English Summary

100 Words Essay On Say No To Crackers In English

Crackers are fireworks that are burst during festive occasions as a mode of celebration. They, however, have extremely negative implications.

Another dire issue to note is that children are often employed to make crackers, even when it is a very hazardous atmosphere for them, not to mention that it is also illegal. This is especially so in the case of Sivakasi fireworks in Tamilnadu, India. 

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Essay on Pollution Due to Firecrackers for Students and Children

500 words essay on pollution due to firecrackers.

Firecrackers have become a common thing nowadays; in fact, special events are now incomplete without bursting them. Everyone loves the spectacular visions and colours in the sky. Moreover, the bangs and fizzes it creates are loved by people. However, all this show is only stunning to look at. The impact it has on the environment and the health of the people is worrisome. We need to take measures to control the use of firecrackers so we do not hamper the ecological system and lives of living beings.

essay on pollution due to firecrackers

Causes of Pollution Due to Firecrackers

There are various times when firecrackers are burned in excess. It mainly happens to celebrate something or the other. The festival of Diwali is a great contributor of pollution due to firecrackers. At this festival, people all over especially in India burst loads of firecrackers to celebrate it. However, what they do not realize is that the harm it is causing to the others . Air pollution and noise pollution soars high during this time.

Moreover, wedding celebrations are also a great cause of pollution due to firecrackers. People burst all sorts of firecrackers during the wedding day and in other events before that to celebrate the big day. Each day hundreds of weddings take place and thus millions of firecrackers get burst round the year.

Furthermore, commercial events like cricket matches and product launch also use firecrackers to celebrate. Similarly, New Year ’s Eve is also filled with firecrackers. It is almost like bursting firecrackers has become a tradition of showing your happiness.

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Impact of Pollution Due to Firecrackers

Firecrackers have a major impact on the quality of life of living beings as well as the environment. It contributes largely to air pollution. The fireworks in the air release great amounts of toxins in the air. It worsens the air quality and makes it toxic as well as full of smog.

Furthermore, firecrackers also pose serious health hazards to living beings. It results in respiratory disorders , hormonal imbalances and more. Moreover, it also impacts the mental health of a person. The great level of noise raises the anxiety levels and also causes panic attacks. People lose their sleep due to it and also cause hyperventilation.

Most importantly, the bursting of firecrackers is very dangerous to birds and animals. It is a big torture to them as they have sensitive hearing. The loud levels of noise also cause deafness in some of the animals. The continuous sounds and noises of the firecrackers are enough to scare them. The pets at least have the option to hide in their homes, the stray animals have nowhere to go during this time.

For instance, some inhuman people even mess with the poor strays during such times. They tie firecrackers to their tail and do it for fun. Not caring about what their fun costs to those poor animals. The birds also get impacted badly. The bright light can disorient or blind them.

FAQs on Pollution Due to Firecrackers

Q.1 What are the effects of pollution due to firecrackers?

A.1 The pollution due to firecrackers has a negative impact on various things. It not only hampers the air quality but also affects the health of living beings. It contributes to noise pollution and also affects the poor animals severely.

Q.2 What are the causes of pollution due to firecrackers?

A.2 Firecrackers have become so common now that any function is now incomplete without bursting them. Diwali is a major festival when firecrackers are burned endlessly. Special events like weddings and functions also call for the bursting of firecrackers.

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Essay On Pollution Due To Fire Crackers | Pollution Due To Fire Crackers Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay On Pollution Due To Fire Crackers:  A firecracker is usually used to produce disturbing noise and visual effects in celebrations, contributing to significant air pollution. Firecrackers also cause human body disorders. Some Chinese scientists invented firecrackers. Wrapped with thick coating papers, with gunpowder’s inside help in lighting them. Especially on Diwali, firecrackers are lighted most, increasing the air’s ppm level, thereby degrading its quality.

The chemicals that include sodium, zinc, lead, magnesium, etc. litter the surroundings, including the environment when lighted up. Firecrackers should be banned permanently in the whole world as it degrades the atmosphere also causes health hazards. It should be banned for our safety as it can create dangerous conditions when it is not correctly used or just taken for granted as a plaything by the children for entertainment.

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Long And Short Essays On Pollution Due To Fire Crackers for Students and Kids in English

In this article, we are offering students a short essay sample of 150 words and a long essay sample of 500 words on the topic of pollution due to firecrackers for reference.

Long Essay On Pollution Due To Fire Crackers 500 Words In English

Long Essay On Pollution Due To Fire Crackers is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

In many occasions, firecrackers are used to celebrate moments to make it more attractive. Everyone loves the remarkable visions in the sky, which is spectacular. The shows are stunning also. But the impact on the environment as well as on human beings is terrible. There is a need to control the ecological balance and the setting to measure people’s health and protect our nature.

Firecrackers are sometimes burnt in excess. People usually lost their senses while using them. They do not know the significance of their splendid and pleasant nature. During the times of Diwali, people all over India use the maximum number of firecrackers to celebrate the festival at its fullest. This is the foremost gift of air pollution to the environment. They do not realize the extensive harm of using these polluting things. Air pollution and noise pollution run side by side during this time of celebration.

Moreover, on wedding days people burst firecrackers to celebrate the glorious day. Some days back of the wedding day, they started to fire the crackers for enjoyment and excitement. Every year, more than thousands of weddings take place, and the level of air and noise pollution increases after burning millions of firecrackers.

In times of a cricket match, product launch, special events, birthday parties firecrackers are being used to celebrate. Nowadays, during New Year’s Eve, people spend the welcoming year by bursting firecrackers for their enjoyment. This can be seen that firecrackers are the only way to express familiar people’s happiness with the entire world.

Using firecrackers creates a massive impact on environmental protection and on the living of human beings on earth. Several kinds of firecrackers emit various types of harmful gases that are dangerous to humans’ respiratory systems. The gases blur our views of the sky and make it difficult to walk and breathe properly.

Most importantly, the bursting, disturbing sounds of firecrackers can harm the hearing systems of birds and animals. For their sensitive ears, some may have deafness, and some have breathing problems. This is genuinely torture to the living creatures in the earth. We, humans, can tolerate all these and still can survive. But for the poor birds and animals, louder sounds of the firecrackers can create deafness, and at times they get scared by this noise. Humans are brutal in this case.

The biggest threat of using firecrackers is air and noise pollution. Children usually love to play with them, and those can damage their soft skin, eyes and ears. Adults should stay stubborn of not allowing their children to use firecrackers. If the chemicals go through some parts of the human body, it’s a lifetime’s cursing work.

For the welfare of our health as well as our children’s health, we need to start thinking twice about using firecrackers on auspicious events or occasions and thereby, risking our own life and future generation.

Short Essay on Pollution Due To Fire Crackers

Short Essay On Pollution Due To Fire Crackers 150 Words In English

Short Essay On Pollution Due To Fire Crackers is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Everyone loves the remarkable patterns that come with firecrackers, because of which they are frequently used to make festivals more attractive and beautiful, even on occasions such as weddings, parties, Diwali, and many more celebrations. Firecrackers area package of air and noise pollution.

The leading cause of air and noise pollution in recent days is mostly the burning of firecrackers. Firecrackersimbalance nature’s beauty and causes numerous disorders in the human body. Without any caution, we are readily available to burn firecrackers in all festive seasons. People nowadays, express their happiness by bursting firecrackers in most festivals, especially Diwali.

The use of firecrackers provides a more significant impact on society as well as on the health of birds and animals. They are indeed very hazardous and risky. We need to look forward to this labyrinth, or else the world will face a severe major threat in the near future.

10 Lines On Pollution Due To Fire Crackers Essay

  • Firecrackers cause noise, air pollution.
  • Diwali is the perfect time to burn firecrackers.
  • Decorating houses with lights without burning firecrackers.
  • Firecrackers damage the soil, surfaces
  • Corruption of environmental conditions is a threat to the world.
  • Firecrackers should be permanently banned for our benefit.
  • We should celebrate festivals responsibly.
  • Firecrackers increase air ppm when burned.
  • We should be disciplined, strict enough to say no to crackers.
  • The government should ensure exacting measurements for the burning of firecrackers.

Pollution Due To Fire Crackers Essay

FAQ’s on Pollution Due To Fire Crackers Essay

Question 1. Which festival creates the most air pollution?

Answer: Diwali festival causes most air pollution.

Question 2. What is the leading cause of air pollution?

Answer: The leading cause of air pollution is the burning of firecrackers.

Question 3. What is the health impact of using firecrackers?

Answer: Firecrackers cause respiratory and hearing problems, in humans, wildlife—It damages skin, eyes, ears.

Question 4. Do firecrackers cause pollution?

Answer: Yes, firecrackers cause extensive pollution in a short time.

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Essay on Say No To Crackers – 10 Lines, 100 to 1500 Words

Short Essay on Say No To Crackers

Essay on Say No To Crackers: Diwali, the festival of lights, is a time of joy and celebration for many. However, the tradition of bursting firecrackers during this festival has led to severe air and noise pollution, causing harm to both the environment and our health. In this essay, we will explore the harmful effects of firecrackers and why it is important to say no to crackers this Diwali. Let us come together to celebrate in a more sustainable and eco-friendly manner.

Table of Contents

Say No To Crackers Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the topic of saying no to crackers. Explain why it is important to address this issue, especially during festivals like Diwali when the use of crackers is at its peak.

2. Environmental impact: Discuss the harmful effects of crackers on the environment. Mention how the chemicals and toxins released from crackers contribute to air and noise pollution, leading to health problems and environmental degradation.

