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Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships

(12 reviews)

a essay on interpersonal communication

Jason S. Wrench, State University of New York

Narissra M. Punyanunt-Carter, Texas Tech University

Katherine S. Thweatt, State University of New York

Copyright Year: 2020

Last Update: 2023

ISBN 13: 9781942341772

Publisher: Milne Open Textbooks

Language: English

Formats Available

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Reviewed by Jinnie Jeon, Assistant Professor, Adler University on 5/30/23

N/A read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

Content Accuracy rating: 5

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

Clarity rating: 5

Consistency rating: 5

Modularity rating: 5

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

Interface rating: 5

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

“Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships” by Jason S. Wrench, Narissa M. Punyanunt-Carter, and Katherine S. Thweatt is a truly illuminating journey into the depths of human interaction. A cutting-edge book written in an engraining and accessible style, it expertly blends theoretical foundations with practical applications, encouraging readers not just to understand but also to implement the principles of effective communication. The author’s unique focus on mindfulness, a concept rarely emphasized in similar literature, provides a fresh perspective and an essential tool for nurturing and enhancing relationships in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world. This approach enables readers to become more present and thoughtful communicators. Despite the intricacies of the subject matter, the text remains approachable and practical, enriched by real-life examples and exercises that promote self-reflection. The original cover art by Melinda Ahan adds a touch of beauty and uniqueness to this enlightening piece of work. Overall, the book stands as a seminal text for anyone seeking to improve their interpersonal communication skills, from students to professionals and beyond.

Reviewed by Dana Trunnell, Associate Professor of Communication, Prairie State College on 3/15/23

This text covers interpersonal communication concepts and theory in extraordinary detail with the added bonus of weaving mindfulness into each topic. If anything, I find the chapters to be almost too long for undergraduate reading expectations.... read more

This text covers interpersonal communication concepts and theory in extraordinary detail with the added bonus of weaving mindfulness into each topic. If anything, I find the chapters to be almost too long for undergraduate reading expectations. That said, the mindfulness approach, along with the care taken to cover topics from multiple perspectives is appreciated. One especially great resource is the accompanying instructor resource manual, which is very detailed, updated, and helpful. It is not the afterthought that some OER textbooks provide. I would like to see more coverage of LGBTQIA+ issues.

The text is accurate, without grammatical and proofreading errors. I do think the text can be rather repetitive in spots, so word economy might be something to think about for future revisions and editions.

Interpersonal Communication is a timeless discipline and the text reflects this disciplinary longevity. I find the mindfulness approach to be an important update as the mindfulness trend establishes itself into a more long-term approach to thinking about relationships, communication, and life, in general. But, the text should be updated to be more aware and inclusive of emerging norms in race, LGBTQIA+, and sociopolitical issues.

Clarity rating: 4

Information is presented in an easy-to-read format and concepts are explained clearly. As I mentioned above, at times, the text can be pretty repetitive, which affects readability.

The content in this text is consistent with the approaches of for-profit volumes on Interpersonal Communication.

I like that this text displays the full chapter when one clicks on the link instead of only one subsection of that chapter. So, students can read the entire chapter from one link without having to scroll through other pages using navigational tools. I have found that the latter is very confusing to students, who might read only the first subsection and not the entire chapter. These links can easily be incorporated into an LMS module for easy access. In addition, each chapter is organized consistently, beginning with introductory information about each unit. The chapters are divided by major topics/concepts and each division includes Learning Objectives, Key Takeaways, and application Exercises. Time is devoted in each chapter to the application of the mindfulness approach as it relates to the topic of study. Chapters end with a list of important terms, a case study, and end-of-chapter assessments.

The content flowed well with transitions linking the chapters. I think the ordering of the chapters made sense. I also think it makes sense to organize them completely differently. The beauty of interpersonal communication is that it is so important and pervasive in our lives that we can jump in anywhere and get the discussion started. I do think, however, it is easy to adapt the flow of the text to any class – titular notions of “Chapter 1,” “Chapter 2,” etc. mean less with an electronic resource that is linked to LMS modules than a physical book.

Interface rating: 4

The textbook is easy to use and easy to navigate as it uses the consistent approach of other texts housed in the Open Textbook Library. Chapters are consistently organized and it is easy to move throughout the text. I love that hyperlinks are provided so students can access referenced surveys, measures, and other supplementary material. Unfortunately, some of these are dead links.

I did not encounter grammatical errors as I read.

Cultural Relevance rating: 3

The book acknowledges the importance of cultural factors as they influence various parts of the interpersonal communication process. However, the text would benefit from an update that helps students navigate the current communication climate, especially as they relate to current issues associated with race, sociopolitical events, and LGBTQIA+ people.

This text is particularly good for introductory-level interpersonal communication students. Instructors who value mindfulness as a daily practice will find this text especially suitable for their teaching style. New instructors will be impressed and feel supported by the extensive ancillary material.

Reviewed by Beth Austin, Assistant Teaching Professor, University of Wisconsin - Superior on 9/23/22

This book covers all the relevant material covered in a typical textbook on interpersonal communication. read more

This book covers all the relevant material covered in a typical textbook on interpersonal communication.

After briefly looking through the book and with publisher and the authors' credentials, I am confident in the accuracy of the content.

This text was published in 2020 and the images, research, and mindfulness angle are still relevant. Only time will tell the reception that mindfulness receives over the years.

This book is easy to read and contains foundational jargon for the discipline.

The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework.

The page layout of this book provides the reader with captivating images which provide reading breaks. The infographics are colorful and visually dynamic.

The flow and structure of this book follow the table of contents for many other interpersonal communication texts.

This book is user-friendly and easy on the eyes.

I did not find any grammatical errors in this book.

I did not see any evidence of insensitive or offensive material in the book.

Chapter 14: The Darkside of Interpersonal Communication provides information about which many undergraduate students may relate.

