Understanding Speech Impediments: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Published by Healthdor Editorial on July 27, 2024

This article explores the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for speech impediments, as well as coping strategies for individuals affected by this condition.

What is a Speech Impediment?

A speech impediment, also known as a communication disorder, refers to a condition that affects an individual's ability to produce sounds that create words and sentences in a fluent and understandable manner. This can result in difficulties with pronunciation, rhythm, and the overall flow of speech. Speech impediments can manifest in various forms, including stuttering, lisping, and apraxia, among others.

According to the World Health Organization , an estimated 5% to 10% of children experience some form of speech impediment during their early developmental years. Additionally, research from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders indicates that approximately 7.5 million people in the United States alone have trouble using their voices.

There are several potential causes of speech impediments, ranging from genetic factors and neurological conditions to environmental influences and traumatic brain injuries. For instance, developmental delays, hearing loss, and muscle weakness in the mouth and throat can all contribute to speech impediments. Furthermore, emotional and psychological factors, such as anxiety and stress, can exacerbate existing speech difficulties.

Common symptoms of speech impediments may include prolonged pauses or hesitations while speaking, difficulty pronouncing certain sounds or words, and a tendency to repeat or prolong sounds or syllables. In some cases, individuals with speech impediments may also experience frustration, embarrassment, and social isolation due to their communication challenges.

When it comes to treatment options for speech impediments, early intervention is crucial for improving outcomes. Speech therapy, which involves working with a trained professional to practice and refine communication skills, is often recommended. Additionally, assistive devices, such as electronic communication aids and voice amplifiers, can help individuals with severe speech impediments communicate more effectively.

Coping strategies for individuals affected by speech impediments may include seeking support from peers and professionals, practicing relaxation techniques to manage anxiety, and participating in social activities to build confidence and improve communication skills. It's important for those with speech impediments to remember that they are not alone, and that there are resources and strategies available to help them navigate their challenges.

Causes of Speech Impediments

Speech impediments, also known as speech disorders , can be caused by a variety of factors, including physical, neurological, and developmental issues. Understanding the underlying causes of speech impediments is crucial in order to provide effective treatment and support for individuals affected by this condition.

One of the common causes of speech impediments is physical abnormalities in the mouth, throat, or vocal cords. These abnormalities can include cleft palate, tongue tie, or other structural issues that affect the production of speech sounds. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association , approximately 7.7 million people in the United States have a speech disorder related to a physical condition.

Neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy, stroke, or traumatic brain injury can also result in speech impediments. These conditions can affect the brain's ability to control the muscles involved in speech production, leading to difficulties in articulation and fluency. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that approximately 15 million people worldwide suffer from stroke-related speech impairments.

Furthermore, developmental issues, such as language delays or disorders, can contribute to speech impediments. Children with developmental disorders like autism spectrum disorder or specific language impairment may struggle with speech sound production, language comprehension, and social communication. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders reports that approximately 8% of children in the United States have a communication disorder that affects their speech.

Other potential causes of speech impediments include hearing loss, vocal nodules, and psychological factors such as anxiety or selective mutism. It's important to note that speech impediments can also be the result of a combination of these factors, making diagnosis and treatment more complex.

In conclusion, the causes of speech impediments are diverse and multifaceted, ranging from physical abnormalities to neurological and developmental issues. By understanding these underlying causes, healthcare professionals can provide tailored treatment and support to individuals affected by speech disorders.

Common Symptoms of Speech Impediments

Speech impediments can manifest in a variety of ways, with each individual experiencing unique symptoms. However, there are some common signs that may indicate the presence of a speech impediment. It's important to note that these symptoms can vary widely in severity and may be present in individuals of all ages.

  • Difficulty with articulation: One of the most common symptoms of a speech impediment is difficulty with articulating certain sounds or words. This may manifest as slurred speech, unclear pronunciation, or the inability to produce certain sounds altogether.
  • Stuttering: Another prevalent symptom is stuttering, which involves the repetition or prolongation of sounds, syllables, or words. Stuttering can significantly impact an individual's ability to communicate effectively and may lead to feelings of frustration and embarrassment.
  • Language delays: Some individuals with speech impediments may experience delays in language development, particularly in early childhood. This can manifest as a limited vocabulary, difficulty forming complete sentences, or challenges with understanding and following verbal instructions.
  • Difficulty with social interactions: Speech impediments can also affect an individual's ability to engage in social interactions. This may be due to feelings of self-consciousness about their speech, as well as the challenges of being understood by others.
  • Physical tension or struggle while speaking: Some individuals with speech impediments may exhibit physical tension or struggle while attempting to speak. This can include visible signs of strain in the face or neck, as well as difficulty coordinating the movements necessary for speech production.

It's important to recognize that speech impediments can have a significant impact on an individual's quality of life, affecting their academic, professional, and social experiences. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association , approximately 7.5 million people in the United States alone have trouble using their voices. This underscores the widespread prevalence of speech impediments and the need for effective support and treatment options.

For children, speech impediments can be particularly challenging, as they may face difficulties in school, social settings, and other aspects of their daily lives. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that 1 in 12 children worldwide experiences some form of communication disorder. Early intervention and support are crucial for helping these children overcome their speech impediments and thrive in their personal and academic pursuits.

While the symptoms of speech impediments can be distressing, it's important to remember that effective treatment options are available. Speech therapy, for example, has been shown to be highly beneficial for individuals with speech impediments. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders , speech therapy can help individuals improve their speech clarity, develop effective communication skills, and build confidence in their ability to express themselves.

In addition to professional treatment, individuals with speech impediments can benefit from various coping strategies to help them navigate their daily lives. This may include practicing relaxation techniques to reduce physical tension during speech, seeking out supportive social environments, and engaging in activities that promote self-expression and confidence.

Overall, understanding the common symptoms of speech impediments is an important step in recognizing and addressing this condition. By raising awareness and providing effective support and resources, we can help individuals with speech impediments lead fulfilling lives and reach their full potential.

Diagnosing Speech Impediments

Diagnosing speech impediments can be a complex process that requires a comprehensive evaluation by a speech-language pathologist. Speech impediments can manifest in various forms, including stuttering, lisping, and apraxia of speech. It is estimated that approximately 7.5 million people in the United States alone have trouble using their voices, with speech disorders being one of the most common disabilities in children.

When it comes to diagnosing speech impediments, the first step is to conduct a thorough assessment of the individual's speech and language abilities. This may involve evaluating their articulation, fluency, voice quality, and overall communication skills. Additionally, the speech-language pathologist may also consider the individual's medical history, family history, and any potential underlying conditions that could be contributing to the speech impediment.

Furthermore, it is important to rule out any hearing impairments or cognitive deficits that could be impacting the individual's ability to communicate effectively. Hearing tests and cognitive assessments may be included as part of the diagnostic process to ensure that all potential contributing factors are taken into account.

Another crucial aspect of diagnosing speech impediments is to assess the impact of the condition on the individual's daily life and social interactions. This may involve gathering information from parents, teachers, or other relevant individuals to gain a comprehensive understanding of how the speech impediment is affecting the individual's overall well-being.

Once a thorough assessment has been completed, the speech-language pathologist can provide a formal diagnosis and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to the individual's specific needs. Treatment options for speech impediments may include speech therapy, assistive devices, and in some cases, medical interventions.

It is important to note that early intervention is key when it comes to addressing speech impediments, as the sooner treatment is initiated, the better the outcomes tend to be. Therefore, timely and accurate diagnosis is essential in ensuring that individuals receive the support and resources they need to overcome their speech challenges.

In conclusion, diagnosing speech impediments involves a comprehensive evaluation of the individual's speech and language abilities, as well as an assessment of the impact of the condition on their daily life. With the right diagnosis and treatment plan in place, individuals with speech impediments can learn to effectively manage their condition and improve their overall communication skills.

Treatment Options for Speech Impediments

When it comes to speech impediments, it's important to understand the various treatment options available. Speech impediments can manifest in different forms, such as stuttering, lisping, or apraxia, and can have a significant impact on an individual's quality of life. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for speech impediments, as well as coping strategies for individuals affected by this condition.

Speech impediments can be caused by a variety of factors, including neurological conditions, developmental disorders, or physical abnormalities in the mouth or throat. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association , approximately 7.5 million people in the United States have trouble using their voices, with speech sound disorders being one of the most common types of communication disorders among children.

Symptoms of Speech Impediments

The symptoms of speech impediments can vary depending on the specific condition. Some common symptoms include difficulty pronouncing certain sounds or words, repeating sounds or words, or struggling to form coherent sentences. Children with speech impediments may also experience delays in language development and have trouble expressing themselves effectively.

Treatment Options

Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for individuals with speech impediments. Speech therapy, which is provided by a speech-language pathologist, is one of the most common and effective treatments. During speech therapy sessions, individuals learn techniques to improve their speech, such as practicing specific sounds or words, using alternative communication methods, and strengthening the muscles used for speech production.

In some cases, medical interventions may be necessary to address underlying physical or neurological issues contributing to the speech impediment. For example, individuals with cleft palate or other structural abnormalities in the mouth or throat may require surgical procedures to correct these issues.

Coping Strategies

Living with a speech impediment can be challenging, but there are coping strategies that can help individuals manage their condition. Building self-confidence and self-acceptance is crucial, and support groups or counseling can provide valuable emotional support. Additionally, practicing good communication techniques, such as speaking slowly and clearly, can help individuals feel more comfortable when interacting with others.

