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Copper–Oxygen Compounds and Their Reactivity: An Eye-Guided Undergraduate Experiment Click to copy article link Article link copied!


Journal of Chemical Education

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The chemistry of Cu I and Cu II is rich, and these oxidation states can be converted into each other by using quite mild or more strong oxidizing or reducing agents, depending on the starting materials and reaction conditions. Thus, this work describes an easy way to obtain yellow copper(I) oxide from copper(II) sulfate, using hydroxylamine hydrochloride as a reductant. In addition, the aqueous chemistry of Cu II is very abundant, and in basic media, it perfectly exemplifies the chemistry of any transition metal having amphoteric hydroxides. For this purpose, copper(II) hydroxide is prepared from copper(II) sulfate by addition of basic medium. The insoluble amphoteric hydroxide reacts again with a solution of sodium hydroxide to form the corresponding water-soluble sodium tetrahydroxocuprate(II). Finally, an experiment is carried out to demonstrate the instability of Cu I in aqueous acid medium, which disproportionates to form Cu 0 and the corresponding water-soluble copper(II) salt. This set of experiments has been designed to be performed in a single 3–4 h laboratory session, and it has been tested several times with second-year undergraduate chemistry students at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

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  • Solution chemistry

Article keywords are supplied by the authors and highlight key terms and topics of the paper.

  • Undergraduate
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Laboratory Experiment
  • Copper Chemistry
  • Yellow Copper(I) Oxide
  • Amphoteric Character
  • Disproportionation


Experimental overview, experiment 1.

Figure 1. (a) The solution of copper(II) sulfate. (b) The solution of copper(II) sulfate after addition of the solution of hydroxylamine. (c) The solution of copper(II) sulfate and hydroxylamine after the addition of a small quantity of the NaOH solution. (d) The solution of copper(II) sulfate with hydroxylamine after completing the addition of the NaOH solution.

Experiment 2

Figure 2. (a) The solution of copper(II) sulfate after the addition of a few drops of NaOH solution, showing the precipitation of copper(II) hydroxide. (b) The solution of Na 2 [Cu(OH) 4 ] formed after the addition of the whole NaOH solution to the precipitated copper(II) hydroxide.

Experiment 3

Figure 3. (a) The suspension obtained after the addition of 2 M H 2 SO 4 to Cu 2 O. (b) The filtrate of the suspension, showing the pale blue color of the diluted solution of CuSO 4 . (c) The solid obtained after filtering the suspension, showing the typical color of copper.

Laboratory Implementation

Supporting information.

Reagents and materials, detailed experiments, and some considerations to take into account in the experimental process ( PDF )

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Author Information

  • Notes The author declares no competing financial interest.

This article references 20 other publications.