3. Health hazards: Highlight the health hazards associated with bursting crackers. Explain how the smoke and fumes released from crackers can trigger respiratory problems, allergies, and other health issues, especially in children and the elderly.

4. Animal welfare: Discuss the impact of crackers on animals, particularly pets and wildlife. Explain how the loud noise and bright lights from crackers can cause distress and anxiety in animals, leading to injuries and even death in some cases.

5. Alternatives to crackers: Suggest alternative ways to celebrate festivals without using crackers. Encourage readers to opt for eco-friendly and sustainable practices like lighting diyas, decorating with flowers, and spending time with loved ones instead of bursting crackers.

6. Community responsibility: Emphasize the importance of collective responsibility in saying no to crackers. Encourage readers to spread awareness and educate others about the harmful effects of crackers, and to collectively make a conscious effort to reduce their usage.

7. Personal commitment: Urge readers to take a personal pledge to say no to crackers and make a positive impact on the environment and their health. Encourage them to lead by example and inspire others to follow suit.

8. Conclusion: Summarize the key points discussed in the essay and reiterate the importance of saying no to crackers. Encourage readers to make a conscious choice to celebrate festivals in a more sustainable and responsible manner, for the well-being of the environment, animals, and themselves.

Essay on Say No To Crackers in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Say No To Crackers is a campaign aimed at raising awareness about the harmful effects of bursting crackers during festivals. 2. The campaign promotes celebrating festivals in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner. 3. Bursting crackers releases harmful chemicals and pollutants into the air, leading to air pollution. 4. The smoke and noise from crackers can also have negative effects on the health of humans and animals. 5. Say No To Crackers encourages people to opt for alternative ways of celebrating festivals, such as lighting diyas and candles. 6. The campaign emphasizes the importance of protecting the environment and reducing our carbon footprint. 7. By saying no to crackers, we can contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment for future generations. 8. The campaign also promotes the use of eco-friendly and biodegradable decorations during festivals. 9. Schools, communities, and individuals can participate in the Say No To Crackers campaign by spreading awareness and organizing eco-friendly celebrations. 10. Ultimately, by choosing to say no to crackers, we can make a positive impact on our environment and create a more sustainable future.

Sample Essay on Say No To Crackers in 100-180 Words

Crackers are a popular form of fireworks that are commonly used during celebrations and festivals. However, the use of crackers has a negative impact on the environment and our health. The loud noise and air pollution caused by crackers can be harmful to animals, children, and people with respiratory problems.

It is important to say no to crackers and opt for more eco-friendly and sustainable ways to celebrate. Instead of crackers, we can choose to light diyas, lanterns, or candles to mark the occasion. We can also engage in activities that do not involve the use of fireworks, such as playing games, spending time with loved ones, or enjoying a meal together.

By saying no to crackers, we can help reduce air and noise pollution, protect our health, and show respect for the environment. Let us make a conscious effort to celebrate in a more responsible and sustainable manner.

Short Essay on Say No To Crackers in 200-500 Words

Crackers have become an integral part of celebrations and festivals in many cultures around the world. However, the use of crackers has also become a cause of concern due to their harmful effects on the environment and human health. As such, there has been a growing movement to say no to crackers and promote eco-friendly alternatives for celebrations.

One of the main reasons to say no to crackers is their impact on the environment. The chemicals and toxins released by crackers during combustion contribute to air pollution, leading to respiratory problems and other health issues. The noise pollution caused by crackers also disturbs wildlife and pets, affecting their well-being. In addition, the production and disposal of crackers contribute to waste generation, further adding to environmental degradation.

Furthermore, the use of crackers also poses a risk of accidents and injuries. Every year, there are numerous cases of burns, fires, and other accidents caused by the mishandling of crackers. Children are particularly vulnerable to such accidents, as they may not be aware of the dangers associated with crackers. By saying no to crackers, we can prevent such accidents and ensure the safety of ourselves and our loved ones.

In addition to the environmental and safety concerns, the use of crackers also raises ethical issues. The production of crackers often involves exploitative labor practices, with workers being exposed to hazardous chemicals and working in unsafe conditions. By choosing not to support the cracker industry, we can help promote ethical practices and ensure the well-being of those involved in the production process.

There are several eco-friendly alternatives to crackers that can be used for celebrations. For instance, lighting diyas or candles can create a festive atmosphere without causing harm to the environment. Planting trees or donating to environmental causes can also be a meaningful way to celebrate while promoting sustainability. By choosing these alternatives, we can show our commitment to protecting the environment and promoting a healthier and safer world for future generations.

In conclusion, saying no to crackers is a simple yet powerful way to make a positive impact on the environment, human health, and ethical practices. By choosing eco-friendly alternatives for celebrations, we can celebrate in a way that is both joyful and sustainable. Let us all come together to say no to crackers and create a brighter and cleaner future for all.

Essay on Say No To Crackers in 1000-1500 Words

Say No To Crackers

Crackers have become an integral part of our celebrations and festivals. Be it Diwali, Christmas, New Year or any other occasion, crackers are burst with great enthusiasm and excitement. However, the harmful effects of crackers on our environment and health cannot be ignored. It is high time that we say no to crackers and opt for more eco-friendly ways of celebrating.

Crackers are made of harmful chemicals like sulfur, potassium nitrate, and charcoal. When these crackers are burst, they release toxic gases like sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide into the atmosphere. These gases not only pollute the air but also contribute to global warming. The smoke and fumes emitted by crackers also contain harmful heavy metals like lead, cadmium, and mercury which can cause serious health problems like respiratory issues, skin allergies, and even cancer.

Apart from the harmful gases and heavy metals, crackers also create noise pollution. The loud noise produced by crackers can cause hearing loss, stress, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. It can also have a negative impact on pets, wildlife, and elderly people. The sudden loud noises can scare animals and birds, leading to disorientation and even death.

Moreover, the waste generated by crackers is another major concern. The paper, plastic, and metal waste left behind after bursting crackers add to the already overflowing landfills. The toxic chemicals present in the waste can seep into the soil and water bodies, contaminating them and posing a threat to the ecosystem.

Given the detrimental effects of crackers on our environment and health, it is imperative that we take a stand and say no to crackers. Instead of indulging in mindless bursting of crackers, we can opt for more eco-friendly ways of celebrating festivals. Here are a few alternatives to crackers that we can consider:

1. Opt for eco-friendly fireworks: There are eco-friendly fireworks available in the market that are made of natural ingredients like sawdust, charcoal, and potassium nitrate. These fireworks produce less smoke and noise compared to traditional crackers.

2. Light diyas and candles: Instead of bursting crackers, we can light diyas and candles to celebrate festivals. This not only adds to the festive spirit but also creates a warm and inviting atmosphere.

3. Organize community events: Instead of bursting crackers individually, we can organize community events like cultural programs, music concerts, and food festivals to celebrate festivals. This not only promotes community bonding but also reduces the overall impact on the environment.

4. Spread awareness: We can educate people about the harmful effects of crackers on the environment and health. By spreading awareness, we can encourage people to make informed choices and say no to crackers.

5. Support local artisans: Instead of buying mass-produced crackers, we can support local artisans and craftsmen by purchasing handmade decorative items and traditional sweets. This not only promotes local talent but also reduces the demand for crackers.

In conclusion, it is high time that we realize the harmful effects of crackers on our environment and health and take a stand to say no to crackers. By opting for more eco-friendly ways of celebrating festivals, we can protect our environment, safeguard our health, and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. Let us pledge to celebrate festivals in a responsible and mindful manner and make a positive impact on our planet. Say no to crackers and say yes to a cleaner, greener, and healthier world.

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Home — Essay Samples — Government & Politics — Fire Safety — Firecrackers Should Be Banned


Firecrackers Should Be Banned

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Words: 448 |

Published: Dec 18, 2018

Words: 448 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Works Cited:

  • American Battlefield Trust. (n.d.). Andrew Jackson. https://www.battlefields.org/learn/biographies/andrew-jackson
  • Brands, H. W. (2005). Andrew Jackson: His life and times. Knopf.
  • Congressional Globe, 23rd Cong., 1st Sess., (1833): 99–103.
  • Daniel Walker Howe. (2007). What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848 (Oxford History of the United States). Oxford University Press.
  • Hofstadter, R. (1948). The American Political Tradition: And the Men Who Made it. Random House.
  • Jackson, A. (1829). Message from the President of the United States. The American Presidency Project. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/message-the-president-the-united-states-1
  • Remini, R. V. (1981). Andrew Jackson and the course of American freedom, 1822-1832. HarperCollins Publishers.
  • Schlesinger, A. M. (1945). The Age of Jackson. Little, Brown and Company.
  • Wilentz, S. (2005). The Rise of American Democracy : Jefferson to Lincoln. W. W. Norton & Company.
  • Woodward, C. V. (1962). The Burden of Southern History. Louisiana State University Press.

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say no to firecrackers essay


Pollution due to Firecrackers Essay

Everyone loves the wonderful colors and shapes produced by firecrackers. This is the reason why they are often used in celebration of functions like festivals, fairs and weddings. However, fireworks also increase air and noise pollution which can be very harmful. Given below are some essays on pollution caused by crackers and fireworks, which will help you in your exams and your school work.

Table of Contents

Short and Long Essay on Pollution due to Firecrackers in English

Essay – 1 (300 words).

