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FROM BLOOD AND ASH | Spoiler-Free Series Review

book review from blood and ash

I have been in a pretty bad reading slump since January, and I had good and bad reading months one after the other. When I picked up the first book in the Blood and Ash fantasy series by Jennifer L. Armentrout , I didn’t have any expectations. What’s more, I actually thought I might DNF it, like I had done with nine other books before it. Imagine my surprise when I ended up loving it and gave it 5 stars. This From Blood and Ash series review is spoiler-free.

The main series and its sequels are paranormal romance novels with a different twist on vampires and werewolves which I really enjoyed. The world is built in a unique way and while the initial plot isn’t anything original, it’s very engrossing to read about. The writing flows so well I just flew through the pages and it made my reading experience all the more enjoyable.


from blood and ash series review

While FBAA isn’t anything unique or exceptionally amazing, it ticked all the right boxes for me at the right time. I love the story and the world, and I managed to connect to Poppy and Hawke. They are just the type of characters I love, and I am very happy that I decided to pick the book up.

I love the character dynamics and I especially love Hawke and Poppy as individual characters and as a couple. I love how respectful Hawke is to her and how he always thinks of what is best for her.

Poppy is a strong character who has been through a lot, but she doesn’t bow her head because of it, and I love it. It has been such a long time since I managed to connect with and care for new characters.

Now that I’ve read all three of the books that are out, I can say for sure that the plot in the first book is definitely the most cliché one of the three and also the simplest one. However, the enjoyability of it was still top-notch for me.

I have been told that the novel might be a bit slow in the beginning and I can see that. It takes it about 100 to 150 pages to set up everything and for the actual plot to begin, but I was engrossed the whole time. The author does a great job at setting up the story and introducing the characters.

While some worlds in the paranormal romance sub-genre aren’t the most elaborate or original, I’d say this one is unique in its own way and quite dark. In this specific novel we see only one part of it, Solis. We see it through the eyes of Poppy who’s grown up in Solis and in a way, she represents all of the people in that kingdom since she has the same opinions and views as them, and we also see it through the eyes of outsiders who are helping Poppy break out of the box she’s been forced in. I absolutely loved that.

The end of FBAA was quite unexpected mostly because of the formatting of the book. I read the last line and kept on reading, only to realise that it started listing off the author’s previous works. It was quite a shock, to say the least.


from blood and ash series review

I devoured AKOFAF even faster than the first one. I was yet again completely captivated by this book. It deals with a bit of a different subject here.

Poppy faces all of the truths she’s been served and is trying hard to come to terms with her conflicting feelings about Hawke, while also trying to understand how much of what she knows and what she’s just been shown is truth or lie.

I feel like here everything happens a bit more slowly than it did in FBAA , it gives Poppy time to decide what she wants to do and who she wants to be. I enjoyed the development of all the characters.

Kieran, Hawke’s best friend, was introduced in the first book but we see more of his personality here. Poppy gets closer with all of Hawke’s people and slowly gains their trust and respect. There are a lot of stabbing jokes which I enjoyed a lot.

One of my favourite things about this book is how both Poppy and Hawke are trying to have somewhat of a healthy relationship even after everything that’s happened. They do something that not many people in the paranormal romance sub-genre do. They talk and communicate . Granted, it takes them about 400 pages to finally have the very important discussion we all were waiting for since book one but when they did have it, it was done well, and they told each other everything.

AKOFAF also expands the world more. We learn about Atlantia and the differences between the two kingdoms. It’s a stark contrast to say the least. Poppy also explores her improved abilities which I enjoyed a lot.

The ending of the book was very unexpected for me and it left me with many, many questions.


book review from blood and ash

The Crown of Gilded Bones started with a bang and ended with a bang.

Imagine my surprise when I got my hands on the third book in this series and found out that it wasn’t, in fact, the last book. It’s not even the second to last. It’s more or less the middle book because this is going to be a 6-book series.

The beginning of TCOGB was intense . It picks of right where the second one ended and things just kept happening for 100 pages straight. It felt like every time a crisis had just ended, another would begin. It felt like BANG! BANG! BANG! in my head and I couldn’t take my eyes off it until everything had finally finished. After that we had a lot of spice.

You could say that the most exciting parts of this book were the first and last 100 pages, while the middle 400 were mostly spice and other bits, but I thoroughly enjoyed the book anyway. I also read it in 3 days, so if it’s slow, I didn’t notice it and I was living for Hawke and Poppy’s time together. Now that I think about it, however, it might have served as a very good form of foreshadowing.

In this book a lot of theories get confirmed and disproved, I loved that. I would get surprised every time one of my friend’s theories got confirmed and then I would get even more surprised when things were disproved.

The world gets expanded yet again and we finally learn a tiny bit more about the gods of this world. One thing that I love very much about this whole series is that we have active gods or gods that were active at one point in time. I’ve always liked that. The mythology, so to call it, of this world also gets expanded.

Hawke and Poppy’s relationship is probably one of my favourites. They have such a good and healthy relationship, they always communicate, the always teach each other everything, especially after AKOFAF , which I love. Some might end up finding their endless dialogues a bad thing, but I loved it because it showed how much stronger their relationship got through them communicating.

I also love their banter and basically all the characters’ banter.

I love so many things about this book: Poppy and Hawke finally meeting Hawke’s parents, Poppy’s growing powers (I have a thing for overpowered characters), the whole book, the active gods, some unexpected visits from characters…

I’m pretty sure I have many more things I could talk about but some of them I’m forgetting, and others are a spoiler. Everything in The Crown of Gilded Bones kept me on edge and every time they had a peaceful moment I just wondered when the next big crisis would be. And then in came.

As I said, it ended with a bang too. The last 70 pages were the most intense ones, full of all kinds of revelations. Poppy demonstrated some serious growth, and she was low-key scary too which I absolutely loved.

I absolutely loved all three of these books. I was excited to read every single one of them. After being in a slump for months and not being able to read any physical books, it was such a joy to be back at reading and annotating books I was loving. My 5-start rating for all 3 is purely based on my enjoyment, it is a very subjective kind of rating and I stand behind it.

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Contributor to The Fantasy Review. Loves all things fantasy, sci-fi, and LGBTQIA+ novels, manga and when she isn’t reading, she’s most likely watching K-dramas.

Thanks for this review. This series has been on my TBR list for a while and for some reason, I just haven’t gotten around to reading it. I’ll add it to the top of the pile and give it a go.

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The Reading Life

Book Guide: From Blood and Ash Spicy Chapters and Review

Posted on Published: April 30, 2021  - Last updated: October 23, 2023

Categories Book Guide , Book Reviews , Spicy Chapters

What are the From Blood and Ash spicy chapters? Well, this guide is for you! And is From Blood and Ash spicy? Of course! It’s also one of the Best Books with Extremely Possessive Obsessed and Jealous Heroes out there.

And yes, From Blood and Ash is fairly spicy! Not too much though since there are only 4 From Blood and Ash spicy chapters. Though much more tamed compared to the later installments of the series.

I’m really sorry, but just a note from now on, I don’t have explicit excerpts for the From Blood and Ash spicy chapters anymore!

Table of Contents

From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

From Blood and Ash spicy chapters

A Maiden…

Chosen from birth to usher in a new era, Poppy’s life has never been her own. The life of the Maiden is solitary. Never to be touched. Never to be looked upon. Never to be spoken to. Never to experience pleasure. Waiting for the day of her Ascension, she would rather be with the guards, fighting back the evil that took her family, than preparing to be found worthy by the gods. But the choice has never been hers.

A Duty…

The entire kingdom’s future rests on Poppy’s shoulders, something she’s not even quite sure she wants for herself. Because a Maiden has a heart. And a soul. And longing. And when Hawke, a golden-eyed guard honor bound to ensure her Ascension, enters her life, destiny and duty become tangled with desire and need. He incites her anger, makes her question everything she believes in, and tempts her with the forbidden.

A Kingdom…

Forsaken by the gods and feared by mortals, a fallen kingdom is rising once more, determined to take back what they believe is theirs through violence and vengeance. And as the shadow of those cursed draws closer, the line between what is forbidden and what is right becomes blurred. Poppy is not only on the verge of losing her heart and being found unworthy by the gods, but also her life when every blood-soaked thread that holds her world together begins to unravel.

From Blood and Ash Book Review

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Why am I making the effort to do this?

Well here’s the things. I actually dropped it myself around almost halfway to this book. It was just…I don’t know, it was a bit confusing? It didn’t capture my attention as well as I hoped in the beginning.

But then I was working on the From Blood and Ash spicy chapters list so ended up going back into it. Poppy’s first…interactions with Hawke also caused me to mistakenly think of this book as instant love for a while until I decided to give this book a second chance (and I’m kind of glad I did).

Because I ended up enjoying the book quite a lot and binged the rest of it in a single sitting.

This is why I’m making this review spoiler-free. JLA did not fail. This book is pretty good. I know that when you first read it you may feel inclined to drop it like I did (if you didn’t already do so).

But just trust the process. Finish the entire book. If you still don’t like it? Then it’s probably not for you. If you gave up halfway you may be missing out on something here. Don’t do that to yourself.

If you like initial attraction to belligerent tension to betrayal then to hate-love? Then I think you would enjoy this book. Obviously, if you ended up not liking this book it’s perfectly understandable because this book didn’t really follow the typical enemies-to-lover blueprint in my opinion.

They had a lot of attraction in the beginning and Hawke never tried to hide his attraction for her either. But there is a pretty pleasant twist at the end and I just really had fun reading this book. Just enough spice to be not too much, as seen from there isn’t a lot of From Blood and Ash spicy chapters.

So give it a chance. If you don’t like it, that’s perfectly fine. I ended up enjoying it (very much to my own surprise), and that’s why I’m recommending it to you.

Hope you enjoy it! And make sure to check out From Blood and Ash spicy chapters list from above.

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From Blood and Ash Spicy Chapters

book review from blood and ash

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BOOK REVIEW: From Blood and Ash (Blood and Ash #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Synopsis: A Maiden… Chosen from birth to usher in a new era, Poppy’s life has never been her own. The life of the Maiden is solitary. Never to be touched. Never to be looked upon. Never to be spoken to. Never to experience pleasure. Waiting for the day of her Ascension, she would rather be with the guards, fighting back the evil that took her family, than preparing to be found worthy by the gods. But the choice has never been hers. A Duty… The entire kingdom’s future rests on Poppy’s shoulders, something she’s not even quite sure she wants for herself. Because a Maiden has a heart. And a soul. And longing. And when Hawke, a golden-eyed guard honor bound to ensure her Ascension, enters her life, destiny and duty become tangled with desire and need. He incites her anger, makes her question everything she believes in, and tempts her with the forbidden. A Kingdom… Forsaken by the gods and feared by mortals, a fallen kingdom is rising once more, determined to take back what they believe is theirs through violence and vengeance. And as the shadow of those cursed draws closer, the line between what is forbidden and what is right becomes blurred. Poppy is not only on the verge of losing her heart and being found unworthy by the gods, but also her life when every blood-soaked thread that holds her world together begins to unravel.

From Blood and Ash is my favorite book ever! The story was layered and the twists and turns were breathtaking. The sexual tension was absolutely perfect and the characters are forever etched into my heart. The storyline enchanted me and the action kept me glued to the pages. This book refused to be put down! If you love fantasy and romance, you definitely need to add this one to your tbr!

