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Thesis information

Thesis information

Thesis title announcement

The title of the Thesis has to be submitted o a semester before the planned graduation .

e.g. If you plan to graduate the following Spring/Summer, the Thesis title has to be announnced in the Autumn semester before.

You can always find the current submission deadlines in the Academic Calendar .

The Thesis title must be announced in Neptun (only electronically). You can find a guide for it HERE .

Thesis submission

The submission of the Thesis in 2023/24/2 happens only electronically, via Neptun system.

Printed Thesis works are NOT required. Thesis can be uploaded only with  the supervisor’s consent . For the approval, click on the button ‘ Thesis admission request ’ (in Neptun under Studies > Degree thesis/Thesis application). The approval has to be requested in Neptun between 3  April  a nd 10 April 2024.

Please also check the requirements of your study programme.

Please, check the programme-specific, content-related and formal requirements of the Thesis writing carefully:

  • In your study unit list. ( BA / MA )
  • On the website under Current Students>Graduation information>Thesis and Final Exam requirements.

Please note that there is no opportunity for late Thesis submission! In case you face technical issues during the upload, please, make a print screen and report the problem immediately at [email protected] .

The Thesis can be uploaded in Neptun in the „Studies” menu under “Degree Thesis/Thesis application”.

Please be aware of the followings when you submit your Thesis

ELTE Faculty of Humanities guide on plagiarism

  • Check the departmental requirements of the content and formal requirements of the Thesis (scroll down to the bottom of the site, or contact your department of studies).
  • Submit the required number of pages in the required forms.
  • Ask the consent of your supervisor for uploading the Thesis in Neptun.
  • Do not forget to upload the Thesis to Neptun. (please check the technical issues in te guides below)

Guide how to ask the supervisor's approval in Neptun

Thesis upload technical issues

  • You can upload only 1 document/file to Neptun (zip or pdf).
  • Please, name the file the following way: (Name_Neptuncode_szd_2023_24_2). Example: Smith_Peter_XCVRQ2_szd_2023_24_2
  • The maximal file size you can upload is 200 MB.
  • The maximum number of characters you can enter in the “Abstract” field is 500. If you enter more than 500 characters in the “Abstract” field, you will get the following error message in Hungarian: “Az entitás érvénytelen attribútummal rendelkezik. A(z) Extra2 értéke túl hosszú (Jelenlegi: …, Megengedett: 500).” If you get this error message, shorten the text in the “Abstract” field. (It is no problem if the text in the “Abstract field is different from the actual abstract in your Thesis document.)
  • We highly recommend that you start the Thesis upload at least 10-15 minutes before the deadline, as entering the title, abstract, keywords, and uploading the thesis file are time-consuming processes.

We suggest that you watch this video , made by the Academic Board, on how to upload your Thesis to Neptun.

In order to make the “Thesis admission request” button available, the necessary settings must be adjusted in Neptun. As a result of this technical process, students who have already registered for the Final Examination in previous semesters might get a system message in Neptun, which states that their Thesis admission request has been rejected. This is just an automatic message the system generates when the “Thesis admission request” button is enabled. Please, ignore this message! Following this message, the “Thesis admission request” button becomes available in the „Studies” menu under “Degree Thesis/Thesis application”.

Thesis evaluation

The grades and evaluation of your Thesis will be uploaded to Neptun some time after the submission of your Thesis. When it is uploaded, Neptun will send you an automatic system message. Follow the guide how to check the results.

Guide for viewing Thesis evaluation in Neptun

In case you have any questions or face any difficulties while uploading your Thesis, please report it [email protected] before the deadline.

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Thesis requirements

Thesis requirements.

A requirement of the Master program is the submission of a thesis approved by a thesis supervisor. The thesis supervisor must be a Faculty member or an external lecturer of the Master program.

The thesis proposal (title of the thesis) must be approved by the thesis supervisor by May 2024 .

The thesis must be an independent research essay of 40 pages approximately (80 000 typewritten characters).

Students should work with the thesis supervisor to plan a timetable for submitting drafts for review so that the final approval can be achieved in a timely fashion.

The thesis must be submitted in electronic format by 15th of May 2024  to Neptun after the thesis supervisor has given her/his final written approval for the thesis.

The thesis supervisor must give a written evaluation of the thesis for the final exam.

