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Resume builder build a professional resume.

Build a resume in just a few minutes and make a lasting impression with the Resume Builder – a feature of the Standard and Plus accounts on Job Bank.

Build a professional resume

Showcase your potential.

Easily build a professional-looking resume that showcases your goals and qualifications. Just pick a template and fill in the blanks. No formatting is needed!

Cut down on writing

Spend less time writing and make sure you use the same words as employers. You can simply select skills and job duties from our thousands of pre-defined options.

Store your resume online

Build multiple resumes for different types of jobs and save them all in your account until the right opportunity comes up. You can download and print them at any time.

How to use the Resume Builder

Step 1 pick a template.

After you create a Standard or Plus account on Job Bank, just login to access the Resume Builder. To build your first resume, pick from one of the two templates currently available. You should choose the resume template that best reflects your current situation.

  • you have several years of experience in your field;
  • you’re looking for a job in your field;
  • your career progression has been stable and your work history is fairly consistent (no major gaps).

Use the youth and recent graduates’ template if:

  • you’re a first-time job seeker starting your professional career;
  • you’ve just completed your education and you’re looking for an entry-level job in your field of study;
  • you have limited paid work experience.

Step 2 Fill in the blanks

Once you’ve picked a resume template, fill in the blanks with details about your education, experience and skills.

To help fill in some sections of your resume, you can search thousands of pre-defined options and select the ones that suit you. For example, you can import job duties for any job title. When you look up a job title, you can select all or any of the associated job duties and add them to your resume in one click.

If you have a Plus account on Job Bank, you can simply import all of your profile details into the Resume Builder to automatically fill the blanks.

Step 3 Customize your resume

Make sure to put a personal spin on your resume: with the ability to add free text descriptions and create new sections, you can easily customize its content to suit your needs.

Not sure where to start? Expert tips on customizing each section of your resume are provided as you fill them in. For more advice, read our do’s and don’ts of writing a good resume .

Build a resume that will land you a job interview.

Canadian Resume [Format, Tips & Examples for 2024]

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Canada is a unique country that combines some traits you’ll find in the USA with some you’ll find in Europe.

This goes for resumes, too.

That’s why, when applying for a job in Canada, you have to make sure your resume conforms to Canadian application standards.

Naturally, you might be wondering - what does a Canadian resume even look like?

If you’re a foreigner, you’re likely drawing a blank trying to figure out what makes a Canadian resume different from the one in your own country. Even if you’re Canadian, you might still need to brush up on your resume writing skills.

Luckily for you, we’re here to show you how to write a compelling Canadian resume.

Here’s what we’re going to go over:

  • Differences Between Canadian, US, and European Resumes
  • Canadian Resume Formatting
  • A Step-By-Step Breakdown on How To Write A Canadian Resume

And more!  Let’s get started!

Canadian Resume Example

Let’s take a look at a Canadian resume example:

canadian resume format

Here’s what this resume does right:

  • Reverse-chronological format. This format highlights your most recent work experience first and is a recruiter favorite all around the world.
  • Relevant contact details. This resume example highlights the candidate’s first and last name, phone number, email address, location, and LinkedIn URL.
  • Captivating resume summary. The paragraph nested in the header summarizes the candidate’s most essential skills and accomplishments.
  • Action words. The candidate uses action verbs and power words to describe work responsibilities.
  • Bullet points. The resume leverages bullet points to appear easy to read, organized, and reader-friendly.
  • Additional sections. Language proficiency, certifications, awards, and interests all give a holistic view of the candidate and add value to their application.

Free Canadian Resume Templates

Creating a resume from scratch is time-consuming work. 

You need to twitch the margins, keep the fonts uniform, carefully align every element you add, and make sure it never spills over to page two.

But you can skip all that hassle if you use a resume template .

Novoresume’s templates are created in collaboration with recruiters and meet all job market requirements. 

Any template you use can save you time and let you write your resume in minutes.

novoresume templates

Canadian Resume Specifics

There are a few basic things to keep in mind when crafting your Canadian resume. First things first:

The terms resume and CV can be used interchangeably in parts of Canada. In Quebec, for example, both terms refer to a one or two-page-long summary of a candidate’s career that’s tailored to the job they’re applying for.

Outside of Quebec, however, a CV is different from a resume in that it’s far more detailed and appropriate for academic positions or specific senior-level applications. 

Most job postings will ask for a resume unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Some other things to keep in mind about Canadian resumes include:

  • Keep your resume one to two pages . A one-page resume is more than enough if you’re a recent graduate or new to the job market. Two-page resumes are recommended for seasoned professionals, and in certain cases, a three-page resume can be acceptable.
  • Write your resume in the same language as the job offer. If you’re going for a position in Quebec and the advertisement is in French, then use French. Don’t assume they’ll accept a resume in English unless it’s explicitly written so on the job posting.
  • Skip personal information and photos. Your resume should never give away your appearance, gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, religion, marital status, number of children, or any personal identification numbers.
  • Don’t list references with your application unless the employer has requested them. Assumably, you can provide references if requested, so dedicating space on your resume when you’re not asked to is a waste.

Canadian Resume vs. US Resume

Both the USA and Canada prefer using resumes over CVs. In fact, Canadian and US resumes are almost identical.

The biggest difference? The language the document is written in.

You might be thinking - wait, I thought Canada used English?

Only partly.

Canada has two official languages - English and French. Both of these languages have standardized Canadian spellings, so that means they are not 100% the same as American English or European French.

Most of the terminology on your Canadian resume will be just about the same as it would be on its US equivalent. The biggest difference will probably be the added “u” to words like colour, and favourite , and the spelling of words like catalogue, centre, and cheque, as opposed to catalog, center, and check.

Before submitting your application, consider using a grammar checker like Grammarly or QuillBot to make sure your resume is up to par with Canadian spelling conventions .

Canadian Resume vs. European Resume

Typically, a resume in most of Europe, Asia, and the Pacific is referred to as a CV. The term resume in Canada refers to the same document that a CV refers to in Europe.

Both documents are meant to be one to two pages long, and list skills and experience relevant to the position you’re applying for. So in this sense, a European CV is actually different from a Canadian CV.

In Canada, a CV is an extensive document and is usually required in academic settings rather than for corporate job applications. The CV can be anywhere from two to ten pages long since it’s meant to list everything - from work experience to projects to publications.

European resumes also tend to be more detailed. For example, they can include details on high school education and grades, even if the candidate has a college degree. In Canada, that’s not the case. Your high school education is irrelevant if you have a higher degree of education.

The biggest difference between Canadian resumes and European ones is the amount of personal information you’re allowed to give away. For example, in Germany including a picture of yourself on your resume is common, but that’s absolutely not the case in Canada. There, your date of birth and nationality are a no-go.

These bits of information can be used to discriminate against you, so you’re supposed to keep them out of your resume as a precaution to give everyone a fair chance. Recruiters often consider resumes that overshare details of the candidate’s life (e.g.: race, age, date of birth, religion, political affiliation, etc.) unprofessional.

Step-By-Step Guide to Writing Your Canadian Resume

You’ve seen what a Canadian resume looks like. Now it’s time to write your own.

If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry -  we’ve here to help you get it right.

Just follow these steps:

#1. Use the Correct Format

The most popular resume format in Canada is the reverse-chronological format (which is also called the chronological format).

It’s so widely used that it’s expected by most recruiters. The chronological format puts your most recent work experiences first and then goes back in time.

Here’s an example of what it looks like:

reverse chronological resume format

One of the other formats is the functional resume format , also known as the skills-based resume format, which focuses on your key strengths and abilities. It’s recommended for career changers or recent graduates with little-to-no experience in the field they’re applying for.

Then, we have the combination resume format . As the name suggests, it mixes elements of both the chronological and functional format. This format gives equal attention to a candidate’s experience and skills. It provides a detailed skill summary and is a good choice for applicants who have a noticeable employment gap but plenty of work experience nonetheless.

#2. Follow These Layout Tips

If your resume looks cluttered and unorganized, the hiring manager is less likely to want to read it.

But paying attention to your resume’s layout can get you a better chance.

Stick to these formatting tips when building your Canadian resume:

  • Have separate sections for all the information you want to add.
  • Use a professional and easily legible resume font . 
  • Let your resume breathe - leave in enough white space so the contents are easier to read, by setting your resume margins to 1” on all sides. 
  • Save your resume in the correct document size. Canadian resumes use a standard North American letter size (8.5 x 11 inches), instead of the A4 size common elsewhere. You can do this easily in the Novoresume editor by choosing “Layout” in the top menu and choosing “US Letter Format”.

#3. List the Right Contact Information

Once you’ve sorted out your resume layout, it’s time to start filling in its content.

The contact information section is the first thing you should list. Here’s what to include:

  • Name and surname
  • Canadian phone number
  • Address (City and Province)
  • Professional email address

Optionally, you can include a link to your LinkedIn profile, a personal website, or an online portfolio. Just make sure they’re updated and relevant to the application.

#4. Write Your Resume Summary

Each resume only has a few seconds to catch a recruiter’s attention, so you have to make yours eye-catching and easy to read.

Here’s where a resume summary comes in. 

Going at the top of your resume, a resume summary is a two or three-sentence-long summary of your career. It includes:

  • Your professional title and years of experience. 
  • Two-three of your biggest achievements.
  • One-two of your top relevant skills for the position.

resume summary formula

If you’re less experienced, you can opt for a resume objective instead. A resume objective focuses on your skills and motivation to grow in your chosen field, rather than on prior experience and professional achievements.

When applying for a remote job for a company based in Canada, mention this in your resume summary. If you’re looking for a company that’s going to relocate you to Canada , make sure to mention that in your resume instead, so you don’t waste time for yourself or the hiring manager.

#5. Include Your Work Experience

Work experience is the most important section on a Canadian resume . 

It lets you expand on your past achievements and responsibilities, proving to the hiring manager you’re the best candidate for the job.

Here’s how you should structure this section:

  • Start with your most recent job and go back in time. That said, don’t go back more than ten or 15 years ago, even if you’re a senior professional. The hiring manager doesn’t care about your job as a server from back in college.
  • Start with your job title. The recruiter will immediately know if you have the necessary experience for the job from reading your job title.
  • Add your company name and location. Sometimes you can even add a brief description of your former employer, particularly if it’s a smaller business that isn’t well-known.
  • Include your dates of employment. There’s no need to be super detailed, so just stick to the mm/yyyy format.
  • List your job responsibilities and achievements. Provide 4-6 bullet points for your most recent position and 2-3 bullets for older jobs.

Structuring your work experience the right way is only half the work. To stand out from the competition, you want this section to be as impressive as possible.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help with that:

  • Reference the job ad, and focus on the top skills and qualifications required from candidates. Tailor your work experience around the skills that you do have to draw attention away from the ones you don’t.
  • Focus more on achievements over day-to-day responsibilities. The hiring manager already has an idea of what your responsibilities for a certain job were. What they’re interested to know is what you achieved while doing it.
  • Quantify your accomplishments as often as possible. Use the Laszlo Bock formula ( “accomplished X as measured by Y by doing Z” ) to provide a timeframe, scale, and results for what you’ve achieved. e,g: “ Increased annual revenue growth from 5% to 10% through the implementation of a financial roadmap. ” 
  • Use powerful words and action verbs . Recruiters hate hearing generic phrases like “responsible for” or “team player,” so using the right vocabulary can help you stick out. 

work experience on a resume

Are you a recent graduate with no work experience on your resume ? Don’t sweat it - we’ve got a guide to help you find your first job .

#6. Add Your Education

In Canadian resumes, the education section typically goes right under your work experience.

Here’s how you should format this section:

  • Program Name. E.g: “B.A. in Computer Science”
  • University Name. E.g: “Ohio State University”
  • Years Attended. E.g: “08/2018 - 06/2022”
  • Achievements (optional). E.g. “Minor in Linguistics” 

It should look something like this:

B.A. in Computer Science

Concordia University

08/2019 - 06/2023

  • Summa Cum Laude
  • Minor in Business Analytics

Follow these tips to make this section pop:

  • Don’t describe your high school education if you have a university degree.
  • Mention courses you’ve taken that are relevant to the industry you’re applying to. (E.g: Statistics and Probability for a Data Analyst)
  • Stick to a reverse chronological format when listing your degrees. E.g: A Ph.D. is listed above a Master’s Degree, which is listed above a Bachelor’s degree, etc.
  • If you don’t have work experience, you can emphasize your academic background. Just list your education at the top of your resume instead of the work experience.

#7. Highlight Your Greatest Skills & Strengths

The skill section shows which candidates have the necessary expertise for the job, and no Canadian resume is complete without it.

Skills are typically divided into two categories:

  • Soft skills consist of personality traits and characteristics developed in your personal and professional life. They involve communication skills , people skills, interpersonal skills , etc.
  • Hard skills, or technical abilities, are skills you can gain from experience, training, or education. These can include computer skills or proficiency in the use of specific tools.

The trick here is, don’t list every skill you’ve ever learned, just the ones relevant to the job you’re applying for.

If you’re going to be a graphic designer, your Photoshop skills are more important than your forklift certification. Recruiters want to know which skills make you the right candidate for them, not which skills make you the most well-rounded individual.

Scan the job description and jot down which of your skills the company is looking for. Then add them to your Canadian resume.

Just make sure you don’t focus solely on one type of skill over the other. A good application covers both soft skills and hard skills, depending on the job requirements.

Here’s an example:

skills on resume

#8. Leverage Additional Sections

If you’ve covered all the essential resume sections and have some space left, consider adding some optional resume sections.

These sections aren’t as vital as the ones we’ve covered so far, and they won’t do as much heavy lifting on your resume as your work experience, skills, or education.

However, they can help set you apart from candidates with similar work experience and skills as yours. 

For example, if choosing between two equally qualified professionals, and the position includes collaboration with French-speaking employees or business partners, the hiring manager is likely to choose a candidate who can speak French.

Here are the additional sections you can include on your resume:

  • Languages . Being able to communicate in more than one language gives you an advantage over other candidates.
  • Internships. Adding any relevant internships to your resume shows you have some experience that’s prepared you for the job you’re applying to.
  • Volunteer experience . Any experience volunteering is a great addition to any resume since it shows you’re a caring person who wants to give back to your community.
  • Hobbies and interests . Certain hobbies or interests might give the hiring manager a look into who you are as a person, and work in your favor.
  • Certifications and awards. Any relevant qualifications or awards, such as online classes, can go here.
  • Publications. If you’ve published anything, ranging from magazines to research articles, you can add it to your resume.
  • Projects. Interesting projects you’ve worked on can show the hiring manager your passion and dedication to your field.

#9. Include a cover letter

Cover letters are still an essential companion piece to any resume.

Adding a cover letter to your application shows the hiring manager you’re ready to take all the necessary steps to land the job.

Cover letters also complement resumes by allowing you to elaborate on things you don’t have the space for in your resume, such as certain achievements or employment gaps.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what your cover letter should include:

  • Header. As with your resume, include your updated contact information with your name, surname, Canadian phone number, and professional email address. Be sure to include the employer’s contact information as well.
  • Greeting line. Make sure you address the cover letter correctly with a greeting line like “ Dear John Doe, ” or “ Dear Mr. Doe, ”. If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, just use something like “ Dear [Department] Team. ” 
  • Introduction. Start off with a brief summary of why you’re writing the letter and which position you’re interested in. To grab the hiring manager’s attention, use your opening paragraph to also describe two or three of your top achievements.
  • Qualifications and motivation. The body of your cover letter should emphasize your skills, experience, and enthusiasm for the position. Use it to explain exactly what makes you the right candidate and how you’re the right fit for the company.
  • Closing paragraph . Wrap up your letter with a call to action and an official signature line.