“You’re such a bad influence,” I murmured as I placed my hand in his. Hawke curled his fingers around mine. The weight and warmth of his hand was a pleasant shock. “Only the bad can be influenced, Princess.”

The story started off racy, but the world they lived in could be so harsh. We were brought into a land with castles, Kings, Queens, Lords, Ladies, commoners and I was obsessed learning about it all. The Ascended ruled the land, and were given gifts from the Gods. They had fought a war hundreds of years ago, but were still plagued by the Atlantians who believed Prince Casteel should be the rightful ruler. He was said to be the reason behind most of the death that was brought to their land. And the threat of creatures that were made out of nightmares always felt a breath away. While Poppy had a past with them, she wouldn’t let fear rule her present or future!

“We’re going to walk out of here,” he said. “You’re not going to make a sound, and you’re not going to give me any trouble, are you, Maiden?” My fingers closed around the smooth, cool handle of the dagger. I shook my head no.

Penellaphe, aka Poppy, is my favorite heroine! She was chosen by the Gods to be the Maiden. She spent her life being veiled and protected at all costs. She wasn’t allowed to socialize, besides with her maid Tawny, who I loved! And she wasn’t to be spoken to or even touched. Her life felt so lonely at times. But underneath what everyone else saw, was a girl who could easily hold her own. Poppy was fierce, brave, a fighter, and extremely brave! And I loved listening to her thoughts. She was so easy to click with and feel her emotions, especially when it came to Hawke!

“You’re an absolutely stunning, murderous little creature.”

I have betrayed all of my other book boyfriends because of Hawke Flynn. He felt like a mix between Aiden and Roth , yet he was even sexier and more forward. So Hawke was honor, respect, completely addictive and absolutely beautiful. Of course I was obsessed with him. Hawke was a guard and his interactions with Poppy had me smiling, sighing and laughing out loud. I loved that he could be seductive and sexy, and then in the next moment he was protective and thoughtful. Plus he had this ability to be sarcastic and also put people in their place, it made me love him that much harder. I didn’t care that I knew so very little about him, all I cared about is how he made me feel .

I couldn’t help but shiver when his eyes finally met mine. “You’re so damn beautiful,” he whispered, his voice thick. “And so damn unexpected.”

When Poppy and Hawke were around each other, their antics and sexual tension had me over the moon happy. They messed with each other, and I loved how Hawke called her Princess. But neither could deny that there was a strong attraction between them. It almost felt like it was something more , especially since the friendship was so easy between them. But as the story progressed, moments between them were erotic and scorching hot! Their chemistry was steamy, even when they didn’t have the easiest path.

I knew what the consequences could be. I knew what I was, and what was expected of me, and I knew I could no longer be that. It wasn’t what I wanted in life. It had never been my choice. But this…this I wanted. Hawke was who I wanted. This was my choice.

As the story unfolded, we got to see how layered it truly was. There were twists and turns. And while I saw some coming, others completely shocked me to my core. And that didn’t even include the deaths. Some I cheered at the top of my lungs for and others my sobs were inconsolable. I stared in shock at the pages, never once thinking that things would play out how they did. It felt like it twisted in the wrong way. But just wait , because by the end of From Blood and Ash I was screaming with happiness. I loved how things ended up and it made so much sense for how the story played out. So hold on, because it was an extremely emotional road and I loved every single tear, smile and sigh it pulled from me. This story was truly brilliant!

“When you listen to me, I think the stars will fall.” He followed me down so he spoke just above my ear. “I wish I could capture this moment somehow.”

From Blood and Ash is my favorite Jennifer L. Armentrout book! I loved how there was lightness and darkness mixed together in this story. I loved how I would go from laughing and sighing to crying my eyes out. I loved every single moment in this book, even the ones that gutted me. I can’t recommend this book enough!

My other favorite quotes:

Hawke’s gaze remained fastened on mine as he stepped forward. “Both halves are as beautiful as the whole.” My lips parted on a sharp inhale. I couldn’t even look to see what the Duke’s reaction was, though I was sure it was nothing short of cataclysmic.

Hawke sensed my move and shifted, blocking my knee with his thigh. “you’re so incredibly violent.” he paused. “i think i like it.” “let me go” i seethed. “and be kicked or stabbed” he shoved his leg between mine, preventing any future kicks. “we’ve already covered that, princess. more than once.”, “i will kill them,” he whispered. “i will fucking kill them all.” i didn’t think he was talking about the old scars. then i wasn’t thinking at all., “promise me,” he said, seeming to not hear me as he lifted his head. his gaze snagged with mine. “promise me you won’t forget this, poppy. that no matter what happens tomorrow, the next day, next week, you won’t forget this—forget that this was real.” i couldn’t look away. “i promise. i won’t forget.”, he lifted his chin, kissing my forehead. he leaned back, sliding his thumb along my jaw. “you deserve so much more than what awaits you.”.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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Fantasy New Adult Vampires


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April 4, 2020 at 10:41 am

You are so lucky!!!! I still wait for my copy but with the covid crisis Amazon gives priority (and rightly so) to essential good. Hence a delay in sending the books.

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May 1, 2020 at 11:10 am

Waiting for books to arrive is so excruciating! I hope you have it by now and have so much fun reading this story, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

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April 5, 2020 at 4:44 pm

May 1, 2020 at 11:15 am

Yes, same! I’m not really a high fantasy person, but if JLA writes it then I’ll read it lol. I can’t wait to see what you think of this story, I thought it was beyond addictive!

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April 6, 2020 at 1:45 pm

So excited you loved this one!

May 1, 2020 at 11:25 am

This is the PERFECT book for you to jump back into the JLA world. I can’t wait to see how this story goes for you *fingers crossed*.

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April 9, 2020 at 2:37 pm

Jen, you have completely sold me on this book. I know I will love it! I need to go get a copy ASAP!

Great review!

May 1, 2020 at 11:28 am

YAY!! I’m so excited you’re going to give this book a chance! I cant’ wait for your review!

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April 10, 2020 at 12:47 pm

May 1, 2020 at 11:34 am

This is the perfect book to jump back into JLA’s writing! I think you’re going to love Hawke *fingers crossed*. I’m so excited to read your review and have more friends to talk to about this book. I have sooooooo many thoughts lol!

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May 7, 2020 at 7:25 am

June 28, 2020 at 12:13 am

This book seriously knocked it out of the park, it was beyond amazing. I hope you’ll get a chance to pick it up ♥.

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June 8, 2020 at 6:22 am

I am going crazy over this book. Seriouslyyy. Any news on when then next book will be released? 🥺

June 28, 2020 at 12:17 am

She said that #2 will release before the end of this year, yay! And before the end of this month she’ll be making an announcement about it….I’m hoping for title and release date *fingers crossed*.

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March 2, 2021 at 2:31 am

Love your review! Gah, I can’t wait for the third book! Been rereading this slowly, but I’m still torn up about that betrayal. This is now one of my favourite series too! Daemon is still my #1 boyfriend though XD

March 2, 2021 at 1:47 pm

Thank you so much! Righhhhhttt?? That betrayal, oh it pained me but I couldn’t wait to see how it was all going to play out. And I ♥ Daemon so much too, he has been my top book boyfriend for years! I always try and wait until a series is finished before I bump around my bbfs lol, but Hawke……he’s going to be bumping lots out of the way *covers face*.

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Chosen from birth to usher in a new era, Poppy’s life has never been her own. The life of the Maiden is solitary. Never to be touched. Never to be looked upon. Never to be spoken to. Never to experience pleasure. Waiting for the day of her Ascension, she would rather be with the guards, fighting back the evil that took her family, than preparing to be found worthy by the gods. But the choice has never been hers.

The entire kingdom’s future rests on Poppy’s shoulders, something she’s not even quite sure she wants for herself. Because a Maiden has a heart. And a soul. And longing. And when Hawke, a golden-eyed guard honor bound to ensure her Ascension, enters her life, destiny and duty become tangled with desire and need. He incites her anger, makes her question everything she believes in, and tempts her with the forbidden.

Forsaken by the gods and feared by mortals, a fallen kingdom is rising once more, determined to take back what they believe is theirs through violence and vengeance. And as the shadow of those cursed draws closer, the line between what is forbidden and what is right becomes blurred. Poppy is not only on the verge of losing her heart and being found unworthy by the gods, but also her life when every blood-soaked thread that holds her world together begins to unravel.

BOOK REVIEW: From Blood and Ash

Jennifer l. armentrout.

Book Series:  Blood and Ash

book review from blood and ash

“You deserve so much more than what awaits you.”

I have to make a confession. Fantasy novels are not really my thing, regardless of the dozen or so that I have admittedly adored in my lifetime, yet it only took a handful of chapters for this book to become one of my favourite reads of the year. There’s been so much talk about this series, and rightfully so, because Jennifer Armentrout has woven a truly fantastical new world for us that is fascinating, singular, and marvellously unexpected from the get-go. In this gripping tale of resilience and survival, the protagonist is a young woman who’s been forced onto a path that was never her choice, only to become entangled in a maze of secret agendas and deadly twists at every turn. As a centuries-old war between two powerful kingdoms begins to heat up again, everything she thought she knew is suddenly called into question, including her own heart. I just know that this whole series is going to be a wild ride start to finish.

I came here to live. To experience. To choose. To be anyone other than who I was.

When we first meet her, Penellaphe “Poppy” Balfour is only known as the Maiden, an eighteen-year-old Chosen by the gods to lead one of the largest Ascensions the Kingdom of Solis has seen in centuries. With the fate of so many on her shoulders, Poppy lives a life bound by rules she never agreed to, taught to never question the gods’ plans even with no real knowledge of them, and sheltered in a cocoon of loneliness and pain inflicted by those entrusted with her care. But every chance she gets, her rebellious spirit leads her to secretly challenge the boundaries of the only life she’s ever known by experiencing the very things she is forbidden from doing. She trains to use a dagger and sword because she wants to know how to protect herself. She sneaks out of her chambers to watch others, listen in on conversations because her solitude is greater than her fear of getting caught. She shares her first kiss with a handsome stranger in a seedy gambling den because when nothing in your life is within your control, a single kiss can taste of sunlight and freedom and warm sand under your feet.

I was forbidden to do anything but ignore. To never speak of the gift bestowed upon me by the gods and to never, ever go beyond sensing to actually doing something about it.

But before she knows it, Poppy finds herself in the hands of the man she’s been told to fear the most—the Dark One, heir to a fallen kingdom set on bloodshed and revenge—and everything he shares with her goes against everything she was taught to believe.

“Don’t forget this.” I touched his jaw. “I don’t think I ever could.” “Promise me,” he said, seeming to not hear me as he lifted his head. His gaze snagged with mine. “Promise me you won’t forget this, Poppy. That no matter what happens tomorrow, the next day, next week, you won’t forget this—forget that this was real.”

With an uprising on the horizon and Poppy’s own heart in turmoil, the scene is set for war. And the more she sees and learns along the way, the more Poppy’s role in the upcoming battle begins to take shape.

I’d been changing, evolving just like the gift I was forbidden to wield but remained determined to use. It was in every adventure and risk I took. It was in my desire to experience what I’d been told was not for me.