Reviewed by Riley Richards, Assistant Professor, Oregon Institute of Technology on 8/22/22

This book offers a unique perspective on IPC, particularly through its mindfulness lens. Through this lens, it covers the standard and expected major ideas needed to cover in an IPC class and is covered in other IPC textbooks. The information... read more

This book offers a unique perspective on IPC, particularly through its mindfulness lens. Through this lens, it covers the standard and expected major ideas needed to cover in an IPC class and is covered in other IPC textbooks. The information covered and how it is presented (i.e., readability) are fit for undergraduate students in an introductory or standalone IPC course. Areas of content that stand out in this text, compared to other IPC texts, are the chapters on mediated communication and especially the dark side of IPC. Additionally, emotions through the lens of mindfulness are discussed throughout the text while other IPC texts lump the connection between emotion and communication into a section or chapter. From an instructor standpoint, I especially appreciated the authors explaining how research findings were found (i.e., methodology) instead of simply providing the student with the information and a citation through the research spotlight sections. My only minor critique is the family and marriage relationship chapter. The marriage portion albeit limited is related to family but also seemed out of place in the text. A standalone chapter on romantic/sexual relationships seems like a natural next step in the next edition. Also, instructors can easily substitute this section for other material. Finally, the additional materials (e.g., Ted Talk, YouTube videos) provide accessible material for a student who may wish to learn more in-depth information or prefer information through different mediums.

The authors did well in balancing the breadth and depth of the subject within each chapter and across the book. I did not find parts or the sum of the parts to be biased or inaccurate.

As of this review, the content is up to date across the board from current research findings to the inclusion of seminal research and examples of concepts (e.g., COVID-19) that students can relate to. Additionally, the text is written (also through its license) in such a way that other instructors can freely expand on the authors’ examples or go in and make their own. Finally, I believe the lens of mindfulness to be around and relatable for quite some time based on national data about Generation Z coming through university doors for at least the next few decades.

The text was clear. The authors do a good job clearly defining and calling the reader’s attention to major ideas before going in-depth into the concept. The real-world case study included at the end of every chapter and its prompted thinking questions (which could easily be in-class discussion questions) is helpful for readers to consider key ideas in contexts immediately after reading the chapter.

The text keeps consistent and uses terminology as it was originally defined/discussed and is consistent with the larger IPC literature.

The text is clearly divided into chapters and sections within chapters. Instructors can easily use standalone chapters and/or add/remove sections within chapters to meet their pedagogy needs. The text is not overly self-referential, and a new reader would not need to read chapters in order. However, the reader would be best to have some background to IPC (i.e., chapters 1-3) before reading how the material applies in specific contexts.

The chapters are logically ordered and run in order similar to most IPC texts (i.e., I did not have to change my course vary much when transitioning to a new text). Each chapter opens with clear learning outcomes and ends with a reminder of the key terms and supplies the reader with a means to immediately apply the content through case studies, quizzes, and personality tests.

Overall, there were no major issues. Few exceptions such as a table going over onto the next page, textbox, or section header breaking apart sentences in the same paragraph (e.g., “end of chapter” in chapter 12). These few exceptions do not take away from the content being covered.

In my read through I found no major issues. I also offered my students extra credit to find errors (aids their writing) and they did not find any issues either.

The text was neither culturally insensitive nor offensive. The examples provided vary across genders, sexes, sexualities, races, and ethnicities. This is especially true in the culture chapter.

Overall, I strongly recommend this text to others. This is my first time using and reviewing an OER. I have used it for one summer term so far but plan to continue to use it in the future. No textbook is perfect for our individual needs, we all teach differently. However, the beauty of the author’s choice of license allows each of us to use the text differently. Thus, as the years go on, I will continue to pick and choose and supplement where I need to based on my curriculum and learning outcomes.

Reviewed by Abby Zegers, Correctional Education Coordinator, Des Moines Area Community College on 11/17/21

This text is incredibly comprehensive to the point that I feel that it could possibly be two texts or classes, depending on how much time you had. Each chapter dives relatively deep into its topic and not only is it visually appealing with up to... read more

This text is incredibly comprehensive to the point that I feel that it could possibly be two texts or classes, depending on how much time you had. Each chapter dives relatively deep into its topic and not only is it visually appealing with up to date charts, graphs and pictures, the downloadable version has hyperlinks to directly take the student to a certain inventory that the chapter is utilizing as a supplement. I found this to be really engaging. The text has a separate instructor manual which is incredibly useful with all of the materials, power points, quizzes and other necessary information needed to instruct this class. There is a glossary at the end of the text. No index was available which in my opinion would be helpful simply due to the fact that many topics/subjects or inferences are utilized throughout the chapters and not necessarily in the one devoted to that topic.

I found the content to be accurate and free from bias. I noticed only a few grammatical errors but content was incredibly accurate and up to date with references cited appropriately throughout.

Interpersonal communication is a topic that holds relevance and longevity as many things stay the same however the authors did an excellent job with current communication topics such as Chapter 12 devoted to Interpersonal Communication in Mediated Contexts. This is a topic I spend a great deal of time on with my classes as it is so current and relative to their lives right now. I think that this information will change in the future however the content available now on the topic will remain relevant as “history”. I found value in the links to different personality tests or activities that were relevant to the topic at hand and appreciated that they were available so easily as students are more likely to click a link rather than jot down something they might look up later.

I found this text to be very elaborate into many topics relating to interpersonal communication and the extensive glossary was very helpful. The supplemental activities and videos presented are a wonderful way to apply what is approached in each lesson. The text uses a “mindfulness” approach which might be a new concept to some however I think it’s a great way to see the value and importance of the topic.

I found no issues with consistency. Each chapter is laid out the same with Learning Outcomes identified in each section, exercises that could be great journal activities or discussions, key takeaways, a chapter wrap up including key terms used, a real world case study and a quiz followed by references. It is consistent throughout the text and a great way to appeal to different types of learners.

The way this text is set up allows for one to jump around if need be however; the beginning focuses more on history and theory which in itself is important along with communication models. This in itself could almost be its own text with the depth the authors go to in the material along with the abundance of activities and self-assessments allowing the reading to analyze their own styles creates a nice foundation to continue into the material. For my own classes, I would never have enough time to get through this text and give it the attention that it deserves so the ability to pick and choose topics and chapters relative to today is really an attractive part of it for me.

I think this text flows very well and much of the material from the beginning builds upon itself. The chapters are in appropriate order with building content however; it is beneficial that an instructor could pick and choose different areas they wanted to focus on without losing too much. The text ends with Chapter 13 being Interpersonal Relationships at Work and Chapter 14 being The Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication and I feel that these were appropriate choices to wrap up the text with.