Struggling to write your cover letter? Check out these cover letter examples to get inspired.

FAQs About Canadian Resumes

Do you still have any questions? Check out the answers to the most frequently asked questions about Canadian resumes.

1. How can I create a Canadian resume as an international student?

Whether you’re looking to apply to a university in Canada, secure an internship , or land your first job after your graduation, your main focus should be on your academic achievements.

Education is highly valued in Canada and your credentials and relevant coursework will boost your resume, so long as you keep it relevant to the position you’re applying for.

When describing your education, you can also add the location next to your school or university’s name. E.g.: “Marmara University, Turkey” instead of just “Marmara University”.

2. Should the Canadian resume be in a PDF or Word file format?

Generally speaking, a PDF is the preferred format for resumes since it remains the same regardless of what operating system or device you use to open it. Moreover, it keeps your formatting and illustrations in place, and can’t be edited by accident when a recruiter mislicks.

Most career websites in Canada accept resumes as both PDF and Word files. Nonetheless, we recommend you have your Canadian resume exported to PDF unless the job ad specifically requests Word.

3. Do Canadians say CV or resume?

Depending on what part of Canada you’re in, people might say CV and resume interchangeably. However, outside of Quebec, these are two different documents.

Resumes are typically not longer than two pages and are meant to be tailored to the job you’re applying for. CVs, on the other hand, are far more detailed and appropriate for academic settings or specific senior-level applications.

4. What should you NOT include on a Canadian resume?

As an anti-discrimination measure, pictures of yourself and personal information, are legally prohibited from job applications. This means your nationality, age, gender, religion, immigration status, political affiliation, marital status, and social insurance number, have no place on your resume.

Another thing to keep in mind is that it’s taboo for applicants to include their salary expectations on a Canadian resume. Salary expectations should only be provided if requested by the employer, and even then, they are best included in a cover letter, never on your resume.

Key Takeaways

And that’s a- boot it for Canadian resumes!

Let’s recap the main things you need to know on the subject:

  • Canadian resumes are essentially the same as US resumes. You won’t have any difficulties applying with a US resume for a position in Canada, but Canadian English is preferred over standardized American English.
  • A Canadian resume is the equivalent of a CV in Europe and most other parts of the world. However, a CV in Canada is a much longer document that’s used mostly to apply for jobs in academia.
  • Keep your formatting clear, and use separate sections and legable fonts when building your resume.
  • When applying to jobs in Canada, you should never include anything that could be used to discriminate against you, such as information about your age, nationality, and immigration status, or pictures of yourself.

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Canadian Resume Format & How-to Guide for 2024

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In This Guide:

Canadian resume template, what is the canadian resume format, what is the difference between a canadian and an american (us) resume, what is the difference between a canadian resume format and a european cv, how to write a canadian resume — what to include, getting a job in canada as an immigrant, faq about canadian resumes, key takeaways, how we wrote and reviewed this article.

Resume image 1

Understanding the Canadian resume format is crucial whether you're applying for a job within the country for the first time, or you're a Canadian looking to refine your resume.

Canada plans to invite 1.45 million new permanent residents  by 2025 to address labor shortages and an aging population. This move not only aims to strengthen the workforce and ensure immigrant skills meet job demands  but also addresses challenges newcomers face in securing appropriate employment.

The country offers a unique blend of American and European characteristics, and this extends to its job application process, especially when it comes to resumes.

But how does a resume tailored for Canada differ from an American one? This guide provides all the details on what makes a Canadian resume unique, alongside practical advice and examples to help you craft a resume that could open doors to new opportunities in Canada.

Here's what we'll explore:

  • The distinct features of Canadian resumes compared to American and European formats;
  • A detailed guide on crafting your resume to meet Canadian standards;
  • An exploration of frequently asked questions, providing thorough answers and insights;
  • Advice for making your Canadian resume stand out to employers.

Plus much more! Let's begin!

Is your resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Senior Data Analyst resume example

Enhancv’s Canadian resume template has been optimized to meet the demands of the Canadian resume format. It follows a chronological work experience section. Furthermore, it has no photo in the header, something that’s typically frowned upon in Canada.

Last but not least, Enhancv’s Canadian resume template supports a two-page resume format , which is one of the things that sets apart Canadian and US resumes.

Canadian resume examples for the most popular jobs

Registered nurse resume.

Registered nurses are in particularly high demand across Canada due to the COVID-19 pandemic and an aging population. There are several immigration pathways available for nurses looking to work in Canada .

Registered Nurse | Geriatric Care | Nursing Leadership resume example

Software engineer resume

Software engineers are in high demand in Canada , especially in provinces like Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Prince Edward Island. They earn an average annual salary of $127,379.03 CAD.

Full Stack Developer | Web Development | 3D Applications resume example

Administrative assistant resume

Administrative assistants are essential in keeping organizations running smoothly. They earn an average annual salary of $61,923.42 CAD, with high demand in provinces like Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and Yukon Territory.

Administrative Specialist | SAP Expert | MS Office Pro resume example

Web developer resume

Web developers are in high demand in Canada's booming tech industry . The Global Talent Stream and various Provincial Nominee Programs provide pathways for web developers to obtain a Canada work permit.

Web Developer | UX/UI Designer | Content Strategist resume example

Truck driver resume

Truck drivers are one of the most in-demand jobs in Canada , with a vacancy rate around 8%. They are needed across the country to transport commercial goods.

Haul Truck Operator | Open Pit Mining Specialist resume example

Other popular and in-demand jobs in Canada include electrical engineers , welders , veterinarians , licensed practical nurses , and accountants .

The Canadian resume format is a structured approach to presenting your work history and skills relevant to the job you're applying for. It starts with a header section that contains your name, phone number, current location, and email address. If you have a LinkedIn profile, include the URL in your contact information .

Many Canadian employers use LinkedIn to research potential candidates. Following the header, you need to put either a summary or objective to give a snapshot of your career goals and strengths. Next, the resume should detail your work history, education, and skills. Personal details like marital status and photos are not included, allowing the focus to remain on your expertise.

Making a resume for Canada is similar to the United States but for a few important differences. Both countries use resumes more than CVs, and they usually look alike. Yet, spelling matters a lot in Canada. Though Canada uses English, it also embraces French, affecting some English spellings. To make sure your resume fits Canadian preferences, follow these tips:

  • Use Canadian spellings , like " behaviour " and " neighbour ," and prefer " theatre ," " labour ," and " defence ."
  • Apply the metric system for measurements, showing familiarity with Canada's standards if applicable. For example, if you worked in distribution, you could mention “leading a team that distributed goods across a 300-kilometer area."
  • Write dates in the DD/MM/YYYY format, which is common in Canada.
  • Include graphic designs in your resume only if you look for a job as a graphic designer. Typically, Canadians don't include these elements when applying for a new position.
  • Employ the services of the Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials  to understand the Canadian equivalence of your credentials. Taking this step can help push your job search forward, yet it doesn't secure a job offer.

These small but crucial adjustments show you're ready to work smoothly in Canada. They show your ability to adapt and pay attention to local details, which is appealing to Canadian employers.

build a canadian resume

The Canadian resume format and the European CV serve as key tools in job applications, but they follow different conventions that reflect the job market and cultural expectations of their respective regions. The Canadian resume format is streamlined and job-focused, typically extending to a maximum of two pages  and emphasizing the candidate's most relevant experiences and skills for the specific position.

Moreover, in Canada, when we talk about a CV, we're referring to a very detailed document mostly used in academic settings, not for regular job applications. These CVs are pretty lengthy, going from two to ten pages, and they cover everything from your work history to your projects and any papers you've published.

European resumes, commonly called CVs in the Old Continent, tend to be more detailed compared to Canadian resumes. They include high school education and grades, regardless of higher educational achievements. This level of detail is unnecessary in Canada, where the focus shifts to post-secondary education and adequate work experience .

Another big difference is the inclusion of personal information. In some European countries, including a photo on your resume  is common and often expected by employers.

Including photos on your resume is not endorsed in Canada. Personal details such as date of birth, nationality, or other information that could potentially lead to discrimination are omitted in Canadian resumes.  

The goal is to ensure a fair evaluation process, focusing solely on professional qualifications and experiences.

Believe it or not, the Canadian resume is pretty similar to an American. However while the format is similar, the devil is in the details.

When looking for a job in Canada, picking the right resume format  is key because it really affects your chances of success. If you've been working for more than ten years, think about using a reverse chronological resume . This format lists your jobs from newest to oldest, making it easy to see how you've moved up in your career. It's a good way to show your experience in a clear way that employers like, especially in Canada.

In addition to the format, you also need to consider the template. It's important to choose a professionally designed resume template  which can enhance the readability of your resume and create a positive first impression with hiring managers. After you've selected your template, the next step is organizing your Canadian resume.

build a canadian resume

When creating your Canadian resume, start with a well-organized header that grabs attention . Include essential information like your name, job title, phone number, professional email, and LinkedIn link. Make sure your name matches what's on your professional records and online profiles to make it easy for recruiters to find you.

Moreover, it would be better to use a professional email provider  like Gmail or Outlook. Mention the job you're applying for, not your current position, to align your resume with the job listing. Just listing your city is enough for the location , especially if you're applying for jobs in different places.

Finally, when you include links to your LinkedIn or portfolio , make sure they're up-to-date and match your resume.

In Canada, including a photo on your resume is typically reserved for roles where appearance is a job requirement, such as in modeling or acting. For other jobs, adding a photo can look odd and might worry some employers, so better not to include it to avoid misinterpretations.

Jackson Thompson's resume header is thoughtfully organized and offers quick access to his contact and professional information.

Resume summary

Following the header, the career summary section  appears, offering a concise overview in no more than five sentences that show your key professional achievements. The professional summary focuses on your main strengths and skills related directly to the position's duties and responsibilities. After reading the information in this section, the recruiter has a better understanding of who you are and what skills and abilities you may bring to the position. Tailor this for every job application  to address the company and the position's requirements.

Let’s see an example:

This example shows the applicant's strong expertise in marketing and track record of achievements. Also, it puts the focus on specific skills and growth metrics that are important for Canadian employers.

Work experience

When creating your work experience section  list your previous jobs in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent. Include the job title, company name, location, and dates of employment. Describe your responsibilities, achievements, and contributions using bullet points.

Here’s an example of the structure:

  • Begin with the latest job  and work backwards, but limit the history to the last 10 to 15 years. Older roles, like a college job, might not interest the hiring manager.
  • Lead with the position title , which helps the recruiter assess if your experience aligns with the job requirements.
  • Mention the employer's name and its location . For lesser-known companies, a short description might be helpful.
  • State the period of employment using the DD/MM/YYYY format , which is concise and clear.
  • Describe your responsibilities and accomplishments with 4-6 bullet points for recent roles and 2-3 for previous positions .

Check out the example:

  • • Developed and executed a digital marketing strategy that resulted in a 30% increase in website traffic.
  • • Managed social media accounts, growing the follower base by 25% in one year.
  • • Coordinated with the sales team to create promotional materials that led to a 15% rise in sales.
  • • Organized and directed market research studies to inform future marketing strategies.
  • • Led a team in implementing innovative email marketing campaigns that boosted lead generation by 20%.
  • • Spearheaded the redesign of the company website, improving user engagement metrics by 35%.
  • • Established a content marketing plan that increased brand visibility and market penetration.
  • • Optimized website content for major search engines, resulting in a top 5 ranking for key terms.
  • • Analyzed web analytics to adjust SEO strategies and improve overall website performance.
  • • Collaborated with the content creation team to ensure SEO best practices were consistently applied.
  • • Assisted in the development and implementation of marketing strategies to enhance brand recognition.
  • • Supported the organization of promotional events that led to increased customer engagement.
  • • Conducted competitive analysis to inform the marketing team's strategy adjustments.

This example illustrates an effective way to organize your work history when listing multiple previous roles. It emphasizes the importance of conciseness while clearly detailing your responsibilities and successes.

Carefully read the job posting and identify the required qualifications and skills. Take note of particular keywords and phrases  used throughout the description to tailor the resume for the specific role.

The educational background  is an essential part of your Canadian resume and it comes right after the work experience. Here is the place to mention the degree, diploma, and certifications earned, the name of the institution, the location, and the year of graduation . Begin with your most recent educational achievement and proceed in reverse chronological order, mirroring the format of your work history section. Don't forget to highlight any honors or academic distinctions you've received.

For your Canadian resume, consider specifying this information in the education section:

  • State the degree you've earned as your degree title .
  • Identify the institution where you received your education  as your college or university.
  • Include the location of your educational institution .
  • Note the year of your graduation  or the anticipated graduation year as your completion date.
  • Mention a minor study , for instance, "Minor in Digital Media," to demonstrate a broader skill set within the marketing field.
  • List any certificates you obtained  related to your field of study.

Here's how this section can look:

  • • Specialized Coursework: Advanced digital marketing strategies and data-driven marketing decisions
  • • Graduated with Honors
  • • Minor in Digital Media
  • • Core Modules: Marketing principles, consumer behavior, and digital media strategy

This example demonstrates a structured approach to presenting your educational background. It shows how to effectively list degrees, institutions, and relevant coursework, ensuring that your qualifications are easily understood by recruiters in Canada.

You may need to have your documents translated into English, French, or both.

It is generally advised to keep the education section simple, ensuring it doesn't overshadow your skills.

Highlight your key skills relevant to the job. This can include technical skills, software proficiency, language proficiency, and any other abilities that showcase your qualifications for the position.

Skills on your resume are categorized into:

  • Soft skills  refer to personal qualities and behaviors developed through both life and work experiences. These skills encompass communication, attention to detail, and problem-solving.
  • Hard skills  stand in contrast as the specific technical know-how or proficiencies gained through education, training endeavors, or direct experience. For instance, in the context of finance, include specialized expertise like advanced Excel functions for financial analysis, familiarity with QuickBooks for accounting tasks, and adeptness in using Bloomberg terminals for market research.

When curating your skills list, focus on those most relevant to the job at hand. For a front-end developer position, for instance, your proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks such as React or Angular is more relevant than an unrelated skill like martial arts. Employers seek skills that make you an ideal fit for their specific needs, rather than a broad array of abilities.

To ensure your resume resonates with the job description, identify the employer's desired skills and make sure to include them in your Canada resume. Aim for a balanced presentation of both soft and hard skills tailored to meet the requirements of a front-end developer role.

The most in-demand hard skills in Canada for 2024 center around cybersecurity, data analytics, sustainability , remote work, and emerging technologies like generative AI . Employers are seeking candidates with specialized technical expertise in these areas.

And for soft skills, employers look for communication , adaptability , collaboration , critical thinking , and digital literacy . Overall, employers are looking for well-rounded professionals who can navigate the evolving job market and contribute effectively to their organizations.

Here’s how you might approach it:

When we talk about resume creation, language skills are more than just a mark of education. They're a bridge to diverse cultures and markets, making them vital in the Canadian job market. Adding languages to your Canadian resume shows your ability to communicate across different cultures.

In Canada, where English and French are widely spoken, being bilingual can significantly boost your job prospects. Including languages on your resume , along with your proficiency levels, signals to employers your capacity to adapt and connect in a multicultural setting. This section is crucial, distinguishing you as a candidate well-suited for the dynamic Canadian work culture.

Languages and additional courses both play a crucial role in enhancing your professional profile, so let's see how to present them properly in your Canadian resume.

This is an ideal moment to demonstrate your passion for learning. Include any relevant training, courses, or seminars to underscore your dedication to ongoing professional growth. It signals to employers your commitment to staying updated with industry trends and techniques, enhancing your appeal as a candidate.