If you expected a scene-by-scene rundown of all that happens in this book, you won’t find it here because this is the kind of story you want to discover on your own, one mind-blowing, jaw-dropping scene after another. Between Poppy’s soft, yet headstrong nature, the hero’s many contradictions, a vividly rendered cast of secondary characters, and the surprises that keep coming, there’s so much to unpack in this book, but I get the feeling the best is yet to come. The story plays out like a mythical tale set in a long-gone world, but the author gives the characters modern makeovers by infusing their language with a contemporary flavour, while still retaining the epic fantasy style plot at its core. Jennifer Armentrout is a marvel, and I don’t throw that term around with abandon. Her writing is tight and tense, with every word and sentence being made to count, and if this first instalment is any indication, this series could become one the most unforgettable adventure epics I’ve ever come across.

“I hope you realize that no matter what anyone has ever told you, you are more worthy than anyone I’ve ever met.”

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I’m still reeling over this book and I’m soooo glad I waited to read this. Can’t wait for book 2!

I’m so glad I read it, too. And you’ll love the second book!!!!

Loved this book! But haven’t been able to reread this because the final part left me in tears. I knew what was coming because I’d read a spoiler somewhere, but dang! Lovely review! :)

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From Blood and Ash (Blood and Ash #1) by Jennifer L Armentrout

From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L Armentrout

Title: From Blood and Ash Series: Blood and Ash #1 Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Genre: Fantasy Romance Published: March 30th, 2020 Format: eBook Pages: 634 Reread: Two Times

From Blood and Ash is a high fantasy novel, a first for Jennifer Armentrout who usually writes more of Sci-Fi and Paranormal Romance. First off, she is one of my favorite authors. I’ve devoured most of her series – Lux, Dark Elements, and Wicked. From Blood and Ash doesn’t disappoint. 

The beginning of the book is slow-paced. The story is initially focused more on introducing us to the brand new world that’s breathtaking and dangerous, rife with tension – and you get sucked in, wanting to know more. Although I got confused when I read this the first time, there were several terms thrown around and understand the complicated layers of Solis and Atlantia (the Two Kingdoms). 

We meet Penallaphe ‘Poppy’ Balfour, 17 years old, known as the Maiden, chosen by the Gods. The future of the Kingdom of Solis rests on her shoulders. She is to bring in a new era on her ascension. 

Although that destiny looks prestigious, it is anything but. She is secluded from everyone, bound by the strictest rules – to never talk or socialize, be seen, and always cover her face with a veil. Other than her two personal guards and her handmaiden, she doesn’t have much interaction. 

She never did what she was told, though. Whenever she could, she’d let her rebellious side take over, and she’d wander off to new places, to experience the life other girls lived, and be free from all the burdens in her life.

Poppy quickly became one of my favorite female heroines! The World wasn’t much giving when it came to her, but she took control of it. She has these hidden facets, and with the story told in her POV, I could certainly relate to her. Her character development is one of the best parts of the book. 

Hawke Flynn is a Royal Guard, making all the heads turn since his arrival at Masadonia. With high references from the Capital, he takes over the guard duty of Poppy, after her personal guard Rylan is killed by a descenter. 

Honestly, I was intrigued by him ever since he showed up in the first-second chapter. He is this rugged, tall, dark, and handsome fellow, so witty and snarky, you don’t know if you want to laugh or get all stabby like Poppy does. 

He gets under her skin like no one does. He wants to understand Poppy, what makes her tick, and likes her for WHO she is. I was laughing out loud at all of his snarky comments – and I wish I could take Poppy’s place.  Hawke never holds anything back, is intense, playful, and a complex character.

The romance takes a back-seat in this book. It is slow-burning – that heat, the attraction between the two of them they keep fighting – well, Poppy fights it. There are a lot of sweet moments between them and the sexual tension is electric. 

I couldn’t get enough of their interaction, I was addicted to both of them. It was Daemon and Katy all over again for me. 

The story is a perfect mixture of light and dark. Poppy’s life is in danger, with the descenters rising against the Ascendants and supporting the ‘Dark One’, Prince Casteel, who claims to be the rightful heir to the Atlantian throne. The Dark One wants Poppy, for reasons we don’t know. 

With threats looming in Poppy’s life, both inside the castle and from Prince Casteel, we see her journey of self-discovery, sexual awareness, and evolving from the Maiden to a girl who can finally choose for herself. 

It takes a darker and emotional turn, with a few deaths that left me reeling with sadness. And takes an even faster pace after the 80% mark. If you haven’t read this book, I suggest not to read the reviews or the blurb of the second and the third book. Just go in blind. 

I knew what was coming. I’d accidentally came across a spoiler – but it was predictable too, so didn’t lose much reading wise. It still managed to shock me. I remember it was around 3 AM, and I had to work the next day, but that specific chapter – Holy Crap. 

The writing style is amazing. The setting, the descriptions, they just grab you. I loved the World Building, the slow-burn romance and the dynamic characters. 

The story is packed with emotions, steam, betrayal, friendships, amazing main and side characters, an intriguing plot, a dangerous world, and so much more. It is definitely worth all the hype, and I definitely recommend you to pick this up!

From Blood and Ash is one of my 10  Best Romance Reads of 2020 . It is the winner in the Romance category of  Goodreads Choice Award 2020 . 

From Blood and Ash blurb:

A Maiden… Chosen from birth to usher in a new era, Poppy’s life has never been her own. The life of the Maiden is solitary. Never to be touched. Never to be looked upon. Never to be spoken to. Never to experience pleasure. Waiting for the day of her Ascension, she would rather be with the guards, fighting back the evil that took her family, than preparing to be found worthy by the gods. But the choice has never been hers. A Duty… The entire kingdom’s future rests on Poppy’s shoulders, something she’s not even quite sure she wants for herself. Because a Maiden has a heart. And a soul. And longing. And when Hawke, a golden-eyed guard honor bound to ensure her Ascension, enters her life, destiny and duty become tangled with desire and need. He incites her anger, makes her question everything she believes in, and tempts her with the forbidden. A Kingdom… Forsaken by the gods and feared by mortals, a fallen kingdom is rising once more, determined to take back what they believe is theirs through violence and vengeance. And as the shadow of those cursed draws closer, the line between what is forbidden and what is right becomes blurred. Poppy is not only on the verge of losing her heart and being found unworthy by the gods, but also her life when every blood-soaked thread that holds her world together begins to unravel.

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Find it on goodreads:, about jennifer l. armentrout:.

# 1  NEW YORK TIMES , # 1 International, and  USA TODAY  Bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout lives in West Virginia. She also writes under the name J. Lynn. When she’s not hard at work writing, she spends her time, reading, working out, watching zombie movies, and pretending to write. She shares her home with her husband, his K-9 partner named Diesel and her hyper Border Jack Apollo, and a slew of farm animals that include alpacas, goats, and sheep.

She is well known for her Lux series, Dark Elements and Wicked Series. 

Next in the Blood and Ash Series...

a kingdom of flesh and fire jennifer l armentrout

Hundreds & Thousands of Books

Book reviews by teens, for teens!

From Blood And Ash: Book Review

book review from blood and ash

One good one thing came out of 2020… this book 😎

Name: From Blood And Ash

Author: jennifer l. armentrout, published: 2020, song: ashes by stellar.

book review from blood and ash

A Maiden… Chosen from birth to usher in a new era, Poppy’s life has never been her own. The life of the Maiden is solitary. Never to be touched. Never to be looked upon. Never to be spoken to. Never to experience pleasure. Waiting for the day of her Ascension, she would rather be with the guards, fighting back the evil that took her family, than preparing to be found worthy by the gods. But the choice has never been hers. A Duty… The entire kingdom’s future rests on Poppy’s shoulders, something she’s not even quite sure she wants for herself. Because a Maiden has a heart. And a soul. And longing. And when Hawke, a golden-eyed guard honor bound to ensure her Ascension, enters her life, destiny and duty become tangled with desire and need. He incites her anger, makes her question everything she believes in, and tempts her with the forbidden. A Kingdom… Forsaken by the gods and feared by mortals, a fallen kingdom is rising once more, determined to take back what they believe is theirs through violence and vengeance. And as the shadow of those cursed draws closer, the line between what is forbidden and what is right becomes blurred. Poppy is not only on the verge of losing her heart and being found unworthy by the gods, but also her life when every blood-soaked thread that holds her world together begins to unravel. Synopsis from Goodreads

I was so excited to read this. From its publish in late march, I’d heard so many raving reviews about ‘From Blood And Ash’ that I really wanted to try it – booktok does turn out some brilliant recommendations every so often. And it didn’t disappoint!

book review from blood and ash

This fantasy romance follows Poppy, the ‘maiden’ in her deeply religious Kingdom. She’s received an increasing number of death threats leading up to her mysterious ‘Ascension’, so the Duke and Duchess hire a new Royal Guard to look after her. Who just so happens to be really fit – yes, it’s that type of book! But it also wasn’t? I don’t read that many princess-and-hot-guard books, but the first thing that set From Blood And Ash apart from them was the heroine, Poppy. And whilst I’m not saying that it wasn’t a princess-I-need-to-guard-you-even-when-you’re-in-the-bath novel (more on that later), Poppy was different.

One thing I wasn’t expecting: how the whole book was surprisingly feminist, Poppy included. What’s more, she could hold her own – both in a fight and when talking to people. Poppy didn’t make ( that ) many decisions that had me yelling at the pages which was refreshing for the heroine in a fantasy romance. There was no ‘ I let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding ‘ moments. Hawke didn’t always have to rescue her! He respects Poppy! He had a fun, healthy relationship with her!

Or does he?

“Death is like an old friend who pays a visit, sometimes when it’s least expected and other times when you’re waiting for her. It’s neither the first nor the last time she’ll pay a visit, but that doesn’t make any death less harsh or unforgiving.” FROM BLOOD AND ASH

My first impression of the love interest: Hawke is a bit of a womanizer but I’ll let it go because, well, that’s his character. Plus, sometimes you need a bit of a one-track love interest – it makes for good dialogue 😉. And consistently, the dialogue was brilliant. But sometimes the bits between, the fighting and some of the world building, was a bit boring. Some scenes are flipping amazing but to make a good book great you need to have consistency with the great scenes. ‘From Blood And Ash’ was sooooo long that there were a few scenes I felt could be cut. But then again, I liked how much time was spent building up the side characters (Poppy’s maid Tawny was hilarious) and the relationship between Poppy and Hawke. Hawke… who is supposed to be the focus of this paragraph. Oops (I get side tracked so much when blogging 😬). Will now continue!

WARNING: This next paragraph contains spoilers for the end of the book. Just skip onto the next paragraph. You have been warned!

