Subject Three

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Subject Three is the main antagonist of the popular Creepypasta The Harbinger Experiment , being an incomprehensively dangerous entity given life through the titular experiment, where Dr. Zimmerman, the protagonist, and their science team try to contact the metaphysical plain.

After reciting a series of chants, Zimmerman somehow transformed an average test subject into this monster, a completely hairless humanoid with a deformed head, horrifically large, black eyes, and arms that dangle down to its knees. Subject Three eventually escapes, ripping everyone apart to the excruciatingly loud and disembodied song "Livin' in the Sunlight, Lovin' in the Moonlight" by Tiny Tim, and the protagonist is the only survivor. He manages to lock Subject Three in the ravaged science facility and tells the tale, before he begins hearing the song again and accepts his fate.


Creepy pasta: harbinger experiment.

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Loneliness is killer

To my Dearest Friend

Today’s letter is the third one discussing CreepyPasta’s, where we discuss popular CreepyPasta stories and consider why they are so effective.

By way of re-cap, Creepy Pasta is the modern equivalent of an urban legend or a campfire story. They are spread online (although they are spreading to other forms of media such as movies). The level of variety in Creepy Pasta is staggering, there’s video content, written content, image content and podcast style content. So regardless of your preference for devouring stories Creepy Pastas have got you covered.

Todays Creepy Pasta of choice is the Harbinger Experiment.

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The story is about Zimmerman, a scientist with a fondness for the occult. On the surface the experiment seems to be about testing what isolation does to the human mind, however, we soon learn that the reality of the experiment is to trap spirits and place them inside human bodies. Naturally, this goes horribly, hideously wrong and Zimmerman as the narrator is the sole survivor of the experiment and also finally feels something of remorse for unleashing his creation on the world.

Why it Works

Harbinger Experiment is a successful CreepyPasta for a number of reasons, the key ones I’d like to address are the style of writing/narration and the topic of choice.

The style of writing is that of a man telling of his experiences, it’s a first-person perspective, making the story immersive and emotive in a way that third person perspectives sometimes struggle with. You travel with Zimmerman along his emotional and quite frankly terrifying journey, you see him go from curious to terrified as the story progresses and experience these emotions with him.

The topic of choice, a science experiment gone wrong with a large dollop of the occult aka creepy demon/spirits, mixes several types of horror well. As I discussed in an earlier blog horror is a very flexible genre and can take from many different narratives. The idea of scientists messing around with the occult is nothing new, but the Harbinger Experiment puts a slightly new twist on it due to the writing style and the character of Zimmerman. We don’t enter the story as an outside observer, we are right in the thick of it from the get-go.

Overall I’d say the Harbinger Experiment has earned its place as one of the most well known Creepy Pastas on the web. So I’m enclosing it with this letter.

Give it a read.

Devotedly Yours Katie Marie

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I would just like to clarify that the story was not from the POV of Zimmerman. The story is told from the perspective of the medical worker hired by Zimmerman for the experiment. You can even see at the end when Zimmerman gets murdered by Subject 3 (or whatever was inside of him) as our main character manages to escape.

Thank you for the clarification.

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The ‘forbidden experiment’ is an infamously evil chapter in scientific history

By Popular Science Team

Posted on Aug 28, 2024 9:00 AM EDT

6 minute read

Legend of the linguistic experiment by Psamtik I.

Credit: Rijksmuseum

What’s the weirdest thing you learned this week? Well, whatever it is, we promise you’ll have an even weirder answer if you listen to PopSci ’s hit podcast . The Weirdest Thing I Learned This Week hits Apple , Spotify , YouTube , and everywhere else you listen to podcasts every-other Wednesday morning. It’s your new favorite source for the strangest science-adjacent facts, figures, and Wikipedia spirals the editors of Popular Science can muster. If you like the stories in this post, we guarantee you’ll love the show.

Check out Weirdest Thing’s new page on Reddit to meet fellow Weirdos! 

FACT: This experiment was so cruel that people now call it “the forbidden experiment”

By Dr. Danielle Bainbridge 

Throughout history language deprivation experiments have (rightfully) gotten the name “the forbidden experiment” because of the cruelty involved in testing their subjects. An article from Slate traces a brief history of these experiments, starting with Pharaoh Psamtik I around 600 BC. 

According to ancient historian Herodotus , Psamtik I gave two newborns to a shepherd who was instructed not to speak to them. The idea was to see what kind of language the children would speak without any external influences. 

A similar experiment was supposedly conducted in the 13th century by Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I, but in the Chronicle of Salimbene , it is noted that the children, “…could not live without clappings of the hands, and gestures, and gladness of countenance, and blandishments.” In other words, the study subjects died. 

In the 20th century, cases of neglected and abused children resulted in unintentional replications of these experiments, such as Genie from California in 1970, Oxana in Ukraine in the 1980s, and a young boy named John in Uganda in the 1990s. Despite the cruelties of the past, it’s clear to us today why this experiment should not and cannot be replicated on living subjects. But it can teach us a lot about the questions that preoccupied ancient humans. 

For what it’s worth, humans seem to be remarkably resilient and resourceful when it comes to finding ways to communicate with one another. Just look at the kids who developed their own sign language!

FACT: Some frogs are so sticky and annoying that it saves them from predators 

By Sara Kiley Watson

How does a frog get out of a sticky situation? Gluing their predator’s mouth shut. Or, at least that’s the way it works for the Dyscophus guineti—a cute little orange frog that only lives in Madagascar and loves some swampy, marshy climes. A study came out in July in Nature Communications that unpacks the science of this sticky little tomato frog, which emits a thick, viscous, glue-like substance when provoked. 

We’ve all heard about creatures like the famed poison dart frog that use their mucus as a medium to poison their predators—but poison can be imperfect. A small predator that takes on a poison dart frog is probably doomed from the get-go. If a big predator happens to take on a bufo toad, which creates a less potent poison in its moment of terror, it might not feel those less-than-pleasant or even deadly side effects until it’s too late for the frog in question to escape. Glue, however, works right away—making it impossible for a predator like a snake to swallow the sticky frog, and distracting it for long enough to allow prey to escape.

How this tactic evolved—and how many creatures have this unique escape route baked into their genetics—is still a mystery. But scientists are getting into the thick of it, even if that means risking getting their fingers glued together by a less-than-happy frog specimen. 

FACT: People used to think that thunderstorms turned milk sour

By Rachel Feltman

On June 12, 1858, Scientific American published a letter to the editor called “Lightning and Milk” written by John Dean Caton. It opened as follows: “Messrs. Editors—It may not be generally understood by scientific men, but it is well known to dairy men and housewives that a violent thunderstorm turns sweet into sour milk.”

According to Atlas Obscura , this was a widely-held truth in Europe and North America. Back in the late 1600s, a Flemish alchemist wrote that ​​“At the time when it thunders, Beer, Milk, etc. turn sower [sour] in the Cellars. The Thunder doth everywhere introduce corruption and putrefaction.” (Wow, does that last sentence go hard!) 

There were different theories about this. Noah Webster, the dictionary dude, thought maybe it had to do with the drop in barometric pressure. Other folks thought maybe the lightning created ozone or another kind of gas that might make milk go sour. Other people thought it was the electricity itself. 