I loved the ability to read through this text in electronic format and the hyperlinks were incredibly helpful and I had no issues with connectivity to sources. Images were clear and loaded as they should. I printed off a copy of the text and there were no formatting issues in doing so. I feel that utilizing the hard copy method or downloading the pdf version are both great options to have that appease different types of learners.

There were a few minor grammatical errors here and there but nothing that distracted me or was relative enough that I documented it. I felt like it was very well written and edited.

There is a specific chapter dedicated to Cultural and Environmental Factors in Interpersonal Communication however; references to cultural and gender issues are spread throughout and I feel like the information is inclusive.

Overall, I found this text to be a really great OER and am using pieces of it for my classes. I appreciate a text that appeals to many different styles of learners with text, videos, interactive quizzes and assessment and slides. So much material is available and covered and I find many sections of this to be useful in a few different classes that I teach. I am thankful to have found this text and look forward to continuing to use it.

Reviewed by Jennifer Adams, Professor, DePauw University on 11/13/21

This book is lengthy, and each chapter contains more good content than I expected. There are chapters on each topic you would expect (although organized somewhat differently than most of the popular print textbooks in this discipline). For... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

This book is lengthy, and each chapter contains more good content than I expected. There are chapters on each topic you would expect (although organized somewhat differently than most of the popular print textbooks in this discipline). For example, the information on perception is mostly in chapter 3, but some info about the topic was found across two other chapters (and attribution theory is not really included at all). There is no specific chapter on emotion, but there is content about it throughout. Furthermore, something that was somewhat new to me was incorporating the idea of "mindfulness" along with competence to understand communication processes. There is a chapter on technology that I think is growing in importance. This book doesn't really push the envelope on considering issues of identity like race or gender, but there is a good chapter on culture (and I would say that is also true of many for-profit books). The sections on relational communication are really thorough and give a good range or ideas and theories for each different relational experience. While the organization was slightly different than the book I was used to using (the Floyd text), I was able to find all of my content normally covered somewhere in this textbook.

I found no errors in this textbook that I have found aside from minor typos or a few strange sentences. The content is accurate and attributed to the correct sources. There is a lengthy and useful reference list.

This book includes all of the theories and concepts that I have been teaching for two decades. Their examples are really useful. One thing I did notice is that a lot of space is taken up by quizzes or activities - things like personality tests. I don't really use those in any way, but I do wonder if those types of things might be trendy - I don't know that or sure, but I didn't use them. I do think that the focus on "mindfulness" is something that is popular now that has not been in the past, but I certainly hope that the value in mindfulness doesn't trend away any time soon. I really thought that the book was up to date and see no reason it can't be updated relatively easily.

This book is comparable to the popular for-profit interpersonal communication textbooks that are available. It is addressed to the reader, and it is easy to read. It does introduce new terminology and concepts , but these are always defined clearly. At the end of every chapter, there is a 'take-away" section that includes key-terms, so there is the ability to look those up outside of the basic text as well. There are activities at the end of each chapter as well, to help develop.

Yes, the entire book is about interpersonal communication and it does not diverge from topics covered in the popular for-profit books. I didn't find any inconsistencies in the way that the material is presented. In fact, the opposite is true: their focus on "mindfulness" as a skill that can be developed holds each chapter together, so that there is not just information about the important ideas and theories, there is also a constant reflection on the values of mindfulness as it relates to all of the topics (and relationship types) that are covered.

This is really well organized. The book is divided into chapters, and each chapter is divided into subsections that have numbered placement within the chapter and headings throughout. (For example, chapter seven materials are divided into 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, etc). If you didn't want to assign the entire book, you could easily pick sections here and there to use (and you can save only those sections as PDFs to insert on your syllabus or organizing platforms).

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

The book is not organized like my class was, but it wasn't a major deal and I simply hoped around a bit. So, for example, I thought that the chapter on culture should come sooner than chapter 6, perhaps before verbal and nonverbal communication. I also wasn't sure that some of the content in chapter 7 called "Talking and Listening" was placed well there - it seemed redundant in some ways, but some info (like social penetration theory or the johari window) seem like they should be in an earlier chapter about perception. That being said, these concerns are ultimately very minor - the content I expected was there, and I could assign page #s for specific sections that I needed to address at different times in the semester. I did not use this book chronologically from chapter 1 to the end, but that has been true for for-profit books I have used in the past, too. I found the chronology to be good.

I used this book in the fall of 2021, and recommended that all students download the PDF version, which is what I primarily use. The book's TOC is hyperlinked, and so you can easily find the content you are looking for and click to go to the relevant sections. When I do keyword searches for specific theories or concepts, they come up easily without error. It's easy to use and the layout is professional and attractive (pictures and images come through formatted correctly, charts and graphs look clear).

This book is well written. Aside from a few typos here and there, I didn't find lots of problems with readability. It's not perfect; for example, sometimes where there are bullet points, they are not written in a parallel style, or something like that which might be noticeable, but that was pretty infrequent. The writing is clear and correct.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

There is nothing offensive that I found in this book. The book includes examples and ideas that are inclusive or race, ethnicity and gender. There is an entire chapter on cultural communication, so it does present information about cross-cultural differences and communication. I would like to see more about gender and more explicitly about race, but some of that content IS here (I just find myself spending more time on this every semester, but I must use supplemental material on topics such as white fragility or privilege and how that impacts interpersonal communication).

Although I hate the price of textbooks, I have been hesitant to use open source materials in the past due to a perceived lesser quality. This book has changed my mind. It isn't perfect, but it saves students 50-100 dollars, and the information that they purchase isn't perfect either. This book presents as professional, and it reads that way as well. Of course, I supplement this book with popular readings and examples, but almost all of the academic content I needed was in this book. I do recommend it.

Reviewed by Joseph Nicola, Professor, Century College on 10/6/21

The text provides a very detailed and granular index and glossary. Very helpful when planning lessons and homework readings. The text is hyperlinked from the index/glossary making it helpful for students. Presents a good explanation of the many... read more

The text provides a very detailed and granular index and glossary. Very helpful when planning lessons and homework readings. The text is hyperlinked from the index/glossary making it helpful for students. Presents a good explanation of the many important aspects of the communication discipline.