The thesis must be defended at the final exam. It will be graded by the final examination board which takes into account of the grading proposal of the thesis supervisor.

The thesis must be graded from 1 to 5.


  • Use a font size of approximately 12. The only exceptions to this font size are footnotes (not smaller than 9 point) and headings (not larger than 20 point);
  • Black text is recommended;
  • A table of contents is required;
  • Chapters should follow a logical outline, with a clear distinction between chapters and main heads within chapters;
  • Textual notes that provide supplementary information, opinions, explanations or suggestions that are not part of the text must appear at the bottom of the page as footnotes. The same is applicable for references to works cited;
  • A bibliography, references, or works cited is required;
  • Any of the standard style manuals may be used as a guide in formatting references to works cited in the thesis.

Example form

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  • Department of Affective Psychology
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  • Department of Clinical Psychology and Addiction
  • Department of Cognitive Psychology
  • Department of Personality and Health Psychology
  • Department of Social Psychology
  • Education Psychology BA Psychology MA Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience Doctoral School of Psychology

You must write and defend a thesis in order to complete your Master’s studies.


The thesis is a two-part professional piece of work on topics in your field of specialisation.

Research Part

  • scientific piece of work
  • should follow the general requirements of a scientific research and publication
  • completed individually, under the directions of a supervisor
  • should contribute to prior research in the given field of science
  • to demonstrate your proficiency and creativity within the relevant field
  • to research more extensively the chosen topic
  • to show that you are able to carry out a scientific research and publication while maintaining high professional standards
  • experiment, questionnaire, observation, case study, etc. based on an empirical research in a qualitative or quantitative approach
  • can be a meta-analysis, based on a systematic literature review

Applied Part

The focus and method of this part of the thesis is a result of the consultation with the supervisor.

  • to provide the opportunity to demonstrate practical proficiency in a given field of psychology
  • to demonstrate the ability to use skills in a practical issue
  • a case study
  • a description of a method implementation
  • experimental design implementation, etc.
  • choose a supervisor for each part of the thesis
  • the two parts may have different supervisors depending on their competence in the chosen topics
  • you must have at least three consultations with your supervisor, confirmed on the Confirmation of Consultation document (see below) attached to your thesis

A supervisor can be

  • an employee of the university
  • someone from outside (an associate professor or a professor OR if they don’t have the required degree you need a supervisor from the university too and you will work with both of them)

Good to know

  • a submitted thesis is worth 20 credits
  • Research Part of the Thesis and  Applied Part of the Thesis: obligatory course in Neptun without classes, completed by submitting the thesis
  • evaluation of the Research Part of the Thesis course: average of the two grades received from the supervisor(s) and the reviewer - rounding is calculated according to the Academic Regulations of the university
  • evaluation of the Applied Part of the Thesis course: grade received from the supervisor(s) - rounding is calculated according to the Academic Regulations of the university

Topic announcement

  • the title of both the research and the applied parts of your thesis
  • approved by your supervisor(s) and the head of the relevant department
  • 3 copies to the Student Affairs and Registrar’s Office
  • minor changes can be made after submission if they do not concern the essence of the thesis
  • form can be downloaded from below

Research part

  • 15th May of the 2nd semester – if graduation is planned in the Spring semester
  • 15th October of the 3rd semester – if graduation is planned in the Autumn semester

Applied part

The end (Friday) of the second week of tuition in the semester of the planned applied thesis submission

Thesis submission

  • 20th April if graduation is planned in the Spring semester 
  • 20th November if graduation is planned in the Autumn semester
  • 15th May if graduation is planned in the Spring semester
  • 15th December if graduation is planned in the Autumn semester

If necessary, you can ask for encryption by submitting a request to the Academic Committee.

Submission requirements

  • More information can find here
  • The research part of the thesis is evaluated by the supervisor, who is your first reviewer and a second reviewer who is competent in the topic. The two evaluations are presented in one grade (average).
  • The applied part is evaluated only by the supervisor. The evaluation is presented in one grade.
  • Evaluations should be available two weeks before the final exam.
  • you must present and defend both parts of your thesis during the final exam 
  • the two grades from the evaluations of the two parts and the defence grade will form your thesis grade
  • more details about the final exam and defence are available below and on our website here