It's important to remember that speech impediments are not a reflection of intelligence or capability, and with the right support and treatment, individuals with speech impediments can lead fulfilling and successful lives.

Speech Therapy for Children and Adults

Speech therapy is a crucial intervention for both children and adults who experience difficulties in speaking, also known as speech impediments. These impediments can be caused by a variety of factors, including developmental delays, neurological disorders, or physical impairments. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for speech impediments, as well as coping strategies for individuals affected by this condition.

For children, speech impediments can significantly impact their overall development and academic performance. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association , approximately 8% of children in the United States have a speech disorder. These disorders can manifest as difficulties with articulation, fluency, or voice production. Early intervention through speech therapy is crucial in helping children overcome these challenges and improve their communication skills.

Adults may also experience speech impediments due to various reasons, such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, or degenerative neurological conditions. The World Health Organization reports that over 50 million people worldwide have a speech disorder, with the majority being adults. Speech therapy can play a vital role in helping adults regain their speech and language abilities, thereby enhancing their quality of life and social interactions.

Speech therapy for both children and adults typically involves a multidisciplinary approach, including assessment, diagnosis, and individualized treatment plans. Speech-language pathologists, or speech therapists, are trained professionals who specialize in evaluating and treating speech and language disorders. They utilize various techniques and exercises to improve articulation, language comprehension, and overall communication skills.

Furthermore, speech therapy may also involve the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices for individuals who have severe speech impairments. These devices can range from simple picture boards to sophisticated electronic devices that generate speech based on input from the user. AAC can significantly enhance the communication abilities of individuals who are unable to speak or have limited verbal output.

In addition to direct therapy sessions, speech therapists often work closely with families, caregivers, and educators to provide support and guidance in facilitating effective communication strategies at home and in educational settings. This collaborative approach is essential in ensuring that individuals with speech impediments receive consistent and comprehensive care.

It is important to note that the success of speech therapy largely depends on early detection and intervention. Therefore, it is crucial for parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to be vigilant in identifying any signs of speech impediments in children and seeking timely evaluation and treatment. Similarly, adults who experience sudden or progressive changes in their speech should seek medical attention to determine the underlying cause and explore appropriate therapy options.

In conclusion, speech therapy is a valuable resource for both children and adults who struggle with speech impediments. By addressing the underlying causes and providing targeted interventions, speech therapists can help individuals improve their communication skills and overcome the challenges associated with speech disorders. Through collaborative efforts and ongoing support, individuals with speech impediments can lead fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Coping Strategies for Individuals with Speech Impediments

Living with a speech impediment can be challenging, but there are coping strategies that can help individuals manage their condition and improve their quality of life. Whether the speech impediment is due to a developmental disorder, neurological condition, or injury, there are various techniques and resources that can be beneficial.

Seeking Professional Help

One of the most important coping strategies for individuals with speech impediments is seeking professional help. Speech therapists, also known as speech-language pathologists, are trained to assess and treat speech disorders. They can provide personalized therapy to improve speech clarity, fluency, and overall communication skills. It is essential to work with a qualified speech therapist to develop a treatment plan tailored to the individual's specific needs.

Practice and Persistence

Consistent practice and persistence are key components of coping with a speech impediment. Speech therapy exercises, such as tongue twisters, breathing exercises, and vocal warm-ups, can help strengthen the muscles involved in speech production. Additionally, practicing good communication habits, such as speaking slowly and clearly, can improve overall speech intelligibility. It is important for individuals with speech impediments to commit to regular practice and remain patient with their progress.

Utilizing Assistive Devices

Assistive devices can be valuable tools for individuals with speech impediments. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices, such as speech-generating devices and communication boards, can assist individuals in expressing themselves when verbal communication is challenging. These devices can enhance communication and help individuals participate more fully in social, educational, and professional settings.

Building a Support Network

Building a strong support network is essential for individuals coping with speech impediments. Family, friends, and peers can provide encouragement, understanding, and acceptance. Support groups and online communities can also offer valuable resources and connections with others who share similar experiences. Connecting with others who understand the challenges of living with a speech impediment can be empowering and reassuring.

Embracing Self-Advocacy

Self-advocacy is an important skill for individuals with speech impediments. Learning to assert one's needs, communicate effectively, and educate others about the nature of the speech impediment can help individuals navigate social interactions and access necessary accommodations. By advocating for themselves, individuals can promote greater awareness and understanding of speech disorders within their communities.

Seeking Emotional Support

Coping with a speech impediment can be emotionally taxing at times. It is important for individuals to seek emotional support when needed. Mental health professionals, such as psychologists or counselors, can provide guidance and support for managing the emotional impact of living with a speech impediment. Addressing feelings of frustration, anxiety, or self-consciousness is an important aspect of overall well-being.

By implementing these coping strategies, individuals with speech impediments can enhance their communication skills, build confidence, and lead fulfilling lives. It is important to remember that each person's experience with a speech impediment is unique, and finding the right combination of coping strategies may require time and experimentation.

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Overcoming Speech Impediment: Symptoms to Treatment

There are many causes and solutions for impaired speech

  • Types and Symptoms
  • Speech Therapy
  • Building Confidence

Speech impediments are conditions that can cause a variety of symptoms, such as an inability to understand language or speak with a stable sense of tone, speed, or fluidity. There are many different types of speech impediments, and they can begin during childhood or develop during adulthood.

Common causes include physical trauma, neurological disorders, or anxiety. If you or your child is experiencing signs of a speech impediment, you need to know that these conditions can be diagnosed and treated with professional speech therapy.

This article will discuss what you can do if you are concerned about a speech impediment and what you can expect during your diagnostic process and therapy.

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Types and Symptoms of Speech Impediment

People can have speech problems due to developmental conditions that begin to show symptoms during early childhood or as a result of conditions that may occur during adulthood. 

The main classifications of speech impairment are aphasia (difficulty understanding or producing the correct words or phrases) or dysarthria (difficulty enunciating words).

Often, speech problems can be part of neurological or neurodevelopmental disorders that also cause other symptoms, such as multiple sclerosis (MS) or autism spectrum disorder .

There are several different symptoms of speech impediments, and you may experience one or more.

Can Symptoms Worsen?

Most speech disorders cause persistent symptoms and can temporarily get worse when you are tired, anxious, or sick.

Symptoms of dysarthria can include:

  • Slurred speech
  • Slow speech
  • Choppy speech
  • Hesitant speech
  • Inability to control the volume of your speech
  • Shaking or tremulous speech pattern
  • Inability to pronounce certain sounds

Symptoms of aphasia may involve:

  • Speech apraxia (difficulty coordinating speech)
  • Difficulty understanding the meaning of what other people are saying
  • Inability to use the correct words
  • Inability to repeat words or phases
  • Speech that has an irregular rhythm

You can have one or more of these speech patterns as part of your speech impediment, and their combination and frequency will help determine the type and cause of your speech problem.

Causes of Speech Impediment

The conditions that cause speech impediments can include developmental problems that are present from birth, neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease , or sudden neurological events, such as a stroke .

Some people can also experience temporary speech impairment due to anxiety, intoxication, medication side effects, postictal state (the time immediately after a seizure), or a change of consciousness.

Speech Impairment in Children

Children can have speech disorders associated with neurodevelopmental problems, which can interfere with speech development. Some childhood neurological or neurodevelopmental disorders may cause a regression (backsliding) of speech skills.

Common causes of childhood speech impediments include:

  • Autism spectrum disorder : A neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social and interactive development
  • Cerebral palsy :  A congenital (from birth) disorder that affects learning and control of physical movement
  • Hearing loss : Can affect the way children hear and imitate speech
  • Rett syndrome : A genetic neurodevelopmental condition that causes regression of physical and social skills beginning during the early school-age years.
  • Adrenoleukodystrophy : A genetic disorder that causes a decline in motor and cognitive skills beginning during early childhood
  • Childhood metabolic disorders : A group of conditions that affects the way children break down nutrients, often resulting in toxic damage to organs
  • Brain tumor : A growth that may damage areas of the brain, including those that control speech or language
  • Encephalitis : Brain inflammation or infection that may affect the way regions in the brain function
  • Hydrocephalus : Excess fluid within the skull, which may develop after brain surgery and can cause brain damage

Do Childhood Speech Disorders Persist?

Speech disorders during childhood can have persistent effects throughout life. Therapy can often help improve speech skills.

Speech Impairment in Adulthood

Adult speech disorders develop due to conditions that damage the speech areas of the brain.

Common causes of adult speech impairment include:

  • Head trauma 
  • Nerve injury
  • Throat tumor
  • Stroke 
  • Parkinson’s disease 
  • Essential tremor
  • Brain tumor
  • Brain infection

Additionally, people may develop changes in speech with advancing age, even without a specific neurological cause. This can happen due to presbyphonia , which is a change in the volume and control of speech due to declining hormone levels and reduced elasticity and movement of the vocal cords.

Do Speech Disorders Resolve on Their Own?

Children and adults who have persistent speech disorders are unlikely to experience spontaneous improvement without therapy and should seek professional attention.

Steps to Treating Speech Impediment 

If you or your child has a speech impediment, your healthcare providers will work to diagnose the type of speech impediment as well as the underlying condition that caused it. Defining the cause and type of speech impediment will help determine your prognosis and treatment plan.

