PhD in Sustainable Development

The PhD in Sustainable Development at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) is a unique and innovative program that combines rigorous interdisciplinary training with practical application. This program provides a comprehensive education in both the social and natural sciences, preparing students to address complex sustainable development challenges.

Overview: The program's core curriculum includes around ten courses designed to provide interdisciplinary grounding, taught at the level expected of first- or second-year Ph.D. students. The course structure offers PhD-level training in economics and a natural science field, complemented by integrative courses specifically designed for sustainable development and courses in social sciences. This structure allows students the flexibility to pursue individual fields of study while developing broad-based skills and knowledge. Students must complete two social science electives and a coherent sequence of four natural science courses, totaling a minimum of 60 credits, and must maintain an overall B+ average with no grade lower than a B- in core classes.

In addition to coursework, students participate in integrative seminars—Sustainable Development Seminar I (SDEV U9200) and Sustainable Development Seminar II (SDEV U9201)—throughout the first three years of the program. They must also complete an MA thesis, pass an Orals Exam (leading to the MPhil Degree), and present and defend a Ph.D. dissertation.

Advanced Standing: Due to the unique interdisciplinary content of the program, students entering with a master’s degree from Columbia University or elsewhere must still complete all MA and MPhil course requirements and examinations. Advanced standing for previously held degrees may occasionally be granted at the discretion of the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) after the successful completion of the first year.

Advising: Students must select an advisory committee before the end of the fourth semester, ideally earlier, with the help and approval of the DGS and Program Faculty. The advisory committee, typically comprising 2 to 3 members, must include a SIPA faculty member as the main academic advisor. Other advisors can be from different Columbia University schools or universities but cannot be the main academic advisor. The committee should include faculty with expertise in both the social and natural sciences. Initially, the DGS will serve as the academic advisor for the first year or two, guiding and monitoring research progress.

Service Requirements: Students are required to fulfill teaching and research requirements, typically involving six semesters of work as a teaching fellow (TF) or a graduate research fellow (GRF). They usually serve as TFs in SIPA master-level and undergraduate courses. Students who secure external fellowship funding may reduce this requirement with the DGS's approval, but every student must complete at least two semesters as a TA.

Sixth Year: The Ph.D. in Sustainable Development is designed as a five-year program, although some students may need to extend their studies into a sixth year. While administrative accommodations can be made, funding for the sixth year is not guaranteed, and students are encouraged to secure fellowship support or other funding sources.  

Contact Us John Mutter , Professor  Director of the Ph.D. in Sustainable Development [email protected]

Tomara Aldrich Program Coordinator for the Ph.D. in Sustainable Development  [email protected]

John Mutter , Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences and of International and Public Affairs; Director of the PhD in Sustainable Development program

Douglas Almond , Professor of International and Public Affairs and of Economics

Scott Barrett , Lenfest-Earth Institute Professor of Natural Resource Economics

Daniel Björkegren , Assistant Professor of International and Public Affairs

Sandra Black , Professor of Economics and of International and Public Affairs

Caroline Flammer , A. Barton Hepburn Professor of Economics

Robert Metcalfe , Professor of International and Public Affairs

Suresh Naidu , Professor of International and Public Affairs and the Jack Wang and Echo Ren Professor of Economics

Cristian Pop-Eleches , Professor of International and Public Affairs

Jeffrey Shrader , Assistant Professor of International and Public Affairs

Eric Verhoogen , Professor of International and Public Affairs and of Economics; Co-Director, Center for Development Economics and Policy

Requirements for the MA Degree

Sustainable development courses.

These courses are designed and taught specifically for the PhD students in Sustainable Development, although they may be open to students from other programs.

Core Economics Courses

All core economics courses are taught in the Economics Department and are drawn from the Economics PhD syllabus. More information about these courses can be found from the Economics department Web site .

Social Science Courses

Students must take at least 3 social science courses. 