Diwali is a very important festival for Indians and for us almost no festival is considered complete without fireworks. People are so curious about firecrackers and fireworks that they start bursting firecrackers a day before Diwali and sometimes people start bursting crackers weeks before. Even though crackers produce attractive colors and artifacts, they are a mixture of many types of chemicals, due to which many types of pollution are generated due to burning.

air pollution

The elements of sulfur are mainly present in firecrackers. But they also contain a variety of binders, stabilizers, oxidizers, reducing agents and dyes. They are composed of a mixture of antimony sulfide, barium nitrate, aluminium, copper, lithium and strontium, which produce colorful light.

When these crackers are lit, many of these types of chemicals get into the air and greatly spoil the quality of the air. Because the festival of Diwali falls in October or November, at which time most of the cities of India are foggy and this combined with the smoke coming out of the firecrackers increases the level of pollution even more.

Children are most affected by its harmful effects than adults. But the chemicals released from firecrackers are harmful to everyone and can cause serious diseases like Alzheimer’s and lung cancer.

noise pollution

The fanfare of our favorite firecrackers works to damage our ears and increase noise pollution. The human ear can tolerate 5 decibels of sound without any harm. But the average sound level of firecrackers is around 125 decibels. Due to which many such incidents come to the fore in which the problem remains in the ears of the people for many days after the bursting of firecrackers.

On Diwali, the festival of lights, crackers have definitely turned things dark for us. This pollution has reached such a level that recently the Supreme Court of India has issued a ban on the use of firecrackers on Diwali. How much damage is caused to the environment due to this is confirmed by the fact that it will take about 5000 trees life time to eliminate this pollution. We have to think about their effects on our health as well as on the health of our children and take necessary steps to reduce their use.

Essay – 2 (400 words)

Diwali is not only a festival of light but also a symbol of victory of good over evil. But nowadays it has become a means of showing prosperity and luxury. This expenditure is not limited only to the purchase of clothes, goods and decoration of houses, but people now spend a huge amount on the purchase of firecrackers. This expenditure has dire consequences not only on our pockets but also on the environment.

air pollution caused by firecrackers on diwali

Delhi, which is the capital of India, is one of the most polluted cities in the world. Here the air is already second-class due to traffic, smoke from industries and power generation houses and burning of agricultural waste in states like Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab.

When the festival of Diwali approaches, the condition becomes even more pathetic as the amount of pollution in the air increases to a great extent. Along with this, due to the cold weather, the elements coming out of the firecrackers mix in the mist and make it more dangerous and polluted. Due to which lung and other health related problems arise.

The Central Pollution Board’s 2015 National Quality Index data revealed that almost eight states in our country are the most affected due to Diwali night fireworks. Due to which the air quality in their areas reaches very low levels. Only in Delhi this figure reaches PM 10, which is very harmful for health because the standard set by the World Health Organization is about 40 times less than this. This pollution level is very high, which is why there has been a significant increase in respiratory diseases in recent times.

Those who want to burn firecrackers, they get very angry about the rules made against it and argue in the ban of firecrackers that the pollution generated by them will not last long. But those making such an argument forget that the air is so polluted during those days that there are serious health consequences, especially in children and the elderly, with long-term negative health consequences. More awareness and better laws are the best way to fight the pollution caused by firecrackers.

Essay – 3 (500 words)

The whole gamut of Diwali, which has become a topic of debate and discussion in today’s time. The issue of ill-effects of firecrackers mainly remains in the discussions about Diwali. Recent researches have shown that when people burn firecrackers every year, the waste residues generated from it have very harmful effects on the environment.

effects of fireworks on air

Exploding firecrackers generate a lot of smoke, which mixes with the general air and in cities like Delhi where the air is already heavily polluted by other factors. When the smoke of firecrackers mixes with the air, it worsens the air quality even more, making the effect of this polluted air on health even more harmful. These tiny particles produced by fireworks get mixed in the mist and reach our lungs and cause many diseases.

Effects of fireworks on human health

Firecrackers contain harmful chemicals like barium nitrate, strontium, lithium, antimony, sulphur, potassium and aluminum. These chemicals pose a serious threat to our health. Elements such as antimony sulfide and aluminum cause Alzheimer’s disease. Apart from this, perchlorates made from potassium and ammonium also cause lung cancer. Barium nitrate causes respiratory disorders, muscle weakness and even gastrointestinal problems, and copper and lithium compounds can also cause hormonal imbalances. Along with this, these elements are also harmful to animals and plants.

Effects of firecrackers on animals

Diwali may be a joyous time for us humans but it is a very difficult time for animals and birds. As pet owners already know, dogs and cats are very sensitive about their hearing. This is the reason why they get very scared after hearing loud noises and due to the loud noises produced by the firecrackers, these innocent creatures remain very scared. In this case, the condition of the released animals is most pathetic as they do not have a place to hide in such an environment. Many people burn firecrackers in the tail of these animals to have fun. Similarly, birds are also affected in a very bad way due to such loud noises, which scare them. Along with this, due to the strong light of the firecrackers, there is a danger of losing their way or going blind.

Even though colorful and loud fireworks give us pleasure, they have many harmful effects on our physical and mental health, our atmosphere and other creatures on this planet. In view of these negative effects, we have to reduce the use of firecrackers, because our momentary pleasure can cause terrible long-term side effects for us.

Essay – 4 (600 words)

Diwali is a major festival for almost all Indians and especially for Hindus, Jains and Sikhs. This festival is the festival of light and signifies the victory of good over evil. For many decades this festival was celebrated by lighting lamps, which is why it is also known as Deepawali. But, now that the festival of Diwali has changed from a festival of light to a festival of noise and noise, people in every street and locality burn crackers. Because these crackers are made from a mixture of many chemicals, these harmful chemicals get mixed in the air when they burn. That is why in today’s time it has become a matter of serious concern.

Facts about pollution caused by fireworks during Diwali

When crackers are lit, it releases many pollutants into the air. Some of these pollutants are lead, nitrate, magnesium and sulfur dioxide etc. In addition, small particles of various metals such as strontium, antimony and aluminum are also released by the burning of fireworks and firecrackers. Many days before Diwali and till the day of the festival, so many crackers are burnt that the air level drops to a very low level. These particles are called PM 2.5, the name given to particulates that measure 2.5 microns or less.

When in a city like Delhi where the air quality is already so bad, when these pollutants are increased by fireworks, the air condition becomes even more pathetic and harmful. Although Diwali is celebrated only once in a year, it has been observed that many people start lighting firecrackers weeks in advance in celebration of this festival. On the day of Diwali, the number of fireworks increases greatly. As a result, the air quality of many major cities becomes very poor during the festival of Diwali.

Firecrackers contain elements such as potassium, sulphur, carbon, antimony, barium nitrate, aluminum, strontium, copper and lithium. When they burn, these emitted chemicals mix into the air in the form of smoke or iron particles. Even though these particles cannot remain in the atmosphere for more than a week, but when people breathe in this air, it has many long-term negative effects on them. One such case was seen in Delhi in 2016 when schools in Delhi had to be closed for several days due to increased pollution after Diwali.

After the firecrackers explode, not all its particles remain in the air. Many of them are returned to the ground and mixed with the soil, and eventually these particles are absorbed into the crops, making them harmful as well as dangerous for human consumption.

If fireworks are fired near or above water sources like rivers and lakes, then the harmful particles released from the firecrackers get mixed in them. It depends on the level of pollution, if the amount of pollution becomes more then it makes the water harmful and it is no longer suitable for our use.

Another aspect of the impact of fireworks on the environment, which is often overlooked or taken lightly, is the waste generated by fireworks and the burning of firecrackers. Considering the two main aspects like the popularity of Diwali and the number of people who celebrate it, we can say that due to bursting of crackers on Diwali, a lot of waste would be generated. If we talk about the daily waste disposal resources of cities like Delhi and Bangalore, it is already insufficient and the problem becomes even more serious due to the huge amount of waste generated due to fireworks during Diwali.

Unfortunately even after knowing these facts people continue to burn firecrackers every Diwali. In connection with this matter, the judiciary has banned the use of firecrackers several times to avoid further deterioration of the air quality. The burden of this responsibility towards the environment is on both the government and the public and if we want, we can make this beautiful and light festival of Diwali even more beautiful.


essay on pollution caused by diwali

essay on pollution caused by festival

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Essay on Pollution Due to Diwali in English

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Essay on Pollution Due to Diwali: Diwali is one of the major Hindu festivals celebrated grandly throughout India. The festivities involve loads of activities including shopping, food, fireworks, worship, etc. Crackers and fireworks have become an integral part of the celebrations.

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Fireworks are made from harmful chemical compounds like Sulphur, Cadmium, Mercury, and lead, which release toxic fumes upon burning. Sometimes the fumes cause dense smog, making it harmful and difficult to breathe. Diwali is also a festival when huge shopping is done, thereby making plastic pollution a concern. Most of the times, every purchase is handed over to the buyer in thin non bio-degradable plastic bags.

Long and Short Essay on Pollution Due to Diwali in English

We have provided below short and long essay on Pollution due to Diwali in English.

These essays on pollution due to Diwali festival have been written in simple yet effective English, elaborating on all the vital fact and information.

After going through these Pollution due to Diwali essay you will know what causes pollution in Diwali, what are the harmful effects on health and environment; how can we celebrate a safe and eco friendly Diwali.

With Diwali just around the corner, the essays will be very useful in your school events for speech giving or essay writing.

Essay on Pollution Due to Diwali – 200 words

Millions of crackers are burned throughout our country each year to celebrate the Diwali Festival . Burning crackers is like a ritual on this festival. It is a part of the celebration. The markets are flooded with different kinds of fire crackers during the Diwali season and people begin shopping for the same days before the festival.

