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The hypothesis is a common term in Machine Learning and data science projects. As we know, machine learning is one of the most powerful technologies across the world, which helps us to predict results based on past experiences. Moreover, data scientists and ML professionals conduct experiments that aim to solve a problem. These ML professionals and data scientists make an initial assumption for the solution of the problem.

This assumption in Machine learning is known as Hypothesis. In Machine Learning, at various times, Hypothesis and Model are used interchangeably. However, a Hypothesis is an assumption made by scientists, whereas a model is a mathematical representation that is used to test the hypothesis. In this topic, "Hypothesis in Machine Learning," we will discuss a few important concepts related to a hypothesis in machine learning and their importance. So, let's start with a quick introduction to Hypothesis.

It is just a guess based on some known facts but has not yet been proven. A good hypothesis is testable, which results in either true or false.

: Let's understand the hypothesis with a common example. Some scientist claims that ultraviolet (UV) light can damage the eyes then it may also cause blindness.

In this example, a scientist just claims that UV rays are harmful to the eyes, but we assume they may cause blindness. However, it may or may not be possible. Hence, these types of assumptions are called a hypothesis.

The hypothesis is one of the commonly used concepts of statistics in Machine Learning. It is specifically used in Supervised Machine learning, where an ML model learns a function that best maps the input to corresponding outputs with the help of an available dataset.

There are some common methods given to find out the possible hypothesis from the Hypothesis space, where hypothesis space is represented by and hypothesis by Th ese are defined as follows:

It is used by supervised machine learning algorithms to determine the best possible hypothesis to describe the target function or best maps input to output.

It is often constrained by choice of the framing of the problem, the choice of model, and the choice of model configuration.

. It is primarily based on data as well as bias and restrictions applied to data.

Hence hypothesis (h) can be concluded as a single hypothesis that maps input to proper output and can be evaluated as well as used to make predictions.

The hypothesis (h) can be formulated in machine learning as follows:


Y: Range

m: Slope of the line which divided test data or changes in y divided by change in x.

x: domain

c: intercept (constant)

: Let's understand the hypothesis (h) and hypothesis space (H) with a two-dimensional coordinate plane showing the distribution of data as follows:

Hypothesis space (H) is the composition of all legal best possible ways to divide the coordinate plane so that it best maps input to proper output.

Further, each individual best possible way is called a hypothesis (h). Hence, the hypothesis and hypothesis space would be like this:

Similar to the hypothesis in machine learning, it is also considered an assumption of the output. However, it is falsifiable, which means it can be failed in the presence of sufficient evidence.

Unlike machine learning, we cannot accept any hypothesis in statistics because it is just an imaginary result and based on probability. Before start working on an experiment, we must be aware of two important types of hypotheses as follows:

A null hypothesis is a type of statistical hypothesis which tells that there is no statistically significant effect exists in the given set of observations. It is also known as conjecture and is used in quantitative analysis to test theories about markets, investment, and finance to decide whether an idea is true or false. An alternative hypothesis is a direct contradiction of the null hypothesis, which means if one of the two hypotheses is true, then the other must be false. In other words, an alternative hypothesis is a type of statistical hypothesis which tells that there is some significant effect that exists in the given set of observations.

The significance level is the primary thing that must be set before starting an experiment. It is useful to define the tolerance of error and the level at which effect can be considered significantly. During the testing process in an experiment, a 95% significance level is accepted, and the remaining 5% can be neglected. The significance level also tells the critical or threshold value. For e.g., in an experiment, if the significance level is set to 98%, then the critical value is 0.02%.

The p-value in statistics is defined as the evidence against a null hypothesis. In other words, P-value is the probability that a random chance generated the data or something else that is equal or rarer under the null hypothesis condition.

If the p-value is smaller, the evidence will be stronger, and vice-versa which means the null hypothesis can be rejected in testing. It is always represented in a decimal form, such as 0.035.

Whenever a statistical test is carried out on the population and sample to find out P-value, then it always depends upon the critical value. If the p-value is less than the critical value, then it shows the effect is significant, and the null hypothesis can be rejected. Further, if it is higher than the critical value, it shows that there is no significant effect and hence fails to reject the Null Hypothesis.

In the series of mapping instances of inputs to outputs in supervised machine learning, the hypothesis is a very useful concept that helps to approximate a target function in machine learning. It is available in all analytics domains and is also considered one of the important factors to check whether a change should be introduced or not. It covers the entire training data sets to efficiency as well as the performance of the models.

Hence, in this topic, we have covered various important concepts related to the hypothesis in machine learning and statistics and some important parameters such as p-value, significance level, etc., to understand hypothesis concepts in a better way.


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Best Guesses: Understanding The Hypothesis in Machine Learning

Stewart Kaplan

  • February 22, 2024
  • General , Supervised Learning , Unsupervised Learning

Machine learning is a vast and complex field that has inherited many terms from other places all over the mathematical domain.

It can sometimes be challenging to get your head around all the different terminologies, never mind trying to understand how everything comes together.

In this blog post, we will focus on one particular concept: the hypothesis.

While you may think this is simple, there is a little caveat regarding machine learning.

The statistics side and the learning side.

Don’t worry; we’ll do a full breakdown below.

You’ll learn the following:

What Is a Hypothesis in Machine Learning?

  • Is This any different than the hypothesis in statistics?
  • What is the difference between the alternative hypothesis and the null?
  • Why do we restrict hypothesis space in artificial intelligence?
  • Example code performing hypothesis testing in machine learning

learning together

In machine learning, the term ‘hypothesis’ can refer to two things.

First, it can refer to the hypothesis space, the set of all possible training examples that could be used to predict or answer a new instance.

Second, it can refer to the traditional null and alternative hypotheses from statistics.

Since machine learning works so closely with statistics, 90% of the time, when someone is referencing the hypothesis, they’re referencing hypothesis tests from statistics.

Is This Any Different Than The Hypothesis In Statistics?

In statistics, the hypothesis is an assumption made about a population parameter.

The statistician’s goal is to prove it true or disprove it.

prove them wrong

This will take the form of two different hypotheses, one called the null, and one called the alternative.

Usually, you’ll establish your null hypothesis as an assumption that it equals some value.

For example, in Welch’s T-Test Of Unequal Variance, our null hypothesis is that the two means we are testing (population parameter) are equal.

This means our null hypothesis is that the two population means are the same.

We run our statistical tests, and if our p-value is significant (very low), we reject the null hypothesis.

This would mean that their population means are unequal for the two samples you are testing.

Usually, statisticians will use the significance level of .05 (a 5% risk of being wrong) when deciding what to use as the p-value cut-off.

What Is The Difference Between The Alternative Hypothesis And The Null?

The null hypothesis is our default assumption, which we are trying to prove correct.

The alternate hypothesis is usually the opposite of our null and is much broader in scope.

For most statistical tests, the null and alternative hypotheses are already defined.

You are then just trying to find “significant” evidence we can use to reject our null hypothesis.

can you prove it

These two hypotheses are easy to spot by their specific notation. The null hypothesis is usually denoted by H₀, while H₁ denotes the alternative hypothesis.

Example Code Performing Hypothesis Testing In Machine Learning

Since there are many different hypothesis tests in machine learning and data science, we will focus on one of my favorites.

This test is Welch’s T-Test Of Unequal Variance, where we are trying to determine if the population means of these two samples are different.

There are a couple of assumptions for this test, but we will ignore those for now and show the code.

You can read more about this here in our other post, Welch’s T-Test of Unequal Variance .

We see that our p-value is very low, and we reject the null hypothesis.

welch t test result with p-value

What Is The Difference Between The Biased And Unbiased Hypothesis Spaces?

The difference between the Biased and Unbiased hypothesis space is the number of possible training examples your algorithm has to predict.

The unbiased space has all of them, and the biased space only has the training examples you’ve supplied.

Since neither of these is optimal (one is too small, one is much too big), your algorithm creates generalized rules (inductive learning) to be able to handle examples it hasn’t seen before.

Here’s an example of each:

Example of The Biased Hypothesis Space In Machine Learning

The Biased Hypothesis space in machine learning is a biased subspace where your algorithm does not consider all training examples to make predictions.

This is easiest to see with an example.

Let’s say you have the following data:

Happy  and  Sunny  and  Stomach Full  = True

Whenever your algorithm sees those three together in the biased hypothesis space, it’ll automatically default to true.

This means when your algorithm sees:

Sad  and  Sunny  And  Stomach Full  = False

It’ll automatically default to False since it didn’t appear in our subspace.

This is a greedy approach, but it has some practical applications.


Example of the Unbiased Hypothesis Space In Machine Learning

The unbiased hypothesis space is a space where all combinations are stored.

We can use re-use our example above:

This would start to breakdown as

Happy  = True

Happy  and  Sunny  = True

Happy  and  Stomach Full  = True

Let’s say you have four options for each of the three choices.

This would mean our subspace would need 2^12 instances (4096) just for our little three-word problem.

This is practically impossible; the space would become huge.


So while it would be highly accurate, this has no scalability.

More reading on this idea can be found in our post, Inductive Bias In Machine Learning .

Why Do We Restrict Hypothesis Space In Artificial Intelligence?

We have to restrict the hypothesis space in machine learning. Without any restrictions, our domain becomes much too large, and we lose any form of scalability.

This is why our algorithm creates rules to handle examples that are seen in production. 

This gives our algorithms a generalized approach that will be able to handle all new examples that are in the same format.

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Stewart Kaplan

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Hypothesis in Machine Learning: Comprehensive Overview(2021)



Supervised machine learning (ML) is regularly portrayed as the issue of approximating an objective capacity that maps inputs to outputs. This portrayal is described as looking through and assessing competitor hypothesis from hypothesis spaces. 

The conversation of hypothesis in machine learning can be confused for a novice, particularly when “hypothesis” has a discrete, but correlated significance in statistics and all the more comprehensively in science.

Hypothesis Space (H)

The hypothesis space utilized by an ML system is the arrangement of all hypotheses that may be returned by it. It is ordinarily characterized by a Hypothesis Language, conceivably related to a Language Bias. 

Many ML algorithms depend on some sort of search methodology: given a set of perceptions and a space of all potential hypotheses that may be thought in the hypothesis space. They see in this space for those hypotheses that adequately furnish the data or are ideal concerning some other quality standard.

ML can be portrayed as the need to utilize accessible data objects to discover a function that most reliable maps inputs to output, alluded to as function estimate, where we surmised an anonymous objective function that can most reliably map inputs to outputs on all expected perceptions from the difficult domain. An illustration of a model that approximates the performs mappings and target function of inputs to outputs is known as hypothesis testing in machine learning.

The hypothesis in machine learning of all potential hypothesis that you are looking over, paying little mind to their structure. For the wellbeing of accommodation, the hypothesis class is normally compelled to be just each sort of function or model in turn, since learning techniques regularly just work on each type at a time. This doesn’t need to be the situation, however:

  • Hypothesis classes don’t need to comprise just one kind of function. If you’re looking through exponential, quadratic, and overall linear functions, those are what your joined hypothesis class contains.
  • Hypothesis classes additionally don’t need to comprise of just straightforward functions. If you figure out how to look over all piecewise-tanh2 functions, those functions are what your hypothesis class incorporates.

The enormous trade-off is that the bigger your hypothesis class in   machine learning, the better the best hypothesis models the basic genuine function, yet the harder it is to locate that best hypothesis. This is identified with the bias-variance trade-off.

  • Hypothesis (h)

A hypothesis function in machine learning is best describes the target. The hypothesis that an algorithm would concoct relies on the data and relies on the bias and restrictions that we have forced on the data.

The hypothesis formula in machine learning:

  • y  is range
  • m  changes in y divided by change in x
  • x  is domain
  • b  is intercept

The purpose of restricting hypothesis space in machine learning is so that these can fit well with the general data that is needed by the user. It checks the reality or deception of observations or inputs and examinations them appropriately. Subsequently, it is extremely helpful and it plays out the valuable function of mapping all the inputs till they come out as outputs. Consequently, the target functions are deliberately examined and restricted dependent on the outcomes (regardless of whether they are free of bias), in ML.

The hypothesis in machine learning space and inductive bias in machine learning is that the hypothesis space is a collection of valid Hypothesis, for example, every single desirable function, on the opposite side the inductive bias (otherwise called learning bias) of a learning algorithm is the series of expectations that the learner uses to foresee outputs of given sources of inputs that it has not experienced. Regression and Classification are a kind of realizing which relies upon continuous-valued and discrete-valued sequentially. This sort of issues (learnings) is called inductive learning issues since we distinguish a function by inducting it on data.

In the Maximum a Posteriori or MAP hypothesis in machine learning, enhancement gives a Bayesian probability structure to fitting model parameters to training data and another option and sibling may be a more normal Maximum Likelihood Estimation system. MAP learning chooses a solitary in all probability theory given the data. The hypothesis in machine learning earlier is as yet utilized and the technique is regularly more manageable than full Bayesian learning. 

Bayesian techniques can be utilized to decide the most plausible hypothesis in machine learning given the data the MAP hypothesis. This is the ideal hypothesis as no other hypothesis is more probable.

Hypothesis in machine learning or ML the applicant model that approximates a target function for mapping instances of inputs to outputs.

Hypothesis in statistics probabilistic clarification about the presence of a connection between observations. 

Hypothesis in science is a temporary clarification that fits the proof and can be disproved or confirmed. We can see that a hypothesis in machine learning draws upon the meaning of the hypothesis all the more extensively in science.

There are no right or wrong ways of learning AI and ML technologies – the more, the better! These valuable resources can be the starting point for your journey on how to learn Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Do pursuing AI and ML interest you? If you want to step into the world of emerging tech, you can accelerate your career with this  Machine Learning And AI Courses   by Jigsaw Academy.

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What is hypothesis in Machine Learning?

The hypothesis is a word that is frequently used in Machine Learning and data science initiatives. As we all know, machine learning is one of the most powerful technologies in the world, allowing us to anticipate outcomes based on previous experiences. Moreover, data scientists and ML specialists undertake experiments with the goal of solving an issue. These ML experts and data scientists make an initial guess on how to solve the challenge.

What is a Hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a conjecture or proposed explanation that is based on insufficient facts or assumptions. It is only a conjecture based on certain known facts that have yet to be confirmed. A good hypothesis is tested and yields either true or erroneous outcomes.

Let's look at an example to better grasp the hypothesis. According to some scientists, ultraviolet (UV) light can harm the eyes and induce blindness.

In this case, a scientist just states that UV rays are hazardous to the eyes, but people presume they can lead to blindness. Yet, it is conceivable that it will not be achievable. As a result, these kinds of assumptions are referred to as hypotheses.

Defining Hypothesis in Machine Learning

In machine learning, a hypothesis is a mathematical function or model that converts input data into output predictions. The model's first belief or explanation is based on the facts supplied. The hypothesis is typically expressed as a collection of parameters characterizing the behavior of the model.

If we're building a model to predict the price of a property based on its size and location. The hypothesis function may look something like this −


The hypothesis function is h(x), its input data is x, the model's parameters are 0, 1, and 2, and the features are x1 and x2.

The machine learning model's purpose is to discover the optimal values for parameters 0 through 2 that minimize the difference between projected and actual output labels.

To put it another way, we're looking for the hypothesis function that best represents the underlying link between the input and output data.

Types of Hypotheses in Machine Learning

The next step is to build a hypothesis after identifying the problem and obtaining evidence. A hypothesis is an explanation or solution to a problem based on insufficient data. It acts as a springboard for further investigation and experimentation. A hypothesis is a machine learning function that converts inputs to outputs based on some assumptions. A good hypothesis contributes to the creation of an accurate and efficient machine-learning model. Several machine learning theories are as follows −

1. Null Hypothesis

A null hypothesis is a basic hypothesis that states that no link exists between the independent and dependent variables. In other words, it assumes the independent variable has no influence on the dependent variable. It is symbolized by the symbol H0. If the p-value falls outside the significance level, the null hypothesis is typically rejected (). If the null hypothesis is correct, the coefficient of determination is the probability of rejecting it. A null hypothesis is involved in test findings such as t-tests and ANOVA.

2. Alternative Hypothesis

An alternative hypothesis is a hypothesis that contradicts the null hypothesis. It assumes that there is a relationship between the independent and dependent variables. In other words, it assumes that there is an effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. It is denoted by Ha. An alternative hypothesis is generally accepted if the p-value is less than the significance level (α). An alternative hypothesis is also known as a research hypothesis.

3. One-tailed Hypothesis

A one-tailed test is a type of significance test in which the region of rejection is located at one end of the sample distribution. It denotes that the estimated test parameter is more or less than the crucial value, implying that the alternative hypothesis rather than the null hypothesis should be accepted. It is most commonly used in the chi-square distribution, where all of the crucial areas, related to, are put in either of the two tails. Left-tailed or right-tailed one-tailed tests are both possible.

4. Two-tailed Hypothesis

The two-tailed test is a hypothesis test in which the region of rejection or critical area is on both ends of the normal distribution. It determines whether the sample tested falls within or outside a certain range of values, and an alternative hypothesis is accepted if the calculated value falls in either of the two tails of the probability distribution. α is bifurcated into two equal parts, and the estimated parameter is either above or below the assumed parameter, so extreme values work as evidence against the null hypothesis.

Overall, the hypothesis plays a critical role in the machine learning model. It provides a starting point for the model to make predictions and helps to guide the learning process. The accuracy of the hypothesis is evaluated using various metrics like mean squared error or accuracy.

The hypothesis is a mathematical function or model that converts input data into output predictions, typically expressed as a collection of parameters characterizing the behavior of the model. It is an explanation or solution to a problem based on insufficient data. A good hypothesis contributes to the creation of an accurate and efficient machine-learning model. A two-tailed hypothesis is used when there is no prior knowledge or theoretical basis to infer a certain direction of the link.

Premansh Sharma

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Hypothesis Testing 

Statistical inference is the process of learning about characteristics of a population based on what is observed in a relatively small sample from that population. A sample will never give us the entire picture though, and we are bound to make incorrect decisions from time to time.

We will learn how to derive and interpret appropriate tests to manage this error and how to evaluate when one test is better than another. we will learn how to construct and perform principled hypothesis tests for a wide range of problems and applications when they are not.

What is Hypothesis 

Hypothesis testing is an act in statistics whereby an analyst tests an assumption regarding a population parameter.

Hypothesis testing is a formal procedure for investigating our ideas about the world using statistics. It is most often used by scientists to test specific predictions, called hypotheses, that arise from theories.

Due to random samples and randomness in the problem, we can different errors in our hypothesis testing. These errors are called Type I and Type II errors.

Type of hypothesis testing 

Let \(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\) be a random sample from the normal distribution with mean \(\mu\) and variance \(\sigma^2\)


Example of random sample after it is observed:

Based on what you are seeing, do you believe that the true population mean \(\mu\) is

This is below 3 , but can we say that \(\mu<3\) ?

This seems awfully dependent on the random sample we happened to get! Let’s try to work with the most generic random sample of size 8:

Let \(\mathrm{X}_1, \mathrm{X}_2, \ldots, \mathrm{X}_{\mathrm{n}}\) be a random sample of size \(\mathrm{n}\) from the \(\mathrm{N}\left(\mu, \sigma^2\right)\) distribution.

The Sample mean is

We’re going to tend to think that \(\mu<3\) when \(\bar{X}\) is “significantly” smaller than 3.

We’re going to tend to think that \(\mu>3\) when \(\bar{X}\) is “significantly” larger than 3.