Such educational achievements can be especially crucial in fast-changing sectors, evidencing your readiness to tackle contemporary challenges.

Start with your newest qualifications and list them in time order, similar to how you list job experience and education.

Let's go back to our example of Jackson Thompson, the Marketing Specialist, and check what courses would be relevant for him.

Securing a job in Canada as an immigrant is a significant step toward starting a new life. The process involves understanding eligibility criteria, choosing the right immigration pathway, preparing necessary documents, and planning for settlement. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you through this journey.

First, determine your eligibility . Ensure you have at least a senior secondary education, a minimum of one year of relevant work experience, and proficiency in English or French, depending on where you plan to settle. You also need to meet the minimum points requirement on the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) for programs like the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) , Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) , or Canadian Experience Class (CEC) .

Next, choose your immigration pathway. The Express Entry system offers various programs. The FSWP is ideal for skilled workers with specific qualifications, while the FSTP caters to tradespersons with Canadian job offers or valid certificate qualifications. The CEC is designed for those with at least three years of Canadian work experience. Alternatively, Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) offer a more accessible route and can integrate with the Express Entry system. If you have a family member who can sponsor your migration, family sponsorship might be an option . Business Immigration Programs are also available for investors, entrepreneurs, and self-employed persons looking to contribute to Canada’s economy.

Once you have chosen your pathway, prepare your application by creating an online Express Entry profile and uploading your qualifications. Gather all required documents, including proof of language proficiency (such as IELTS or TEF ), education (degrees, diplomas), work experience (letters, certificates), and other necessary documents like a clean criminal record and proof of settlement funds.

After submitting your application, you will need to wait for an invitation to apply (ITA) . For Express Entry, ITAs are sent to the highest-scoring candidates. For PNPs, you will need to wait for a nomination from the province. Once you receive an ITA or provincial nomination, submit your application for permanent residency (PR) . The approval process typically takes about six months for both Express Entry and PNPs.

As you prepare for settlement, ensure you have the required settlement funds—at least CAD$13,757 for a single applicant under Express Entry, and the necessary amount for your family size under PNPs. Plan your move by arranging housing, starting your job search in your field, and considering further language training to improve proficiency.

By following these steps, you can increase your chances of successfully securing a job in Canada as an immigrant. Thorough preparation will ensure a smoother transition and help you integrate into your new life in Canada.

This part of our guide is your go-to resource for addressing frequently asked questions about crafting resumes for the Canadian job market. Learn how to create cover letters, tips for international applicants, and whether to choose PDF or.docx. Let's begin with the very first topic.

How do I navigate the Canadian job market as a foreigner?

Navigating the Canadian job market as a foreigner can certainly be a challenge, but with the right approach, it's definitely manageable. Here's your compass and map to find your way through.

Let's go forth with precise tips.

  • Identify the industry you’re educated in and make your resume resonate with Canadian employers by thoroughly researching the Canadian job market .
  • Start building your network  by participating in career fairs, making connections at professional events, and creating a solid LinkedIn profile to showcase your skills.
  • Take on freelance opportunities  to gain valuable Canadian experience and integrate yourself into the local professional community.
  • Utilize resources such as the Canadian government’s Job Bank  and immigrant-serving organizations  to find valuable assistance in your job search.  
  • Demonstrate your readiness to thrive in Canada's diverse workplace by emphasizing your cultural awareness and language skills  in English or French.
  • Boost your qualifications by taking courses or getting certifications  from well-known institutions or companies in your area. If we go back to our example for the Marketing Specialist Jackson Thompson, he should focus on acquiring certifications from renowned companies such as Google and Microsoft as these certifications are globally recognized and respected and would serve as a testament to an overseas candidate's skills and knowledge.
  • Tailor your resume with each job description  and adapt your application to meet specific employer preferences, including Canadian spelling nuances. Remember, precision, like opting for 'colour' over 'color', demonstrates attention to detail.
  • Keep a steady pace and stay resilient in your job search in Canada, and know that finding the right opportunity might take time but your efforts will eventually pay off.

Do I need a cover letter to pair with my resume when applying for a job in Canada?

It's a good idea to include a cover letter  with your resume. A cover letter lets you detail how your skills match the job and the company's needs. It helps you make a strong first impression and gives you space not only to demonstrate your enthusiasm about the position but also to present yourself professionally .

Here's some practical advice for your cover letter:

  • Ensure your header aligns with your resume by listing your name, surname, job title, Canadian phone number, and professional email. You can also add a LinkedIn profile or personal website to make your application more engaging.
  • Address the cover letter properly  in your greeting line, using 'Dear [Name]' or 'Dear Mr./Ms. [Surname].' If the name of the hiring manager is unknown, 'Dear [Department] Team' works well. This personal touch shows effort and interest.
  • Start your cover letter with a powerful opening sentence that highlights your achievements or unique skills, capturing the hiring manager's attention and setting you apart from other applicants.
  • In the body of your cover letter, go beyond your resume to tell a compelling story about your skills and experiences. Showcase how you can contribute to the company's success with examples of leadership, communication, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Conclude with a closing paragraph that encourages further dialogue, ensuring you include your signature line.

Open the door to your new job in Canada with our professionally designed cover letter templates . Use our intuitive cover letter builder  to make your own for free.

Should I save my Canadian resume as a .docx or a .pdf file?

The PDF format is highly recommended due to its consistent appearance on various devices and operating systems. It preserves your document's design and visuals and eliminates the risk of unintended edits by the recipient.

Job platforms in Canada commonly accept both PDF and Word documents. However, unless specified otherwise in the job posting, opting to submit your resume as a PDF  is advisable for preserving its intended presentation.

Include your full name in your document filename to make it memorable (i.e. Jackson-Thompson-Resume.pdf)

Do Canadians say “CV” or “Resume”?

In Canada, the terms "resume" and "CV" (Curriculum Vitae) are both used, but they have different meanings. A resume is usually one or two pages long and shows your skills and experience related to the job you want. It's meant to be quick to read and match the job description. Canadian employers prefer this direct and brief way of showing your capabilities.

On the other hand, a CV is much more detailed and covers your whole career, including education, publications, research, and big achievements. It's mainly used in fields like academia, science, and medicine, where showing the full scope of your work matters a lot. CVs are longer than resumes and can be much more than two pages, based on how much you've done in your career.

What NOT to include in my Canadian resume?

In Canada, your cover letter and resume should not contain personal details such as marital status, religion, gender, age, or sexual orientation. Additionally, unless you're seeking a role in modeling or acting, photos are unnecessary. Including such information not only wastes precious space but could also lead employers to bypass your application to avoid potential discrimination claims. It's worth noting that Canadian law prohibits  employers from requesting information regarding your sexual orientation, age, or ethnicity during the application process or interviews. To prevent placing recruiters or employers in a difficult position, it's advisable to exclude these details.

Furthermore, mentioning salary expectations or irrelevant personal interests is considered inappropriate.

  • Canada's plan to welcome 1.45 million new residents by 2025 underscores the need for job applicants to craft resumes tailored to specific employer requirements and Canadian English standards.
  • In Canada, a resume is concise and job-focused, unlike CVs, which are detailed for academic roles, differing from European CVs that include personal information.
  • Adapting your resume for Canada involves using local spellings, the metric system, and specific date formats to meet employer preferences and show an understanding of local culture.
  • Choosing the chronological resume format is crucial, along with selecting a professional template for a good first impression.
  • Begin your resume with a detailed header and a summary that shows your excellent results from previous jobs and skills relevant to the job you're applying for.
  • Including a cover letter with your resume is strongly advised, as it provides an opportunity to demonstrate your enthusiasm and willingness to contribute to the new workplace.

The team at Enhancv tries to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information — we often use a mix of internal data and external sources to create a cohesive, detailed picture of the topic at hand.

For this guide on canadian resumes we referred to our career coaching  team where they provided key insights from working with canadian clients — most sought after skills, the difference between a canadian resume style and the US resume. We also used news reports and statistics to form our opinion and advice:

  • Employment and unemployment statistics in Canada (Statistics Canada)
  • Resume writing tips for international students in Canada (Arrive)
  • Transitioning to the Canadian job market (Moving 2 Canada)
  • Working in Canada as an international student (
  • An Often Overlooked Jobs Indicator Points to Deep Cracks in Canada’s Labor Market (Bloomberg)

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Canadian Style Resume: The Essential Guide (2024)

Canadian Style Resume: Essential Guide

As a job seeker in Canada, one of the most important tools in your job search is a well-crafted resume that showcases your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. But with so many different resume formats and styles out there, it can be hard to know where to start. That’s where the Canadian-style resume comes in.

In this article, we’ll explore what sets a Canadian-style resume apart from other formats, and provide tips and strategies for crafting a winning Canadian-style resume that will help you stand out to Canadian employers.

Why is it Different from Other Resumes?

5. achievements and awards, 5. include social media, 4. ignoring grammar and spelling mistakes, overview of canadian style resume, what is a canadian-style resume.

A Canadian-style resume is a document that job seekers use to apply for jobs in Canada. It is a one to two-page document that highlights the candidate’s qualifications, skills, experience, and education.

The Canadian-style resume is similar to the American-style resume, but there are some differences in the format and content.

The Canadian-style resume is different from other resumes because it follows a specific format and includes certain information that is unique to Canada. Here are some of the key differences:

  • When writing a Canadian-style resume, it’s important to understand the cultural differences between resumes in Canada and those in other countries.
  • Canadian resumes tend to be more straightforward and concise , with a focus on relevant work experience and skills.
  • Additionally, Canadian employers may place more importance on education and certifications than work experience alone. Therefore, it’s crucial to tailor your resume to the specific job and employer you are applying to.
  • Volunteer experience should be included in your work experience section if it relates to the job you are applying for.

Overall, the Canadian-style resume is designed to provide employers with a clear and concise overview of the candidate’s qualifications and experience. By following the Canadian-style resume format, job seekers can increase their chances of getting noticed by employers and securing a job in Canada.

Key Components of a Canadian-Style Resume

When writing a Canadian-style resume, it is important to include specific components that will make it stand out to potential employers. Here are the key components of a Canadian-style resume, broken down into sub-sections:

1. Personal Information

The first section of a Canadian-style resume should include personal information such as the candidate’s full name, address, phone number, and email address. It is also common to include a link to the candidate’s LinkedIn profile.

2. Professional Experience

The professional experience section should highlight the candidate’s work history, starting with the most recent position held. Each position should include the job title, company name, dates of employment, and a brief description of the duties and responsibilities. It is important to use strong action verbs to describe accomplishments and achievements in each role.

3. Education and Training

The education and training section should include the candidate’s academic background, including degrees earned, certifications, and relevant coursework. It is important to list the name of the institution, the degree or program, and the dates attended.

4. Skills and Abilities

The skills and abilities section should highlight the candidate’s relevant skills and abilities that make them a strong fit for the position. This can include technical skills, language proficiency, and soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork.

The achievements and awards section should highlight any notable accomplishments or recognition received throughout the candidate’s career. This can include awards received, publications, presentations, or other relevant achievements.

In summary, a Canadian-style resume should include personal information, professional experience, education and training, skills and abilities, and achievements and awards. By including these key components, candidates can create a strong, well-rounded resume that will catch the attention of potential employers.

Tips for Writing a Canadian-Style Resume

When applying for a job in Canada, it is important to have a well-written resume that follows the Canadian style format. Here are some tips to help you create a resume that will stand out to Canadian employers.

1. Tailor Your Resume to the Job Posting

One of the most important things you can do when creating a Canadian-style resume is to tailor it to the job posting . This means carefully reviewing the job description and making sure that your resume highlights the skills and experience that are most relevant to the position. Use keywords from the job posting to help your resume get noticed by applicant tracking systems (ATS).

2. Highlight Your Accomplishments

Canadian employers are interested in what you have accomplished in your previous roles , not just what your responsibilities were. Use bullet points to highlight your accomplishments, using quantifiable results whenever possible. This will show employers that you are a results-oriented candidate who can deliver on their expectations.

3. Use Action Words and Quantifiable Results

Using action words in your bullet points can help your resume stand out. Instead of saying “responsible for,” use action words like “managed,” “developed,” or “implemented.” Additionally, using quantifiable results can help quantify your accomplishments. For example, instead of saying “increased sales,” say “increased sales by 20%.”

4. Keep it Simple and Concise

Canadian-style resumes are typically no longer than two pages . Keep your resume simple and easy to read by using clear headings and bullet points. Use a font size between 10-12 and avoid using overly decorative fonts. Finally, proofread your resume carefully to ensure that there are no grammatical or spelling errors.

It is common for employers to cross-reference your resume with your online presence. A link to your LinkedIn profile can be included, or if you have an online portfolio or blog related to your work, you can include that as well. 

By following these tips, you can create a Canadian-style resume that will help you stand out to employers.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When creating a Canadian-style resume, there are a few common mistakes that job seekers should avoid. These mistakes can make a negative impression on potential employers and reduce the chances of getting hired. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

1. Including Irrelevant Information

One of the most common mistakes that job seekers make is including irrelevant information in their resumes. This can include personal information such as age, marital status, or hobbies that are not related to the job.

According to OCASI’s , you should never use a photo or state your age, ethnicity, physical attributes, marital status, or sexual preferences in your resume.

You can also avoid work experience or skills that are not relevant to the position being applied for. Job seekers should carefully review their resumes and remove any information that is not directly related to the job.

2. Using Clichés and Buzzwords

Another mistake that job seekers make is using clichés and buzzwords in their resumes. These phrases can be overused and do not provide any meaningful information about the job seeker. Examples of clichés and buzzwords include “team player,” “hard worker,” and “detail-oriented.” Instead of using these phrases, job seekers should focus on providing specific examples of their skills and accomplishments.

3. Failing to Customize the Resume

A common mistake that job seekers make is failing to customize their resumes for each job application. Job seekers should tailor their resumes to the specific job they are applying for by highlighting their relevant skills and experience. This can include using keywords from the job posting and adjusting the resume format to match the requirements of the job.

Finally, job seekers should avoid grammar and spelling mistakes in their resumes. These errors can make a negative impression on potential employers and suggest a lack of attention to detail. Job seekers should carefully proofread their resumes and consider having a friend or family member review it as well.

By avoiding these common mistakes, job seekers can increase their chances of getting hired for their desired position.

Writing a Canadian-style resume requires a specific format and attention to detail . It is important to tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for and highlight your relevant experience and skills. Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind:

  • The Canadian resume format typically includes a professional summary statement, work experience, education, and skills sections.
  • The summary statement should be brief and highlight your most relevant experience and skills.
  • When listing work experience, focus on accomplishments and specific achievements rather than just job duties.
  • Education should be listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent degree or certification first.
  • Skills should be listed in a separate section and should include both technical and soft skills.
  • It is important to proofread your resume carefully and ensure that it is free of errors and typos.

By following these guidelines, job seekers can create a strong Canadian-style resume that highlights their qualifications and stands out to potential employers. With a little effort and attention to detail, anyone can create a compelling resume that helps them land their dream job in Canada.

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How to Write a Canadian Style Resume

Step into the canadian job market with confidence..

Having a record of your work and accomplishments is essential to securing employment in Canada. This comprehensive guide equips you with tbest practices on how to craft a compelling Canadian-style resume, including language and style tips, where to find help, useful tools, and more. 

Table of Contents

What is unique about the canadian resume format, what should i include in each key section of a canadian resume, is accreditation important when writing a canadian resume, how can i highlight my skills in a canadian resume, what language and style considerations should i keep in mind, how can i tailor my resume for each job application, what are common mistakes in canadian resumes and how can i avoid them, who can help me prepare a canadian-style resume, what tools and resources can aid my canadian resume writing, contact canadavisa and cohen immigration law for assistance.

