lol my thesis
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Horses can learn to do stuff, but I couldn’t get them to do it on cue
“Judging with a sniff: Can horses associate scents with trained behaviors?”
Remember when Sesame Street characters used to sing about people in your neighbourhood? Turns out those people can have an effect on your health.
Public Health, University of Montreal
Contexte environnemental et vie active chez les personnes ayant des incapacités physiques ( Link )
Unsurprisingly, if everyone’s polite to each other, business goes well
Linguistics, University of Huddersfield
“Relationship Management in Intercultural Business Emails” ( link )
People live and die, and at certain points in history they did more of just that.
Archaeology and human ecology, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
Maritime Human Ecodynamics of Stone Age Arctic Norway: Developing middle-range causal linkages between climate forcing, demography, and technological responses
Movie adaptations are both their own art form and a special kind of Hell, to prove it I wrote a screenplay of this obscure crappy sci fi novel from the 70s
English/Film Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Georgia
Popular culture materials are important to collect now, because they will be history in the future.
Library Information Science, University of Iowa
Being Totally Unintelligible Is Pointless, But Being Semi-Unintelligible Is Revolutionary
Philosophy, Haverford College
“Refusing the Hail: Self-Mutilation, Agrammaticality, and the Politics I’d Body Readability Among East African Migrants in Calais’ ‘Jungle’”
People speak the way they do because they can, duh!
Linguistics, University of Mannheim
Nonstandard in Semantic Space - Knowledge, Attitudes and Variation of Standard and Nonstandard Speech ( Link )
Everyone is building CubeSats (even our crappy engineering school) because it’s fashionable, and it’s doing weird things to the rocket industry.
Aerospace Engineering, University of Virginia.
The Impact of the Growing Smallsat Niche on the Rocket Industry and the Global Economy
Modern Continental Literature is the same goddamn story over and over again
English (College of Education), Southern Illinois University
“The Artist’s Foil”
People have trouble using video game controllers when you make the controllers harder to use
Technology in Education, University of Alberta
The Effect that Mismatch from Preferred Camera Controlled Y-Axis Mapping has on Performance in First Person 3D Virtual Environments
Food waste is bad because it used to be food. But it’s also bad because it is waste.
Trash Talk: Historicising Food Waste Discourses in Singapore
If you know that Trans* people exist you can answer their questions about health insurance.
Temple University
“But we don’t have Trans clients” MSW in Community and Policy
Pulling an all-nighter is kinda shitty for your brain but we are still not exactly sure why.
General Medicine, University of Debrecen, Hungary
‘Effect of 24-hour sleep deprivation on cerebrovascular reactivity in healthy volunteers’
If you look close enough, everything is eugenics
Comparative Literature, University at Buffalo
Eugenic Discourse: Reproduction, Disability, and Literature in Twentieth-Century America
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I collected all my data then realized I didn’t record the variables needed for the one thing I promised to do in the title of my thesis. Environmental Science, Yale University UAV deployment for fine-scale CO 2 estimation in a mid-size city
Initially intended as a means of procrastination from my own thesis, this blog has documented some of the stress, hilarity, and chaos associated with undergraduate (and some post-graduate) theses. Enjoy!
lol my thesis. Summing up years of work in one sentence. Follow us on twitter: @lolmythesis. About Random Submit a post. 18 Oct. There were lots of Evelinas published in the last 240 years, and they all looked pretty different. Information Studies/McGill University.
MA History thesis, Queen’s University . Cross-Cultural Conceptions of Leprosy and the Treatment of Lepers in the Medieval Mediterranean.
Title: Your one-line thesis. Body: Major, School. (Optional, but recommended) Thesis title. (Optional, but recommended) Link to your actual thesis. *I typically don't post submissions that lack major...
As between Lol My Thesis and you, Lol My Thesis is the sole owner of all content on the Web Site, including without limitation, all applicable U.S. and non-U.S. copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights thereto.
lol my thesis. Summing up years of work in one sentence. Follow us on twitter: @lolmythesis. About Random Submit a post. 15 Jun. You know those AskReddit threads that are about the worst thing to happen at a wedding/funeral? That, but Shakespeare. English Literature, University of East Anglia, Norwich England.
lol my thesis. Summing up years of work in one sentence. Follow us on twitter: @lolmythesis. About Random Submit a post. 22 Jan. I put tiny stuff on other quite small stuff and see what happens. Surface, Molecular Physics, Humboldt University in Berlin Germany . 22 Jan.
Jan 18, 2021 · lol my thesis. Summing up years of work in one sentence. Follow us on twitter: @lolmythesis. About Random Submit a post. 18 Jan. It’s pretty embarrassing to play a videogame by yelling at it. Human-Computer Interaction, University of Melbourne. Voice Interaction Game Design and Gameplay .
lol my thesis. Summing up years of work in one sentence. Follow us on twitter: @lolmythesis. About Random Submit a post. 30 May. Horses can learn to do stuff, but I couldn’t get them to do it on cue “Judging with a sniff: Can horses associate scents with trained behaviors?” ...