We’re never going to observe \(\bar{X}=3\) , but we may be able to be convinced that \(\mu=3\) if \(\bar{X}\) is not too far away.

How do we formalize this stuff, We use hypothesis testing

\(\mathrm{H}_0: \mu \leq 3\) <- Null hypothesis \(\mathrm{H}_1: \mu>3 \quad\) Alternate hypothesis

Null hypothesis 

The null hypothesis is a hypothesis that is assumed to be true. We denote it with an \(H_0\) .

Alternate hypothesis 

The alternate hypothesis is what we are out to show. The alternative hypothesis is a hypothesis that we are looking for evidence for or out to show . We denote it with an \(H_1\) .

Some people use the notation \(H_a\) here

Conclusion is either : Reject \(\mathrm{H}_0 \quad\) OR \(\quad\) Fail to Reject \(\mathrm{H}_0\)

simple hypothesis 

A simple hypothesis is one that completely specifies the distribution. Do you know the exact distribution.

composite hypothesis 

You don’t know the exact distribution. Means you know the distribution is normal but you don’t know the mean and variance.

Critical values 

Critical values for distributions are numbers that cut off specified areas under pdfs. For the N(0, 1) distribution, we will use the notation \(z_\alpha\) to denote the value that cuts off area \(\alpha\) to the right as depicted here.

Critical values in Hypothesis Testing

Errors in Hypothesis Testing 

Let \(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\) be a random sample from the normal distribution with mean \(\mu\) and variance \(\sigma^2=2\)

Idea : Look at \(\bar{X}\) and reject \(H_0\) in favor of \(H _1\) if \(\overline{ X }\) is “large”. i.e. Look at \(\bar{X}\) and reject \(H_0\) in favor of \(H _1\) if \(\overline{ X }> c\) for some value \(c\) .

Errors in Hypothesis Testing

You are a potato chip manufacturer and you want to ensure that the mean amount in 15 ounce bags is at least 15 ounces. \(\mathrm{H}_0: \mu \leq 15 \quad \mathrm{H}_1: \mu>15\)

Type I Error 

The true mean is \(\leq 15\) but you concluded i was \(>15\) . You are going to save some money because you won’t be adding chips but you are risking a lawsuit!

Type II Error 

The true mean is \(> 15\) but you concluded it was \(\leq 15\) . You are going to be spending money increasing the amount of chips when you didn’t have to.

Developing a Test 

Let \(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\) be a random sample from the normal distribution with mean \(\mu\) and known variance \(\sigma^2\) .

Consider testing the simple versus simple hypotheses

level of significance 

Let \(\alpha= P\) (Type I Error) \(= P \left(\right.\) Reject \(H _0\) when it’s true \()\) \(= P \left(\right.\) Reject \(H _0\) when \(\left.\mu=5\right)\)

\(\alpha\) is called the level of significance of the test. It is also sometimes referred to as the size of the test.

Power of the test 

\(1-\beta\) is known as the power of the test

Choose an estimator for μ.

Choose a test statistic or Give the “form” of the test.

We are looking for evidence that \(H _1\) is true.

The \(N \left(3, \sigma^2\right)\) distribution takes on values from \(-\infty\) to \(\infty\) .

\(\overline{ X } \sim N \left(\mu, \sigma^2 / n \right) \Rightarrow \overline{ X }\) also takes on values from \(-\infty\) to \(\infty\) .

It is entirely possible that \(\bar{X}\) is very large even if the mean of its distribution is 3.

However, if \(\bar{X}\) is very large, it will start to seem more likely that \(\mu\) is larger than 3.

Eventually, a population mean of 5 will seem more likely than a population mean of 3.

Reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) , if \(\overline{ X }< c\) for some c to be determined.

Step Three 

If \(c\) is too large, we are making it difficult to reject \(H _0\) . We are more likely to fail to reject when it should be rejected.

If \(c\) is too small, we are making it to easy to reject \(H _0\) . We are more likely reject when it should not be rejected.

This is where \(\alpha\) comes in.

Step Four 

Give a conclusion!

\(0.05= P (\) Type I Error) \(= P \left(\right.\) Reject \(H _0\) when true \()\) \(= P (\overline{ X }< \text{ c when } \mu=5)\)

\( = P \left(\frac{\overline{ X }-\mu_0}{\sigma / \sqrt{ n }}<\frac{ c -5}{2 / \sqrt{10}}\right.\) when \(\left.\mu=5\right)\)

Errors in Hypothesis Testing

where \(\mu_0\) and \(\mu_1\) are fixed and known.

Composite vs Composite Hypothesis 

Step One Choose an estimator for μ

Step Two Choose a test statistic: Reject \(H_0\) , in favor of \(H_1\) if \(\bar{𝖷}\) > c, where c is to be determined.

Step Three Find c.

One-Tailed Tests 

Let \(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\) be a random sample from the normal distribution with mean \(\mu\) and known variance \(\sigma^2\) . Consider testing the hypotheses

where \(\mu_0\) is fixed and known.

Step four 

Reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) , if $ \( \overline{ X }<\mu_0+ z _{1-\alpha} \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{ n }} \) $

In 2019, the average health care annual premium for a family of 4 in the United States, was reported to be \(\$ 6,015\) .

In a more recent survey, 100 randomly sampled families of 4 reported an average annual health care premium of \(\$ 6,537\) . Can we say that the true average is currently greater than \(\$ 6,015\) for all families of 4?

Assume that annual health care premiums are normally distributed with a standard deviation of \(\$ 814\) . Let \(\mu\) be the true average for all families of 4.

Step Zero 

Set up the hypotheses.

Decide on a level of significance. \( \alpha=0.10\)

Choose an estimator for \(\mu\) .

Give the form of the test. Reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) , if

for some \(c\) to be determined.

Conclusion. Reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) , if

From the data, where \(\bar{x}=6537\) , we reject \(H _0\) in favor of \(H _1\) . The data suggests that the true mean annual health care premium is greater than \(\$ 6015\) .

Hypothesis Testing with P-Values 

Recall that p-values are defined as the following: A p-value is the probability that we observe a test statistic at least as extreme as the one we calculated, assuming the null hypothesis is true. It isn’t immediately obvious what that definition means, so let’s look at some examples to really get an idea of what p-values are, and how they work.

Let’s start very simple and say we have 5 data points: x = <1, 2, 3, 4, 5>. Let’s also assume the data were generated from some normal distribution with a known variance \(\sigma\) but an unknown mean \(\mu_0\) . What would be a good guess for the true mean? We know that this data could come from any normal distribution, so let’s make two wild guesses:

The true mean is 100.

The true mean is 3.

Intuitively, we know that 3 is the better guess. But how do we actually determine which of these guesses is more likely? By looking at the data and asking “how likely was the data to occur, assuming the guess is true?”

What is the probability that we observed x=<1,2,3,4,5> assuming the mean is 100? Probabiliy pretty low. And because the p-value is low, we “reject the null hypothesis” that \(\mu_0 = 100\) .

What is the probability that we observed x=<1,2,3,4,5> assuming the mean is 3? Seems reasonable. However, something to be careful of is that p-values do not prove anything. Just because it is probable for the true mean to be 3, does not mean we know the true mean is 3. If we have a high p-value, we “fail to reject the null hypothesis” that \(\mu_0 = 3\) .

What do “low” and “high” mean? That is where your significance level \(\alpha\) comes back into play. We consider a p-value low if the p-value is less than \(\alpha\) , and high if it is greater than \(\alpha\) .

From the above example.

Errors in Hypothesis Testing

This is the \(N\left(6015,814^2 / 100\right)\) pdf.

The red area is \(P (\overline{ X }>6537)\) .

The P-Value is the area to the right (in this case) of the test statistic \(\bar{X}\) .

The P-value being less than \(0.10\) puts \(\bar{X}\) in the rejection region.

The P-value is also less than \(0.05\) and \(0.01\) .

It looks like we will reject \(H _0\) for the most typical values of \(\alpha\) .

Power Functions 

Let \(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\) be a random sample from any distribution with unknown parameter \(\theta\) which takes values in a parameter space \(\Theta\)

We ultimately want to test

where \(\Theta_0\) is some subset of \(\Theta\) .

So in other words, if the null hypothesis was for you to test for an exponential distribution, whether lambda was between 0 and 2, the complement of that is not the rest of the real number line because the space is only non-negative values. So the complement of the interval from 0 to 2 in that space is 2 to infinity.

\(\gamma(\theta)= P \left(\right.\) Reject \(H _0\) when the parameter is \(\left.\theta\right)\)

\(\theta\) is an argument that can be anywhere in the parameter space \(\Theta\) . it could be a \(\theta\) from \(H _0\) it could be a \(\theta\) from \(H _1\)

Two Tailed Tests 

Derive a hypothesis test of size \(\alpha\) for testing

We will look at the sample mean \(\bar{X} \ldots\) \(\ldots\) and reject if it is either too high or too low.

Reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) if either \(\overline{ X }< c\) or \(\bar{X}>d\) for some \(c\) and \(d\) to be determined.

Easier to make it symmetric! Reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) if either

Errors in Hypothesis Testing

Reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) , if

In a more recent survey, 100 randomly sampled families of 4 reported an average annual health care premium of \(\$ 6,177\) . Can we say that the true average, for all families of 4 , is currently different than the sample mean from 2019? $ \( \sigma=814 \quad \text { Use } \alpha=0.05 \) $

Assume that annual health care premiums are normally distributed with a standard deviation of \(\$ 814\) . Let \(\mu\) be the true average for all families of 4. Hypotheses:

We reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) . The data suggests that the true current average, for all families of 4 , is different than it was in 2019.

Errors in Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Tests for Proportions 

A random sample of 500 people in a certain country which is about to have a national election were asked whether they preferred “Candidate A” or “Candidate B”. From this sample, 320 people responded that they preferred Candidate A.

Let \(p\) be the true proportion of the people in the country who prefer Candidate A.

Test the hypotheses \(H _0: p \leq 0.65\) versus \(H _1: p>0.65\) Use level of significance \(0.10\) . We have an estimate

The Model 

Take a random sample of size \(n\) . Record \(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\) where \(X_i= \begin{cases}1 & \text { person i likes Candidate A } \\ 0 & \text { person i likes Candidate B }\end{cases}\) Then \(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\) is a random sample from the Bernoulli distribution with parameter \(p\) .

Note that, with these 1’s and 0’s, $ \( \begin{aligned} \hat{p} &=\frac{\# \text { in the sample who like A }}{\# \text { in the sample }} \\ &=\frac{\sum_{ i =1}^{ n } X _{ i }}{ n }=\overline{ X } \end{aligned} \) \( By the Central Limit Theorem, \) \hat{p}=\overline{ X }$ has, for large samples, an approximately normal distribution.

So, \(\quad \hat{p} \stackrel{\text { approx }}{\sim} N\left(p, \frac{p(1-p)}{n}\right)\)

In particular, $ \( \frac{\hat{p}-p}{\sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}}} \) \( behaves roughly like a \) N(0,1) \( as \) n$ gets large.

\(n >30\) is a rule of thumb to apply to all distributions, but we can (and should!) do better with specific distributions.

\(\hat{p}\) lives between 0 and 1.

The normal distribution lives between \(-\infty\) and \(\infty\) .

However, \(99.7 \%\) of the area under a \(N(0,1)\) curve lies between \(-3\) and 3 ,

Go forward using normality if the interval $ \( \left(\hat{p}-3 \sqrt{\frac{\hat{p}(1-\hat{p})}{n}}, \hat{p}+3 \sqrt{\frac{\hat{p}(1-\hat{p})}{n}}\right) \) \( is completely contained within \) [0,1]$.

Choose a statistic. \(\widehat{p}=\) sample proportion for Candidate \(A\)

Form of the test. Reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) , if \(\hat{ p }> c\) .

Use \(\alpha\) to find \(c\) Assume normality of \(\hat{p}\) ? It is a sample mean and \(n>30\) .

The interval $ \( \left(\hat{p}-3 \sqrt{\frac{\hat{p}(1-\hat{p})}{n}}, \hat{p}+3 \sqrt{\frac{\hat{p}(1-\hat{p})}{n}}\right) \) \( is \) (0.5756,0.7044)$

Reject \(H _0\) if

What is a t-test, and when do we use it? A t-test is used to compare the means of one or two samples, when the underlying population parameters of those samples (mean and standard deviation) are unknown. Like a z-test, the t-test assumes that the sample follows a normal distribution. In particular, this test is useful for when we have a small sample size, as we can not use the Central Limit Theorem to use a z-test.

There are two kinds of t-tests:

One Sample t-tests

Two Sample t-tests

Let \(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\) be a random sample from the normal distribution with mean \(\mu\) and unknown variance \(\sigma^2\) .

Consider testing the simple versus simple hypotheses $ \( H _0: \mu=\mu_0 \quad H _1: \mu<\mu_0 \) \( where \) \mu_0$ is fixed and known.

unknown!This is a useless test!

It was based on the fact that

What is we use the sample standard deviation \(S =\sqrt{ S ^2}\) in place of \(\sigma\) ?

Conclusion! Reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) , if

In a more recent survey, 15 randomly sampled families of 4 reported an average annual health care premium of \(\$ 6,033\) and a sample variance of \(\$ 825\) .

Can we say that the true average is currently greater than \(\$ 6,015\) for all families of 4 ?

Use \(\alpha=0.10\)

Assume that annual health care premiums are normally distributed. Let \(\mu\) be the true average for all families of 4.

Choose a test statistic

Give the form of the test. Reject 𝖧0 , in favor of h1, if 𝟢 𝖧𝟣 𝖷 > 𝖼 where c is to be determined.

T test

Conclusion. Rejection Rule: Reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) if

We had \(\bar{x}=6033\) so we reject \(H_0\) .

There is sufficient evidence (at level \(0.10\) ) in the data to suggest that the true mean annual healthcare premium cost for a family of 4 is greater than \(\$ 6,015\) .

Two Sample Tests for Means 

Fifth grade students from two neighboring counties took a placement exam.

Group 1, from County 1, consisted of 57 students. The sample mean score for these students was \(7 7 . 2\) and the true variance is known to be 15.3. Group 2, from County 2, consisted of 63 students and had a sample mean score of \(75.3\) and the true variance is known to be 19.7.

From previous years of data, it is believed that the scores for both counties are normally distributed.

Derive a test to determine whether or not the two population means are the same.

Suppose that \(X _{1,1}, X _{1,2}, \ldots, X _{1, n _1}\) is a random sample of size \(n_1\) from the normal distribution with mean \(\mu_1\) and variance \(\sigma_1^2\) . Suppose that \(X_{2,1}, X_{2,2}, \ldots, X_{2, n_2}\) is a random sample of size \(n_2\) from the normal distribution with mean \(\mu_2\) and variance \(\sigma_2^2\) .

Suppose that \(\sigma_1^2\) and \(\sigma_2^2\) are known and that the samples are independent.

Think of this as $ \( \begin{gathered} \theta=0 \text { versus } \theta \neq 0 \\ \text { for } \\ \theta=\mu_1-\mu_2 \end{gathered} \) $

Choose an estimator for \(\theta=\mu_1-\mu_2\)

Give the “form” of the test. Reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) if either \(\hat{\theta}>c\) or \(\hat{\theta}<-c\) for some c to be determined.

Find \(c\) using \(\alpha\) Will be working with the random variable

We need to know its distribution…

Find c using \(\alpha\) .

\(\bar{X}_1-\bar{X}_2\) is normally distributed

T test

Suppose that \(\alpha=0.05\) . $ \( \begin{aligned} & z _{\alpha / 2}= z _{0.025}=1.96 \\ & z _{\alpha / 2} \sqrt{\frac{\sigma_1^2}{ n _1}+\frac{\sigma_2^2}{ n _2}}=1.49 \end{aligned} \) $

and we reject \(H _0\) . The data suggests that the true mean scores for the counties are different!

Two Sample t-Tests for a Difference of Means 

Group 1, from County A, consisted of 8 students. The sample mean score for these students was \(77.2\) and the sample variance is \(15.3\) .

Group 2, from County B, consisted of 10 students and had a sample mean score of \(75.3\) and the sample variance is 19.7.

Pooled Variance 

Since \(\bar{x}_1-\bar{x}_2=1.9\) is not above \(5.840\) , or below \(-5.840\) we fail to reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) at \(0.01\) level of significance.

The data do not indicate that there is a significant difference between the true mean scores for counties \(A\) and \(B\) .

Welch’s Test and Paired Data 

Two Populations: Test

Suppose that \(X_{1,1}, X_{1,2}, \ldots, X_{1, n_1}\) is a random sample of size \(n_1\) from the normal distribution with mean \(\mu_1\) and variance \(\sigma_1^2\) .

Suppose that \(X_{2,1}, X_{2,2}, \ldots, X_{2, n}\) is a random sample of size \(n_2\) from the normal distribution with mean \(\mu_2\) and variance \(\sigma_2^2\) .

Suppose that \(\sigma_1^2\) and \(\sigma_2^2\) are unknown and that the samples are independent. Don’t assume that \(\sigma_1^2\) and \(\sigma_2^2\) are equal!

Welch says that:

has an approximate t-distribution with \(r\) degrees of freedom where

rounded down.

Critical values in Hypothesis Testing

A random sample of 6 students’ grades were recorded for Midterm 1 and Midterm 2. Assuming exam scores are normally distributed, test whether the true (total population of students) average grade on Midterm 2 is greater than Midterm 1. α = 0.05


Midterm 1 Grade

Midterm 2 Grade




















Midterm 1 Grade

Midterm 2 Grade

Differences: minus 2 Midterm 1

























The Hypotheses: Let \(\mu\) be the true average difference for all students.

This is simply a one sample t-test on the differences.

3.5 > 4.6

Conclusion: We fail to reject h0 , in favor of h1 , at 0.05 level of significance.

These data do not indicate that Midterm 2 scores are higher than Midterm 1 scores

Comparing Two Population Proportions 

A random sample of 500 people in a certain county which is about to have a national election were asked whether they preferred “Candidate A” or “Candidate B”. From this sample, 320 people responded that they preferred Candidate A.

A random sample of 400 people in a second county which is about to have a national election were asked whether they preferred “Candidate A” or “Candidate B”.

From this second county sample, 268 people responded that they preferred Candidate \(A\) .

Estimate \(p_1-p_2\) with \(\hat{p}_1-\hat{p}_2\) For large enough samples,

Use estimators for p1 and p2 assuming they are the same.

Call the common value p.

Estimate by putting both groups together.

Two-tailed test with z-critical values…


\(Z=-0.9397\) does not fall in the rejection region!

Hypothesis Tests for the Exponential 

Suppose that \(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\) is a random sample from the exponential distribution with rate \(\lambda>0\) . Derive a hypothesis test of size \(\alpha\) for

What statistic should we use?

Test 1: Using the Sample Mean 

Choose a statistic.

Give the form of the test Reject 𝖧0 , in favor of h1 , if 𝖷_bar < 𝖼

for some c to be determined.

Critical values in Hypothesis Testing

\(\chi_{\alpha, n }^2\) In R, get \(\chi_{0.10,6}^2\)

by typing qchisq(0.90,6)

Best Test 

Ump tests .

Suppose that \(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\) is a random sample from the exponential distribution with rate \(\lambda>0\) .

Derive a uniformly most powerful hypothesis test of size \(\alpha\) for

Consider the simple versus simple hypotheses

for some fixed \(\lambda_1>\lambda_0\) .