In this guide, we provide you with detailed instructions on how to create a successful Canadian-style resume. You'll learn about the standard Canadian resume format, what key sections to include, language and style tips in writing, and how customising your resume for each application can help increase your chances of landing the job. 

For more on finding and securing employment in Canada, you can visit our dedicated webpage here . 

A Canadian-style resume has certain formatting elements that are unique to Canada. Here are the key features:

  • Removing photos and personal identification: It is customary to leave out photos, as well as personal details such as age, birth date, gender, or identification information;
  • Length: Ideally, a Canadian resume is one page long, although senior positions may extend to a maximum of two pages;
  • Format: The preferred format is paragraph style, without using columns of information—though depending on role and context the latter is not unacceptable;
  • Resume header: At the top of the resume, include a header with your contact details, such as name, address, phone number, and email. You can also include a link to a relevant social media profile(s);
  • Professional summary: Directly below the header, you can include a professional summary that highlights your career accomplishments and skills related to the position. Customise this section for each job application.
  • Work experience: Many candidates in Canada list their work experience starting with the most recent position. Include job titles, dates of employment, company names, locations, and a brief description of relevant duties, skills and achievements;
  • Relevant areas of expertise: Another optional detail is to add this section before the work experience. List specific skills relevant to the position, providing examples of achievements and quantifiable results whenever possible; and
  • Education: The final section includes education, including degrees, educational institutions, and graduation years. Include any relevant training, courses, or seminars. Start with the most recent degree and list them in chronological order.

In terms of structure, there are two common types of Canadian resumes:

  • Chronological resume: This format emphasises work experience, starting with the most recent position and listing previous jobs in chronological order. Typically, include the last 10 years of relevant experience, and include any relevant volunteer experience.
  • Functional resume: This format focuses on skills and abilities relevant to the position, rather than work history. Highlight critical skills or characteristics mentioned in the job description. If using a functional resume, include the work history section after the skills section.

Here are some of the key sections of your resume and things to include for each:

  • Header: This can include your name, contact information (phone number, email address), and optionally, a link to your professional social media profile (e.g., LinkedIn).
  • Professional Summary/Objective Statement: A concise paragraph highlighting your skills, experience, and career goals. It is generally advisable to tailor this section to match the specific job you're applying for.
  • Work Experience: List your previous jobs in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent. Include the job title, company name, location, and dates of employment. Describe your responsibilities, achievements, and contributions using bullet points.
  • Skills: Highlight your key skills relevant to the job. This can include technical skills, software proficiency, language proficiency, and any other abilities that showcase your qualifications for the position.
  • Education: Here you can provide information about your educational background, including degrees, diplomas, certifications, and relevant coursework. Include the institution name, location, and graduation year.

Some optional information sections that you can include on your resume are:

  • Achievements/Awards: If you have notable accomplishments or received awards related to your work or education, mention them in this section.
  • Certifications/Training: Include any relevant certifications, licenses, or training programs you have completed.
  • Projects/Portfolio: If applicable, showcase any relevant projects or a portfolio of your work that demonstrates your skills and accomplishments.
  • Volunteer Work/Community Involvement: If you have volunteered or participated in community activities that are relevant to the job or showcase your character and values, mention them here.
  • References: It's common to write "References available upon request" instead of listing them directly on your resume. Be prepared to provide references when requested.

If you are an individual with foreign (outside of Canada) education or work experience that is applicable to your field, accreditation is very important—Both in terms of writing an effective resume, but also as a bottom line to be eligible for, and secure jobs in Canada.

Accreditation can be done through a number of avenues, with slightly varying step depending on the field, education/experience, (and country where these credentials were achieved) that you are trying to get accredited for in Canada. For more information specifically on professional accreditation in Canada, visit the government's dedicated webpage here . 

To learn more about how to get your educational credentials assessed, visit our dedicated webpage here .

Highlighting skills in your Canadian resume can often come down to a few essential sections, and the strategy that you employ in presenting your experience. Some general best practices for effectively highlighting skills in your resume are:

  • Qualifications Summary: Creating a section dedicated to showcasing your relevant credentials and skills. Customise it for each role you apply to and include three to five notable skills that align with the job requirements;
  • Relevant Skills: Highlighting three to four key skills and providing explanations on how they are applicable to the position. Using specific examples from your previous roles can demonstrate how you utilized or developed these skills;
  • Work Experience: If you have work experience, you could consider including one or two relevant examples of times when you used your needed skills to positive effect. Focus on the impact you made rather than listing job duties or dates of employment; and
  • Education: It is generally advised to keep the education section simple, ensuring it doesn't overshadow your skills. Include the degree or diploma type, major, school name, city, province/territory, and the date of program completion.

Apart from the already stated, there are some basic language and style considerations that you can give additional thought to, when perfecting your resume:

When developing a Canadian style resume, it is worth considering various style and language aspects that can enhance its effectiveness. One important consideration is the use of action words and active voice to showcase your accomplishments and highlight your proactive approach. By incorporating this language, you can create a strong and impactful impression on potential employers.

For example, one simple change is instead of saying: “At my previous workplace, a lot of the planning work were done by me”, you could instead say: “I did a lot of the planning work at my previous workplace”.

Additionally, maintaining a professional and positive tone throughout your resume is highly recommended. This can help convey confidence and enthusiasm while presenting your qualifications and achievements. Furthermore, adhering to Canadian spelling and grammar norms is advisable to ensure your resume appears polished and professional. Consistency in spelling, punctuation, and grammar demonstrates attention to detail and enhances readability.

Tailoring your resume to the specific job that you are applying to can often be advised, as it helps recruiters better understand how you are a good fit for the company, and helps job searchers pass screening checks that utilise Applicant Tracking Systems.

There are certain strategies and best practices that you can employ when trying to tailor your resume to a specific job posting. These strategies include:

  • Above all being truthful—if the job truly is not a good fit, this fact will likely come out during the interview process, or worse, in the course of your new job. Lying to get hired is never advisable and under certain conditions can constitute a criminal offence;
  • Understand the job description: Carefully read the job posting and identify the required qualifications and skills. Take note of specific keywords and phrases used throughout the description.
  • Match your qualifications: Review your general resume and compare it to the job requirements. Place your key qualifications prominently in the top half of your resume, such as in the summary and experience sections. Use a format (e.g., reverse-chronological, functional, or combination) that highlights your most relevant experiences.
  • Update your summary: Customise your summary section to showcase your most relevant skills and accomplishments using the keywords from the job description. Include the job title you're applying for to personalise your resume.
  • Customise your work history: Tailor your work history section to highlight experiences that align with the job requirements. Remove or minimize positions that are less relevant. Use the job description's keywords in the bulleted lists and prioritise the most relevant responsibilities or tasks.
  • Include measurable results: Enhance your experience section by incorporating quantifiable data and achievements that demonstrate the impact you made in previous roles. Highlight specific results and outcomes to showcase your value.
  • Update your skills section: Add any remaining relevant skills to your skills section, prioritising those mentioned in the job description. Include preferred skills that can differentiate you as a top candidate.
  • Proofread and align: Carefully proofread your resume for grammar and spelling errors. Ensure that the language you use aligns with the keywords and phrases from the job description. Check if your summary accurately reflects the job requirements and if each bullet point in your work history relates to the job responsibilities.

Some common mistakes that newcomers can make when trying to write an effective Canadian resume include:

  • Using the same resume for different job applications: It may be tempting to use a generic resume for multiple positions, especially when applying to numerous jobs. However, customizing your resume for each job significantly improves your chances of being selected. Look for keywords in the job posting and incorporate them into your resume. Also, include relevant experiences and remove non-essential items.
  • Not reading the job description before creating your resume: Reading the job description provides valuable information about the role and the ideal candidate. It helps you tailor your resume accordingly and include keywords that match the job requirements. Balance the use of keywords for the applicant tracking system (ATS) while ensuring readability for human recruiters.
  • Listing job responsibilities instead of achievements: Canadian resumes focus on highlighting achievements rather than just outlining responsibilities. Emphasize what you brought to a company or team as an individual, mentioning accomplishments, numbers, data, or challenges overcome. Stand out from other applicants with similar experience by showcasing your unique contributions.
  • Creating a resume that's too long or too short: The length of your resume depends on the specific job and your work experience. Generally, resumes should be one to two pages long. If you have more experience, a two-page resume is acceptable, while one page is suitable for those with less experience. Tailor your resume by removing early-career experiences as you progress in your career.
  • Not using action verbs: To make your resume impactful, use action verbs that demonstrate your initiative and achievements. Avoid passive phrases and instead use verbs like "led," "managed," "succeeded," "surpassed," "created," and "delivered." Vary your word choices to avoid repetition.
  • Submitting a cluttered or improperly formatted resume: Organizse your resume in a clean and easy-to-read manner. Use sufficient white space, appropriate line spacing, and consistent fonts (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri). Avoid mixing fonts, excessive bolding, underlining, or italicising.
  • Listing inaccurate contact information: Ensure your contact information is accurate and up to date, including your phone number and email address. Use a professional email address formatted with your name, avoiding nicknames or slang language.

There are a variety of resources that newcomers can avail when looking for resume help in Canada, including newcomer settlement organisations, university career centres, and non-for-profit organisations.

Canada has an extensive network of immigrant serving organisations—funded by Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) federally, or through provincial and municipal governments—that work to aid newcomer settlement in a variety of areas, including employment help (at little to no cost for newcomers).

These organisations offer a variety of settlement services towards finding a job, often aiding with resumés as well. In fact, (depending on your status in Canada, and your location) you could receive not just resume development and critiques, but also mock interview help, attend skills building workshops receive job-specific language training, and more.

Note that on the national level, newcomer services are only available to permanent residents, protected persons, and some temporary residents—however because these services also operate at the provincial and municipal level, depending on your location you may qualify for settlement assistance even as a temporary resident on a study or work visa. To best understand whether you qualify, it is advisable to contact the specific immigrant serving organisation you would like to receive service from (prior to your visit) to clarify your eligibility and see what services you can avail. For more information on free settlement services for newcomers in Canada, visit our dedicated webpage here . 

In addition to this, international students in Canada will be able to avail employment help from their university or college career centres. These centres are designed to help current students and new graduates with finding employment, often offering them interview and resume training, along with networking and recruiting events, alumni connections, access to mentors and more.

Lastly newcomers who don’t fit into eligibility for either category may want to pursue help with a Non-For-Profit (NFP) or Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) in their area, to avail employment help. Many of these organisations work to help the community at large, so newcomers may also be eligible, depending on the organisation. These services can be especially potent at securing employment in the specific area or region that the specific NFP or NGO serves and can often have experience and skill with helping newcomers to Canada as well.

There are a multitude of online tools and resources that job applicants can use when writing their resumes, aiding everything from content to design of their documents. Some of these include:

  • Canva: Much like Flow CV, Canva can help with designing your resume—however the online program provides much more customizability and freedom in terms of editing resume layouts and designs;
  • ChatGPT : The AI chatbot can be a powerful tool, both when writing a compelling resume, but also when applying to jobs. You can read our article full article on the benefits of ChatGPT for job seekers here.
  • Flow CV: Flow CV works specifically on designing your CV or resume, with a variety of themes, templates, and colors to choose from, and an easy upload function to start customizing your resume, this free tool can help distinguish you from the pack;
  • Indeed career services: offering everything from automated resume analysis, to expert resume help (for a fee), Indeed has an extensive range of career services specifically oriented to writing effective resumes and job applications;
  • : Another online resume writer, is a website that aids job applicants in writing better resumes. The site features cover letter options, pre-written AI phrases, multiple formatting options, automatic summary generators, and more; and
  • Rezi : An AI powered resume tool that critiques your writing and looks to optimize resume content for specific jobs. Rezi is a powerful and low-cost tool to improving resume content and design.

Do you require Canadian immigration assistance?

Cohen Immigration Law is a leading Canadian immigration law firm with over 45 years of experience. Cohen Immigration Law is comprised of over 60 Canadian immigration lawyers, paralegals, and other professionals. We are dedicated to helping people achieve their Canadian immigration goals. We assist in areas including skilled worker and business immigration, family sponsorship, work permits, study permits, citizenship, and inadmissibility. was founded in 1994 as the online presence of Cohen Immigration Law. CanadaVisa has since blossomed into the one of the world's most trusted resources on Canadian immigration. Please reach out for assistance. We're happy to help:

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Canada's express entry draw results from august 14, 2024.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has conducted a second Express Entry draw this week, issuing 3,200 more Invitations to Apply (ITAs) to Canadian immigration candidates. Here are the results from IRCC's August 14 Express Entry draw.

Canada's Express Entry Draw Results from July 31, 2024

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has conducted a second Express Entry draw this week. Read on for the results from the department's July 31st Express Entry draw.

  • Immigrate to Canada
  • Express Entry
  • Provincial Nominee Programs
  • Quebec Immigration
  • Other Federal Economic Programs
  • National Occupational Classification
  • Language Test Requirements
  • Education Credential Assessment
  • Immigration Levels Plan
  • About the Immigration Department
  • About the Immigration Minister
  • Working in Canada
  • TFWP & IMP
  • Work Permit Process
  • Work without a Work Permit
  • Get Maintained Status
  • Business Visitors
  • Options for H-1B Visa Holders
  • Tech Talent Options
  • LMIA-Exempt Work Permits (IMP)
  • LMIA-Based Work Permits (TFWP)
  • Employer Compliance
  • Family Class Sponsorship
  • Spouse or Common-Law Partner
  • Child or Other Dependent
  • Parents and Grandparents
  • Requirements for Each Program
  • Study in Canada
  • Get a Study Permit
  • Study Pathways to PR
  • Bringing your Family to Canada
  • Working While Studying
  • Post-Graduation Work Permits
  • About Canadian Citizenship
  • Benefits of Canadian Passport
  • Apply for Proof of Citizenship
  • Dual Citizenship
  • Citizenship Ceremony
  • Overcome Inadmissibility
  • Temporary Resident Permit
  • Criminal Rehabilitation
  • Inadmissible Legal Opinion Letter
  • Visiting with a Criminal Record
  • Common Offences
  • Charges Within Canada
  • Authorization to Return to Canada
  • Refusals and Appeals
  • Canada Security Clearances
  • Overcome Medical Inadmissibility
  • Inadmissibility to Canada FAQs
  • Canada Border Services Agency
  • About Cohen Immigration Law
  • How to Avoid Fraud
  • Workers' Rights in Canada
  • Temporary Resident Visas
  • Tools and Resources
  • Business Immigration Overview
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Self-Employed
  • Getting Settled in Canada
  • Opening a Bank Account
  • How to Find Work
  • Renting a Home
  • Buying a Home
  • Free Settlement Services
  • Public Transportation
  • Buying a Car
  • Food and Grocery Options
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  • Canadian Resume Format

Krystin Morgan

Canadian Resume Format resume examples & templates

Canadian Resume Format resume examples & templates

Choosing the right resume format for Canada

Include your contact information, craft a compelling summary, outline your work experience, include the key skills that make you a great employee , detail your education & relevant certifications, pick the right resume layout and design for a canadian resume, what type of salary you can expect in canada.

With employees all over the world becoming enamored with remote work over the past few years, you may be considering a relocation. With proximity and a shared language, Canada is a compelling option for those looking to leave the US but not feel too far from home.

Entry-level Canadian Resume Format Resume Example

If you find the right type of job in Canada, it’s important to make sure you’re using the right Canadian resume format. The best Canadian resumes are not too dissimilar to those in the US. However, there are some key differences of which you should be aware. 