Children are especially excited about burning crackers. However, even the adults indulge in this activity without giving it a thought that this act is causing pollution which is extremely harmful for the environment. Air pollution levels in our country are on an all time high during the Diwali festival. This has given rise to numerous health problems.

People, who suffer from asthma and other lung problems, particularly have a difficult time during Diwali. Their problem augments during this time and it becomes hard for them to breathe. The burning of crackers also causes noise pollution which is especially a problem for the elderly people and little kids. It is also scary for animals that look for places to hide themselves as we burn crackers to celebrate Diwali.

We must all remember that Diwali is the festival of lights not fire crackers. We should refrain from burning crackers and celebrate Diwali in a better way.

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Essay on Pollution Due to Diwali – Effects of Fireworks on Environment – 300 Words

Diwali is one of the main religious festivals of the Hindus. It is celebrated with great pomp and show each year. Lighting candles and diyas to illuminate houses, markets, offices and shops, making beautiful rangolis, preparing sweets, visiting friends and relatives, exchanging gifts, offering prayer to Lord Laxmi and Ganesha and burning fire crackers forms a part of the Diwali celebration.

While all else has been a part of the tradition since centuries, burning firecrackers started much later. Though it is a way of rejoicing the festival, it is not a good practice. It is taking away the beauty of this festival and incurring much criticism. It is adding to the pollution on Earth.

  • Air Pollution

Air pollution level rises extremely high during the Diwali festival. The smoke emitted by burning fire crackers makes the air harmful to breathe. The effects of burning large number of crackers on Diwali can be felt even days after. It is known to cause various diseases. Lungs are worst affected by it.

  • Land Pollution

The leftover pieces of the burnt crackers add to the land pollution. It takes days to clean these. Some of these pieces are non biodegradable. These cannot be disposed off easily and turn toxic over the time thereby adding to land pollution.

  • Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is at its peak on Diwali. Firecrackers do not only burn bright and cause deadly smoke but also create enormous amount of noise pollution. This is especially a problem for the old people, students, animals and sick people. The noises are highly disturbing. Animals are worst affected by it.

Burning firecrackers is causing a serious harm to the environment. It is impacting life on Earth. It is ironic how even after knowing the after effects of burning crackers people still indulge in this act. It is time we all must stop taking pleasure in such trivial things and think about the bigger picture.

Essay on Pollution Free Diwali – 400 words

Diwali is the festival of lights. It is eagerly awaited all year round. Houses, offices and shops are cleaned thoroughly around this time. People shop for new curtains, bed sheets and decorative items to re-decorate their place. The day is considered pious and many people reserve it for starting something new such as shifting to a new house, signing a business deal or finalizing and announcing wedding date.

A number of rituals form a part of this festival. Bursting fire crackers is one of them. While all the other traditions and rituals make this festival beautiful, burning fire crackers on this day gives it an ugly turn. This is the sad part of the Diwali celebration as it harms the environment and gives way to several health problems.

Say ‘NO’ to Crackers

Massive amount of fire crackers are burnt on Diwali. The already polluted environment gets all the more polluted due to the smoke emitted by crackers thereby making it difficult to breathe. Bursting crackers also leads to many other health problems such as burning sensation in the eyes, redness of eyes and skin and lung infections. Besides, the noise pollution caused due to them can have an adverse affect especially on the new born babies, elderly people and animals.

We must say no to crackers to avoid pollution and its harmful after affects. We should also inspire those around us to refrain from bursting crackers.

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Spread Love Not Pollution

The beauty of festivals is that they bring our near and dear ones closer. As a part of the Diwali celebration, people visit each other and exchange gifts. Many people host parties on this day to celebrate the festival with their relatives and friends. The celebration begins by offering prayers to Lord Ganesha and Laxmi. This is followed by lighting diyas and candles and illuminating the house. A round of card game adds to the festive mood.

We must take this festival as an opportunity to bond with our loved ones by spending quality time with them. Having dinner, cracking jokes and sitting in the company of our friends and family members can be far more enjoyable than bursting crackers and adding to the pollution.

Diwali should be the time to spread love and joy not pollution.

Essay on Diwali, Cracker, Pollution & Global Warming – 500 words

Global warming is a result of the increasing amount of harmful gases in the atmosphere. Burning fire crackers on Diwali does just the same. The smoke emitted by burning these crackers is extremely hazardous. It augments the level of harmful gases in the atmosphere thereby adding to the effect of Global warning.

While the vehicular pollution and the industrial smoke is hard to control, Diwali pollution on the other hand can be avoided as burning fire crackers is not serving any purpose unlike the vehicles running on the roads and the goods being manufactured in the industries.

Diwali Pollution Adds to Global Warming

People often argue as to what difference it would make if they do not burn crackers on Diwali. Most people feel that one day of air pollution caused due to Diwali crackers cannot have a high impact on the overall atmosphere of our planet. But this is not true. Statistics reveal that the pollution caused due to the burning of fire crackers on this day is equivalent to that caused jointly by numerous vehicles running on the road for several days. It thus contributes majorly to global warming year after year.

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Crackers Emit Deadly Smoke

Fire crackers are known to produce deadly smoke. The smoke emitted by the bursting of certain crackers is said to be much more harmful than that produced by factories and vehicles. It impacts the atmosphere far more adversely and causes numerous air-borne diseases. People suffer from breathing problems and many other health issues because of this hazardous smoke. Animals, birds and other living organisms are affected as badly.

Small Steps can make Big Difference

Bursting crackers does not do any good to anyone. It only deteriorates the air quality and causes health hazards. Why must we indulge in such an activity and put our lives at risk?

We can contribute our bit towards a healthier environment by celebrating Diwali without fire crackers. Diwali is a beautiful festival. Several customs and traditions form a part of this festival. From decorating and illuminating our place to wearing ethnic clothes, from meeting our near and dear ones to playing cards, from preparing homemade sweets to making colourful rangolis – there are so many enjoyable things to indulge in during this festival.

Striking off fireworks from the list should not impact the fun at all. However, it can do a lot of good to the environment. We must also inspire those around us to refrain from bursting crackers. Children must especially be educated about the harmful effects of crackers on the environment. Such small steps from our end can make a big difference.

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Essay on Diwali Pollution’s Harmful Effects and Control Measures – 600 words

Diwali is one of the most loved and awaited festivals of Hindus. It is being celebrated since times immemorial with great pomp and show. People begin cleaning their houses days before the festival to welcome Goddess Laxmi. Houses and shops are illuminated with lights, diyas and candles on this day.

There is hustle, bustle and joy all around. Everything about this festival is joyous except one and that is the burning of fire crackers. Burning of crackers that form a part of the Diwali celebration is causing an alarming amount of pollution. This is impacting our environment adversely and creating enormous amount of difficult for the living beings.

Harmful Effects of Diwali Pollution

Here is a look at the harmful effects of Diwali pollution on the environment and life on Earth:

  • Effect on the Environment

The smoke emitted by the burning of fire crackers on Diwali augments the level of harmful gases and pollutants in the air there by adding to air pollution. It impacts the environment severely. This festival falls just before the beginning of the winter season. The atmosphere around this time is misty. The smoke released by fire crackers gets trapped in the mist and this augments the impact of pollution.

  • Effect on People

As the pollution level rises, the human health is impacted negatively. The air is filled with harmful pollutants that cause problems such as shortness of breath, choking of lungs, burning sensation in the eyes and redness and rashes on skin. Those already suffering from health problems such as asthma, heart problem and lung infections are worst affected by the aftermaths of burning crackers as their problems augment during this time. It gets difficult to breathe. Besides, the noise pollution caused on Diwali is unbearable and can cause deafening effects.

  • Effect on Animals

Just as the human beings, the increase in the air pollution level after Diwali celebrations makes life difficult for the animals too. They find it difficult to breathe and suffer from various other illnesses caused due to the smoke emitted by fire crackers. They are also immensely affected by the noise pollution caused due to bursting of crackers. These innocent creatures are seen running around looking for places to hide to escape these loud noises.

Measures to Control Diwali Pollution

Here are some of the measures to control Diwali pollution:

  • Sensitize Children

Children are particularly excited about burning crackers. They begin bursting fire-crackers days before the festival. Parents must take this as their responsibility to sensitize children about the harmful effects of burning crackers rather than merely asking them not to do so without giving any reason. Children these days are smart and will definitely understand why they must refrain from burning crackers.

  • Ban on Firecrackers

The government must step in and put a ban on the manufacturing of firecrackers. This can be an effective way of controlling Diwali pollution. The problem cannot be curbed without the intervention of the government. If this is not possible then at least there should be a check on the manufacturing of crackers. Crackers that produce high amount of air and noise pollution must at least be banned.

  • Go for Low-Noise/Low-Smoke Crackers

If we do have to burn crackers then we must choose them cautiously. It is a good idea to purchase those crackers that do not produce much noise and also do not emit much smoke.

Essay on Pollution Due to Diwali FAQs

What pollution is caused in diwali.

Diwali pollution primarily includes air and noise pollution due to the widespread use of firecrackers.

How does Diwali affect the pollution?

Diwali contributes to increased pollution levels as firecrackers release harmful chemicals and particulate matter into the air.

How can we celebrate pollution free Diwali essay?

To celebrate a pollution-free Diwali, opt for eco-friendly fireworks or better yet, celebrate with lights, diyas, and traditional sweets instead of firecrackers.

How much pollution during Diwali?

Pollution during Diwali can vary, but it often sees a significant spike in particulate matter and harmful gases in the air.

Does Diwali cause noise pollution?

Yes, Diwali fireworks contribute to noise pollution, which can be harmful to human health and wildlife.