###Steps Two, Three, and Four

Find the best test of size \(\alpha\) for

for some fixed \(\lambda_1>\lambda_0\) . This test is to reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) if

Note that this test does not depend on the particular value of \(\lambda_1\) . -It does, however, depend on the fact that \(\lambda_1>\lambda_0\)

The “UMP” test for

is to reject \(H_0\) , in favor of \(H_1\) if

Test for the Variance of the Normal Distribution 

Suppose that \(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\) is a random sample from the normal distribution with mean \(\mu\) and variance \(\sigma^2\) . Derive a test of size/level \(\alpha\) for

Choose a statistic/estimator for \(\sigma^2\)

Give the form of the test. Reject \(H_0\) , in favor of \(H_1\) , if

find c using alpha

Critical values in Hypothesis Testing

A lawn care company has developed and wants to patent a new herbicide applicator spray nozzle. Example: For safety reasons, they need to ensure that the application is consistent and not highly variable. The company selected a random sample of 10 nozzles and measured the application rate of the herbicide in gallons per acre

The measurements were recorded as

\(0.213,0.185,0.207,0.163,0.179\) \(0.161,0.208,0.210,0.188,0.195\)

Assuming that the application rates are normally distributed, test the following hypotheses at level \(0.04\) .

Get sample variance in \(R\) .

Hit and then input numbers, one by one, hitting in between and <Enter \(>\) at the end.

Compute variance by typing

or \(\left(\left(\operatorname{sum}\left(x^{\wedge} 2\right)-\left(\operatorname{sum}(x)^{\wedge} 2\right) / 10\right) / 9\right.\) Result: \(0.000364\)

Reject \(H_0\) , in favor of \(H_1\) , if \(S^2>c\) .

Reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) , if \(S ^2> c\)

Reject \(H_0\) , in favor of \(H_1\) , if \(S^2>c\)

Fail to reject \(H _0\) , in favor of \(H _1\) , at level 0.04. There is not sufficient evidence in the data to suggest that \(\sigma^2>0.01\) .

What is Hypothesis in Machine Learning? How to Form a Hypothesis?

What is Hypothesis in Machine Learning? How to Form a Hypothesis?

Hypothesis Testing is a broad subject that is applicable to many fields. When we study statistics, the Hypothesis Testing there involves data from multiple populations and the test is to see how significant the effect is on the population.

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This involves calculating the p-value and comparing it with the critical value or the alpha. When it comes to Machine Learning, Hypothesis Testing deals with finding the function that best approximates independent features to the target. In other words, map the inputs to the outputs.

By the end of this tutorial, you will know the following:

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  • What is Hypothesis space?

Process of Forming a Hypothesis

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Hypothesis in Statistics

A Hypothesis is an assumption of a result that is falsifiable, meaning it can be proven wrong by some evidence. A Hypothesis can be either rejected or failed to be rejected. We never accept any hypothesis in statistics because it is all about probabilities and we are never 100% certain. Before the start of the experiment, we define two hypotheses:

1. Null Hypothesis: says that there is no significant effect

2. Alternative Hypothesis: says that there is some significant effect

In statistics, we compare the P-value (which is calculated using different types of statistical tests) with the critical value or alpha. The larger the P-value, the higher is the likelihood, which in turn signifies that the effect is not significant and we conclude that we fail to reject the null hypothesis .

In other words, the effect is highly likely to have occurred by chance and there is no statistical significance of it. On the other hand, if we get a P-value very small, it means that the likelihood is small. That means the probability of the event occurring by chance is very low. 

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Significance Level

The Significance Level is set before starting the experiment. This defines how much is the tolerance of error and at which level can the effect can be considered significant. A common value for significance level is 95% which also means that there is a 5% chance of us getting fooled by the test and making an error. In other words, the critical value is 0.05 which acts as a threshold. Similarly, if the significance level was set at 99%, it would mean a critical value of 0.01%.

A statistical test is carried out on the population and sample to find out the P-value which then is compared with the critical value. If the P-value comes out to be less than the critical value, then we can conclude that the effect is significant and hence reject the Null Hypothesis (that said there is no significant effect). If P-Value comes out to be more than the critical value, we can conclude that there is no significant effect and hence fail to reject the Null Hypothesis.

Now, as we can never be 100% sure, there is always a chance of our tests being correct but the results being misleading. This means that either we reject the null when it is actually not wrong. It can also mean that we don’t reject the null when it is actually false. These are type 1 and type 2 errors of Hypothesis Testing. 


Consider you’re working for a vaccine manufacturer and your team develops the vaccine for Covid-19. To prove the efficacy of this vaccine, it needs to statistically proven that it is effective on humans. Therefore, we take two groups of people of equal size and properties. We give the vaccine to group A and we give a placebo to group B. We carry out analysis to see how many people in group A got infected and how many in group B got infected.

We test this multiple times to see if group A developed any significant immunity against Covid-19 or not. We calculate the P-value for all these tests and conclude that P-values are always less than the critical value. Hence, we can safely reject the null hypothesis and conclude there is indeed a significant effect.

Read:  Machine Learning Models Explained

Hypothesis in Machine Learning

Hypothesis in Machine Learning is used when in a Supervised Machine Learning, we need to find the function that best maps input to output. This can also be called function approximation because we are approximating a target function that best maps feature to the target.

1. Hypothesis(h): A Hypothesis can be a single model that maps features to the target, however, may be the result/metrics. A hypothesis is signified by “ h ”.

2. Hypothesis Space(H): A Hypothesis space is a complete range of models and their possible parameters that can be used to model the data. It is signified by “ H ”. In other words, the Hypothesis is a subset of Hypothesis Space.

In essence, we have the training data (independent features and the target) and a target function that maps features to the target. These are then run on different types of algorithms using different types of configuration of their hyperparameter space to check which configuration produces the best results. The training data is used to formulate and find the best hypothesis from the hypothesis space. The test data is used to validate or verify the results produced by the hypothesis.

Consider an example where we have a dataset of 10000 instances with 10 features and one target. The target is binary, which means it is a binary classification problem. Now, say, we model this data using Logistic Regression and get an accuracy of 78%. We can draw the regression line which separates both the classes. This is a Hypothesis(h). Then we test this hypothesis on test data and get a score of 74%. 

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Now, again assume we fit a RandomForests model on the same data and get an accuracy score of 85%. This is a good improvement over Logistic Regression already. Now we decide to tune the hyperparameters of RandomForests to get a better score on the same data. We do a grid search and run multiple RandomForest models on the data and check their performance. In this step, we are essentially searching the Hypothesis Space(H) to find a better function. After completing the grid search, we get the best score of 89% and we end the search. 

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Now we also try more models like XGBoost, Support Vector Machine and Naive Bayes theorem to test their performances on the same data. We then pick the best performing model and test it on the test data to validate its performance and get a score of 87%. 

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Before you go

The hypothesis is a crucial aspect of Machine Learning and Data Science. It is present in all the domains of analytics and is the deciding factor of whether a change should be introduced or not. Be it pharma, software, sales, etc. A Hypothesis covers the complete training dataset to check the performance of the models from the Hypothesis space.

A Hypothesis must be falsifiable, which means that it must be possible to test and prove it wrong if the results go against it. The process of searching for the best configuration of the model is time-consuming when a lot of different configurations need to be verified. There are ways to speed up this process as well by using techniques like Random Search of hyperparameters.

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Evaluating Hypotheses: Estimating hypotheses Accuracy

For estimating hypothesis accuracy, statistical methods are applied. In this blog, we’ll have a look at evaluating hypotheses and estimating it’s accuracy. 

Evaluating hypotheses: 

Whenever you form a hypothesis for a given training data set, for example, you came up with a hypothesis for the EnjoySport example where the attributes of the instances decide if a person will be able to enjoy their favorite sport or not. 

Now to test or evaluate how accurate the considered hypothesis is we use different statistical measures. Evaluating hypotheses is an important step in training the model. 

To evaluate the hypotheses precisely focus on these points: 

When statistical methods are applied to estimate hypotheses, 

  • First, how well does this estimate the accuracy of a hypothesis across additional examples, given the observed accuracy of a hypothesis over a limited sample of data?
  • Second, how likely is it that if one theory outperforms another across a set of data, it is more accurate in general?
  • Third, what is the best strategy to use limited data to both learn and measure the accuracy of a hypothesis?


There are instances where the accuracy of the entire model plays a huge role in the model is adopted or not. For example, consider using a training model for Medical treatment. We need to have a high accuracy so as to depend on the information the model provides. 

When we need to learn a hypothesis and estimate its future accuracy based on a small collection of data, we face two major challenges:

Bias in the estimation

There is a bias in the estimation. Initially, the observed accuracy of the learned hypothesis over training instances is a poor predictor of its accuracy over future cases.

Because the learned hypothesis was generated from previous instances, future examples will likely yield a skewed estimate of hypothesis correctness.

Estimation variability.  

Second, depending on the nature of the particular set of test examples, even if the hypothesis accuracy is tested over an unbiased set of test instances independent of the training examples, the measurement accuracy can still differ from the true accuracy. 

The anticipated variance increases as the number of test examples decreases.

When evaluating a taught hypothesis, we want to know how accurate it will be at classifying future instances.

Also, to be aware of the likely mistake in the accuracy estimate. There is an X-dimensional space of conceivable scenarios. We presume that different instances of X will be met at different times. 

Assume there is some unknown probability distribution D that describes the likelihood of encountering each instance in X. This is a convenient method to model this.

A trainer draws each instance separately, according to the distribution D, and then passes the instance x together with its correct target value f (x) to the learner as training examples of the target function f.

The following two questions are of particular relevance to us in this context, 

  • What is the best estimate of the accuracy of h over future instances taken from the same distribution, given a hypothesis h and a data sample containing n examples picked at random according to the distribution D?
  • What is the margin of error in this estimate of accuracy?

True Error and Sample Error: 

We must distinguish between two concepts of accuracy or, to put it another way, error. One is the hypothesis’s error rate based on the available data sample. 

The hypothesis’ error rate over the complete unknown distribution D of examples is the other. These will be referred to as the sampling error and real error, respectively.

The fraction of S that a hypothesis misclassifies is the sampling error of a hypothesis with respect to some sample S of examples selected from X.

Sample Error:

It is denoted by error s (h) of hypothesis h with respect to target function f and data sample S is 

Where n is the number of examples in S, and the quantity  is 1 if f(x) != h(x), and 0 otherwise. 

True Error: 

It is denoted by error D (h) of hypothesis h with respect to target function f and distribution D, which is the probability that h will misclassify an instance drawn at random according to D.

Confidence Intervals for Discrete-Valued Hypotheses:

“How accurate are error s (h) estimates of error D (h)?” – in the case of a discrete-valued hypothesis (h).

To estimate the true error for a discrete-valued hypothesis h based on its observed sample error over a sample S, where

  • According to the probability distribution D, the sample S contains n samples drawn independently of one another and of h. 
  • Over these n occurrences, hypothesis h commits r mistakes error s (h) = r/n

Under these circumstances, statistical theory permits us to state the following:

  • If no additional information is available, the most likely value of error D (h) is error s (h).
  • The genuine error error D (h) lies in the interval with approximately 95% probability.

A more precise rule of thumb is that the approximation described above works well when

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Hypothesis | Definition, Meaning and Examples

Hypothesis is a hypothesis is fundamental concept in the world of research and statistics. It is a testable statement that explains what is happening or observed. It proposes the relation between the various participating variables.

Hypothesis is also called Theory, Thesis, Guess, Assumption, or Suggestion . Hypothesis creates a structure that guides the search for knowledge.

In this article, we will learn what hypothesis is, its characteristics, types, and examples. We will also learn how hypothesis helps in scientific research.

Table of Content

What is Hypothesis?

Characteristics of hypothesis, sources of hypothesis, types of hypothesis, functions of hypothesis, how hypothesis help in scientific research.

Hypothesis is a suggested idea or an educated guess or a proposed explanation made based on limited evidence, serving as a starting point for further study. They are meant to lead to more investigation.

It’s mainly a smart guess or suggested answer to a problem that can be checked through study and trial. In science work, we make guesses called hypotheses to try and figure out what will happen in tests or watching. These are not sure things but rather ideas that can be proved or disproved based on real-life proofs. A good theory is clear and can be tested and found wrong if the proof doesn’t support it.


Hypothesis Meaning

A hypothesis is a proposed statement that is testable and is given for something that happens or observed.
  • It is made using what we already know and have seen, and it’s the basis for scientific research.
  • A clear guess tells us what we think will happen in an experiment or study.
  • It’s a testable clue that can be proven true or wrong with real-life facts and checking it out carefully.
  • It usually looks like a “if-then” rule, showing the expected cause and effect relationship between what’s being studied.

Here are some key characteristics of a hypothesis:

  • Testable: An idea (hypothesis) should be made so it can be tested and proven true through doing experiments or watching. It should show a clear connection between things.
  • Specific: It needs to be easy and on target, talking about a certain part or connection between things in a study.
  • Falsifiable: A good guess should be able to show it’s wrong. This means there must be a chance for proof or seeing something that goes against the guess.
  • Logical and Rational: It should be based on things we know now or have seen, giving a reasonable reason that fits with what we already know.
  • Predictive: A guess often tells what to expect from an experiment or observation. It gives a guide for what someone might see if the guess is right.
  • Concise: It should be short and clear, showing the suggested link or explanation simply without extra confusion.
  • Grounded in Research: A guess is usually made from before studies, ideas or watching things. It comes from a deep understanding of what is already known in that area.
  • Flexible: A guess helps in the research but it needs to change or fix when new information comes up.
  • Relevant: It should be related to the question or problem being studied, helping to direct what the research is about.
  • Empirical: Hypotheses come from observations and can be tested using methods based on real-world experiences.

Hypotheses can come from different places based on what you’re studying and the kind of research. Here are some common sources from which hypotheses may originate:

  • Existing Theories: Often, guesses come from well-known science ideas. These ideas may show connections between things or occurrences that scientists can look into more.
  • Observation and Experience: Watching something happen or having personal experiences can lead to guesses. We notice odd things or repeat events in everyday life and experiments. This can make us think of guesses called hypotheses.
  • Previous Research: Using old studies or discoveries can help come up with new ideas. Scientists might try to expand or question current findings, making guesses that further study old results.
  • Literature Review: Looking at books and research in a subject can help make guesses. Noticing missing parts or mismatches in previous studies might make researchers think up guesses to deal with these spots.
  • Problem Statement or Research Question: Often, ideas come from questions or problems in the study. Making clear what needs to be looked into can help create ideas that tackle certain parts of the issue.
  • Analogies or Comparisons: Making comparisons between similar things or finding connections from related areas can lead to theories. Understanding from other fields could create new guesses in a different situation.
  • Hunches and Speculation: Sometimes, scientists might get a gut feeling or make guesses that help create ideas to test. Though these may not have proof at first, they can be a beginning for looking deeper.
  • Technology and Innovations: New technology or tools might make guesses by letting us look at things that were hard to study before.
  • Personal Interest and Curiosity: People’s curiosity and personal interests in a topic can help create guesses. Scientists could make guesses based on their own likes or love for a subject.

Here are some common types of hypotheses:

Simple Hypothesis

Complex hypothesis, directional hypothesis.

  • Non-directional Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis (H0)

Alternative hypothesis (h1 or ha), statistical hypothesis, research hypothesis, associative hypothesis, causal hypothesis.

Simple Hypothesis guesses a connection between two things. It says that there is a connection or difference between variables, but it doesn’t tell us which way the relationship goes. Example: Studying more can help you do better on tests. Getting more sun makes people have higher amounts of vitamin D.
Complex Hypothesis tells us what will happen when more than two things are connected. It looks at how different things interact and may be linked together. Example: How rich you are, how easy it is to get education and healthcare greatly affects the number of years people live. A new medicine’s success relies on the amount used, how old a person is who takes it and their genes.
Directional Hypothesis says how one thing is related to another. For example, it guesses that one thing will help or hurt another thing. Example: Drinking more sweet drinks is linked to a higher body weight score. Too much stress makes people less productive at work.

Non-Directional Hypothesis

Non-Directional Hypothesis are the one that don’t say how the relationship between things will be. They just say that there is a connection, without telling which way it goes. Example: Drinking caffeine can affect how well you sleep. People often like different kinds of music based on their gender.
Null hypothesis is a statement that says there’s no connection or difference between different things. It implies that any seen impacts are because of luck or random changes in the information. Example: The average test scores of Group A and Group B are not much different. There is no connection between using a certain fertilizer and how much it helps crops grow.
Alternative Hypothesis is different from the null hypothesis and shows that there’s a big connection or gap between variables. Scientists want to say no to the null hypothesis and choose the alternative one. Example: Patients on Diet A have much different cholesterol levels than those following Diet B. Exposure to a certain type of light can change how plants grow compared to normal sunlight.
Statistical Hypothesis are used in math testing and include making ideas about what groups or bits of them look like. You aim to get information or test certain things using these top-level, common words only. Example: The average smarts score of kids in a certain school area is 100. The usual time it takes to finish a job using Method A is the same as with Method B.
Research Hypothesis comes from the research question and tells what link is expected between things or factors. It leads the study and chooses where to look more closely. Example: Having more kids go to early learning classes helps them do better in school when they get older. Using specific ways of talking affects how much customers get involved in marketing activities.
Associative Hypothesis guesses that there is a link or connection between things without really saying it caused them. It means that when one thing changes, it is connected to another thing changing. Example: Regular exercise helps to lower the chances of heart disease. Going to school more can help people make more money.
Causal Hypothesis are different from other ideas because they say that one thing causes another. This means there’s a cause and effect relationship between variables involved in the situation. They say that when one thing changes, it directly makes another thing change. Example: Playing violent video games makes teens more likely to act aggressively. Less clean air directly impacts breathing health in city populations.

Hypotheses have many important jobs in the process of scientific research. Here are the key functions of hypotheses:

  • Guiding Research: Hypotheses give a clear and exact way for research. They act like guides, showing the predicted connections or results that scientists want to study.
  • Formulating Research Questions: Research questions often create guesses. They assist in changing big questions into particular, checkable things. They guide what the study should be focused on.
  • Setting Clear Objectives: Hypotheses set the goals of a study by saying what connections between variables should be found. They set the targets that scientists try to reach with their studies.
  • Testing Predictions: Theories guess what will happen in experiments or observations. By doing tests in a planned way, scientists can check if what they see matches the guesses made by their ideas.
  • Providing Structure: Theories give structure to the study process by arranging thoughts and ideas. They aid scientists in thinking about connections between things and plan experiments to match.
  • Focusing Investigations: Hypotheses help scientists focus on certain parts of their study question by clearly saying what they expect links or results to be. This focus makes the study work better.
  • Facilitating Communication: Theories help scientists talk to each other effectively. Clearly made guesses help scientists to tell others what they plan, how they will do it and the results expected. This explains things well with colleagues in a wide range of audiences.
  • Generating Testable Statements: A good guess can be checked, which means it can be looked at carefully or tested by doing experiments. This feature makes sure that guesses add to the real information used in science knowledge.
  • Promoting Objectivity: Guesses give a clear reason for study that helps guide the process while reducing personal bias. They motivate scientists to use facts and data as proofs or disprovals for their proposed answers.
  • Driving Scientific Progress: Making, trying out and adjusting ideas is a cycle. Even if a guess is proven right or wrong, the information learned helps to grow knowledge in one specific area.

