopy _____ Pre-lab preparation. (1) In Ch 5 and 12 of the text you will find examples of the most common functional groups in organic molecules. In your notebook, provide generic examples of the following compound classes: (a) alkane, (b) alkene, (c) alkyne, (d) alkyl halide, (e) alcohol, (f) ...

  5. Lab #7: Analyzing Light: The Spectroscope

    S p e c tr o s c o p e. The spectroscope in the picture is the updated spectroscope that is now in the kits. The entire light spectrum (also known as the electromagnetic spectrum) span light waves that are miles long to waves that are extremely short. The light we see (visible light) only spans about 1.5% of then entire light spectrum.

  6. Lab 10: Spectroscopy

    Using spectroscopy (also called spectral analysis, spectrometry, or spectrophotometry), we will examine emission and absorption of light by various substances. Spectrometers (also called spectrophotometers) are measurement tools designed to distinguish different colors of light. The spectrometers we will use in this lab detect the intensity of ...

  7. PDF Experiment: Spectroscopy

    Experiment: Spectroscopy Introduction to light Light is a form of energy called electromagnetic radiation. A chart of the electromagnetic spectrum is shown below. ... Spectroscopy Lab Partner _____ Data and Questions Part 1 Flame tests for known elements Metal Ion Color of flame ...

  8. PDF EXPERIMENT 3: Introduction to Spectroscopy

    EXPERIMENT 3: Introduction to Spectroscopy. Background (Read your text to review electromagnetic energy) The word spectroscopy is used to refer to the broad area of science dealing with the absorption, emission, or scattering of electromagnetic radiation by molecules, ions, atoms, or nuclei. Spectroscopic techniques are probably the most widely ...

  9. Intro to Spectroscopy Lab Report

    Intro to Spectroscopy Lab Report Introduction. Spectroscopy is the study of absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation through matter. The process involves splitting light into its constituent wavelengths creating a line spectrum which reveals a wealth of information about the properties of elements and molecules.

  10. Raman Spectroscopy

    Description. Raman spectroscopy uses the inelastic scattering of monochromatic light to probe molecular structure. In Raman scattering, the frequency of the scattered light is shifted from the frequency of the incident beam. The rotational and vibrational energy levels of the molecule in question determine the magnitude of the frequency shift.

  11. Physics 204

    This experiment will introduce you to one of the most powerful tools from physics: Optical Spectroscopy. ... Spectroscopy. It has applications in nearly every field of science, from medicine to engineering to interior design! Spectroscopy is generally meant to describe the process of ... or energies. An example: If you remember the first lab of ...

  12. PDF Introduction to spectroscopy

    spectroscopy to find out the chemical constitution of known and unknown gases. The same procedure is used for starlight, telling us what its source is composed of. The baseline is a laboratory experiment with known materials, and later we can compare the unknown to what we already know.

  13. Spectroscopy Lab

    EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program) is a high-resolution imaging spectroscopy remote sensing mission that was successfully launched on April 1st, 2022. Equipped with a prism-based dual-spectrometer, EnMAP performs observations in the spectral range between 418.2 nm and 2445.5 nm with 224 bands and a high radiometric and spectral ...

  14. MIT Spectroscopy Lab

    The George R. Harrison Spectroscopy Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is engaged in research in the field of modern optics and spectroscopy for the purpose of furthering fundamental knowledge of atoms and molecules and pursuing advanced engineering biomedical applications.

  15. Spectroscopy

    Laboratory Spectroscopy Researchers also do spectroscopy in the lab, studying the spectrum of different elements and molecules under a variety of conditions. For example, experiments have determined that the relative strength of two emission lines in a spectrum provides an independent test of the temperature and density of the atoms making that ...

  16. Sensitive and reliable lab-on-paper biosensor for label-free ...

    A new, sensitive, and cost-effective lab-on-paper-based immunosensor was designed based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for the detection of exosomes. EIS was selected as the determination method since there was a surface blockage in electron transfer by binding the exosomes to the transducer. Briefly, the carbon working electrode (WE) on the paper electrode (PE) was modified ...

  17. PPRI seeks faculty-student bids for unique State Department policy

    WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — The Purdue Policy Research Institute (PPRI) is inviting proposals for participation in the spring 2025 Diplomacy Lab, a U.S. Department of State initiative that connects with academic institutions to address real-world policy challenges. Through the PPRI Diplomacy Lab initiative, students can gain valuable learning opportunities while giving the State Department fresh ...

  18. Hospital, Laboratory, Referring Physician, and Lab Employees Pay More

    LEXINGTON, Ky. — A hospital, a laboratory, three lab employees, and a referring physician and his office manager have agreed to collectively pay the United States more than $7.2 million dollars to resolve civil allegations that they defrauded federal healthcare programs in connection with laboratory tests that were not medically necessary or were tainted by violations of the federal Anti ...

  19. Rocket Lab's stock soars as KeyBanc raises price target

    Rocket Lab USA Inc.'s shares ended Friday's session up 12.5%, boosted by KeyBanc Capital Markets' price-target hike for the space-launch company. In a note released Thursday, KeyBanc Capital ...

  20. Rocket Lab Completes Second Spacecraft for Varda Space Industries

    Long Beach, Calif. September 26, 2024 - Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) ("Rocket Lab" or "the Company"), a global leader in launch services and space systems, has completed testing and integration of its second Pioneer spacecraft for Varda Space Industries, Inc. ("Varda"), the world's first in-space pharmaceutical processing and hypersonic Earth re-entry logistics company.

  21. Rowan HR

    Welcome to Rowan University's Career Site. A top 100 national public research institution, Rowan University offers bachelor's through doctoral and professional programs in person and online to 22,000 students through its main campus in Glassboro, N.J., its medical school campuses in Camden and Stratford, and five others.