AGHSHHF: the plot twist. I just… I don’t think it was necessary. Whilst it was unwelcome, I saw it coming – their relationship was probably too good to be true and there needed to be some conflict to fill 100 pages. But Armentrout had put so much work into building Hawke (I’m gonna keep calling him that because I’m not sure what he’ll be called in the next book!) into this multi-layered character that the reader empathised with and liked… but then she was like SIKE! Possessive, aggressive and a bit rapey – he basically embodied the reason I don’t normally like these type of books. The love interests often make me uncomfortable with the explicit absence of consent because ‘they know better’ – all qualities I’d previously admired both the book and Hawke for not possessing. And it felt like such a shame because, so far, the book HAD BEEN SO DAMN GOOD! The reveal of Hawke’s ‘true self?’ was the single reason that my rating dropped from a five to four to four stars within a matter of pages. Maybe it’s too much to ask (who am I kidding, it’s the first book in a fantasy trilogy, of course it’s not going to end well) but I wanted them to stay in their fun happy relationship 😦

Also, Armentrout really wanted to squeeze in as many tropes as possible. The Ascension thing was really intriguing and different… but nO they’re all vampires. Of course. Why is it always vampires? Or uncomfortable power dynamics where one person is so much older and more experienced than the other. But, whilst I be get a bit too hung up on the political side of it all, I guess some readers might really enjoy the relationship change – I guess it mixed it all up a but for the second book. I’m so interested to hear what other people thought, let me know in the comments!

Okay, now you’re safe! Carry on 🙂

To be honest, I think the main reason I was so irritated by the plot twist was because I was absolutely loving the book and didn’t want any change. Don’t get me wrong: From Blood And Ash is really good. Not just in a 😏😏 way (although there’s that too *winks*) but Poppy experienced REALISTIC HUMAN EMOTIONS which is all I ever want from a fantasy heroine. Plus, she’s not super annoying which is always a plus – and it’s humorous. Really funny and very enjoyable. I don’t know if it says something about the quality of the writing that the entire trilogy is coming out in little under a year, but I have A Kingdom Of Flesh And Fire on the way and am incredibly excited to read it. I’d love to hear your opinions on both that and this book in the comments!

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Published by hundreds&thousands.

I’m a teenager (and a Hufflepuff) from Manchester. I like oversized jumpers, music that isn't on the radio anymore and books. Pretty much any book I can get my hands on but my favourites are Young Adult, fantasy and science fiction. One day, I decided to share some of my opinions on some great - and not so great - books to people around the world. And here it is! I really enjoy it and I hope you do too. The aim is hundreds and thousands of book reviews (see what I did there?) but I’m not quite up to that. Yet. View more posts

40 thoughts on “ From Blood And Ash: Book Review ”

Nice 😊👍please Read our book Reviews and comment

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I’ll check it out 🙂

I’m glad you enjoyed this! I loved the sequel more! Great review, I loved hearing your thoughts!

I’m so excited to read the sequel 🥳

Great review! I was already excited for this one but I REALLY want to read it now. I like the how its quite feminist, and I think I will love Poppy 😀

Thanks!! Yesss I really hope you enjoy it – it was one of those books that you thought would be amazing… and then is even better! I don’t know if that’s happened to you or makes sense lol but I’m trying to say… it’s really good! Hope you enjoy 😊

I absolutely know what you mean & I love those kind of books! The ones that don’t just live up to the hype but beat it. So glad this was one of those books for you 😊

I love your review! I loved this book so much and I’m itching already to read it again. But I cannot WAIT for you to read the second book. If you enjoyed this one, I assure you, you’ll love the second even more!

Ooo you’ve made me so excited to try ittttt. If it’s anything better than the original, it must be exceptional!

Hahaha! You are right, this was a great thing to come out of 2020!!! Great review 😁

Thanks! There wasn’t a lot of good things that came out of 2020 lol, but I can say this book was one 😂

So, so true!!!!

I loved every minute of this book, and yet I still might have loved the second one even more, so I hope you love it when you pick it up!! Great review!

Thanks! Ahhh so many people have mentioned how brilliant the second book is that I can’t wait to try it!

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Great review! Agree fully with Poppy and Tawney! They both were fantastic characters…I could even take a side novella of them just having fun with each other that takes place before the first novel or even during the first, as they had a great friendship. 🙂

Ooo I love it – I would totally buy that novella haha. All the side characters were really well written ( I guess it shows what good writing it was how much I hated the duke 😡)

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Your review is SPOT ON!! I felt utterly betrayed and lied to when we learned *stuff* about Hawke! Was his charming and nice personality all a lie? I also didn’t love this book as much as I wanted too because of the plot twist. But yes Poppy was the book’s saving grace and she deserves all that is well and good in the world! I can’t wait to see how she evolves in this new world knowing everything she does. I can’t wait to see her reunion with her brother! So many intriguing parts. Fantastic review!

Thankyou so much!! Yesss poppy was the books saving grace 😂 I just really loved her character? And yeah I’d totally forgotten about her brother, I can’t wait to see what happened to him too!

Great review! I like your opinion on Poppy. She really could hold her own which I appreciated. I was getting tired of damsels in distress. But I also liked that she wasn’t super skilled and powerful. She was still a normal girl who’d had self defense training. Overall this wasn’t a bad book, but Hawke was also the reason I docked stars. I enjoyed his character until we found out who he really was and, like you said, his whole character changed. From that point I couldn’t stand him and the way he treated Poppy. It was really possessive and made me cringe. But great review, loved reading your thoughts! – Amber

Thankyou! That’s an interesting point – I hadn’t really thought about how she wasn’t super powerful, but know I do it makes me like her more. She did have some moments where I was skeptical that that’s how she’s have acted (you’re getting with this evil man whose *just* betrayed you?) and I agree that Hawke was a bit cringey haha. He felt very tropey… but I guess that doesn’t have to be a bad thing? I’ll be interested to see if he gets any better (or worse 😬 ) in the second book…

Yeah I was super skeptical with her and how she acted too. Especially after she stabs him. It just didn’t make sense to me. And yeah it doesn’t have to be a bad thing that he’s tropey. Some tropes are really good and work. I genuinely hope he gets better in the second book, unless there’s a switch up and she gets a different love interest.

That would be interesting! I dont think I’ve ever read a book that had a love interest swap around – like of a new character who was introduced later on in the books. Im excited to read the next book but I wonder how their relationship could progress? They’ve already passed a lot of ‘milestones’ (awkward wink) and then he betrayed her? I’m not even sure what she’ll call him haha. But I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

Great review! I definitely agree with you about Hawke. I liked him until those stupid alpha-male tendencies you commonly find in romance books started to pop up. *sigh* I actually went into this knowing it was about vampires (not sure what I would have thought if I didn’t) but I still found a lot of the plot points surrounding this very predictable, especially the Hawke thing. I guess this is what happens when, as you said, there are heaps of tropes.

It really was very tropey!! And that’s not always a bad thing (I do love me a bit of ‘there’s only one bed!’ scenes) but it just felt very unoriginal? Yeah, I wonder if my perception of the plot twist would have changed if I’d already known that it was about vampires… But Hawke was a really fun character until his ‘true self’ was revealed, so I guess that’s why it annoyed me so much? Thanks for sharing your opinions 🙂

Great review! I agree with you! I finished A kingdom of Flesh and Fire a few weeks ago and I had so many problems with it but overall it’s a good book! I can’t wait for the third book! If you want, check my review of A kingdom of Flesh and Fire (I tried not to give to many spoilers) eheh

Oh yeah I’ll check it out 🙂

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Aw thank you so much! Happy birthday 🙂

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Agree with everything you said that PLOT TWIST had my mouth gapping for about 100 pages and omg I am just not over and my neck hurts from the character whiplash it caused me!!!! Still need to pick up book 2 because I’ve been putting it off after that ENDING?!? Awesome review 🙂

‘My neck hurts from the character whiplash’ 😂 I love it! YEEESS I was so conflicted after the plot twist (because did I really want to see how it turned out?) but I did try the second book eventually. Personally, I didn’t enjoy it as much as the first one but I hope you do if you try it!

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The Library Ladies

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The Library Ladies

Book Club Review: “From Blood and Ash”

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We are part of a group of librarian friends who have had an ongoing book club running for the last several years. Each “season” (we’re nerds) we pick a theme and each of us chooses a book within that theme for us all to read. Our current theme is “Romance”, in which we each picked a book that is a romance, or has elements that fit romance tropes to a T. For this blog, we will post a joint review of each book we read for book club. We’ll also post the next book coming up in book club. So feel free to read along with us or use our book selections and questions in your own book club!

book review from blood and ash

Book : “From Blood and Ash” by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Publishing Info : Blue Box Press, March 2020

Where Did We Get This Book: The library!

Where Can You Get this Book: Amazon  | IndieBound | WorldCat

Romance Trope : Secret Identities

Book Description : A Maiden…

Chosen from birth to usher in a new era, Poppy’s life has never been her own. The life of the Maiden is solitary. Never to be touched. Never to be looked upon. Never to be spoken to. Never to experience pleasure. Waiting for the day of her Ascension, she would rather be with the guards, fighting back the evil that took her family, than preparing to be found worthy by the gods. But the choice has never been hers.

The entire kingdom’s future rests on Poppy’s shoulders, something she’s not even quite sure she wants for herself. Because a Maiden has a heart. And a soul. And longing. And when Hawke, a golden-eyed guard honor bound to ensure her Ascension, enters her life, destiny and duty become tangled with desire and need. He incites her anger, makes her question everything she believes in, and tempts her with the forbidden.

Forsaken by the gods and feared by mortals, a fallen kingdom is rising once more, determined to take back what they believe is theirs through violence and vengeance. And as the shadow of those cursed draws closer, the line between what is forbidden and what is right becomes blurred. Poppy is not only on the verge of losing her heart and being found unworthy by the gods, but also her life when every blood-soaked thread that holds her world together begins to unravel.

Kate’s Thoughts

Okay guys, I’m about to blow your mind. I actually enjoyed this fantasy novel. WHAT? I know! I always go on about how fantasy is a really hard genre for me, and admittedly when Serena picked this for book club I groaned. It was long. It was fantasy. It sounded silly. But shut me up, I ended up enjoying “From Blood and Ash”, so thank you, Serena! I will happily eat crow!

I mean, yes, it has kind of a slow start, and yes, it has a lot going on. Probably too much. But I found myself enjoying this book, for a couple of reasons. One, I enjoyed Poppy, our main character. I liked the backstory that was given to her, I thought that her personality was well formed and pushed back against what we can sometimes see with the kind of role she is playing, and I liked that she actually had agency as well as reasons for her various abilities. I also liked a number of the side characters, like Poppy’s friend Tawny, her lady in wait, or her guard Vikter. I felt that Armentrout did her due diligence to give them some personality as opposed to just be players to prop Poppy up. And in terms of the vampire mythology that Armentrout wove in, it wasn’t anything super new, but it was fun enough, and creatively placed into a fantasy dystopia setting.

I am at the very least going to try the next book in the series. I can’t guarantee that I will commit to the entire series, as it’s long and fantasy and I are tenuous. But “From Blood and Ash” was fun.

Serena’s Thoughts

I didn’t realize just how long this book was when I selected it for bookclub! Sorry Kate! I picked it because it was the top rated fantasy romance on Goodreads at one point, and while yes, the premise sounded kind of silly, I thought that all of those high ratings had to be based on something.

Like Kate said, this book definitely has a slow start. There’s a ton of world-building that gets laid out in this story, and as it’s told in first person, much of that world-building is simply given to us by Poppy herself. Usually this would be a pretty negative thing for me, but I think it speaks to the strengths of Poppy’s character that she was so solid and entertaining that I didn’t even mind the way much of this information was delivered. Given how long this book is, Poppy’s compelling inner thoughts and character work are integral in keeping the pace of the story going. The dialogue was also excellent and had me laughing out loud at times.