Researchers use hypotheses to put down their thoughts directing how the experiment would take place. Following are the steps that are involved in the scientific method:

  • Initiating Investigations: Hypotheses are the beginning of science research. They come from watching, knowing what’s already known or asking questions. This makes scientists make certain explanations that need to be checked with tests.
  • Formulating Research Questions: Ideas usually come from bigger questions in study. They help scientists make these questions more exact and testable, guiding the study’s main point.
  • Setting Clear Objectives: Hypotheses set the goals of a study by stating what we think will happen between different things. They set the goals that scientists want to reach by doing their studies.
  • Designing Experiments and Studies: Assumptions help plan experiments and watchful studies. They assist scientists in knowing what factors to measure, the techniques they will use and gather data for a proposed reason.
  • Testing Predictions: Ideas guess what will happen in experiments or observations. By checking these guesses carefully, scientists can see if the seen results match up with what was predicted in each hypothesis.
  • Analysis and Interpretation of Data: Hypotheses give us a way to study and make sense of information. Researchers look at what they found and see if it matches the guesses made in their theories. They decide if the proof backs up or disagrees with these suggested reasons why things are happening as expected.
  • Encouraging Objectivity: Hypotheses help make things fair by making sure scientists use facts and information to either agree or disagree with their suggested reasons. They lessen personal preferences by needing proof from experience.
  • Iterative Process: People either agree or disagree with guesses, but they still help the ongoing process of science. Findings from testing ideas make us ask new questions, improve those ideas and do more tests. It keeps going on in the work of science to keep learning things.

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Hypothesis is a testable statement serving as an initial explanation for phenomena, based on observations, theories, or existing knowledge . It acts as a guiding light for scientific research, proposing potential relationships between variables that can be empirically tested through experiments and observations.

The hypothesis must be specific, testable, falsifiable, and grounded in prior research or observation, laying out a predictive, if-then scenario that details a cause-and-effect relationship. It originates from various sources including existing theories, observations, previous research, and even personal curiosity, leading to different types, such as simple, complex, directional, non-directional, null, and alternative hypotheses, each serving distinct roles in research methodology .

The hypothesis not only guides the research process by shaping objectives and designing experiments but also facilitates objective analysis and interpretation of data , ultimately driving scientific progress through a cycle of testing, validation, and refinement.

Hypothesis – FAQs

What is a hypothesis.

A guess is a possible explanation or forecast that can be checked by doing research and experiments.

What are Components of a Hypothesis?

The components of a Hypothesis are Independent Variable, Dependent Variable, Relationship between Variables, Directionality etc.

What makes a Good Hypothesis?

Testability, Falsifiability, Clarity and Precision, Relevance are some parameters that makes a Good Hypothesis

Can a Hypothesis be Proven True?

You cannot prove conclusively that most hypotheses are true because it’s generally impossible to examine all possible cases for exceptions that would disprove them.

How are Hypotheses Tested?

Hypothesis testing is used to assess the plausibility of a hypothesis by using sample data

Can Hypotheses change during Research?

Yes, you can change or improve your ideas based on new information discovered during the research process.

What is the Role of a Hypothesis in Scientific Research?

Hypotheses are used to support scientific research and bring about advancements in knowledge.


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What exactly is a hypothesis space in machine learning?

Whilst I understand the term conceptually, I'm struggling to understand it operationally. Could anyone help me out by providing an example?

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Five σ's user avatar

  • $\begingroup$ A space where we can predict output by a set of some legal hypothesis (or function) and function is represented in terms of features. $\endgroup$ –  Abhishek Kumar Commented Aug 9, 2019 at 17:03

3 Answers 3

Lets say you have an unknown target function $f:X \rightarrow Y$ that you are trying to capture by learning . In order to capture the target function you have to come up with some hypotheses, or you may call it candidate models denoted by H $h_1,...,h_n$ where $h \in H$ . Here, $H$ as the set of all candidate models is called hypothesis class or hypothesis space or hypothesis set .

For more information browse Abu-Mostafa's presentaton slides:

pentanol's user avatar

  • 8 $\begingroup$ This answer conveys absolutely no information! What is the intended relationship between $f$, $h$, and $H$? What is meant by "hypothesis set"? $\endgroup$ –  whuber ♦ Commented Nov 28, 2015 at 20:50
  • 5 $\begingroup$ Please take a few minutes with our help center to learn about this site and its standards, JimBoy. $\endgroup$ –  whuber ♦ Commented Nov 28, 2015 at 20:57
  • $\begingroup$ The answer says very clear, h learns to capture target function f . H is the space where h1, h2, got defined. $\endgroup$ –  Logan Commented Nov 29, 2018 at 21:47
  • $\begingroup$ @whuber I hope this is clearer $\endgroup$ –  pentanol Commented Aug 6, 2021 at 8:51
  • $\begingroup$ @pentanol You have succeeded in providing a different name for "hypothesis space," but without a definition or description of "candidate model," it doesn't seem to add any information to the post. What would be useful is information relevant to the questions that were posed, which concern "understand[ing] operationally" and a request for an example. $\endgroup$ –  whuber ♦ Commented Aug 6, 2021 at 13:55

Suppose an example with four binary features and one binary output variable. Below is a set of observations:

This set of observations can be used by a machine learning (ML) algorithm to learn a function f that is able to predict a value y for any input from the input space .

We are searching for the ground truth f(x) = y that explains the relation between x and y for all possible inputs in the correct way.

The function f has to be chosen from the hypothesis space .

To get a better idea: The input space is in the above given example $2^4$ , its the number of possible inputs. The hypothesis space is $2^{2^4}=65536$ because for each set of features of the input space two outcomes ( 0 and 1 ) are possible.

The ML algorithm helps us to find one function , sometimes also referred as hypothesis, from the relatively large hypothesis space.

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Lerner Zhang's user avatar

  • 1 $\begingroup$ Just a small note on your answer: the size of the hypothesis space is indeed 65,536, but the a more easily explained expression for it would be $2^{(2^4)}$, since, there are $2^4$ possible unique samples, and thus $2^{(2^4)}$ possible label assignments for the entire input space. $\endgroup$ –  engelen Commented Jan 10, 2018 at 9:52
  • 1 $\begingroup$ @engelen Thanks for your advice, I've edited the answer. $\endgroup$ –  So S Commented Jan 10, 2018 at 21:00
  • $\begingroup$ @SoS That one function is called classifier?? $\endgroup$ –  user125163 Commented Aug 22, 2018 at 16:26
  • 2 $\begingroup$ @Arjun Hedge: Not the one, but one function that you learned is the classifier. The classifier could be (and that's your aim) the one function. $\endgroup$ –  So S Commented Aug 22, 2018 at 16:50

The hypothesis space is very relevant to the topic of the so-called Bias-Variance Tradeoff in maximum likelihood. That's if the number of parameters in the model(hypothesis function) is too small for the model to fit the data(indicating underfitting and that the hypothesis space is too limited), the bias is high; while if the model you choose contains too many parameters than needed to fit the data the variance is high(indicating overfitting and that the hypothesis space is too expressive).

As stated in So S ' answer, if the parameters are discrete we can easily and concretely calculate how many possibilities are in the hypothesis space(or how large it is), but normally under realy life circumstances the parameters are continuous. Therefore generally the hypothesis space is uncountable.

Here is an example I borrowed and modified from the related part in the classical machine learning textbook: Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning to fit this question:

We are selecting a hypothesis function for an unknown function hidding in the training data given by a third person named CoolGuy living in an extragalactic planet. Let's say CoolGuy knows what the function is, because the data cases are provided by him and he just generated the data using the function. Let's call it(we only have the limited data and CoolGuy has both the unlimited data and the function generating them) the ground truth function and denote it by $y(x, w)$ .

enter image description here

The green curve is the $y(x,w)$ , and the little blue circles are the cases we have(they are not actually the true data cases transmitted by CoolGuy because of the it would be contaminated by some transmission noise, for example by macula or other things).

We thought that that hidden function would be very simple then we make an attempt at a linear model(make a hypothesis with a very limited space): $g_1(x, w)=w_0 + w_1 x$ with only two parameters: $w_0$ and $w_1$ , and we train the model use our data and we obtain this:

enter image description here

We can see that no matter how many data we use to fit the hypothesis it just doesn't work because it is not expressive enough.

So we try a much more expressive hypothesis: $g_9=\sum_j^9 w_j x^j $ with ten adaptive paramaters $w_0, w_1\cdots , w_9$ , and we also train the model and then we get:

enter image description here

We can see that it is just too expressive and fits all data cases. We see that a much larger hypothesis space( since $g_2$ can be expressed by $g_9$ by setting $w_2, w_3, \cdots, w_9$ as all 0 ) is more powerful than a simple hypothesis. But the generalization is also bad. That is, if we recieve more data from CoolGuy and to do reference, the trained model most likely fails in those unseen cases.

Then how large the hypothesis space is large enough for the training dataset? We can find an aswer from the textbook aforementioned:

One rough heuristic that is sometimes advocated is that the number of data points should be no less than some multiple (say 5 or 10) of the number of adaptive parameters in the model.

And you'll see from the textbook that if we try to use 4 parameters, $g_3=w_0+w_1 x + w_2 x^2 + w_3 x^3$ , the trained function is expressive enough for the underlying function $y=\sin(2\pi x)$ . It's kind a black art to find the number 3(the appropriate hypothesis space) in this case.

Then we can roughly say that the hypothesis space is the measure of how expressive you model is to fit the training data. The hypothesis that is expressive enough for the training data is the good hypothesis with an expressive hypothesis space. To test whether the hypothesis is good or bad we do the cross validation to see if it performs well in the validation data-set. If it is neither underfitting(too limited) nor overfititing(too expressive) the space is enough(according to Occam Razor a simpler one is preferable, but I digress).

  • $\begingroup$ This approach looks relevant, but your explanation does not agree with that on p. 5 of your first reference: "A function $h:X\to\{0,1\}$ is called [an] hypothesis. A set $H$ of hypotheses among which the approximation function $y$ is searched is called [the] hypothesis space." (I would agree the slide is confusing, because its explanation implicitly requires that $C=\{0,1\}$, whereas that is generically labeled "classes" in the diagram. But let's not pass along that confusion: let's rectify it.) $\endgroup$ –  whuber ♦ Commented Sep 24, 2016 at 15:33
  • 1 $\begingroup$ @whuber I updated my answer just now more than two years later after I have learned more knowledge on the topic. Please help check if I can rectify it in a better way. Thanks. $\endgroup$ –  Lerner Zhang Commented Feb 5, 2019 at 11:41

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what is hypothesis in machine learning

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what is hypothesis in machine learning


This page will guide you to brush up on the skills of machine learning to crack the interview.

Here, our focus will be on real-world scenario ML interview questions asked in Microsoft, Amazon, etc., And how to answer them.

Let’s get started!

Firstly, Machine Learning refers to the process of training a computer program to build a statistical model based on data. The goal of machine learning (ML) is to turn data and identify the key patterns out of data or to get key insights.

For example, if we have a historical dataset of actual sales figures, we can train machine learning models to predict sales for the coming future.

Why is the Machine Learning trend emerging so fast?

Machine Learning solves Real-World problems. Unlike the hard coding rule to solve the problem, machine learning algorithms learn from the data.

The learnings can later be used to predict the feature. It is paying off for early adopters.

A full 82% of enterprises adopting machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have gained a significant financial advantage from their investments.

According to Deloitte, companies have an impressive median ROI of 17%.

Machine Learning Interview Questions For Freshers

1. what are different kernels in svm.

There are six types of kernels in SVM:

  • Linear kernel - used when data is linearly separable. 
  • Polynomial kernel - When you have discrete data that has no natural notion of smoothness.
  • Radial basis kernel - Create a decision boundary able to do a much better job of separating two classes than the linear kernel.
  • Sigmoid kernel - used as an activation function for neural networks.

2. Why was Machine Learning Introduced?

The simplest answer is to make our lives easier. In the early days of “intelligent” applications, many systems used hardcoded rules of “if” and “else” decisions to process data or adjust the user input. Think of a spam filter whose job is to move the appropriate incoming email messages to a spam folder.  

But with the machine learning algorithms, we are given ample information for the data to learn and identify the patterns from the data.

Unlike the normal problems we don’t need to write the new rules for each problem in machine learning, we just need to use the same workflow but with a different dataset.

Let’s talk about Alan Turing, in his 1950 paper, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”, Alan asked, “Can machines think?”

Full paper here

The paper describes the “Imitation Game”, which includes three participants -

  • Human acting as a judge,
  • Another human, and
  • A computer is an attempt to convince the judge that it is human.

The judge asks the other two participants to talk. While they respond the judge needs to decide which response came from the computer. If the judge could not tell the difference the computer won the game.

The test continues today as an annual competition in artificial intelligence. The aim is simple enough: convince the judge that they are chatting to a human instead of a computer chatbot program.

3. Explain the Difference Between Classification and Regression?

Classification is used to produce discrete results, classification is used to classify data into some specific categories. For example, classifying emails into spam and non-spam categories. 

Whereas, regression deals with continuous data. For example, predicting stock prices at a certain point in time.

Classification is used to predict the output into a group of classes.  For example, Is it Hot or Cold tomorrow?

Whereas, regression is used to predict the relationship that data represents.  For example, What is the temperature tomorrow?

4. What is Bias in Machine Learning?

Bias in data tells us there is inconsistency in data. The inconsistency may occur for several reasons which are not mutually exclusive.

For example, a tech giant like Amazon to speed the hiring process they build one engine where they are going to give 100 resumes, it will spit out the top five, and hire those.

When the company realized the software was not producing gender-neutral results it was tweaked to remove this bias.

5. What is Cross-Validation?

Cross-validation is a method of splitting all your data into three parts: training, testing, and validation data. Data is split into k subsets, and the model has trained on k-1of those datasets.

The last subset is held for testing. This is done for each of the subsets. This is k-fold cross-validation. Finally, the scores from all the k-folds are averaged to produce the final score.

what is hypothesis in machine learning

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6. what are support vectors in svm.

A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is an algorithm that tries to fit a line (or plane or hyperplane) between the different classes that maximizes the distance from the line to the points of the classes.

In this way, it tries to find a robust separation between the classes. The Support Vectors are the points of the edge of the dividing hyperplane as in the below figure.

what is hypothesis in machine learning

7. Explain SVM Algorithm in Detail

A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a very powerful and versatile supervised machine learning model, capable of performing linear or non-linear classification, regression, and even outlier detection.

Suppose we have given some data points that each belong to one of two classes, and the goal is to separate two classes based on a set of examples.

In SVM, a data point is viewed as a p-dimensional vector (a list of p numbers), and we wanted to know whether we can separate such points with a (p-1)-dimensional hyperplane. This is called a linear classifier.

There are many hyperplanes that classify the data. To choose the best hyperplane that represents the largest separation or margin between the two classes.  If such a hyperplane exists, it is known as a maximum-margin hyperplane and the linear classifier it defines is known as a maximum margin classifier. The best hyperplane that divides the data in H3

We have data (x1, y1), ..., (xn, yn), and different features (xii, ..., xip), and yiis either 1 or -1.

The equation of the hyperplane H3 is the set of points satisfying:

Where w is the normal vector of the hyperplane. The parameter b||w||determines the offset of the hyperplane from the original along the normal vector w

So for each i, either xiis in the hyperplane of 1 or -1. Basically, xisatisfies:

w . xi - b = 1  or   w. xi - b = -1

what is hypothesis in machine learning

8. What is PCA? When do you use it?

Principal component analysis (PCA) is most commonly used for dimension reduction.

In this case, PCA measures the variation in each variable (or column in the table). If there is little variation, it throws the variable out, as illustrated in the figure below:

what is hypothesis in machine learning

Thus making the dataset easier to visualize. PCA is used in finance, neuroscience, and pharmacology.

It is very useful as a preprocessing step, especially when there are linear correlations between features.

9. What is ‘Naive’ in a Naive Bayes?

The Naive Bayes method is a supervised learning algorithm, it is naive since it makes assumptions by applying Bayes’ theorem that all attributes are independent of each other.

Bayes’ theorem states the following relationship, given class variable y and dependent vector x1  through xn:

P(yi | x1,..., xn) =P(yi)P(x1,..., xn | yi)(P(x1,..., xn)

Using the naive conditional independence assumption that each xiis independent: for all I this relationship is simplified to:

P(xi | yi, x1, ..., xi-1, xi+1, ...., xn) = P(xi | yi)

Since, P(x1,..., xn) is a constant given the input, we can use the following classification rule:

P(yi | x1, ..., xn) = P(y) ni=1P(xi | yi)P(x1,...,xn) and we can also use Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimation to estimate P(yi)and P(yi | xi) the former is then the relative frequency of class yin the training set.

P(yi | x1,..., xn)  P(yi) ni=1P(xi | yi)

y = arg max P(yi)ni=1P(xi | yi)

The different naive Bayes classifiers mainly differ by the assumptions they make regarding the distribution of P(yi | xi): can be Bernoulli, binomial, Gaussian, and so on.

10. What is Unsupervised Learning?

Unsupervised learning is also a type of machine learning algorithm used to find patterns on the set of data given. In this, we don’t have any dependent variable or label to predict. Unsupervised Learning Algorithms:

  • Clustering, 
  • Anomaly Detection, 
  • Neural Networks and Latent Variable Models.

In the same example, a T-shirt clustering will categorize as “collar style and V neck style”, “crew neck style” and “sleeve types”.

11. What is Supervised Learning?

Supervised learning is a machine learning algorithm of inferring a function from labeled training data. The training data consists of a set of training examples.

Example: 01

Knowing the height and weight identifying the gender of the person. Below are the popular supervised learning algorithms. 

  • Support Vector Machines
  • Naive Bayes
  • Decision Trees
  • K-nearest Neighbour Algorithm and Neural Networks.

Example: 02

If you build a T-shirt classifier, the labels will be “this is an S, this is an M and this is L”, based on showing the classifier examples of S, M, and L.

12. What are Different Types of Machine Learning algorithms?

There are various types of machine learning algorithms. Here is the list of them in a broad category based on:

  • Whether they are trained with human supervision (Supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement learning)
  • The criteria in the below diagram are not exclusive, we can combine them any way we like.

what is hypothesis in machine learning

Advanced Machine Learning Questions

1. what is f1 score how would you use it.

Let’s have a look at this table before directly jumping into the F1 score.

Prediction Predicted Yes Predicted No
Actual Yes True Positive (TP) False Negative (FN)
Actual No False Positive (FP) True Negative (TN)

In binary classification we consider the F1 score to be a measure of the model’s accuracy. The F1 score is a weighted average of precision and recall scores.

F1 = 2TP/2TP + FP + FN

We see scores for F1 between 0 and 1, where 0 is the worst score and 1 is the best score.  The F1 score is typically used in information retrieval to see how well a model retrieves relevant results and our model is performing.  

2. Define Precision and Recall?

Precision and recall are ways of monitoring the power of machine learning implementation. But they often used at the same time.

Precision answers the question, “Out of the items that the classifier predicted to be relevant, how many are truly relevant?”

Whereas, recall answers the question, “Out of all the items that are truly relevant, how many are found by the classifier?

In general, the meaning of precision is the fact of being exact and accurate. So the same will go in our machine learning model as well. If you have a set of items that your model needs to predict to be relevant. How many items are truly relevant?