Natural Sciences Courses

Students must also take 3 natural science electives drawn from the following departments:

Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology (E3B)

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (DEES)

Department of Environmental Health Sciences (EHS) at the Mailman School of Public Health

Department of Earth and Environmental Engineerin g (DEEE) at the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS)

The master’s thesis should be completed by May 1 in the fourth semester and should address a problem in sustainable development using data and methodologies from the four natural science courses completed in the first two years of the program. The thesis consists of an article (around 30 pages long), which would be publishable in an appropriately refereed academic journal reflecting the disciplinary orientation of the project.  Students should submit the Masters paper to their research advisor(s) with a copy to the DGS. The advisor later meets with the student and submits a pass/fail grade to the Assistant DGS for processing. For titles of MA thesis projects previously completed by students in the program please see here .

Requirements for the MPhil Degree

Completion of the MA requirements with a minimum of 60 credits and a B+ average.

Complete 4 out of 6 semesters of service requirements (Teaching Assistant, TA or Research Assistant, RA appointments) . Students with outside funding need to complete a minimum of 2 TA appointments.

Fulfillment of research tools requirement

Core courses in quantitative methods (Introduction to Econometrics I and II, and a third Quantitative Analysis course).

Either a two-course sequence in GIS or other analytic modeling systems or a proficiency examination in a non-English language, as selected with the approval of the academic adviser.

Submission of a final draft of the dissertation prospectus , approved by the adviser, to the MPhil Examining Committee three weeks prior to the MPhil examinations. The prospectus should:

be a single, 10-page document

be distinct from the Master’s thesis though it can build on similar research

cover the methods and objective of the research project

Two-hour long oral exam designed to examine the candidates’ formal learning and their capability to do independent research, including the presentation of a dissertation prospectus/proposal. The examination committee will consist of three faculty members, normally from the Sustainable Development core faculty, and will be chaired by the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS), who will lead the discussion of the prospectus. Examinations are conducted as follows:

5 minutes: the candidate will give a formal presentation of the prospectus

30 minutes: all members of the examining committee, led by the DGS, will ask questions.

30 minutes: examination of proficiency in fields most relevant to the proposed research, from within the following subjects:

Natural Science

Sustainable Development

(Optional) An elective field, such as study of a region

Each component will be graded on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest. If the average grade is 3.5 or above the student receives a clear pass. If the average grade is below 3.0 the student will be required to leave the program by the end of the current semester. If the average grade is between 3.0 and 3.5 or if any individual grade is below 3.0 the committee require the student to take further courses, revise their prospectus, or provide a revised research paper.

Requirements for the PhD Degree

Phd dissertation.

The PhD dissertation will be on a social science topic in sustainable development. The social science research will be informed by an understanding of physical and natural science constraints and opportunities influencing economic development.

Students with a regional area of interest to their dissertation may wish to do research abroad, so as to conduct field studies, use archives, improve language skills, or confer with local experts. In order that students may complete the PhD program without delay, it is preferred that they make use of summers to conduct such research. Students who feel they require a longer period of field research or language training need the approval of their advisor, and of the DGS. Students may not receive extended residence credit for study or research away from Columbia before the completion of all course work requirements and comprehensive examinations.

PhD Defense

Complete the GSAS deposit application and pay the $85 processing fee;

Submit the required Survey of Earned Doctorates online;

Upload and submit a PDF copy of your dissertation;

Obtain a signed Approval Card that certifies you have made all required revisions and that the dissertation has been approved for deposit by your sponsor and by your doctoral program.

Open defenses (optional)

If both the candidate for a defense and the Advisory Committee choose to have an “open” defense, the following will apply:

The candidate will have a maximum of 40 minutes to present major conclusions of the thesis research, with at least half of the time devoted to a description of new findings or insights in the field discussed that directly resulted from research by the student.

 Any member of the University community or other interested parties can attend the first part of the thesis defense.

Questions following the initial presentation are permitted for a maximum of 10 minutes.