Content is accurate, error-free and unbiased. Does a fair job at covering the large content scope of Interpersonal Comm subject manner. Does not address some popular content covered in an undergrad course on the subject. However the text does provide a nice foundation for class lecture and discussion. Sources are referenced at the end of every chapter.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

Content is up-to-date, but not in a way that will quickly make the text obsolete within a short period of time. The text is written and/or arranged in such a way that necessary updates will be relatively easy and straightforward to implement.

The text clearly covers the basic principles of the large content subject matter. Does a fare job a covering basic principles that are foundational for the discipline.

The subject of gender identity is not greatly covered. Terms within the LGBTQIA are briefly mentioned but not explained further. A future edition would benefit from this addition.

Good concordance and glossary of terms with page numbers. Easy to read and follow. Has “Key Takeaways” and End of Chapter “Exercises at the end of each chapter. For the most part, the text adequately covers the material needed.

Yes. It appears consistent throughout.

This is a well organized text. That does a fair job at covering that large foundational scope of interpersonal communication. Has “Key Takeaways” and "End of Chapter Exercises" at the end of each chapter.are very nice for class activities and discussion.

Text is organized very well.

Good text and well interfaced. Easy to navigate.

Text is well written with clear paragraphs, bullet points and formatted topic headings. No errors found.

The text does devote a large amount of content to explaining the importance of cultural awareness for being a competent communicator. Provides a good starting foundation to start with class lectures and class discussion. Graphics do depict a diverse student population which is nice to see that intention. Some content that could be added on: *It should be noted that the important subject topic of gender identity is not greatly covered with this text. Terms within the LGBTQIA are briefly mentioned but not explained further. *Only briefly mentioned the importance of Emotional Intelligence but lacks in content and key terms within the subject and practical examples.

The subject of gender identity is not greatly covered. Terms within the LGBTQ+ are briefly mentioned but not explained further. Well designed and layout with some minimal graphics and color-coated topic headings. There could be more for a future printing. Offers some personality and perspective assessment activities that would serve as a good chapter activity.

Reviewed by Aditi Paul, Assistant Professor, Pace University on 8/13/21

The authors do a really good job at covering a variety of introductory, foundational, and contemporary topics pertaining to interpersonal communication. read more

The authors do a really good job at covering a variety of introductory, foundational, and contemporary topics pertaining to interpersonal communication.

Content Accuracy rating: 3

The authors do a good job of laying the foundation of the importance of mindfulness in interpersonal communication. However, the discussion surrounding mindfulness and how it should be integrated into different aspects of interpersonal communication was less than thorough. Mindfulness almost came as an afterthought rather than being weaved into the main material in most chapters.

The importance of mindfulness in interpersonal communication is a highly relevant topic, especially in today's age where most of our communication over digital media has become primarily mindless. The authors also do a good job at including new and relevant topics such as body positivity in non-verbal communication, computer-mediated communication apprehension, internet infidelity, and postmodern friendships.

The text was very clear and easy to follow.

Consistency rating: 3

As mentioned earlier, the lack of consistency was evident in the discussion of mindfulness. The authors introduce mindfulness in terms of "attention, intention, and attitude" in the first chapter. But in the rest of the chapters, especially chapter 5 onward, the conversation around mindfulness dwindles.

The modularity of the book was good.

The organization of the book was good. The only critique I would have is the placement of the chapter on culture and interpersonal communication. I would have preferred that topic to be introduced earlier than chapter 6 since a lot of our verbal and non-verbal communication is colored by culture.

The interface of the book was good.

The grammar of the book was good.

The book was culturally sensitive. It included sexually and culturally marginalized groups into the conversation.

Reviewed by Rebecca Oldham, Assistant Professor, Middle Tennessee State University on 5/20/21

This textbook provides a thorough introduction to communication studies. It covers multiple important theories, seminal research, major concepts, and practical suggestions for improving communication. The instructor guide includes many helpful... read more

This textbook provides a thorough introduction to communication studies. It covers multiple important theories, seminal research, major concepts, and practical suggestions for improving communication. The instructor guide includes many helpful tools, including chapter outlines, presentation slides, in-class activities, practice quiz questions, and links to TEDTalks and YouTube example videos from recent popular films and TV shows. It also comes with a student workbook. This textbook has as many, if not more, supplemental materials as a traditional textbook.

However, some sections of the book could be expounded upon with future revisions. For example, I would have expected to see more variety of research about on marriage beyond Fitzpatricks typologies (e.g., John Gottman's research or references to other romantic relationship research). Other topics I would like to see in future revisions are (1) the rhetorical triangle and (2) the elaboration likelihood model.

However, the comphrehensiveness is still such that instructors additions to this textbook for curriculum would merely be supplemental.

This textbook uses a mixture of seminal and recent research to review major topics of interpersonal communication to supports accuracy. When relevant, the authors describe research studies and methods, not just the findings, which enhances students' science and information literacy.

The textbook is written with up-to-date research and references to recent culture and political issues from the past year (e.g., COVID-19, political polarization). References to mediated communication are very up-to-date, with the exception of TikTok not being mention. The instructor's manual provides excellent examples of concepts in recent popular TV and film that students are sure to enjoy because they are not out-dated and the media is familiar for this age group.

However, I would reframe the concept of relationships in the textbook beyond "marriage" to "committed romantic relationships" given the increase of polyamory/consensual non-monogamy, open relationships, and long-term cohabitation/commitment without marriage. Although marriage is still largely the norm in the United States, the changing landscape of romantic relationship development could be more strongly present in this textbook.

The tone of the authorship balances an academic and conversational tone well-suited for an undergraduate audience. Jargon is well-defined in-text and glossary is provided. The writing is professional and academic, without being esoteric.

No inconsistencies in terminology, theoretical frameworks, nor pedagogical approaches were detected. The authors have clearly reviewed this textbook for quality and consistency.

The textbook is well organized into manageably-sized blocks of text with many headings and subheadings, which helps the reader navigate the text. Instructors should find it easy to identify how parts of this textbook overlap with their existing communcation or relationships course for ready adaptation and integration into existing curriculum.