The below figure shows the Venn diagram that precision and recall.

what is hypothesis in machine learning

Mathematically, precision and recall can be defined as the following:

precision = # happy correct answers/# total items returned by ranker

recall = # happy correct answers/# total relevant answers

3. How to Tackle Overfitting and Underfitting?

Overfitting means the model fitted to training data too well , in this case, we need to resample the data and estimate the model accuracy using techniques like k-fold cross-validation.

Whereas for the Underfitting case we are not able to understand or capture the patterns from the data, in this case, we need to change the algorithms, or we need to feed more data points to the model.

4. What is a Neural Network?

It is a simplified model of the human brain. Much like the brain, it has neurons that activate when encountering something similar.

The different neurons are connected via connections that help information flow from one neuron to another.

5. What are Loss Function and Cost Functions? Explain the key Difference Between them?

When calculating loss we consider only a single data point, then we use the term loss function.

Whereas, when calculating the sum of error for multiple data then we use the cost function. There is no major difference.

In other words, the loss function is to capture the difference between the actual and predicted values for a single record whereas cost functions aggregate the difference for the entire training dataset.

The Most commonly used loss functions are Mean-squared error and Hinge loss.

Mean-Squared Error(MSE): In simple words, we can say how our model predicted values against the actual values.

Hinge loss: It is used to train the machine learning classifier, which is

L(y) = max(0,1- yy)

Where y = -1 or 1 indicating two classes and y represents the output form of the classifier. The most common cost function represents the total cost as the sum of the fixed costs and the variable costs in the equation y = mx + b

6. What is Ensemble learning?

Ensemble learning is a method that combines multiple machine learning models to create more powerful models.

There are many reasons for a model to be different. Few reasons are:

  • Different Population
  • Different Hypothesis
  • Different modeling techniques

When working with the model’s training and testing data, we will experience an error. This error might be bias, variance, and irreducible error.

Now the model should always have a balance between bias and variance, which we call a bias-variance trade-off.

This ensemble learning is a way to perform this trade-off.

There are many ensemble techniques available but when aggregating multiple models there are two general methods:

  • Bagging, a native method: take the training set and generate new training sets off of it.
  • Boosting, a more elegant method: similar to bagging, boosting is used to optimize the best weighting scheme for a training set.

7. How do you make sure which Machine Learning Algorithm to use?

It completely depends on the dataset we have. If the data is discrete we use SVM. If the dataset is continuous we use linear regression.

So there is no specific way that lets us know which ML algorithm to use, it all depends on the exploratory data analysis (EDA).

EDA is like “interviewing” the dataset; As part of our interview we do the following:

  • Classify our variables as continuous, categorical, and so forth. 
  • Summarize our variables using descriptive statistics. 
  • Visualize our variables using charts.

Based on the above observations select one best-fit algorithm for a particular dataset.

8. How to Handle Outlier Values?

An Outlier is an observation in the dataset that is far away from other observations in the dataset. Tools used to discover outliers are

  • Scatter plot, etc.

Typically, we need to follow three simple strategies to handle outliers:

  • We can drop them. 
  • We can mark them as outliers and include them as a feature. 
  • Likewise, we can transform the feature to reduce the effect of the outlier.

9. What is a Random Forest? How does it work?

Random forest is a versatile machine learning method capable of performing both regression and classification tasks.

Like bagging and boosting, random forest works by combining a set of other tree models. Random forest builds a tree from a random sample of the columns in the test data.

Here’s are the steps how a random forest creates the trees:

  • Take a sample size from the training data.
  • Begin with a single node.
  • If the number of observations is less than node size then stop.
  • Select random variables.
  • Find the variable that does the “best” job of splitting the observations.
  • Split the observations into two nodes.
  • Call step `a` on each of these nodes.

10. What is Collaborative Filtering? And Content-Based Filtering?

Collaborative filtering is a proven technique for personalized content recommendations. Collaborative filtering is a type of recommendation system that predicts new content by matching the interests of the individual user with the preferences of many users.

Content-based recommender systems are focused only on the preferences of the user. New recommendations are made to the user from similar content according to the user’s previous choices.

what is hypothesis in machine learning

11. What is Clustering?

Clustering is the process of grouping a set of objects into a number of groups. Objects should be similar to one another within the same cluster and dissimilar to those in other clusters.

A few types of clustering are:

  • Hierarchical clustering
  • K means clustering
  • Density-based clustering
  • Fuzzy clustering, etc.

12. How can you select K for K-means Clustering?

There are two kinds of methods that include direct methods and statistical testing methods:

  • Direct methods: It contains elbow and silhouette 
  • Statistical testing methods: It has gap statistics.

The silhouette is the most frequently used while determining the optimal value of k.

13. What are Recommender Systems?

A recommendation engine is a system used to predict users’ interests and recommend products that are quite likely interesting for them.

Data required for recommender systems stems from explicit user ratings after watching a film or listening to a song, from implicit search engine queries and purchase histories, or from other knowledge about the users/items themselves.

14. How do check the Normality of a dataset?

Visually, we can use plots. A few of the normality checks are as follows:

  • Shapiro-Wilk Test
  • Anderson-Darling Test
  • Martinez-Iglewicz Test
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
  • D’Agostino Skewness Test

15. Can logistic regression use for more than 2 classes?

No, by default logistic regression is a binary classifier, so it cannot be applied to more than 2 classes. However, it can be extended for solving multi-class classification problems (multinomial logistic regression)

16. Explain Correlation and Covariance?

Correlation is used for measuring and also for estimating the quantitative relationship between two variables.  Correlation measures how strongly two variables are related. Examples like, income and expenditure, demand and supply, etc.

Covariance is a simple way to measure the correlation between two variables. The problem with covariance is that they are hard to compare without normalization.

17. What is P-value?

P-values are used to make a decision about a hypothesis test. P-value is the minimum significant level at which you can reject the null hypothesis. The lower the p-value, the more likely you reject the null hypothesis.

18. What are Parametric and Non-Parametric Models?

Parametric models will have limited parameters and to predict new data, you only need to know the parameter of the model.

Non-Parametric models have no limits in taking a number of parameters, allowing for more flexibility and to predict new data. You need to know the state of the data and model parameters.

19. What is Reinforcement Learning?

Reinforcement learning is different from the other types of learning like supervised and unsupervised. In reinforcement learning, we are given neither data nor labels. Our learning is based on the rewards given to the agent by the environment.

20. Difference Between Sigmoid and Softmax functions?

The sigmoid function is used for binary classification. The probabilities sum needs to be 1. Whereas, Softmax function is used for multi-classification. The probabilities sum will be 1.

The above-listed questions are the basics of machine learning. Machine learning is advancing so fast hence new concepts will emerge. So to get up to date with that join communities, attend conferences, read research papers. By doing so you can crack any ML interview.

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The Mystery of Machine Learning

Traditional neural nets, simplifying the topology: mesh neural nets, making everything discrete: a biological evolution analog, machine learning in discrete rule arrays, multiway mutation graphs, optimizing the learning process, what can be learned, other kinds of models and setups, so in the end, what’s really going on in machine learning.

  • Historical & Personal Notes

What’s Really Going On in Machine Learning? Some Minimal Models

What's Really Going On in Machine Learning? Some Minimal Models

It’s surprising how little is known about the foundations of machine learning. Yes, from an engineering point of view, an immense amount has been figured out about how to build neural nets that do all kinds of impressive and sometimes almost magical things . But at a fundamental level we still don’t really know why neural nets “work”—and we don’t have any kind of “scientific big picture” of what’s going on inside them.

The basic structure of neural networks can be pretty simple. But by the time they’re trained up with all their weights, etc. it’s been hard to tell what’s going on—or even to get any good visualization of it. And indeed it’s far from clear even what aspects of the whole setup are actually essential, and what are just “details” that have perhaps been “grandfathered” all the way from when computational neural nets were first invented in the 1940s.

Well, what I’m going to try to do here is to get “underneath” this—and to “strip things down” as much as possible. I’m going to explore some very minimal models—that, among other things, are more directly amenable to visualization. At the outset, I wasn’t at all sure that these minimal models would be able to reproduce any of the kinds of things we see in machine learning. But, rather surprisingly, it seems they can.

And the simplicity of their construction makes it much easier to “see inside them”—and to get more of a sense of what essential phenomena actually underlie machine learning. One might have imagined that even though the training of a machine learning system might be circuitous, somehow in the end the system would do what it does through some kind of identifiable and “explainable” mechanism. But we’ll see that in fact that’s typically not at all what happens.

Instead it looks much more as if the training manages to home in on some quite wild computation that “just happens to achieve the right results”. Machine learning, it seems, isn’t building structured mechanisms; rather, it’s basically just sampling from the typical complexity one sees in the computational universe, picking out pieces whose behavior turns out to overlap what’s needed. And in a sense, therefore, the possibility of machine learning is ultimately yet another consequence of the phenomenon of computational irreducibility .

Why is that? Well, it’s only because of computational irreducibility that there’s all that richness in the computational universe. And, more than that, it’s because of computational irreducibility that things end up being effectively random enough that the adaptive process of training a machine learning system can reach success without getting stuck.

But the presence of computational irreducibility also has another important implication: that even though we can expect to find limited pockets of computational reducibility, we can’t expect a “general narrative explanation” of what a machine learning system does. In other words, there won’t be a traditional (say, mathematical) “general science” of machine learning (or, for that matter, probably also neuroscience). Instead, the story will be much closer to the fundamentally computational “ new kind of science ” that I’ve explored for so long, and that has brought us our Physics Project and the ruliad .

In many ways, the problem of machine learning is a version of the general problem of adaptive evolution , as encountered for example in biology . In biology we typically imagine that we want to adaptively optimize some overall “fitness” of a system; in machine learning we typically try to adaptively “train” a system to make it align with certain goals or behaviors, most often defined by examples. (And, yes, in practice this is often done by trying to minimize a quantity normally called the “loss”.)

And while in biology there’s a general sense that “things arise through evolution”, quite how this works has always been rather mysterious. But (rather to my surprise) I recently found a very simple model that seems to do well at capturing at least some of the most essential features of biological evolution. And while the model isn’t the same as what we’ll explore here for machine learning, it has some definite similarities. And in the end we’ll find that the core phenomena of machine learning and of biological evolution appear to be remarkably aligned—and both fundamentally connected to the phenomenon of computational irreducibility.

Most of what I’ll do here focuses on foundational, theoretical questions. But in understanding more about what’s really going on in machine learning—and what’s essential and what’s not—we’ll also be able to begin to see how in practice machine learning might be done differently, potentially with more efficiency and more generality.

Note: Click any diagram to get Wolfram Language code to reproduce it.

To begin the process of understanding the essence of machine learning, let’s start from a very traditional—and familiar—example: a fully connected (“multilayer perceptron”) neural net that’s been trained to compute a certain function f [ x ]:

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If one gives a value x as input at the top, then after “rippling through the layers of the network” one gets a value at the bottom that (almost exactly) corresponds to our function f [ x ]:

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Scanning through different inputs x , we see different patterns of intermediate values inside the network:

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And here’s (on a linear and log scale) how each of these intermediate values changes with x . And, yes, the way the final value (highlighted here) emerges looks very complicated:

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So how is the neural net ultimately put together? How are these values that we’re plotting determined? We’re using the standard setup for a fully connected multilayer network . Each node (“neuron”) on each layer is connected to all nodes on the layer above—and values “flow” down from one layer to the next, being multiplied by the (positive or negative) “weight” (indicated by color in our pictures) associated with the connection through which they flow. The value of a given neuron is found by totaling up all its (weighted) inputs from the layer before, adding a “bias” value for that neuron, and then applying to the result a certain (nonlinear) “ activation function ” (here ReLU or Ramp [ z ], i.e. If [ z z ]).

What overall function a given neural net will compute is determined by the collection of weights and biases that appear in the neural net (along with its overall connection architecture, and the activation function it’s using). The idea of machine learning is to find weights and biases that produce a particular function by adaptively “learning” from examples of that function. Typically we might start from a random collection of weights, then successively tweak weights and biases to “train” the neural net to reproduce the function:

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We can get a sense of how this progresses (and, yes, it’s complicated) by plotting successive changes in individual weights over the course of the training process (the spikes near the end come from “neutral changes” that don’t affect the overall behavior):

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The overall objective in the training is progressively to decrease the “loss” —the average (squared) difference between true values of f [ x ] and those generated by the neural net. The evolution of the loss defines a “learning curve” for the neural net, with the downward glitches corresponding to points where the neural net in effect “made a breakthrough” in being able to represent the function better:

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It’s important to note that typically there’s randomness injected into neural net training. So if one runs the training multiple times, one will get different networks—and different learning curves—every time:

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But what’s really going on in neural net training? Effectively we’re finding a way to “compile” a function (at least to some approximation) into a neural net with a certain number of (real-valued) parameters. And in the example here we happen to be using about 100 parameters.

But what happens if we use a different number of parameters, or set up the architecture of our neural net differently? Here are a few examples, indicating that for the function we’re trying to generate, the network we’ve been using so far is pretty much the smallest that will work:

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Later we’ll talk about what happens when we do machine learning with discrete systems. And in anticipation of that, it’s interesting to see what happens if we take a neural net of the kind we’ve discussed here, and “quantize” its weights (and biases) in discrete levels:

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The result is that (as recent experience with large-scale neural nets has also shown) the basic “operation” of the neural net does not require precise real numbers, but survives even when the numbers are at least somewhat discrete—as this 3D rendering as a function of the discreteness level δ also indicates:

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So far we’ve been discussing very traditional neural nets. But to do machine learning, do we really need systems that have all those details? For example, do we really need every neuron on each layer to get an input from every neuron on the previous layer? What happens if instead every neuron just gets input from at most two others—say with the neurons effectively laid out in a simple mesh? Quite surprisingly, it turns out that such a network is still perfectly able to generate a function like the one we’ve been using as an example:

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And one advantage of such a “mesh neural net” is that—like a cellular automaton—its “internal behavior” can readily be visualized in a rather direct way. So, for example, here are visualizations of “how the mesh net generates its output”, stepping through different input values x :

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And, yes, even though we can visualize it, it’s still hard to understand “what’s going on inside”. Looking at the intermediate values of each individual node in the network as a function of x doesn’t help much, though we can “see something happening” at places where our function f [ x ] has jumps:

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So how do we train a mesh neural net? Basically we can use the same procedure as for a fully connected network of the kind we saw above (ReLU activation functions don’t seem to work well for mesh nets, so we’re using ELU here):

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Here’s the evolution of differences in each individual weight during the training process:

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And here are results for different random seeds:

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At the size we’re using, our mesh neural nets have about the same number of connections (and thus weights) as our main example of a fully connected network above. And we see that if we try to reduce the size of our mesh neural net, it doesn’t do well at reproducing our function:

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Mesh neural nets simplify the topology of neural net connections. But, somewhat surprisingly at first, it seems as if we can go much further in simplifying the systems we’re using—and still successfully do versions of machine learning. And in particular we’ll find that we can make our systems completely discrete.

The typical methodology of neural net training involves progressively tweaking real-valued parameters, usually using methods based on calculus, and on finding derivatives. And one might imagine that any successful adaptive process would ultimately have to rely on being able to make arbitrarily small changes, of the kind that are possible with real-valued parameters.

But in studying simple idealizations of biological evolution I recently found striking examples where this isn’t the case—and where completely discrete systems seemed able to capture the essence of what’s going on.

As an example consider a (3-color) cellular automaton. The rule is shown on the left, and the behavior one generates by repeatedly applying that rule (starting from a single-cell initial condition) is shown on the right:

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The rule has the property that the pattern it generates (from a single-cell initial condition) survives for exactly 40 steps, and then dies out (i.e. every cell becomes white). And the important point is that this rule can be found by a discrete adaptive process. The idea is to start, say, from a null rule, and then at each step to randomly change a single outcome out of the 27 in the rule (i.e. make a “single-point mutation” in the rule). Most such changes will cause the “lifetime” of the pattern to get further from our target of 40—and these we discard. But gradually we can build up “beneficial mutations”

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that through “progressive adaptation” eventually get to our original lifetime-40 rule:

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We can make a plot of all the attempts we made that eventually let us reach lifetime 40—and we can think of this progressive “fitness” curve as being directly analogous to the loss curves in machine learning that we saw before:

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If we make different sequences of random mutations, we’ll get different paths of adaptive evolution, and different “solutions” for rules that have lifetime 40:

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Two things are immediately notable about these. First, that they essentially all seem to be “using different ideas” to reach their goal (presumably analogous to the phenomenon of different branches in the tree of life). And second, that none of them seem to be using a clear “mechanical procedure” (of the kind we might construct through traditional engineering) to reach their goal. Instead, they seem to be finding “natural” complicated behavior that just “happens” to achieve the goal.

It’s nontrivial, of course, that this behavior can achieve a goal like the one we’ve set here, as well as that simple selection based on random point mutations can successfully reach the necessary behavior. But as I discussed in connection with biological evolution , this is ultimately a story of computational irreducibility —particularly in generating diversity both in behavior, and in the paths necessary to reach it.

But, OK, so how does this model of adaptive evolution relate to systems like neural nets? In the standard language of neural nets, our model is like a discrete analog of a recurrent convolutional network. It’s “convolutional” because at any given step the same rule is applied—locally—throughout an array of elements. It’s “recurrent” because in effect data is repeatedly “passed through” the same rule. The kinds of procedures (like “backpropagation”) typically used to train traditional neural nets wouldn’t be able to train such a system. But it turns out that—essentially as a consequence of computational irreducibility—the very simple method of successive random mutation can be successful.

Let’s say we want to set up a system like a neural net—or at least a mesh neural net—but we want it to be completely discrete. (And I mean “born discrete”, not just discretized from an existing continuous system.) How can we do this? One approach (that, as it happens, I first considered in the mid-1980s —but never seriously explored) is to make what we can call a “rule array”. Like in a cellular automaton there’s an array of cells. But instead of these cells always being updated according to the same rule, each cell at each place in the cellular automaton analog of “spacetime” can make a different choice of what rule it will use. (And although it’s a fairly extreme idealization, we can potentially imagine that these different rules represent a discrete analog of different local choices of weights in a mesh neural net.)

As a first example, let’s consider a rule array in which there are two possible choices of rules: k = 2, r = 1 cellular automaton rules 4 and 146 (which are respectively class 2 and class 3 ):

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We can see that different choices of rule array can yield very different behaviors. But (in the spirit of machine learning) can we in effect “invert this”, and find a rule array that will give some particular behavior we want?

A simple approach is to do the direct analog of what we did in our minimal modeling of biological evolution: progressively make random “single-point mutations”—here “flipping” the identity of just one rule in the rule array—and then keeping only those mutations that don’t make things worse.

As our sample objective, let’s ask to find a rule array that makes the pattern generated from a single cell using that rule array “survive” for exactly 50 steps. At first it might not be obvious that we’d be able to find such a rule array. But in fact our simple adaptive procedure easily manages to do this:

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As the dots here indicate, many mutations don’t lead to longer lifetimes. But every so often, the adaptive process has a “breakthrough” that increases the lifetime—eventually reaching 50:

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Just as in our model of biological evolution, different random sequences of mutations lead to different “solutions”, here to the problem of “living for exactly 50 steps”:

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Some of these are in effect “simple solutions” that require only a few mutations. But most—like most of our examples in biological evolution—seem more as if they just “happen to work”, effectively by tapping into just the right, fairly complex behavior.