Sometimes the cause is known before symptoms begin, as is the case with trauma or MS. Impaired speech may first be a symptom of a condition, such as a stroke that causes aphasia as the primary symptom.

The diagnosis will include a comprehensive medical history, physical examination, and a thorough evaluation of speech and language. Diagnostic testing is directed by the medical history and clinical evaluation.

Diagnostic testing may include:

  • Brain imaging , such as brain computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic residence imaging (MRI), if there’s concern about a disease process in the brain
  • Swallowing evaluation if there’s concern about dysfunction of the muscles in the throat
  • Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies (aka nerve conduction velocity, or NCV) if there’s concern about nerve and muscle damage
  • Blood tests, which can help in diagnosing inflammatory disorders or infections

Your diagnostic tests will help pinpoint the cause of your speech problem. Your treatment will include specific therapy to help improve your speech, as well as medication or other interventions to treat the underlying disorder.

For example, if you are diagnosed with MS, you would likely receive disease-modifying therapy to help prevent MS progression. And if you are diagnosed with a brain tumor, you may need surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation to treat the tumor.

Therapy to Address Speech Impediment

Therapy for speech impairment is interactive and directed by a specialist who is experienced in treating speech problems . Sometimes, children receive speech therapy as part of a specialized learning program at school.

The duration and frequency of your speech therapy program depend on the underlying cause of your impediment, your improvement, and approval from your health insurance.

If you or your child has a serious speech problem, you may qualify for speech therapy. Working with your therapist can help you build confidence, particularly as you begin to see improvement.

Exercises during speech therapy may include:

  • Pronouncing individual sounds, such as la la la or da da da
  • Practicing pronunciation of words that you have trouble pronouncing
  • Adjusting the rate or volume of your speech
  • Mouth exercises
  • Practicing language skills by naming objects or repeating what the therapist is saying

These therapies are meant to help achieve more fluent and understandable speech as well as an increased comfort level with speech and language.

Building Confidence With Speech Problems 

Some types of speech impairment might not qualify for therapy. If you have speech difficulties due to anxiety or a social phobia or if you don’t have access to therapy, you might benefit from activities that can help you practice your speech. 

You might consider one or more of the following for you or your child:

  • Joining a local theater group
  • Volunteering in a school or community activity that involves interaction with the public
  • Signing up for a class that requires a significant amount of class participation
  • Joining a support group for people who have problems with speech

Activities that you do on your own to improve your confidence with speaking can be most beneficial when you are in a non-judgmental and safe space.

Many different types of speech problems can affect children and adults. Some of these are congenital (present from birth), while others are acquired due to health conditions, medication side effects, substances, or mood and anxiety disorders. Because there are so many different types of speech problems, seeking a medical diagnosis so you can get the right therapy for your specific disorder is crucial.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Language and speech disorders in children .

Han C, Tang J, Tang B, et al. The effectiveness and safety of noninvasive brain stimulation technology combined with speech training on aphasia after stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Medicine (Baltimore). 2024;103(2):e36880. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000036880

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Quick statistics about voice, speech, language .

Mackey J, McCulloch H, Scheiner G, et al. Speech pathologists' perspectives on the use of augmentative and alternative communication devices with people with acquired brain injury and reflections from lived experience . Brain Impair. 2023;24(2):168-184. doi:10.1017/BrImp.2023.9

Allison KM, Doherty KM. Relation of speech-language profile and communication modality to participation of children with cerebral palsy . Am J Speech Lang Pathol . 2024:1-11. doi:10.1044/2023_AJSLP-23-00267

Saccente-Kennedy B, Gillies F, Desjardins M, et al. A systematic review of speech-language pathology interventions for presbyphonia using the rehabilitation treatment specification system . J Voice. 2024:S0892-1997(23)00396-X. doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2023.12.010

By Heidi Moawad, MD Dr. Moawad is a neurologist and expert in brain health. She regularly writes and edits health content for medical books and publications.

Woman helping teach child who has speech language disorder

10 Most Common Speech-Language Disorders & Impediments

As you get to know more about the field of speech-language pathology you’ll increasingly realize why SLPs are required to earn at least a master’s degree . This stuff is serious – and there’s nothing easy about it.

In 2016 the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders reported that 7.7% of American children have been diagnosed with a speech or swallowing disorder. That comes out to nearly one in 12 children, and gets even bigger if you factor in adults.

Whether rooted in psycho-speech behavioral issues, muscular disorders, or brain damage, nearly all the diagnoses SLPs make fall within just 10 common categories…

Types of Speech Disorders & Impediments

Apraxia of speech (aos).

Apraxia of Speech (AOS) happens when the neural pathway between the brain and a person’s speech function (speech muscles) is lost or obscured. The person knows what they want to say – they can even write what they want to say on paper – however the brain is unable to send the correct messages so that speech muscles can articulate what they want to say, even though the speech muscles themselves work just fine. Many SLPs specialize in the treatment of Apraxia .

There are different levels of severity of AOS, ranging from mostly functional, to speech that is incoherent. And right now we know for certain it can be caused by brain damage, such as in an adult who has a stroke. This is called Acquired AOS.

However the scientific and medical community has been unable to detect brain damage – or even differences – in children who are born with this disorder, making the causes of Childhood AOS somewhat of a mystery. There is often a correlation present, with close family members suffering from learning or communication disorders, suggesting there may be a genetic link.

Mild cases might be harder to diagnose, especially in children where multiple unknown speech disorders may be present. Symptoms of mild forms of AOS are shared by a range of different speech disorders, and include mispronunciation of words and irregularities in tone, rhythm, or emphasis (prosody).

Stuttering – Stammering

Stuttering, also referred to as stammering, is so common that everyone knows what it sounds like and can easily recognize it. Everyone has probably had moments of stuttering at least once in their life. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders estimates that three million Americans stutter, and reports that of the up-to-10-percent of children who do stutter, three-quarters of them will outgrow it. It should not be confused with cluttering.

Most people don’t know that stuttering can also include non-verbal involuntary or semi-voluntary actions like blinking or abdominal tensing (tics). Speech language pathologists are trained to look for all the symptoms of stuttering , especially the non-verbal ones, and that is why an SLP is qualified to make a stuttering diagnosis.

The earliest this fluency disorder can become apparent is when a child is learning to talk. It may also surface later during childhood. Rarely if ever has it developed in adults, although many adults have kept a stutter from childhood.

Stuttering only becomes a problem when it has an impact on daily activities, or when it causes concern to parents or the child suffering from it. In some people, a stutter is triggered by certain events like talking on the phone. When people start to avoid specific activities so as not to trigger their stutter, this is a sure sign that the stutter has reached the level of a speech disorder.

The causes of stuttering are mostly a mystery. There is a correlation with family history indicating a genetic link. Another theory is that a stutter is a form of involuntary or semi-voluntary tic. Most studies of stuttering agree there are many factors involved.

Dysarthria is a symptom of nerve or muscle damage. It manifests itself as slurred speech, slowed speech, limited tongue, jaw, or lip movement, abnormal rhythm and pitch when speaking, changes in voice quality, difficulty articulating, labored speech, and other related symptoms.

It is caused by muscle damage, or nerve damage to the muscles involved in the process of speaking such as the diaphragm, lips, tongue, and vocal chords.

Because it is a symptom of nerve and/or muscle damage it can be caused by a wide range of phenomena that affect people of all ages. This can start during development in the womb or shortly after birth as a result of conditions like muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy. In adults some of the most common causes of dysarthria are stroke, tumors, and MS.

A lay term, lisping can be recognized by anyone and is very common.

Speech language pathologists provide an extra level of expertise when treating patients with lisping disorders . They can make sure that a lisp is not being confused with another type of disorder such as apraxia, aphasia, impaired development of expressive language, or a speech impediment caused by hearing loss.

SLPs are also important in distinguishing between the five different types of lisps. Most laypersons can usually pick out the most common type, the interdental/dentalised lisp. This is when a speaker makes a “th” sound when trying to make the “s” sound. It is caused by the tongue reaching past or touching the front teeth.

Because lisps are functional speech disorders, SLPs can play a huge role in correcting these with results often being a complete elimination of the lisp. Treatment is particularly effective when implemented early, although adults can also benefit.

Experts recommend professional SLP intervention if a child has reached the age of four and still has an interdental/dentalised lisp. SLP intervention is recommended as soon as possible for all other types of lisps. Treatment includes pronunciation and annunciation coaching, re-teaching how a sound or word is supposed to be pronounced, practice in front of a mirror, and speech-muscle strengthening that can be as simple as drinking out of a straw.

Spasmodic Dysphonia

Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD) is a chronic long-term disorder that affects the voice. It is characterized by a spasming of the vocal chords when a person attempts to speak and results in a voice that can be described as shaky, hoarse, groaning, tight, or jittery. It can cause the emphasis of speech to vary considerably. Many SLPs specialize in the treatment of Spasmodic Dysphonia .

SLPs will most often encounter this disorder in adults, with the first symptoms usually occurring between the ages of 30 and 50. It can be caused by a range of things mostly related to aging, such as nervous system changes and muscle tone disorders.

It’s difficult to isolate vocal chord spasms as being responsible for a shaky or trembly voice, so diagnosing SD is a team effort for SLPs that also involves an ear, nose, and throat doctor (otolaryngologist) and a neurologist.