This textbook is largely organized like other communication textbooks: Introduction/Overview, Identity, Verbal/Nonverbal Communication, Culture, Mediated Communication, and various types of relationships (e.g., family, professional, etc.). It's logical and familiar organization makes it easy to navigate and integrate with standard introducation to communication courses.

Very few issues with distortion of images or overlap in page elements or formatting inconsistencies.

No obvious grammatical errors were detected. The writing style is accessible and easy to read.

Authors clearly took steps to be inclusive and draw attention to issues of equity with regard to gender identity, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, religion, political identity, and other groups (for examples, see sections on dating scripts, post-modern friendships, racist language, cross-group friendships). I would recommend future revisions include information about African American Vernacular English (AAVE) possible under a section about culture, dialects, or accents, given its direct relevance to communication.

I plan on replacing the textbook for my Interpersonal Communication course with this textbook. In most respects, it is equivalent to the textbook that is currently required. However, it also is an improvement on the current textbook in terms of the density of research citations and in the supplemental material. Instructors of introductory communication courses can feel confident in adopting this textbook to reduce costs, lower educational barriers, without sacrificing educational rigor and quality.

Reviewed by Jennifer Burns, Adjunct Faculty, Middlesex Community College on 3/13/21

Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships, provides an in-depth understanding to the variables that comprise interpersonal communication, I especially appreciate the mindful (know thyself) lens!! read more

Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships, provides an in-depth understanding to the variables that comprise interpersonal communication, I especially appreciate the mindful (know thyself) lens!!

After examining the context and student workbook, I was impressed with the content accuracy. I did not pick up on saturation of bias and or stigmatizing language.

Yes, content is up-to-date, and it is encouraged to contact the author with needed updates, and or changes. It is also encouraged to personalize the book to fit the needs of the students!

This textbook is clear, concise and to the point!

The framework and theory are woven throughout the text.

The text is divided into digestible sections, that allow for independent assignment of course material. The formatting is easy on the eyes!

Love the text organization, the content is clear, logical and sequential!

You do need an access code from author to obtain access to the teacher resources.

Did not notice grammatical errors.

I did not perceive this text to be culturally insensitive.

Reviewed by Jessica Martin, Adjunct Instructor, Communication Studies, Portland Community College on 1/5/21

This book presents a comprehensive breakdown of the major types of interpersonal communication. The chapters included in this course text align with the traditional content in an interpersonal communication course. I like how it also includes a... read more

This book presents a comprehensive breakdown of the major types of interpersonal communication. The chapters included in this course text align with the traditional content in an interpersonal communication course. I like how it also includes a chapter focused on mediated communication, as this is an important topic of discussion for our current day and age.

Consistent sources are cited throughout the course text at the end of each chapter, proving its accuracy . The sources appear to be non-bias and overall boost the credibility of the text.

Being that the text includes a chapter primarily focused on mediated communication, I would say that the text is up to date and contains adequate information to support relevancy.

The text is written in a straightforward, simplistic type of manner. This would make it easy for any college student to follow along with the content and keep up with the terminology. Any time a new term is introduced, plenty of examples are given to explain that term. This same format is followed consistently throughout the course text.

Each chapter begins with clear learning outcomes, follows with consistent sub-headers and clear introductions to new terminology. I also noted how each chapters includes exercises to help students further understand course content.

Each chapter is clearly divided up into specific sections to help with lesson planning and overall lecturing materials. This would make it easy to create lecture material for the course.

The text is organized effectively in that there are clear transitions from one topic to another. As mentioned previously, each chapter begins with clear learning objectives, and concludes with exercises, key-takeaways, and a list of key terms.

I would say that overall this course text is easy to navigate. Plenty of charts, tables, and photographs are consistently used to help introduce new ideas and key theories.

I did not note any grammatical errors.

The text includes a chapter titled "Culture and Environmental Factors in Interpersonal Communication," which includes all of the necessary key terms that you would hope to see in an interpersonal communication course.

Reviewed by Prachi Kene, Professor, Rhode Island College on 10/22/20

This book presents a comprehensive overview of the different aspects, types, and models of communication. Further topics of discussion include verbal and non-verbal elements of communication, impact of communication on a variety of relationships... read more

This book presents a comprehensive overview of the different aspects, types, and models of communication. Further topics of discussion include verbal and non-verbal elements of communication, impact of communication on a variety of relationships (friendships, family, marriage, dating, siblings, coworkers, etc.), mediated communication, and conflict. The book concludes with an exploration of "the dark side of communication." Key concepts discussed throughout the book are listed in the glossary.

The content of the book is informed by advances in the fields of communication and psychology. These sources are acknowledged throughout the content and cited in the references section at the end of each chapter. Information is discussed in an unbiased manner.

The content is up-to-date and includes information about communication and technology. Given the clear organization of the text, it will be amenable to modifications as the impact of technology on communication continues to evolve.

This text is easy to read and follow due to the clear organization and clarity of expression. Exercises and key take aways following each section make the content easy to understand and remember.

The content of this text is consistent and free of contradictions. Multiple perspectives to view and understand concepts are presented in a cogent manner.

Each chapter is divided into smaller and coherent sections that will easily align to lesson planning, creation of lecture materials, and graded tasks/assignments.

This text is well-organized and smoothly transitions from one topic to another. Specifically, each section begins with learning objectives and concludes with exercises and "key takeaways." Chapters are followed by a list of key terms, "real world case study," and quiz that makes the concepts meaningful to the reader.

This book is easy to navigate. Tables, figures, and pictures are used effectively to emphasize the key concepts and ideas. However, occasionally a table spans across multiple pages.

This text does not contain grammatical errors.