Is there a sharp distinction between these cases? Looking at the collection of “fitness” (AKA “learning”) curves for the examples above, it doesn’t seem so:

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It’s not too difficult to see how to “construct a simple solution” just by strategically placing a single instance of the second rule in the rule array:

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But the point is that adaptive evolution by repeated mutation normally won’t “discover” this simple solution. And what’s significant is that the adaptive evolution can nevertheless still successfully find some solution—even though it’s not one that’s “understandable” like this.

The cellular automaton rules we’ve been using so far take 3 inputs. But it turns out that we can make things even simpler by just putting ordinary 2-input Boolean functions into our rule array. For example, we can make a rule array from And and Xor functions ( r = 1/2 rules 8 and 6 ):

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And in fact we can also set up And + Xor rule arrays for all other “even” Boolean functions. For example, here are rule arrays for the 3-input rule 30 and rule 110 Boolean functions:

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OK, but what happens if we try to use our adaptive evolution process—say to solve the problem of finding a pattern that survives for exactly 30 steps? Here’s a result for And + Xor rule arrays:

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And here are examples of other “solutions” (none of which in this case look particularly “mechanistic” or “constructed”):

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So how did we find this? Well, we just used a simple adaptive evolution process. In direct analogy to the way it’s usually done in machine learning, we set up “training examples”, here of the form:

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Then we repeatedly made single-point mutations in our rule array, keeping those mutations where the total difference from all the training examples didn’t increase. And after 50,000 mutations this gave the final result above.

We can get some sense of “how we got there” by showing the sequence of intermediate results where we got closer to the goal (as opposed to just not getting further from it):

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Here are the corresponding rule arrays, in each case highlighting elements that have changed (and showing the computation of f [0] in the arrays):

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Different sequences of random mutations will lead to different rule arrays. But with the setup defined here, the resulting rule arrays will almost always succeed in accurately computing f [ x ]. Here are a few examples—in which we’re specifically showing the computation of f [0]:

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And once again an important takeaway is that we don’t see “identifiable mechanism” in what’s going on. Instead, it looks more as if the rule arrays we’ve got just “happen” to do the computations we want. Their behavior is complicated, but somehow we can manage to “tap into it” to compute our f [ x ].

But how robust is this computation? A key feature of typical machine learning is that it can “generalize” away from the specific examples it’s been given. It’s never been clear just how to characterize that generalization (when does an image of a cat in a dog suit start being identified as an image of a dog ?). But—at least when we’re talking about classification tasks—we can think of what’s going on in terms of basins of attraction that lead to attractors corresponding to our classes.

It’s all considerably easier to analyze, though, in the kind of discrete system we’re exploring here. For example, we can readily enumerate all our training inputs (i.e. all initial states containing a single black cell), and then see how frequently these cause any given cell to be black:

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By the way, here’s what happens to this plot at successive “breakthroughs” during training:

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But what about all possible inputs, including ones that don’t just contain a single black cell? Well, we can enumerate all of them, and compute the overall frequency for each cell in the array to be black:

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As we would expect, the result is considerably “fuzzier” than what we got purely with our training inputs. But there’s still a strong trace of the discrete values for f [ x ] that appeared in the training data. And if we plot the overall probability for a given final cell to be black, we see peaks at positions corresponding to the values 0 and 1 that f [ x ] takes on:

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But because our system is discrete, we can explicitly look at what outcomes occur:

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The most common overall is the “meaningless” all-white state—that basically occurs when the computation from the input “never makes it” to the output. But the next most common outcomes correspond exactly to f [ x ] = 0 and f [ x ] = 1. After that is the “superposition” outcome where f [ x ] is in effect “both 0 and 1”.

But, OK, so what initial states are “in the basins of attraction of” (i.e. will evolve to) the various outcomes here? The fairly flat plots in the last column above indicate that the overall density of black cells gives little information about what attractor a particular initial state will evolve to.

So this means we have to look at specific configurations of cells in the initial conditions. As an example, start from the initial condition

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which evolves to:

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Now we can ask what happens if we look at a sequence of slightly different initial conditions. And here we show in black and white initial conditions that still evolve to the original “attractor” state, and in pink ones that evolve to some different state:

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What’s actually going on inside here? Here are a few examples, highlighting cells whose values change as a result of changing the initial condition:

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As is typical in machine learning, there doesn’t seem to be any simple characterization of the form of the basin of attraction. But now we have a sense of what the reason for this is: it’s another consequence of computational irreducibility. Computational irreducibility gives us the effective randomness that allows us to find useful results by adaptive evolution, but it also leads to changes having what seem like random and unpredictable effects. (It’s worth noting, by the way, that we could probably dramatically improve the robustness of our attractor basins by specifically including in our training data examples that have “noise” injected.)

In doing machine learning in practice, the goal is typically to find some collection of weights, etc. that successfully solve a particular problem. But in general there will be many such collections of weights, etc. With typical continuous weights and random training steps it’s very difficult to see what the whole “ensemble” of possibilities is. But in our discrete rule array systems, this becomes more feasible.

Consider a tiny 2×2 rule array with two possible rules. We can make a graph whose edges represent all possible “point mutations” that can occur in this rule array:

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In our adaptive evolution process, we’re always moving around a graph like this. But typically most “moves” will end up in states that are rejected because they increase whatever loss we’ve defined.

Consider the problem of generating an And + Xor rule array in which we end with lifetime-4 patterns. Defining the loss as how far we are from this lifetime, we can draw a graph that shows all possible adaptive evolution paths that always progressively decrease the loss:

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The result is a multiway graph of the type we’ve now seen in a great many kinds of situations —notably our recent study of biological evolution .

And although this particular example is quite trivial, the idea in general is that different parts of such a graph represent “different strategies” for solving a problem. And—in direct analogy to our Physics Project and our studies of things like game graphs —one can imagine such strategies being laid out in a “ branchial space ” defined by common ancestry of configurations in the multiway graph.

And one can expect that while in some cases the branchial graph will be fairly uniform, in other cases it will have quite separated pieces—that represent fundamentally different strategies. Of course, the fact that underlying strategies may be different doesn’t mean that the overall behavior or performance of the system will be noticeably different. And indeed one expects that in most cases computational irreducibility will lead to enough effective randomness that there’ll be no discernable difference.

But in any case, here’s an example starting with a rule array that contains both And and Xor —where we observe distinct branches of adaptive evolution that lead to different solutions to the problem of finding a configuration with a lifetime of exactly 4:

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How should one actually do the learning in machine learning? In practical work with traditional neural nets, learning is normally done using systematic algorithmic methods like backpropagation. But so far, all we’ve done here is something much simpler: we’ve “learned” by successively making random point mutations, and keeping only ones that don’t lead us further from our goal. And, yes, it’s interesting that such a procedure can work at all—and ( as we’ve discussed elsewhere ) this is presumably very relevant to understanding phenomena like biological evolution. But, as we’ll see, there are more efficient (and probably much more efficient) methods of doing machine learning, even for the kinds of discrete systems we’re studying.

Let’s start by looking again at our earlier example of finding an And + Xor rule array that gives a “lifetime” of exactly 30. At each step in our adaptive (“learning”) process we make a single-point mutation (changing a single rule in the rule array), keeping the mutation if it doesn’t take us further from our goal. The mutations gradually accumulate—every so often reaching a rule array that gives a lifetime closer to 30. Just as above, here’s a plot of the lifetime achieved by successive mutations—with the “internal” red dots corresponding to rejected mutations:

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We see a series of “plateaus” at which mutations are accumulating but not changing the overall lifetime. And between these we see occasional “breakthroughs” where the lifetime jumps. Here are the actual rule array configurations for these breakthroughs, with mutations since the last breakthrough highlighted:

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But in the end the process here is quite wasteful; in this example, we make a total of 1705 mutations, but only 780 of them actually contribute to generating the final rule array; all the others are discarded along the way.

So how can we do better? One strategy is to try to figure out at each step which mutation is “most likely to make a difference”. And one way to do this is to try every possible mutation in turn at every step (as in multiway evolution)—and see what effect each of them has on the ultimate lifetime. From this we can construct a “change map” in which we give the change of lifetime associated with a mutation at every particular cell. The results will be different for every configuration of rule array, i.e. at every step in the adaptive evolution. But for example here’s what they are for the particular “breakthrough” configurations shown above (elements in regions that are colored gray won’t affect the result if they are changed; ones colored red will have a positive effect (with more intense red being more positive), and ones colored blue a negative one:

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Let’s say we start from a random rule array, then repeatedly construct the change map and apply the mutation that it implies gives the most positive change—in effect at each step following the “path of steepest descent” to get to the lifetime we want (i.e. reduce the loss). Then the sequence of “breakthrough” configurations we get is:

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And this in effect corresponds to a slightly more direct “path to a solution” than our sequence of pure single-point mutations.

By the way, the particular problem of reaching a certain lifetime has a simple enough structure that this “steepest descent” method—when started from a simple uniform rule array—finds a very “mechanical” (if slow) path to a solution:

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So what happens in this case if we follow the “path of steepest descent”, always making the change that would be best according to the change map? Well, the results are actually quite unsatisfactory. From almost any initial condition the system quickly gets stuck, and never finds any satisfactory solution. In effect it seems that deterministically following the path of steepest descent leads us to a “local minimum” from which we cannot escape. So what are we missing in just looking at the change map? Well, the change map as we’ve constructed it has the limitation that it’s separately assessing the effect of each possible individual mutation. It doesn’t deal with multiple mutations at a time—which could well be needed in general if one’s going to find the “fastest path to success”, and avoid getting stuck.

But even in constructing the change map there’s already a problem. Because at least the direct way of computing it scales quite poorly. In an n × n rule array we have to check the effect of flipping about n 2 values, and for each one we have to run the whole system—taking altogether about n 4 operations. And one has to do this separately for each step in the learning process.

So how do traditional neural nets avoid this kind of inefficiency? The answer in a sense involves a mathematical trick. And at least as it’s usually presented it’s all based on the continuous nature of the weights and values in neural nets—which allow us to use methods from calculus.

Let’s say we have a neural net like this

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that computes some particular function f [ x ]:

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We can ask how this function changes as we change each of the weights in the network:

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And in effect this gives us something like our “change map” above. But there’s an important difference. Because the weights are continuous, we can think about infinitesimal changes to them. And then we can ask questions like “How does f [ x ] change when we make an infinitesimal change to a particular weight w i ?”—or equivalently, “What is the partial derivative of f with respect to w i at the point x ?” But now we get to use a key feature of infinitesimal changes: that they can always be thought of as just “adding linearly” (essentially because ε 2 can always be ignored compared to ε). Or, in other words, we can summarize any infinitesimal change just by giving its “direction” in weight space, i.e. a vector that says how much of each weight should be (infinitesimally) changed. So if we want to change f [ x ] (infinitesimally) as quickly as possible, we should go in the direction of steepest descent defined by all the derivatives of f with respect to the weights.

In machine learning, we’re typically trying in effect to set the weights so that the form of f [ x ] we generate successfully minimizes whatever loss we’ve defined. And we do this by incrementally “moving in weight space”—at every step computing the direction of steepest descent to know where to go next. (In practice, there are all sorts of tricks like “ADAM” that try to optimize the way to do this.)

But how do we efficiently compute the partial derivative of f with respect to each of the weights? Yes, we could do the analog of generating pictures like the ones above, separately for each of the weights. But it turns out that a standard result from calculus gives us a vastly more efficient procedure that in effect “maximally reuses” parts of the computation that have already been done.

It all starts with the textbook chain rule for the derivative of nested (i.e. composed) functions:

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This basically says that the (infinitesimal) change in the value of the “whole chain” d [ c [ b [ a [ x ]]]] can be computed as a product of (infinitesimal) changes associated with each of the “links” in the chain. But the key observation is then that when we get to the computation of the change at a certain point in the chain, we’ve already had to do a lot of the computation we need—and so long as we stored those results, we always have only an incremental computation to perform.

So how does this apply to neural nets? Well, each layer in a neural net is in effect doing a function composition. So, for example, our d [ c [ b [ a [ x ]]]] is like a trivial neural net:

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But what about the weights, which, after all, are what we are trying to find the effect of changing? Well, we could include them explicitly in the function we’re computing:

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And then we could in principle symbolically compute the derivatives with respect to these weights:

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For our network above

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the corresponding expression (ignoring biases) is

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where ϕ denotes our activation function. Once again we’re dealing with nested functions, and once again—though it’s a bit more intricate in this case—the computation of derivatives can be done by incrementally evaluating terms in the chain rule and in effect using the standard neural net method of “backpropagation”.

So what about the discrete case? Are there similar methods we can use there? We won’t discuss this in detail here, but we’ll give some indications of what’s likely to be involved.

As a potentially simpler case, let’s consider ordinary cellular automata. The analog of our change map asks how the value of a particular “output” cell is affected by changes in other cells—or in effect what the “partial derivative” of the output value is with respect to changes in values of other cells.

For example, consider the highlighted “output” cell in this cellular automaton evolution:

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Now we can look at each cell in this array, and make a change map based on seeing whether flipping the value of just that cell (and then running the cellular automaton forwards from that point) would change the value of the output cell:

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The form of the change map is different if we look at different “output cells”:

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Here, by the way, are some larger change maps for this and a couple of other cellular automaton rules:

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But is there a way to construct such change maps incrementally? One might have thought that there would immediately be at least for cellular automata that (unlike the cases here) are fundamentally reversible . But actually such reversibility doesn’t seem to help much—because although it allows us to “backtrack” whole states of the cellular automaton, it doesn’t allow us to trace the separate effects of individual cells.

So how about using discrete analogs of derivatives and the chain rule? Let’s for example call the function computed by one step in rule 30 cellular automaton evolution w [ x , y , z ]. We can think of the “partial derivative” of this function with respect to x at the point x as representing whether the output of w changes when x is flipped starting from the value given:

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One can compute a discrete analog of a derivative for any Boolean function. For example, we have

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which we can write as:

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We also have:

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And here is a table of “Boolean derivatives” for all 2-input Boolean functions:

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And indeed there’s a whole “Boolean calculus” one can set up for these kinds of derivatives. And in particular, there’s a direct analog of the chain rule:

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where Xnor [x,y] is effectively the equality test x == y :

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But, OK, how do we use this to create our change maps? In our simple cellular automaton case, we can think of our change map as representing how a change in an output cell “propagates back” to previous cells. But if we just try to apply our discrete calculus rules we run into a problem: different “chain rule chains” can imply different changes in the value of the same cell. In the continuous case this path dependence doesn’t happen because of the way infinitesimals work. But in the discrete case it does. And ultimately we’re doing a kind of backtracking that can really be represented faithfully only as a multiway system. (Though if we just want probabilities, for example, we can consider averaging over branches of the multiway system —and the change maps we showed above are effectively the result of thresholding over the multiway system.)

But despite the appearance of such difficulties in the “simple” cellular automaton case, such methods typically seem to work better in our original, more complicated rule array case. There’s a bunch of subtlety associated with the fact that we’re finding derivatives not only with respect to the values in the rule array, but also with respect to the choice of rules (which are the analog of weights in the continuous case).

Let’s consider the And + Xor rule array:

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Our loss is the number of cells whose values disagree with the row shown at the bottom. Now we can construct a change map for this rule array both in a direct “forward” way, and “backwards” using our discrete derivative methods (where we effectively resolve the small amount of “multiway behavior” by always picking “majority” values):

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The results are similar, though in this case not exactly the same. Here are a few other examples:

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And, yes, in detail there are essentially always local differences between the results from the forward and backward methods. But the backward method—like in the case of backpropagation in ordinary neural nets—can be implemented much more efficiently. And for purposes of practical machine learning it’s actually likely to be perfectly satisfactory—especially given that the forward method is itself only providing an approximation to the question of which mutations are best to do.

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We’ve now shown quite a few examples of machine learning in action. But a fundamental question we haven’t yet addressed is what kind of thing can actually be learned by machine learning. And even before we get to this, there’s another question: given a particular underlying type of system, what kinds of functions can it even represent?

As a first example consider a minimal neural net of the form (essentially a single-layer perceptron):

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With ReLU (AKA Ramp ) as the activation function and the first set of weights all taken to be 1, the function computed by such a neural net has the form:

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With enough weights and biases this form can represent any piecewise linear function—essentially just by moving around ramps using biases, and scaling them using weights. So for example consider the function:

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This is the function computed by the neural net above—and here’s how it’s built up by adding in successive ramps associated with the individual intermediate nodes (neurons):

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(It’s similarly possible to get all smooth functions from activation functions like ELU, etc.)

Things get slightly more complicated if we try to represent functions with more than one argument. With a single intermediate layer we can only get “piecewise (hyper)planar” functions (i.e. functions that change direction only at linear “fault lines”):

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But already with a total of two intermediate layers—and sufficiently many nodes in each of these layers—we can generate any piecewise function of any number of arguments.

If we limit the number of nodes, then roughly we limit the number of boundaries between different linear regions in the values of the functions. But as we increase the number of layers with a given number of nodes, we basically increase the number of sides that polygonal regions within the function values can have:

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So what happens with the mesh nets that we discussed earlier? Here are a few random examples, showing results very similar to shallow, fully connected networks with a comparable total number of nodes:

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OK, so how about our fully discrete rule arrays? What functions can they represent? We already saw part of the answer earlier when we generated rule arrays to represent various Boolean functions. It turns out that there is a fairly efficient procedure based on Boolean satisfiability for explicitly finding rule arrays that can represent a given function—or determine that no rule array (say of a given size) can do this.

Using this procedure, we can find minimal And + Xor rule arrays that represent all (“even”) 3-input Boolean functions (i.e. r = 1 cellular automaton rules):

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It’s always possible to specify any n -input Boolean function by an array of 2 n bits, as in:

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But we see from the pictures above that when we “compile” Boolean functions into And + Xor rule arrays, they can take different numbers of bits (i.e. different numbers of elements in the rule array). (In effect, the “algorithmic information content” of the function varies with the “language” we’re using to represent them.) And, for example, in the n = 3 case shown here, the distribution of minimal rule array sizes is:

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There are some functions that are difficult to represent as And + Xor rule arrays (and seem to require 15 rule elements)—and others that are easier. And this is similar to what happens if we represent Boolean functions as Boolean expressions (say in conjunctive normal form) and count the total number of (unary and binary) operations used :

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OK, so we know that there is in principle an And + Xor rule array that will compute any (even) Boolean function. But now we can ask whether an adaptive evolution process can actually find such a rule array—say with a sequence of single-point mutations. Well, if we do such adaptive evolution—with a loss that counts the number of “wrong outputs” for, say, rule 254—then here’s a sequence of successive breakthrough configurations that can be produced:

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The results aren’t as compact as the minimal solution above. But it seems to always be possible to find at least some And + Xor rule array that “solves the problem” just by using adaptive evolution with single-point mutations.

Here are results for some other Boolean functions:

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And so, yes, not only are all (even) Boolean functions representable in terms of And + Xor rule arrays, they’re also learnable in this form, just by adaptive evolution with single-point mutations.

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By the way, it’s a lot easier to discuss questions about representing or learning “any function” when one’s dealing with discrete (countable) functions—because one can expect to either be able to “exactly get” a given function, or not. But for continuous functions, it’s more complicated, because one’s pretty much inevitably dealing with approximations (unless one can use symbolic forms, which are basically discrete). So, for example, while we can say (as we did above) that (ReLU) neural nets can represent any piecewise-linear function, in general we’ll only be able to imagine successively approaching an arbitrary function, much like when you progressively add more terms in a simple Fourier series:

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Looking back at our results for discrete rule arrays, one notable observation that is that while we can successfully reproduce all these different Boolean functions, the actual rule array configurations that achieve this tend to look quite messy. And indeed it’s much the same as we’ve seen throughout: machine learning can find solutions, but they’re not “structured solutions”; they’re in effect just solutions that “happen to work”.