Have you ever heard people talking about how they are smart but also nervous in large groups of people, and then self-diagnose themselves as having Asperger’s? You might have heard a similar lay diagnosis for cluttering. This is an indication of how common this disorder is as well as how crucial SLPs are in making a proper cluttering diagnosis .

A fluency disorder, cluttering is characterized by a person’s speech being too rapid, too jerky, or both. To qualify as cluttering, the person’s speech must also have excessive amounts of “well,” “um,” “like,” “hmm,” or “so,” (speech disfluencies), an excessive exclusion or collapsing of syllables, or abnormal syllable stresses or rhythms.

The first symptoms of this disorder appear in childhood. Like other fluency disorders, SLPs can have a huge impact on improving or eliminating cluttering. Intervention is most effective early on in life, however adults can also benefit from working with an SLP.

Muteness – Selective Mutism

There are different kinds of mutism, and here we are talking about selective mutism. This used to be called elective mutism to emphasize its difference from disorders that caused mutism through damage to, or irregularities in, the speech process.

Selective mutism is when a person does not speak in some or most situations, however that person is physically capable of speaking. It most often occurs in children, and is commonly exemplified by a child speaking at home but not at school.

Selective mutism is related to psychology. It appears in children who are very shy, who have an anxiety disorder, or who are going through a period of social withdrawal or isolation. These psychological factors have their own origins and should be dealt with through counseling or another type of psychological intervention.

Diagnosing selective mutism involves a team of professionals including SLPs, pediatricians, psychologists, and psychiatrists. SLPs play an important role in this process because there are speech language disorders that can have the same effect as selective muteness – stuttering, aphasia, apraxia of speech, or dysarthria – and it’s important to eliminate these as possibilities.

And just because selective mutism is primarily a psychological phenomenon, that doesn’t mean SLPs can’t do anything. Quite the contrary.

The National Institute on Neurological Disorders and Stroke estimates that one million Americans have some form of aphasia.

Aphasia is a communication disorder caused by damage to the brain’s language capabilities. Aphasia differs from apraxia of speech and dysarthria in that it solely pertains to the brain’s speech and language center.

As such anyone can suffer from aphasia because brain damage can be caused by a number of factors. However SLPs are most likely to encounter aphasia in adults, especially those who have had a stroke. Other common causes of aphasia are brain tumors, traumatic brain injuries, and degenerative brain diseases.

In addition to neurologists, speech language pathologists have an important role in diagnosing aphasia. As an SLP you’ll assess factors such as a person’s reading and writing, functional communication, auditory comprehension, and verbal expression.

Speech Delay – Alalia

A speech delay, known to professionals as alalia, refers to the phenomenon when a child is not making normal attempts to verbally communicate. There can be a number of factors causing this to happen, and that’s why it’s critical for a speech language pathologist to be involved.

The are many potential reasons why a child would not be using age-appropriate communication. These can range anywhere from the child being a “late bloomer” – the child just takes a bit longer than average to speak – to the child having brain damage. It is the role of an SLP to go through a process of elimination, evaluating each possibility that could cause a speech delay, until an explanation is found.

Approaching a child with a speech delay starts by distinguishing among the two main categories an SLP will evaluate: speech and language.

Speech has a lot to do with the organs of speech – the tongue, mouth, and vocal chords – as well as the muscles and nerves that connect them with the brain. Disorders like apraxia of speech and dysarthria are two examples that affect the nerve connections and organs of speech. Other examples in this category could include a cleft palette or even hearing loss.

The other major category SLPs will evaluate is language. This relates more to the brain and can be affected by brain damage or developmental disorders like autism. There are many different types of brain damage that each manifest themselves differently, as well as developmental disorders, and the SLP will make evaluations for everything.

Issues Related to Autism

While the autism spectrum itself isn’t a speech disorder, it makes this list because the two go hand-in-hand more often than not.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that one out of every 68 children in our country have an autism spectrum disorder. And by definition, all children who have autism also have social communication problems.

Speech-language pathologists are often a critical voice on a team of professionals – also including pediatricians, occupational therapists, neurologists, developmental specialists, and physical therapists – who make an autism spectrum diagnosis .

In fact, the American Speech-Language Hearing Association reports that problems with communication are the first detectable signs of autism. That is why language disorders – specifically disordered verbal and nonverbal communication – are one of the primary diagnostic criteria for autism.

So what kinds of SLP disorders are you likely to encounter with someone on the autism spectrum?

A big one is apraxia of speech. A study that came out of Penn State in 2015 found that 64 percent of children who were diagnosed with autism also had childhood apraxia of speech.

This basic primer on the most common speech disorders offers little more than an interesting glimpse into the kind of issues that SLPs work with patients to resolve. But even knowing everything there is to know about communication science and speech disorders doesn’t tell the whole story of what this profession is all about. With every client in every therapy session, the goal is always to have the folks that come to you for help leave with a little more confidence than when they walked in the door that day. As a trusted SLP, you will build on those gains with every session, helping clients experience the joy and freedom that comes with the ability to express themselves freely. At the end of the day, this is what being an SLP is all about.

Ready to make a difference in speech pathology? Learn how to become a Speech-Language Pathologist today

  • Emerson College - Master's in Speech-Language Pathology online - Prepare to become an SLP in as few as 20 months. No GRE required. Scholarships available.
  • Arizona State University - Online - Online Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Science - Designed to prepare graduates to work in behavioral health settings or transition to graduate programs in speech-language pathology and audiology.
  • NYU Steinhardt - NYU Steinhardt's Master of Science in Communicative Sciences and Disorders online - ASHA-accredited. Bachelor's degree required. Graduate prepared to pursue licensure.
  • Calvin University - Calvin University's Online Speech and Hearing Foundations Certificate - Helps You Gain a Strong Foundation for Your Speech-Language Pathology Career.
  • George Mason University - George Mason University's Graduate Programs in Special Education, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Applied Behavior Analysis. - Prepares you for a rewarding career as a Speech and Language Pathologist.
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What Is a Speech Sound Disorder?

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Speech sound disorders are a blanket description for a child’s difficulty in learning, articulating, or using the sounds/sound patterns of their language. These difficulties are usually clear when compared to the communication abilities of children within the same age group.

Speech developmental disorders may indicate challenges with motor speech. Here, a child experiences difficulty moving the muscles necessary for speech production. This child may also face reduced coordination when attempting to speak.

Speech sound disorders are recognized where speech patterns do not correspond with the movements/gestures made when speaking.  

Speech impairments are a common early childhood occurrence—an estimated 2% to 13% of children live with these difficulties. Children with these disorders may struggle with reading and writing. This can interfere with their expected academic performance. Speech sound disorders are often confused with language conditions such as specific language impairment (SLI).

This article will examine the distinguishing features of this disorder. It will also review factors responsible for speech challenges, and the different ways they can manifest. Lastly, we’ll cover different treatment methods that make managing this disorder possible.

Symptoms of Speech Sound Disorder

A speech sound disorder may manifest in different ways. This usually depends on the factors responsible for the challenge, or how extreme it is.

There are different patterns of error that may signal a speech sound disorder. These include:

  • Removing a sound from a word
  • Including a sound in a word
  • Replacing hard to pronounce sounds with an unsuitable alternative
  • Difficulty pronouncing the same sound in different words (e.g., "pig" and "kit")
  • Repeating sounds or words
  • Lengthening words
  • Pauses while speaking
  • Tension when producing sounds
  • Head jerks during speech
  • Blinking while speaking
  • Shame while speaking
  • Changes in voice pitch
  • Running out of breath while speaking

It’s important to note that children develop at different rates. This can reflect in the ease and ability to produce sounds. But where children repeatedly make sounds or statements that are difficult to understand, this could indicate a speech disorder.

Diagnosis of Speech Sound Disorders

For a correct diagnosis, a speech-language pathologist can determine whether or not a child has a speech-sound disorder.

This determination may be made in line with the requirements of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria . These guidelines require that:

  • The child experience persistent difficulty with sound production (this affects communication and speech comprehension)
  • Symptoms of the disorder appear early during the child’s development stages
  • This disorder limits communication. It affects social interactions, academic achievements, and job performance.
  • The disorder is not caused by other conditions like a congenital disorder or an acquired condition like hearing loss . Hereditary disorders are, however, exempted. 

Causes of Speech Sound Disorders

There is no known cause of speech sound disorders. However, several risk factors may increase the odds of developing a speech challenge. These include:

  • Gender : Male children are more likely to develop a speech sound disorder
  • Family history : Children with family members living with speech disorders may acquire a similar challenge.
  • Socioeconomics : Being raised in a low socioeconomic environment may contribute to the development of speech and literacy challenges.
  • Pre- and post-natal challenges : Difficulties faced during pregnancy such as maternal infections and stressors may worsen the chances of speech disorders in a child. Likewise, delivery complications, premature birth, and low-birth-weight could lead to speech disorders.
  • Disabilities : Down syndrome, autism , and other disabilities may be linked to speech-sound disorders.
  • Physical challenges : Children with a cleft lip may experience speech sound difficulties.
  • Brain damage : These disorders may also be caused by an infection or trauma to a child’s brain . This is seen in conditions like cerebral palsy where the muscles affecting speech are injured.