I get into the experiments people did around sour milk and thunderstorms in this week’s episode of The Weirdest Thing I Learned This Week . But what I find really interesting about the thunderstorms-turning-milk-sour thing is that it’s been really sticky . Just a few weeks ago, someone posted on the subreddit r/AskFoodHistorians asking what the heck their Swedish grandmother was talking about when she said that filmjolk formed or got ruined (like, too curdled) if a thunderstorm got too bad. The mod was like, “food historians are not the right people to ask about what happens to dairy in a thunderstorm! Keep this discussion to historical beliefs about the subject,” and nevertheless lots of people spitballed on what might be happening, up to and including speculation on how thunderstorms might change cow behavior and therefore change their milk. Four years ago, someone posted in r/AskUK saying “my anecdotal evidence suggests it does but every time I look into it the jury still seems to be out” and responded to someone giving the literal scientific explanation with “ha! Clever answer”

Anyway, sorry to tease this out: someone actually cracked it in 1891. Just absolutely high on the new advances in our understanding of microbiology, Aaron L. Treadwell decided to compare the effects of an electric charge on pasteurized vs unsterilized milk. He found that pasteurized milk was way less likely to curdle in a simulated lightning storm than raw dairy was, and very sensibly concluded that whatever was happening had to do with bacterial growth, not some transformation entirely connected to the electricity. He correctly deduced that “favorable conditions of the atmosphere” led to rapid bacterial growth. As a 1927 guide to dairy production from the University of Wisconsin very poetically put it: “A thick, sultry atmosphere usually precedes thunder showers and provides favorable conditions for the growth of milk-souring bacteria.” 

Check out this week’s episode for a whole bunch of barely-related funky dairy facts. 

Latest in The Weirdest Thing I Learned This Week

Ants perform teeny tiny operations to save their injured comrades ants perform teeny tiny operations to save their injured comrades, the olympics has been obsessed with sex for centuries the olympics has been obsessed with sex for centuries.

'The Harbinger' Ending Explained: Nightmares Feed on Fear


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The 10 Best R-Rated Horror Movies of the 2010s, Ranked

The 10 best supernatural horror movies of the last 10 years, ranked, the 10 best horror b-movies, ranked.

The Harbinger is available in theaters and VOD after enchanting critics and movie lovers at film festivals. The story conjures a new kind of demon that feeds on fears of isolation and forgetfulness, which makes it ideal that The Harbinger is set in the middle of the COVID pandemic, when we all remained locked inside our homes, uncertain about the future. While writer and director Andy Mitton makes an effort to explain how his original demon acts and what are the movie’s messages, The Harbinger can nevertheless feel convoluted on the first watch. That’s because, by manipulating dreams, the titular demon leads protagonist Monique ( Gabby Beans ) and the audience to question their reality. After all, we never know when the things we see are only another dream created by the demon to weaken its victim’s mind. Fortunately, we are here to comb through the movie’s many twists and tell you what happens at that mind-bending ending.

RELATED: 'The Harbinger' Review: A Pandemic Crossed With the Paranormal Falls Flat | Fantasia Fest 2022

What Is the Harbinger?

The Harbinger follows two friends, Mavis ( Emily Davis ) and Monique, as they try to understand why they are being haunted by a creepy figure inspired by the images of plague doctors. When the movie begins, the creature has been forcing Mavis to sleep for longer hours while tormenting the woman with awful nightmares from which she cannot wake. Desperate for help, Mavis calls Monique, who breaks COVID confinement to help her friend. But, unfortunately, after Monique locks herself in with Mavis, she also starts to experience the same kind of nightmares.


After a few days, Mavis and Monique get in touch with a demonologist who explains the creature is the Harbinger, a demon that slowly breaks its victims' minds. The Harbinger takes pleasure in people’s suffering, forcing them to face horrible images until they start to think it's best they were never born. Finally, the Harbinger grants the victim’s wishes by removing them from reality. The Harbinger kills its host and erases them from history and other people’s memories. The process is imperfect, and there are always traces left behind. However, no one can prove someone who doesn’t exist has existed for some time.

On the first level, the Harbinger acts as a manifestation of intrusive thoughts, the dark wishes that sometimes cross our minds, whispering that death could be better than life. No wonder he shows up when everyone is locked inside their homes to escape a virus that prevents them from reaching out to family members and friends. This invisible threat made us feel isolated and depressed during the lockdown, and the Harbinger reflects that. Secondly, the Harbinger works like a virus, jumping from person to person after the seed of fear has been planted in their minds.

Monique’s Many Nightmares

While Monique is still trying to understand how and why the Harbinger has been targeting them, Mavis sadly loses her battle against the demon. That means Mavis vanishes from the world, forcing Monique to wake up in an empty apartment without knowing where she is. Monique’s family calls her desperate, and the woman can’t explain what she’s doing in the city. So, she goes back home with no idea Mavis ever existed. To justify Monique’s confusion, the Harbinger also altered reality so that the woman has always been under the effects of heavy medication, which would explain how she could go to the city without remembering. Nevertheless, Monique is still aware the Harbinger has haunted her and that the demon will make her disappear soon enough. Monique has a significant advantage in relation to Mavis, as the young boy who lived in an apartment above her friend’s has been visiting her in her dreams.


While Mavis and Monique are dealing with the Harbinger, a boy named Edward ( Cody Braverman ) is dying from COVID in the above apartment. After the virus takes Edward's life, the boy begins to appear in Monique’s dreams. As the boy explains to her, he was also seeing the Harbinger. However, since he died from COVID before the demon could take him, the boy escaped the dire fate of disappearing from the world. In one nightmare that takes place in a morgue, Edward gifts Monique a saw, asking if she understands what needs to be done.

The movie hints that suicide could be the only way to evade the Harbinger’s curse, but that’s a red herring. What Edward is trying to tell Monique is that she should kill the demon inside her nightmare. And so she does when the Harbinger takes her away from reality, grabbing the saw she got in the dream copy of her family’s home. Monique saws the Harbinger head off in a brutal and cathartic attack, avenging Mavis, even though she doesn’t remember her friend.

When Monique wakes up, she finds out she has been sleeping for three days. The good news is her whole family tested negative for COVID. Monique feared she had brought the virus inside her home, but a doctor visited the family and tested everybody due to her prolonged sleep, clearing them from any quarantine rule. As the days go by, Monique feels life going back to normal. However, she can’t help to wonder about the blank spaces in her memory, which are certainly connected to the person who infected her with the Harbinger. Monique also discovers an old photo in her backpack, in which she and Mavis are seen together. She doesn’t recognize Mavis but knows the woman was probably a part of her life before the Harbinger took her away.

One afternoon, Monique calls the demonologist to explain her situation, but the woman on the other side of the line is not confident of her victory. The Harbinger takes whatever shape he wants inside a nightmare, and every person you cross in this dreamy version of the world is actually the demon in disguise. Once Monique realizes the demonologist is right, the Harbinger rips through her door and drags her away. Monique was dreaming all along, and the demon was just toying with her.


In the real world, Monique’s father returns from the hospital after beating COVID. Her brother is hopeful about the future, but the old man fears the harsh reality of the lockdown will forever haunt their lives. Before the movie ends, Monique’s father finds a drawing the girl made, and in his eyes, we can see the man is trying to remember a loved person that got brutally erased from his mind. It’s a grim ending that teases the demon is still on the loose, punching holes in reality and erasing people from existence.