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  • 3 Strandberg, H. Reactions of Copper Patina Compounds – I. Influence of Some Air Pollutants . Atmos. Environ. 1998 , 32 ( 20 ), 3511 – 3520 ,  DOI: 10.1016/S1352-2310(98)00057-0 Google Scholar 3 Reactions of copper patina compounds-I. Influence of some air pollutants Strandberg, Helena Atmospheric Environment ( 1998 ), 32 ( 20 ), 3511-3520 CODEN: AENVEQ ; ISSN: 1352-2310 . ( Elsevier Science Ltd. ) Aged copper or bronze objects in outdoor environments exhibit patina layers contg. several constituents. The influence of air pollutants on some of these compds. were studied, including cuprite (Cu2O), tenorite (CuO), brochantite (Cu4(OH)6SO4), antlerite, (Cu3(OH)4SO4), Cu2.5(OH)3SO4·2H2O, and a mixt. of atacamite/clinoatacamite (Cu2(OH)3Cl). The compds. were exposed to air contg. ppb-levels of SO2, O3 and NO2. The products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) after four weeks' exposure. Deposition of SO2 and consumption of O3 were studied using online gas anal. Mechanisms are suggested for the interaction of air pollutants with the patina compds. and the reactions are discussed in relation to outdoor conditions. The results are in agreement with observations from the field. Tenorite reacted rapidly with SO2 in humid air, acting as an ideal absorber. This observation is in agreement with the rare occurrence of this corrosion product in outdoor environment. In the case of cuprite, sulfates were produced in a humid SO2 + O3 environment while no sulfate formed when SO2 was the only pollutant or when SO2 and NO2 were combined. However, active carbon on the cuprite surface enhanced the sulfation markedly in SO2 + NO2 atmosphere. Cu2.5(OH)3SO4·2H2O, brochantite and antlerite formed on copper oxides. Cu2.5(OH)3SO4·2H2O, is suggested to be a metastable precursor in brochantite and antlerite formation and is slightly more sol. than these. Brochantite and antlerite did not react in any of the environments studied. In contrast, atacamite/clinoatacamite reacted rapidly with SO2 in humid air, forming sol. CuSO4·xH2O and a CuCl2·xH2O soln. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 4 Strandberg, H. Reactions of Copper Patina Compounds – II. Influence of Sodium Chloride in the Presence of Some Air Pollutants . Atmos. Environ. 1998 , 32 ( 20 ), 3521 – 352 ,  DOI: 10.1016/S1352-2310(98)00058-2 Google Scholar 4 Reactions of copper patina compounds-II. Influence of sodium chloride in the presence of some air pollutants Strandberg, Helena Atmospheric Environment ( 1998 ), 32 ( 20 ), 3521-3526 CODEN: AENVEQ ; ISSN: 1352-2310 . ( Elsevier Science Ltd. ) The influence of NaCl on patina compds. occurring on outdoor copper and bronze objects was investigated. The lab. study included cuprite (Cu2O), tenorite (CuO), brochantite (Cu4(OH)6SO4), and antlerite (Cu3(OH)4SO4), pretreated with 10 wt% NaCl. The pure compds. were exposed in humid air contg. combinations of trace amts. of SO2, O3 and NO2. Phase transformations were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) after four weeks' exposure. Deposition of SO2 and consumption of O3 were studied using online gas anal. Mechanisms are suggested and reactions are discussed in relation to outdoor conditions. Tenorite did not react with NaCl in humid air. However, when SO2 was added to the air, reaction was rapid, copper hydroxychlorides and hydroxysulfates forming. In addn., an unknown phase appeared in this environment. Cuprite pretreated with NaCl formed copper hydroxychlorides in humid air. When SO2 was added to the air, the mixt. absorbed all SO2 supplied. The rapid sulfation is suggested to be caused by the increased basicity due to oxidn. of cuprite. Treating brochantite or antlerite with NaCl(aq) resulted in a remarkably fast conversion to copper hydroxychlorides. The expts. demonstrate that copper hydroxychlorides are expected to form on outdoor patina even in rain-exposed area. The lack of occurrence of hydroxychlorides in these areas is suggested to be due to a progressing cyclic weathering; including the formation of hydroxychlorides by salt deposition, the formation of sol. copper compds. by dry deposition of SO2, and subsequent wash-out by the rain. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 5 Khan, R. ; Ahmad, R. ; Rai, P. ; Jang, L.-W. ; Yun, J.-H. ; Yu, Y.-T. ; Hahn, Y.-B. ; Lee, I.-H. Glucose-assisted synthesis of Cu 2 O shuriken-like nanostructures and their application as nonenzymatic glucose biosensors . Sens. Actuators B: Chem. 2014 , 203 , 471 – 476 ,  DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2014.06.128 Google Scholar 5 Glucose-assisted synthesis of Cu2O shuriken-like nanostructures and their application as nonenzymatic glucose biosensors Khan, Rizwan; Ahmad, Rafiq; Rai, Prabhakar; Jang, Lee-Woon; Yun, Jin-Hyeon; Yu, Yeon-Tae; Hahn, Yoon-Bong; Lee, In-Hwan Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical ( 2014 ), 203 ( ), 471-476 CODEN: SABCEB ; ISSN: 0925-4005 . ( Elsevier B.V. ) We have successfully synthesized high quality cuprous oxide shuriken-like nanostructures by low temp. hydrothermal process, using glucose as reducing agent. The resulting nanostructures were further characterized for the fabrication of nonenzymic glucose biosensors. The glucose sensors exhibited excellent performances, giving a wide linear detection range (from 0.01 μM to 11.0 mM), an ultra-low detection limit (0.035 μM) and a high sensitivity (0.933 mA/mM cm2). Furthermore, the proposed biosensor showed high selectivity and favorable reproducibility along with long-term performance stability. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 6 Ma, P. ; Zhang, C. ; Dou, B. ; Yi, X. ; Bin, F. ; Liang, W. Synthesis of Cu 2 O micro/nanocrystals for catalytic combustion of high-concentration CO: The crucial role of glucose . Chemosphere 2023 , 314 ( 51 ), 137720 ,  DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.137720 Google Scholar 6 Synthesis of Cu2O micro/nanocrystals for catalytic combustion of high-concentration CO: The crucial role of glucose Ma, Pandong; Zhang, Chenhang; Dou, Baojuan; Yi, Xiaokun; Bin, Feng; Liang, Wenjun Chemosphere ( 2023 ), 314 ( ), 137720 CODEN: CMSHAF ; ISSN: 0045-6535 . ( Elsevier Ltd. ) Cubic Cu2O micro/nanocrystals were successfully synthesized by liq.-phase redn. using copper salt of CuSO4 or CuCl2·2H2O, and glucose or ascorbic acid as reducing agent, resp. The activity of the catalysts was evaluated by light-off curves of CO self-sustained catalytic combustion via temp.-programmed oxidn. of CO (CO-TPO), with the results showing the activity of catalysts following the order of Cu2O-Cl-GLU > Cu2O-S-GLU > Cu2O-S-AA > Cu2O-Cl-AA, (Cl denotes CuCl2·2H2O, GLU denotes glucose, S denotes CuSO4 and AA denotes ascorbic acid, resp.), corresponding to the ignition temp. of 109°C, 122°C, 137°C and 186°C, resp. The crystal structure, elemental valence, morphol. and redox property of the prepd. catalysts were analyzed by using various characterization techniques. Combined with in situ IR spectrum, the CO self-sustained catalytic combustion over Cu2O catalysts mainly follows the Mars-van-Krevelen (M-v-K) mechanism: the adsorbed and activated CO reacts with lattice oxygen to yield CO2 and oxygen vacancy, and then the oxygen vacancy can be replenished by gaseous oxygen. Combined with catalytic performance of high-concn. CO, it is found that the catalysts prepd. using glucose as reducing agent are more angular compared with ascorbic acid. The Cu2O-Cl-GLU synthesized with glucose and CuCl2·2H2O exhibits the best catalytic activity among all the catalysts tested, attributing to its more obvious edge and rough crystal surface. The unique structure of Cu2O-Cl-GLU leads to the high exposure rate and coordination unsatn. of atoms on the cubic Cu2O micro/nanocrystals that can improve the ability of activating gaseous O2 and low temp. reducibility, and consequently facilitating the catalytic activity. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 7 Jiménez-Rodríguez, A. ; Sotelo, E. ; Martínez, L. ; Huttel, Y. ; Ujué-González, M. ; Mayoral, A. ; García-Martín, J. M. ; Videa, M. ; Cholula-Díaz, J. L. Green synthesis of starch-capped Cu 2 O nanocubes and their application in the direct electrochemical detection of glucose . RSC Adv. 2021 , 11 ( 23 ), 13711 – 13721 ,  DOI: 10.1039/D0RA10054D Google Scholar 7 Green synthesis of starch-capped Cu2O nanocubes and their application in the direct electrochemical detection of glucose Jimenez-Rodriguez, Antonio; Sotelo, Eduardo; Martinez, Lidia; Huttel, Yves; Gonzalez, Maria Ujue; Mayoral, Alvaro; Garcia-Martin, Jose Miguel; Videa, Marcelo; Cholula-Diaz, Jorge L. RSC Advances ( 2021 ), 11 ( 23 ), 13711-13721 CODEN: RSCACL ; ISSN: 2046-2069 . ( Royal Society of Chemistry ) Glucose detn. is an essential procedure in different fields, used in clin. anal. for the prevention and monitoring of diabetes. In this work, modified carbon paste electrodes with Cu2O nanocubes (Cu2O NCs) were developed to test electrochem. glucose detection. The synthesis of the Cu2O NCs was achieved by a green method using starch as the capping agent, obtaining cubic-like morphologies and particle sizes from 227 to 123 nm with increasing amts. of the capping agent, as corroborated by electron microscopy anal. Their cryst. structure and purity were detd. by X-ray diffraction. The capability of starch as a capping agent was verified by Fourier-transform IR spectroscopy, in which the presence of functional groups of this biopolymer in the Cu2O NCs were identified. The electrochem. response to glucose oxidn. was detd. by cyclic voltammetry, obtaining a linear response of the elec. current as a function of glucose concn. in the range 100-700μM, with sensitivities from 85.6 to 238.8μA mM-1 cm-2, depending on the amt. of starch used in the synthesis of the Cu2O NCs. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 8 Song, L. ; Huang, Y. ; Dong, J. ; Zhu, B. ; Huang, W. Shape-controlled syntheses and redox activity differences of Cu 2 O particles as an undergraduate laboratory experiment . J. Chem. Educ. 2022 , 99 ( 4 ), 1788 – 1793 ,  DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c01032 Google Scholar 8 Shape-Controlled Syntheses and Redox Activity Differences of Cu2O Particles as an Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment Song, Limin; Huang, Yubi; Dong, Jianxun; Zhu, Baolin; Huang, Weiping Journal of Chemical Education ( 2022 ), 99 ( 4 ), 1788-1793 CODEN: JCEDA8 ; ISSN: 0021-9584 . ( American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc. ) Morphol.-dependent properties are significant in chem. and material sciences. This lab. expt., designed for upper-division undergraduates in chem. and related majors, emphasizes the concepts of the shape-controlled synthesis of crystal particles and the influences of crystal particle morphologies on their reaction performances. Cu2O particles with different morphologies, cubic and truncated octahedral, were synthesized under mild conditions. The resulting products were examd. with XRD and SEM to characterize their phase components and surface morphologies. The activity differences of these products in the redn. of ferric thiocyanate soln., K(n-3)[Fe(SCN)n], were measured and compared. The truncated octahedral Cu2O particles showed higher activity than the cubic ones, which is attributed to differences in their shapes and exposed facets. This expt. can help undergraduates realize that the performances of crystal particles are related not only to their structures and dimensions but also to their morphologies. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 9 Chang, I.-C. ; Chen, P.-C. ; Tsai, M.-C. ; Chen, T.-T. ; Yang, M.-H. ; Chiu, H.-T. ; Lee, C.-H. Large-scale synthesis of uniform Cu 2 O nanocubes with tunable sizes by in-situ nucleation . CrystEngComm 2013 , 15 ( 13 ), 2363 – 2366 ,  DOI: 10.1039/c3ce26932a Google Scholar 9 Large-scale synthesis of uniform Cu2O nanocubes with tunable sizes by in-situ nucleation Chang, I.-Chun; Chen, Po-Chin; Tsai, Min-Chiao; Chen, Ting-Ting; Yang, Min-Han; Chiu, Hsin-Tien; Lee, Chi-Young CrystEngComm ( 2013 ), 15 ( 13 ), 2363-2366 CODEN: CRECF4 ; ISSN: 1466-8033 . ( Royal Society of Chemistry ) Uniform Cu2O nanocubes with various sizes were synthesized by reducing Cu(OH)2 using ascorbic acid in the presence of various amts. of sodium citrate. The monodispersed nanocubes with an edge length of approx. 80 nm used as an anode exhibit excellent lithium storage behavior. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 10 Wang, W. ; Wang, G. ; Wang, X. ; Zhan, Y. ; Liu, Y. ; Zheng, C. Synthesis and characterization of Cu 2 O nanowires by a novel reduction route . Adv. Mater. 2002 , 14 ( 1 ), 67 – 69 ,  DOI: 10.1002/1521-4095(20020104)14:1<67::AID-ADMA67>3.0.CO;2-Z Google Scholar 10 Synthesis and characterization of Cu2O nanowires by a novel reduction route Wang, Wenzhong; Wang, Guanghou; Wang, Xiaoshu; Zhan, Yongjie; Liu, Yingkai; Zheng, Changlin Advanced Materials (Weinheim, Germany) ( 2002 ), 14 ( 1 ), 67-69 CODEN: ADVMEW ; ISSN: 0935-9648 . ( Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH ) A novel redn. route for prepg. Cu2O nanowires in the presence of a suitable surfactant, polyethylene glycol (PEG), at room temp., is reported. This method requires no complex app. or techniques and the synthesis time is very short. Cu2O nanowires were synthesized as follows: 200 mg PEG (Mw 20,000) and 178.48 mg CuCl2·2H2O were dissolved in 200 mL H2O, which was stirred with a magnetic stirrer. The nanowire is a cryst. rather than a single crystal within the lateral dimension. The growth plane of the nanowires was one of the [111] planes in the area shown. The cryst. Cu2O nanowires was synthesized by a redn. route in the presence of the surfactant PEG. XRD, TEM, HRTEM, and XPS studies on these nanowires were conducted. Thus, the novel and simple route can yield a high-quality cryst. Cu2O nanowires. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 11 Du, B. D. ; Phu, D. V. ; Quoc, L. A. ; Hien, N. Q. Synthesis and investigation of antimicrobial activity of Cu 2 O nanoparticles/zeolite . J. Nanoparticles 2017 , 4 , 1 – 6 ,  DOI: 10.1155/2017/7056864 Google Scholar There is no corresponding record for this reference.
