- BSc Programs in Nursing
Admission requirements for Generic Comprehensive nursing
- Candidates must be a natural science student in secondary school & preparatory classes and full fill the following criteria
- Meet the set criteria of the Ministry of Education for degree students to join higher learninginstitution
- Physically and mentally fit for nursing service
- Preferably, those who choose to enter the profession.
Procedure for Application
- The applicants should apply to the office ofregistrar
- The office of the registrar will send the applicants to thedepartment
- The department will select the eligible candidates and notify to the office of the registrar and will be approved by academic commission through the office ofregistrar.
- After admission candidates have the right for course drop and add according to the rule of the registrar if they fulfill the prerequisitecourses
- Candidate can be exempted from non-professional courses if s/he scored A or B on that specificcourse
Admission requirements for Generic emergency and critical care nursing
Admission Requirement BSc in Surgical Nursing
Candidates must be natural science students in high school and preparatory classes and must fully meet the following requirements.
- Meet the requirements set by the Ministry of Education for degree students to enter higher education institutions.
- Physically and mentally fit for nursing service.
It is preferable that they enter the profession by their choice.
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Clinical Nursing
BSc in Nursing
Education is the key of all progress and achievement of any sector, like ways educational preparation of nurses athigher institutional baccalaureatelevel, who contributeprimarily towards the health need of the community is forefront agenda. Nursing training has been given indifferent governmental and non-governmental institutions for few years. However, the traininglacks basiccontents and relevant courses. It alsohas contained repetitive and fragmented learning that avoids the facilitation and integration of principles fromthe natural, social, publichealth and medical sciences into nursing practice. Most of the contents in nursing education were not related to problem solving, student centered as well as not based on mastery of competency.
The new health policy gives high importance to the provision of essential and appropriate health care to the people of Somaliland. It has adapted to primary health care. This is global strategy in order to bring all people in the nation closer to the goal of betteraccess to the meansofachievinghealthy life.Successful implementation of health services to the grass rootlevel is highly dependent on availability and deployment of adequately trained health professionals. But thiscannot be accomplished by government institutions alone. By taking into consideration of high need of higher education in Somaliland, and neighboring areas, Addis Ababa Medical University College, Hargeisa Campus was established in October 2007. Addis Ababa medical University College is accredited both in Ethiopia and Somaliland.
Graduation Requirement
Graduation requirement will be according to the Addis Ababa Medical University College rule and regulation. Thus, a student enrolled in the BSc nursing program is eligible for graduation if and only if he/she
-Has taken all the required General, Supportive and professional coursesfor the program.
-Student cannot graduate with a grade of less than 2.0 out of the 4-scale grading system.
-Any student who scores less than ‘C’ in any of clinical based theoretical core coursesshall repeat the course/s before internship
-A student with all ‘Ds’ cannot pass to the next semester
-Any student who scores less than C in any of remaining core courses shall clear thecourse/s before graduation.
-Any Nursing student who scores less than C in any clinical attachment or practicumshall repeat the attachment/s withthe same duration beforeinternship.
-Any Nursingstudentwith lessthan C inany internship practiceshall repeat the same duration ofattachment. But can attend graduation ceremony.
-A student with an ‘F’ must repeat the course only once and the grade will be maximum of ‘C’, irrespective of high scores he/she might achieve.
-Has carried out a student research project on a selected and agreed topic of research problem and scored a minimum of ' C' grade in thesis work.
-A student must completely attend successfully all community based activities, CBTP and TTP.
-Passes external qualifying examination administered by internal and external examiner(s).
Course Overview