Resume guide for a Canadian resume format

Increase your chances of success by building your Canadian resume with With guides and resume examples covering over 500 careers, plus a resume builder , we make it easier than ever to create an excellent resume, whether you’re seeking a US or Canadian format. 

This resume guide and corresponding Canadian resume example will cover the following:

  • How to write a resume using the right Canadian format
  • Choosing the right resume structure
  • How to add your contact information
  • Using summaries or profiles
  • Adding your relevant experience
  • Listing your educational credentials
  • Picking the right resume design/layout
  • What the Canadian job market and salaries look like

How to write a Canadian resume

The first step to writing your Canadian resume is understanding what sections to include. Make sure your resume contains the following:

  • The resume header
  • The resume summary (aka profile or personal statement)
  • The employment history section
  • The resume skills section
  • The education section

As we mentioned, there are some differences between resume formats in the US and Canada. The major ones to watch for are as follows:

  • Language and spelling. A US resume will use American English, while Canadian resumes often use British English. Depending on the part of Canada, Canadian resumes may even be written in French.
  • Data format. In the US, it’s customary to write dates as Month - Day - Year (e.g., May 5, 2024). In Canada, resumes should display the date using a Year - Month - Day.
  • Resume length. Resumes in the US can be 1-2 pages in length, while Canadian resumes can be a bit longer especially if the writer has extensive work experience.

Even with these differences, there’s plenty in common. To set your resume up to land the job, keep these things in mind: 

  • Highlight accomplishments rather than responsibilities. Regardless of the country, the reader of your resume wants to understand what you achieved and how you made an impact.
  • Just like you’re tailoring your resume to a new country, do the same for each employer. Adjust your content, tone, and style to be the most relevant.
  • Use a resume template that suits the Canadian resume format and is easy to read.
  • Optimize your resume with relevant keywords so it’s clear to the reader—or an applicant tracking system —how you’re the best fit.

Optimize for the ATS

An applicant tracking system is used by companies to collect and track all of their candidates and job applications. Some advanced systems use algorithms to scan and assess resumes based on how well they match up to the job posting.

To ensure the most success, review the job description for the most important keywords and ensure they’re well-reflected on your resume. 

Our article about resume ATS optimization offers additional tips and tricks.

Just like in the US, reverse chronological is the best resume format. This puts the focus on your specific work history and experience, giving the hiring manager exactly what they are looking for. To use this format, simply display your work history from the most recent to the earliest.

If you’re light on work experience or making a major career change, you may find success with a functional format , which emphasizes your skills and traits over your specific work history. Or, try to merge the two formats into one that captures the best of both worlds.

Whichever you choose, you can see examples in action and check out different resume templates in our resume builder. 

The best design for your resume will depend on the type of work you do. Sift through our modern , creative , professional , and simple versions to see which best suits your experience.

Your resume’s header is important regardless of which format you use and in which country you’re searching. Without it, the reader won’t know how to get in touch to invite you for an interview. The header has a single goal: communicate your contact information.

There are a few items you should be sure to include in your Canadian resume header:

  • Your full name & title . List your first and last name and the title of the role you are pursuing.
  • A professional email address . Your email address should be professional, like [email protected] , not silly or quirky.
  • Your phone number . Include the phone number where you can most easily be reached, and make sure your voicemail is set up. Since you’re applying to a role in a new country, include your country code.
  • Your current and future location . In general, you need only list your city and state . It’s best to avoid your full address for safety reasons, and a zip code won’t be relevant to a Canadian reader. However, since you’re looking to relocate, state “Willing to Relocate” or “Relocating to Canada” here.
  • Your LinkedIn profile . If you have an active LinkedIn profile , include it here.

Don’t include:

  • Date of birth : This isn’t necessary in the US or Canada, and could potentially lead to age discrimination .
  • Personal details : Marital status, social security number, passport number , etc. can all be left off.

Sara Winchester

Sales Manager

[email protected]

+1 360-345-3275

Seattle, WA - Relocating to Vancouver, BC

1723 Summit Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122

A summary is the first part of your resume that will really grab the hiring manager’s attention. It’s where you get to pull together your experience, expertise, and enthusiasm for the role and craft a narrative. But don’t say too much—the summary should only be 2-4 sentences, so keep it light. 

Don’t just reiterate your resume or use vague statements. Instead, use action verbs and specific achievements to show how you’re the best fit for the job at hand. For example, if you’re applying to a sales role, you might include something like, “High-achieving sales leader with a track record of exceeding quota five years in a row, while expanding into new territories.” 

Imagine you’re in an elevator with the hiring manager and have just a few minutes to pitch yourself as the solution to their business problem. The summary is a written version of your elevator pitch.  

Need inspiration for your summary? Check out our related resumes: 

  • Career change resume example
  • Traditional resume example
  • General resume example

You can find an adaptable Canadian example summary below:

Experienced telemarketer with a proven track record of achieving sales targets and building strong customer relationships. Skilled in lead generation, cold calling, and customer service. Proficient in using various telemarketing software and CRM tools. Committed to delivering exceptional results and contributing to company growth.

If you’re using the reverse chronological format, list your current or most recent job first, then work your way backwards. Only go back 10-15 years to keep the focus on the most recent and relevant work. Try to keep your experience related to the job you’re applying to; if you have unrelated experience that you feel strongly about including, you can create an “other experience” section. 

List your company, title, and dates of work (being mindful of Canadian date conventions). Underneath each job, use concise bullet points to describe your achievements and results. Just like with a US resume format, there’s no need to write complete sentences or use pronouns like “my” or “I.” Do, however, start each bullet point with a verb—delivered, innovated, accomplished, directed, sold, negotiated, led. 

Don’t simply reiterate your role’s job description. Your resume should showcase how you made a unique impact in the position, not just detail the tasks you were assigned. For example, you can imagine an administrative assistant resume with bullets like:

  • "Assisted with administrative tasks.”
  • "Helped the boss manage his calendar.”
  • “Ordered office supplies.”

While those are all accurate to an administrative assistant job, nothing about them stands out or proves how the writer is the best candidate for the job. And if you’re applying to a job in an entirely new country, especially if you require relocation assistance, you’ve got to pull out all the stops to set yourself apart as the very best. 

That’s where results come in. Shoot for each bullet point to include a specific metric, result, or impact. When you do this, it transforms your resume: 

  • "Owned all administrative tasks for a busy law firm, including booking 5 travel arrangements per month, achieving 100% accurate data entry, and greeting all visitors.”
  • "Coordinated and managed executive’s schedule, including daily calendaring and complex scheduling of 10+ meetings per week.”
  • “Managed office supply inventory and ordering for office of 50, ensuring adequate stock and timely replacements as needed.”

Now, that looks like someone you want to hire! 

Take a look at the Canadian employment history resume sample below:

Senior Telemarketer at ABC Industries, Ottawa, ON  November 2018 - Present 

  • Consistently exceed monthly sales targets by an average of 25% through effective lead generation and cold calling techniques.
  • Develop and maintain a deep understanding of company products and services to provide tailored solutions to customers.
  • Collaborate with the sales team to identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities, resulting in a 15% increase in average order value.
  • Train and mentor new telemarketing staff, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Telemarketer at XYZ Corporation, Ottawa, ON  July 2016 - October 2018 

  • Conducted outbound calls to potential customers, generating leads and setting appointments for the sales team.
  • Achieved a 95% customer satisfaction rate by actively listening to customer needs and providing appropriate solutions.
  • Maintained accurate and up-to-date records in the CRM system, ensuring data integrity and facilitating effective follow-up.
  • Participated in regular training sessions to stay updated on product knowledge and sales techniques.

How to write a Canadian resume with no experience

If you don’t have direct work experience for the role intended with your Canadian resume, you can still shoot your shot at the job. By focusing on your transferable skills and any relevant education, you can show yourself as an excellent fit even without exact experience doing the job. 

What information you include will depend on the sort of job you’re targeting. If you’re seeking a role as a software engineer, for instance, you might include your bachelor’s in computer science, previous internships , and any side projects you’ve done on your own. 

If you’re looking to break into sales, you might include experience working as a server in a restaurant and honing your communication and interpersonal skills. 

Just like in the US, your Canadian resume should display your top skills in the skills section. List both your hard and soft skills to paint a comprehensive picture of your abilities. 

Hard skills are those that can be demonstrated and assessed, like expertise with a specific software system or knowledge of a project management methodology. 

Soft skills , on the other hand, are those that pertain to interpersonal or intrinsic abilities like customer service, communication skills , or strong time management skills.’s resume builder includes several skills from which to choose, and you also have the option to add your own. 

Here’s what the skills box looks like in our Canadian resume template. 

Key Skills and Proficiencies

However, the skills section is just one place to show your expertise. You should also display your skills throughout your resume, especially in the summary and work experience sections.

For example, consider highlight things like:

  • Role-related experience by describing past accomplishments and expertise in similar positions
  • Interpersonal skills by detailing the role you’ve played on a team or as a leader, or how you’ve provided excellent customer service
  • Ability to learn quickly by sharing an example of something you had to learn and how you quickly got up to speed

Whatever the role, the job description is the best place to look as you determine the most important skills to include. 

In general, your resume’s education section is fairly straightforward. Just like with your work history, you’ll list your educational experience in reverse chronological order, including the institution name, the degree or certification you earned, and — if within the past five years — the date achieved.

If you have a university degree or higher, there’s no need to include high school information. But formal education isn’t the only thing to include here. You can also incorporate the following:

  • Training and certifications . If you’ve taken any certificate programs, courses, workshops, or even highly relevant webinars, they can be added here.
  • Internships or apprenticeships . If you gained on-the-job experience and training through an internship, apprenticeship, or similar, that can be shared in the education section.
  • Professional development or affiliations . Are you a member of a trade association or industry group? This can show your passion for the industry as well as your commitment to staying aware of trends and changes in your field.
  • Language skills . This may only be relevant if you’re applying in a French-speaking part of Canada, but if you’ve taken courses to brush up on your French, it can help to include that.

Associate of Science in Business Administration, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON  August 2014 - May 2016

The design and layout of your resume has a big impact on the hiring manager’s first impression, so you want to get it right. It should grab the attention of the reader, be simple to understand, and be representative of your professionalism. 

A great layout contains ample whitespace, clean lines, and limited color and fonts. While it’s fine to show a little personality with a pop of color or a modern font , don’t go overboard. 

Although there’s no shortcut to a perfect resume, if you’re searching for a free Canadian resume format template, check out our field-tested resume templates . We take care of the hardest part for you, helping your skills to shine.

Canadian text-only resume example

Employment history

  • Computer Skills
  • Customer Service
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Mentoring & Coaching
  • Microsoft Office
  • Cold-Calling
  • Phone Etiquette
  • Client Communication
  • Cross-Selling & Upselling

Canadian job market and outlook

Overall, the job market in Canada is in flux just like that in the US. Unemployment is higher than that of the US, but the country is seeing increases in work within sectors like healthcare, natural resources, food services, and professional, scientific, and technical services.

  • Canada’s unemployment rate is approximately 6.1% .
  • The working population in Canada tops out at 21,721,000.
  • There are approximately 678,475 job vacancies throughout Canada.

How much a professional will earn in Canada depends on the type of role, just like in any other location. Some of the highest-paying professions include medical roles like surgeon, physician, or psychologist; first responder work such as firefighter or police officer; and technical roles like data scientist or engineer. 

It’s also the case that average salaries are similar between the US and Canada, but one must factor in the cost of living and how it can impact their overall take-home pay. 

Taking all roles into consideration, the average weekly earnings in Canada range from $1,200 to $1,305 per week ($62,400 to $67,860 per year). 

Key takeaways for building a Canadian resume

Canada offers plenty of opportunities for those looking to leave the US and experience a new country while not straying far from the comforts of home. For your best chances at a job, you need the best Canadian resume format and content.

Luckily, the differences between resumes meant for the US or Canada are slight, so most of your current resume can stay the same with some minor tweaks. Be sure to focus on achievements, top skills, and relevant education for the most success. 

Our online resume builder can help you streamline the process, land an interview, and win the job. Happy trails!

Beautiful ready-to-use resume templates

Resume in Canadian Format: Canadian resume samples and examples

Hoping to live and work in Canada? Our guide to resumes in Canadian format will get you off to a great start!

A person holding a red maple leaf in a forest

Are you hoping to live and work in Canada? We can’t blame you if so – it’s a beautiful country with a reputation for welcoming people from all around the world. Between the friendly, open culture and the beautiful northern scenery, what’s not to love about the prospect of a brand new life abroad?

But if you want to live the life of your dreams in Canada, you’ll need to be able to find a job to support yourself. That means learning how to write a resume in the Canadian format, which has some important differences from other resume formats around the world. Wherever you come from, you’ll probably need to make at least a few changes to your resume if you want to find employment in Canada.

To get you started, we’ve put together this guide to writing your first Canadian resume! We’ll cover all of the following points:

  • Why you need a Canadian resume
  • The key differences between Canadian resumes and resumes from elsewhere
  • What to call attention to when writing your Canadian resume
  • How to lay out your Canadian resume

Why Write a Resume in the Canadian Format?

Simply put, you need to write a resume in the Canadian format to maximize your chances of finding a job in Canada.

If you’re coming to Canada from the US, you’ll probably have an easier time, as the two countries share a lot of the same values when it comes to resumes. Though you’ll need to make a few important tweaks, you probably won’t need to overhaul your entire resume to keep Canadian employers happy.

But many people move to Canada from much farther afield, and end up surprised by the differences in employment norms. If you’re coming to Canada from a country where things are done differently, the process of reworking your resume can cost you valuable time on your job search. It could delay your ability to find a job, and to start earning a living in your new country.

If you show up prepared, you’ll have a much easier time. There’s already enough work involved in moving to a new country! Get this task out of the way early, and save yourself some stress once you arrive in Canada.

Key Features of a Canadian Resume

To help you get started on your Canadian resume, here are some of the key features of a resume in the Canadian style. If you’re wondering what differences you need to watch out for, look no further – we’ve got your back!

In the US, the subject of whether or not to include a photo of yourself on your resume is hotly debated. Some people believe it’s inherently unprofessional, unless you’re applying for a job that relies on your appearance – like modeling or acting. Other people believe it’s a great way to give your resume more of a personal touch.

But in Canada, that debate simply doesn’t exist. If you want to find a job in Canada, you shouldn’t include a photo of yourself on your resume.

That’s because your physical appearance isn’t considered relevant to your employability. It’s also worth considering that including a photo of yourself may increase your risk of facing discrimination in the hiring process, particularly if you’re a person of color, gender non-conforming, or a member of another visible minority group. When applying for jobs in Canada, it’s expected that you will leave the photo out.

No Personal Details

The same principle applies to other personal details that you might be tempted to include on your resume. When job searching in Canada, you should avoid including any of the following information:

  • Your race, background or ethnicity
  • Any physical attributes
  • Your marital status
  • Whether you have children
  • Your sexual orientation

None of this is information that will help an employer decide whether or not to hire you. In fact, due to discrimination laws, it may be against the law for them to take this information into account when considering you as a candidate!

Two Page Maximum

In this respect, Canadian resume standards are fairly similar to American resume standards. You should avoid allowing your resume to take up more than two pages. If you’re a recent graduate or a junior employee, you should aim to limit it to a single page if possible.

Remember, a longer resume doesn’t innately prove that you have more experience. In most cases, all it will prove is that you lack the ability to express yourself concisely. Being able to summarize your skills and experience is a talent in its own right, and hiring managers will be on the lookout for it.