A Manual on the Research Part of the PSYMA thesis from 2021

A Manual on the Applied Part of the PSYMA thesis from 2021

Thesis Information for those starting their studies in the 2017/18 academic year

Announcement of the Topic PSYMA Research from 2017

Announcement of the Topic PSYMA Applied part from 2017

A Manual on the Research Part of the PSYMA Thesis from 2017

A Manual on the Applied Part of the PSYMA Thesis from 2017

Guidelines for the construction of scientific publications

Declaration of originality

Confirmation of consultation

MA thesis topics list Research Part_Clinical and Health Psych_2023_24

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Faculty of Education and Psychology

Autumn/Spring semester

Course description

The research part of the thesis is a scientific piece of work, that should follow the general requirements of a scientific research and publication. Furthermore, this paper should be completed individually, under the directions of a supervisor, and should contribute to prior research in the given field of science. Its purpose is to demonstrate the student’s proficiency and creativity within the relevant field, to research more extensively the chosen topic, and to show that they are able to carry out a scientific research and publication while maintaining high professional standards.

The purpose of the applied psychology part of the MA thesis is to provide the opportunity to demonstrate practical proficiency in a given field of psychology and the ability to use their skills in a practical issue. The applied psychology part may be a case study, a description of a method implementation, experimental design implementation etc.

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research strategies
  • Knowledge of formal criteria of scientific publications
  • Knowledge of managing scholarly resource databases
  • Processing and critically evaluating scholarly literature
  • Methods of data processing and analysis, knowledge of statistical programs
  • approach when reading and preparing scientific publications
  • Formulating relevant and precise research questions
  • Selecting appropriate research strategies and methods fitting the research questions
  • Planning scientific research (research project) and its professional realization
  • Data analysis, using statistical programs as a skill
  • Capability of writing texts with scientific, elaborated language

Course content

Topics of the course

Collection and processing of scientific literature, the rules of reference, content and formal criteria of scientific publication. Hypothesis formation, selection of research strategy (qualitative and quantitative data analysis strategies), statistical procedures, knowledge of various softwares and ethical aspects of scientific research.

Learning activities, learning methods

Group and individual consultation.

Evaluation of outcomes


  • Submission of the research and applied parts of the thesis

Method of evaluation: 

The evaluation of the Thesis course is based on the average of the grades given by the supervisors of the applied and the research parts.

Criteria of evaluation

  • justification of the chosen topic and the purpose of the thesis
  • presenting the literature of previous research in the relevant field, the standard of analysisinterpretation- application
  • the researched question being novel and well-grounded, the precise statement of the hypothesis(es)
  • the choice of relevant research methods and statistical procedure(s) for testing the hypothesis and the clear presentation of their application
  • presenting the results in a way which is clear and well-grounded from a statisticalmethodological and professional point of view
  • placing the student’s own results within the research on the topic, self-reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of the research, future research directions
  • Babbie, E. (2010). The Practice of Social Research . Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
  • Denzin, N., K. – Lincoln, Y., S. (Eds.) (2011). The SAGE handbook of qualitative research . Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Field, A. (2009): Discovering Statistics Using SPSS . Third Edition. London: Sage.
  • Flick, U., (ed.) (2014). The SAGE handbook of qualitative data analysis . Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Kaplan, D. (ed.) (2004). The SAGE handbook of quantitative methodology for the social sciences . London: Sage.
  • Millsap, R.E. – Maydeu-Olivares, A. (Eds.) (2009). The SAGE handbook of quantitative methods in psychology . London: Sage.

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School of English and American Studies

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formal requirements for theses

Students must be able to demonstrate a high level of academic achievement in synthesising the knowledge acquired during their studies. They must also show that they have acquired the expertise in writing a longer piece of scientific work in the field of their choice. All this must be achieved using the appropriate methodological and stylistic apparatus required in an English academic setting.

  • The thesis must be produced electronically. The required length is minimally 40000n (characters) including spaces, that is, approximately 20 pages with double line spacing. The certificate of research, title page, abstract, table of contents, notes, references and appendices are not included in this length. The language of the Thesis is English. The technical apparatus should be consistent and should conform to the English or American norms, and to the conventions of the particular subject. The latter are to be discussed with the supervisor. (For further details also consult the specific requirements of the Departments.)
  • Use an appropriate ( 1 , 2 ) 12pt serif font and 1in (2.5cm) margins.
  • The thesis must include a certificate of research before the title page. Here is the suggested text, you can just copy & paste it, or download that provided by the Fac .