Which city is most polluted in Diwali?

Delhi is often cited as one of the most polluted cities during Diwali due to its high population and firecracker usage.

How to solve Diwali air pollution?

To address Diwali air pollution, promote eco-friendly celebrations, encourage the use of green firecrackers, and raise awareness about the environmental impact of traditional fireworks.

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say no to firecrackers essay

Anti Fire-Cracker Campaign

An “Anti Fire-Cracker Campaign” was  organized in the school. As a part of this campaign the following activities were conducted:The students prepared soft boards on the theme- Celebrating Green Diwali. Pamphlets with information on harmful effects of firecrackers were distributed the classes in order to sensitize the students on this topic. A PowerPoint Presentation was shown to all the students  during the homeroom period so that the students could understand the impact of the chemicals in the crackers on our health and on the environment. Standees were displayed to raise awareness on this issue.

An Intra section Paragraph Writing Competition was organized on the topic-”I would like to celebrate Green Diwali because…..” for the classes VI to X. The students of classes VI to VIII made beautiful rangolis outside their classes as a part of the the Green Diwali celebrations in the school.The students  took a pledge  during the home room period to celebrate Green Diwali.

say no to firecrackers essay

An interactive session on the topic ‘Celebrate Green Diwali: Say ‘NO’ to Firecrackers’ was held on 22 October 2019 for class VI. In the session led by Dr. Pawan Tiwari, Assistant Professor, Pulmonary Medicine, AIIMS and his team of three students from Sri Venkateshwara College, University of Delhi, the students learned about the causes and the harmful effects of air pollution, common air pollutants, sources of indoor and outdoor air pollution and common diseases caused by air pollution . They also learned about the various ways to control air pollution, the method to assess air quality, what happens when the air quality index crosses certain limits, the average air quality index of Delhi during different seasons, the causes and harmful effects of smog  and the Directives given by the Supreme Court of India to control air pollution. Quiz was also organised.

say no to firecrackers essay

Information on the importance of celebrating Green Diwali was disseminated during the PTM of class VI and also during the Scholar Badge Ceremony of class VIII so that the parents could also be sensitized on this issue.

say no to firecrackers essay

The students of class XI organised a skit on “the plight of children working in fire cracker factories” and a mimicry activity to raise awareness on this issue.An article writing and Just A Minute competition was also organised for students of class XI.A group discussion on the chemistry of fire crackers was organised for the students of class XII. Students of class XII wrote poems and made cartoon strips to strongly discourage the use of fire crackers.

say no to firecrackers essay

Inauguration of ‘My Outdoor lab’

German interschool competition.

Speech on Green Diwali, Eco-friendly Diwali, Cracker-free and Safe Diwali in English and Hindi

Published by team sy on november 7, 2023 november 7, 2023.

Green Diwali Speech: The 5-day festival of lights Diwali also called Deepavali is celebrated primarily in India and among Indians across the world. As it is a five-day festival, students also get a long Diwali vacation and along with the sweet holiday there comes the not so good pain of assignments! If your child is given an assignment task on writing a speech on Green Diwali or Eco-friendly Diwali or Cracker-free Diwali or Safe-Diwali then this article is a great help for you. Check various speech on Diwali festival below to help your child get the work done in no time.

Table of Contents

Speech on Eco-friendly Diwali in English

Check out the short speech on eco friendly Diwali below.

Good morning everyone!

Today I came across the podium to express my views on Eco-friendly Diwali or Green Diwali . At this moment, I would like to pay my gratitude to my teachers and friends who have provided me with this fantastic opportunity.

We often heard that we should celebrate eco-friendly Diwali, but what does the term eco-friendly Diwali stand for? Well, Eco-friendly Diwali means environment-friendly Diwali or we can say nature-friendly Diwali. Diwali is one of the biggest and most important festivals in India . Every year, it is celebrated with a lot of pomp, enthusiasm, and show. It is a five days festival, and as soon as the Dussehra festival gets over, preparations for Diwali start across the country with fun. The Festival of Diwali has its charm, it is the festival of lights. Festival of lights means awareness of the light within which has the superpower to outshine the darkness. On this day people of India celebrate the homecoming of Lord Shree Ram with Sita and Laxman.

On the occasion of Diwali, people decorate their homes with rangoli and diyas, do pooja, exchange sweets and gifts, wear new dresses and burn crackers. Burning crackers is the main reason behind the pollution. It causes a lot of air pollution in the environment which in turn affects the health of people. So, it is important to increase awareness of celebrating an eco-friendly Diwali. We can celebrate green Diwali in many ways, such as:

  • First, we have to reduce the number of crackers, which can decrease the noise and air pollution rate in the environment. As an alternative, people can shift to green crackers which can reduce pollution by 35%, or cut down the crackers. Also, green crackers do not have harmful polluting chemicals in it like arsenic, barium, and lithium.
  • Diwali is the festival of light , but instead of using electricity for it we can use Diyas made of clay to light every corner of our house. It represents our culture, and tradition and fills us with positivity. It symbolizes the power of truth over evil.
  • For a healthy environment, reducing the usage of plastic is most important. We use plastic items such as flowers to decorate our houses, instead of this we can use flowers or any biodegradable alternatives for decoration.

So, without bursting the firecrackers, and without misusing electricity, eco-friendly Diwali can be celebrated. Most people do not have any idea but the festival steadily is becoming one of the major problems of pollution in the environment. It is happening due to the carelessness of the people all around. Firecrackers do not only contain toxic chemicals like Copper and Cadmium but when there is a change in the weather these chemicals mix with fog in the environment. It converts into smog and creates problems for asthma patients by causing asthma attacks and bronchitis. Many people feel symptoms of allergic rhinitis like runny nose and serve headaches.

It is high time that we people have to recognize and understands the seriousness of this problem. We should build a roadway by which we can introduce a healthy and balanced environment. Firecrackers not only produce air pollution but also creates noise pollution which is more than 65 decibels, so there is no logic in burning firecrackers that creates this much problem. Saving nature is our first duty and I hope that all of us will celebrate eco-friendly Diwali.

With this, I wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous Happy Diwali.

Hope you found this eco friendly Diwali speech in English helpful.

Speech on Green Diwali in English

Good Morning Everyone!

Known as the festival of lights, Diwali is celebrated every year in October or November. The festival celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil. The festival of Diwali brings goodwill and happiness to all Indian communities. A festival of lights, gifts, and sweets is a time to celebrate with family and friends. In spite of this, the tradition of bursting firecrackers has become an important part of the festival. As a result of firecrackers, gaseous pollutants are emitted into the air, which harms the environment and health. Seniors, especially those with heart disease, are also distressed by the noise. Therefore, this speech on green Diwali will help you know about the harmful impact of burning crackers on Diwali.

During Diwali and before and after it, huge amounts of crackers and sparklers are burned. Among the chemicals contained in fireworks are potassium nitrates, potassium chlorate, aluminum, iron dust powder, etc. As a result of these firecrackers, the air quality is degraded by gaseous particles and gaseous pollutants. As a result, these fireworks emit large amounts of smoke and reduce visibility to a great extent. These crackers pollute the air in addition to generating noise pollution; the noise triggers annoyance, aggression, hypertension, high levels of stress, hearing loss, and sleep disturbances.

An eco-friendly Diwali is a good way to avoid contributing to pollution. It is important to say no to firecrackers. In place of electric lights or candles, we should light earthen lamps or Diyas. Diwali decorations should include seasonal flowers and leaves. Decorations can be made from old dupattas, silk sarees, etc. It is important to get our kids involved in making interesting decor items using old CDs, bangles, and other craft materials. The natural colors found in rice powder, turmeric, etc., can be used to create natural rangolis. In addition to flowers and leaves, we also make rangolis from these items. It is important to buy Diwali gifts in an environmentally friendly manner. Plants can be given as gifts to family members. Plastic should be avoided and waste-generating items should not be purchased. Biodegradable plates, cups, and glasses should be used while hosting a small Diwali party. For serving drinks, kulhads (mud pots) are the most suitable option, and banana leaf plates and bamboo plates are also good options. Large amounts of waste can accumulate during the festival. Prior to throwing away waste, we should segregate it and dispose of it responsibly.

Diwali is a time for celebration, love, sweetness, and peace. We can take part in the festival of light by not bursting a single cracker. It’s time to celebrate Diwali eco-friendly, not pollution-friendly.

Download Speech on Green Diwali PDF

Cracker Free Diwali Speech in English

Check out the speech on cracker free Diwali below.

Hello Everyone, Goodmorning!

Today we have gathered here to commemorate the festival of lights – Diwali. The cheerful vibe of the Diwali festival makes all of us feel festive joy. It is observed that on Diwali festivals people burst firecrackers and enjoy seeing them but that is not a good idea. Bursting crackers is harmful to the environment. Crackers are exciting to burst, but the thrill will not last as they pollute the environment and affect people.

This festival of lights can be celebrated by lighting a Diya or a flying lantern. There is a tradition of gifting objects between people. It would be a smart idea to exchange eco-friendly gifts with each other. A box of chocolates would be great, too! Making Diyas and gifting them is a wonderful idea.

Make sure your kids are not left unattended. Due to their incapacity to judge what is right or wrong, children are at risk during this time. It is important to make sure they are with you and not to give them crackers. A green Diwali can help us prevent damage to the environment. As a society, we often complain about damaged environments without realizing we are the ones causing them. Rather than complaint, we need to take action.

Some of us think that Diwali wouldn’t be Diwali without bursting crackers. We need to keep in mind that saving the environment should be our priority right now. The time has come for it! As a responsible citizen, you should ensure the environment is not harmed. The first step towards change is to change one’s own behavior. You will be followed by everyone once you take the initiative.