The Harbinger is currently available in theaters and VOD.

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Matt Walsh in Am I Racist? (2024)

A man investigates diversity, equity, and inclusion practices, exposing absurdities through undercover social experiments. A man investigates diversity, equity, and inclusion practices, exposing absurdities through undercover social experiments. A man investigates diversity, equity, and inclusion practices, exposing absurdities through undercover social experiments.

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Harbinger Down

Harbinger Down (Film)

A 2015 Sci-Fi Horror film directed by Alec Gillis and starring Lance Henriksen .

Two grad students, Sadie and Ronelle, along with their professor Stephen, are out on Sadie's grandfather's crabfishing boat, the Harbinger , conducting a study of the effects of global warming on whales' migratory patterns. Completely by accident, Sadie discovers an old Soviet space capsule frozen in the ice, complete with dead cosmonaut inside. It soon becomes apparent, however, that they should have left it in the ice, as it turns out a rather nasty species of parasitic tardigrade was contained in the capsule.

And now any of them could be infected...

Worth noting that Harbinger Down was written and directed by Gillis and produced by Thomas Woodruff, Jr.; the founders of the special effects company Studio ADI (better known for their work on the Alien franchise, Tremors and Mortal Kombat: The Movie ). They had previously done Practical Effects for The Thing prequel, however, most of their work was covered up by CGI in post-production. After posting behind the scenes footage of their work and receiving an outpouring of support, ADI Kickstarted their own film, using mainly practical effects.

It was also released under the title Inanimate .

This film contains examples of:

  • The Assimilator : The tardigrades breakdown whatever they kill into biomass and then add it onto the combined creature they gradually become.
  • Asshole Victim : Sure, Stephen was the first to die by tardigrade infection, and in a spectacularly unpleasant manner at that, but it's hard to feel all that sympathetic for the guy after he forced Sadie to sign over all credit for discovering the capsule, threatened to sue Captain Graff if he didn't get his way, and went around being a condescending, arrogant ass to everyone around him.
  • Blob Monster : The tardigrades can link together the biomass they've accumulated into a solid shape, but can also break it down into a liquid and move wherever they feel like before reforming in another monstrous shape.
  • Body Horror : The effects of being infected by the tardigrades are... unpleasant, to say the least.
  • The Big Guy : Appropriately enough, nicknamed "Big G".
  • Captain Obvious : Big G tends to make a few comments like this throughout the film.
  • Combat Tentacles : The tardigrades have a preference for forming these. Notably, only the form created from Svet has arms or legs while the rest of their forms are just masses of flesh with mouths and tentacles.
  • Downer Ending : Sadie is the sole survivor of the expedition, with everyone else being dead, or worse, and even then there's no guarantee that she isn't infected herself. The Harbinger has been buried in ice in an attempt to contain the tardigrade threat, but that's really only a stopgap measure; the tardigrades had been frozen for thirty years without any ill effects, as they're more or less unkillable, and as soon as the ice melts, they'll be free to do take over as many organisms as they want.
  • Dwindling Party : The crew starts dropping like flies once they bring the wreckage aboard
  • Foregone Conclusion : The boat's called the Harbinger ; the movie's titled Harbinger Down ; it doesn't exactly take a rocket surgeon.
  • Genre Throwback : The film is one to 80s monster movies, specifically the original The Thing .
  • Gone Horribly Wrong : The tardigrades were the result of a Soviet experiment to create radiation-proof cosmonauts . Obviously, creating an unkillable Body Horror -inducing parasite wasn’t quite what they had in mind … not that they weren't willing to take advantage of it of course.
  • It Can Think : One of the tardigrades' first actions aboard the Harbinger is to bend the drive shaft and keep the ship from going anywhere.
  • Kill It with Ice : The only thing the tardigrades are vulnerable to.
  • LEGO Genetics : In addition to the various modifications by Soviet scientists, the tardigrades also contain the DNA of countless other organisms due to it being in the seawater around them.
  • Magic Antidote : Averted. Svet was given a vaccine against the tardigrades' effects, not an antidote, as she points out. It doesn't seem to have been a very effective vaccine though…
  • Metamorphosis Monster : The tardigrades become bigger and stronger the more biomass they get. As a result, each time they claim a victim, they transform into an even larger and more monstrous form. Culminating in a gigantic form created from eating two tons of crab.
  • The Mole : Svet was one of numerous Russian agents inserted into fishing boats, hoping to recover the capsule, and destroy the ship once they’d gathered enough intel on the creatures.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable : Justified, as the parasites are mutated tardigrades; real tardigrades are capable of surviving just about anything we can throw at them, and that's without being genetically modified into super-organisms.
  • Also Svet's reaction after coming face to face with the monster before her ultimate demise
  • One-Winged Angel : The creature gets into the haul and eats all of the crabs, allowing it to transform into a gigantic abomination.
  • Puppeteer Parasite : Sort of. They're more skilled at controlling corpses that they've hollowed out and… modified… than living people.

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  • Red Shirt : Crewmember Roland, as he doesn't even get a line and the characters never mention his death.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can : The tardigrades were sealed in ice since the 80s until the Harbinger's crew accidentally released it. The thing proves so indestructible that all that can be done is freezing it again.
  • "Is that a man in there? Something?"
  • Many references to the 1982 film: The opening scene, where an out of control spacecraft, infested with a monstrous creature, crashes at one of the Earth's poles, is a direct reference to the opening of John Carpenter 's Thing . The lunar capsule crashes on June 25 1982, the day The Thing was released, as well as pretty much when the events of that movie occur, as well. The phrase "Voodoo bullshit" shows up here, too.
  • Also, one to Jaws by Sadie's grandfather. "We're gonna need a bigger bucket."
  • In one scene, the 'drinking bird' toys from the Nostromo in Alien are featured prominently.
  • Ultimate Life Form : Mutated tardigrades are near indestructible organism that can survive almost anything.
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A subreddit to share our experiences following *any* kind of paranormal recipe or ritual (not just the titular "Three Kings"). We will not attempt to establish what is "true" or "false", nor to judge anyone's beliefs, but simply respect and support the people who choose to share their paranormal journeys with us.

The Harbinger Experiment

I know this is Not a ritual in specific, but it will help you to understand what is really happening and you will probably feel safer in performing Rituals