CERTIFICATE OF RESEARCH By my signature below, I certify that my ELTE B.A. thesis, entitled ~The title of your thesis comes here~ , is entirely the result of my own work, and that no degree has previously been conferred upon me for this work. In my thesis I have cited all the sources (printed, electronic or oral) I have used faithfully and have always indicated their origin. The electronic version of my thesis (in PDF format) is a true representation (identical copy) of the printed version. If this pledge is found to be false, I realize that I will be subject to penalties up to and including the forfeiture of the degree earned by my thesis. Date: ~the date~     Signed: ~your signature~ (just write your name here)

  • The title page is to be followed by the table of contents, and abstract (if required by host department).


Thesis requirements

Thesis Title page

Thesis Front Cover

Statement on Plagiarism_Film theory specialization

Statement on Plagiarism_Filmmaking specialization

Film studies MA Final exam and thesis information

Thesis titles of current and graduated students





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Student administration – General information – Thesis requirements

Bachelor programmes.

Requirements of the Thesis of the Psychology BA programme (for students who started their programme in or after the academic year 2017/2018).


Requirements of the Thesis of the Psychology MA programme, research part (for students who started their programme in or after the academic year 2017/2018).

Requirements of the Thesis of the Psychology MA programme, applied part (for students who started their programme in or after the academic year 2017/2018).

Requirements of the Thesis of the Psychology MA programme, research part (for students who started their programme in or after the academic year 2021/2022).

Requirements of the Thesis of the Psychology MA programme, applied part (for students who started their programme in or after the academic year 2021/2022).

Requirements of the Thesis of the Educational Science MA programme (for students who started their programme in or after the academic year 2019/2020).

Requirements of the Thesis of the Human Resource Counsellor MA programme (for students who started their programme in or after the academic year 2019/2020).

Requirements of the Thesis of the Social Integration MA programme (for students who started their programme in or after the academic year 2019/2020).

Requirements of the Thesis of the Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience MSc programme (for students who started their programme in or after the academic year 2017/2018).

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Thesis and Final Examination

♦ Essential guide - Conditions for obtaining Degree ♦

♦ Essential guide - Conditions for obtaining absolutory ♦

At the end of your studies

Conditions for obtaining Degree (Graduation)

To obtain your degree, you must: 

  • Complete the Thesis Consultation subject :   You will receive your Thesis Consultation grade based on the presented thesis, the program and the fulfilment of the consultation milestones. The deadline for the Thesis Consultation grade to be entered in Neptun is 1 October (autumn semester), 1 March (spring semester).  
  • upload your thesis and the finalised program in Neptun : Deadlines :   1 December (autumn semester),   1 May (spring semester)  
  • Accomplish an internship:    You have to submit a Reference Letter to verify the accomplishment of the internship. Deadlines:     5 December (autumn semester)     31 May (spring semester) 
  • Fulfil the subject requirements of the curriculum:   Deadlines:  15 January (autumn semester)   18 June (spring semester) 
  • Pass the Final Examination:   Please note that you cannot take the Final Exam if you have debts. To check financial liabilities, see Neptun > Finances menu; as for library ’debts’, make sure you have returned all the books you borrowed.

If you are unable to submit your entire thesis, you can still obtain an absolutory (pre-degree certificate), which means that your student’s status will be terminated, so you will not have to pay a tuition fee for additional semesters if you take the Final Examination and obtain your degree later. Only students who have obtained an absolutory beforehand can attend the Final Examination, which can be taken the next semester after successfully obtaining an absolutory .   

Conditions for Obtaining Absolutory (Pre-degree Certificate) 

In order to obtain an absolutory (pre-degree certificate) you must: 

  • Complete the Thesis Consultation subject :    You will receive your Thesis Consultation grade based on the presented thesis, the program and the fulfilment of the consultation milestones. The deadline for the Thesis Consultation grade to be entered in Neptun 1 October (autumn semester), and 1 March (spring semester).   Deadlines:     15 January (autumn semester)    15 June (spring semester) 
  • Accomplish an internship:   You have to submit a Reference Letter to verify the accomplishment of the internship. Deadlines:     31 January (autumn semester)    31 August (spring semester)  
  • Fulfil the Subject Requirements of the Curriculum:    Deadline:   the end of the exam period 

Conditions for obtaining a Degree in case you obtained absolutory in a former semester