The text acknowledges the role of culture in communication and contains a chapter titled, "Cultural and Environmental Factors in Interpersonal Communication." Impact of culture on communication is also infused into other chapters.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Human Communication
  • Chapter 2: Overview of Interpersonal Communication
  • Chapter 3: Intrapersonal Communication
  • Chapter 4: Verbal Elements of Communication
  • Chapter 5: Nonverbal Communication
  • Chapter 6: Cultural and Environmental Factors in Interpersonal Communication
  • Chapter 7: Talking and Listening
  • Chapter 8: Building and Maintaining Relationships
  • Chapter 9: Conflict in Relationship
  • Chapter 10: Friendship Relationships
  • Chapter 11: Family & Marriage Relationships
  • Chapter 12: Interpersonal Communication in Mediated Contexts
  • Chapter 13: Interpersonal Relationships at Work
  • Chapter 14: The Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication

Ancillary Material

  • Instructor Manual
  • Lecture Slide Deck

About the Book

Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships  helps readers examine their own one-on-one communicative interactions using a mindfulness lens. The writing team of Jason S. Wrench, Narissra M. Punyanunt-Carter, and Katherine Thweatt incorporates the latest communication theory and research to help students navigate everyday interpersonal interactions. The 14 chapters in this book cover topics typically taught in an undergraduate interpersonal communication course: family interactions, interpersonal dynamics, language, listening, nonverbal communication, and romantic relationships, as well as exploring emerging areas such as self-compassion, body positivity, friendships, and “the dark side”. The writing takes on a purposefully informal tone to engage readers. Each chapter is broken into different sections that have unique instructional outcomes, key takeaways, and exercises, and concludes with real-world case studies and sample quiz questions. Also included is  an extensive glossary with over 350 definitions.

About the Contributors

Jason S. Wrench (Ed.D., West Virginia University) is a professor in the Department of Communication at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Dr. Wrench specializes in workplace learning and performance, or the intersection of instructional communication and organizational communication. His varied research interests include workplace learning and human performance improvement, computer-mediated communication, interpersonal communication, empirical research methods, family communication, humor, risk/crisis communication, and supervisor-subordinate interactions. Dr. Wrench regularly consults with individuals and organizations on workplace communication and as a professional speech coach for senior executives.

Narissra M. Punyanunt-Carter (Ph.D., Kent State University) is a professor in the Department of Communication and assistant dean of international affairs for the College of Media and Communication. She is also an associate professor of Communication Studies at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. She teaches the basic interpersonal communication course. Her research areas include mass media effects, father-daughter communication, mentoring, advisor-advisee relationships, family studies, religious communication, humor, and interpersonal communication. She has published over 70 articles that have appeared in several peer-reviewed journals, such as  Communication Research Reports, Southern Journal of Communication , and  Journal of Intercultural Communication Research . She has also published numerous instructional ancillaries and materials. She is also a coauthor of  Organizational communication: Theory, Research, and Practice  (2014, Flat World Knowledge). Dr. Punyanunt coedited  The Impact of Social Media in Modern Romantic Relationship  (2017, Lexington).

Katherine S. Thweatt (Ed.D, West Virginia University) is an associate professor at the State University of New York at Oswego. Dr. Thweatt’s areas of interest are interpersonal communication, instructional communication, and health communication. She has published in the areas of teasing, teacher immediacy and misbehaviors, cognitive flexibility, and healthcare research. Healthcare publications involved shared medical appointments, heart failure, and infectious disease.

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The need for connection and belonging is a fundamental human need, not only as young children but also as adults (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). We want others to like us, and we feel good when we are heard or when others help us problem-solve. Interestingly, we even mimic others in words and gestures, showing them how similar we are (Van Baaren et al., 2004). And that makes sense: we evolved as social beings who need to connect with others to strategize and survive.

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What is interpersonal communication (a definition), what are interpersonal communication skills.

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Examples of Interpersonal Communication

  • Active listening
  • Body language
  • Negotiation skills
  • Positive attitude
  • Critical thinking
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Assertive Communication 
  • Responsibility 
  • Effective communication
  • Conflict resolution
  • Problem-solving  ​

Interpersonal Communication in the Future World

Video: interpersonal communication in the future world.

Why Interpersonal Communication Is Important

  • Teamwork. The old saying “Teamwork makes the dream work” is still valid nowadays. A crucial skill at any job, the ability to be a team player requires you to have excellent communication and people skills. No matter what environment requires you to be a true team player, mastering interpersonal communication skills will benefit you greatly.
  • Conflict resolution. Whether you need to stop a fight between brothers or a silent conflict between coworkers, difficult situations need conflict resolution strategies. Interpersonal communication can help you figure out how to move forward because you might listen to both sides and work with them, not against them. 
  • Problem-solving. Problem-solving is an important skill that can help you identify and explore opportunities essential to your daily life, home, school, or work. Interpersonal communication can help you identify the problem and figure out a solution that works for you or your goal.
  • Active listening. When you’re actively listening to someone, you give them your full and undivided attention. You pay attention to what they say, their body language, or other cues, and overall are engaged in the conversation . Active listening is essential for communicating effectively and preventing misunderstandings at work, in your personal relationships, at school, and even with children.
  • Connection. Social connection is an important part of being human. When you’re not connected to others, it can negatively affect your mental and physical health: it can increase the chances of death by at least 50% (Yang et al., 2016), as well as obesity, heart disease, and smoking (Alcaraz et al., 2018), depression, insomnia, and cognitive decline (Alcaraz et al., 2018). Connecting with others can improve your health and well-being, and building a support system can help you feel better in times of stress.

Types of Interpersonal Communication

  • Oral communication. Oral communication refers to spoken communication such as phone calls, public speaking, or having small talk face-to-face.
  • Written communication. This type includes letters, emails, texts, messages, but also emojis and GIFs.
  • Nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication encompasses body language, tone, hand gestures, eye contact, clothing, or smell.
  • Listening. Listening is a part of interpersonal communication as it refers not only to simply hearing what someone else is saying but actively understanding the meaning of their message. In other words, it represents listening to understand, not to answer.
  • Dyadic communication. Dyadic communication is a method of communication between two people, in any form: a phone call, a written letter, or a text message. 
  • Small-group communication. This type of communication refers to three or more people that communicate between themselves.
  • Public speaking. Public speaking is the act of communicating to an audience.

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Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace

  • They can open up new opportunities. Having great communication skills means that you can easily communicate with coworkers, which can help you expand work opportunities and grow. According to hiring managers, strong interpersonal skills are the most valuable skill companies are looking for (GMAC, 2017). 
  • They can make you an effective leader. Whether you are the leader in a class project, in a small team at work, or the company’s leader, to be a successful leader, you need to be able to communicate with everyone. When you effectively communicate with everyone on the team, you can strengthen your connection and create a trusting environment, which will only make the team more resilient and successful.
  • They can help you express more gratitude. Research shows that saying and hearing thanks positively impact your well-being and work performance. For example, managers who say “Thank you” to those who work for them see these employees as more motivated to work harder (Emmons & Crumpler, 2011), and the employees can put in even 50% more work than usual after the managers expressed gratitude (Grant & Gino, 2010).