The Harbinger Experiement

The world we live in is full of things we don’t understand. Being the curious humans that we are, we naturally try and seek these things out. Doing so has lead us to remarkable discoveries and inventions that we never could have imagined a hundred years ago. We have defeated disease, built to the sky itself and even created machines that could take us beyond the clouds and into the stars. If our ancestors could see us and what we have created, I’m sure many of them would see us as gods. Our innate curiosity and lust for knowledge has not always led us to greatness, however. True evil and darkness have also been uncovered in humanities conquest of knowledge. And in the end, I fear this evil will be our doom. I do not say this from the standpoint of a great philosopher who has sat and simply pondered things either, no, I say this because I have seen it; experienced it. I was a part of it. The event I am about to relay to you is true in its entirety, this I swear. I feel certain that this will fall on deaf ears and many of you will believe this to be just another spooky story meant to give you cheap thrills, but I promise you that this is neither my intent nor my purpose. The purpose of this story is to simply warn you of what lurks beyond the veil of what we can see and understand; to show you what awaits us in the darkness. Even if I myself don’t understand it. What I am about to tell you has happened, and I feel certain it will happen again. In 1971 a not-so-well-known scientist began preparations for an extremely secretive project known simply as “The Harbinger Experiment”. I would like to keep the identity of the scientist a secret for personal reasons, so throughout this recounting I will refer to him as “Zimmerman”. Zimmerman’s background is unclear at best beyond 1971. All that is known about him before that time is that he had grown up somewhere in Maryland with a strange fascination of the occult and supernatural. This later made him an outcast among his fellow scientists due to how scoffed upon the metaphysical was (and still is) at the time. Zimmerman’s opinions concerning the “other worldly” were not the sole cause for him being an outcast though; it was his methods that made him widely unaccepted among his peers. Zimmerman was well known during his time for being ruthless and cold beyond measure. He never cared about the means; all that mattered to him was results, and if he predicted the results to be valuable enough, anything would be worth obtaining them. It was this insatiable and brutal lust for the truth that made him feared among those that knew of him. And the few that knew of him and did not fear him believed in him and followed him and his work closely. The word harbinger itself has such a mysterious and intimidating taste to it. Maybe it’s the way it rolls from our tongues or maybe it’s simply due to its association with the project, but the word always seems to carry a certain amount of doom with it. Which would make sense, the word itself means to warn or forebode. I can’t imagine Zimmerman’s reason for giving the experiment this title, but in retrospect, it fits perfectly. Zimmerman came to a select few (me being one of them), he told us he was working on “something big” and that he needed people who could keep confidentiality and not spread idle gossip of his work. While he did not fully trust some of us, he did know that we were professionals and that for some reason or another, we were all in dire need of employment. I had worked at the local clinic as a doctor, but I was caught stealing medication and was promptly fired. This left a very dark mark on my resume, so work was hard to find. I was also a native to Alaska and lived near where the experiment would take place, so I guess you could say I was a convenient choice. As you can imagine, I jumped at the opportunity. It was hard not to when I saw the payout. Fifteen of us were hired in total. Some were colleagues of his that has been working with him for a while, some were maintenance workers and a few were hired as “private security”. I was the only medical professional to be hired. It is still a wonder to me how he even attained the funds necessary for the experiment, I would not be wholly surprised if his financing was not entirely legal. But legal or not, I needed the money and he was paying. Looking back, it’s a decision I have come to regret. After Zimmerman obtained his money, he used it to buy a relatively large plot of land deep in the frozen wilderness of Alaska. And upon that piece of land Zimmerman built a concrete structure, not dissimilar to a bunker in fact. The sole difference being that its goal was to keep any potential damage contained within the structure rather than keeping it out, as he put it. Most of the structure dug underneath the earth which had the effect of making the underground complex seem so much smaller than it really was from the outside, as would be expected. There was only one way of entering and leaving the underground structure, and it was via a ladder that lead from a small unassuming concrete building on the surface (Which I will refer to from now on as the entrance building for convenience.) to the network below. After everyone had gone to bed at night, the hatch that contained the ladder would be sealed off with a very large and thick metal lid. Zimmerman was very strict about this. Located not too far away from the entrance building was a series of wooden cabins that would serve as the sleeping quarters for the staff Zimmerman had hired. Compared to entrance building standing on the surface, the underground system was massive. At the center of the complex was the control room. This is where all the facilities electronics and such were linked to, this included security cameras, lights and door controls. Consoles, monitors and computers lined the walls of this large central chamber. This is also where the ladder in the entrance building connected to in the underground complex. Connected to the control room were three doors; one lead to a smaller room that served as the infirmary, another door lead to a break room and the last door lead into the hallways. The hallways are where the complex began to feel extremely eerie. They were for some reason laid out in an extremely confusing scheme that led in circles and to complete dead ends. These hallways made up a vast majority of the complex and it would be very easy to get lost in the maze if you were unfamiliar with the complex. But if you knew where you were going you would find yourself standing before one of three 8 by 8 foot rooms before long. Each room had a camera hooked up to one of the corners of the room and all three of those cameras were connected to a corresponding monitor in the control room. Cameras were also scattered throughout the hallways so that whoever was watching their corresponding monitor could see anywhere they wanted to when they wanted to. Thick metal doors stood at the entrance to each of the three 8 by 8 foot rooms and in order to open them you would have to enter a four digit code into a panel located near the door. —————————————————————————————————————————– I remember when I first arrived at the complex how badly the hallways frightened me. I have always been claustrophobic you see, and those hallways were so very narrow. The noise (Or, more accurately, the lack of noise) was also a tremendous source of fear for me in those bleak, narrow hallways. It was always so unnaturally silent, as if the entire world had stopped moving. It really made you feel like you were trapped down there. Thankfully though, I only rarely ventured into those hallways for I was the only medical professional in the facility and I had virtually no reason to go into them. In the beginning I found it so peculiar that Zimmerman would ask for a medical professional like me on a project like this but by the time it was all over, I understood why. The official purpose of the Harbinger experiment was to test and observe the effects of extended isolation on the human mind. This is what was listed on reports being sent out at least. But unbeknownst to all those who were not participating in the project, excluding the subjects, the true purpose was much darker. Like I said before, Zimmerman had always had an obsession with the occult and supernatural. He sought to prove himself to those who did not believe in him. He wanted physical proof that the supernatural was a real phenomenon, and he wanted to be the first one to attain said proof. The true purpose of the Harbinger experiment was to find proof of the metaphysical; a world we could not see. The thought of doing this was naturally a tad bit daunting and even scary, but it was Zimmerman’s method of doing so that was truly terrifying. Zimmerman believed that he would be able to open a portal between worlds momentarily, allowing three random ‘entities’ to cross over to our world, and each one these beings would be trapped within one of the three rooms. Zimmerman had the theory that any “entity” would try and latch onto the nearest living thing that had the capacity for it. He wanted to use this “technique” to trap a spirit in a physical form by allowing it to enter a living being that had been injected with compound mixture of Zimmerman’s creation. In theory, this compound would keep the entity from simply leaving whatever it was attached to; the only way it would be able to leave a host who had been injected with the compound was through death. According to Zimmerman, the host would have to be something living, with a will strong enough to survive the possession. And there is only one known species that possess the amount of will required for this; humans. Zimmerman had also done something to ensure that the entities would only enter the three rooms and that there would only be one entity in each room, though I cannot say I know what exactly he did. In fact, I know next to nothing when it comes to how Zimmerman managed to do what he did. He liked to keep his methodology a secret to his most trusted and himself, most likely due to his paranoia that someone would steal his ideas and take credit for the success of said ideas. If I had known that this was the true purpose before I signed up, I may have reconsidered. But Zimmerman decided not to tell us until we were all gathered at his “fortress”. Even if any of us wanted to leave, I doubt we would have been allowed to do so. The security team Zimmerman had hired was loyal to him and the payout; it is not unlikely that Zimmerman had given them the order to now allow anyone to leave. There were three different subjects included in the experiment, all were native to Alaska and each one was lured into the project under the belief that they would be participating in a harmless study of the effect of isolation on the human mind, as I mentioned before. Which is why none of the subjects objected when they realized that they would be confined to one of the three rooms that I mentioned earlier. The first subject was a young man; he was apparently out of work and desperately needed the money that had been offered for participating in the study. The second was a woman; by looking at her, I could tell she was an addict of some sort. The third and final subject was an older man, a drifter if I had to guess. One thing that they all had in common was that none of them had any family or friends left. In short, no one would miss them, which is why they were chosen for the project. I am sorry, I wish I could supply more information about the subjects, but all of this has been drawn from memory and I was given little information on the three