I completely agree with Kate about the side characters, so I won’t repeat what she said about them. I’ll also definitely second what she said about Poppy defying typical romance heroine conventions at times. She was given enough back story to explain her motivations for learning and doing what she does. And the author gave us early opportunities to put these aspects of Poppy’s character to the test and let us see her in action. There were also a few decisions she made towards the end of the book that were incredibly satisfying and definitely not the sort you typically see from romance heroines in this type of situation.

I’ll also say that I really enjoyed the romance. Hawke was a very swoony hero and, again, defied many of my expectations at different times. There were some fairly predictable twists that came along with him, but I was happy enough with the way the story played out to not be overly concerned that I could guess where it was headed before it got there. I also really liked the twists the author brought to the fantasy aspects of the story. Again, unlike Poppy, the reader will be able to pick up on a few of them right off the bat. But there were additional levels, so to speak, to these traditional fantasy beings that were revealed as the story continued. I will say that with all of this world-building and mythology, the book could definitely have used a map to at least relieve some of the mental burden on the reader trying to keep track of this all!

Kate’s Rating 7 : It had a bit of a slow start and had a LOT going on, but I ended up enjoying this romantic fantasy!

Serena’s Rating 8 : Maybe a bit generous as a rating for half one, but we’ll round up with the more satisfying aspects of half two.

Book Club Questions

  • This book’s romantic trope was “secret identities.” Did you like the way this was incorporated into the book? How did you feel about the reactions of both parties when the secret identities were revealed?
  • How did you feel about Poppy and Hawke as the romantic heroine/hero? In what ways did they conform to stereotypes? In what ways did they break them?
  • There was a lot of world-building and fantasy building in this book. Were you able to fully picture this world and society? Did you have any questions about place or people?
  • The author plays with some staple fantasy characters such as vampires, zombies, and werewolves. Did you like her interpretations of these mythical beings?
  • Would you read the other books in the series?

Reader’s Advisory

“From Blood and Ash” is included on the Goodreads lists : Sarah J. Maas Clones and Romance, SMUT Action, And The Supernatural .

Next Book Club Book : “ Project Duchess” by Sabrina Jeffries

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From Blood and Ash

Book 1 of the Blood and Ash Series

book review from blood and ash

Now a USA Today Bestselling book

Captivating and action-packed, from blood and ash is a sexy, addictive, and unexpected fantasy perfect for fans of sarah j. maas and laura thalassa..

Chosen from birth to usher in a new era, Poppy’s life has never been her own. The life of the Maiden is solitary. Never to be touched. Never to be looked upon. Never to be spoken to. Never to experience pleasure. Waiting for the day of her Ascension, she would rather be with the guards, fighting back the evil that took her family, than preparing to be found worthy by the gods. But the choice has never been hers.

The entire kingdom’s future rests on Poppy’s shoulders, something she’s not even quite sure she wants for herself. Because a Maiden has a heart. And a soul. And longing. And when Hawke, a golden-eyed guard honor bound to ensure her Ascension, enters her life, destiny and duty become tangled with desire and need. He incites her anger, makes her question everything she believes in, and tempts her with the forbidden.

Forsaken by the gods and feared by mortals, a fallen kingdom is rising once more, determined to take back what they believe is theirs through violence and vengeance. And as the shadow of those cursed draws closer, the line between what is forbidden and what is right becomes blurred. Poppy is not only on the verge of losing her heart and being found unworthy by the gods, but also her life when every blood-soaked thread that holds her world together begins to unravel.

book review from blood and ash

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Praise for From Blood and Ash »

“Action, adventure, sexiness, and angst! From Blood and Ash has it all and double that. So many feels and so many moments it made me cheer for the character. Read. This. Book! You’ll be obsessed!”

– Tijan NYT bestselling author

“Jennifer Armentrout has the power to control my emotions with every word she writes. From swooning to crying to racing through the pages to find out what happens next, I couldn’t stop reading about Hawke and Poppy, and you won’t be able to either.”

– Brigid Kemmerer , New York Times Bestselling Author of A Curse So Dark and Lonely

Dreamy, twisty, steamy escapism. Take me back!

New York Times bestseller Wendy Higgins

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Series reading order, all adult standalones, all young adult standalones, all anthologies.

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T.L. Branson

From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout Review

I never thought I’d review a Jennifer L. Armentrout book, but here I am writing one for From Blood and Ash.

The last book of hers I had tried to read was Storm and Fury. I didn’t make it two chapters before I DNF’d the book and said “not my thing.”

To be fair, I’d never read a JLA book before and I hear that Storm and Fury is a spinoff and a terrible place to start for a new reader.

And after reading From Blood and Ash, I might give her another shot. But I am fully aware that From Blood and Ash is fairly different from her normal genre.

From Blood and Ash is JLA’s first foray into high fantasy, and I think she does a pretty bang-up job. I’ve even developed a love of enemies to lovers books because of it.

From Blood and Ash Jennifer L Armentrout

From Blood and Ash Review

From Blood and Ash starts off really slow. Like mind-numbingly slow.

There’s a huge info-dump in chapter 1, very little dialogue, and not a lot happening. That is until the final sentence of Chapter 1.

Then JLA provides just the right hook not to lose me.

From Blood and Ash gets a lot of rave reviews from my Facebook group and I knew I had to stick with it and give her a chance.

One reader related From Blood and Ash to House of Earth and Blood . It’s got a really slow and long build-up, but your patience is rewarded.

The key moment happened for me somewhere around the 40% mark, and by the end of Chapter 25 I was addicted, hook, line, and sinker.

While I spent 6 days reading the first 40%, the last 60% was finished in a single 6-hour long reading session. I could not put the book down.

From Blood and Ash is about a girl named Poppy and her interactions with tall, dark, and handsome Hawke.

Poppy is The Maiden. She’s a very special girl that will save the world and lead to the largest group of mortals ever to Ascend. Because of her unique qualities, she’d kept “locked up” in the castle, forbidden to speak to anyone and when she’s in public she has to wear a veil.

But Poppy is a very curious girl, and quite rebellious, which leads her to sneak out a lot. She’s usually pretty good at evading her guards, that is until Hawke is assigned as her personal guard.

Additional Thoughts

There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, and a lot of terminology that doesn’t make sense.

Poppy is sheltered, and doesn’t understand how the world works. And because of this, the reader doesn’t understand either.

This may turn you off, but I promise you it’s okay to feel like you’re missing something. JLA didn’t speak over your head. She didn’t clearly tell you and you’re too dense to catch it (like I felt reading From Blood and Ash). Armentrout intentionally keeps you in the dark.

The more you read, the more things become clear. And you won’t really understand what’s going on until about the 85% mark. You might have guesses, but she won’t actually tell you until around that point.

So hang in there. As everyone says, it’s worth, and I promise it is.

What about the smut?

A big reason people read From Blood and Ash is for the romance. So what’s it like?

If you know anything about me, it’s that I like fantasy romance, but I’m not big into sex scenes. From Blood and Ash has sex scenes, but A Court of Thorns and Roses was far more graphic.

In total, there are probably two Rated-R scenes and the rest are very PG-13.

I skipped over the sex and got on with the story.

Closing Remarks

From Blood and Ash is a fantastic book and I can’t wait to read the next book in the series, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire.

From Blood and Fire gets a solid 4.5/5 stars from me . The only mark against it being the info-dump in Chapter 1.

Looking for more great books?

Check out this list of books similar to A Court of Thorns and Roses .

3 thoughts on “ From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout Review ”

I’ve been meaning to read this book for a while now because I’ve heard so many good reviews about it, and yours just convinced me that I need to get my hands on a copy as soon as possible. I really appreciate your frankness and the fact that you included progress indicators. Info dumps normally turn me off, so I’m glad to know it’ll pay off in the end. Thank you for the great review, and I can’t wait to read this!

when I read the summary I got thrilled since it said Hawke was assigned as her personal guard, so I thought Poppy and Hawke will have a thing so I searched it and I got spoiled T_T but I’ll still try to read it, I’m like only in chap 6 so I’ll keep going and see if its actually better than I expected….thats all lmao lil story

Yeah, I did that too. You aren’t alone. I’ve read all 3 currently published books. I haven’t read ASITE, the spin-off. But I love this series and am eagerly anticipating Book 4 in a few months. Can’t wait. I recommend to keep on going!

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Book Review of From Blood and Ash (Blood and Ash #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Cover of From Blood and Ash By Jennifer Armentrout

About the Book

  • Jennifer L. Armentrout

Grading Scale

Cover Story: Diagnosis, Cover Blindness BFF Charm: Meh Talky Talk: Gimme Some Maas Bonus Factor: Creatures Anti-Bonus Factor: Too Many Creatures Relationship Status: Gonna Flake On That Second Date

Cover Story: Diagnosis, Cover Blindness

I think I have some sort of bookish medical diagnosis where I can no longer recognize any fantasy book covers. Like face blindness but with books. You could show me this book without any words on it and I’d be like “hmm, yes, The House of Gilded Smoke ” and neither of us would be totally certain if that was a real book or not. It’s all just layered stock art, shiny letters, and in this case, those fake autumn leaves from Hobby Lobby.

Poppy is The Maiden, chosen by the gods to Ascend soon. What does that mean? Idk tbh. I’m not sure we ever really learn what it means or why Poppy is forced to wear a veil to cover her face. She isn’t allowed to speak to or touch anyone, and she’s spent most of her life hidden away from others. Her entire kingdom is depending on her to Ascend (once again, I’m fuzzy on the details here), so she’s guarded 24/7.

Hawke is the new guy rising up the ranks of the military. Even though he’s young and from out of town, he’s assigned as Poppy’s personal guard. You can guess what happens next. These two like to pretend they hate each other, but duh they are totally HOT 4 EACH OTHER. But they can’t let the sexy business distract them too much: there are whispers of an uprising and they must defend their kingdom.

BFF Charm: Meh

Poppy, whose real name is, unfortunately, Penellaphe, is a pretty special snowflake. She is the *Maiden* who was *Chosen* to *Ascend* which means….something? We’re supposed to believe that Poppy is super beautiful and intriguing because Hawke tells us this repeatedly. But Armentrout doesn’t really SHOW us that. It just felt like I was constantly being told how great Poppy was without ever seeing it for myself, which really just made her feel kind of annoying to me. She was a bit of a Mary Sue, and while she wasn’t bad, per se, she’s not inspiring me to give her a BFF charm.

Swoonworthy Scale: 7

Despite the ~*~golden flecks in his amber eyes~*~ which Armentrout was not about to let us forget, I found Hawke pretty lacking. What was supposed to be playful banter with a touch of enemies-to-lovers just came off as patronizing. My biggest issue with Hawke, however, is a spoiler. I’m going to write it but strike through it below, so hopefully I don’t spoil anything for anyone who doesn’t want to be spoiled.

Hawke sleeps with Poppy, an 18-year-old virgin, before telling her the truth about his age, which is considerably older than she thinks!!! I have issues with taking someone’s v-card while they’re under a certain impression about you, then being like “haha jk I am your 200-year-old enemy who has been lying to you since we met.” Even in a smutty fantasy book.

I just didn’t really feel the chemistry between Hawke and Poppy. But at the end of the day, this is a New Adult book and Armentrout doesn’t skimp on sex scenes. For this, I give it a 7 with the caveat that it lacks the tension and emotional connections that make a book like, say, A Court of Mist and Fury, so hot.