Types of Speech Sound Disorders

By the time a child turns three, at least half of what they say should be properly understood. By ages four and five, most sounds should be pronounced correctly—although, exceptions may arise when pronouncing “l”, “s”,”r”,”v”, and other similar sounds. By seven or eight, harder sounds should be properly pronounced. 

A child with a speech sound disorder will continue to struggle to pronounce words, even past the expected age. Difficulty with speech patterns may signal one of the following speech sound disorders:

This refers to interruptions while speaking. Stuttering is the most common form of disfluency. It is recognized for recurring breaks in the free flow of speech. After the age of four, a child with disfluency will still repeat words or phrases while speaking. This child may include extra words or sounds when communicating—they may also make words longer by stressing syllables.

This disorder may cause tension while speaking. Other times, head jerking or blinking may be observed with disfluency. 

Children with this disorder often feel frustrated when speaking, it may also cause embarrassment during interactions. 

Articulation Disorder

When a child is unable to properly produce sounds, this may be caused by inexact placement, speed, pressure, or movement from the lips, tongue, or throat.  

This usually signals an articulation disorder, where sounds like “r”, “l”, or “s” may be changed. In these cases, a child’s communication may be understood by only close family members.

Phonological Disorder

A phonological disorder is present where a child is unable to make the speech sounds expected of their age. Here, mistakes may be made when producing sounds. Other times, sounds like consonants may be omitted when speaking.  

Voice Disorder

Where a child is observed to have a raspy voice, this may be an early sign of a voice disorder. Other indicators include voice breaks, a change in pitch, or an excessively loud or soft voice.  

Children that run out of breath while speaking may also live with this disorder. Likewise, children may sound very nasally, or can appear to have inadequate air coming out of their nose if they have a voice disorder.

Childhood apraxia of speech occurs when a child lacks the proper motor skills for sound production. Children with this condition will find it difficult to plan and produce movements in the tongue, lips, jaw, and palate required for speech.  

Treatment of Speech Sound Disorder

Parents of children with speech sound disorders may feel at a loss for the next steps to take. To avoid further strain to the child, it’s important to avoid showing excessive concern.

Instead, listening patiently to their needs, letting them speak without completing their sentences, and showing usual love and care can go a long way.

For professional assistance, a speech-language pathologist can assist with improving a child’s communication. These pathologists will typically use oral motor exercises to enhance speech.

These oral exercises may also include nonspeech oral exercises such as blowing, oral massages and brushing, cheek puffing, whistleblowing, etc.

Nonspeech oral exercises help to strengthen weak mouth muscles, and can help with learning the common ways of communicating.

Parents and children with speech sound disorders may also join support groups for information and assistance with the condition.

A Word From Verywell

It can be frustrating to witness the challenges in communication. But while it's understandable to long for typical communication from a child—the differences caused by speech disorders can be managed with the right care and supervision. Speaking to a speech therapist, and showing love o children with speech disorders can be important first steps in overcoming these conditions.

Eadie P, Morgan A, Ukoumunne OC, Ttofari Eecen K, Wake M, Reilly S. Speech sound disorder at 4 years: prevalence, comorbidities, and predictors in a community cohort of children . Dev Med Child Neurol . 2015;57(6):578-584. doi:10.1111/dmcn.12635

McLeod S, Harrison LJ, McAllister L, McCormack J. Speech sound disorders in a community study of preschool children . Am J Speech Lang Pathol . 2013;22(3):503-522. doi:10.1044/1058-0360(2012/11-0123)

Murphy CF, Pagan-Neves LO, Wertzner HF, Schochat E. Children with speech sound disorder: comparing a non-linguistic auditory approach with a phonological intervention approach to improve phonological skills . Front Psychol . 2015;6:64. Published 2015 Feb 4. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00064

Penn Medicine. Speech and Language Disorders-Symptoms and Causes .

PsychDB. Speech Sound Disorder (Phonological Disorder) .

Sices L, Taylor HG, Freebairn L, Hansen A, Lewis B. Relationship between speech-sound disorders and early literacy skills in preschool-age children: impact of comorbid language impairment . J Dev Behav Pediatr . 2007;28(6):438-447. doi:10.1097/DBP.0b013e31811ff8ca

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Speech Sound Disorders: Articulation and Phonology .

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Speech Sound Disorders .

MedlinePlus. Phonological Disorder .

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Articulation Disorder .

National Institute of Health. Phonological Disorder.

Lee AS, Gibbon FE. Non-speech oral motor treatment for children with developmental speech sound disorders . Cochrane Database Syst Rev . 2015;2015(3):CD009383. Published 2015 Mar 25. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009383.pub2

By Elizabeth Plumptre Elizabeth is a freelance health and wellness writer. She helps brands craft factual, yet relatable content that resonates with diverse audiences.

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Speech Impediment Guide: Definition, Causes, and Resources

December 8, 2020 

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Tables of Contents

What Is a Speech Impediment?

Types of speech disorders, speech impediment causes, how to fix a speech impediment, making a difference in speech disorders.

Communication is a cornerstone of human relationships. When an individual struggles to verbalize information, thoughts, and feelings, it can cause major barriers in personal, learning, and business interactions.

Speech impediments, or speech disorders, can lead to feelings of insecurity and frustration. They can also cause worry for family members and friends who don’t know how to help their loved ones express themselves.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways that speech disorders can be treated, and in many cases, cured. Health professionals in fields including speech-language pathology and audiology can work with patients to overcome communication disorders, and individuals and families can learn techniques to help.

A woman struggles to communicate due to a speech disorder.

Commonly referred to as a speech disorder, a speech impediment is a condition that impacts an individual’s ability to speak fluently, correctly, or with clear resonance or tone. Individuals with speech disorders have problems creating understandable sounds or forming words, leading to communication difficulties.

Some 7.7% of U.S. children — or 1 in 12 youths between the ages of 3 and 17 — have speech, voice, language, or swallowing disorders, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). About 70 million people worldwide, including some 3 million Americans, experience stuttering difficulties, according to the Stuttering Foundation.

Common signs of a speech disorder

There are several symptoms and indicators that can point to a speech disorder.

  • Unintelligible speech — A speech disorder may be present when others have difficulty understanding a person’s verbalizations.
  • Omitted sounds — This symptom can include the omission of part of a word, such as saying “bo” instead of “boat,” and may include omission of consonants or syllables.
  • Added sounds — This can involve adding extra sounds in a word, such as “buhlack” instead of “black,” or repeating sounds like “b-b-b-ball.”
  • Substituted sounds — When sounds are substituted or distorted, such as saying “wabbit” instead of “rabbit,” it may indicate a speech disorder.
  • Use of gestures — When individuals use gestures to communicate instead of words, a speech impediment may be the cause.
  • Inappropriate pitch — This symptom is characterized by speaking with a strange pitch or volume.

In children, signs might also include a lack of babbling or making limited sounds. Symptoms may also include the incorrect use of specific sounds in words, according to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). This may include the sounds p, m, b, w, and h among children aged 1-2, and k, f, g, d, n, and t for children aged 2-3.

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Signs of speech disorders include unintelligible speech and sound omissions, substitutions, and additions.

Categories of Speech Impediments

Speech impediments can range from speech sound disorders (articulation and phonological disorders) to voice disorders. Speech sound disorders may be organic — resulting from a motor or sensory cause — or may be functional with no known cause. Voice disorders deal with physical problems that limit speech. The main categories of speech impediments include the following:

Fluency disorders occur when a patient has trouble with speech timing or rhythms. This can lead to hesitations, repetitions, or prolonged sounds. Fluency disorders include stuttering (repetition of sounds) or   (rapid or irregular rate of speech).

Resonance disorders are related to voice quality that is impacted by the shape of the nose, throat, and/or mouth. Examples of resonance disorders include hyponasality and cul-de-sac resonance.

Articulation disorders occur when a patient has difficulty producing speech sounds. These disorders may stem from physical or anatomical limitations such as muscular, neuromuscular, or skeletal support. Examples of articulation speech impairments include sound omissions, substitutions, and distortions.

Phonological disorders result in the misuse of certain speech sounds to form words. Conditions include fronting, stopping, and the omission of final consonants.

Voice disorders are the result of problems in the larynx that harm the quality or use of an individual’s voice. This can impact pitch, resonance, and loudness.

Impact of Speech Disorders

Some speech disorders have little impact on socialization and daily activities, but other conditions can make some tasks difficult for individuals. Following are a few of the impacts of speech impediments.

  • Poor communication — Children may be unable to participate in certain learning activities, such as answering questions or reading out loud, due to communication difficulties. Adults may avoid work or social activities such as giving speeches or attending parties.
  • Mental health and confidence — Speech disorders may cause children or adults to feel different from peers, leading to a lack of self-confidence and, potentially, self-isolation.

Resources on Speech Disorders

The following resources may help those who are seeking more information about speech impediments.

Health Information : Information and statistics on common voice and speech disorders from the NIDCD

Speech Disorders : Information on childhood speech disorders from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Speech, Language, and Swallowing : Resources about speech and language development from the ASHA

Children and adults can suffer from a variety of speech impairments that may have mild to severe impacts on their ability to communicate. The following 10 conditions are examples of specific types of speech disorders and voice disorders.

1. Stuttering

This condition is one of the most common speech disorders. Stuttering is the repetition of syllables or words, interruptions in speech, or prolonged use of a sound.

This organic speech disorder is a result of damage to the neural pathways that connect the brain to speech-producing muscles. This results in a person knowing what they want to say, but being unable to speak the words.