Following the oral presentation by the candidate and the brief period for general questions, the defense committee will question the candidate in closed session for a period of up to 90 minutes.

If either the candidate or the Advisory Committee prefer, the procedures for “closed defense” (i.e., 20-minute oral presentation followed by questions from the defense committee in closed session for a period of up to 90 minutes) will be followed.

Candidates must consult with their advisor and the Director of Graduate Studies about scheduling the defense. Every Ph.D. student must submit the Intent to Distribute and Defend form directly to GSAS.

The final examination will not be scheduled until the Director of Graduate Studies has recommended the dissertation for defense. A five-person examining committee will be appointed by the department and must be approved by GSAS. The DGS will then officially invite the examiners.

The Application for Defense must be completed by the Candidate and the Director of Graduate Studies and submitted by the program’s office to the GSAS Dissertation office.

Members of the PhD examining committee must be given a minimum of three weeks to read the thesis, so the defense may comfortably be scheduled after submission of the thesis to the Advisory Committee. Before being recommended for defense, the candidate must submit to his/her Advisory Committee draft copies of the thesis, including figures, plates and tables and obtain the Advisory Committee’s written approval of the draft. (Written approval by the Advisory Committee indicates only that the thesis as it stands or with revisions suggested by them is in good enough form to justify scheduling the defense.)

After the Advisory Committee has given its preliminary approval in writing, and the candidate has made any revisions suggested by them, he/she must distribute copies of the dissertation to the external readers. Instructions for the correct form for preparing the manuscript and information on publication options may be obtained via the Graduate School’s website ( )

The candidate must see that outstanding fees or loans to the University are paid and make sure that he/she has fulfilled all other Departmental requirements. When these requirements have been fulfilled and the examining committee has been appointed by the DGS, the candidate is notified of the examination date, usually about two weeks in advance.

After passing the final examination, the candidate must see to any minor revisions and their approval by the examining committee before final deposit. If major revisions were called for (a defense-vote of “incomplete”), these must be made and submitted within a stated period (usually no fewer than three months and no longer than one year from the date of the defense) to the supervising committee, whose approval will have to be certified in writing before the candidate can be recorded as having passed the final examination. From the time of the “pass” vote, the student has a maximum of six months to deposit the thesis. There are four steps to completing your deposit -- the steps can be done in any order, but your deposit is only considered complete when all four steps are done.

Doctorate degrees are awarded in October, February, and May. Check the academic calendar for specific deadlines for the final deposit of the dissertation. (You may, however, call yourself “Dr.” as of the day of your deposit, since that date will appear on your official transcript.)

PhD in Sustainable Development Courses

SDEV U6240 Environmental Science for Sustainable Development. 3.00 Points.

This course provides a rigorous survey of the key areas of natural science that are critical to understanding sustainable development. The course will provide the theories, methodological techniques and applications associated with each natural science unit presented. The teaching is designed to ensure that students have the natural science basis to properly appreciate the co-dependencies of natural and human systems, which are central to understanding sustainable development. Students will learn the complexities of the interaction between the natural and human environment. After completing the course, students should be able to incorporate scholarly scientific work into their research or policy decisions and be able to use scientific methods of data analysis. This is a modular course that will cover core thematic areas specifically, climate, natural hazards, water management, public health/epidemiology, and ecology/biodiversity. To achieve coherence across lectures this course will emphasize how each topic is critical to studies of sustainable development and place-based case studies in recitation will integrate various topics covered. In the lectures and particularly the recitation sections this course will emphasize key scientific concepts such as uncertainty, experimental versus observational approaches, prediction and predictability, the use of models and other essential methodological aspects.

SDEV U9200 Sustainable Development Seminar I. 1.50 Point.

This course is restricted to PhD in Sustainable Development

SDEV U9201 Sustainable Development Seminar II. 1.50 Point.

SDEV U9240 Human Ecology & Sustainable Development. 4.00 Points.

This course has two primary objectives: first, to provide a structured way to think about—and conduct research in—the field of sustainable development. Second, to introduce formal models of dynamic, coupled human and environmental systems.