Talky Talk: Gimme Some Maas

This book gets a LOT of comparisons to Sarah J. Maas, and I can see why. We’ve got a hot New Adult™ in a fantasy world, a hot bad boy with a secret. Everyone’s always exclaiming “Oh gods!” and referring to men and women as males and females. I know that fantasy worlds are not any specific time period in history, but Poppy using words like “freaking” and “totally” felt distractingly anachronistic for the setting.

One of the things that bothered me the most was Armentrout’s overuse of ellipses. It felt like she couldn’t write dialogue without them. This is just one example, but I assure you, there are MANY.

“Tonight was about living, about…not being up all night, unable to sleep, alone and feeling like…like I had no control, no…no idea of who I was other than what I was. “

So while I can see a lot of similarities to SJM, overall I think Armentrout misses the mark.

Bonus Factor: Creatures

Bonus Factor Werewolves Monsters Creatures

I can’t go into much detail without being spoilery, but if you like paranormal creatures, THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU.

Anti-Bonus Factor: Too Many Creatures

book review from blood and ash

In this case, you CAN have too much of a good thing. This book has EVERYTHING: Ascended, Descenters, Maidens, Atlantians, Craven, Wolven, Vampry. And guess what? I couldn’t keep any of them straight. You have a three-creature limit, Jennifer. Pick your players.

Relationship Status : Gonna Flake On That Second Date

Armentrout has announced that there will be six (!) books in this series, and that requires a level of commitment that I’m not even remotely willing to give. Booktok raved about this book ad nauseam so I had to give it a chance, but at the end of the day, I found the writing subpar. The pacing and exposition were off – important plot points happened one after the other or we’d go long periods of time without anything major happening. Her tendency toward info-dumping and telling rather than showing hindered her ability to build necessary tension. Sure the sex scenes are hot, but if I’m not connected to the characters, they lack the emotional gut punch that could elevate them to something more. Armentrout had a lot of balls in the air and none of them were super strong, so I’m gonna peace out on reading the rest.

Literary Matchmaking

book review from blood and ash

Let’s just take this directly to the source, okay? If you want action, adventure, bad ass heroines, and serious swoon, Sarah J. Maas’ A Court of Thorns and Roses series is the Holy Grail.

book review from blood and ash

In Marie Rutkoski’s The Winner’s Curse a girl who’s gifted in military strategy impulsively buys a slave at auction and must pay the price.

book review from blood and ash

Holly Black’s Folk of the Air is a fantasy series with excellent enemistry and a take-no-prisoners female lead.

FTC Full Disclosure: I did not receive money or Girl Scout cookies of any kind (not even the gross cranberry ones) for writing this review.  From Blood and Ash  is available now.

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Rosemary lives in Little Rock, AR with her husband and cocker spaniel. At 16, she plucked a copy of Sloppy Firsts off the "New Releases" shelf and hasn't stopped reading YA since. She is a brand designer who loves tiki drinks, her mid-century modern house, and obsessive Google mapping.

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✨✨✨✨/5 stars on this found family & book club read! Check out my full spoiler free review on the blog now. #betterberomance #bookclub #bookstagram #foundfamilytrope

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Spoilers · September 18, 2020

From Blood and Ash Summary – Full Recap & Review

From Blood and Ash book cover

“Only the bad can be influenced, Princess.” Hawke Flynn

5 out of 5 stars

Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Genre: High Fantasy Pages: 625  Release Date: March 30, 2020

Wow. This book really hit the book world by storm, and there’s a lot to unpack in this From Blood and Ash summary with spoilers! So, let’s just dive right into this recap babes, because a lot happened in this book.

Spoilers ahead. Only warning.

From Blood and Ash Summary

Meet our protagonist, poppy.

Poppy starts the book at a brothel playing cards. Seems a little unbecoming of a “maiden,” but I love it. We know from the start that she’s adventurous and a bit rebellious. She meets Hawke upstairs in a bedroom while trying to hide from Vikter, one of her guards. Hawke “mistakes” her for someone else. But I guess that doesn’t matter, because they still end up kissing. He has to leave, but tells her to stay, and he’ll come back. She doesn’t stay. So that’s a missed opportunity from Poppy…

Poppy lives under the ruling of Queen Ileana and King Jalara, and we start hearing about a past war and Descenters who support the Dark One – Prince Casteel of Atlantia – from the losing side. Also, there’s mysterious mist that basically brings zombies (Craven) to attack people?

So that’s a lot of information, and Poppy doesn’t understand any of it, and hey, neither do we. But any time a book mentions a “dark one,” it’s really game on me for me. I’m rooting for that to happen from the start.

Poppy’s a badass, and it needs to be known. Vikter has taught her to fight, and she fights WELL. On top of that, she has the “touch” and can feel people’s pain. And to add to that, she can then take it away. Okay. You do all the things then. Then on top of that, she’s a good person that goes and helps people that have been attacked by Craven so that they can have dignity in death, and all the townsfolk low-key love her for it.

Oh, and Poppy survived a Craven attack when she was a child. And she has badass scars to prove it.

Picture of queen holding knife on throne chair - my take on Poppy

What is an Atlantian? We don’t know much yet… but…

Let’s briefly talk what we learn about the Atlantians. Mainly that the Atlantians don’t transition until they’re between the ages of 19 and 21. Um, Poppy is 18. So the warning bells are going off that POPPY IS ATLANTIAN?! Yes? No? Called that.

So besides Vikter, Poppy also had this guard Rylan. Now Rylan is mentioned A LOT in this book, but we really didn’t know him while he was alive for very long before he was killed by an arrow shot by a Wolven (think Twilight shifting wolf) from Atlantia. I didn’t really feel any attachment to him, but damn, Poppy did, and she’s not going to let you forget it. But TBH, he had to go because we needed to make room for Hawke to ~swoop~ right in. Pun intended.

The Duke and Lord Mazeen. Ugh. I hate them; they are so f***ed up. The Duke gives lessons to Poppy as punishments for doing… well… absolutely nothing wrong. They both clearly take joy in humiliating and abusing Poppy. Remember the cane for later my babes…

Now that Hawke is Poppy’s guard, we start getting a lot of swoon-worthy moments. When they go sit under the willow tree during the Rite and Poppy gets to be a normal girl for a second? Love that for her.

Then, we get our first true taste of Hawke’s character… When he and Vikter argue about Poppy and him being caught alone together. Hot . It’s also after this that Poppy’s finally reaching her breaking point of being the Maiden and what it does to her life. She feels like she has nothing.

I’m sorry to add this long paragraph quote from Poppy, but girl just straight up summed up the book for us.

I can’t celebrate my birthdays because that’s ungodly. I’m not allowed to go to picnics at the Grove or to supper with others because I’m the Maiden. I’m not allowed to defend myself because that would be unseemly. I don’t even know how to ride a horse. Nearly every book is forbidden to me. I can’t socialize or make friends because my sole purpose is to serve the kingdom by going to the gods – something no one will even explain. What does that even mean? … So I’m sorry that choosing something I want for myself is such a disappointment to you, the kingdom, everyone else, and the gods…. It should be no shock that I want to be found unworthy. Poppy

Can you imagine – books being forbidden to you? Bless her heart, and I mean that.

Interjection here because honestly, I wrote this review, then realized I never even mentioned Tawny, Poppy’s only friend, who has to be her friend because it’s required of her as a “companion.” I think she’s kind of inconsequential, and her only value was to provide Poppy with the steamy, most definitely forbidden, diary read.

And then s**t hits the fan. Remember that cane? Well the Duke’s now dead, and it’s through his heart. Thanks Hawke, even if Poppy doesn’t realize it was you, I do, boo, and I appreciate you!

The Descenters attack. Vikter FREAKING DIES on us. Then Poppy goes OFF on Lord Mazeen, and it was what we needed in this book. You go girl. On my vindication scale, it was Mrs. Weasley vs Bellatrix.

Red flags and kidnapping

As much as I love Hawke, he did toss out a lot of red flags. THE CANE. Idk, the fact that you just happened to run into him at the brothel. He literally says that he’s not a good guy, and she deserves better than what awaits her. He calls you Princess… because he’s a Prince?? Hmm?? Just because books are forbidden to you, does not mean you can pull a DW and claim that sign can’t stop you because you can’t read. I rest my case.

I digress though, because things are starting to heat up. Poppy’s supposed to be going to the capital to stay safe. Hawke has other plans though, because it’s time to basically kidnap Poppy. She’s unaware though, and they finally have their ~moment~. Someone is no longer a maiden!!

Hey Poppy, remember it was real…

POOR PHILLIPS. Phillips deserved better. He was just trying to do his job and save Poppy. He realized all the other guards were missing in this strange village… that’s unlike any other village run by the Ascended… that Hawke just happened to lead them to. Hmm…

RIP Phillips, because Hawke betrayed you, Poppy. In true Poppy fashion, the response is to attack Hawke and the others. Badass. A little hot. And we get that much needed comic relief from Elijah, “Who would’ve thought the Maiden could throw down?” Absolute gold star quote.

What are the ascended really?

And ALL of the secrets start pouring out. The Ascended are really just the bad, unnatural vampires that feed on humans. They accidentally create Cravens. They’re also taking the children that supposedly go work in the temples, and they’re using them for snack time. The Atlantians are good, natural vampires that only feed on other Atlantians, not humans. But their blood also creates the Ascended.

Picture of hooded man - my take on Hawke

Hawke is an Atlantian. He’s been plotting and scheming and doing horrible things to avenge his kingdom. Are we surprised? No. Is Poppy? Yes.

The 50 years that Hawke was held in the temple being used to make new Ascended… I appreciated that this book filled my ACOTAR-sized gaping, constant book hangover, heart, but this was just so blatantly similar that I couldn’t not roll my eyes (yes, double negative to stress this). So, besides Poppy being a dense bitch sometimes and not seeing the clues, and this, I don’t have any other true negatives for this book.

Sorry, one more red flag that Poppy, of course, can’t see. When she gets attacked in the cell, and Jericho says that the Prince cut off his hand. YOU KNOW HAWKE CUT OFF HIS HAND. COME ON GIRL. 2 + 2.

Hawke is Casteel, the Prince. Wow. No way. I can’t believe it.

Must have been pretty upsetting to finally figure that one out Poppy, since you stab him in the heart. But all’s well that ends well, because we get incredibly hot make-up (or maybe just hate?) sex in the woods. And, ugh identity crisis on the name now, Casteel throws out a stunning line like, “But worse yet, you forgot.”

“Forgot what?”

“That it was real.”

*heart fluttering*

Surprise, Poppy has some Atlantian blood in her.

But the real surprise and absolute mic drop of a cliffhanger…


AHHHHHH. That did NOT seem like part of the plan. But I loved it. LOVED IT.

I cannot freaking wait to see where this goes in Book 2. I’m also super excited to see more of Kieran. His role was small in this book as Casteel’s second (? idk how to describe him), but I got a feeling I am going to like him.

Final Thoughts

Overall, what I really liked about this book was the character development we get to see from Poppy. We get to see Poppy navigating what it means to be the Maiden, and if she really cares to follow the rules or if she wants to break them to actually experience life. I mean the girl secretly hopes she won’t be found worthy so she doesn’t have to live that life and can do something else. I feel like everyone can relate a little to this; I certainly can. The world building was A+, and I’m so excited to see where this series goes. Also, Hawke/Casteel is one of my new book boyfriends.