This consists of the lost ability to speak, understand, or write languages. It is common in stroke, brain tumor, or traumatic brain injury patients.

4. Dysarthria

This condition is an organic speech sound disorder that involves difficulty expressing certain noises. This may involve slurring, or poor pronunciation, and rhythm differences related to nerve or brain disorders.

The condition of lisping is the replacing of sounds in words, including “th” for “s.” Lisping is a functional speech impediment.

6. Hyponasality

This condition is a resonance disorder related to limited sound coming through the nose, causing a “stopped up” quality to speech.

7. Cul-de-sac resonance

This speech disorder is the result of blockage in the mouth, throat, or nose that results in quiet or muffled speech.

8. Orofacial myofunctional disorders

These conditions involve abnormal patterns of mouth and face movement. Conditions include tongue thrusting (fronting), where individuals push out their tongue while eating or talking.

9. Spasmodic Dysphonia

This condition is a voice disorder in which spasms in the vocal cords produce speech that is hoarse, strained, or jittery.

10. Other voice disorders

These conditions can include having a voice that sounds breathy, hoarse, or scratchy. Some disorders deal with vocal folds closing when they should open (paradoxical vocal fold movement) or the presence of polyps or nodules in the vocal folds.

Speech Disorders vs. Language Disorders

Speech disorders deal with difficulty in creating sounds due to articulation, fluency, phonology, and voice problems. These problems are typically related to physical, motor, sensory, neurological, or mental health issues.

Language disorders, on the other hand, occur when individuals have difficulty communicating the meaning of what they want to express. Common in children, these disorders may result in low vocabulary and difficulty saying complex sentences. Such a disorder may reflect difficulty in comprehending school lessons or adopting new words, or it may be related to a learning disability such as dyslexia. Language disorders can also involve receptive language difficulties, where individuals have trouble understanding the messages that others are trying to convey.  

About 5% of children in the U.S. have a speech disorder such as stuttering, apraxia, dysarthria, and lisping.

Resources on Types of Speech Disorders

The following resources may provide additional information on the types of speech impediments.

Common Speech Disorders: A guide to the most common speech impediments from GreatSpeech

Speech impairment in adults: Descriptions of common adult speech issues from MedlinePlus

Stuttering Facts: Information on stuttering indications and causes from the Stuttering Foundation

Speech disorders may be caused by a variety of factors related to physical features, neurological ailments, or mental health conditions. In children, they may be related to developmental issues or unknown causes and may go away naturally over time.

Physical and neurological issues. Speech impediment causes related to physical characteristics may include:

  • Brain damage
  • Nervous system damage
  • Respiratory system damage
  • Hearing difficulties
  • Cancerous or noncancerous growths
  • Muscle and bone problems such as dental issues or cleft palate

Mental health issues. Some speech disorders are related to clinical conditions such as:

  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Down syndrome or other genetic syndromes
  • Cerebral palsy or other neurological disorders
  • Multiple sclerosis

Some speech impairments may also have to do with family history, such as when parents or siblings have experienced language or speech difficulties. Other causes may include premature birth, pregnancy complications, or delivery difficulties. Voice overuse and chronic coughs can also cause speech issues.

The most common way that speech disorders are treated involves seeking professional help. If patients and families feel that symptoms warrant therapy, health professionals can help determine how to fix a speech impediment. Early treatment is best to curb speech disorders, but impairments can also be treated later in life.

Professionals in the speech therapy field include speech-language pathologists (SLPs) . These practitioners assess, diagnose, and treat communication disorders including speech, language, social, cognitive, and swallowing disorders in both adults and children. They may have an SLP assistant to help with diagnostic and therapy activities.

Speech-language pathologists may also share a practice with audiologists and audiology assistants. Audiologists help identify and treat hearing, balance, and other auditory disorders.

How Are Speech Disorders Diagnosed?

Typically, a pediatrician, social worker, teacher, or other concerned party will recognize the symptoms of a speech disorder in children. These individuals, who frequently deal with speech and language conditions and are more familiar with symptoms, will recommend that parents have their child evaluated. Adults who struggle with speech problems may seek direct guidance from a physician or speech evaluation specialist.

When evaluating a patient for a potential speech impediment, a physician will:

  • Conduct hearing and vision tests
  • Evaluate patient records
  • Observe patient symptoms

A speech-language pathologist will conduct an initial screening that might include:

  • An evaluation of speech sounds in words and sentences
  • An evaluation of oral motor function
  • An orofacial examination
  • An assessment of language comprehension

The initial screening might result in no action if speech symptoms are determined to be developmentally appropriate. If a disorder is suspected, the initial screening might result in a referral for a comprehensive speech sound assessment, comprehensive language assessment, audiology evaluation, or other medical services.

Initial assessments and more in-depth screenings might occur in a private speech therapy practice, rehabilitation center, school, childcare program, or early intervention center. For older adults, skilled nursing centers and nursing homes may assess patients for speech, hearing, and language disorders.

How Are Speech Impediments Treated?

Once an evaluation determines precisely what type of speech sound disorder is present, patients can begin treatment. Speech-language pathologists use a combination of therapy, exercise, and assistive devices to treat speech disorders.

Speech therapy might focus on motor production (articulation) or linguistic (phonological or language-based) elements of speech, according to ASHA. There are various types of speech therapy available to patients.

Contextual Utilization  — This therapeutic approach teaches methods for producing sounds consistently in different syllable-based contexts, such as phonemic or phonetic contexts. These methods are helpful for patients who produce sounds inconsistently.

Phonological Contrast — This approach focuses on improving speech through emphasis of phonemic contrasts that serve to differentiate words. Examples might include minimal opposition words (pot vs. spot) or maximal oppositions (mall vs. call). These therapy methods can help patients who use phonological error patterns.

Distinctive Feature — In this category of therapy, SLPs focus on elements that are missing in speech, such as articulation or nasality. This helps patients who substitute sounds by teaching them to distinguish target sounds from substituted sounds.

Core Vocabulary — This therapeutic approach involves practicing whole words that are commonly used in a specific patient’s communications. It is effective for patients with inconsistent sound production.

Metaphon — In this type of therapy, patients are taught to identify phonological language structures. The technique focuses on contrasting sound elements, such as loud vs. quiet, and helps patients with unintelligible speech issues.

Oral-Motor — This approach uses non-speech exercises to supplement sound therapies. This helps patients gain oral-motor strength and control to improve articulation.

Other methods professionals may use to help fix speech impediments include relaxation, breathing, muscle strengthening, and voice exercises. They may also recommend assistive devices, which may include:

  • Radio transmission systems
  • Personal amplifiers
  • Picture boards
  • Touch screens
  • Text displays
  • Speech-generating devices
  • Hearing aids
  • Cochlear implants

Resources for Professionals on How to Fix a Speech Impediment

The following resources provide information for speech therapists and other health professionals.

Assistive Devices: Information on hearing and speech aids from the NIDCD

Information for Audiologists: Publications, news, and practice aids for audiologists from ASHA

Information for Speech-Language Pathologists: Publications, news, and practice aids for SLPs from ASHA

Speech Disorder Tips for Families

For parents who are concerned that their child might have a speech disorder — or who want to prevent the development of a disorder — there are a number of activities that can help. The following are tasks that parents can engage in on a regular basis to develop literacy and speech skills.

  • Introducing new vocabulary words
  • Reading picture and story books with various sounds and patterns
  • Talking to children about objects and events
  • Answering children’s questions during routine activities
  • Encouraging drawing and scribbling
  • Pointing to words while reading books
  • Pointing out words and sentences in objects and signs

Parents can take the following steps to make sure that potential speech impediments are identified early on.

  • Discussing concerns with physicians
  • Asking for hearing, vision, and speech screenings from doctors
  • Requesting special education assessments from school officials
  • Requesting a referral to a speech-language pathologist, audiologist, or other specialist

When a child is engaged in speech therapy, speech-language pathologists will typically establish collaborative relationships with families, sharing information and encouraging parents to participate in therapy decisions and practices.

SLPs will work with patients and their families to set goals for therapy outcomes. In addition to therapy sessions, they may develop activities and exercises for families to work on at home. It is important that caregivers are encouraging and patient with children during therapy.  

Resources for Parents on How to Fix a Speech Impediment

The following resources provide additional information on treatment options for speech disorders.

Speech, Language, and Swallowing Disorders Groups: Listing of self-help groups from ASHA

ProFind: Search tool for finding certified SLPs and audiologists from ASHA

Baby’s Hearing and Communication Development Checklist: Listing of milestones that children should meet by certain ages from the NIDCD

If identified during childhood, speech disorders can be corrected efficiently, giving children greater communication opportunities. If left untreated, speech impediments can cause a variety of problems in adulthood, and may be more difficult to diagnose and treat.

Parents, teachers, doctors, speech and language professionals, and other concerned parties all have unique responsibilities in recognizing and treating speech disorders. Through professional therapy, family engagement, positive encouragement and a strong support network, individuals with speech impediments can overcome their challenges and develop essential communication skills.

Additional Sources

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Speech Sound Disorders

Identify the Signs, Signs of Speech and Language Disorders

Intermountain Healthcare, Phonological Disorders

MedlinePlus, Speech disorders – children

National Institutes of Health, National Institutes on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, “Quick Statistics About Voice, Speech, Language”

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About Stuttering

Signs and symptoms of stuttering, causes of stuttering.