  • 12 Huang, W.-C. ; Lyu, L.-M. ; Yang, Y.-C. ; Huang, M.-H. Synthesis of Cu 2 O nanocrystals from cubic to rhombic dodecahedral structures and their comparative photocatalytic activity . J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012 , 134 ( 2 ), 1261 – 1267 ,  DOI: 10.1021/ja209662v Google Scholar 12 Synthesis of Cu2O Nanocrystals from Cubic to Rhombic Dodecahedral Structures and Their Comparative Photocatalytic Activity Huang, Wan-Chen; Lyu, Lian-Ming; Yang, Yu-Chen; Huang, Michael H. Journal of the American Chemical Society ( 2012 ), 134 ( 2 ), 1261-1267 CODEN: JACSAT ; ISSN: 0002-7863 . ( American Chemical Society ) In this study, a new series of Cu2O nanocrystals with systematic shape evolution from cubic to face-raised cubic, edge- and corner-truncated octahedral, all-corner-truncated rhombic dodecahedral, {100}-truncated rhombic dodecahedral, and rhombic dodecahedral structures have been synthesized. The av. sizes for the cubes, edge- and corner-truncated octahedra, {100}-truncated rhombic dodecahedra, and rhombic dodecahedra are approx. 200, 140, 270, and 290 nm, resp. An aq. mixt. of CuCl2, sodium dodecyl sulfate, NaOH, and NH2OH·HCl was prepd. to produce these nanocrystals at room temp. Simple adjustment of the amts. of NH2OH·HCl introduced enables this particle shape evolution. These novel particle morphologies have been carefully analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The soln. color changes quickly from blue to green, yellow, and then orange within 1 min of reaction in the formation of nanocubes, while such color change takes 10-20 min in the growth of rhombic dodecahedra. TEM examn. confirmed the rapid prodn. of nanocubes and a substantially slower growth rate for the rhombic dodecahedra. The rhombic dodecahedra exposing only the {110} facets exhibit an exceptionally good photocatalytic activity toward the fast and complete photodegrdn. of Methyl orange due to a high no. d. of surface copper atoms, demonstrating the importance of their successful prepn. They may serve as effective and cheap catalysts for other photocatalytic reactions and org. coupling reactions. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 13 Markina, N. E. ; Pozharov, M. V. ; Markin, A. V. Synthesis of copper(I) oxide particles with variable color: demonstrating size-dependent optical properties for high school students . J. Chem. Educ. 2016 , 93 ( 4 ), 704 – 707 ,  DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.5b00563 Google Scholar 13 Synthesis of Copper(I) Oxide Particles with Variable Color: Demonstrating Size-Dependent Optical Properties for High School Students Markina, Natalia E.; Pozharov, Mikhail V.; Markin, Alexey V. Journal of Chemical Education ( 2016 ), 93 ( 4 ), 704-707 CODEN: JCEDA8 ; ISSN: 0021-9584 . ( American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc. ) We suggest the use of a simple and cheap synthesis of micro- and nanosized copper(I) oxide particles with variable color as a demonstration of size-dependent optical properties of semiconductors for high school students. The synthesis of Cu2O particles is performed by reducing alk. copper(II)-citrate complex (Benedict's reagent) with glucose. Significant color and size changes of Cu2O particles at various reaction conditions are obsd. and discussed. Proposed demonstration is very useful for introducing students (including undergraduate students) to size-dependent optical properties of semiconductors and principles of synthesis of nanosized objects. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 14 Holleman, A. F. ; Wiberg, E. Inorganic Chemistry , 1 st ed.; Academic Press : Berlin , 2001 ; pp 1253 – 1254 . Google Scholar There is no corresponding record for this reference.
  • 15 Schlur, L. ; Bonnota, K. ; Spitzer, D. Synthesis of Cu(OH) 2 and CuO nanotubes arrays on a silicon wafer . RSC Adv. 2015 , 5 ( 8 ), 6061 – 6070 ,  DOI: 10.1039/C4RA10155C Google Scholar 15 Synthesis of Cu(OH)2 and CuO nanotubes arrays on a silicon wafer Schlur, Laurent; Bonnot, Karine; Spitzer, Denis RSC Advances ( 2015 ), 5 ( 8 ), 6061-6070 CODEN: RSCACL ; ISSN: 2046-2069 . ( Royal Society of Chemistry ) We report the synthesis of copper hydroxide (Cu(OH)2) and cupric oxide (CuO) nanotubes arrays on a silicon wafer. It is the first time, to the authors' knowledge, that Cu(OH)2 and CuO tubes have been synthesized on another substrate than a copper foil. Monocryst. Cu(OH)2 tubes were grown, on a homogeneous copper layer previously evapd. on the top of the wafer, by oxidn. of this copper layer in two successive alk. solns. contg. Na(OH) and (NH4)2S2O8 each. The first soln. is used to control the tubes morphol. and d. on the wafer and the second one to accelerate the tubes growth. By changing the first soln. concn., lengths between 3.5 μm and 6.6 μm were obtained and a mean external diam. close to 100 nm could be reached. For such a low external diam., the internal diam. was equal to 75 nm. An annealing at 200 °C during 1 h under static air leads to the dehydration of Cu(OH)2 tubes into CuO ones. The morphol. of the tubes before and after annealing is almost identical, so it is possible to obtain CuO nanotubes with a mean external diam. around 100 nm. This value is much smaller than the diams. of several hundred nanometers published up to now for CuO tubes. After annealing, the presence of Cu2O, due at least partially to a diffusion phenomenon at the interface copper layer/CuO, has been detected. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 16 Cudennec, Y. ; Lecerf, A. ; Gérault, Y. Synthesis of Cu(OH) 2 and CuO by soft chemistry . Eur. J. Solid State Inorg. Chem. 1995 , 32 ( 10 ), 1013 – 1022 Google Scholar 16 Synthesis of Cu(OH)2 and CuO by soft chemistry Cudennec, Y.; Lecerf, A.; Gerault, Y. European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry ( 1995 ), 32 ( 10 ), 1013-22 CODEN: EJSCE5 ; ISSN: 0992-4361 . ( Gauthier-Villars ) The ternary diagram CuO-Na2O-H2O was studied, to understand the conditions of stability of Cu(OH)2 and CuO. Soly. curves and domains of pure solid phases, Na2Cu(OH)4 and CuO, were detd. CuO is less sol. than Cu(OH)2, the latter of which does not exist in equil. in the ternary system. Synthesis of pure Cu(OH)2 is achieved from Na2Cu(OH)4. This salt is dild. in a large amt. of H2O and this procedure avoids the formation of CuO through the complex ion Cu(OH)42-. The synthesis of pure CuO, at room temp., required a new route. Cu metal is oxidized by dioxygen in concd. NH3 solns. The solid obtained is relatively well-crystd., despite the method of synthesis used. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 17 Cudennec, Y. ; Riou, A. ; Gerault, Y. ; Lecerf, A. Hypothèse cristallochimique des mécanismes deformation de CuO(s) et de Cu(OH) 2 (s) à partir de Na 2 Cu(OH) 4 (s) . A. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série IIc, Chimie/Chemistry 2000 , 3 , 661 – 666 ,  DOI: 10.1016/S1387-1609(00)01170-1 Google Scholar 17 Crystallographical and chemical hypothesis for the formation process of CuO(s) and Cu(OH)2(s) from Na2Cu(OH)4(s) Cudennec, Yannick; Riou, Amedee; Gerault, Yves; Lecerf, Andre Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie IIc: Chimie ( 2000 ), 3 ( 8 ), 661-666 CODEN: CASCFN ; ISSN: 1387-1609 . ( Editions Scientifiques et Medicales Elsevier ) Addn. of water into systems contg. the solid Na2Cu(OH)4(s) and its satd. soln. allows the formation of two different solids: CuO(s) and Cu(OH)2(s). Copper oxide is obtained by a slow addn. and corresponds to the equil. state; copper hydroxide is obtained by the fast addn. of a large amt. of water and is a metastable phase. In order to explain these different behaviors, we propose a hypothesis involving two different reaction mechanisms. When systems contg. Na2Cu(OH)4(s) are softly dild., Na+ ions leave the crystal structure towards the soln. In parallel, the two longest Cu-O bonds of the octahedral surrounding of copper break down to give rise to free Cu(OH)42-(aq) complex ions, stable in soln., which constitute elementary bricks for the formation of CuO(s). Synthesis of Cu(OH)2(s) is only possible when diln. of systems contg. Na2Cu(OH)4(s) is carried out in a large amt. of water to make OH- ion concn. quickly decrease, in order to avoid the formation of Cu(OH)42-(aq) complex ions, precursors of CuO(s). In these conditions, Na2Cu(OH)4(s) gives rise to Cu(OH)2(s) by a topotactic reaction. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 18 Cudennec, Y. ; Lecerf, A. The transformation of Cu(OH) 2 into CuO, revisited . Solid State Sci. 2003 , 5 ( 11–12 ), 1471 – 1474 ,  DOI: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2003.09.009 Google Scholar 18 The transformation of Cu(OH)2 into CuO, revisited Cudennec, Yannick; Lecerf, Andre Solid State Sciences ( 2003 ), 5 ( 11-12 ), 1471-1474 CODEN: SSSCFJ ; ISSN: 1293-2558 . ( Elsevier SAS ) Cu(OH)2 is metastable. It easily transforms into more stable CuO, either in the solid state by a thermal dehydration or at room temp., in aq. basic solns. In the solid state, the transformation was performed at a relatively low temp., 423 K. It is a topotactic or a pseudomorphic transformation owing to clear relations between axes of the two solids, in the three directions. The reacting process is described and the corresponding vectorial relations between crystal parameters are proposed. It is not the same case in aq. basic solns. Cu(OH)2 gives rise to CuO through the formation of a complex anion, Cu(OH)42-, by a reconstructive transformation involving a dissoln. reaction followed by a pptn. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 19 Goncharova, D. A. ; Kharlamova, T. S. ; Lapin, I. N. ; Svetlichnyi, V. A. Chemical and morphological evolution of copper nanoparticles obtained by pulsed laser ablation in liquid . J. Phys. Chem. C 2019 , 123 ( 35 ), 21731 – 21742 ,  DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b03958 Google Scholar 19 Chemical and Morphological Evolution of Copper Nanoparticles Obtained by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid Goncharova, Daria A.; Kharlamova, Tamara S.; Lapin, Ivan N.; Svetlichnyi, Valery A. Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( 2019 ), 123 ( 35 ), 21731-21742 CODEN: JPCCCK ; ISSN: 1932-7447 . ( American Chemical Society ) Pulsed laser ablation in liq. (PLAL) is a promising method to prep. copper/copper oxide nanoparticles (NPs), with the liq. used being an important factor to control their properties. The roles of the species dissolved in the liq. in the course of NP formation during the PLAL as well as the effects of org. solvents in the stabilization of the colloids obtained remain a debate. The peculiarities of the formation and alteration of the particles in Et alc. as well as the effect of low amts. of oxidizing and acid-base species on the compn., structure, morphol., and stability of the NPs in the water colloids are examd. The obsd. high resistance of Cu NPs toward deep oxidn. in Et alc. suspension is shown to be connected with a competitive adsorption mechanism rather than the formation of the carbon shell. Pulsed laser ablation (PLA) of copper in distd. water yields cubic Cu2O NPs, while low amts. of NaOH and H2O2 species change the transformation route of copper NPs in the colloids formed. In the case of H2O2, the primary formation of the sheetlike and flowerlike Cu(OH)2 particles occurs in the course of PLA followed by their pseudomorphous transformation into CuO particles during the suspension aging. The presence of NaOH yields leaflike CuO mesostructures via the tetrahydroxocuprate anion mechanism. On the basis of the results obtained, the schemes for the formation of the particles are proposed. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 20 European Chemical Agency (ECHA) ; . Google Scholar There is no corresponding record for this reference.