Reverse-Chronological Format

A reverse-chronological resume format is the default resume format in North America. But if you’re not familiar with the term, don’t panic! It just means a resume that lists your work experience from the most recent item to the oldest item.

Under exceptional circumstances, you may want to use a functional resume format instead. If you’re a recent graduate or you have extensive gaps in your work history, this skills-focused resume format will allow you to minimize both your lack of experience and any interruptions to your employment. This format is also accepted in Canada, though it’s much less common than the reverse-chronological format.

What to Highlight on Your Canadian Resume

Once you’ve figured out the most important features of your Canadian resume, it’s time to think about what you can highlight as you write. There are certain qualities and experiences that will give you an edge when looking for your first job in Canada, so make sure you include as many of them as you can!

Canadian Work Experience

Canadian employers strongly value existing Canadian work experience. It’s evidence that you can mesh well with the social and professional norms of a Canadian workplace. Unfortunately, this can make it difficult for newcomers to Canada to find a way into the Canadian workforce – if you don’t already have Canadian work experience, it can be surprisingly hard to obtain any.

That’s why, if you do have Canadian work experience, it should be front and center on your Canadian resume. It will give you a huge advantage as you look for work in Canada!

For the purposes of this guide, ‘Canadian work experience’ is a fairly broad umbrella term. Ideally, Canadian employers will want to see experience of working for a Canadian company. However, if you’ve worked in collaboration with a Canadian company or team while employed elsewhere, that will also give you an advantage on the Canadian job market.

Experience Working Internationally

If you don’t have Canadian work experience – and if you’re new to Canada, you probably don’t – then experience working with international collaborators in general is a useful substitute.

Being able to work with people from other countries shows that you are adaptable, flexible, and willing to learn about other people’s workplace norms and standards. When you’re looking for work internationally, it’s extremely useful to be able to point to experience of international collaboration – even if you’ve only ever worked in your home country. It’s proof that you have what it takes to adapt to a Canadian work environment, which will take you far in your job search.

Right to Work in Canada

There are strict rules governing who is permitted to work in Canada. If you’re already in Canada and you’re looking for work, you will have a huge advantage if you can demonstrate to employers that you already have the right to work in Canada. This doesn’t have to take up much space on your resume – you can easily include it in your header – but it can be a big green flag to hiring managers wondering whether to take a chance on you.

This is because Canadian companies hoping to hire non-Canadians (people who aren’t Canadian citizens or permanent residents) need to complete a LMIA, or Labor Market Impact Assessment, before they can make that hire. The LMIA needs to demonstrate that the non-Canadian applicant is more qualified than any Canadian applicants for the job, and that hiring a non-Canadian won’t take away an opportunity from a qualified Canadian. If you already have the right to work in Canada, the company hoping to hire you can bypass the LMIA, which makes you a much more attractive hiring prospect.

It should go without saying that if you don’t have the right to work in Canada, you shouldn’t lie about it! You will be found out, and you will jeopardize your reputation with that employer. Be honest, but be clear about your work status in the country – it could help you out as you look for work.

How to Format Your Canadian Resume

Now you know what to include, what to exclude, and what to foreground on your Canadian resume. But where do you begin when it comes to laying the whole thing out on the page?

As always, the exact order of your resume will vary depending on your circumstances. Your career trajectory, your work history, and the length of your career so far can all impact how you structure your resume. But as a guide, here’s an approximate order for your Canadian resume.

Resume Header

Your resume header should sit at the top of your resume’s first page. Ideally, it should contain all of the following information:

  • A headline job title
  • Your address
  • Your contact information, including your email address and phone number
  • If applicable, a short note about your right to work in Canada

This is a component of your resume that you can’t move around too much – it needs to be at the very beginning, and it needs to stand out from the bulk of your resume.

Your summary, too, will need to sit at the beginning of your resume. It should be the first thing a hiring manager reads after your header, and it should provide a quick snapshot of your relevant skills and expertise. It should also be directly relevant to the job you’re applying for – don’t be afraid to include your hopes and goals for that position, if you have room!

Here’s an example of a good summary for a Canadian resume:

Administrative assistant with six years’ experience across the public and private sectors. Efficient, driven, and highly organized, with strong communication and problem-solving skills. Hoping to increase student satisfaction as part of the team at Dalhousie University.

Summary Canadian Format

Work Experience

As we’ve discussed, you should ideally list your recent work experience in reverse-chronological order. Remember to focus on your quantifiable achievements in each role, and to refer to the job description wherever you can. Many Canadian companies use ATS tracking software to sort through resumes in the early stages of the hiring process, and will filter out resumes that don’t meet the criteria on the job description!

Because you’re looking for work in a new country, you should remember to list the locations of the places where you’ve worked in the past. This will help Canadian hiring managers contextualize your work experience appropriately.

Here’s an example of a work experience listing on a resume in the Canadian format:

Administrative Assistant, Nyoom Technologies, London, UK, 2021-22

  • Provided administrative support to software development teams based all over the world, in line with workplace best practices in each satellite location
  • Scheduled regular meetings across multiple time zones, liaising with external travel management companies where appropriate to achieve a 95% meeting attendance rate across the company
  • Delivered friendly, professional and effective service to all colleagues and clients

Work Experience Canadian Format Example

Your education section should include any relevant qualifications, including professional certifications. As the institutions you’ve studied with may not be familiar to Canadian employers, you should make a note of their locations as part of each listing in this section. Likewise, if you can convert the measure of your performance into a Canadian equivalent, you should consider doing so.

You should also keep in mind that any licenses or certifications you received overseas may not be accepted in Canada. If you work in a field that requires a professional license, you should look into acquiring a Canadian license as a matter of urgency – otherwise, you may not be able to find work.

Here’s an example of an education listing on your Canadian resume:

Bachelor of Arts in Communications 2:1 Degree (equiv. 3.5 GPA) University of Warwick, UK, 2011-2014

Canadian format education example

Thankfully, this section of your resume is fairly universal! It’s an opportunity for you to list your most relevant skills, informed by the job description and its list of requirements. When you have a clear list of what hiring managers want to see from candidates, it’s hard to get this section wrong – even when you’re writing for an international audience.

Remember, you can also incorporate information about your skills into your work experience section! Think about times when you’ve used your skills effectively at work, and mention them there. That way, you can free up space in this section for other skills with less direct applications.

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Perfect Canadian Resume Format: Expert Writing Tips and Samples

Perfect Canadian Resume Format: Expert Writing Tips and Samples

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Perfect Canadian Resume Format

The Canadian job market is a diverse and vibrant space, teeming with opportunities for both local and international job seekers. However, to tap into these opportunities, one needs to understand the nuances of the Canadian resume format. This format, while similar to the American resume format, has its unique characteristics that set it apart.

Unlock the secrets of the perfect Canadian resume format. Our comprehensive guide provides valuable insights, expert tips, and a sample resume to help you stand out in your job search. Get noticed by employers with a professionally crafted Canadian resume that highlights your skills and experiences effectively. Start building your winning resume today.

Similarities and Differences Between Canadian and American Resumes

Crafting the perfect canadian resume: step-by-step guide, tips for adapting an existing resume for canadian jobs, 10 canadian resume samples, common mistakes to avoid in a canadian resume, utilizing resume templates and builders, frequently asked questions.

At first glance, a Canadian resume may seem identical to its American counterpart. Both formats prioritize a clear, concise presentation of the candidate’s work history, skills, and education. They both aim to provide potential employers with a snapshot of the candidate’s capabilities and achievements. However, a closer look reveals subtle differences that can significantly impact your chances of landing a job in Canada.

One of the key differences lies in the presentation of personal information. While American resumes often include the candidate’s full address, Canadian resumes typically only require the city and province. This is due to Canada’s stringent privacy laws, which limit the amount of personal information employers can request.

Another difference is the emphasis on soft skills in Canadian resumes. Canadian employers value interpersonal skills and cultural fit just as much as technical expertise. Therefore, Canadian resumes often include a section dedicated to highlighting the candidate’s soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities.

Choosing the Right Canadian Resume Format

The first step in crafting a Canadian resume is selecting the appropriate format. There are three popular formats used in Canada: the Reverse Chronological, Functional, and Combination formats.

Reverse Chronological Format

The Reverse Chronological format is the most common and straightforward resume format. It lists your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. This format is ideal if you have a solid work history in the field you’re applying for and want to showcase your career progression.

Functional Format

The Functional format, on the other hand, focuses more on your skills and less on your work history. It’s a great option if you’re changing careers, have gaps in your employment, or if your most relevant experience isn’t your most recent.

Combination Format

The Combination format, as the name suggests, combines elements of both the Reverse Chronological and Functional formats. It highlights your skills and achievements upfront, followed by a detailed work history. This format is suitable for seasoned professionals with a diverse range of skills and experiences.

Choosing the right format is crucial as it sets the tone for the rest of your resume. It should align with your career history, the job you’re applying for, and the expectations of Canadian employers.

Choosing the Right Format Based on Experience and Skills

The first step is to choose the right format for your resume. As mentioned earlier, the three popular formats are Reverse Chronological, Functional, and Combination. The choice depends on your work history, skill set, and the job you’re applying for.

If you have a consistent work history in the field you’re applying for, the Reverse Chronological format is ideal. If you’re changing careers or have gaps in your employment, the Functional format would be more suitable. If you’re a seasoned professional with a diverse range of experiences, the Combination format would be the best choice.

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Creating a Professional Header with Contact Information

The header of your resume should include your full name and contact information. This includes your phone number, email address, and the city and province where you live. Unlike some countries, it’s not necessary to include personal information like your age, marital status, or nationality in a Canadian resume.

Crafting an Impactful Resume Summary or Objective

The next step is to write a resume summary or objective. This is a brief statement that highlights your key qualifications and career goals. It should be tailored to the job you’re applying for and should grab the employer’s attention.

A resume summary is ideal if you have significant work experience in the field. It should highlight your key achievements and skills. On the other hand, a resume objective is more suitable for career changers or recent graduates. It should focus on your career goals and how your skills and experiences make you a good fit for the job.

Detailing Work Experience Using the STAR Method

The work experience section is a crucial part of your resume. It should provide a detailed overview of your past roles, responsibilities, and achievements. One effective way to present this information is by using the STAR method.

Understanding the STAR Method

The STAR method stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. It’s a structured way of presenting your experiences and achievements. Here’s how it works:

  • Situation: Describe the context or background of the situation.
  • Task: Explain the task or challenge you were faced with.
  • Action: Detail the actions you took to address the task or challenge.
  • Result: Highlight the results or outcomes of your actions.

Using the STAR method can help you present your experiences in a clear, concise, and impactful way. It allows you to showcase your problem-solving skills and the value you can bring to the role.

Listing Relevant Skills

The skills section of your resume should highlight the skills that are most relevant to the job. These can be a mix of hard skills (technical or job-specific skills) and soft skills (interpersonal skills). Be sure to tailor this section to the job description to show the employer that you have the skills they’re looking for.

Including Education Details

The education section should provide a brief overview of your academic background. This includes the name of the institution, the degree or certification obtained, and the dates of attendance. If you’re a recent graduate, you can also include relevant coursework or projects.

Creating a Canadian resume involves careful planning and strategic presentation of your qualifications. By following these steps, you can create a resume that stands out in the Canadian job market.

If you’re an international job seeker looking to enter the Canadian job market, you might need to adapt your existing resume to meet Canadian standards. This doesn’t mean you have to start from scratch, but a few key adjustments can make your resume more appealing to Canadian employers.

Converting an Indian Resume to a Canadian Resume

Adapting an Indian resume for the Canadian job market involves a few specific changes. Here are some steps to guide you:

  • Customize Your Resume: Tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job description.
  • Simplify Your Language: Avoid complex English words and phrases. Use clear, straightforward language to improve readability.
  • Remove Personal Information: Canadian resumes typically don’t include a photo, nationality, race, gender, or full address. Remove these details from your resume.
  • Use the STAR Method: When detailing your work experience, use the STAR method to present your achievements in a clear, structured way.
  • List Recognized Certifications: If you have any certifications, make sure they’re recognized by Canadian employers. If not, consider pursuing equivalent certifications in Canada.
  • Include a Resume Summary or Objective: Add a brief statement at the top of your resume that highlights your key qualifications and career goals.
  • Standardize Your Education Scores: Instead of listing your CGPA, convert your scores to a GPA scale. If your GPA is less than 3.7, it’s better not to list it.
  • Update Your Contact Information: Include a Canadian city and province, along with a Canadian phone number. If you don’t have these yet, consider getting a virtual phone number.

Converting a European CV to a Canadian Resume

European CVs can also be adapted for the Canadian job market. Here are some steps to guide you:

  • Remove Personal Information: Like Indian resumes, European CVs often include personal information that’s not required in Canada. Remove details like your birthdate, citizenship, and photo.
  • Remove Hobbies: While hobbies are commonly included in entry-level European CVs, they’re typically not included in Canadian resumes. Unless your hobbies are directly relevant to the job, consider removing this section.
  • Choose the Right Format: Decide whether a Reverse Chronological, Functional, or Combination format is most suitable for your experiences and the job you’re applying for.
  • Include Key Sections: Make sure your resume includes a summary or objective, work history, skills, education, and certifications (if any).
  • Use the STAR Method: Detail your work experience using the STAR method to highlight your achievements in a structured way.
  • Avoid Paragraphs: Use bullet points instead of paragraphs to improve readability.
  • Proofread: Check your resume for grammatical errors. Consider using a proofreading tool or getting a native English speaker to review your resume.

Adapting your resume for the Canadian job market can increase your chances of landing a job. By making these adjustments, you can present your qualifications in a way that’s appealing to Canadian employers.

Registered Nurse Resume Sample for Canada

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Pharmacist Resume Example for Canada

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Lawyer Resume Sample for Canada

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Engineer Resume Sample for Canada

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Web Developer Resume Format for Canada

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Accountant Resume Sample for Canada

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Software Developer Resume Sample for Canada

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Marketing management Resume Sample for Canada

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Data science Resume Template for Canada

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Sales Resume Sample for Canada

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While crafting a Canadian resume, it’s essential to be aware of common pitfalls that could potentially undermine your chances of landing a job. Here are some mistakes to avoid when creating your Canadian resume.

Including Unnecessary Personal Information

In Canada, it’s not customary to include personal details such as age, marital status, nationality, or a photograph in your resume. Including these could potentially lead to unconscious bias during the hiring process. Stick to professional details such as your name, contact information, skills, work experience, and education.

Using Complex Language

While it’s important to sound professional, using overly complex language or industry jargon can make your resume difficult to understand. Keep your language clear and straightforward. Remember, the goal is to communicate your skills and experiences effectively, not to showcase your vocabulary.

Exceeding the Recommended Length

While there’s no strict rule on resume length in Canada, it’s generally recommended to keep your resume to one or two pages. For students and professionals with less than 15 years of experience, a one-page resume is usually sufficient. For those with more than 15 years of experience, a two-page resume is acceptable. Remember, the goal is to present your most relevant skills and experiences, not to list every job you’ve ever had.

There are numerous tools available to help you create a professional-looking resume. Resume templates and builders can save you time and ensure your resume is formatted correctly.

Introduction to Resume-Building Platforms

Resume-building platforms are online tools that provide pre-designed templates for resumes. They allow you to input your information into a template and automatically format it into a professional-looking resume. Some platforms also offer additional features such as resume reviews, customization options, and job search tools. check our own resume builder .