to begin with. The experiment did not officially begin until 1987, 16 years after its original announcement. I was eager to begin, so I packed up and headed out to the complex as soon as I could. I arrived at the compound a week before the subjects had even signed up, and a whole month before the project even began. I was not the first to arrive by any means. When I got there, Zimmerman, his colleagues and the security team had already arrived. I suppose you could say I was the first among the people Zimmerman did not trust to arrive. Everyone had arrived about a week before the experiment began. There was a noticeable rift between those who were there simply for the money (like me) and those who were followers of Zimmerman. ——————————————————————————————————————————- On October 15th, 1987, all the preparations were in place. The subjects had been sealed in their rooms, the cameras, lights and speakers were fully operational and all the staff members had settled in; the time had come for the experiment to officially begin. Zimmerman asked everyone to report to the control room around 9 pm to witness the beginning of the experiment, he wanted everyone to be present when he proved that all his theories had been correct and that he was not just a mad man; he wanted us all to see the fruits of his labor. When everyone had finally gathered in the large control room, Zimmerman turned to us and simply said: “Observe”. He then turned his back to us, leaned into the microphone that would project his voice through the three rooms and then he began chanting in a strange language that I feel certain no one but Zimmerman could understand. We all observed the three large monitors on the wall, silently waiting for something to happen. The subjects all stood in their room, dumbstruck by Zimmerman’s chanting, staring at the monitors with confused expressions on their faces. After about five minutes, I felt something… Awful. I cannot explain what exactly it was, but a horrible feeling of dread washed over me, riddling me with fear. It was then that the ground actually began to shake subtly and the lights began to flicker. Zimmerman continued chanting into the microphone as if nothing was off or wrong while the subjects began dashing around their rooms, screaming for help. Then suddenly the ground stopped shaking and the monitor’s image turned into static. The air began to become very heavy as we all stared at the monitors, waiting for them to regain their image and show us what was happening or had happened in those three rooms. For a while all was silent, but then there was screaming. The screams of a woman going through unbearable pain and terror began to echo through the compound. The similar screams of men began to coincide with woman’s terrified screams and together they mixed into an awful symphony of pain and fear that beat mercilessly into our ears. Those of us who were here for the money began to give each other scared looks while those loyal to Zimmerman seemed completely unphased. We wanted to leave and never come back to this awful place but we all knew deep down that Zimmerman would never allow that to happen. We were here for the long haul, there was no escape. It was 10:13 pm when the screaming finally stopped; the monitors had yet to reveal to us what had occurred in those three rooms. As soon as the screaming ended Zimmerman stood and dismissed us all for the night, adding that we were all forbidden to come back into the compound until 10:00 am tomorrow morning, not like any of us wanted too. We all solemnly made our way out of the compound and towards the cabins and settled in for the night. I feel it is safe to say that not all of us slept well that night, and I was not one of them. The following morning all of the staff had arrived at the entrance building. We all stood inside exchanging tired or nervous looks as we waited for Zimmerman to arrive and open the hatch that concealed the ladder. I could see palpable fear in the eyes of some of us while others did not seem to have been even remotely affected by what happened last night. Zimmerman showed up five minutes after 10:00, apologizing for his tardiness as he came through the door of the entrance building. He opened the hatch and, without any hesitation, began descending the ladder downwards into the black abyss. He almost seemed enthusiastic. I was the first to follow behind Zimmerman’s dark descent into the facility. It seemed that the farther I climbed down the more the darkness closed in on me, as if it were trying to swallow me whole. And as I climbed deeper I couldn’t help but feel that this place was… different somehow. While before there was only the unsettling concrete hallways and rooms, now there was something else… Something made the eeriness feel so real and personified. I felt like a horrible and gruesome scene awaited us down there, but I continued climbing downward, despite my fear and my hesitation. This was no longer just a spooky bunker, there was darkness and malevolence in the air, a true evil now lived here, and I could feel it. We all could. I finally felt my foot touch ground and let out a silent sigh of relief to be on solid ground. Almost as if on cue, the light bulbs came alive, dousing the room in their warm and welcome light. Zimmerman must have turned on the power, I thought. I allowed myself to take a couple seconds to examine the control room. It was exactly as we had left it last night, for which I gave a silent and thankful prayer. It was almost as if nothing unusual had ever happened. I shook myself from my thoughts as I remembered the static filled monitors from the night before. I let my eyes slowly make their way towards the monitors on the wall, anticipating the grim and fearful scenes that would be on them. My attention was first grabbed by monitor one and three, which were still pure static. It would have been a small relief, but then the motionless image on monitor two caught my eye. Room two was entirely still and everything seemed entirely untouched. I couldn’t help but gasp as I noticed the only thing that was different; the woman lay in the center of the small concrete room, an expression of fear and terror was frozen into her gaunt face as she lay silent and lifeless on her back. Zimmerman expression turned angry when he saw this, he ordered that second monitor be turned off, and it was. We didn’t ask why, it’s not like any of us wanted to see the dreadful scene any longer. He also ordered that if the images in monitors one and three did not return within the next two hours, the security team would be sent to investigate the rooms. The security team nodded at hearing this. They made it seem as if they had no fear, but I could see it in their eyes. The subtly loud tick tock of the clock was the only sound that echoed through the control room while I stared at the monitors. An hour and fifty minutes had gone by, and static was still all that occupied monitor one and three. All of the other staff members were working except me, this was due to the fact that the project had been completely injury free thus far, so I essentially had nothing to do but wait for someone to hurt themselves. Zimmerman, a couple of his colleagues and I were the only ones that occupied the room. They quietly chatted amongst each other on the other side of the room while I spent my time reading and pondering the situation I currently found myself in. I had clearly made a mistake coming here, the corpse lying in room two was evidence enough of this. And god only knew what awaited us in rooms one and three. My thoughts were soon interrupted as monitor three’s image returned. The clear image now displayed on the screen made everyone’s eyes noticeably widen. What was displayed on the monitor was… horrifying. A humanoid… thing stood in the center of the room staring directly at the camera, unmoving. It was wearing the jumpsuit that subject three had been issued, but this clearly was not the same man that had entered the room. What caught my attention first were its eyes. They were solid black and twice the size of normal human eyes; they seemed so… so endless and so cold. Its head had also grown with the eyes in such a symmetrical and unsettling manner. The being had also shed all of the hair it once had and even from the monitor I could see how unnaturally smooth and clear its skin was. It had also seemingly grown in height and stature, which could be seen in the fact that the jumpsuit was now obviously far too small for its wearer. Its limbs had grown especially long; its arms hung almost as low as the creature’s knees. What we were looking at was in no way the same man we had sent inside. Fear; fear was all I felt as I continued to stare into the monitor at the thing in the room. And my fear seemed to be shared by those around me, which made me feel kind of good. It may sound awful, but it was a bit satisfying to see that Zimmerman and his colleagues could feel fear too. But at the same time it was worrying because this showed that this was not part of Zimmerman’s “plan”. Something had gone wrong. We all stared into the monitor at the thing despite our fear; it was almost as if we were in a trance. My already present fear began to grow and spread rapidly through my body as I became lost in the creatures eyes, trapped in its terrifyingly hypnotic gaze. After what felt like forever, I managed to break eye contact with the creature and divert my attention from the monitor and when I did so I felt my fear levels drop considerably. After a short while, Zimmerman ordered his security team to make their way to subject ones door just as he said he would do. The security team left without question, armed only with batons and pistols. I focused my attention on watching the men progress through the hallways towards subject ones room via the cameras. Even through the not-so-high-quality cameras, it wasn’t hard to tell that these men were afraid of what awaited them. Their heads were downcast as they walked; they did not possess the same confidence within them that they did when this project began. They looked like scared boys being sent off to a terrible war. Eventually, they made it to the door. We had perfect vision of them and the door via the hallway camera. One of them said something through one of their walkie-talkies and made a motion towards the camera, in response one of Zimmerman’s colleagues buzzed the door open, the men already had their pistols out by the time the button was pushed. Slowly, the door began to open. We all watched eagerly as the men began to approach the door, guns aimed inside. Suddenly and without warning, there was a loud shriek. And as something bounded out of the room at the men, the monitor turned into static. Immediately, we could hear screaming echoing down the hallways followed shortly after by the distinct sound of gunshots. We could do nothing but wait. After a couple minutes, the screaming and gunshots stopped. We all waited and prayed, hoping that whatever bounded at them from the room would not be the one to return to the control room. After a couple more minutes, three of the men came back, carrying with them the corpse of the fourth. He had massive cuts covering his chest and his face was shredded; you couldn’t even tell who he was anymore or even that he was human. I was used to gore being a doctor and all, so I felt somewhat unphased by the mass of shredded flesh and bloodied meat they carried with them. But many of the others went pale and vomited. The security team all wore emotionless expressions and eyes filled with terror. One of the men finally looked up at us; he stared at us for a while with