Wishing all a happy Diwali again!

We hope you found this speech on safe Diwali helpful.

Speech on Eco-friendly Diwali in Hindi

सबको सुप्रभात!

आज मैं पर्यावरण के अनुकूल दिवाली या हरित दिवाली पर अपने विचार व्यक्त करने के लिए मंच पर आया। इस समय, मैं अपने शिक्षकों और दोस्तों का आभार व्यक्त करना चाहता हूं जिन्होंने मुझे यह शानदार अवसर प्रदान किया है। हमने अक्सर सुना है कि हमें इको-फ्रेंडली दिवाली मनानी चाहिए, लेकिन इको-फ्रेंडली दिवाली (पर्यावरण के अनुकूल दिवाली) शब्द का क्या अर्थ है? वैसे ईको फ्रेंडली दिवाली का मतलब पर्यावरण के अनुकूल दिवाली या फिर नेचर फ्रेंडली दिवाली कह सकते हैं।

दिवाली भारत में सबसे बड़े और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण त्योहारों में से एक है। यह हर साल बहुत ही धूमधाम, उत्साह और दिखावे के साथ मनाया जाता है। यह पांच दिनों का त्योहार है और जैसे ही दशहरा का त्योहार खत्म होता है, पूरे देश में दीवाली की तैयारियां मस्ती के साथ शुरू हो जाती हैं. दीपावली के पर्व का अपना आकर्षण है, यह दीपों का पर्व है। रोशनी के त्योहार का अर्थ है उस प्रकाश के प्रति जागरूकता जिसके भीतर अंधकार को दूर करने की महाशक्ति है। इस दिन भारत के लोग सीता और लक्ष्मण के साथ भगवान श्री राम की घर वापसी का जश्न मनाते हैं।

दिवाली के अवसर पर, लोग अपने घरों को रंगोली और दीयों से सजाते हैं, पूजा करते हैं, मिठाइयों और उपहारों का आदान-प्रदान करते हैं, नए कपड़े पहनते हैं और पटाखे जलाते हैं। पटाखा जलाना प्रदूषण का मुख्य कारण है। यह पर्यावरण में बहुत अधिक वायु प्रदूषण का कारण बनता है जो बदले में लोगों के स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित करता है। इसलिए, पर्यावरण के अनुकूल दिवाली मनाने के बारे में जागरूकता बढ़ाना महत्वपूर्ण है। हरित दिवाली हम कई तरह से मना सकते हैं, जैसे:

  • सबसे पहले, हमें पटाखों की संख्या कम करनी होगी, जिससे पर्यावरण में ध्वनि और वायु प्रदूषण की दर कम हो सके। एक विकल्प के रूप में, लोग हरे पटाखों की ओर रुख कर सकते हैं जो प्रदूषण को 35% तक कम कर सकते हैं, या पटाखों को कम कर सकते हैं। साथ ही ग्रीन पटाखों में आर्सेनिक, बेरियम और लिथियम जैसे हानिकारक प्रदूषणकारी रसायन नहीं होते हैं।
  • दिवाली प्रकाश का त्योहार है, लेकिन इसके लिए बिजली का उपयोग करने के बजाय हम अपने घर के हर कोने को रोशन करने के लिए मिट्टी से बने दीयों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। यह हमारी संस्कृति और परंपरा का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है और हमें सकारात्मकता से भर देता है। यह बुराई पर सत्य की शक्ति का प्रतीक है।
  • स्वस्थ पर्यावरण के लिए प्लास्टिक के उपयोग को कम करना सबसे जरूरी है। हम अपने घरों को सजाने के लिए फूलों जैसी प्लास्टिक की वस्तुओं का उपयोग करते हैं, इसके बजाय हम सजावट के लिए फूलों या किसी बायोडिग्रेडेबल विकल्प का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

इसलिए पटाखों को फोड़े बिना और बिजली का दुरुपयोग किए बिना पर्यावरण के अनुकूल दिवाली मनाई जा सकती है। अधिकांश लोगों को इसका अंदाजा नहीं है लेकिन यह त्योहार लगातार पर्यावरण में प्रदूषण की बड़ी समस्याओं में से एक बनता जा रहा है। ऐसा आसपास के लोगों की लापरवाही के कारण हो रहा है। पटाखों में न केवल कॉपर और कैडमियम जैसे जहरीले रसायन होते हैं बल्कि जब मौसम में बदलाव होता है तो ये रसायन वातावरण में कोहरे के साथ मिल जाते हैं। यह स्मॉग में बदल जाता है और अस्थमा के मरीजों के लिए अस्थमा अटैक और ब्रोंकाइटिस का कारण बनता है। बहुत से लोग नाक बहने जैसे एलर्जिक राइनाइटिस के लक्षण महसूस करते हैं और सिरदर्द की सेवा करते हैं।

अब समय आ गया है कि हम लोगों को इस समस्या की गंभीरता को समझना और समझना होगा। हमें एक सड़क का निर्माण करना चाहिए जिससे हम एक स्वस्थ और संतुलित वातावरण का परिचय दे सकें। पटाखों से न केवल वायु प्रदूषण होता है बल्कि 65 डेसिबल से अधिक ध्वनि प्रदूषण भी होता है, इसलिए पटाखों को जलाने में कोई तर्क नहीं है जो इतनी समस्या पैदा करता है। प्रकृति को बचाना हमारा पहला कर्तव्य है और मुझे उम्मीद है कि हम सभी पर्यावरण के अनुकूल दिवाली मनाएंगे।

इसी के साथ मैं आपको और आपके परिवार को दीपावली की बहुत-बहुत बधाई और शुभकामनाएं देता हूं।

We hope you found this speech on eco friendly diwali in English and Hindi helpful. Check out more such speeches now.

Speech on Green Diwali FAQs

In this article, we have provided a link to download free speech on Diwali.

Diwali is a 5-day festival and in 2022, Diwali will be celebrated from 22nd Oct to 26th Oct 2022. 24th Oct will be the main Diwali festival.

Green Diwali can be celebrated in many ways but most importantly by avoiding firecrackers.

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Paragraph on Say No To Crackers

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Say No To Crackers in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Paragraph on Say No To Crackers in 100 Words

Saying no to crackers is important for keeping our air clean. Crackers make a lot of smoke and loud noises, which can scare animals and hurt our ears. The smoke is bad for our lungs and can make it hard for some people to breathe. It also dirties our beautiful sky. Instead of using crackers, we can have fun with colorful lights, music, and dancing. This way, we protect our health and our Earth. So, let’s promise to celebrate without crackers and help everyone enjoy clean air and a peaceful environment. Always remember, a joyful celebration is one that keeps us all safe and happy.

Paragraph on Say No To Crackers in 200 Words

Say No To Crackers is a really important thing to remember, especially when festivals come around. Crackers might seem like fun with their bright sparks and loud noises, but they are not good for us or our planet. When we light crackers, they make the air dirty with smoke and harmful things that can make it hard for us to breathe and can make animals scared and sick. They also cause a lot of noise, which can hurt our ears and make babies and older people very uncomfortable. Plus, sometimes crackers can cause accidents and hurt people because they can catch fire very quickly. Don’t forget about all the trash they leave behind, which can make our streets and parks look dirty. Instead of crackers, we can enjoy festivals by drawing beautiful pictures with colored powders, hanging pretty lights, sharing sweets with friends, and making lots of happy memories without any harm. So, let’s make a promise to keep ourselves and the Earth safe by saying no to crackers and yes to cleaner, quieter, and safer ways to celebrate. When we choose to do this, we show that we care about our health, our families, and our beautiful world.

Paragraph on Say No To Crackers in 250 Words

Saying no to crackers is an important step we can all take to protect our environment and health. Crackers cause a lot of air pollution, which makes it hard for us to breathe and can lead to diseases, especially for people with asthma. The loud noises they make can also be very harmful to our ears and disturb animals and birds. The waste from crackers litters our streets and can take a long time to clean up. Moreover, making crackers often involves dangerous chemicals, and sometimes children are made to work in unsafe conditions to produce them. This is not fair to those children, who should be in school just like you. Also, every year, many people get hurt by crackers that go off unexpectedly or are not handled safely. By choosing not to use crackers, we can enjoy festivals in other fun and safe ways, like lighting lamps, making rangoli, or spending time with family and friends. When we decide not to buy or light crackers, we save money and protect our planet. It’s like giving the Earth a gift, showing we care about our home and the people and animals we share it with. Encourage your friends and family to join in and find joy in celebrations that are safe for everyone. Remember, when we say no to crackers, we say yes to a cleaner, quieter, and safer world for all of us.

That’s it! I hope the paragraphs have helped you.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by  clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Speech on Pollution Caused by Firecrackers

We all know that pollution is also caused by firecrackers. Despite our government putting a ban on the use of firecrackers, people are relentless and do not stop bursting crackers, especially during Diwali season. Therefore, more and more anti-firecrackers campaigns are organized in order to spread awareness and raise the consciousness of people. In fact, message can be put across with the help of speeches. If you are a part of any such campaign, then you can prepare a speech on pollution caused by firecrackers and give your contribution towards this cause. If there is anything that we can do to save our environment, we should do as a responsible global citizen.

Long and Short Speech on Pollution Caused by Firecrackers in English

In order to help you with the subject matter, both short speech on pollution caused by firecrackers as well as long speech on pollution caused by firecrackers are comprehensively prepared so that you can derive maximum benefit out of them. You can also share them amongst your social groups in order to help people understand the grave consequences of bursting firecrackers.