Benefits of Using a Resume Template

Using a resume template has several benefits. First, it ensures your resume is formatted correctly, which can save you time and stress. Second, it can help your resume look more professional, which can make a positive impression on employers. Finally, many templates are designed with applicant tracking systems (ATS) in mind, which means they can help your resume get past these systems and into the hands of a human recruiter.

Creating a Canadian resume can be a challenging task, especially for international job seekers. However, by avoiding common mistakes and utilizing available tools, you can create a resume that stands out in the Canadian job market.

Navigating the job market in a new country can be a daunting task, and you may have several questions about the process. Here are some frequently asked questions about Canadian resumes to help you better understand the expectations and standards.

While there are many similarities between Canadian and American resumes, there are also some key differences. For instance, Canadian resumes typically do not include personal information such as age, marital status, or a photograph. Additionally, Canadian employers place a high value on soft skills, so it’s important to highlight these in your resume.

No, it’s not customary to include a photo in a Canadian resume. Including a photo could potentially lead to unconscious bias during the hiring process. Stick to professional details such as your name, contact information, skills, work experience, and education.

No, it’s not necessary to list your nationality on a Canadian resume. In fact, including this information could potentially lead to unconscious bias during the hiring process. Your skills and experiences should be the focus of your resume.

Absolutely not. Honesty is crucial when applying for jobs. Even a small lie about your qualifications or work history could lead to job termination or legal consequences. Always be truthful and accurate when creating your resume.

Creating a standout Canadian resume is a crucial step in landing a job in Canada. By understanding the expectations and standards of Canadian employers, you can tailor your resume to highlight your most relevant skills and experiences.

Remember, a Canadian resume is more than just a list of your past jobs. It’s a tool to showcase your abilities, achievements, and potential. It’s your first impression on an employer, so make it count.

Whether you’re a local job seeker or an international candidate, following these guidelines can help you create a resume that stands out in the Canadian job market. Good luck with your job search!

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Our resume builder is easy to use and will help you create a resume that is ATS-friendly and will stand out from the crowd.

Recommended Reading:

  • Hobbies and Interests to put on a CV
  • CV personal qualities and skills
  • Skills to include on a CV
  • How to write references on a CV
  • How to write achievements on a CV
  • Personal details on a CV
  • How to start a cover letter
  • LinkedIn Background Photo

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Published by Sarah Samson

Sarah Samson is a professional career advisor and resume expert. She specializes in helping recent college graduates and mid-career professionals improve their resumes and format them for the modern job market. In addition, she has also been a contributor to several online publications.

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Newcomers interviewing for jobs in Canada

Why do I need a Canadian Resume?

As a newcomer, finding a job in Canada is usually a top priority. The first step for your job search is to have a resume and a cover letter that you can share with potential employers or networking contacts. Resume formats from other countries will not necessarily work in the Canadian job market. On the other hand, a good Canadian-style resume will help you:

  • Pass the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that many Canadian employers use
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the Canadian job market
  • Highlight your strengths and professional achievements,
  • Position you as an ideal candidate for the role.

Free Canadian resume templates to download

Who are these templates for?

These free resume templates are for newcomers who are looking for a job in Canada. Whether you’re just starting your career in Canada, re-entering the job market after a break, or exploring full-time job opportunities in a new industry, these free Canadian resume formats will lay a strong foundation for your job search.

How to create an impressive Canadian resume

An impressive Canadian resume must showcase your unique qualities and strengths that make you a good fit for the job. To do this, your resume should be concise, readable, distraction-free, and rich in keywords that match the job description. With the right resume format, you can draw recruiters’ attention to the strengths of your application, such as your stellar experience, skillset, and more. You can also minimize the visibility of weaknesses, such as employment gaps or lack of industry experience.

Unsure about which resume template is right for you? Download the Canadian resume format that best matches your experience level:

  • Experienced professional with no major employment gaps, looking for a job in the same industry – choose the reverse chronological resume template
  • Recent graduate OR looking to switch career fields – the functional resume may be the best fit
  • Professional with limited experience, multiple short-term work stints, or significant work gaps – your may want to use the combination or hybrid resume .

For more tips and best practices on crafting a resume that will help you land a job in Canada, read our articles on Canadian resumes and cover letters and 10 resume mistakes to avoid while looking for a job in Canada .

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Canadian Resume Format: Land Your Dream Job in Canada

Canadian Resume Format: Land Your Dream Job in Canada

Canada, known for vast job opportunities, requires the Canadian resume format. This style meets local employer expectations, enhancing your job prospects. Master the Canadian-style resume to stand out in the Great White North .

All resume examples in this guide

build a canadian resume

Canadian Resume Example

Joan Brown Top Chief Accountant 317-555-686 [email protected]

Chief accountant with six years of experience seeking a more challenging position as a Top Chief Accountant in a leading organization with opportunities for continuous development. Fully experienced in managing accounting and finance procedures, I aim to increase productivity and enhance compliance.

Chief Accountant Keringat Technologies Company June 2018 to Present

  • Oversee the preparation of the company’s budget.
  • Preparing filed tax statements and annual tax statements.
  • Conduct regular internal checks to prevent any discrepancies.
  • Verifying monthly bank accounts and accounts payables and receivables.
  • Training accounting staff and evaluating their performance.
  • Answering any inquiries presented by the federal agencies. ‍

Assistant Auditor Absa Auditing & Accounting Firm May 2016- May 2018

  • Prepared financial statements, reports, and commentaries.
  • Analyzed the company's financial information and accounts.
  • Aligned the company’s financial activities with the set regulations.
  • Ensured compliance with tax regulations. ‍

Masters of Business Administration ‍ York University, Toronto, ON Graduated 2015

B.A Degree in Accounting and Finance ‍ York University, Toronto, ON 2010-2014

  • Interpersonal communication skills
  • Time management
  • Analytical skills
  • Knowledge of GAAP
  • Strong accounting and auditing knowledge ‍

Certification & Licenses

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

best Canadian  resume template

Also, how is the Canadian resume format different from that of other countries like the USA? To help you answer these questions, compiled below is a Canadian-style resume guide, including resume templates , to help you succeed with a resume for canadian jobs .

Follow this Canadian resume example to know the correct format to use.

Canadian style Resume format

Canadian Resume for International Students

Are you an international student and intend to stay in the country after graduation? If so, you need to create a North American resume to help you land job opportunities. Your Canadian resume may differ in style and format from your home country.

Here is a Canadian resume format for international students to guide you:

  • Health and Safety
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Refined leadership skills
  • Building effective collaboration relations
  • Able to prove the necessary training and mentorship
  • Collaborated with other team members to come up with initiatives and product promotions.
  • Managed a corporate social responsibility campaign that accelerated sales by 60%.
  • Led mandatory employee training for increased awareness on product promotion, pricing, and sales planning.
  • Worked with a focused team to discover market opportunities.
  • Participated in employee training and development programs and increased sales volume by 35%.
  • Engaged with customers leading to more market opportunities.

canadian resume

How Do Canadian Resumes Differ From American Ones?

Unlike many deem, a Canadian resume model does not differ from the American resume in terms of style and format. However, the two differ in the English variation in several aspects.

Therefore, you may want to use Canadian English when writing a Canadian resume. You also need to know what information to include and what to omit in your Canadian-style resume.

Canadian - American resume

How to Create a Canadian Resume? Create a Canadian-Styled Resume Step-by-Step

While there are different structures for writing a Canadian resume, there is standard formatting. Below is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to write a Canadian-style resume.

Begin with The Resume Header

You need a resume header at the top of your resume. When writing it, we highly recommend keeping it simple and clear. In this part of the resume, ensure that you include your name, title, contact information, and LinkedIn profile URL.

A well-written resume header will quickly give the hiring manager information about the resume and how they reach out to them.

Create a Resume Profile

The next step is to create a brief introduction of the content in your resume. This includes writing a resume summary if you have more achievements and experience and a resume objective to start your career. A summary of qualifications can be useful if you have more qualifications to showcase.

List Your Work Experience

You should pay attention to the professional experience section since most employers are most interested in it. We highly recommend using the reverse chronological order, where you first state your most recent work experience down to your initial career experience.

Here are effective tips on how to list your work experience:

  • Start with the basic information including, the company’s name, the job title, and period of employment.
  • Insert bulletproofs elaborating details of the role.
  • Comprehensively describe your achievements using accomplishment statements rather than general words.
  • Insert resume keywords when writing this part. This is crucial since the Application Tracking Systems (ATS) use resume keywords during the resume filtering process.
  • Be specific and avoid vague language.

List Your Education

Besides your experience, you also need to talk about your education when writing a Canadian resume . List your education and professional qualifications and the data obtained. Mention the degrees, name of institution, and the date attended. If you are yet to graduate, mention the expected graduation date and your Grade Point Average if it's 3.5 or above.

Like U.S. employers, Canadian employers look for applicants' skills when going through a Canadian resume. Therefore, it helps to include your hard and soft skills and try as much as possible to keep this list simple and relevant. Teamwork skills show that you are a team player and are a plus in your Canadian resume.

Utilize Additional Sections

To create a creative resume that stands out from the rest, ensure that you use additional sections to include extra skills and achievements.

Some extra sections that you may want to include are such as:

  • Volunteer experience
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Social media (professional ones)
  • Achievements and awards
  • Licenses and certifications
  • Publications
  • Foreign languages
  • Mentoring programs

What Should I Omit in My Canadian-Style Resume?

Before you write a resume when searching for a job in the Canadian market, it is crucial to know what not to include. Here are things that are best left out in your Canadian-style resume.

  • The words ‘resume’, ‘CV’, and ‘curriculum vitae’, especially in the title
  • Third-person voice
  • Unnecessary jargon words
  • Irrelevant hobbies and interests
  • Unimportant job from more than 15 years ago
  • Current work email address or an inappropriate email


Tips for Making a Canadian-Style Resume

To land your dream job in Canada, you need to know how to masterfully write a Canadian-style resume. Below are some tips to help you create a Canadian-style resume that will give you an edge over other candidates.

Choose the Proper Resume Format

There are three resume formats that you can use when writing a Canadian-style resume.

  • Chronological Resume

This Canadian resume format highlights your resume experience in reverse chronological order, beginning from the most recent position to the previous ones. Generally, this traditional resume includes the last ten years of experience as they occurred.

It works best for job seekers with previous work experience and may not be ideal for those without relevant work experience in the industry. Besides, most hiring managers are more familiar with this resume format.

  • Functional Resume

The functional resume format may work best for you if you have the skills and abilities relevant to the job you are applying for. Therefore, it can justify you if you have minimal work experience, are changing careers, or have gaps in your employment history.

To optimize this Canadian resume model , consider starting with your skills and abilities first. This should be followed by your work experience.

  • Hybrid Resume

As the name may suggest, this is a combination of functional and hybrid resumes. With a combination resume , you can focus on your work experience and skills. Nevertheless, it puts more emphasis on your hard and soft skills.

Use Short Sentences and Write in an Active Voice

Most employers will not read a CV with more than two pages. Therefore, keep it short and simple and scrape off unnecessary details. Also, avoid the first person and instead use active voice. For example, ‘Increased sales by 50%.’

Personalize your Resume

Your prospective employer has probably seen thousands of resumes from applicants before and is most likely looking for something different. To stand out from other applicants in the job search, it would be best to customize your resume based on the requirements of the job you are applying for. Review the employer’s website to know what is expected and tailor your resume to it.

Include Keywords

Try as much as possible to include keywords related to the employer's words on the job posting. This is important since some employers use automated software known as ATS to narrow down applicants and the keywords are considered favourable during this process.

An Application Tracking System (ATS) is used in the scanning process to scan resumes and establish whether they are the right fit for the job at hand. This software automatically rejects resumes that are not optimized for the position.

By including key phrases in the work experience, skills, and professional experience section, you will grab the attention of your prospective employer with ease. Nevertheless, you still want to write for humans since recruiters and hiring managers will be making the final hiring decision.

Use Canadian English

In a Canadian resume , it is crucial to use the right variation. As we mentioned above, the language variations are slightly different, but a recruiter may take your American spelling as a misspelling, which is critical.

To make sure your resume is spot on, check the differences between both variations .

Also, include Canadian-acceptable terms. These may include words like internship, Grade Point Average (GPA), high school, and more.

Quantify Your Achievements

If you have handled, managed, led, or accomplished something, mention it in your Canadian resume using numbers. Generally, it is wise to be specific when mentioning your skills rather than generic. For instance, you can mention that you helped increase the sales of your current or previous company by 10%.

You can use the CAR approach to describe what the Challenge was, what Action you took, and the Results . This gives your prospective employer or recruiter better insight into who you are and what you can do. However, you should be honest when giving this or any other information lest the recruiter contacts your former employer to verify the information.

Include Unpaid Work Experience

Don’t pass the opportunity to include unpaid work experiences, particularly in the position you are applying for. This includes volunteer work, which is always a plus when writing a Canadian resume and is a good way to showcase your Canadian experience.

You can include unpaid work experience under the “Work Experience” section or the “Additional” section.

Don’t Include Unnecessary Information

While you may have too much to write about yourself, it is best to avoid unnecessary personal information. Any information that you provide in your resume should be tailored to suit the job application.

Ideally, never include any personal information that shows biasness such as political views, marital status, height, nationality, or weight, unless required. Also, avoid including hobbies and interests unrelated to the job you are applying for.

Omit outdated skills, date of birth, nicknames, visa status, and nonessentials, and keep everything professional as much as possible.

If the employer asks about your immigration status during the interview, be honest. Also, let them know your commitment to becoming a permanent resident if you stay in Canada on a temporary permit.

Always Include a Cover Letter

It is necessary to include a cover letter to help elaborate on your skills, strengths, and experience. A well-written cover letter will help the hiring manager or the employer know you better and evaluate your suitability for the position.

Besides, you can leverage the cover letter to validate the gaps in your resume. Include it in the body on your email and limit it to one page only. Also, ensure that it is relevant and tailored to the job you are applying for. Don’t use any special effects like colour, bold, underline, or Italic but keep it professional with fonts like Arial, Time New Roman, or Calibri and font size of 10 or 12.

Don’t Include References

The Canadian resume format does not include references unless your potential employer asks for them. In most cases, Canadian employers will only require references if they consider hiring a candidate.

In this case, you should contact your references in advance and mention that you want to include them in your resume. Consequently, you can be assured that they will be available when contacted and speak positively about you.

Use a Good Resume Format and Double-Check Your Work

Use a nice Canadian-style resume format and ensure that you double-check your resume for grammatical errors before sending it. Generally, you want to ensure that nothing harms your first impression.

Ensure that the content is well-aligned and that the fonts and style of bullets points used throughout the document are uniform.

Before you submit, get someone else to proofread your work and check spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence formation. You may also want to pass your document through useful grammar and spelling tools like Grammarly to ensure that it is well-written.

Besides grammar and spelling, other things to double-check include:

  • Length of the article
  • Your contact details
  • Clear and easy-to-read information
  • Whether the content and design appear professional
  • If the resume is well aligned with the job description


Carefully follow the Application Instructions

Different companies have varying instructions on how job applications should be made. Whether you are writing a substitute teacher resume or any other Canadian-style resume, ensure that you understand the company’s instructions and follow them to the letter when submitting your application.

This should include the Canadian resume format pdf to be followed, the deadline for submission, and the method for sending, whether through email, fax, etc.

Key Takeaways When Writing a Canadian Resume

While the Canadian job market is promising, landing the job of your dreams requires that you become familiar with the best practices of writing a winning resume to exceed the employer’s expectations. As aforementioned, the Canadian resume follows the same style and format as would resume in the U.S.

Nonetheless, there are specific items and information Canadian employers look for in resumes.