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  • 1 Wang, H. Chapter 9 - Noble Metals . In Membrane-based separations in metallurgy ; Jiang, L-Y , Li, N. , Eds.; Elsevier : 2017 ; pp 249 – 272 . There is no corresponding record for this reference.
  • 2 Graedel, T. E. ; Nassau, K. ; Franey, J. P. Copper Patinas Formed in the Atmosphere – I. Introduction . Corros. Sci. 1987 , 27 ( 7 ), 639 – 657 ,  DOI: 10.1016/0010-938X(87)90047-3 2 Copper patinas formed in the atmosphere-I. Introduction Graedel, T. E.; Nassau, K.; Franey, J. P. Corrosion Science ( 1987 ), 27 ( 7 ), 639-57 CODEN: CRRSAA ; ISSN: 0010-938X . The protective green patina which forms on Cu exposed to the atm. is complex and poorly characterized. Using modern anal. techniques, >15 samples of patina of varying ages and exposures were examd. in detail. A no. of new components of Cu patinas were revealed. The results, combined with atm. chem. information, were used to deduce detailed mechanisms of patina formation. The previously established phys. and chem. characteristics of Cu patina are discussed. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 3 Strandberg, H. Reactions of Copper Patina Compounds – I. Influence of Some Air Pollutants . Atmos. Environ. 1998 , 32 ( 20 ), 3511 – 3520 ,  DOI: 10.1016/S1352-2310(98)00057-0 3 Reactions of copper patina compounds-I. Influence of some air pollutants Strandberg, Helena Atmospheric Environment ( 1998 ), 32 ( 20 ), 3511-3520 CODEN: AENVEQ ; ISSN: 1352-2310 . ( Elsevier Science Ltd. ) Aged copper or bronze objects in outdoor environments exhibit patina layers contg. several constituents. The influence of air pollutants on some of these compds. were studied, including cuprite (Cu2O), tenorite (CuO), brochantite (Cu4(OH)6SO4), antlerite, (Cu3(OH)4SO4), Cu2.5(OH)3SO4·2H2O, and a mixt. of atacamite/clinoatacamite (Cu2(OH)3Cl). The compds. were exposed to air contg. ppb-levels of SO2, O3 and NO2. The products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) after four weeks' exposure. Deposition of SO2 and consumption of O3 were studied using online gas anal. Mechanisms are suggested for the interaction of air pollutants with the patina compds. and the reactions are discussed in relation to outdoor conditions. The results are in agreement with observations from the field. Tenorite reacted rapidly with SO2 in humid air, acting as an ideal absorber. This observation is in agreement with the rare occurrence of this corrosion product in outdoor environment. In the case of cuprite, sulfates were produced in a humid SO2 + O3 environment while no sulfate formed when SO2 was the only pollutant or when SO2 and NO2 were combined. However, active carbon on the cuprite surface enhanced the sulfation markedly in SO2 + NO2 atmosphere. Cu2.5(OH)3SO4·2H2O, brochantite and antlerite formed on copper oxides. Cu2.5(OH)3SO4·2H2O, is suggested to be a metastable precursor in brochantite and antlerite formation and is slightly more sol. than these. Brochantite and antlerite did not react in any of the environments studied. In contrast, atacamite/clinoatacamite reacted rapidly with SO2 in humid air, forming sol. CuSO4·xH2O and a CuCl2·xH2O soln. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 4 Strandberg, H. Reactions of Copper Patina Compounds – II. Influence of Sodium Chloride in the Presence of Some Air Pollutants . Atmos. Environ. 1998 , 32 ( 20 ), 3521 – 352 ,  DOI: 10.1016/S1352-2310(98)00058-2 4 Reactions of copper patina compounds-II. Influence of sodium chloride in the presence of some air pollutants Strandberg, Helena Atmospheric Environment ( 1998 ), 32 ( 20 ), 3521-3526 CODEN: AENVEQ ; ISSN: 1352-2310 . ( Elsevier Science Ltd. ) The influence of NaCl on patina compds. occurring on outdoor copper and bronze objects was investigated. The lab. study included cuprite (Cu2O), tenorite (CuO), brochantite (Cu4(OH)6SO4), and antlerite (Cu3(OH)4SO4), pretreated with 10 wt% NaCl. The pure compds. were exposed in humid air contg. combinations of trace amts. of SO2, O3 and NO2. Phase transformations were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) after four weeks' exposure. Deposition of SO2 and consumption of O3 were studied using online gas anal. Mechanisms are suggested and reactions are discussed in relation to outdoor conditions. Tenorite did not react with NaCl in humid air. However, when SO2 was added to the air, reaction was rapid, copper hydroxychlorides and hydroxysulfates forming. In addn., an unknown phase appeared in this environment. Cuprite pretreated with NaCl formed copper hydroxychlorides in humid air. When SO2 was added to the air, the mixt. absorbed all SO2 supplied. The rapid sulfation is suggested to be caused by the increased basicity due to oxidn. of cuprite. Treating brochantite or antlerite with NaCl(aq) resulted in a remarkably fast conversion to copper hydroxychlorides. The expts. demonstrate that copper hydroxychlorides are expected to form on outdoor patina even in rain-exposed area. The lack of occurrence of hydroxychlorides in these areas is suggested to be due to a progressing cyclic weathering; including the formation of hydroxychlorides by salt deposition, the formation of sol. copper compds. by dry deposition of SO2, and subsequent wash-out by the rain. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 5 Khan, R. ; Ahmad, R. ; Rai, P. ; Jang, L.-W. ; Yun, J.-H. ; Yu, Y.-T. ; Hahn, Y.-B. ; Lee, I.-H. Glucose-assisted synthesis of Cu 2 O shuriken-like nanostructures and their application as nonenzymatic glucose biosensors . Sens. Actuators B: Chem. 2014 , 203 , 471 – 476 ,  DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2014.06.128 5 Glucose-assisted synthesis of Cu2O shuriken-like nanostructures and their application as nonenzymatic glucose biosensors Khan, Rizwan; Ahmad, Rafiq; Rai, Prabhakar; Jang, Lee-Woon; Yun, Jin-Hyeon; Yu, Yeon-Tae; Hahn, Yoon-Bong; Lee, In-Hwan Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical ( 2014 ), 203 ( ), 471-476 CODEN: SABCEB ; ISSN: 0925-4005 . ( Elsevier B.V. ) We have successfully synthesized high quality cuprous oxide shuriken-like nanostructures by low temp. hydrothermal process, using glucose as reducing agent. The resulting nanostructures were further characterized for the fabrication of nonenzymic glucose biosensors. The glucose sensors exhibited excellent performances, giving a wide linear detection range (from 0.01 μM to 11.0 mM), an ultra-low detection limit (0.035 μM) and a high sensitivity (0.933 mA/mM cm2). Furthermore, the proposed biosensor showed high selectivity and favorable reproducibility along with long-term performance stability. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 6 Ma, P. ; Zhang, C. ; Dou, B. ; Yi, X. ; Bin, F. ; Liang, W. Synthesis of Cu 2 O micro/nanocrystals for catalytic combustion of high-concentration CO: The crucial role of glucose . Chemosphere 2023 , 314 ( 51 ), 137720 ,  DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.137720 6 Synthesis of Cu2O micro/nanocrystals for catalytic combustion of high-concentration CO: The crucial role of glucose Ma, Pandong; Zhang, Chenhang; Dou, Baojuan; Yi, Xiaokun; Bin, Feng; Liang, Wenjun Chemosphere ( 2023 ), 314 ( ), 137720 CODEN: CMSHAF ; ISSN: 0045-6535 . ( Elsevier Ltd. ) Cubic Cu2O micro/nanocrystals were successfully synthesized by liq.-phase redn. using copper salt of CuSO4 or CuCl2·2H2O, and glucose or ascorbic acid as reducing agent, resp. The activity of the catalysts was evaluated by light-off curves of CO self-sustained catalytic combustion via temp.-programmed oxidn. of CO (CO-TPO), with the results showing the activity of catalysts following the order of Cu2O-Cl-GLU > Cu2O-S-GLU > Cu2O-S-AA > Cu2O-Cl-AA, (Cl denotes CuCl2·2H2O, GLU denotes glucose, S denotes CuSO4 and AA denotes ascorbic acid, resp.), corresponding to the ignition temp. of 109°C, 122°C, 137°C and 186°C, resp. The crystal structure, elemental valence, morphol. and redox property of the prepd. catalysts were analyzed by using various characterization techniques. Combined with in situ IR spectrum, the CO self-sustained catalytic combustion over Cu2O catalysts mainly follows the Mars-van-Krevelen (M-v-K) mechanism: the adsorbed and activated CO reacts with lattice oxygen to yield CO2 and oxygen vacancy, and then the oxygen vacancy can be replenished by gaseous oxygen. Combined with catalytic performance of high-concn. CO, it is found that the catalysts prepd. using glucose as reducing agent are more angular compared with ascorbic acid. The Cu2O-Cl-GLU synthesized with glucose and CuCl2·2H2O exhibits the best catalytic activity among all the catalysts tested, attributing to its more obvious edge and rough crystal surface. The unique structure of Cu2O-Cl-GLU leads to the high exposure rate and coordination unsatn. of atoms on the cubic Cu2O micro/nanocrystals that can improve the ability of activating gaseous O2 and low temp. reducibility, and consequently facilitating the catalytic activity. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 7 Jiménez-Rodríguez, A. ; Sotelo, E. ; Martínez, L. ; Huttel, Y. ; Ujué-González, M. ; Mayoral, A. ; García-Martín, J. M. ; Videa, M. ; Cholula-Díaz, J. L. Green synthesis of starch-capped Cu 2 O nanocubes and their application in the direct electrochemical detection of glucose . RSC Adv. 2021 , 11 ( 23 ), 13711 – 13721 ,  DOI: 10.1039/D0RA10054D 7 Green synthesis of starch-capped Cu2O nanocubes and their application in the direct electrochemical detection of glucose Jimenez-Rodriguez, Antonio; Sotelo, Eduardo; Martinez, Lidia; Huttel, Yves; Gonzalez, Maria Ujue; Mayoral, Alvaro; Garcia-Martin, Jose Miguel; Videa, Marcelo; Cholula-Diaz, Jorge L. RSC Advances ( 2021 ), 11 ( 23 ), 13711-13721 CODEN: RSCACL ; ISSN: 2046-2069 . ( Royal Society of Chemistry ) Glucose detn. is an essential procedure in different fields, used in clin. anal. for the prevention and monitoring of diabetes. In this work, modified carbon paste electrodes with Cu2O nanocubes (Cu2O NCs) were developed to test electrochem. glucose detection. The synthesis of the Cu2O NCs was achieved by a green method using starch as the capping agent, obtaining cubic-like morphologies and particle sizes from 227 to 123 nm with increasing amts. of the capping agent, as corroborated by electron microscopy anal. Their cryst. structure and purity were detd. by X-ray diffraction. The capability of starch as a capping agent was verified by Fourier-transform IR spectroscopy, in which the presence of functional groups of this biopolymer in the Cu2O NCs were identified. The electrochem. response to glucose oxidn. was detd. by cyclic voltammetry, obtaining a linear response of the elec. current as a function of glucose concn. in the range 100-700μM, with sensitivities from 85.6 to 238.8μA mM-1 cm-2, depending on the amt. of starch used in the synthesis of the Cu2O NCs. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 8 Song, L. ; Huang, Y. ; Dong, J. ; Zhu, B. ; Huang, W. Shape-controlled syntheses and redox activity differences of Cu 2 O particles as an undergraduate laboratory experiment . J. Chem. Educ. 2022 , 99 ( 4 ), 1788 – 1793 ,  DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c01032 8 Shape-Controlled Syntheses and Redox Activity Differences of Cu2O Particles as an Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment Song, Limin; Huang, Yubi; Dong, Jianxun; Zhu, Baolin; Huang, Weiping Journal of Chemical Education ( 2022 ), 99 ( 4 ), 1788-1793 CODEN: JCEDA8 ; ISSN: 0021-9584 . ( American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc. ) Morphol.-dependent properties are significant in chem. and material sciences. This lab. expt., designed for upper-division undergraduates in chem. and related majors, emphasizes the concepts of the shape-controlled synthesis of crystal particles and the influences of crystal particle morphologies on their reaction performances. Cu2O particles with different morphologies, cubic and truncated octahedral, were synthesized under mild conditions. The resulting products were examd. with XRD and SEM to characterize their phase components and surface morphologies. The activity differences of these products in the redn. of ferric thiocyanate soln., K(n-3)[Fe(SCN)n], were measured and compared. The truncated octahedral Cu2O particles showed higher activity than the cubic ones, which is attributed to differences in their shapes and exposed facets. This expt. can help undergraduates realize that the performances of crystal particles are related not only to their structures and dimensions but also to their morphologies. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 9 Chang, I.-C. ; Chen, P.-C. ; Tsai, M.-C. ; Chen, T.-T. ; Yang, M.-H. ; Chiu, H.-T. ; Lee, C.-H. Large-scale synthesis of uniform Cu 2 O nanocubes with tunable sizes by in-situ nucleation . CrystEngComm 2013 , 15 ( 13 ), 2363 – 2366 ,  DOI: 10.1039/c3ce26932a 9 Large-scale synthesis of uniform Cu2O nanocubes with tunable sizes by in-situ nucleation Chang, I.-Chun; Chen, Po-Chin; Tsai, Min-Chiao; Chen, Ting-Ting; Yang, Min-Han; Chiu, Hsin-Tien; Lee, Chi-Young CrystEngComm ( 2013 ), 15 ( 13 ), 2363-2366 CODEN: CRECF4 ; ISSN: 1466-8033 . ( Royal Society of Chemistry ) Uniform Cu2O nanocubes with various sizes were synthesized by reducing Cu(OH)2 using ascorbic acid in the presence of various amts. of sodium citrate. The monodispersed nanocubes with an edge length of approx. 80 nm used as an anode exhibit excellent lithium storage behavior. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 10 Wang, W. ; Wang, G. ; Wang, X. ; Zhan, Y. ; Liu, Y. ; Zheng, C. Synthesis and characterization of Cu 2 O nanowires by a novel reduction route . Adv. Mater. 2002 , 14 ( 1 ), 67 – 69 ,  DOI: 10.1002/1521-4095(20020104)14:1<67::AID-ADMA67>3.0.CO;2-Z 10 Synthesis and characterization of Cu2O nanowires by a novel reduction route Wang, Wenzhong; Wang, Guanghou; Wang, Xiaoshu; Zhan, Yongjie; Liu, Yingkai; Zheng, Changlin Advanced Materials (Weinheim, Germany) ( 2002 ), 14 ( 1 ), 67-69 CODEN: ADVMEW ; ISSN: 0935-9648 . ( Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH ) A novel redn. route for prepg. Cu2O nanowires in the presence of a suitable surfactant, polyethylene glycol (PEG), at room temp., is reported. This method requires no complex app. or techniques and the synthesis time is very short. Cu2O nanowires were synthesized as follows: 200 mg PEG (Mw 20,000) and 178.48 mg CuCl2·2H2O were dissolved in 200 mL H2O, which was stirred with a magnetic stirrer. The nanowire is a cryst. rather than a single crystal within the lateral dimension. The growth plane of the nanowires was one of the [111] planes in the area shown. The cryst. Cu2O nanowires was synthesized by a redn. route in the presence of the surfactant PEG. XRD, TEM, HRTEM, and XPS studies on these nanowires were conducted. Thus, the novel and simple route can yield a high-quality cryst. Cu2O nanowires. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 11 Du, B. D. ; Phu, D. V. ; Quoc, L. A. ; Hien, N. Q. Synthesis and investigation of antimicrobial activity of Cu 2 O nanoparticles/zeolite . J. Nanoparticles 2017 , 4 , 1 – 6 ,  DOI: 10.1155/2017/7056864 There is no corresponding record for this reference.
  • 12 Huang, W.-C. ; Lyu, L.-M. ; Yang, Y.-C. ; Huang, M.-H. Synthesis of Cu 2 O nanocrystals from cubic to rhombic dodecahedral structures and their comparative photocatalytic activity . J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012 , 134 ( 2 ), 1261 – 1267 ,  DOI: 10.1021/ja209662v 12 Synthesis of Cu2O Nanocrystals from Cubic to Rhombic Dodecahedral Structures and Their Comparative Photocatalytic Activity Huang, Wan-Chen; Lyu, Lian-Ming; Yang, Yu-Chen; Huang, Michael H. Journal of the American Chemical Society ( 2012 ), 134 ( 2 ), 1261-1267 CODEN: JACSAT ; ISSN: 0002-7863 . ( American Chemical Society ) In this study, a new series of Cu2O nanocrystals with systematic shape evolution from cubic to face-raised cubic, edge- and corner-truncated octahedral, all-corner-truncated rhombic dodecahedral, {100}-truncated rhombic dodecahedral, and rhombic dodecahedral structures have been synthesized. The av. sizes for the cubes, edge- and corner-truncated octahedra, {100}-truncated rhombic dodecahedra, and rhombic dodecahedra are approx. 200, 140, 270, and 290 nm, resp. An aq. mixt. of CuCl2, sodium dodecyl sulfate, NaOH, and NH2OH·HCl was prepd. to produce these nanocrystals at room temp. Simple adjustment of the amts. of NH2OH·HCl introduced enables this particle shape evolution. These novel particle morphologies have been carefully analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The soln. color changes quickly from blue to green, yellow, and then orange within 1 min of reaction in the formation of nanocubes, while such color change takes 10-20 min in the growth of rhombic dodecahedra. TEM examn. confirmed the rapid prodn. of nanocubes and a substantially slower growth rate for the rhombic dodecahedra. The rhombic dodecahedra exposing only the {110} facets exhibit an exceptionally good photocatalytic activity toward the fast and complete photodegrdn. of Methyl orange due to a high no. d. of surface copper atoms, demonstrating the importance of their successful prepn. They may serve as effective and cheap catalysts for other photocatalytic reactions and org. coupling reactions. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 13 Markina, N. E. ; Pozharov, M. V. ; Markin, A. V. Synthesis of copper(I) oxide particles with variable color: demonstrating size-dependent optical properties for high school students . J. Chem. Educ. 2016 , 93 ( 4 ), 704 – 707 ,  DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.5b00563 13 Synthesis of Copper(I) Oxide Particles with Variable Color: Demonstrating Size-Dependent Optical Properties for High School Students Markina, Natalia E.; Pozharov, Mikhail V.; Markin, Alexey V. Journal of Chemical Education ( 2016 ), 93 ( 4 ), 704-707 CODEN: JCEDA8 ; ISSN: 0021-9584 . ( American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc. ) We suggest the use of a simple and cheap synthesis of micro- and nanosized copper(I) oxide particles with variable color as a demonstration of size-dependent optical properties of semiconductors for high school students. The synthesis of Cu2O particles is performed by reducing alk. copper(II)-citrate complex (Benedict's reagent) with glucose. Significant color and size changes of Cu2O particles at various reaction conditions are obsd. and discussed. Proposed demonstration is very useful for introducing students (including undergraduate students) to size-dependent optical properties of semiconductors and principles of synthesis of nanosized objects. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 14 Holleman, A. F. ; Wiberg, E. Inorganic Chemistry , 1 st ed.; Academic Press : Berlin , 2001 ; pp 1253 – 1254 . There is no corresponding record for this reference.