How to Build Interpersonal Communication Skills

  • Figure out your goal. To build strong interpersonal communication skills, first, you need to know what areas you need to improve. Ask yourself whether you might practice more active listening because the phone distracts you, or reflect on whether you need to work on your teamwork skills. You can further identify the areas that need strengthening by asking for feedback from colleagues, friends, or family.
  • Practice active listening. When you’re communicating with someone, try not to focus on your phone, interrupt the other person, or constantly look away. When you practice active listening, you can build strong and healthy relationships because everyone needs and wants to be heard and understood. Listen to understand, not to answer and you can strengthen your professional and romantic relationships.
  • Learn emotion regulation. Although emotions are an important part of your life, if they start to get out of control, they can have a negative impact on your communication. Perhaps this is partially why emotion regulation skills are linked to overall well-being , income, and socioeconomic status (Cote, Gyurak & Levenson, 2010).  You can learn how to control your emotions by practicing mindfulness and radical acceptance , exercising, or talking to a mental health professional.
  • Practice empathy. To understand another person on a deeper level, try cultivating empathy. Empathy is an essential skill that can lead to more helpful behaviors, effective leadership (Humphrey, 2013), and cooperation in social dilemmas (Rumble, Van Lange & Parks, 2009). 
  • Be curious. Sometimes when you’re talking to someone, you might make assumptions about what they’re saying: maybe about how they’re feeling in a certain situation, what they like, or how they view the world. When you make assumptions, even though they are unconscious, it can derail the conversation or make the other person feel misunderstood. Instead, try to be curious and ask open-ended questions.
  • Practice interpersonal communication  skills. Now that you figured out what needs improving and learned a few skills to build interpersonal communication, it’s time to practice. You can start small by practicing with a friend or family member, and then consider getting more courageous as you master the skills.

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Articles Related to  Interpersonal Communication​

  • Boundaries: Definition, Examples & How To Set Them
  • Assertive Communication: Definition, Examples, & Techniques
  • ​ 299 Deep Questions to Ask: A Guy, Girl, Friend, or Anyone
  • ​ Empathic Listening: Definition, Examples, & Skills
  • Social Skills: Definition, Examples, & Training ​ ​ ​

Books Related to  Interpersonal Communication​

  • Say This, Not That: A Foolproof Guide to Effective Interpersonal Communication
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounter
  • Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication ​​

Final Thoughts on Interpersonal Communication

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  • ​ Alcaraz, K. I., Eddens, K. S., Blase, J. L., Diver, W. R., Patel, A. V., Teras, L. R., ... & Gapstur, S. M. (2019). Social isolation and mortality in US black and white men and women . American journal of epidemiology, 188(1), 102-109.
  • Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (1995). The need to belong: desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation . Psychological bulletin, 117(3), 497-529.
  • Côté, S., Gyurak, A., & Levenson, R. W. (2010). The ability to regulate emotion is associated with greater well-being, income, and socioeconomic status . Emotion, 10(6), 923.
  • Emmons, R. A., & Crumpler, C. A. (2000). Gratitude as a human strength: Appraising the evidence . Journal of social and clinical psychology, 19(1), 56-69.
  • GMAC . 2017.
  • Grant, A. M., & Gino, F. (2010). A little thanks goes a long way: Explaining why gratitude expressions motivate prosocial behavior. Journal of personality and social psychology, 98(6), 946.
  • Humphrey, R. H. (2013). The benefits of emotional intelligence and empathy to entrepreneurship . Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 3(3), 287-294.
  • Rumble, A. C., Van Lange, P. A., & Parks, C. D. (2009). The benefits of empathy: When empathy may sustain cooperation in social dilemmas . European Journal of Social Psychology, 40(5), 856-866.
  • Sethi, D., & Seth, M. (2009). Interpersonal communication: Lifeblood of an organization . IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 3.
  • Tarver, E. (2021, Feb 6). Interpersonal Skills . Investopedia.
  • Van Baaren, R. B., Holland, R. W., Kawakami, K., & Van Knippenberg, A. (2004). Mimicry and prosocial behavior. Psychological science, 15(1)(71-71).
  • Yang, Y. C., Boen, C., Gerken, K., Li, T., Schorpp, K., & Harris, K. M. (2016). Social relationships and physiological determinants of longevity across the human life span . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(3), 578-583.

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Interpersonal Communication Skills

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Words: 1258 |

Published: Dec 5, 2018

Words: 1258 | Pages: 3 | 7 min read

Table of contents

Engaging audience, question and answers, works cited.

  • Chen, X., & Ren, M. (2015). Cross-Cultural Communication Competence in Business English Curriculum. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(3), 534-540.
  • Ferraro, G. P. (2018). The cultural dimension of international business. Routledge.
  • Gudykunst, W. B. (2013). Bridging differences: Effective intergroup communication. Sage Publications.
  • Guffey, M. E., & Loewy, D. (2018). Essentials of business communication. Nelson Education.
  • Hall, E. T. (2017). Beyond culture. Anchor Books.
  • Hofstede, G. (2010). Geert Hofstede. Cultural dimensions. Retrieved from
  • Holmes, P. (2013). Communicating across cultures at work. Routledge.
  • Kahai, S. S., & Cooper, R. B. (2003). Exploring the core concepts of media richness theory: The impact of cue multiplicity and feedback immediacy on decision quality. Journal of Management Information Systems, 20(1), 263-299.
  • Mauk, J. L., & Oakland, T. (2015). Communication and Management Skills for the Pharmacy Technician. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Zhang, X. (2018). Cross-Cultural Communication in International Business: A Study of the Differences between UK and China. International Journal of Business and Management, 13(5), 36-42.