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We all have times when we do not speak smoothly. We may add "uh" or "you know" to what we say. Or, we may say a sound or word more than once. These are called disfluencies.  

People who stutter may have more disfluencies and different types of disfluencies. They may repeat parts of words ( repetitions ), stretch a sound out for a long time ( prolongations ), or have a hard time getting a word out ( blocks ).

Stuttering is more than just disfluencies. Stuttering also may include tension and negative feelings about talking. It may get in the way of how you talk to others. You may want to hide your stuttering. So, you may avoid certain words or situations. For example, you may not want to talk on the phone if that makes you stutter more.

Stuttering can change from day to day. You may have times when you are fluent and times when you stutter more. Stress or excitement can lead to more stuttering.

The following typical disfluencies happen to many of us and are not stuttering:

  • Adding a sound or word, called an interjection – "I um need to go home."
  • Repeating whole words – " Cookies cookies  and milk."
  • Repeating phrases – " He is–he is 4 years old."
  • Changing the words in a sentence, called revision – " I had–I lost my tooth."
  • Not finishing a thought – " His name is  . . . I can't remember."

When children are learning a lot of words or new speech sounds, you may notice some of these typical disfluencies. This is normal.

The following types of disfluencies happen when someone stutters:

  • Part-word repetitions – "I w-w-w- want a drink."
  • One-syllable word repetitions – " Go-go-go away."
  • Prolonged sounds – " Ssssssss am is nice."
  • Blocks or stops – "I want a (pause)  cookie."

You may also notice other behaviors like head nodding or eye blinking. Sometimes people who stutter use these behaviors to stop or keep from stuttering. They may also avoid using certain words or use different words to keep from stuttering.  

Feelings and attitudes can affect stuttering. For example, frustration or tension can cause more disfluencies. Being excited or feeling rushed can also increase disfluencies. A person who stutters may also stutter more if others tease them or bring attention to their speech. Stuttering may cause a person to be embarrassed and make them feel nervous about talking.

Stuttering usually starts between 2 and 6 years of age. Many children go through normal periods of disfluency lasting less than 6 months. Stuttering lasting longer than this may need treatment.

There is no one cause of stuttering. Possible causes include the following:

  • Family history. Many people who stutter have a family member who also stutters.
  • Brain differences. People who stutter may have small differences in the way their brain works during speech.

You cannot always know which children will continue to stutter, but the following factors may place them at risk:

  • Gender. Boys are more likely to continue stuttering than girls.  Data are currently limited to individuals who identify as male or female.
  • Age when stuttering began. Children who start stuttering at age 3½ or later are more likely to continue stuttering.
  • Family recovery patterns. Children with family members who continued to stutter are also more likely to continue.

Seeing A Professional

If you think your child stutters, get help from an SLP as early as possible. Early help can reduce the chances that your child will keep stuttering. Contact an SLP if any of the following things happen:

  • Your child's stuttering has lasted for 6–12 months or more.
  • Your child starts to stutter late (after 3½ years old).  
  • Your child starts to stutter more often.
  • Your child tenses up or struggles when talking.
  • Your child avoids talking or says it is too hard to talk.
  • There is a family history of stuttering.

Testing For Stuttering

It's not easy to tell if your child stutters. Stuttering is more than disfluencies, so it is important to see an SLP for testing. The SLP will look at the following things:

  • The types of disfluencies (typical and stutter-like).
  • The number of disfluencies that are the stuttering type.
  • How your child reacts when they stutter – do they get upset?
  • How your child tries to "fix" their speech – do they start over or stop talking?

The SLP will ask if your child’s stuttering affects the way they play with others, or if stuttering makes it harder for them to participate in school. The SLP will use all of this information to decide if your child stutters or not.

The SLP will also test your child's speech and language. This includes how your child says sounds and words, how well they understand what others say, and how well they use words to talk about their thoughts.

Treatment For Stuttering

There are different ways to help with stuttering. A treatment team usually includes you, your child, other family members, and your child's teacher. Treatment will depend one or more of the following:

  • How much your child stutters
  • How your child reacts when stuttering
  • How stuttering impacts your child's everyday life
  • How others react to your child when they stutter
  • Your child's age

Treatment For Preschool Children Who Stutter

For preschool children, treatment may include the use of direct or indirect strategies.

  • Direct strategies help your child change how they speak.
  • Indirect strategies are ways to help make it easier for your child to talk. These strategies can include slowing down your own speech and asking fewer questions. 

You are an important part of your child's treatment. The SLP can help you learn more about how to respond when your child stutters and what to do to improve how your child feels about talking.

Treatment For Older Children and Adults Who Stutter

For older children and adults, treatment focuses on managing stuttering. An SLP will help them feel less tense and speak more freely in school, at work, and in different social settings. The SLP will also help the person face speaking situations that make them fearful or anxious. This might include speaking on the phone or ordering food at a restaurant.

Some adults who started stuttering as a child may want to see an SLP every once in a while. The SLP will talk to the person about how stuttering affects their everyday life and can help the person practice ways to manage stuttering.

Children and adults who stutter may want to look into local support groups, where they can talk with others who stutter and learn about other helpful resources.

See ASHA information for professionals on the Practice Portal's Fluency Disorders page.

This list does not include every website on this topic. ASHA does not endorse the information on these sites.

  • National Stuttering Association
  • Stuttering Foundation of America
  • American Board of Fluency and Fluency Disorders
  • International Stuttering Association
  • Stuttering Association for the Young
  • Friends: The National Association of Young People Who Stutter
  • Stuttering Home Page
  • StutterTalk

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What to Know About Speech Impairment

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A speech impairment affects people who have problems speaking in a regular tone of voice or tempo. Speech impairments make it hard for people to communicate properly, and they can happen in both children and adults. ‌

These disorders can cause frustration and embarrassment to the person suffering from them.

What is Speech Impairment?

People who have speech impairments have a hard time pronouncing different speech sounds. They might distort the sounds of some words and leave other sounds out completely.

There are three general categories of speech impairment:

  • Fluency disorder. This type can be described as continuity, smoothness, rate, and effort in speech production.
  • Voice disorder. A voice disorder means you have an atypical tone of voice. It could be an unusual pitch, quality, resonance, or volume.
  • Articulation disorder. If you have an articulation disorder, you might distort certain sounds. You could also fully omit sounds.

Stuttering , or stammering, is a common fluency disorder that affects about 3 million Americans. It usually affects young children who are just learning to speak, but it can continue on into adulthood.

Speech and language impairments are two words that are often used interchangeably, but they are two very different types of problems.

Speech means talking. It uses the jaw muscles, tongue, lips, and vocal chords. Language is a set of words and symbols made to communicate a message. Language and speech disorders can affect you separately, or both can happen at the same time.

Types of Speech Impairments

Speech impairments can begin in childhood and carry on through your adult years. Others can happen due to trauma, or after a medical event like a stroke.

The types of speech impairments are:

  • Childhood apraxia of speech. This can happen to children when it’s time for them to start talking. The brain’s signals don’t communicate with the mouth, so the child can’t move their lips and tongue in the way they’re mean to.
  • Dysarthria. This type of speech impairment happens when the muscles you use to talk are too weak, and can’t form words properly.
  • Orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMD). OMDs are characterized by an abnormal pattern of facial muscle use. OMD interferes with how the facial muscles, including the tongue, are used. People who suffer from OMD might also struggle to breathe through their nose.
  • Speech sound disorders. It’s normal for children to struggle to pronounce certain sounds as they learn to talk. But after ages four or five, constant mispronunciation might signal a problem. It can continue into adulthood, or some people get it after a stroke.
  • Stuttering. Stuttering can mean repeating words or sounds like “uh” and “um” (disfluencies) involuntarily. Stuttering can be intensified by strong emotions or stress.
  • Voice. A voice disorder can mean you “lost” your voice because you stressed it too much. It can also mean a chronic cough or paralysis of the vocal cords, among others.

Health Issues That Affect Speech Impairment

Other than childhood speech impairments, there are a range of reasons you could get one in your adult years. They can happen due to a traumatic event, illness, or surgery.

Dysarthria , aphasia, and voice disturbances can happen in adulthood, and are usually due to these medical events.

Aphasia. Aphasia is the loss of ability to understand words, spoken or written. There are many types of aphasia . It can happen after a stroke or if a tumor reaches the part of the brain where language is processed.

Medical issues that can cause aphasia:

  • Head trauma
  • Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
  • Brain tumor
  • Alzheimer’s disease

Dysarthria. Dysarthria is usually caused by a nerve problem. The person suffering from it loses the ability to make certain sounds or might have poor pronunciation. It can also affect your ability to control the tongue, larynx, lips, and vocal chords.

Medical issues that can cause dysarthria:

  • Facial trauma
  • Diseases that affect your nervous system
  • Side effects of certain medication
  • Alcoholic intoxication
  • Dentures that don’t fit properly
  • Transient ischemic attack (TIA) ‌

Voice disturbances. Traumatic events or extreme stress placed on the vocal cords can cause you to “lose” your voice or have a vocal disturbance. Disease can also affect the way your voice sounds.

Cancerous or noncancerous growths or nodules on the vocal cords can make your voice sound different.

Understanding Speech Impairments

Having a speech impairment can be a very frustrating and embarrassing experience for the person experiencing it. It’s important to be patient and understanding when communicating.