  • 15 Schlur, L. ; Bonnota, K. ; Spitzer, D. Synthesis of Cu(OH) 2 and CuO nanotubes arrays on a silicon wafer . RSC Adv. 2015 , 5 ( 8 ), 6061 – 6070 ,  DOI: 10.1039/C4RA10155C 15 Synthesis of Cu(OH)2 and CuO nanotubes arrays on a silicon wafer Schlur, Laurent; Bonnot, Karine; Spitzer, Denis RSC Advances ( 2015 ), 5 ( 8 ), 6061-6070 CODEN: RSCACL ; ISSN: 2046-2069 . ( Royal Society of Chemistry ) We report the synthesis of copper hydroxide (Cu(OH)2) and cupric oxide (CuO) nanotubes arrays on a silicon wafer. It is the first time, to the authors' knowledge, that Cu(OH)2 and CuO tubes have been synthesized on another substrate than a copper foil. Monocryst. Cu(OH)2 tubes were grown, on a homogeneous copper layer previously evapd. on the top of the wafer, by oxidn. of this copper layer in two successive alk. solns. contg. Na(OH) and (NH4)2S2O8 each. The first soln. is used to control the tubes morphol. and d. on the wafer and the second one to accelerate the tubes growth. By changing the first soln. concn., lengths between 3.5 μm and 6.6 μm were obtained and a mean external diam. close to 100 nm could be reached. For such a low external diam., the internal diam. was equal to 75 nm. An annealing at 200 °C during 1 h under static air leads to the dehydration of Cu(OH)2 tubes into CuO ones. The morphol. of the tubes before and after annealing is almost identical, so it is possible to obtain CuO nanotubes with a mean external diam. around 100 nm. This value is much smaller than the diams. of several hundred nanometers published up to now for CuO tubes. After annealing, the presence of Cu2O, due at least partially to a diffusion phenomenon at the interface copper layer/CuO, has been detected. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 16 Cudennec, Y. ; Lecerf, A. ; Gérault, Y. Synthesis of Cu(OH) 2 and CuO by soft chemistry . Eur. J. Solid State Inorg. Chem. 1995 , 32 ( 10 ), 1013 – 1022 16 Synthesis of Cu(OH)2 and CuO by soft chemistry Cudennec, Y.; Lecerf, A.; Gerault, Y. European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry ( 1995 ), 32 ( 10 ), 1013-22 CODEN: EJSCE5 ; ISSN: 0992-4361 . ( Gauthier-Villars ) The ternary diagram CuO-Na2O-H2O was studied, to understand the conditions of stability of Cu(OH)2 and CuO. Soly. curves and domains of pure solid phases, Na2Cu(OH)4 and CuO, were detd. CuO is less sol. than Cu(OH)2, the latter of which does not exist in equil. in the ternary system. Synthesis of pure Cu(OH)2 is achieved from Na2Cu(OH)4. This salt is dild. in a large amt. of H2O and this procedure avoids the formation of CuO through the complex ion Cu(OH)42-. The synthesis of pure CuO, at room temp., required a new route. Cu metal is oxidized by dioxygen in concd. NH3 solns. The solid obtained is relatively well-crystd., despite the method of synthesis used. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 17 Cudennec, Y. ; Riou, A. ; Gerault, Y. ; Lecerf, A. Hypothèse cristallochimique des mécanismes deformation de CuO(s) et de Cu(OH) 2 (s) à partir de Na 2 Cu(OH) 4 (s) . A. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série IIc, Chimie/Chemistry 2000 , 3 , 661 – 666 ,  DOI: 10.1016/S1387-1609(00)01170-1 17 Crystallographical and chemical hypothesis for the formation process of CuO(s) and Cu(OH)2(s) from Na2Cu(OH)4(s) Cudennec, Yannick; Riou, Amedee; Gerault, Yves; Lecerf, Andre Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie IIc: Chimie ( 2000 ), 3 ( 8 ), 661-666 CODEN: CASCFN ; ISSN: 1387-1609 . ( Editions Scientifiques et Medicales Elsevier ) Addn. of water into systems contg. the solid Na2Cu(OH)4(s) and its satd. soln. allows the formation of two different solids: CuO(s) and Cu(OH)2(s). Copper oxide is obtained by a slow addn. and corresponds to the equil. state; copper hydroxide is obtained by the fast addn. of a large amt. of water and is a metastable phase. In order to explain these different behaviors, we propose a hypothesis involving two different reaction mechanisms. When systems contg. Na2Cu(OH)4(s) are softly dild., Na+ ions leave the crystal structure towards the soln. In parallel, the two longest Cu-O bonds of the octahedral surrounding of copper break down to give rise to free Cu(OH)42-(aq) complex ions, stable in soln., which constitute elementary bricks for the formation of CuO(s). Synthesis of Cu(OH)2(s) is only possible when diln. of systems contg. Na2Cu(OH)4(s) is carried out in a large amt. of water to make OH- ion concn. quickly decrease, in order to avoid the formation of Cu(OH)42-(aq) complex ions, precursors of CuO(s). In these conditions, Na2Cu(OH)4(s) gives rise to Cu(OH)2(s) by a topotactic reaction. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 18 Cudennec, Y. ; Lecerf, A. The transformation of Cu(OH) 2 into CuO, revisited . Solid State Sci. 2003 , 5 ( 11–12 ), 1471 – 1474 ,  DOI: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2003.09.009 18 The transformation of Cu(OH)2 into CuO, revisited Cudennec, Yannick; Lecerf, Andre Solid State Sciences ( 2003 ), 5 ( 11-12 ), 1471-1474 CODEN: SSSCFJ ; ISSN: 1293-2558 . ( Elsevier SAS ) Cu(OH)2 is metastable. It easily transforms into more stable CuO, either in the solid state by a thermal dehydration or at room temp., in aq. basic solns. In the solid state, the transformation was performed at a relatively low temp., 423 K. It is a topotactic or a pseudomorphic transformation owing to clear relations between axes of the two solids, in the three directions. The reacting process is described and the corresponding vectorial relations between crystal parameters are proposed. It is not the same case in aq. basic solns. Cu(OH)2 gives rise to CuO through the formation of a complex anion, Cu(OH)42-, by a reconstructive transformation involving a dissoln. reaction followed by a pptn. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 19 Goncharova, D. A. ; Kharlamova, T. S. ; Lapin, I. N. ; Svetlichnyi, V. A. Chemical and morphological evolution of copper nanoparticles obtained by pulsed laser ablation in liquid . J. Phys. Chem. C 2019 , 123 ( 35 ), 21731 – 21742 ,  DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b03958 19 Chemical and Morphological Evolution of Copper Nanoparticles Obtained by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid Goncharova, Daria A.; Kharlamova, Tamara S.; Lapin, Ivan N.; Svetlichnyi, Valery A. Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( 2019 ), 123 ( 35 ), 21731-21742 CODEN: JPCCCK ; ISSN: 1932-7447 . ( American Chemical Society ) Pulsed laser ablation in liq. (PLAL) is a promising method to prep. copper/copper oxide nanoparticles (NPs), with the liq. used being an important factor to control their properties. The roles of the species dissolved in the liq. in the course of NP formation during the PLAL as well as the effects of org. solvents in the stabilization of the colloids obtained remain a debate. The peculiarities of the formation and alteration of the particles in Et alc. as well as the effect of low amts. of oxidizing and acid-base species on the compn., structure, morphol., and stability of the NPs in the water colloids are examd. The obsd. high resistance of Cu NPs toward deep oxidn. in Et alc. suspension is shown to be connected with a competitive adsorption mechanism rather than the formation of the carbon shell. Pulsed laser ablation (PLA) of copper in distd. water yields cubic Cu2O NPs, while low amts. of NaOH and H2O2 species change the transformation route of copper NPs in the colloids formed. In the case of H2O2, the primary formation of the sheetlike and flowerlike Cu(OH)2 particles occurs in the course of PLA followed by their pseudomorphous transformation into CuO particles during the suspension aging. The presence of NaOH yields leaflike CuO mesostructures via the tetrahydroxocuprate anion mechanism. On the basis of the results obtained, the schemes for the formation of the particles are proposed. >> More from SciFinder ®
  • 20 European Chemical Agency (ECHA) ; . There is no corresponding record for this reference.