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The Impact of First Impressions on Interpersonal Relationships

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The Importance of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication in Effective Leadership

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The Impact of Body Language on Communication and Interpersonal Relationships

1. Introduction Much of what we communicate is nonverbal. However, unless we take the time and effort to actively learn nonverbal skills, we as communicators are likely to misunderstand issues of power, reading people, decoding emotion, and building crucial interpersonal relationships. Communication is a multichannel process made up of verbal and nonverbal aspects, just as life is made of chapters. Just as all the chapters make a whole book, so the verbal and nonverbal make a whole communicatio ...

La importancia de mejorar la comunicación en las relaciones personales y profesionales

1. Introducción La comunicación es un proceso que se desarrolla a lo largo de toda nuestra vida y, sin embargo, en pocos momentos de nuestra educación hemos sido educados a transmitir o recibir mensajes. En nuestros propios hábitos de reuniones de empresa o de estudios de mercado no tenemos en cuenta la importancia de mejorar la manera de transmitir nuestras ideas o de recibir informaciones. Incluso en las relaciones personales no hemos profundizado en los límites que tenemos en la pareja o en ...

The Effect of Social Media on Interpersonal Relationships and Communication Skills

1. Introduction Over the past few years, social media has become the technological facilitator of social interactions and is currently revolutionizing the way that people communicate and interact in personal relationships. Although social media has worked as a social connection bridge in many cases, it has also been investigated due to its negative effects such as compulsive usage, unrealistic self-presentation, cyberbullying, and damaged reliance on communication. This paper reviews the litera ...

La importancia del soporte emocional en las relaciones interpersonales

1. Introducción Fundamentalmente, la esencia humana es eminentemente social y podemos comprobar que todas las acciones de nuestra vida cotidiana requieren de la ayuda de personas que nos rodean. Una de las actividades claves en nuestra vida diaria se basa en las relaciones interpersonales, es decir, el contacto con los demás es una acción imprescindible para sopesar y disfrutar de la vida. La felicidad es un estado emocional y mental, es un sentimiento parecido a la satisfacción, alegría y paz ...

The Importance of Building a Strong Rapport in Effective Communication

1. Introduction In any face-to-face conversation or communication, one of the most important aspects to consider is the nature of the relationship. This means just how well the people involved 'get on.' We might think of this as the 'rapport' between the speaker and listener. We often sense that the interaction between the parties is perhaps just as important as what is being said and any simple ideas. Building rapport is particularly important and even, arguably, more important in any interact ...

L'impact de la rédaction d'un journal personnel sur le développement personnel

1. Introduction Cette étude vise à explorer l'impact positif de la rédaction d'un journal personnel sur le développement personnel. En examinant les différents aspects de cette pratique, nous chercherons à mettre en évidence ses avantages et son potentiel pour favoriser la croissance personnelle. 1.1. Contexte de l'étude Le contexte de cette étude réside dans la volonté de mieux comprendre comment la rédaction d'un journal personnel peut influencer de manière positive le développement person ...

El Impacto de las Relaciones en el Desarrollo de la Identidad en la Adolescencia

1. Introducción Actualmente, los adolescentes tienen una motivación interna seria en aclarar su identidad. Van en busca de nuevos y elaborados sistemas de valores, roles ocupacionales que han de elegir para formar parte de su futuro social adulto. El acto de comprometerse con determinados patrones, en opinión de Erikson, es una sintomatología de un cambio en la estructura de la personalidad. El adolescente, inseguro acerca de su identidad, suele acogerse a la identidad colectiva facilitada por ...

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Interpersonal Communication Essay Examples

Interpersonal communication, self-concept, and perception.

Interpersonal communication is manner in which information, feelings, and ideas are interchanged between two or more people. This is done through both non-verbal and verbal communication methods. In this paper, I will be covering why interpersonal communication is inescapable, irreversible, and complicated. The first principal...

How Communication Takes Place: Communication Models

In a bid to offer inputs to a standard system and ensure effective communication in the corporate landscape, a myriad of tools classified into one-way communication, transactional and interactive models have made their way to the fore for the sole purpose of propagating messages over...

Origins of Human Communication: a Book Review on Its Evolution

This is evolution of communication essay where the review book “Origins of Human Communication” by Michael Tomasello will show this topic.So here comes a question, what makes cognitive and social capacities of human animals so different than other non-human primates or animals that they can...

The Importance of Effective Communication: the Key to Success

With every passing day the world is shrinking into a global single unit due to the technologies and various mediums of connection. In such scenario an effective communication is the need of the hour and an only means to stay connected globally. While students feel...

Social Penetration Theory: the Development of Intimate Relationships

Social penetration theory is a theory in social psychology that explains how interpersonal relationships develop and deepen over time. The theory was developed by Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor in the 1970s. The social penetration theory, as we can see in the essay, essay is...

Pride - the Poison of Relationship

What is a poison? Poison is a poison that contains different types of animals that cause damage to immobilize, injure or even kill prey or something that has threatened them. Or it can be a consumed chemical that harms our body and immobilizes it, hurts...

How Do We Communicate and Why It's Getting Weird

Instead of going out and spending quality time with friends or family, people nowadays just communicate through texting and calling over the phone. When people did not have phones, they use to walk or drive somewhere and meet up just to have a face-to-face conversation....

The Internet's Power: Its Influence on Our Lives and Society

Is internet usage impact individual’s life and relationship for better or worse? In how internet affect our life essay this topic will be discussed.  Internet is a boon or bane as per the person uses it, though the boundary sometimes gets unclear. On a general...

Overview of My Professional Network Experiences

I have faced many life-changing experiences and challenges over the years that shaped my personality to become more resilient, patient, and open-minded. Most importantly, these challenges helped me build strong relationships and maintain others I already had. After I pursued my undergraduate degree in Psychology,...

Manipulative Communication in Dysfunctional Relationships

A dysfunctional relationship is a relationship that does not perform its proper function. Meaning the people in the relationship do not emotionally support one another, communicate well, or trust one another. People in dysfunctional relationships are manipulated and taken advantage of. There are many causes...

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About Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is the process of exchange of information, ideas and feelings between two or more people through verbal or non-verbal methods. It often includes face-to-face exchange of information, in a form of voice, facial expressions, body language and gestures.

Interpersonal communication skills can improve personal and professional relationships by helping to express thoughts and convey intent clearly. Additionally, you'll be more able to understand and empathise with others due to your listening skills.

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