Pollution Caused by Firecrackers Speech 1

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman – Thank you for becoming a part of this awareness camp organized for curbing alarmingly rising air pollution level by firecrackers.

As we all know that the climatic conditions is getting from bad to worse in Delhi and to our least surprise people are even finding it difficult to breathe. Pollution level has bypassed all limits and it’s high time that we take proactive measures to get over this situation otherwise living in the city would become life threatening for everyone.

If we talk about the causes of air pollution, there are many. From an increasing number of vehicles on roads to the cutting down of trees to the burning of waste residues, etc. – there is no dearth of such factors responsible for causing air pollution. However, yet another important factor which I would like to bring in here and which hugely contributes to this grave situation is the bursting of firecrackers.

Even though firecrackers are occasionally burnt they cause a lot of noise pollution, including air pollution thereby making it difficult for us to breathe. Despite our government putting a ban on the bursting of firecrackers, we are not ceasing to act immature and merely find ways and occasions to burst crackers. The most prominent festival in our country is Diwali which is celebrated by people from all the religions. And bursting of firecrackers is a part and parcel of this festival so much so   that everyone from children to youth to adults burst crackers paying little or no heed to the fact that how much it harms our environment.

In fact a day or two before Diwali, children start bursting crackers and explosion can be heard from all the directions. We are causing a lot of harm to our environment and the sooner we realize this; the better lest we reach a stage where there would be no retracting of our steps. Let’s know in what ways firecrackers can contribute to the loss of our environment as well as health:

  • Can cause loss of hearing;
  • Can cause high blood pressure;
  • Sudden exposure to loud noise may result in permanent or temporary deafness;
  • Lack of sound sleep;
  • Risk of heart attack increases;
  • Mental and nausea impairment

According to one environmentalist Karuna Mehta, firecrackers must be banned because they can lead to a horde of health concerns. People come up with every sort of respiratory issues like bronchitis and asthma.  This is not the end, the smog that is caused due to the bursting of firecrackers create a white blind sheet in the environment thereby reducing the visibility and causing accidents on the road. And the people who are most affected by the bursting of firecrackers are small children as well as old people.

It therefore becomes the responsibility of each one of us to organize many more such anti-firecrackers campaigns and urge people to stop bursting firecrackers.

With this I end my speech, thank you!

Pollution Caused by Firecrackers Speech 2

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Dear Teachers and My Loving Students – Warm Greetings to all of you!

Today I, Mrs. Sapna Mukehrjee, the class teacher of XII (A), would like to deliver a succinct speech on one of the pertinent topics, which is pollution caused by firecrackers.  The reason why I have picked up this topic is because our environment has been caused a great harm and there is no dearth of pollutants being released into our environment thereby making it toxic and difficult for us to breathe. Therefore, as responsible citizens it becomes our duty to bring up this issue to the fore and spread awareness amongst the people.  Then why not kick start this campaign from our very school!

Do you know students why our government is adamant on imposing ban on crackers? Well students, for those of you who don’t know I would want to say that firecrackers prove extremely damaging to our environment for a simple reason that they contain Sulphur and Carbon and release a range of gases, including such chemicals which act as a reducing agent, coloring agent, stabilizer, oxidizer as well as binder. The colors contain antimony sulphide to create glitter effect, lithium for red, aluminum for white, strontium for purple, copper for blue and barium nitrate for green.

And these crackers cause more harm to small children in comparison to adults because their capability to metabolize and flush out environmental agents is not the same. Now let us know what probable health risks can these chemicals cause once we are exposed to them:

  • Antimony and aluminum sulphide (coloring agents) leads to Alzheimer’ disease and perchlorate (potassium and ammonium), an oxidizing agent can lead to lung cancer.
  • Then there is barium nitrate which is poisonous and results in respiratory irritation, gastrointestinal problems, radioactive effects as well as muscular weakness.
  • It also results in thyroid complications as the cadmium compounds present in them cause damage to the lungs and results in gastrointestinal problems.
  • Copper and lithium compounds causes imbalance in hormones and proves extremely poisonous for animals and plants.
  • Gases released from the firecrackers result in respiratory problems.
  • Delhi hospitals report at least 30-40 percent rise in respiratory disease, wheezing, bronchitis, bronchial asthma as well as aggravation of asthma.
  • In fact, India Chest Society has released a warning about the loss of hearing, sleeping disorder, blood pressure, heart diseases and nausea impact on pet animals.
  • Of late, the government had put a ban on the explosives containing such dangerous elements like sulphurate or sulphur mixed with potassium chlorate or chlorate in other forms.

I hope I have been able to sensitize you all on the subject and could also enlighten you about the harmful impact of the bursting of firecrackers. However, this is not enough because more and more awareness can only be spread with the help of advertisements and by organizing workshops as well as seminars.

This is all from my side, thank you so much!

Pollution Caused by Firecrackers Speech 3

Dear Society Members and all the Children – Warm Greetings to everyone!

As you all know that the festival of Diwali is approaching and excitement is in the air about how we are going to celebrate this auspicious festival and whether we are likely to bag another award in a row. Of course, this festive season will be planned with equal enthusiasm and zeal in our society and our kids will get to enjoy to the fullest.

However, with special attention to our children, I would want to request them to celebrate this festival of lights without bursting crackers and help protect our environment from the harmful, toxic gases. Saving our environment or our planet implies preserving life on earth, which means inevitably we are preserving ourselves so that we can breathe in a pristine environment free from all the pollutants. Though this is not enough as there are other factors too which cause a great harm to our environment, such as toxic gases emitted from the vehicles, fumes released from the factory chimneys, etc.

But at least we can take a step forward and contribute in whatever way we can to help preserve our environment. In fact, traditionally Diwali is celebrated using earthen diyas and sweets are distributed amongst family and friends. The use of crackers began much later which creates ear-tearing noises, suffocating smoke, never ending filth and most importantly everlasting pollution. The developing country like us is continuing to grapple with the issue of environmental pollution and there seems no escape from it and with no reason to be surprised that at the time of Diwali the pollution level shoots up to 30 percent. It is computed that with every hour of firecracker show, the compound called strontium gets increased by 120 times (it is harmless in small amounts but in larger amounts it causes a lot of damage to our bones and can even lead to the blood clotting disorders) in the air.

This is not the end! The concentration of barium gets increased by 12 times, magnesium by 22 times, copper by 6 times and potassium by 11 times. Besides this, firecrackers also consist of heavy metals which are poisonous for human body and in the present time, when our nation is grappling with the issue of global warming as well as climate change, it becomes extremely important for us to know what all are the greenhouse gases that firecrackers produce, which are ozone and carbon dioxide (C02). It’d take the whole life span of about 5,000 trees to counteract the 60,000 tons of carbon release that takes place in a day.

We hail from an educated background and yet we continue to encourage such practices. Please understand that buying firecrackers is a complete waste of money and is damaging for the environment as well.

So let’s pledge this coming Diwali to say ‘No’ to firecrackers in order to prevent air pollution from happening. This is all from my end.

Thank you everyone!

Pollution Caused by Firecrackers Speech 4

Respected Class Teacher and My Dear Friends – Good Morning to one and all!

Welcome to yet another speech ceremony and I, Sourabh Shukla, am looking forward to address the speech topic on ‘Pollution caused by Firecrackers’. Friends, I hope you very well understand the reason behind our teacher assigning this topic to me. We are grown up, mature children to fully understand the consequences of our actions.

So I am standing here to sensitize you all on this important subject which has become a global concern these days. We all love to burst firecrackers, isn’t it? But do we realize the consequences that it follows? Perhaps not because then the issues such as global warming and climate change would not have aggravated to such an extent where globally the nations are finding it too hard to cope with.

Firecrackers are injurious to health. They are agents responsible for not only causing air pollution by emitting such toxic fumes as cadmium, copper, aluminum, sulphur and barium and such harmful gases as nitrous oxide, but are also majorly responsible for causing noise pollution. Largely, children and senior citizens get affected by the noise of crackers. The noise produced by these crackers can be so dangerous that it can even lead to permanent or temporary deafness.

Harmful gases, such as Nitrous Oxide released from the bursting of crackers remains suspended in the air till the time there is a blow of strong wind or a heavy downpour occurs. When such gases remain present in the air, it is quite likely that we inhale them while breathing thereby increasing the possibility of asthma attack amongst the people suffering from it. In fact, heart patients and those suffering from chronic bronchitis as well as low immune system are more prone to such risks.

There are colorful firecrackers too available in the market and we can’t help falling from them, right! But do you know that they are even worse for our environment because they contain heavy metals which prove to be really toxic for our surroundings. Then the gas that largely contributes to global warming is carbon dioxide (CO2) which is heavily released from firecrackers thereby further increasing the global warming risk.

Other than air pollution and noise pollution, firecrackers also create unnecessary filth all around and the sight looks so unpleasant. It is high time now that we retrospect on our actions and try to mend our ways otherwise I fear that the life on earth will come to an end and if at all human species happen to survive, it will just be a storehouse of medical conditions and ailments.

I, therefore, request everyone to help our government and support ban on the use of firecrackers only then will our existence on this planet will be fruitful and worth living. Now let me request my class teacher to come on the podium and say a few words in this regard which would really help us in enlightening others too.