cupric oxide experiments

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Copper Chemistry in Action

Please read all the instructions before you begin and record your results throughout the experiment. Then compare your results with a friend!

  • 10 dirty pennies
  • 4 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 8 tablespoons vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • small bowl (not metal!)
  • 1 spoon (not metal!)
  • paper towels or napkins


  • Mix the lemon juice, vinegar and salt in the bowl until dissolved.
  • Take a penny and dip it half way into the mixture for 20 seconds. Take it out - what happened?
  • Put the rest of the pennies into the mixture. Watch carefully. What happens?
  • In 5 minutes, take 4 of the pennies out and lay them on a paper towel to dry.
  • Take the remaining pennies out of the mixture and hold them under running water until they are thoroughly rinsed. Lay them out to dry on another paper towel and label them "clean."

What Happened?

Why did the pennies look dirty when you started the experiment.


Chemistry can answer these questions! Do you know what an atom is? Atoms are microscopically tiny particles that are the basic building blocks of virtually everything we can see. Our bodies are made up of billions and billions of atoms - all different shapes and sizes. But some things are made up of only one kind of atom. For example, the copper used for pennies is made up mainly of copper atoms. But when they join with other atoms, like oxygen in the air, they form molecules - in this case a molecule called copper oxide. The copper oxide makes the pennies look dirty.

Why does the mixture clean the pennies?

The mixture is acidic, and the acid from the lemon juice and vinegar dissolves the copper oxide. Why not try to dissolve copper oxide in other acidic mixtures! What can you think of?

The pennies that weren't rinsed turned a blue color. Why?

When the mixture removes the copper oxide, it becomes easy for the copper atoms to join together with oxygen and chlorine (salt). When this happens, a new compound is formed, called malachite. Malachite is usually blue-green.

cupric oxide experiments

Making salts

Required practical 1, core practicals.

cupric oxide experiments

Aims of Experiment

To prepare a pure, dry sample of a soluble salt from an insoluble oxide or carbonate.

In this experiment you will:

  • react sulfuric acid with insoluble copper (II) oxide to prepare an aqueous solution of the salt copper sulfate
  • separate out unreacted copper (II) oxide by filtration
  • prepare pure, dry crystals of copper sulfate from the solution

Risk Asessment

As a general rule, eye protection (goggles) must be worn for all practicals.

hazard possible harm precaution
sulfuric acid
concentrated acid is corrosive and damages skin and clothes
use dilute sulfuric acid (only an irritant, wash hands if spillage)
Bunsen Burner/hot apparatus
burns, hair or clothing catching fire
do not touch the apparatus, tie hair/tuck in loose clothes
boiling water bath
skin burns ensure the boiling water bath is stable, and you are standing up
hot salt solution spitting
damage to eyes and skin avoid standing over the hot apparatus

This risk assessment is provided as an example only, and you must perform your own risk assessment before doing this experiment.