those wide eyes of his. “It’s dead” he finally managed to mutter in a shaken and scared voice. ————————————————————————————————————————– A couple hours went by. The dead man’s name was Frank; he was buried outside in the cold, Alaskan ground. Two of the men were unharmed, physically at least. The third was alive, but only barely. His body was covered in bloody slashes and one of his eyes had been gouged out. I managed to stabilize him, but only just. The other two men vaguely explained what happened. Apparently, subject one leaped out at Frank after the door had opened; only it wasn’t really subject one anymore. According to them, it had a hideously contorted face and long sharp claws. They claim to have shot it over a dozen times before it fell dead, and then they emptied another dozen bullets into it just to be sure it was really dead. Only once it was dead did they come back. After tending to the wounded man, I went to investigate the monitors. As afraid as I was of seeing what those monitors may hold, I needed to see. Subject three was the only one left now and I needed to see it and make sure the creature was still in his room. It seemed to be more like a jail cell than an ordinary room at this point though, which was probably a good thing. The cameras displaying subject ones room and the hallway outside it still displayed a static filled screen. No one was sent to repair them or investigate; we just had to hope that subject one was well and truly dead. Monitor three’s image was exactly the same as I had left it; subject three was still staring directly into the camera at us. He was still in the exact same position and if it were not for the small fan in the corner of the room, I would think I was looking at a still image. In a way, I felt relief at seeing this; relief that he was still in his room and had not escaped while no one was looking. After everything quieted down, I noticed something especially unusual. There was a… strange sound emanating from somewhere. At first, it was barely noticeable. The only reason I heard it was because of how extremely quiet it was in the infirmary. But as time went by, it slowly began to increase in volume. After about an hour, it was loud enough that everyone else could hear it too. And after a couple more hours its volume had increased so much that we could determine what the noise was. It was a song; one of the staff members identified it as “Living in the Sunlight” by Tiny Tim. Apparently, his father loved the song and listened to it frequently. The song seemed to be on a loop and kept replaying itself. Although we were able to identify the noise, we remained unable to identify its source. We knew that it wasn’t coming from the speakers because we had turned them off, it seemed to be emitting from the walls themselves. More time ticked by as we all began to become increasingly agitated by the song; I spent most of my time in the infirmary attending to Frank or in the control room. Fear hung in the air and the presence of unmistakable darkness and evil was no doubt its source. Subject three still had not moved; he had kept his unblinking gaze fixed on the camera the entire time. It always felt like he was staring directly at me, no matter where I was in the room. I think this effect was also felt by others due to the fact that they seemed to move around the room a lot and for seemingly no reason. After a few hours, the song was so loud that people almost had to shout in order to communicate. We had been trying to find its source so that we could turn the song off, but it was to no avail; the source was completely unidentifiable. This added a level of extreme irritation to our already very present fear. It was around 8:30 that the ground itself began to shake once again; just as it had done the previous night. Panic began to spread among my fellow employees and I as the shaking grew in intensity. During this, I had the sudden instinctual feeling to look over at subject three’s monitor. It was gone. Almost as if on cue, the power went out. And thankfully, the song did as well. Ever since the security team came back, panic had been slowly building up among the staff, and Zimmerman was powerless to stop it. When those lights went out, the calm projections that everyone had been trying to maintain left us and the fear in all our hearts took over. The emergency backup lights kicked on shortly after the power went out, which I gave a silent thankful prayer for. The lights were dim, but they still allowed me to see a lot. Total panic seized us as many of my fellow staff members began screaming and rushing to the ladder in an attempt to escape. But too many were trying to use it at once and no one was able to get very far on the ladder without someone else pulling them to the floor and taking their place. Zimmerman was shouting for everyone to calm down, but his dominating and intimidating personality had no effect here, and his demands fell upon deaf ears. It was total chaos. It wasn’t long until people actually started hurting each other in their desperate attempts to get up that ladder and out of this place; I could only stand against the wall and wait for my opportunity to escape up the ladder. All the screams were soon silenced as the familiar hum of that unsettling song began to rise in volume again, only much quicker this time. And this time, it was clear that the noise was coming directly from the maze-like corridors. People stopped fighting and shouting as all our attention shifted to the door that led into the hallways. The song quickly got louder than it had ever been before which forced many of us to cup our ears with our hands in a an attempt to silence the noise. Then, suddenly, the song just completely stopped. Silence. That was all that filled the room as we all stared at the thick metal door in anticipation for what was coming. It felt like ages had gone by, but in reality it was probably only seconds before the silence was broken. The door suddenly and violently burst open and the music started again, louder than it had ever been before. The suddenness and the volume of this caused many of us to recoil by falling to the ground and grabbing our ears in an attempt to block out the noise. I glanced up for just a second and in the doorway stood a tall, smooth skinned figure with long limbs and eyes so dark and malevolent that you could clearly see them in the dim lighting. After I got my bearings, I looked upwards at the creature once again just in time to see the thing pick up and rip Zimmerman in half in one fluid movement, dousing the room and everyone in it with his blood, intestines and organs. I was no stranger to gore, but the sight of that was too much for me to bear: I hunched over immediately after seeing this and vomited all over the cold cement floor. That ladder is my only hope of survival… I thought to myself as I forced myself to a standing position. And as my eyes rose along with the rest of me, I could see the thing ripping and tearing through the people as they scattered in attempt to escape it. It was distracted, and as awful as it sounds, this was my only chance to get up that ladder. I forced my legs to move towards the ladder, trying to block out the terrified screams of my fellow staff members and the unbearably loud music. I could hear gunshots coinciding with the screams and terrible sounds of flesh being ripped apart somewhere in the mess of noise. I reached my hands outwards and felt a wave of relief wash over me as my fingers came into contact with the hard metal rungs of the ladder. I gripped them and began to climb upwards as quickly as I could in my disoriented state, all the while praying that the monster would not see me and pull me off the ladder and back into the slaughter. It felt like at any moment I would feel one of its smooth hands wrap around my ankles and pull me to my death, but I eventually made it to the top. There was no question in my mind, I had to close the hatch and seal that thing down there; even if it meant certain death for my colleagues. I could not allow that thing to escape. I gripped the thick metal lid and began to push with all my might in an attempt to seal the underground complex off. Despite how dense and sturdy it was, the lid was surprisingly easy to move and did not take very much effort to push it over the hatch, even in my weakened state. In seconds, the hatch was completely covered by the dense metal lid. I collapsed on my side and began to vomit some more as exhaustion over took me. And as I lay there, I realized something; aside from my labored breaths, the only thing I could hear was the faint echo of that song from down below. I felt as though I would lose more of my sanity if I continued to lay there and listen to that song, so I once again forced myself to my feet and began to make my way to the wooden lodge I had stayed in the previous night. It was where I had left my baggage and also where I had left the keys to my truck. —————————————————————————————————————————– Of the fifteen staff members that took part in that forsaken experiment, I am the only one who survived. I have never returned to the awful place where all of this happened, and I don’t intend to. The project was very secretive and Zimmerman was the only one who knew all the details of it. And, as far as I know, no one is aware of my involvement aside from me. In fact, I am probably the only one who knows what the Harbinger experiment truly was, let alone what actually happened. By now, you are probably wondering why I have told all of you about something none of you should be aware of. Maybe you’re expecting me to give you a speech about not messing with things you don’t understand or something along those lines. I hope not, for I have no speech to give or lesson to impart. I began hearing a noise earlier today. Almost immediately I recognized the noise as a very haunting and familiar song. I didn’t even try to trace it to its source; I knew it would be pointless. And as the day has progressed, the song has increased in volume. It’s loud enough now that I can very clearly make out the lyrics. I am completely unable to escape Tiny Tim’s voice; it has followed me everywhere I have gone. Subject three is coming for me, and I know my time left in this world is extremely limited now. I guess you could say that I just wanted to tell the tale of the Harbinger experiment before it was lost forever. I hope that you will take some lesson from what I have recounted to you, but I think we both know you won’t. Let’s be honest, you don’t believe a word of what I’ve just told you. And I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t believe me if I were you. To you, this is nothing more than something to get your cheap thrills from. You were probably mindlessly surfing the internet when you clicked a link and found yourself here, wherever here may be, reading this story. And to be honest, I don’t care if you believe me or not. Even if you do, it probably won’t stop you from trying to uncover the truth of a darkness that few of us have ever seen. It certainly never stopped Zimmerman. If you want a lesson, look at what happened to him when he went seeking the truth. I pray that none of you will ever discover this truth; I pray that none of you ever have to see the evil I have seen. I hope you all get to live in ignorance of what lies beyond the veil of what we can understand. It’s here now. I can feel its black eyes burning into me just as I could all those years ago. I am as much to blame as Zimmerman is for the monstrosity that is now free to roam the world, even if I was not the one to create it. I’m sorry, Please forgive me.