Try the following tips to improve communication and foster an accepting environment with someone who has a speech impairment:

  • Speak slowly and use hand gestures
  • Keep a pen and paper handy in case it’s needed to communicate
  • Maintain a calm environment free of stimulating sounds
  • Use simple phrases when you speak
  • Use your normal tone of voice

Consulting with a mental health care provider can help with feelings of anger and depression that can accompany speech impairments.

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Understanding Speech Impediments in Children

Understanding Speech Impediments in Children

How do you know if your child has a speech impediment? Speech impediments in children are more common than you might think. They are a type of communication disorder where “normal” speech is disrupted. The disruption can include a lisp, stuttering, stammering, mis-articulation of certain sounds and more. Another commonly used phrase for speech impediments in children is speech disorder. Often, the causes of a speech impediment are unknown. However, sometimes there are physical impairments such as cleft palate or neurological disorders such as traumatic brain injury that may be the cause of the speech impairment. We have listed below five of the most common types of speech impediments in children and a general description of each. Of course, if you suspect your child may have a speech impairment of any kind, we encourage you to visit your pediatrician or hire a Speech Therapist for more information.

Common Types of Speech Impediments in Children

Speech Impediments in children

  • Apraxia of Speech: Apraxia involves the inconsistent producing and rearranging of speech sounds. For instance potato may become totapo. This disorder may be developmental, where the symptoms have been evident from birth, or acquired. Acquired apraxia of speech generally results from a physical impairment such as injury or stroke.
  • Speech Sound Disorder: A speech sound disorder involves difficulty producing certain sounds. The sounds could include /r/, /s/, /l/,/th/, /g/, /ch/ and /sh/. For example, a child may say “wabbit” instead of “rabbit”.  Speech sound disorders are divided into two categories of speech disorders. The first is a Phonetic disorder or articulation disorder which involves the child having difficulty in learning to produce certain sounds physically. The second speech sound disorder is a Phonemic disorder. This type of speech impediment involves the child having difficulty learning the sound distinctions of a language. Luckily, this common speech impediment in children is often easily corrected. Tongue placement tools or working with a Speech Therapist can really help your child.
  • Cluttering: Cluttering is a speech disorder characterized by a rapid rate making speech difficult to understand, which in turn affects the person’s fluency. This can happen if the person has a tendency to speak really fast. This can also result when an individual continues to repeat themselves in order to try to make them understood. Cluttering is also referred to as fluency disorder.
  • Lisp : A lisp is a speech impediment in children who are struggling to produce the /s/ sound clearly. A frontal lisp is when a child pushes his tongue too far forward in the mouth. A lateral lisp produces a “slushy” sound because too much air is escaping out the sides of a child’s mouth.

We have identified only five of the most common types of speech impediments in children. There are a number of other speech disorders beyond what we have listed. Please refer to our free eBook  for additional information. The good news is that with consistent speech therapy and early intervention, speech impediments in children can be overcome.

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  • speech and language therapist
  • speech and language therapy
  • stammeringly
  • stutteringly

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  1. Speech disorder

    Speech disorders, impairments, or impediments, are a type of communication disorder in which normal speech is disrupted. [1] This can mean fluency disorders like stuttering, cluttering or lisps.Someone who is unable to speak due to a speech disorder is considered mute. [2] Speech skills are vital to social relationships and learning, and delays or disorders that relate to developing these ...

  2. Speech and language impairment

    Speech and language impairment are basic categories that might be drawn in issues of communication involve hearing, speech, language, and fluency.. A speech impairment is characterized by difficulty in articulation of words. Examples include stuttering or problems producing particular sounds. Articulation refers to the sounds, syllables, and phonology produced by the individual.

  3. Lisp

    A frontal lisp occurs when the tongue is placed anterior to the target.Interdental lisping is produced when the tip of the tongue protrudes between the front teeth and dentalized lisping is produced when the tip of the tongue just touches the front teeth. The transcription in the International Phonetic Alphabet for interdental sibilants is [s̪͆] and [z̪͆] and for simple dental sibilants is ...

  4. Understanding Speech Impediments: Causes, Symptoms, And ...

    Speech impediments can manifest in different forms, such as stuttering, lisping, or apraxia, and can have a significant impact on an individual's quality of life. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for speech impediments, as well as coping strategies for individuals affected by this condition. ...

  5. Speech disorder

    A speech disorder or speech impairment is a long-lasting communication problem, caused by problems with speaking. People with speech impairments have problems making certain sounds, forming words, or combining these words into sentences. Common speech impairments are stuttering, lisps and rhotacism (inability or difficulty pronouncing the R ...

  6. Speech Impediment: Types in Children and Adults

    Common causes of childhood speech impediments include: Autism spectrum disorder: A neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social and interactive development. Cerebral palsy: A congenital (from birth) disorder that affects learning and control of physical movement. Hearing loss: Can affect the way children hear and imitate speech.

  7. 10 Most Common Speech-Language Disorders & Impediments

    Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD) is a chronic long-term disorder that affects the voice. It is characterized by a spasming of the vocal chords when a person attempts to speak and results in a voice that can be described as shaky, hoarse, groaning, tight, or jittery. It can cause the emphasis of speech to vary considerably.

  8. Types of Speech Impediments

    However, some speech disorders persist. Approximately 5% of children aged three to 17 in the United States experience speech disorders. There are many different types of speech impediments, including: Disfluency. Articulation errors. Ankyloglossia. Dysarthria. Apraxia. This article explores the causes, symptoms, and treatment of the different ...

  9. Speech Sound Disorder: Types, Causes, Treatment

    Gender: Male children are more likely to develop a speech sound disorder; Family history: Children with family members living with speech disorders may acquire a similar challenge.; Socioeconomics: Being raised in a low socioeconomic environment may contribute to the development of speech and literacy challenges.; Pre- and post-natal challenges: Difficulties faced during pregnancy such as ...

  10. Speech sound disorder

    A speech sound disorder (SSD) is a speech disorder affecting the ability to pronounce speech sounds, which includes speech articulation disorders and phonemic disorders, the latter referring to some sounds not being produced or used correctly.The term "protracted phonological development" is sometimes preferred when describing children's speech, to emphasize the continuing development while ...

  11. Speech Impediment Guide: Definition, Causes, and Resources

    Use of gestures — When individuals use gestures to communicate instead of words, a speech impediment may be the cause. Inappropriate pitch — This symptom is characterized by speaking with a strange pitch or volume. In children, signs might also include a lack of babbling or making limited sounds.

  12. Speech disorders: Types, Symptoms, Causes, and More

    Speech disorders affect the vocal cords, muscles, nerves, and other structures within the throat. Causes may include: vocal cord damage. brain damage. muscle weakness. respiratory weakness ...

  13. Speech and Language Impairment

    A language impairment is a specific impairment in understanding and sharing thoughts and ideas, i.e. a disorder that involves the processing of linguistic information. Problems that may be experienced can involve the form of language, including grammar, morphology, syntax; and the functional aspects of language, including semantics and pragmatics.

  14. Stuttering

    They may repeat parts of words (repetitions), stretch a sound out for a long time (prolongations), or have a hard time getting a word out (blocks). Stuttering is more than just disfluencies. Stuttering also may include tension and negative feelings about talking. It may get in the way of how you talk to others.

  15. Speech Impairment: Types and Health Effects

    There are three general categories of speech impairment: Fluency disorder. This type can be described as continuity, smoothness, rate, and effort in speech production. Voice disorder. A voice ...

  16. Apraxia of speech

    Apraxia of speech (AOS), also called verbal apraxia, is a speech sound disorder affecting an individual's ability to translate conscious speech plans into motor plans, which results in limited and difficult speech ability. By the definition of apraxia, AOS affects volitional (willful or purposeful) movement pattern. However, AOS usually also affects automatic speech.

  17. Types of Speech Impediment

    There are fours types of lisp: Frontal lisp - This is caused by the tongue being pushed too far forward and through the teeth during speech. This makes the speaker pronounce a /th/ sound when trying to make an /s/ or /z/ sound. Lateral lisp - Again, this occurs when attempting /s/ and /z/ sounds.

  18. Category:People with speech impediment

    People with speech impediment. This category may inappropriately label persons. See Wikipedia:Categorization and WP:BLPCAT for advice on how to apply categorization to articles relating to people. See also the policy at Wikipedia:Categorizing articles about people regarding categorization by ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, or disability.

  19. Why Children Have Speech Impediments & Tips for the 5 Most Common

    Lisp: A lisp is a speech impediment in children who are struggling to produce the /s/ sound clearly. A frontal lisp is when a child pushes his tongue too far forward in the mouth. A lateral lisp produces a "slushy" sound because too much air is escaping out the sides of a child's mouth. We have identified only five of the most common ...


    SPEECH IMPEDIMENT definition: 1. a difficulty in speaking clearly, such as a lisp or stammer 2. a difficulty in speaking clearly…. Learn more.

  21. Rhotacism

    Rhotacism (/ ˈ r oʊ t ə s ɪ z əm / ROH-tə-siz-əm) [1] or rhotacization is a sound change that converts one consonant (usually a voiced alveolar consonant: /z/, /d/, /l/, or /n/) to a rhotic consonant in a certain environment. The most common may be of /z/ to /r/. [2] When a dialect or member of a language family resists the change and keeps a /z/ sound, this is sometimes known as zetacism.