SDEV U9245 Environment & Resource Economics. 3.00 Points.

This course aims to introduce you to the basic concepts of environmental economics

SDEV U9248 Collective Action for Global Sustainable Development. 3.00 Points.

When externalities go uncorrected, and public goods go undersupplied, the reason is not that the market fails; the reason is that governments are unable or unwilling to intervene effectively. The biggest problem is with transnational externalities and regional and global public goods. This is partly because of the scale of these problems, but it is also because the institutional arrangements at this level make effective intervention difficult. There is no World Government. Instead, there are around 200 sovereign states. To support sustainable development globally, states must cooperate, and yet states' self-interests often conflict with their collective interests. This is why all countries agree that collective action must be taken to limit climate change, and yet, though they try and try again, countries seem unable to muster the individual action needed to meet their own collective goal. The aim of this course is to develop an apparatus for understanding international collective action for sustainable development. By an apparatus, I mean a theory, a structured way of looking at and understanding the world. Rather than just present the theory, my aim is to show you why theory is needed, how it has been constructed, and what its strengths and weaknesses are. Basically, in addition to teaching you principles and tools, I want you to come to see how this field has developed, what it has achieved, and where it has fallen short. Throughout the course, we shall also be looking at tests and applications of the theory-empirical and experimental papers in addition to case studies. The course draws from a number of disciplines, especially economics, game theory (analytical and experimental), and international relations-but also international law, philosophy, history, the natural and physical sciences, and engineering. The focus will be on institutions, and the way that they restructure the relations among states to cause states to behave differently-that is, to cause them to undertake collective action. In terms of applications, the course will address not only climate change but also depletion of the ozone layer, trans-boundary air pollution, pollution of the oceans, over-fishing, biodiversity loss, and the emergence and spread of infectious diseases.


Prerequisites: the director of graduate studies' permission. Corequisites: ECON G6410. Consumer and producer behavior; general competitive equilibrium, welfare and efficiency, behavior under uncertainty, intertemporal allocation and capital theory, imperfect competition, elements of game theory, problems of information, economies with price rigidities


Prerequisites: the director of graduate studies permission. Corequisites: ECON G6410. Consumer and producer behavior; general competitive equilibrium, welfare and efficiency, behavior under uncertainty, intertemporal allocation and capital theory, imperfect competition, elements of game theory, problems of information, economies with price rigidities


Corequisites: ECON G6410 and the director of graduate studies' permission. Introduction to probability theory and statistical inference


Corequisites: ECON G6410 and the director of graduate studies permission. Introduction to the general linear model and its use in econometrics, including the consequences of departures from the standard assumptions

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University of Notre Dame

Keough School of Global Affairs

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Ph.D. in Sustainable Development

The Ph.D. program in sustainable development will train researchers who understand the challenges of sustainable development and know how their research can help find solutions and actively guide decision-making about interactions between humans and the environment.

Now accepting applications for Fall 2025

This program prepares its students to become expert analysts in one of three areas:

  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • Environmental governance
  • Development policy

Keough School researchers place special emphasis on the plight and participation of the most vulnerable members of society, especially in the Global South. Subsequently, doctoral students in the sustainable development program will conduct research that applies directly to policies and practices designed to improve the well-being of vulnerable populations.

Ph.D. students will have opportunities to engage with a range of governmental and intergovernmental organizations, especially those whose work crosses academic and policy arenas, such as the Nature Conservancy, the World Resources Institute, the US Geological Survey, the US Agency for International Development, the US State Department, the United Nations the World Bank and regional development banks, in collaborative research projects to learn how researchers can translate their work into policy.

This program draws upon the expertise within the Keough School’s Pulte Institute for Global Development, the Kellogg Institute for International Studies and the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies.

Have questions about the Ph.D. in Sustainable Development?

Contact Christian Lehman, Associate Director of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions, at [email protected] .