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The Harbinger Experiment II


The building was painted a deep red, like a bloody red.

The Harbinger Experiment was an undisclosed scientific experiment taking place in the early 70s, expunged by the US government. The first experiment consisted of three chambers, each with a subject. Things took a turn for the worse. If any information is given out for the first experiment, it would be this link: Harbinger Experiment, 1971-73

However, a second plan was implemented in 2011. This plan proved to be of a much more higher fatality than the previous one.

Part One: Basics [ ]

Well, well, well, if I am right, I've been assigned to do "cleaning work" at a local shop called: "The Test Site." They promised they'd give me 300,000 dollars in advance, so it would be improbable for me to resist the deal. Uhh! Forget it, that's just me blabbering my self off again.

In case you didn't know, my name is Evan Jackun. I am 27 years of age, and I worked my previous years as a clerk manager at Walmart. I've been pesky-hesky these days, but still lack any great contribution to history. So, about "The Test Site" shop thing? Well, yeah, I've been thinking about how my first day is going to go over at that place. Better get on sleeping, though.

03:20, June 6, 2014 (UTC)03:20, June 6, 2014 (UTC)03:20, June 6, 2014 (UTC)03:20, June 6, 2014 (UTC)03:20, June 6, 2014 (UTC)03:20, June 6, 2014 (UTC)03:20, June 6, 2014 (UTC)03:20, June 6, 2014 (UTC)03:20, June 6, 2014 (UTC) HotClaymoreChickXXX ( talk )

Oh, today's morning was an exaggerating morning. Had to shower all my yucky sweat off, fill my coffee cup to the brim, and drive my 2-ton Sedan 350 miles out into a secluded shop....ah, whatever.

As I neared towards the "supposed" shop, I noticed some extremely bizarre details about the building. First of all, it looked run down like one of those abandoned mansions you hear of from your friends. I simply excused the poor keeping of the structure as a new store. Next, the title simply said "Test-2." For this reason, I didn't know whether the owner of this property decided to change the logo, or whether he didn't finish creating one. Last but not least, a tube-like structure eminated from the right side of the store, colliding with what looks like a-a--long cylinder tube? Okay, now this just got real. No, no, that's just me again; going crazy as usual...huhhh...

I came here to do my job, and I will follow up with my duty.


  1. The Harbinger Experiment: Uncovering a Terrifying Mystery

    harbinger experiment wikipedia

  2. "The Harbinger Experiment"

    harbinger experiment wikipedia

  3. The Harbinger Experiment

    harbinger experiment wikipedia

  4. "The Harbinger Experiment" Classic Creepypasta 💀 CHILLING TALES (Scary Horror Stories Audiobook)

    harbinger experiment wikipedia

  5. The Harbinger Experiment

    harbinger experiment wikipedia

  6. What is The Harbinger Experiment?

    harbinger experiment wikipedia


  1. Dagoth ur reads The Harbinger Experiment creepypasta

  2. Equestria girls villains/the harbinger experiment/nina (lackadaisy)/little ivy and ruby pepper

  3. O Turno da Noite: O Iceberg das Creepypastas

  4. The Harbinger Experiment

  5. You Would've Been a Nazi or a Nazi supporter

  6. The Harbinger Experiment Written By Zyon J


  1. The Harbinger Experiment

    In 1971 a not-so-well-known scientist began preparations for an extremely secretive project known simply as "The Harbinger Experiment". I would like to keep the identity of the scientist a secret for personal reasons, so throughout this recounting I will refer to him as "Zimmerman". Zimmerman's background is unclear at best beyond 1971.