If it’s unclear based on my novel length recap and thoughts… I love this book.


(Yes, I know this is being posted after the second book came out, but I promise 100% I wrote these predictions down prior to the release when I was brainstorming this review, and my thoughts a few weeks ago.)

Hawke/Casteel talked about the caverns where he’s from at some point and making new memories that are happy to replace the sad ones. He is obviously going to take Poppy. Also, could the missing King Malec be Poppy’s father?? What’s this potential bond between Casteel and Kieran? Is there telepathy involved? That could get awkward. Lastly, Casteel is like “it felt like I knew you and I think I know why,” is this just because she has Atlantian blood or do they have mates in this world? I NEED TO KNOW.

You can buy the book through my link . I receive a commission from Amazon Associates if you buy through my link with no additional cost to you – win win!?

Let me know if you read this book – in the comments or over on Instagram ! If you liked this From Blood and Ash summary and recap, I’d love for you to share this post!

P.S. Looking for the full summary of book 2? Head over to my A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire Summary here !

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# 1 NEW YORK TIMES, # 1 International, and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout lives in West Virginia. She also writes under the name J. Lynn. When she's not hard at work writing, she spends her time, reading, working out, watching zombie movies, and pretending to write. She shares her home with her husband, his K-9 partner named Diesel and her hyper Border Jack Apollo, and a slew of farm animals that include alpacas, goats, and sheep.

book review from blood and ash

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Rayvn Salvador is a lifelong bibliophile who left her eighteen-year IT career over a decade ago to read and make stuff up for a living. She lives in Florida with her feline familiars and incredibly supportive beau—who hopes nobody ever needs to check her search history. They love to attend sporting events and concerts, but if she’s not doing that and isn’t on deadline, you’ll likely find her taking long walks through the woods, sweating while working out in virtual reality, investigating haunted locales, or contemplating the recesses of people's minds in documentaries. She pens the Haunted New Orleans (paranormal romantic thriller), Willow Falls (small-town romantic suspense) and Fourth and Goal (football romance) series, and is currently hard at work on the next book to make your pulse race.

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book review from blood and ash

How to Read the 'From Blood and Ash' Series in Order

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It is no secret that in the rise of BookTok has greatly influenced readers, authors and publishers. Romance and Fantasy , aka Romantasy has taken bookworms by storm, with countless new publications each year. Young adult fantasy series like Sarah J. Maas ’ A Court of Thorns and Roses , The Cruel Prince and Fourth Wing have created dedicated fantasy readers who swear by the genre and have started their own book collections or have started a book club to find kindred spirits and talk all about fantasy romance. However, with complicated fantasy series comes the question of the correct reading order. So, after successfully compiling our recommendations on the Throne of Glass reading order , we are here to help those who dare venture the thorny path of the Blood and Ash in correlation with its prequel series, Flesh and Fire . ‍

Blood and Ash is a spicy new adult fantasy series by New York Times bestselling author  Jennifer L. Armentrout and Blue Box Press, with an enemies-to-lovers trope and countless twists that will keep you at the edge of your seat. The story unfolds in the fantastical Kingdom of Solis, but as the series progresses the main character travels to the supposedly lost Kingdom of Atlantia and Iliseum, the homeland of the Gods. So it is our responsibility and pleasure to help you navigate this extraordinary and addicting world, dear bookworms. The spoiler-free zone officially ends here, so proceed with caution, dear bookworms. 

What is the Blood and Ash book series about?

Penellaphe, the Chosen, the Maiden, is only a few months away from her ascension; the act of the Gods blessing the few chosen ones—which will bring upon a new era for the people of Solis after the War of Two Kings where the Ascended defeated the Atlantians and banished them to the west. But Solis is still plagued by the Craven, the Atlantians’ poisonous creations and the treat of the Dark One; the Atlantian Prince Casteel Da’Neer, lurks in every shadow and every dark alley. When she ventures out of Castle Teerman and into the dark world and dirty hallways of the Red Pearl, a pleasure den in Masadonia, she will stumble upon Hawke Flynn, the incredibly handsome guard everyone has been talking about since he arrived from the capital. Their encounter is passionate, to say the least, and a breath of life for the Maiden, who lives isolated and is not allowed to talk to or be touched by anyone. Due to the tragic loss of one of her guards, Penellaphe, or Poppy as her friends call her, will be in need of a new personal guard and Hawke is the best for the position. As they spend more time together, their attraction and interest in each other cannot be denied, but an attack of descenters—the supporters of the evil Atlantians— will wreak havoc in Castle Teerman and will put the Maiden’s life in danger. Hawke will be tasked with accompanying her to Carsodonia to King Jalara and Queen Ileana. Their journey brings them even closer— as close as can be *wink wink*—, but bliss and happiness are not destined for the Maiden’s life. Masks will fall and Hawke is revealed to be the Dark One, the Atlantian heir. Casteel’s betrayal will sting deep, and Poppy is unsure what to believe. His claim about the Ascended and their true nightmarish and bloodthirsty nature will raise too many questions. Poppy has never wanted to Ascend or be the Maiden, but can she cast off the shroud she has supposedly been born in and go against the Ascended and everything she’s been taught? Becoming who she was always meant to be and exploring her feelings for Casteel will be a treacherous and dangerous ride, but Poppy, The Queen of Flesh and Fire, will not badge when faced with her demons. To a better sinful taste of this intoxicating universe, join our Blood and Ash World .

In what order should I read the Blood and Ash series?

So far, the Blood and Ash series has five books and an additional compendium. The books have been published in linear order, as a result, the books can be read as follows.

1. From Blood And Ash (Winner of the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Romance) - 2020

book review from blood and ash

Poppy’s journey towards the truth and against the oppressors of the Solis starts. Her infatuation with Hawke Flynn will give her glimpses of the harsh truth behind the rotten Kingdom of Solis. She will be faced with a daring dilemma; return to the hands of the Ascended or uncover the secrets and fight for the greater good.

2. A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire - 2020

book review from blood and ash

Penellaphe realizes that Casteel is telling the truth for the Ascended, so she has no choice but to ally with him. They will strike a deal; one that will provide Poppy with her freedom and Casteel with the Maiden as his bride and leverage against the Ascended. But how long can they keep up the facade and hide their true feelings?

3. The Crown of Gilded Bones - 2021

book review from blood and ash

Upon reaching Atlantia, Poppy has decided to accept her role and marry the man she loves, but fate works in strange ways and when cornered by a treacherous crowd, Poppy’s powers seem to grow. Is she truly chosen by the Gods, or is she a God herself? A meeting with Nyktos, the King of the Gods himself, will give her some answers.

4. The War of Two Queens - 2022

book review from blood and ash

Embracing her powers and true identity, Penellaph will risk it all to save Casteel from the Blood Queen’s dungeons. She will call upon the draken, the guardians of Iliseum and protectors of the Gods, to march with her and save her heartmate. But her ultimate goal is saving the whole Kingdom from the curse of the Ascended. Can she succeed, or will two kingdoms be bathed in blood?

5. A Soul of Ash and Blood - 2023

book review from blood and ash

For Poppy to complete the culling, she has to go into the deep sleep known as stasis to successfully ascend as the one true Primal of Life and Death. All Casteel can do is talk to her and keep her close to him. He will narrate the events of the first book from his point of view, adding details previously unknown. In an attempt to protect her, he will have to dig deep and let his connection with Poppy awaken his primal instincts. 

6. Visions of Flesh and Blood: A Blood and Ash/Flesh and Fire Compendium - 2024

book review from blood and ash

Teaming up with Rayvn Salvador, Jennifer L. Armentrout gives us some bonus material and scenes from Miss Willa’s POV. Extra material and information about the characters is presented in the form of a journal. However, J. Lynn—Armentrout’s pseudonym—has graced us with the Flesh and Fire series, which is a prequel to Casteel and Poppy’s story narrating how Nyktos came to be the King of Gods and madly in love with his Consort. The series can also be ready linearly and before or after Blood and Ash.

‍ 1. A Shadow in the Ember - 2021

book review from blood and ash

Seraphena Mierel has been groomed since her birth to become the Primal of Death’s consort, thanks to a deal her ancestor made to save her kingdom; Lasania. But her plan is spoiled when the Primal decides he has no need for a consort. The charming God Ash has been showing up here and there, but when he slaughters her tyrannical stepbrother, Sera realizes he is death himself, her husband-to-be, and thus starts her journey to Iliseum as the Primal of Death’s Consort.

2. A Light in the Flame - 2022

book review from blood and ash

The only thing that can save Sera’s life and the last true embers of life is the love of a man who cannot truly love. Kolis, the false King of the Gods, will try Nyktos’ patience and Sera’s bravery. The tension in Iliseum culminates with an attack on the Shadowlands, that will leave perish in its wake and will bring Seraphena to Kolis’ gilded cage.

3. A Fire in the Flesh - 2023

book review from blood and ash

Sera watches the world move on from behind the golden bars of her cage. While Kolis is thought invincible, the soul of Sotoria that lies inside Sera is the only thing that can defeat him. To destroy Kolis and save the mortal lands and Ilisuem, Sera must remain in Dalos and become what she was trained to be; a Primal’s weakness and slayer.

4. Born of Blood and Ash - 2024

book review from blood and ash

Sera is freed and the true Primal of Death is stronger than ever, but not all in the realm is calm. Sera must overcome her trauma and convince Iliseum she is fit to be the Queen of the Gods. Can Kolis be stopped before he destroys the realms and everyone in them? This book just hit Amazon, so we shall read it together and find out. Not the time for the ultimate reading guide of this series has come!

The Ultimate reading order in the World of Blood and Ash

Reading the two series separately is the easiest of paths, but bookworms are used to treacherous paths. To elevate your reading experience and achieve maximum emotional damage, we are here to propose that you read the two series together. So the proposed reading order would be: 

  • From Blood and Ash
  • A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire
  • The Crown of Gilded Bones
  • A Shadow in the Ember
  • The War of Two Queens
  • A Light in the Flame
  • A Soul of Ash and Blood
  • A Fire in the Flesh
  • Born of Blood and Ash

Poppy and Casteel are still at the forefront, but Sera and Nyktos’ romance unfolds and fills in the gaps regarding the Gods and Poppy's true identity. Reading the two series this way guarantees unending intrigue, incredible suspense, and a more complete picture of the realm. Bookworm’s oath, give this a try and you will not regret it. 

We are sure that by now many of you have been tempted to read this JLA masterpiece, if not then we propose you screenshot our recommended reading order of the two series and save it for later, when the book hangover hits bad, and you are in need of your new obsession. For more articles and BookTok deep dives for your favorite romance books join our crewfiction and for even more sizzling exclusive content, subscribe to our Newsletter .

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. how many books are in the blood and ash series.

The Blood and Ash series has five books published, but there are four more books in the Flesh and Fire prequel series. So in total, the Blood and Ash universe consists of nine books that cover both Casteel and Poppy’s story and Nyktos and Sera’s romance, along with a compendium from Miss Willa’s perspective. 