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PhD in Sustainability Science

A three-year programme with an innovative approach to sustainability issues and a global change perspective.

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Applications for September 2025 entry will open in mid-December 2024. 

The Doctor of Philosophy in Sustainability Science Programme is a three-year programme that takes an innovative approach to sustainability, seeking to promote a better understanding of the issues by incorporating global change perspectives.

This programme will equip graduates with comprehensive, multidisciplinary knowledge of sustainability problems, and deepen their understanding of the role of environmental sustainability in addressing current issues related to global change, specifically those related to climate change and biodiversity. Students undertake problem-oriented research by playing an active role in UNU-IAS research projects, and acquire the quantitative and qualitative analytical skills necessary to understand the underlying principles of various systems involved in sustainability issues and debates.

Students can select courses from those offered by UNU-IAS, while also enjoying the opportunity to take courses at other leading universities in Japan such as the University of Tokyo, Sophia University, and International Christian University.

Programme Structure & Language

Admission requirements, how to apply, diploma programme for specialization on the paris agreement (spa), joint diploma programmes, japan foundation for unu (jfunu) scholarship.

The programme is offered on a full-time basis only. The academic year starts in September. The standard period to complete the degree requirements is 36 months or six academic semesters, excluding time spent on study leave of absence from the university. By July of their third-year students are expected to complete all of the course requirements, obtaining at least 14 credits and completing a doctoral dissertation.

The language of instruction is  English . [ Top ]

Applicants for the PhD in Sustainability Science are required to have met the following requirements by the application deadline in order to be considered:

1. A completed master’s degree (or equivalent) from a recognized university or institution of higher education in a field related to sustainability and a minimum of two years of professional field experience related to UNU-IAS research themes which was acquired after obtaining a university degree (full time equivalent);

Two completed master’s degrees, at least one of which must be in a discipline related to sustainability studies (those who expect to receive a second master’s degree before the entrance period of September 2024 may also apply);

2. A GPA of 2.8 or above on a 4.0 scale (equivalent to 70% on a 100 % scale) for at least one of the master’s degrees earned; and

3. English language proficiency.

The minimum score requirements for English language qualifications required by UNU-IAS are:

  • 600 on TOEFL – Paper-Based Testing (PBT) OR
  • 100 on TOEFL – Internet-Based Testing (IBT) OR
  • 7.0 on IELTS – Academic format

*   Please note that TOEFL and IELTS test scores are valid for two years. Invalid test scores will not be accepted.   UNU-IAS requires original TOEFL/IELTS score reports (no photocopies accepted). Applicants are expected to submit a valid score by the application deadline (19 February 2025).

  • TOEFL: Please order an official score report using the institution code 6991. For more information on TOEFL, please visit
  • IELTS: Please request that an official report be sent directly to UNU-IAS. For more information on IELTS, please visit  [ Top ]

Applicants who have studied for at least two consecutive years in a degree-granting university programme taught entirely in English may submit a substitute document for the English language proficiency score. [ Top ]

Please refer to the PhD Application Guidelines  for detailed instructions on how to apply. [ Top ]

  • 19 February 2025: Deadline for applications
  • Late March to Early April 2025 : Invitation to an interview and requests for submitting supporting documents by email (shortlisted applicants only)
  • Early to Mid-April 2025 : Interviews (shortlisted applicants only)
  • Late May 2025 onwards : Announcement of application results (successful applicants only)

Dates are subject to change . [ Top ]

  • Application Processing Fee:  None
  • Tuition Fee:  USD 12,000 per year*

To secure admission, successful applicants will be required to pay at least 50% of the tuition fee for the first academic year ( USD 6,000 *,  non-refundable ) by the due date on the invoice issued after the result announcement and prior to enrolment. Students who choose to pay annually must pay a full one-year tuition payment before the commencement of the academic year. Successful applicants are required to submit all documents and pay the tuition fee by the deadline.**

The estimated total expenses for living and studying in Tokyo for three years are approximately  USD 84,000 , including tuition fees. Applicants must ensure adequate financial resources to meet the full costs of educational and living expenses.