Related Information:

Speech on Pollution

Essay on Pollution due to Festivals

Essay on Pollution Due to Firecrackers

Essay on Pollution due to Urbanization

Essay on Environmental Pollution

Speech on Plastic Pollution

Speech on Beat Plastic Pollution

Essay on Pollution Due to Diwali

Speech on Radioactive Pollution

More Information:

Speech on Water Pollution

Speech on Air Pollution

Speech on Soil Pollution

Speech on Light Pollution

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Diwali & the firecracker debate: Since when has it been a light and sound show

Ahead of diwali, the environmental concerns surrounding the bursting of firecrackers have once again taken centre stage..

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say no to firecrackers essay

There is so much brouhaha over burning and bursting of crackers during Diwali. The din of the debate is drowning many vital issues. And as the arguments and counter-arguments assume monstrous proportions, it is time to reflect and rethink.

True, Diwali or Deepawali is a festival of deeps (lamps or lights). Hindus celebrate the day to mark the return of Ram, Sita and Laxman to Ayodhya from a 14-year exile after defeating Ravana. While sharing sweets and gifts and performing puja, many also revel in burning and bursting crackers. However, with eco-awareness growing, there are people who have been protesting against it.

In 2016, a study by Pune-based Chest Research Foundation and students from the Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences of the University of Pune revealed that some crackers emit particulate matter (PM) far beyond the permissible limit set by the World Health Organisation (WHO). 

Take for example: the snake tablet – which produced the highest peak of PM 2.5 (64,500 µg/m3) in just nine seconds -- equal to smoke from 464 cigarettes, the study pointed out. Similarly, a laad of 1,000 (38,540 µg/m3 = 277 cigarettes); pul pul (28,950 µg/m3 = 208 cigarettes); fuljhadi (74 cigarettes); charkha (68 cigarettes) and anar (34 cigarettes), it added.

Several studies also warn that firecrackers release toxic and lethal gases like nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide. Some of the chemicals emitted never disintegrate or decompose completely. And all these have a detrimental impact on our health – causing a host of ailments – respiratory problems (asthma), allergies, lung infections and even heart attacks – just to name a few.

Now, there has been a lot of hue and cry over the environmental fallout due to firecrackers. But a question thrown up by the pro-cracker camp is don’t fuel-guzzling cars, SUVs, ACs, non-veg food, industries, stubble burning and paddy farming cause pollution, foul the air and deplete the ozone layer. "Aren't their severity more than the gravity of cracker bursting?," they ask. "Why single out Diwali? Aren't firecrackers burst and blown during occasions like New Year's Eve, Christmas, sporting extravaganzas like the Olympics, weddings etc?"

They strongly oppose the Delhi government’s complete ban on the production, storage, sale and use of all types of firecrackers in Delhi. They also https://www.indiatoday.in/india/delhi/story/letter-to-delhi-lg-vinai-saâ€æ ; target="_blank">contest the ban on green firecrackers and online sales . BJP MP and former BJP Delhi President Manoj Tiwari has filed a PIL against Delhi government’s direction.

Some say banning crackers is like banning immersion of Durga or Ganesha idols without taking action against the big polluting factories which release industrial effluents into the river. "Does toxic paint contaminate the water more than carcinogenic cadmium or mercury?" they argue. A section also believes that banning firecrackers will impact the over https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/sivakasi-tamil-nadu-firecrackers-â€æ ; target="_blank">Rs 3,000 crore fireworks industry, concentrated in Tamil Nadu’s Sivakasi , which employs more than 2.5 lakh people. 

Some associate the ban with religion, saying that if you want to ban Diwali firecrackers, also ban the sacrifice of goats during Eid because it is equally eco-unfriendly. They contend that bursting/burning of firecrackers during Diwali is not even the top 15 reasons for pollution.

Yes, Diwali can’t be targeted. But making counter attacks doesn’t take away the blame that Diwali crackers must share. While talking about loss of livelihoods, we shouldn’t be blind to the dismal working conditions in which the employees in Sivakasi’s cracker manufacturing units are engaged. Hammer out a rehabilitation package for them and give them a decent workplace. Also, right to clean air defies religion, caste, creed or sex. Please don’t confuse the right to clean air with the right to practice a faith (read religion). Both are separate.


There’s no definite proof to suggest when the bursting of crackers became an integral part of Diwali. However, there is scriptural evidence that people lighted diyas during Diwali since time immemorial. They still light lamps. Diyas or lights symbolise the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil.

There are many reports and books to prove that ancient Indians were aware about gunpowder and firearms. Dr Gustav Oppert, a German Indologist, has vouched for that. But whether it was used in 7000 BC is still a matter of conjecture; and seems to be too far-fetched. In his book 'Military Transition in Early Modern Asia: 1400-1750 Cavalry, Gunsâ€æ', Kaushik Roy writes: "Ancient India knew of saltpetre, which was described as agnichurna (powder that cracks fires) in old Sanskrit texts. In fact, Kautilya Arathasastra (composed between 300 BCE – 300 CE) speaks of using saltpetre, resin and other tree barks for creating poisonous smoke in order to disorient the enemy in the battlefield. The ancient and early medieval Indians used it for incendiary devices, and not using it for manufacturing gun powder or using its propulsive force."

Recorded history points to the fact that gunpowder was first used for fireworks during the Tang dynasty in China in 700 CE. Some historians claim that there’s Chinese influence in the bursting of firecrackers. Eminent historian P K Gode wrote that the use of fireworks in Diwali celebrations "must have come into existence after about 1400 AD, when gunpowder came to be used in Indian warfare". Some paintings from the 16th and 17th century also suggest fireworks were part of Diwali celebrations.

Later, it got embedded into Diwali tradition. And this can be attributed to Nadar brothers who established a match factory in 1923. And after the Explosives Act was amended, they started manufacturing fireworks in their Sivakasi unit in 1940.   


Notwithstanding the debate which continues unabated, there has to be a middle path that needs to be charted out. Community fireworks celebrations offer some hope. Green fireworks, which do not emit harmful gases and don’t produce high decibels, should become imperative. 

We need a paradigm shift in the way we celebrate festivals. Fun shouldn’t be equated with loud revelry or at the cost of inconveniencing others or marring one's health. Diwali is all about cheer, and let us spread cheer, light and goodness.  Published By: Anuja Jha Published On: Oct 10, 2022 --- ENDS --- READ | Will an extended ban on firecrackers help improve the air we breathe?

  • Essay on eco Friendly Diwali

Essay on Eco-Friendly Diwali

Diwali is the festival of lights. It’s a celebration that marks the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. Diwali is celebrated across all communities of India, creating a homogenous environment of goodwill and happiness. It is a festival to celebrate with family and friends and to light up our and others’ lives with lights, gifts, and sweets. Yet, bursting firecrackers has become a prominent part of the festival. Firecrackers lead to gaseous pollutants emissions that harm the environment and health. Also, the noise causes distress to the elderly, especially to those with heart disease. So, this essay on Eco-friendly Diwali will help students to understand the harmful effect of bursting crackers on Diwali and how it’s impacting the environment.

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500+ Words Essay on Eco-Friendly Diwali

Diwali, or Deepavali, is among India’s biggest festivals. The core essence of the festival is that it is the triumph of good over evil, and light takes over darkness. Present-day celebrations of the festival largely comprise people adorning their homes with traditional diyas and lights of various shapes, sizes and colours. They eat sweets and burst crackers. The increasing pollution level, especially in cities and towns, had put a question on bursting firecrackers. It is a worrying problem for environmentalists and common people.

Harmful Effects of Bursting Crackers on Diwali

Huge amounts of crackers and sparklers are burned mainly on the day of the festival and also before and after Diwali. Fireworks contain a lot of chemicals such as potassium nitrates, potassium chlorate, aluminium, iron dust powder, etc. These firecrackers, when burnt, release various gaseous and particulate air pollutants and toxic metals, which degrade the air quality. The emissions reduce visibility to a large extent and generate a dense cloud of smoke. Along with polluting the air, these crackers generate noise pollution; the noise triggers annoyance, aggression, hypertension, high-stress levels, hearing loss and sleep disturbance.

Air and noise pollution leads to serious health hazards.

Tips to Celebrate an Eco-Friendly Diwali

A good way to avoid contributing to the existing pollution is to opt for an eco-friendly Diwali. We should say no to firecrackers. We should light traditional earthen lamps or diyas instead of electric lights or candles. We should use seasonal flowers and leaves for Diwali decoration. We can use old dupattas, silk sarees, etc., for decorations. We must involve our kids and use old CDs, bangles and other craft materials to make interesting decor items. We can make natural rangolis by using natural colours such as rice powder, turmeric etc. Also, we can make rangoli with flowers, petals and leaves. We should buy Diwali gifts by taking care of the environment. We can gift a plant to our relatives. We should avoid the use of plastic and should not buy unnecessary items that generate waste. While hosting a small Diwali get-together, we should use biodegradable plates, cups and glasses. Banana leaf plates and bamboo plates are good options, and for serving drinks, kulhads (mud pots) are the best. The festival can lead to the accumulation of large quantities of waste. So, before throwing the waste, we should segregate the waste and discard it in a responsible manner.

Let’s make the Diwali festival full of happiness, love, sweetness, and peace for all. Let’s enjoy the festival of lights by taking a pledge not to burst a single cracker. Let’s celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali, not a pollution-friendly one.

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    Click here 👆 to get an answer to your question ️ essay on say no to firecrackers. parabsiddhesh99348 parabsiddhesh99348 25.11.2018 Environmental Sciences Secondary School answered Essay on say no to firecrackers See answers Advertisement

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    Essay on say no to cracker See answers Advertisement Advertisement Brainly User Brainly User ... The noise from firecrackers can lead to tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and might last for 24 hours or more depending on the intensity of and closeness to the firecracker sound. 7) Harmful gases in the air.