2. Will there be a book 6 of Blood and Ash?

Yes, there will be a sixth book in the Blood and Ash Series. The next book will be The Primal of Blood and Bone exploring Poppy’s new reality as the Primal of Life and Death, but there is no official release date yet. The latest installment of the Flesh and Fire series, Born of Blood and Ash, has just been published, though concluding the prequel series. 

3. Is Blood and Ash series spicy?

Yes, the Blood and Ash series is spicy. As the story goes along, there are more and more detailed and graphic, spicy scenes that complete the epic romance of the protagonists. The Flesh and Fire series is also categorized as a spicy series.

Nina Siscou

Christina Tsoukala

Always living in her own enchanted little world, Christina discovered the magic that can be hidden within the pages of a book when one dares to take a closer look from a tender age. An avid reader, she is constantly inspired to delve into the secrets woven between the lines and challenges herself to find her own voice amidst the chaos. She is a dedicated fan of the classics, but the supernatural creatures that have tormented readers for years are her kryptonite. The mastery it takes to infuse the author's essence, molded by the era they grew up in to their innermost desires fascinates her. Undoubtedly, putting her passion and knowledge on paper has a mesmerizing allure on her, and following the steps of so many other dreamers before her she wishes to leave her mark in the literary world. Guided by T.S Eliot’s haunting words: “I will show you fear in a handful of dust” she intends to wreak havoc in the minds of her future readers.


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Blood Like Mine by Stuart Neville review – a vampire story like no other

A modern and empathetic take on an ancient trope, set on the road in the American west

book review from blood and ash

Northern Irish author Stuart Neville has primarily made a name for himself as a crime writer, but his writing has always delved into the more intriguing hinterlands of that genre, mixing literary, supernatural and horror influences into the bargain. On the surface his latest novel, Blood Like Mine, looks like a serial killer thriller set in the huge spaces of the American wilderness.

FBI agent Marc Donner has been tracking a killer for two years, the victims all men, their throats opened, their bodies bled out and their spinal cords severed. Rebecca Carter and her daughter are travelling across the American west, staying out of sight and trying not to interact with anyone. But they are also catfishing bad men on the internet, targeting them so that they can eat, because both of them are vampires. The fact that the word ‘vampire’ is never used in Neville’s heart-pounding thriller is an indication that this is a modern and empathetic take on the ancient horror trope, one that focuses on the emotional impact rather than conforming to the cliches that might exist within this area.

Blood Like Mine is beautifully constructed and it moves at an electric pace. As Donner begins to close in on the pair the tension is raised to nerve-shredding levels, and it all builds to a terrific climax. But what sets Blood Like Mine above the pack is the time taken to really delve into the mindsets and feelings of the book’s central characters. There is an inherent pathos in Neville’s story set-up and he really delivers on it, packing a deeply emotional punch by the end.

Doug Johnstone  is an author and journalist.

book review from blood and ash

Blood Like Mine by Stuart Neville is out now (Simon & Schuster, £18.99). You can buy it from  The Big Issue shop  on, which helps to support The Big Issue and independent bookshops.

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book review from blood and ash


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    Expectations for the book An addictive story filled with blood, ash, and forbidden romance that will keep you in the edge of your seats for the entire 650 pages Reality Writing My jaw snapped shut so quickly and tightly, I was surprised I didn't crack a molar. I didn't like it all. I felt absolutely no connection to the story whatsoever.


    This From Blood and Ash series review is spoiler-free. The main series and its sequels are paranormal romance novels with a different twist on vampires and werewolves which I really enjoyed. The world is built in a unique way and while the initial plot isn't anything original, it's very engrossing to read about.

  3. Book Guide: From Blood and Ash Spicy Chapters and Review

    Indulge in the captivating world of 4 irresistibly From Blood and Ash spicy chapters and an enticing review. Dive into the sizzling romance and riveting plot that will leave you breathless. Discover the allure of Poppy and Hawke's forbidden love as their chemistry ignites the pages. Prepare to be enthralled by this steamy fantasy romance, where passion and danger collide in a thrilling and ...

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    From Blood and Ash Book 5 My Review. A great primal power has risen. The Queen of Flesh and Fire has become the Primal of Blood and Bone—the true Primal of Life and Death. And the battle Casteel, Poppy, and their allies have been fighting has only just begun. Gods are awakening across Iliseeum and the mortal realm, readying for the war to come.

  5. Blood and Ash Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

    Blood and Ash Complete Series Collection Set, Books 1-5. From Blood and Ash, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire, The Crown of Gilded Bones, The War of Two Queens, A Soul of Ash and Blood. by Jennifer L. Armentrout. 4.51 · 1,353 Ratings · 80 Reviews · 3 editions.

  6. BOOK REVIEW: From Blood and Ash (Blood and Ash #1) by Jennifer L

    Review: From Blood and Ash is my favorite book ever! The story was layered and the twists and turns were breathtaking. The sexual tension was absolutely perfect and the characters are forever etched into my heart. The storyline enchanted me and the action kept me glued to the pages.

  7. From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

    From Blood and Ashby Jennifer L ArmentroutPublished by Blue Box PressBook 1 in the Blood and Ash SeriesA Maiden…Chosen from birth to usher in a new era, Poppy's life has never been her own. The life of the Maiden is solitary. Never to be touched. Never to be looked upon. Never to be spoken to. Never to experience pleasure. Waiting for the day of her Ascension, she would rather be with the ...

  8. Review: From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

    My Review & Overall Thoughts. TLDR: If you're looking for an enthralling fantasy with a slow-burn, steamy romance, then this is the book for you. From Blood and Ash left me with a major book hangover. Each time I opened the book, I was ferried away to another world, and my worldly problems momentarily ceased to exist.

  9. BOOK REVIEW: From Blood and Ash

    BOOK REVIEW: From Blood and Ash Jennifer L. Armentrout. Book Series: Blood and Ash. RATING: "You deserve so much more than what awaits you." ... A Soul of Ash and Blood: Read the first three chapters from the newest instalment in Jennifer L. Armentrout's Blood And Ash series

  10. From Blood and Ash (Blood And Ash Series)

    From Blood and Ash (Blood And Ash Series) Paperback - March 30, 2020. by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Author) 4.6 74,755 ratings. Book 1 of 6: Blood And Ash Series. Goodreads Choice Award winner. See all formats and editions. "I hope you guys love this book as much as I do!! (Let me just say...Hawk *swoon*!!)" ~ NYT bestseller Sarah J. Maas.

  11. Review: From Blood and Ash by Jennifer Armentrout

    Reread: Two Times. From Blood and Ash is a high fantasy novel, a first for Jennifer Armentrout who usually writes more of Sci-Fi and Paranormal Romance. First off, she is one of my favorite authors. I've devoured most of her series - Lux, Dark Elements, and Wicked. From Blood and Ash doesn't disappoint. The beginning of the book is slow ...

  12. From Blood And Ash: Book Review

    FROM BLOOD AND ASH. My first impression of the love interest: Hawke is a bit of a womanizer but I'll let it go because, well, that's his character. Plus, sometimes you need a bit of a one-track love interest - it makes for good dialogue 😉. And consistently, the dialogue was brilliant. But sometimes the bits between, the fighting and ...

  13. From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout: My Book Review

    From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout is a fantasy romance book that captured my interest unlike no other. It is the first in the epic From Blood and Ash series that will hook you from book one and have you devouring the entire series.. Check out my book review of From Blood and Ash to see if it's a book worth reading. *Disclosure: I participate in affiliate programs including Amazon ...

  14. From Blood and Ash: Blood and Ash, Book 1

    Verified Purchase. From Blood and Ash" by Jennifer L. Armentrout is a blend of fantasy, romance, and action. From the first page, I was hooked by the immersive world and the story of Poppy, a heroine with a destiny full of secrets and dangers. The world-building makes it easy to get lost in the story's setting.

  15. Book Club Review: "From Blood and Ash"

    Book: "From Blood and Ash" by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Publishing Info: Blue Box Press, March 2020. Where Did We Get This Book: The library! Where Can You Get this Book: Amazon | IndieBound | WorldCat Romance Trope: Secret Identities. Book Description: A Maiden…. Chosen from birth to usher in a new era, Poppy's life has never been her own.

  16. From Blood and Ash

    Now a USA Today Bestselling book Captivating and action-packed, From Blood and Ash is a sexy, addictive, and unexpected fantasy perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas and Laura Thalassa. A Maiden… Chosen from birth to usher in a new era, Poppy's life has never been her own. The life of the Maiden is solitary. Never to be touched. Never to be ...

  17. From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout Review

    From Blood and Ash Review. From Blood and Ash starts off really slow. Like mind-numbingly slow. There's a huge info-dump in chapter 1, very little dialogue, and not a lot happening. ... From Blood and Ash is a fantastic book and I can't wait to read the next book in the series, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire.

  18. From Blood and Ash (Blood and Ash #1)

    Even in a smutty fantasy book. I just didn't really feel the chemistry between Hawke and Poppy. But at the end of the day, this is a New Adult book and Armentrout doesn't skimp on sex scenes. For this, I give it a 7 with the caveat that it lacks the tension and emotional connections that make a book like, say, A Court of Mist and Fury, so hot.

  19. From Blood and Ash Summary

    Hawke Flynn. Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout. Genre: High Fantasy. Pages: 625. Release Date: March 30, 2020. Wow. This book really hit the book world by storm, and there's a lot to unpack in this From Blood and Ash summary with spoilers! So, let's just dive right into this recap babes, because a lot happened in this book. Spoilers ahead.

  20. From Blood And Ash Book Review

    From Blood and Ash gets 5 out of 5 stars. There are a lot of reasons why but what stands out to me the most is just how I want to read and reread this entire series over and over again. There is something new to catch each time and the emotional scenes get better with each read. Likes:

  21. Blood And Ash Series (6 book series) Kindle Edition

    Books in this series (6 books) Hide books you have in your Kindle library. 1. From Blood and Ash (Blood And Ash Series Book 1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Author) 4.6 74,754 4.2 on Goodreads 632,257 ratings. "I hope you guys love this book as much as I do!! (Let me just say...Hawk *swoon*!!)" ~ NYT bestseller Sarah J. Maas.

  22. How to Read the 'From Blood and Ash' Series in Order

    The books have been published in linear order, as a result, the books can be read as follows. 1. From Blood And Ash (Winner of the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Romance) - 2020. Poppy's journey towards the truth and against the oppressors of the Solis starts.

  23. Is the From Blood and Ash series worth the read?

    But the second book was already a trainwreck imo. More than half of the book could've been cut and it wouldn't have changes a single thing. On top of that it got even more info-dumpy and repetitive. She desperately needed a good editor. I didn't feel any desire to read book 3 or more afterwards and judging from the reviews, I made the right call.

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  25. Blood Like Mine by Stuart Neville review

    Blood Like Mine is beautifully constructed and it moves at an electric pace. As Donner begins to close in on the pair the tension is raised to nerve-shredding levels, and it all builds to a terrific climax. But what sets Blood Like Mine above the pack is the time taken to really delve into the mindsets and feelings of the book's central ...

  26. Blood Ties

    NetGalley helps publishers and authors promote digital review copies to book advocates and industry professionals. Publishers make digital review copies and audiobooks available for the NetGalley community to discover, request, read, and review. ... Blood Ties is a tense, compulsively readable tour de force about loyalty, family ties, and love ...