* The fee is subject to change .

**  UNU holida ys  are listed in the  UNU-IAS Academic Calendar .  [ Top ]

The curriculum is reviewed on a yearly basis and the course offerings may not be identical to the ones listed below.

Overview Courses (Compulsory)

  • Trans-disciplinary Graduate Research Seminar I & II
  • Sustainability Science Research Seminar I & II

Elective Courses

  • The United Nations System and Sustainable Development*
  • Global Change and Planetary Boundaries*
  • Principles of International Development Project*
  • Water Resources Systems
  • Education for Sustainable Development: From Global Agendas to Local Actions
  • Understanding the Mechanism to Implement the Paris Agreement to the UNFCCC
  • Enhanced Climate Action through High Integrity Carbon Markets: Practicum on the Implementation of the Paris Agreement Article 6 **
  • The Law and Practice of the United Nations
  • Climate Justice and the Right to Education
  • Remote Sensing, Geographical Information Systems and Analysis: Theory and Application
  • Environmental Statistics and Research Methods I & II
  • Studies of Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes
  • From SDGs to Climate Change: Integrating SDGs into Climate Change Actions
  • Climate Change Mitigation through the Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Practicum on the Implementation of the Paris Agreement **

Courses marked with * are held over a short period as part of the UNU Intensive Core (IC) Courses.

Courses marked with ** are the courses in the pool of Diploma Programme for Specialization on the Paris Agreement (SPA). Details can be found below.  

Other elective courses may also be offered. A wide range of elective courses offered by partner universities are also available to UNU-IAS students through credit exchange arrangements. [ Top ]

UNU-IAS offers the SPA Diploma Programme focusing on the implementation of the Paris Agreement mechanisms, such as the enhanced transparency framework, nationally determined contributions, national adaptation planning process, global stocktake and market mechanisms. By strengthening national capacity in these areas, it aims to become an essential means of implementation of the agreement and develop future leaders who will be at the forefront of these vital efforts. The diploma will be granted upon satisfactory completion of the designated courses. [ Top ]

Students of the UNU-IAS PhD programme are also encouraged to pursue one of two joint diplomas in sustainability science, which are offered in partnership with the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (UT-GSFS) and with Sophia University. These diploma programmes require students to gain 18 credits, eight of which must be from courses specified by UNU-IAS and the partner university under the respective joint diploma programme. A joint diploma can only be awarded to students who successfully complete the three-year UNU-IAS PhD degree programme. [ Top ]

The scholarship is competitive and may be awarded to eligible students who have been accepted for enrolment in the PhD programme. There is no separate application form for the scholarship as it is part of the main online application form for admission. Interested applicants must provide the necessary information and documents for the scholarship when applying to the PhD programme.

I. Coverage

The jfUNU scholarship provides a monthly allowance of 120,000 JPY as a support package for a maximum of 36 months. The tuition fees may be waived for the scholarship recipients.

II. Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Applicants must be from developing countries* who can demonstrate a need for financial assistance.
  • Applicants who are currently living in Japan under a working visa are NOT eligible for the scholarship.
  • Applicants who are already enrolled in other PhD programmes are not eligible. This includes those who have already obtained a PhD degree at an institution other than UNU-IAS.

*Developing countries included in the latest  OECD DAC list .

III. Additional Requirements

  • Recipients of the jfUNU Scholarship are required to write a short essay on their learning and experiences at UNU, which is submitted to the donor organisation. Before graduation, each recipient is requested to submit a note of appreciation to the donors with reflections on their future plans.
  • Recipients agree to foster collaboration with jfUNU through participating in jfUNU activities, events, and other opportunities offered to the student body. [ Top ]

Before contacting the Admissions Office, please read through the  Frequently Asked Questions  to see if your question has been answered. For any unanswered questions, please use the  Inquiry Form . [ Top ]


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