  2. Brook Farm

    Socialismin the United States. Brook Farm, also called the Brook Farm Institute of Agriculture and Education[ 4] or the Brook Farm Association for Industry and Education, [ 5] was a utopian experiment in communal living in the United States in the 1840s. It was founded by former Unitarian minister George Ripley and his wife Sophia Ripley at the ...

  3. Subject 3

    Subject 3 is the main antagonist of the 2013 Creepypasta The Harbinger Experiment. Subject 3 was formerly an unnamed drifter who was recruited for the experiment but was turned into a monstrosity after a portal was opened causing him to be possessed. Little is known about Subject 3's appearance pre-transformation other than being a male of older age. Post-transformation however it is said to ...

  4. Russian Sleep Experiment

    The Russian Sleep Experiment is a creepypasta which tells the tale of 5 test subjects being exposed to an experimental sleep-inhibiting stimulant in a Soviet-era scientific experiment, and has become the basis of an urban legend. [1] Many news organizations, including Snopes,, and LiveAbout, trace the story's origins to a website, [2] now known as the Creepypasta Wiki, being posted ...

  5. Harbinger

    Harbinger, a playable character in the game Bloodline Champions. Harbinger, a sentient starship in the Mass Effect series. Harbinger, a soul of the mage class in the game Rift (video game) Harbinger, an allied support bomber aeroplan in the game Red Alert 3: Uprising. Project Harbinger, a top-secret research program in the game series F.E.A.R.

  6. "The Harbinger Experiment" Creepypasta

    There's always that one scientist who takes their experiments too far.SUBSCRIBE FOR YOUR DAILY DOSE OF HORROR

  7. "The Harbinger Experiment" Classic Creepypasta CHILLING

    The Harbinger Experiment is a classic creepypasta horror story, written by Zyon Johnson📚 READ ALONG:

  8. "The Harbinger Experiment" Creepypasta

    The Harbinger Experiment is a classic creepypasta horror story, written by Zyon J, make sure to check out the original post and support the author! http://cr...

  9. Subject Three

    Subject Three is the main antagonist of the popular Creepypasta The Harbinger Experiment, being an incomprehensively dangerous entity given life through the titular experiment, where Dr. Zimmerman, the protagonist, and their science team try to contact the metaphysical plain.. After reciting a series of chants, Zimmerman somehow transformed an average test subject into this monster, a ...

  10. Creepy Pasta: Harbinger Experiment

    Harbinger Experiment is a successful CreepyPasta for a number of reasons, the key ones I'd like to address are the style of writing/narration and the topic of choice. The style of writing is that of a man telling of his experiences, it's a first-person perspective, making the story immersive and emotive in a way that third person ...

  11. The 'forbidden experiment' is an infamously evil chapter in scientific

    In the 20th century, cases of neglected and abused children resulted in unintentional replications of these experiments, such as Genie from California in 1970, Oxana in Ukraine in the 1980s, and a ...

  12. The Harbinger Ending Explained: Nightmares Feed on Fear

    Published Dec 2, 2022. The Harbinger is available in theaters and VOD after enchanting critics and movie lovers at film festivals. The story conjures a new kind of demon that feeds on fears of ...

  13. The Harbinger (2022)

    The Harbinger: Directed by Andy Mitton. With Gabby Beans, Emily Davis, Raymond Anthony Thomas, Laura Heisler. Monique ventures out of quarantine to visit an old friend who's plagued by nightmares. She finds herself drawn into a hellish dreamscape where she must face her greatest fears - or risk never having existed at all.

  14. Am I Racist? (2024)

    Am I Racist?: Directed by Justin Folk. With Matt Walsh, Robin DiAngelo. A man investigates diversity, equity, and inclusion practices, exposing absurdities through undercover social experiments.

  15. Dying Light: The Beast on Steam

    Dying Light: The Beast is a thrilling standalone zombie adventure set in the post-apocalyptic Castor Woods, a once-popular tourist destination. After 13 years of enduring experiments, you escape and hunt down your captors to seek retribution, only to discover there's far more at stake.

  16. The Harbinger Experiment Mission : r/necromunda

    The Harbinger Experiment Mission. The Harbinger Experiment is basically a creepypasta. in the last part, theres a big monster chasing some scientists through maze-like corridors, and i thought it was cool scene, so i wanna make a mission based off of it. my idea is to have a gang run through zone mortalis with narrow ass corridors and the goal ...

  17. The Belko Experiment

    The Belko Experiment is a 2016 American action psychological horror film directed by Greg McLean and written by James Gunn, who also produced the film with Peter Safran.It stars John Gallagher Jr., Tony Goldwyn, Adria Arjona, John C. McGinley, Melonie Diaz, Josh Brener, and Michael Rooker.The film follows eighty foreigners (mainly Americans) working abroad for a company named Belko Industries ...

  18. Harbinger (Mass Effect)

    Harbinger is the main antagonist of the Mass Effect trilogy. It is the leader of the Reapers, who every 50,000 years destroy all organic life and convert them into slaves for their use. He was voiced by Keith Szarabajka, who also voiced Trigon in the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon, Daniel Holtz in Angel, Venom in Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, El Mago in Dora the Explorer, the Didact in Halo 4, Mr ...

  19. Harbinger Down (Film)

    Foregone Conclusion: The boat's called the Harbinger; the movie's titled Harbinger Down; it doesn't exactly take a rocket surgeon. Genre Throwback: The film is one to 80s monster movies, specifically the original The Thing. Gone Horribly Wrong: The tardigrades were the result of a Soviet experiment to create radiation-proof cosmonauts.

  20. The Harbinger (novel)

    The Harbinger is a 2011 [1] Christian novel by Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Jew, [2] in which the 9/11 terrorism attack is presented as "divine warning" to the United States. [3] [4] Synopsis. Premise.

  21. "The Harbinger Experiment" Creepypasta

    834K subscribers in the creepypasta community. r/Creepypasta | A place for fans of Creepypasta stories, images, and more.

  22. Harbinger

    If you came here from a link, please go back and make the right link for one of the villains listed below. Harbinger (Mass Effect) Harbinger (Halo) Harbinger Skyriss. Taurus Harbinger. Categories. Categories: Disambiguation pages. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

  23. The Harbinger Experiment: Uncovering a Terrifying Mystery

    #creepypasta #horror #PossessedRadio Zyon JPlease like and subscribe to support a small crea...

  24. The Harbinger Experiment : r/threekings

    The Harbinger Experiment. I know this is Not a ritual in specific, but it will help you to understand what is really happening and you will probably feel safer in performing Rituals. The Harbinger Experiement. The world we live in is full of things we don't understand. Being the curious humans that we are, we naturally try and seek these ...

  25. Harbinger Down

    Harbinger Down (also known as Inanimate in the United Kingdom) is a 2015 American independent science-fiction monster horror film written and directed by Alec Gillis and produced by Tom Woodruff Jr., the founders of the special effects company StudioADI, and starring Lance Henriksen.. The film follows a group of graduate students aboard the crabbing trawler Harbinger who are studying the ...

  26. The Harbinger Experiment II

    The Harbinger Experiment was an undisclosed scientific experiment taking place in the early 70s, expunged by the US government. The first experiment consisted of three chambers, each with a subject. Things took a turn for the worse. If any information is given out for the first experiment, it would be this link: Harbinger Experiment, 1971-73 However, a second plan was implemented in 2011. This ...