  • Register for the Final Examination in Neptun (students in Budapest: register on request form, students in Szombathely: register as an exam) 
  • Upload your thesis and the finalized program in Neptun Deadlines : 1st of  December (Fall semester), 1st of May (Spring semester) 
  • Pass the Final Examination

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Dissertations and Theses: A Finding Guide: Cornell Dissertation Guidelines

  • Introduction
  • Cornell Theses
  • Non-Cornell Theses
  • Open Access, etc.
  • Cornell Dissertation Guidelines

Cornell Dissertations Guidelines

General guidance on dissertations and theses is available from the Cornell University Graduate School Thesis & Dissertation web page . For more detailed guidance, see Guide on Writing Your Thesis/Dissertation .

Note that in the Bibliography (or References or Works Cited) section of the Required Sections, Guidelines, and Suggestions page , the following advice is offered.

Required? Yes.

  • A bibliography, references, or works cited is required for your thesis or dissertation. Please conform to the standards of leading academic journals in your field.
  • As a page heading, use “BIBLIOGRAPHY” (or “REFERENCES” or “WORKS CITED”) in all capital letters, centered on the page. The bibliography should always begin on a new page. Bibliographies may be single-spaced within each entry but should include 24 points of space between entries.
  • << Previous: Open Access, etc.
  • Next: Help >>
  • Last Updated: Sep 18, 2024 1:17 PM
  • URL: https://guides.library.cornell.edu/dissertations


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  1. Thesis information

    Please be aware of the followings when you submit your Thesis. ELTE Faculty of Humanities guide on plagiarism. Check the departmental requirements of the content and formal requirements of the Thesis (scroll down to the bottom of the site, or contact your department of studies). Submit the required number of pages in the required forms.

  2. Thesis requirements

    The thesis must be an independent research essay of 40 pages approximately (80 000 typewritten characters). Students should work with the thesis supervisor to plan a timetable for submitting drafts for review so that the final approval can be achieved in a timely fashion. The thesis must be submitted in paper format (hard copy) by 1st of ...

  3. Thesis

    You must write and defend a thesis in order to complete your Master's studies. Structure . The thesis is a two-part professional piece of work on topics in your field of specialisation. Research Part. scientific piece of work; should follow the general requirements of a scientific research and publication

  4. Thesis

    The research part of the thesis is a scientific piece of work, that should follow the general requirements of a scientific research and publication. Furthermore, this paper should be completed individually, under the directions of a supervisor, and should contribute to prior research in the given field of science.

  5. Guidelines for Writing a Computer Science BSc Thesis and ...

    Physical requirements of the thesis: Paper: white, size A4; Font size: 12 points; Rows: line-adjusted, 1,5 line spacing; ... The header of the title page of the thesis must bear the ELTE logo, the name of the university, the faculty and the supervisor's department, respectively. The main body of the same page is has to contain the title of the ...

  6. PDF Guidelines for Writing a BSc Thesis and Information on the Final

    - Main chapters of the thesis (Heading 1) are required to start on a new page. Structural requirements of the thesis: • The header of the title page of the thesis must bear the ELTE logo, the name of the university, the faculty and the supervisor's department, respectively. The main body of the same page is required tocontain the title of the ...

  7. PDF Guidelines for Writing a BSc Thesis and Information on the Final ...

    The thesis must be completed -- if the topic requires -- with a bibliography. (If a student uses other people's results for his/her work, he/she must name the source(s) of such results.) Further details on the formal requirements for the thesis are specified in „Thesis sample". V. ENCRYPTION OF THE THESIS The thesis defence is public.

  8. studies:graduation:thesis:formal_requirements [School of English ...

    formal requirements for theses. Students must be able to demonstrate a high level of academic achievement in synthesising the knowledge acquired during their studies. They must also show that they have acquired the expertise in writing a longer piece of scientific work in the field of their choice. All this must be achieved using the ...

  9. Guidelines for Writing a Computer Science MSc and Computer Science for

    Evaluation Criteria for the MSc Thesis. The guidelines below will be applied as of the Final Exam in January 2023. I. Definition of research scope and goals. The thesis must clearly indicate the topic(s) related to the subject(s) defined by the specialisation as well as the research goal(s) of the thesis within that topic.

  10. Final Exam requirements

    To be able to graduate you must first submit a Thesis title (one semester earlier than your Final Exam) Administrative steps of graduation: 1) R egister for Final Examination in Neptun until the deadline indicated in the academic calendar .