Are there more structured ways of representing Boolean functions with rule arrays? Here are the two possible minimum-size And + Xor rule arrays that represent rule 30:

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At the next-larger size there are more possibilities for rule 30:

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And there are also rule arrays that can represent rule 110:

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But in none of these cases is there obvious structure that allows us to immediately see how these computations work, or what function is being computed. But what if we try to explicitly construct—effectively by standard engineering methods—a rule array that computes a particular function? We can start by taking something like the function for rule 30 and writing it in terms of And and Xor (i.e. in ANF, or “algebraic normal form” ):

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We can imagine implementing this using an “evaluation graph”:

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But now it’s easy to turn this into a rule array (and, yes, we haven’t gone all the way and arranged to copy inputs, etc.):

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“Evaluating” this rule array for different inputs, we can see that it indeed gives rule 30:

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Doing the same thing for rule 110, the And + Xor expression is

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the evaluation graph is

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and the rule array is:

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And at least with the evaluation graph as a guide, we can readily “see what’s happening” here. But the rule array we’re using is considerably larger than our minimal solutions above—or even than the solutions we found by adaptive evolution.

It’s a typical situation that one sees in many other kinds of systems (like for example sorting networks ): it’s possible to have a “constructed solution” that has clear structure and regularity and is “understandable”. But minimal solutions—or ones found by adaptive evolution—tend to be much smaller. But they almost always look in many ways random, and aren’t readily understandable or interpretable.

So far, we’ve been looking at rule arrays that compute specific functions. But in getting a sense of what rule arrays can do, we can consider rule arrays that are “ programmable ”, in that their input specifies what function they should compute. So here, for example, is an And + Xor rule array—found by adaptive evolution—that takes the “bit pattern” of any (even) Boolean function as input on the left, then applies that Boolean function to the inputs on the right:

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And with this same rule array we can now compute any possible (even) Boolean function. So here, for example, it’s evaluating Or :

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Our general goal here has been to set up models that capture the most essential features of neural nets and machine learning—but that are simple enough in their structure that we can readily “look inside” and get a sense of what they are doing. Mostly we’ve concentrated on rule arrays as a way to provide a minimal analog of standard “perceptron-style” feed-forward neural nets. But what about other architectures and setups?

In effect, our rule arrays are “spacetime-inhomogeneous” generalizations of cellular automata—in which adaptive evolution determines which rule (say from a finite set) should be used at every (spatial) position and every (time) step. A different idealization (that in fact we already used in one section above ) is to have an ordinary homogeneous cellular automaton—but with a single “global rule” determined by adaptive evolution. Rule arrays are the analog of feed-forward networks in which a given rule in the rule array is in effect used only once as data “flows through” the system. Ordinary homogeneous cellular automata are like recurrent networks in which a single stream of data is in effect subjected over and over again to the same rule.

There are various interpolations between these cases. For example, we can imagine a “layered rule array” in which the rules at different steps can be different, but those on a given step are all the same. Such a system can be viewed as an idealization of a convolutional neural net in which a given layer applies the same kernel to elements at all positions, but different layers can apply different kernels.

A layered rule array can’t encode as much information as a general rule array. But it’s still able to show machine-learning-style phenomena. And here, for example, is adaptive evolution for a layered And + Xor rule array progressively solving the problem of generating a pattern that lives for exactly 30 steps:

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One could also imagine “vertically layered” rule arrays, in which different rules are used at different positions, but any given position keeps running the same rule forever. However, at least for the kinds of problems we’ve considered here, it doesn’t seem sufficient to just be able to pick the positions at which different rules are run. One seems to either need to change rules at different (time) steps, or one needs to be able to adaptively evolve the underlying rules themselves.

Rule arrays and ordinary cellular automata share the feature that the value of each cell depends only on the values of neighboring cells on the step before. But in neural nets it’s standard for the value at a given node to depend on the values of lots of nodes on the layer before. And what makes this straightforward in neural nets is that (weighted, and perhaps otherwise transformed) values from previous nodes are taken to be combined just by simple numerical addition—and addition (being n -ary and associative) can take any number of “inputs”. In a cellular automaton (or Boolean function), however, there’s always a definite number of inputs, determined by the structure of the function. In the most straightforward case, the inputs come only from nearest-neighboring cells. But there’s no requirement that this is how things need to work—and for example we can pick any “local template” to bring in the inputs for our function. This template could either be the same at every position and every step, or it could be picked from a certain set differently at different positions—in effect giving us “template arrays” as well as rule arrays.

So what about having a fully connected network, as we did in our very first neural net examples above? To set up a discrete analog of this we first need some kind of discrete n -ary associative “accumulator” function to fill the place of numerical addition. And for this we could pick a function like And , Or , Xor —or Majority . And if we’re not just going to end up with the same value at each node on a given layer, we need to set up some analog of a weight associated with each connection—which we can achieve by applying either Identity or Not (i.e. flip or not) to the value flowing through each connection.

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There are just two kinds of connections here: flip and not. And at each node we’re computing the majority function—giving value 1 if the majority of its inputs are 1, and 0 otherwise. With the “one-hot encoding” of input and output that we used before, here are a few examples of how this network evaluates our function:

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This was trained just using 1000 steps of single-point mutation applied to the connection types. The loss systematically goes down—but the configuration of the connection types continues to look quite random even as it achieves zero loss (i.e. even after the function has been completely learned):

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In what we’ve just done we assume that all connections continue to be present, though their types (or effectively signs) can change. But we can also consider a network where connections can end up being zeroed out during training—so that they are effectively no longer present.

what is hypothesis in machine learning

As a starting point, consider training a rule array (of cellular automaton rules 4 and 146) to reproduce unchanged a block of black cells of any width. One might have thought this would be trivial. But it’s not, because in effect the initial data inevitably gets “ground up” inside the rule array, and has to be reconstituted at the end. But, yes, it’s nevertheless possible to train a rule array to at least roughly do this—even though once again the rule arrays we find that manage to do this look quite random:

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But to set up a nontrivial autoencoder let’s imagine that we progressively “squeeze” the array in the middle, creating an increasingly narrow “bottleneck” through which the data has to flow. At the bottleneck we effectively have a compressed version of the original data. And we find that at least down to some width of bottleneck, it’s possible to create rule arrays that—with reasonable probability—can act as successful autoencoders of the original data:

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The success of LLMs has highlighted the use of machine learning for sequence continuation—and the effectiveness of transformers for this. But just as with other neural nets, the forms of transformers that are used in practice are typically very complicated. But can one find a minimal model that nevertheless captures the “essence of transformers”?

Let’s say that we have a sequence that we want to continue, like:

' title=

We want to encode each possible value by a vector, as in

' title=

so that, for example, our original sequence is encoded as:

' title=

Then we have a “head” that reads a block of consecutive vectors, picking off certain values and feeding pairs of them into And and Xor functions, to get a vector of Boolean values:

' title=

Ultimately this head is going to “slide” along our sequence, “predicting” what the next element in the sequence will be. But somehow we have to go from our vector of Boolean values to (probabilities of) sequence elements. Potentially we might be able to do this just with a rule array. But for our purposes here we’ll use a fully connected single-layer Identity + Not network in which at each output node we just find the sum of the number of values that come to it—and treat this as determining (through a softmax ) the probability of the corresponding element:

' title=

In this case, the element with the maximum value is 5, so at “zero temperature” this would be our “best prediction” for the next element.

To train this whole system we just make a sequence of random point mutations to everything, keeping mutations that don’t increase the loss (where the loss is basically the difference between predicted next values and actual next values, or, more precisely, the “ categorical cross-entropy ”). Here’s how this loss progresses in a typical such training:

' title=

At the end of this training, here are the components of our minimal transformer:

' title=

First come the encodings of the different possible elements in the sequence. Then there’s the head, here shown applied to the encoding of the first elements of the original sequence. Finally there’s a single-layer discrete network that takes the output from the head, and deduces relative probabilities for different elements to come next. In this case the highest-probability prediction for the next element is that it should be element 6.

To do the analog of an LLM we start from some initial “prompt”, i.e. an initial sequence that fits within the width (“context window”) of the head. Then we progressively apply our minimal transformer, for example at each step taking the next element to be the one with the highest predicted probability (i.e. operating “at zero temperature”). With this setup the collection of “prediction strengths” is shown in gray, with the “best prediction” shown in red:

' title=

Running this even far beyond our original training data, we see that we get a “prediction” of a continued sine wave:

' title=

the result of training and running a minimal transformer is now:

' title=

And, not surprisingly, it can’t “figure out the computation” to correctly continue the curve. By the way, different training runs will involve different sequences of mutations, and will yield different predictions (often with periodic “hallucinations”):

' title=

In looking at “perceptron-style” neural nets we wound up using rule arrays — or, in effect, spacetime-inhomogeneous cellular automata — as our minimal models. Here we’ve ended up with a slightly more complicated minimal model for transformer neural nets. But if we were to simplify it further, we would end up not with something like a cellular automaton but instead with something like a tag system , in which one has a sequence of elements, and at each step removes a block from the beginning, and — depending on its form — adds a certain block at the end, as in:

' title=

And, yes, such systems can generate extremely complex behavior — reinforcing the idea (that we have repeatedly seen here) that machine learning works by selecting complexity that aligns with goals that have been set.

And along these lines, one can consider all sorts of different computational systems as foundations for machine learning. Here we’ve been looking at cellular-automaton-like and tag-system-like examples. But for example our Physics Project has shown us the power and flexibility of systems based on hypergraph rewriting . And from what we’ve seen here, it seems very plausible that something like hypergraph rewriting can serve as a yet more powerful and flexible substrate for machine learning.

There are, I think, several quite striking conclusions from what we’ve been able to do here. The first is just that models much simpler than traditional neural nets seem capable of capturing the essential features of machine learning—and indeed these models may well be the basis for a new generation of practical machine learning.

But from a scientific point of view, one of the things that’s important about these models is that they are simple enough in structure that it’s immediately possible to produce visualizations of what they’re doing inside. And studying these visualizations, the most immediately striking feature is how complicated they look.

It could have been that machine learning would somehow “crack systems”, and find simple representations for what they do. But that doesn’t seem to be what’s going on at all. Instead what seems to be happening is that machine learning is in a sense just “hitching a ride” on the general richness of the computational universe . It’s not “specifically building up behavior one needs”; rather what it’s doing is to harness behavior that’s “already out there” in the computational universe.

The fact that this could possibly work relies on the crucial—and at first unexpected—fact that in the computational universe even very simple programs can ubiquitously produce all sorts of complex behavior. And the point then is that this behavior has enough richness and diversity that it’s possible to find instances of it that align with machine learning objectives one’s defined. In some sense what machine learning is doing is to “mine” the computational universe for programs that do what one wants.

It’s not that machine learning nails a specific precise program. Rather, it’s that in typical successful applications of machine learning there are lots of programs that “do more or less the right thing”. If what one’s trying to do involves something computationally irreducible, machine learning won’t typically be able to “get well enough aligned” to correctly “get through all the steps” of the irreducible computation. But it seems that many “human-like tasks” that are the particular focus of modern machine learning can successfully be done.

And by the way, one can expect that with the minimal models explored here, it becomes more feasible to get a real characterization of what kinds of objectives can successfully be achieved by machine learning, and what cannot. Critical to the operation of machine learning is not only that there exist programs that can do particular kinds of things, but also that they can realistically be found by adaptive evolution processes.

In what we’ve done here we’ve often used what’s essentially the very simplest possible process for adaptive evolution: a sequence of point mutations. And what we’ve discovered is that even this is usually sufficient to lead us to satisfactory machine learning solutions. It could be that our paths of adaptive evolution would always be getting stuck—and not reaching any solution. But the fact that this doesn’t happen seems crucially connected to the computational irreducibility that’s ubiquitous in the systems we’re studying, and that leads to effective randomness that with overwhelming probability will “give us a way out” of anywhere we got stuck.

In some sense computational irreducibility “levels the playing field” for different processes of adaptive evolution, and lets even simple ones be successful. Something similar seems to happen for the whole framework we’re using. Any of a wide class of systems seem capable of successful machine learning, even if they don’t have the detailed structure of traditional neural nets. We can see this as a typical reflection of the Principle of Computational Equivalence : that even though systems may differ in their details, they are ultimately all equivalent in the computations they can do.

The phenomenon of computational irreducibility leads to a fundamental tradeoff, of particular importance in thinking about things like AI . If we want to be able to know in advance—and broadly guarantee—what a system is going to do or be able to do, we have to set the system up to be computationally reducible. But if we want the system to be able to make the richest use of computation, it’ll inevitably be capable of computationally irreducible behavior. And it’s the same story with machine learning. If we want machine learning to be able to do the best it can, and perhaps give us the impression of “achieving magic”, then we have to allow it to show computational irreducibility. And if we want machine learning to be “understandable” it has to be computationally reducible, and not able to access the full power of computation.

At the outset, though, it’s not obvious whether machine learning actually has to access such power. It could be that there are computationally reducible ways to solve the kinds of problems we want to use machine learning to solve. But what we’ve discovered here is that even in solving very simple problems, the adaptive evolution process that’s at the heart of machine learning will end up sampling—and using—what we can expect to be computationally irreducible processes.

Like biological evolution, machine learning is fundamentally about finding things that work—without the constraint of “understandability” that’s forced on us when we as humans explicitly engineer things step by step. Could one imagine constraining machine learning to make things understandable? To do so would effectively prevent machine learning from having access to the power of computationally irreducible processes, and from the evidence here it seems unlikely that with this constraint the kind of successes we’ve seen in machine learning would be possible.

So what does this mean for the “science of machine learning”? One might have hoped that one would be able to “look inside” machine learning systems and get detailed narrative explanations for what’s going on; that in effect one would be able to “explain the mechanism” for everything. But what we’ve seen here suggests that in general nothing like this will work. All one will be able to say is that somewhere out there in the computational universe there’s some (typically computationally irreducible) process that “happens” to be aligned with what we want.

Yes, we can make general statements—strongly based on computational irreducibility—about things like the findability of such processes, say by adaptive evolution. But if we ask “How in detail does the system work?”, there won’t be much of an answer to that. Of course we can trace all its computational steps and see that it behaves in a certain way. But we can’t expect what amounts to a “global human-level explanation” of what it’s doing. Rather, we’ll basically just be reduced to looking at some computationally irreducible process and observing that it “happens to work”—and we won’t have a high-level explanation of “why”.

But there is one important loophole to all this. Within any computationally irreducible system, there are always inevitably pockets of computational reducibility. And—as I’ve discussed at length particularly in connection with our Physics Project —it’s these pockets of computational reducibility that allow computationally bounded observers like us to identify things like “laws of nature” from which we can build “human-level narratives”.

So what about machine learning? What pockets of computational reducibility show up there, from which we might build “human-level scientific laws”? Much as with the emergence of “simple continuum behavior” from computationally irreducible processes happening at the level of molecules in a gas or ultimate discrete elements of space, we can expect that at least certain computationally reducible features will be more obvious when one’s dealing with larger numbers of components. And indeed in sufficiently large machine learning systems, it’s routine to see smooth curves and apparent regularity when one’s looking at the kind of aggregated behavior that’s probed by things like training curves.

But the question about pockets of reducibility is always whether they end up being aligned with things we consider interesting or useful. Yes, it could be that machine learning systems would exhibit some kind of collective (“EEG-like”) behavior. But what’s not clear is whether this behavior will tell us anything about the actual “information processing” (or whatever) that’s going on in the system. And if there is to be a “science of machine learning” what we have to hope for is that we can find in machine learning systems pockets of computational reducibility that are aligned with things we can measure, and care about.

So given what we’ve been able to explore here about the foundations of machine learning, what can we say about the ultimate power of machine learning systems ? A key observation has been that machine learning works by “piggybacking” on computational irreducibility—and in effect by finding “natural pieces of computational irreducibility” that happen to fit with the objectives one has. But what if those objectives involve computational irreducibility—as they often do when one’s dealing with a process that’s been successfully formalized in computational terms (as in math, exact science, computational X, etc.)? Well, it’s not enough that our machine learning system “uses some piece of computational irreducibility inside”. To achieve a particular computationally irreducible objective, the system would have to do something closely aligned with that actual, specific objective.

It has to be said, however, that by laying bare more of the essence of machine learning here, it becomes easier to at least define the issues of merging typical “formal computation” with machine learning. Traditionally there’s been a tradeoff between the computational power of a system and its trainability. And indeed in terms of what we’ve seen here this seems to reflect the sense that “larger chunks of computational irreducibility” are more difficult to fit into something one’s incrementally building up by a process of adaptive evolution.

So how should we ultimately think of machine learning? In effect its power comes from leveraging the “natural resource” of computational irreducibility. But when it uses computational irreducibility it does so by “foraging” pieces that happen to advance its objectives. Imagine one’s building a wall. One possibility is to fashion bricks of a particular shape that one knows will fit together. But another is just to look at stones one sees lying around, then to build the wall by fitting these together as best one can.

And if one then asks “Why does the wall have such-and-such a pattern?” the answer will end up being basically “Because that’s what one gets from the stones that happened to be lying around”. There’s no overarching theory to it in itself; it’s just a reflection of the resources that were out there. Or, in the case of machine learning, one can expect that what one sees will be to a large extent a reflection of the raw characteristics of computational irreducibility. In other words, the foundations of machine learning are as much as anything rooted in the science of ruliology . And it’s in large measure to that science we should look in our efforts to understand more about “what’s really going on” in machine learning, and quite possibly also in neuroscience.

Historical & Personal Notes

In some ways it seems like a quirk of intellectual history that the kinds of foundational questions I’ve been discussing here weren’t already addressed long ago—and in some ways it seems like an inexorable consequence of the only rather recent development of certain intuitions and tools.

The idea that the brain is fundamentally made of connected nerve cells was considered in the latter part of the nineteenth century, and took hold in the first decades of the twentieth century—with the formalized concept of a neural net that operates in a computational way emerging in full form in the work of Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts in 1943. By the late 1950s there were hardware implementations of neural nets (typically for image processing) in the form of “perceptrons”. But despite early enthusiasm, practical results were mixed, and at the end of the 1960s it was announced that simple cases amenable to mathematical analysis had been “solved”—leading to a general belief that “neural nets couldn’t do anything interesting”.

Ever since the 1940s there had been a trickle of general analyses of neural nets, particularly using methods from physics. But typically these analyses ended up with things like continuum approximations—that could say little about the information-processing aspects of neural nets. Meanwhile, there was an ongoing undercurrent of belief that somehow neural networks would both explain and reproduce how the brain works—but no methods seemed to exist to say quite how. Then at the beginning of the 1980s there was a resurgence of interest in neural networks, coming from several directions. Some of what was done concentrated on very practical efforts to get neural nets to do particular “human-like” tasks. But some was more theoretical, typically using methods from statistical physics or dynamical systems.

Before long, however, the buzz died down, and for several decades only a few groups were left working with neural nets. Then in 2011 came a surprise breakthrough in using neural nets for image analysis. It was an important practical advance. But it was driven by technological ideas and development—not any significant new theoretical analysis or framework.