Here are our key takeaways:

  • Tailor your resume to match the job description.
  • The resume should be clear and have easy-to-read information.
  • It should not be longer than two pages.
  • It should look professional and contain all the necessary information.

To accelerate your job search for your dream job in the Great White North , don’t hesitate to download our Canadian resume template . Our resume templates will guide you in writing winning resumes that can significantly increase your chances of being called for an interview and eventually getting the job.

Besides, our website also contains a Canadian resume sample for each profession to guide you. For instance, our French resume template can come in handy when creating a French teacher resume .

Frequently Asked Questions

There is a lot to know regarding the best practices for writing a Canadian resume. Here are some frequently asked questions that can help you optimize your resume.

Do Canadians Say ‘Resume’ or ‘CV’?

Typically, the main difference between a Canadian resume and a Canadian CV is the length-while a resume has a maximum of two pages, a CV extends beyond two pages. Since C.V.s are highly detailed, they are preferred when applying for academic or technical jobs.

There is no clear distinction between a CV and a resume in Canada, and the two can be used interchangeably. However, like in the U.S., most companies in the Great White North prefer a resume to work in Canada.

What do Canadian employers look for in a resume?

Knowing what your potential employer expects from you when writing your resume is the first step to getting closer to your dream job. In Canada, employers consider several things when narrowing down their list of potential employees.

They include:

  • Hard skills
  • Soft skills
  • Professional experience and qualifications

How far back should I include my work experience?

It is a good thing if you have many professional experience and qualifications. However, with just two pages provided for your English teacher resume , you should avoid giving too much information about your years of experience.

Ideally, it is advisable to keep it current and go as far as 10 to 15 years. Otherwise, your work experience will be considered outdated and irrelevant.

Create your resume with the best templates

build a canadian resume

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Create your resume in 15 minutes

Our free collection of expertly designed cover letter templates will help you stand out from the crowd and get one step closer to your dream job.

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Sample letters to download

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Cover Letter

Advice for getting a job, instructions.


Language selection

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Resume builder build a professional resume.

Build a resume in just a few minutes and make a lasting impression with the Resume Builder – a feature of the Standard and Plus accounts on Job Bank.

Build a professional resume

Showcase your potential.

Easily build a professional-looking resume that showcases your goals and qualifications. Just pick a template and fill in the blanks. No formatting is needed!

Cut down on writing

Spend less time writing and make sure you use the same words as employers. You can simply select skills and job duties from our thousands of pre-defined options.

Store your resume online

Build multiple resumes for different types of jobs and save them all in your account until the right opportunity comes up. You can download and print them at any time.

How to use the Resume Builder

Step 1 pick a template.

After you create a Standard or Plus account on Job Bank, just login to access the Resume Builder. To build your first resume, pick from one of the two templates currently available. You should choose the resume template that best reflects your current situation.

  • you have several years of experience in your field;
  • you’re looking for a job in your field;
  • your career progression has been stable and your work history is fairly consistent (no major gaps).

Use the youth and recent graduates’ template if:

  • you’re a first-time job seeker starting your professional career;
  • you’ve just completed your education and you’re looking for an entry-level job in your field of study;
  • you have limited paid work experience.

Step 2 Fill in the blanks

Once you’ve picked a resume template, fill in the blanks with details about your education, experience and skills.

To help fill in some sections of your resume, you can search thousands of pre-defined options and select the ones that suit you. For example, you can import job duties for any job title. When you look up a job title, you can select all or any of the associated job duties and add them to your resume in one click.

If you have a Plus account on Job Bank, you can simply import all of your profile details into the Resume Builder to automatically fill the blanks.

Step 3 Customize your resume

Make sure to put a personal spin on your resume: with the ability to add free text descriptions and create new sections, you can easily customize its content to suit your needs.

Not sure where to start? Expert tips on customizing each section of your resume are provided as you fill them in. For more advice, read our do’s and don’ts of writing a good resume .

Build a resume that will land you a job interview.

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How do I create a Canadian-style resume in order to find a job?

Your resume will get noticed more by Canadian recruiters if you have a Canadian-style resume. While Canadian-style resumes come in many different formats, they share some standards that you should know about.

Style and Personal Details 

In Canada, you never use a photo on your resume and you also don't include personal details other than your name and contact information. You should never:

  • state your age 
  • state your ethnicity or cultural background 
  • describe your physical attributes 
  • state your marital status or if you have children
  • state your sexual orientation or preferences

None of these are considered relevant to obtaining a job. Do showcase how your strengths and achievements in past jobs will benefit the role you're applying to. 

Adapt your Resume for Each Role

Career experts recommend that you customize your resume for each job, especially for your most recent work experience. General or generic resumes do not work in today’s labour market. It's advised to follow the requirements of the job posting so that your resume speaks to those specific requirements.  Generic resumes are better used for applications to companies that are not advertising a job opening. If you research a company that you want to work for but they don't have an current opening you can use a more generic version of your resume in this instance. Also, remember to use your cover letter to showcase how your experience matches the job role requirement.

The Job Ad. or Posting

In general, the bullets sections for the requirements are listed in order of importance or according to job requirements. The top 5 bullets on the list are typically the highest requirements of the job with the least demands towards the bottom of the list. Ensure that your resume speaks to the top requirements in particular by focusing on comparing your past experiences and achievements those in the top requirements.  For some jobs, you can change a few bullets or sentences to focus on certain skills and accomplishments. For others, you may need to rewrite a completely new resume. The important thing to keep in mind is that each application that you submit reflects the role you are applying for specifically. Find what jobs are available in your area from our Where can I find job listing websites? page. 

Mind the Length

It's preferred to have a shorter resume over one with many pages. Most people have a resume that is 2 pages long. If you are a junior professional or fresh out of school you might choose a one-page resume. But depending on your seniority level if you have more years of experience it's ok to have up to a 3 page resume if you need it.  Don't sacrifice quality details, achievements and past relevant experiences to make a resume shorter.   

Include Volunteer Work

You should include your volunteer experience if it relates to the job you are applying for in the section on work experience. It is important to talk about what you have done. It does not matter if it was unpaid work.

Use Social Media

Many employers cross-reference your resume with your online presence. You can include a link to your LinkedIn profile or if you have an online portfolio for your work or related blog you may include that as well. 

Employers may also look for you on other social media tools, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram etc First impressions are important - if you don't want a potential employer to see something, don't make it publicly accessible or put it online at all.

Formatting Hints

Format is critical. Your resume should be organized, neat, clear, and consistent in formatting (e.g., font and bullets).

If you are applying for a job which requires that you have attention to detail, then you need to demonstrate this with your résumé.

Use headings to organize the information in your resume. Common resume headings are:

  • Highlights of Qualifications
  • Professional Experience

Use formatting tools such as bold and bullets to make important information stand out.

Use Keywords

In today's job market a lot of recruiters use online tools to select resumes. These tools are designed to match keywords from the job ad. to your resume. It's important to use keywords in your resume chosen specifically to match what you see in the job posting and on the company's website. Recruiters sometimes do not read every word on each resume and rely on the keyword matches. Keywords describe skills and qualifications. Enhance your resume by using as many keywords as you can. But, do not make up experiences just to use keywords.

Proof Read it

Look over your résumé before you send it. Make sure the company names, job titles and dates are accurate. Print out your resume to see how it looks when printed if you can or save it as a PDF to review the formatting.  It's good to send a resume through as a PDF so that employers will be able to open the document without difficulty

Sample Resumes

There are 2 common types of resumes:

  • Chronological

You can find general samples of these types, below. You can use these samples as guides. Do not rely on samples or templates to create a good resume.

In some fields, employers will expect to see a resume with a specific format, which may be different than these samples.

Chronological Resume

A chronological resume is time-based. It is organized by the positions you have held, in order of time. You list your most recent position first. These resumes are best if you have a lot of experience in your field. They are also better for people who do not have periods of time when they were not working.

This is an example of a Canadian-style chronological resume:

  • Chronological Resume Sample [PDF]
  • Chronological Resume Sample [.doc]

Functional Resume

A functional resume is skills-based. It is organized by skills that you gained in your previous work. Functional resumes are best if you:

  • Are a recent graduate
  • Have major time gaps in employment
  • Are changing careers

This is an example of a Canadian-style functional résumé:

  • Functional Resume Sample [PDF ,
  • Functional Resume Sample [.doc]

Many settlement or employment agencies can give you information and advice about your résumé, and how to create resumes for specific fields. To find help, go to Services Near Me  and search for "employment services" in your area.

For More Information

  • Resume Centre - Many tips for creating great résumés.
  • Resume Writing - Detailed articles and infographics on how to create an effective resume. From UpToWork.Com.

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  1. Canadian Resume Format [Templates]

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  2. Canada Resume Builder

    build a canadian resume

  3. Canadian Resume Format for Foreigners [Complete Guide]

    build a canadian resume

  4. Resume Sample Canada Pdf

    build a canadian resume

  5. How to Make a Canadian Resume

    build a canadian resume

  6. How to Make a Canadian Resume

    build a canadian resume


  1. The First Step to Get a Dream Job in Canada

  2. Canadian Resume Template

  3. How to Make Canadian Style Resume 🇨🇦

  4. GMOD Post-Haunted House


  1. How to Make a Canadian Resume (Format & Examples)

    Here's an example of an applicant's resume header: 2. Write a compelling resume objective. Your resume objective (or career objective) is an important section that comes up after your resume header and is your opportunity to explain why you're a top candidate for your target role.

  2. Resume Builder

    After you create a Standard or Plus account on Job Bank, just login to access the Resume Builder. To build your first resume, pick from one of the two templates currently available. You should choose the resume template that best reflects your current situation. ... Most Canadian employers will not hire you if you do not have a valid visa or ...

  3. Canadian Resume [Format, Tips & Examples for 2024]

    Top ↑ Canadian Resume Example Free Canadian Resume Templates Canadian Resume Specifics Canadian Resume vs. US Resume Canadian Resume vs. European Resume Step-By-Step Guide to Writing Your Canadian Resume #1. Use the Correct Format #2. Follow These Layout Tips #3. List the Right Contact Information #4.

  4. How to Write a Canadian Resume: Format & Examples

    To make a quick start, here's what sections you should include in your Canadian resume: 1. Add a Header with Contact Information. Include your full name, job title, and contact details. These should consist of your phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile.

  5. How to Make a Canadian Resume (Format, Template + Examples)

    Pro tip: Start your bullet points with dynamic action verbs like "Initiated," "Directed," "Managed" and "Worked" to highlight your leadership and impact. This approach aligns with Canadian employers' preferences for candidates who demonstrate proactive problem-solving and teamwork. 5. Highlight your education.

  6. How To Write a Resume in a Canadian Format (With Example)

    2. Complete a resume header. Creating a resume header in a Canadian format is similar to the format for a U.S. resume header. Include your name, your phone number, your email address and your location, including your city and state, province or territory.

  7. Canadian Resume (Format, Examples & Writing Guide)

    The first section you'll include in your Canadian resume is the contact information, which should include your full name, phone number, email address and city, state and country of residence. Write a resume summary or objective statement where you introduce yourself with your top skills and qualifications.

  8. Canadian Resume Format & How-to Guide for 2024

    The Canadian resume format is a structured approach to presenting your work history and skills relevant to the job you're applying for. It starts with a header section that contains your name, phone number, current location, and email address. If you have a LinkedIn profile, include the URL in your contact information.

  9. Canada Resume: 10+ Examples, Formats, Templates & 2024 ...

    This Canada resume guide has the templates, tips, examples, & format requirements needed to write the perfect resume. "Software developer looking to work for prestigious software companies…". Vs. "Software developer with 10+ years of experience scaling data-intensive software companies…". The difference between those two lines while ...

  10. Canadian Resume Format: Complete Guide (2024)

    Canadian resumes also use standard margins of one inch on all sides and left-aligned text for easy reading.. Key Components of a Canadian Resume. A Canadian-style resume typically includes several sections that provide a comprehensive overview of the applicant's qualifications and experiences.These sections are crucial in making a strong first impression with potential employers.

  11. Canadian Style Resume: The Essential Guide (2024)

    A Canadian-style resume is a document that job seekers use to apply for jobs in Canada. It is a one to two-page document that highlights the candidate's qualifications, skills, experience, and education. The Canadian-style resume is similar to the American-style resume, but there are some differences in the format and content.

  12. How to Write a Canadian Style Resume as a Newcomer

    Place your key qualifications prominently in the top half of your resume, such as in the summary and experience sections. Use a format (e.g., reverse-chronological, functional, or combination) that highlights your most relevant experiences. Update your summary: Customise your summary section to showcase your most relevant skills and ...

  13. Canadian Resume & Cover Letter: Format, Tips & Templates

    Download the free Resume and cover letter templates to craft your Canadian resume Tips for writing a Canadian-style resume. Mastering the art of writing a flawless and impactful Canadian-style resume takes practice and patience. Here are a few tips to help you improve your resume-writing skills. 1. Adapt your resume to each job listing and keep ...

  14. Canadian Resume Format Resume Examples & Templates (2024)

    In the US, it's customary to write dates as Month - Day - Year (e.g., May 5, 2024). In Canada, resumes should display the date using a Year - Month - Day. Resume length. Resumes in the US can be 1-2 pages in length, while Canadian resumes can be a bit longer especially if the writer has extensive work experience.

  15. Resume in Canadian Format: Canadian resume samples and examples

    Here's an example of a good summary for a Canadian resume: Administrative assistant with six years' experience across the public and private sectors. Efficient, driven, and highly organized, with strong communication and problem-solving skills. Hoping to increase student satisfaction as part of the team at Dalhousie University.

  16. Perfect Canadian Resume Format: Expert Writing Tips and Samples

    Therefore, Canadian resumes often include a section dedicated to highlighting the candidate's soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities. Crafting the Perfect Canadian Resume: Step-by-Step Guide Choosing the Right Canadian Resume Format. The first step in crafting a Canadian resume is selecting the appropriate ...

  17. Free Canadian Resume Templates

    These free resume templates are for newcomers who are looking for a job in Canada. Whether you're just starting your career in Canada, re-entering the job market after a break, or exploring full-time job opportunities in a new industry, these free Canadian resume formats will lay a strong foundation for your job search.

  18. Canada Resume Builder

    A powerful resume can land you a Canadian Job Interview and if you are a foreigner who is considering of getting a Job Offer from a Canadian Employer through any of the Immigration Programs or a new immigrant who wants to start your Canadian career, then you have come to the ultimate Canadian Resume Builder.

  19. FREE Canadian Resume Template

    Here is a Canadian Resume Template that can be downloaded immediately from your laptop/desktop. CANADIAN RESUME TEMPLATE 1. Click Here to Build your Canadian Resume using this Template. CANADIAN RESUME TEMPLATE 2. Click Here to Build your Canadian Resume using this Template. CANADIAN RESUME TEMPLATE 3.

  20. Canadian Resume Format: Land Your Dream Job in Canada

    Your Canadian resume may differ in style and format from your home country. Here is a Canadian resume format for international students to guide you: Alex Texas. Marketing and Sales Director. 555-674-5678. [email protected].

  21. Resume Builder Build a professional resume

    Step 1 Pick a template. After you create a Standard or Plus account on Job Bank, just login to access the Resume Builder. To build your first resume, pick from one of the two templates currently available. You should choose the resume template that best reflects your current situation. Use the traditional template if: your career progression ...

  22. How do I create a Canadian-style resume in order to find a job?

    state your ethnicity or cultural background. describe your physical attributes. state your marital status or if you have children. state your sexual orientation or preferences. None of these are considered relevant to obtaining a job. Do showcase how your strengths and achievements in past jobs will benefit the role you're applying to.