  11. PDF A Guide to Writing a Thesis at ELTE's Faculty of Primary and Pre-School

    The training and graduation requirements for specialized, post-graduate track programs also stipulate the submission of a thesis. By preparing and defending a thesis, the candidate demonstrates the ... Thesis advisers may be ELTE instructors, researchers or external experts. If the thesis adviser is not a

  12. ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, International Relations Bachelor

    Formal requirements. Table of contents at the beginning of the thesis. Each part of the thesis, e.g. chapters and subchapters should be numbered. References (footnotes and in-text citations, etc.) Annexes, appendices and other documents should be placed after the thesis.

  13. PDF Thesis requirements EN

    Formal requirements. Minimum 30, maximum 40 pages of content not including the first page, table of contents, bibliography and appendices. Font: Calibri 12 (titles may differ) Line spacing: 1.5 Margins: 2.5 cm on all sides Pages should be numbered (page numbers start on the first page after the cover page). 2.

  14. Information on the submission of the thesis in the spring semester of

    (However, it is not allowed to upload a thesis document containing a state secret or a service secret, it must be submitted in the traditional form on paper, for the handling of which you can contact the Student Affairs and Registrar's Office at [email protected].) The uploaded thesis file can be modified by uploading a new document ...

  15. PDF Guidelines for Thesis Preparation

    mous, thus the thesis should be treated as confidential, and must be encrypted. Ac-cording to the Academic Regulation for Students, Section 80§, it is the students' re-sponsibility to request thesis encryption at the beginning of the research study, namely when the thesis topic is announced, also it is the students' responsibility to encrypt

  16. Thesis requirements

    Address: 1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 6-8., Main building Phone: +36 1 411-6500 Extension: 2834 Fax: +36 1 411-6558 E-mail: film@btk elte hu

  17. PDF Information for MA Thesis Writers

    INFORMATION FOR MA THESIS WRITERS, DEAL, ELTE 3 and filed by the Department Secretary, who makes them available for the Thesis Markers' Meeting. D. Marking Referees are required to assign a mark and submit a report on the thesis. The referees' reports are normally 1-1½ typed pages and include a detailed evaluation of the main aspects of the

  18. PDF Literature and citation requirements

    A quotation is always required to be displayed within quotation marks (except for one case the so-called block quotation, see below) and the exact location of the source has to be indicated in line with the requirements of the requested citation style (e.g., author(s), date, and page(s) in APA style).

  19. Student administration

    Requirements of the Thesis of the Social Integration MA programme (for students who started their programme in or after the academic year 2019/2020). Requirements of the Thesis of the Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience MSc programme (for students who started their programme in or after the academic year 2017/2018).

  20. Thesis and Final Examination

    The deadline for the Thesis Consultation grade to be entered in Neptun is 1 October (autumn semester), 1 March (spring semester). upload your thesis and the finalised program in Neptun: Deadlines: 1 December (autumn semester), 1 May (spring semester) Accomplish an internship: You have to submit a Reference Letter to verify the accomplishment of ...

  21. PDF Department of American Studies M.A. thesis requirements

    The requirements for the Thesis in the Department of American Studies (DAS) fit within the general requirements holding for the School of English and American Studies (SEAS). That is, the Thesis should demonstrate the student's intellectual maturity and must be equivalent to an internationally approved Master's Degree Thesis.

  22. Guidelines and Practical Information

    Guidelines and Practical Information. Aim of the program: to ensure the existence of a new generation of scientists dedicated to international studies and related sciences, their thorough preparation for acquiring the Ph.D. qualification and for carrying out independent academic research and lecturing activities at a post-graduate academic level.

  23. Thesis Topic Announcement for the applied part of the Psychology MA

    The thesis topic has to be announced in Neptun before the final exam period by the student, based on the following regulations of the ARS of ELTE. On Psychology MA programme, the thesis has two parts, a research and an applied part. Both need separate thesis topic announcements.

  24. Cornell Dissertation Guidelines

    General guidance on dissertations and theses is available from the Cornell University Graduate School Thesis & Dissertation web page.For more detailed guidance, see Guide on Writing Your Thesis/Dissertation.. Note that in the Bibliography (or References or Works Cited) section of the Required Sections, Guidelines, and Suggestions page, the following advice is offered.