And this was also the pattern for almost all of what followed. People spent great effort to come up with neural net systems that worked—and all sorts of folklore grew up about how this should best be done. But there wasn’t really even an attempt at an underlying theory; this was a domain of engineering practice, not basic science.

And it was in this tradition that ChatGPT burst onto the scene in late 2022. Almost everything about LLMs seemed to be complicated. Yes, there were empirically some large-scale regularities (like scaling laws). And I quickly suspected that the success of LLMs was a strong hint of general regularities in human language that hadn’t been clearly identified before. But beyond a few outlier examples, almost nothing about “what’s going on inside LLMs” has seemed easy to decode. And efforts to put “strong guardrails” on the operation of the system—in effect so as to make it in some way “predictable” or “understandable”—typically seem to substantially decrease its power (a point that now makes sense in the context of computational irreducibility).

My own interaction with machine learning and neural nets began in 1980 when I was developing my SMP symbolic computation system , and wondering whether it might be possible to generalize the symbolic pattern-matching foundations of the system to some kind of “fuzzy pattern matching” that would be closer to human thinking. I was aware of neural nets but thought of them as semi-realistic models of brains, not for example as potential sources of algorithms of the kind I imagined might “solve” fuzzy matching.

And it was partly as a result of trying to understand the essence of systems like neural nets that in 1981 I came up with what I later learned could be thought of as one-dimensional cellular automata. Soon I was deeply involved in studying cellular automata and developing a new intuition about how complex behavior could arise even from simple rules. But when I learned about recent efforts to make idealized models of neural nets using ideas from statistical mechanics, I was at least curious enough to set up simulations to try to understand more about these models.

But what I did wasn’t a success. I could neither get the models to do anything of significant practical interest—nor did I manage to derive any good theoretical understanding of them. I kept wondering, though, what relationship there might be between cellular automata that “just run”, and systems like neural nets that can also “learn”. And in fact in 1985 I tried to make a minimal cellular-automaton-based model to explore this. It was what I’m now calling a “vertically layered rule array”. And while in many ways I was already asking the right questions, this was an unfortunate specific choice of system—and my experiments on it didn’t reveal the kinds of phenomena we’re now seeing.

Years went by. I wrote a section on “Human Thinking” in A New Kind of Science , that discussed the possibility of simple foundational rules for the essence of thinking, and even included a minimal discrete analog of a neural net. At the time, though, I didn’t develop these ideas. By 2017, though, 15 years after the book was published—and knowing about the breakthroughs in deep learning—I had begun to think more concretely about neural nets as getting their power by sampling programs from across the computational universe. But still I didn’t see quite how this would work.

Meanwhile, there was a new intuition emerging from practical experience with machine learning: that if you “bashed” almost any system “hard enough”, it would learn. Did that mean that perhaps one didn’t need all the details of neural networks to successfully do machine learning? And could one perhaps make a system whose structure was simple enough that its operation would for example be accessible to visualization? I particularly wondered about this when I was writing an exposition of ChatGPT and LLMs in early 2023 . And I kept talking about “LLM science”, but didn’t have much of a chance to work on it.

But then, a few months ago, as part of an effort to understand the relation between what science does and what AI does , I tried a kind of “throwaway experiment” —which, to my considerable surprise, seemed to successfully capture some of the essence of what makes biological evolution possible . But what about other adaptive evolution—and in particular, machine learning? The models that seemed to be needed were embarrassingly close to what I’d studied in 1985 . But now I had a new intuition—and, thanks to Wolfram Language , vastly better tools. And the result has been my effort here.

Of course this is only a beginning. But I’m excited to be able to see what I consider to be the beginnings of foundational science around machine learning. Already there are clear directions for practical applications (which, needless to say, I plan to explore). And there are signs that perhaps we may finally be able to understand just why—and when—the “magic” of machine learning works.

Thanks to Richard Assar of the Wolfram Institute for extensive help. Thanks also to Brad Klee, Tianyi Gu, Nik Murzin and Max Niederman for specific results, to George Morgan and others at Symbolica for their early interest, and to Kovas Boguta for suggesting many years ago to link machine learning to the ideas in A New Kind of Science .

Posted in: Artificial Intelligence , Computational Science , New Kind of Science , Ruliology

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Interesting, and great visualizations. For those of us working it machine learning, statistical inference, and such, it will be important to link the above discussion to Bayesian inference—the provably optimal statistical inference under broadly relevant conditions.

I could barely understand even 1% of this post but I want you to know that humanity is thankful for you. True human treasure.

Absolutely glorious visualisations. Serves an aesthetic enjoyment value as much as an educational aide. Really like this framing of ML and emergent intelligence mining through Cellular Automata – which squares with my own pattern thinking & rules based approach to complexity analysis.

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While data science and machine learning are related, they are very different fields. In a nutshell, data science brings structure to big data while machine learning focuses on learning from the data itself. This post will dive deeper into the nuances of each field.

Data science is a broad, multidisciplinary field that extracts value from today’s massive data sets. It uses advanced tools to look at raw data, gather a data set, process it, and develop insights to create meaning. Areas making up the data science field include mining, statistics, data analytics, data modeling, machine learning modeling and programming.

Ultimately, data science is used in defining new business problems that machine learning techniques and statistical analysis can then help solve. Data science solves a business problem by understanding the problem, knowing the data that’s required, and analyzing the data to help solve the real-world problem.

Machine learning (ML) is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on learning from what the data science comes up with. It requires data science tools to first clean, prepare and analyze unstructured big data. Machine learning can then “learn” from the data to create insights that improve performance or inform predictions.

Just as humans can learn through experience rather than merely following instructions, machines can learn by applying tools to data analysis. Machine learning works on a known problem with tools and techniques, creating algorithms that let a machine learn from data through experience and with minimal human intervention. It processes enormous amounts of data a human wouldn’t be able to work through in a lifetime and evolves as more data is processed.

Across most companies, finding, cleaning and preparing the proper data for analysis can take up to 80% of a data scientist’s day. While it can be tedious, it’s critical to get it right.

Data from various sources, collected in different forms, require data entry and compilation. That can be made easier today with virtual data warehouses that have a centralized platform where data from different sources can be stored.

One challenge in applying data science is to identify pertinent business issues. For example, is the problem related to declining revenue or production bottlenecks? Are you looking for a pattern you suspect is there, but that’s hard to detect? Other challenges include communicating results to non-technical stakeholders, ensuring data security, enabling efficient collaboration between data scientists and data engineers, and determining appropriate key performance indicator (KPI) metrics.

With the increase in data from social media, e-commerce sites, internet searches, customer surveys and elsewhere, a new field of study based on big data emerged. Those vast datasets, which continue to increase, let organizations monitor buying patterns and behaviors and make predictions.

Because the datasets are unstructured, though, it can be complicated and time-consuming to interpret the data for decision-making. That’s where data science comes in.

The term data science (link resides outside of was first used in the 1960s when it was interchangeable with the phrase “computer science.” “Data science” was first used as an independent discipline  (link resides outside of in 2001. Both data science and machine learning are used by data engineers and in almost every industry.

The fields have evolved such that to work as a data analyst who views, manages and accesses data, you need to know  Structured Query Language (SQL)  as well as math, statistics, data visualization (to present the results to stakeholders) and data mining. It’s also necessary to understand data cleaning and processing techniques. Because data analysts often build machine learning models, programming and AI knowledge are also valuable. as well as math, statistics, data visualization (to present the results to stakeholders) and data mining. It’s also necessary to understand data cleaning and processing techniques. Because data analysts often build machine learning models, programming and AI knowledge are also valuable.

Data science is widely used in industry and government, where it helps drive profits, innovate products and services, improve infrastructure and public systems and more.

Some examples of data science use cases include:

  • An international bank uses ML-powered credit risk models to deliver faster loans over a mobile app.
  • A manufacturer developed powerful, 3D-printed sensors to guide driverless vehicles.
  • A police department’s statistical incident analysis tool helps determine when and where to deploy officers for the most efficient crime prevention.
  • An AI-based medical assessment platform analyzes medical records to determine a patient’s risk of stroke and predict treatment plan success rates.
  • Healthcare companies are using data science for breast cancer prediction and other uses.
  • One ride-hailing transportation company uses big data analytics to predict supply and demand, so they can have drivers at the most popular locations in real time. The company also uses data science in forecasting, global intelligence, mapping, pricing and other business decisions.
  • An e-commerce conglomeration uses predictive analytics in its recommendation engine.
  • An online hospitality company uses data science to ensure diversity in its hiring practices, improve search capabilities and determine host preferences, among other meaningful insights. The company made its data open-source, and trains and empowers employees to take advantage of data-driven insights.
  • A major online media company uses data science to develop personalized content, enhance marketing through targeted ads and continuously update music streams, among other automation decisions.

The start of machine learning, and the name itself, came about in the 1950s. In 1950, data scientist Alan Turing proposed what we now call the Turing Test  (link resides outside of, which asked the question, “Can machines think?” The test is whether a machine can engage in conversation without a human realizing it’s a machine. On a broader level, it asks if machines can demonstrate human intelligence. This led to the theory and development of AI.

IBM computer scientist Arthur Samuel (link resides outside of coined the phrase “machine learning” in 1952. He wrote a checkers-playing program that same year. In 1962, a checkers master played against the machine learning program on an IBM 7094 computer, and the computer won.

Today, machine learning has evolved to the point that engineers need to know applied mathematics, computer programming, statistical methods, probability concepts, data structure and other computer science fundamentals, and big data tools such as Hadoop and Hive. It’s unnecessary to know SQL, as programs are written in R, Java, SAS and other programming languages. Python is the most common programming language used in machine learning.

Machine learning and deep learning are both subsets of AI. Deep learning teaches computers to process data the way the human brain does. It can recognize complex patterns in text, images, sounds, and other data and create accurate insights and predictions. Deep learning algorithms are neural networks modeled after the human brain.

Subcategories of machine learning

Some of the most commonly used machine learning algorithms  (link resides outside of include linear regression , logistic regression, decision tree , Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm, Naïve Bayes algorithm and KNN algorithm . These can be supervised learning, unsupervised learning or reinforced/reinforcement learning.

Machine learning engineers can specialize in natural language processing and computer vision, become software engineers focused on machine learning and more.

There are some ethical concerns regarding machine learning, such as privacy and how data is used. Unstructured data has been gathered from social media sites without the users’ knowledge or consent. Although license agreements might specify how that data can be used, many social media users don’t read that fine print.

Another problem is that we don’t always know how machine learning algorithms work and “make decisions.” One solution to that may be releasing machine learning programs as open-source, so that people can check source code.

Some machine-learning models have used datasets with biased data, which passes through to the machine-learning outcomes. Accountability in machine learning refers to how much a person can see and correct the algorithm and who is responsible if there are problems with the outcome.

Some people worry that AI and machine learning will eliminate jobs. While it may change the types of jobs that are available, machine learning is expected to create new and different positions. In many instances, it handles routine, repetitive work, freeing humans to move on to jobs requiring more creativity and having a higher impact.

Well-known companies using machine learning include social media platforms, which gather large amounts of data and then use a person’s previous behavior to forecast and predict their interests and desires. The platforms then use that information and predictive modeling to recommend relevant products, services or articles.

On-demand video subscription companies and their recommendation engines are another example of machine learning use, as is the rapid development of self-driving cars. Other companies using machine learning are tech companies, cloud computing platforms, athletic clothing and equipment companies, electric vehicle manufacturers, space aviation companies, and many others.

Practicing data science comes with challenges. There can be fragmented data, a short supply of data science skills, and tools, practices, and frameworks to choose between that have rigid IT standards for training and deployment. It can also be challenging to operationalize ML models that have unclear accuracy and predictions that are difficult to audit.

IBM’s data science and AI lifecycle product portfolio is built upon our longstanding commitment to open-source technologies. It includes a range of capabilities that enable enterprises to unlock the value of their data in new ways.

Watsonx  is a next generation data and AI platform built to help organizations multiply the power of AI for business. The platform comprises three powerful components: the  studio for new foundation models, generative AI and machine learning; the fit-for-purpose store for the flexibility of a data lake and the performance of a data warehouse; plus, the watsonx.governance toolkit, to enable AI workflows that are built with responsibility, transparency and explainability.

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  5. Best Guesses: Understanding The Hypothesis in Machine Learning

    In machine learning, the term 'hypothesis' can refer to two things. First, it can refer to the hypothesis space, the set of all possible training examples that could be used to predict or answer a new instance. Second, it can refer to the traditional null and alternative hypotheses from statistics. Since machine learning works so closely ...

  6. Everything you need to know about Hypothesis Testing in Machine Learning

    Learn how to perform hypothesis testing to validate your model assumptions and conclusions using sample data. See examples of linear regression models and how to check the significance of coefficients in python.

  7. Machine Learning: The Basics

    A learning rate or step-size parameter used by gradient-based methods. h() A hypothesis map that reads in features x of a data point and delivers a prediction ^y= h(x) for its label y. H A hypothesis space or model used by a ML method. The hypothesis space consists of di erent hypothesis maps h: X!Ybetween which the ML method has to choose. 8

  8. Machine Learning: Model Representation And Hypothesis

    Let's dive into it. First, the goal of most machine learning algorithms is to construct a model or a hypothesis. In machine learning, a model can be a mathematical representation of a real-world ...

  9. Machine Learning

    Machine Learning - Hypothesis - In machine learning, a hypothesis is a proposed explanation or solution for a problem. It is a tentative assumption or idea that can be tested and validated using data. In supervised learning, the hypothesis is the model that the algorithm is trained on to make predictions on unseen data.

  10. Hypothesis in Machine Learning: Comprehensive Overview (2021)

    The hypothesis formula in machine learning: y= mx b. Where, y is range. m changes in y divided by change in x. x is domain. b is intercept. The purpose of restricting hypothesis space in machine learning is so that these can fit well with the general data that is needed by the user. It checks the reality or deception of observations or inputs ...

  11. Hypothesis in Machine Learning

    Hey Coders! I am your Coderella! This tutorial is to teach you the basic concepts of Machine Learning. I will help you understand the several aspects behind ...

  12. Understanding Hypothesis Testing

    The concept of a hypothesis is fundamental in Machine Learning and data science endeavours. In the realm of machine learning, a hypothesis serves as an initial assumption made by data scientists and ML professionals when attempting to address a problem. Machine learning involves conducting experiments based on past experiences, and these hypotheses

  13. Understanding Hypothesis Testing in Machine Learning

    Welcome to our comprehensive guide on understanding hypothesis testing in the context of machine learning. In this video, we explore the foundational princip...

  14. Introduction of Hypothesis in Statistics and Machine Learning

    Machine Learning Hypothesis. The framing of machine learning is common and help us to understand the choice of algorithm, the problem of learning and generalization, and even the bias-variance ...

  15. What is hypothesis in Machine Learning?

    A hypothesis is a mathematical function or model that converts input data into output predictions based on some assumptions. Learn about the types of hypotheses in machine learning, such as null, alternative, one-tailed and two-tailed hypotheses, and how they are used in testing and evaluation.

  16. What is hypothesis testing?

    Edit on GitHub. Hypothesis Testing. Statistical inference is the process of learning about characteristics of a population based on what is observed in a relatively small sample from that population. A sample will never give us the entire picture though, and we are bound to make incorrect decisions from time to time.

  17. Everything You Need To Know about Hypothesis Testing

    In today's analytics world building machine learning models has become relatively easy (thanks to more robust and flexible tools and algorithms), but still the fundamental concepts are very confusing. One of such concepts is Hypothesis Testing. In this post, I'm attempting to clarify the basic concepts of Hypothesis Testing with illustrations.

  18. Hypothesis

    Hypothesis. A statistical hypothesis is:. a proposed explanation for an observation. testable on the basis of observed groups of random variables. Null Hypothesis. The Null Hypothesis is position that there is no relationship between two measured groups.. An example is the development of a new pharmaceutical drug, where the Null Hypothesis is that the drug is considered not effective.

  19. What is Hypothesis in Machine Learning? How to Form a ...

    Learn what is hypothesis in machine learning, how it differs from hypothesis in statistics, and how to form a hypothesis using different algorithms and hyperparameters. See examples of hypothesis testing and validation in supervised learning.

  20. PDF What is Machine Learning?

    Machine Learning is the study of algorithms that •improve their performance ! •at some task "•with experience, or "training data" # A well-defined learning task is given by (!,",#)!: Playing Chess (or Go) ... ML Design (hypothesis class, loss function, optimizer, hyperparameters, features, …)

  21. Machine Learning- Evaluating Hypotheses: Estimating hypotheses Accuracy

    Machine Learning- Issues in Machine Learning and How to solve them; Machine Learning- A concept Learning Task and Inductive Learning Hypothesis; Machine Learning- General-To-Specific Ordering of Hypothesis; Machine Learning- Finding a Maximally Specific Hypothesis: Find-S

  22. Machine Learning 1.1: Hypothesis Spaces

    This video introduces the concept of a hypothesis space which is a restricted set of predictor functions that can be computed and manipulated efficiently giv...

  23. What is Hypothesis

    Hypothesis is a hypothesis isfundamental concept in the world of research and statistics. It is a testable statement that explains what is happening or observed. It proposes the relation between the various participating variables. Hypothesis is also called Theory, Thesis, Guess, Assumption, or Suggestion. Hypothesis creates a structure that ...

  24. What exactly is a hypothesis space in machine learning?

    Here is an example I borrowed and modified from the related part in the classical machine learning textbook: Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning to fit this question: We are selecting a hypothesis function for an unknown function hidding in the training data given by a third person named CoolGuy living in an extragalactic planet.

  25. Top Machine Learning Interview Questions & Answers (2024)

    Check out the most asked Machine Learning Interview Questions for freshers and experienced professionals at top tech companies. Explore basic, intermediate, and advanced-level questions. ... P-values are used to make a decision about a hypothesis test. P-value is the minimum significant level at which you can reject the null hypothesis. The ...

  26. What Machine Learning Tells Us About the Mathematical Structure of Concepts

    In the machine learning literature, the Manifold Hypothesis postulates that observed data can be represented in low-dimensional regions or submanifold within the high-dimensional representational space, reflecting the fact that not all possible combinations of features are realizable (cf. Goodfellow et al., 2016,

  27. A Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Statistics

    Bayesian statistics constitute one of the not-so-conventional subareas within statistics, based on a particular vision of the concept of probabilities. This post introduces and unveils what bayesian statistics is and its differences from frequentist statistics, through a gentle and predominantly non-technical narrative that will awaken your curiosity about this fascinating topic. Introduction ...

  28. What's Really Going On in Machine Learning? Some Minimal Models

    The Mystery of Machine Learning. It's surprising how little is known about the foundations of machine learning. Yes, from an engineering point of view, an immense amount has been figured out about how to build neural nets that do all kinds of impressive and sometimes almost magical things.But at a fundamental level we still don't really know why neural nets "work"—and we don't have ...

  29. Data science vs. machine learning: What's the Difference?

    Machine learning (ML) is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on learning from what the data science comes up with. It requires data science tools to first clean, prepare and analyze unstructured big data. Machine learning can then "learn" from the data to create insights that improve performance or inform predictions.

  30. PDF Impact of Digital Literacy, Use of AI tools and Peer Collaboration on

    applications of Machine learning has transformed computer-assisted learning into a dynamic interdisciplinary field, expanding its research potential and diversifying its topics (Chen et al., 2021; ... The hypothesis formulated from the objectives are tested with the data collected with SPSS v22. Table 1.Descriptive statistics of the measures