Each group will need:

evaporating basin spatula stirring rod filter funnel filter paper tongs sulfuric acid copper(II) oxide

250 ml conical flask 100 ml beaker Bunsen burner gauze tripod stand heat-resistant mat watch glass 100 ml measuring cylinder

Experiment Set-up

cupric oxide experiments

  • use a measuring cylinder to add 40 ml of sulfuric acid in a beaker
  • gently heat the beaker in a water bath for a couple of minutes
  • carefully add a spatula of copper oxide powder to the beaker and stir the solution with a glass rod,
  • keeping adding more copper oxide powder until it no longer disappears (add in excess )
  • filter the mixture to remove the excess copper oxide, then pour the filtrate (the copper sulfate solution) into an evaporating basin
  • place the evaporating basin above a water bath, and heat the copper sulfate solution to evaporate off half of the water
  • pour the solution into a watch glass and leave on the side to allow all of the water to evaporate

Results and Analysis

Why was it necessary to warm the sulfuric acid? How did you know when the copper oxide was present in excess? Why is a water bath used to evaporate the water from the copper sulfate solution instead of heating the evaporating basin directly with a Bunsen burner? Why should you not evaporate all of the water from the copper sulfate solution?

Exam Question and Model Answer

This question is about making copper salts. Outline a safe plan the student could use to make pure, dry, crystals of the soluble salt copper sulfate from an insoluble metal oxide and dilute acid. (Apparatus available: stirring rod, spatula, beaker, filter paper and funnel, evaporating basin, Bunsen burner, tripod, gauze and mat, and conical flask)

Level 1 (1-2 marks)

Add the metal oxide to the dilute acid. Stir them. Filter the solution and then evaporate off the water.

Level 2 (3-4 marks)

Safely measure 25 ml sulfuric acid into a conical flask. Add copper oxide to the flask, and then heat the acid until no more copper oxide will react. Pour the contents of the conical flask into an evaporating basin. Filter the solution. Heat this gently and stop heating once crystals start to form. Leave the solution to evaporate overnight.

Level 3 (5-6 marks)

Ensure you are wearing safety goggles and measure 25 ml sulfuric acid into a conical flask. Sulfuric acid is corrosive. Add excess copper oxide to the flask, and then heat the acid gently using the Bunsen burner, whilst stirring the solution, until no more copper oxide will react. Allow the solution to cool, then any remaining copper oxide must be removed using a funnel/filter paper, by filtration. Pour the contents of the conical flask into an evaporating basin. Heat this gently on a tripod and gauze, on top of a beaker half-filled with water. Stop heating once crystals start to form. Leave the solution to evaporate overnight, then remove the crystals and dry them.

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  • Cupric Oxide


What is Cupric Oxide

base line;white-space:pre;white-space:pre-wrap;">Cupric oxide is an inorganic chemical compound composed of cuprous ion and oxide ion. Cupric cuprous are the two forms of copper ions. Copper exists in two types of oxide, the one is with a higher oxidation state and another one is with a lower oxidation state, cupric oxide and cuprous oxide respectively. 

Cupric Oxide and Cuprous Oxide

The oxides of copper are of two types:

Cupric oxide- It is also known as copper cupric oxide. The oxidation state of copper in this compound is +2. +2 is the highest oxidation state of copper. Generally, in short, you can write it as oxide cupric. It exists in the monoclinic crystal system.

Cuprous oxide- the oxidation state of copper in this compound is +1. +1 is the intermediate oxidation state of copper. It can easily get oxidised or reduced.

The oxides of cupric cuprous are represented as CuO and Cu 2 O respectively.

Preparation of Cupric Oxide and Cuprous Oxide

Cupric Oxide can be prepared by the following methods:

It can be produced by the thermal decomposition of the cupric carbonate.

CuCO 3 → CuO + CO 2

The thermal decomposition of cupric carbonate forms cupric oxide as a product and carbon dioxide gas as a byproduct. 

Another method of Cupric oxide preparation is heating copper in the presence of air at a high temperature (around 300-800 degrees celsius).

Cu + O 2 → CuO

Heating Copper Nitrate- The nitrate of copper is thermally unstable. On heating copper nitrate at a temperature around 180 degrees celsius. 

2Cu (NO 3 ) 2 → 2 CuO + O 2 + 4 NO 2 (this reaction takes place at a temperature around 180 degrees celsius)

Heating Cupric Hydroxide- cupric hydroxide is a thermally unstable compound. It gets easily decomposed into cupric oxide on heating.

Cu(OH) 2 → CuO + H 2 O

Properties of Cupric Oxide

Physical properties of cupric oxide.

Cupric oxide is a black colour compound.

Cupric oxide exists in powder (amorphous) form.

The melting point of cupric oxide is 1326 degrees celsius.

Cupric oxide is insoluble in water.

Cupric oxide is soluble in ammonium chloride and potassium cyanide.

Chemical Properties of Cupric Oxide

Cupric acid reacts with strong mineral acids like hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ), and nitric acid (HNO 3 ) to form salts.

CuO + HNO 3 → Cu (NO 3 ) 2 + H 2 O

CuO + 2HCl → CuCl 2 + H 2 O

CuO + H 2 SO 4 → CuSO 4 + H 2 O

Cupric oxide reacts with the concentrated base and forms salt.

2KOH + CuO + H 2 O → K 2 [Cu (OH) 4 ]

Cupric oxide reacts with hydrogen and gets reduced to copper.

CuO + H 2 → Cu + H 2 O

Cupric oxide reacts with carbon monoxide and forms elemental copper and carbon dioxide.

CuO + CO → Cu + CO 2

Cupric oxide reacts with carbon and forms the elemental form of copper.

2CuO + C → 2Cu + CO 2

Uses of Cupric Oxide

Cupric oxide is used as a pigmenting agent in ceramic compounds. It gives blue, red, green, grey, pink, and black glazes.

Cupric oxide is widely used in laboratories for the preparation of various copper salts.

Cupric oxide is used in the manufacture of wood preservatives.

Cupric oxide is used in the welding process.

Cupric oxide is used in the manufacture of lithium batteries.

Did You Know?

Paramelaconite is a copper mineral. In this mineral, copper exists in both +1 and +2 oxidation state.

Do you think that copper was the first element used by man along with gold and iron ?

Copper is an essential element for the human body.

Copper is used in alloy formation.

The blood of octopus contains copper as an oxygen carrier. Therefore, the colour of the blood in them is blue.

Copper is an essential trace mineral.

Copper is used as a supplement with iron for the anaemic person.


FAQs on Cupric Oxide

Question : Write the Physical Properties of Copper Oxide or Cupric Oxide.

Answer : The physical properties of copper oxide or cupric oxide are given below:

Cupric oxide is a dark black coloured chemical compound.

It exists in an amorphous form.

Its melting point is 1326 degrees celsius.

Cupric oxide is sparingly soluble in water.

Cupric oxide is highly soluble in ammonium chloride (NH₄Cl) and potassium cyanide (KCN)

Question: What is the Preparation Reaction of the Cupric Oxide?

Answer : Preparation reactions of cupric oxide is given below:

CuCO₃ → CuO + CO₂

Cu + O₂ → CuO

2Cu (NO₃)₂ → 2 CuO + O₂ + 4 NO₂

Cu(OH)₂ → CuO + H₂O

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Heating copper in air

In association with Nuffield Foundation

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Copper foil is folded into the shape of an envelope before being heated in a Bunsen burner. On cooling, the foil can be opened and it can be seen that where there was no contact with oxygen the copper remained unreacted.

In this experiment, students fold a piece of copper foil into the shape of an envelope, before heating it using a Bunsen burner. When the foil has cooled, students can open the envelope and discover that where there was no contact with oxygen the copper remained unreacted.

Warn students that there can be sharp corners on the copper. The copper stays hot for some time and there is a risk of burns.

The experiment will take about 20–30 minutes.

To enable students to light their Bunsen burners they will need access to matches or lighters. Alternatively, light one or two Bunsen burners around the room and students can light their own using a splint.

  • Eye protection
  • Bunsen burner
  • Heat resistant mat
  • Copper foil, 4 cm x 4 cm

Health, safety and technical notes

  • Read our standard health and safety guidance.
  • Wear eye protection throughout.
  • Copper foil, Cu(s) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard  HC026 .
  • Fold the copper foil into an envelope as shown in the diagram below.

A diagram illustrating the sequence of folds to make an envelope of copper foil

Source: Royal Society of Chemistry

Fold the copper foil in the steps shown (and remember that there can be sharp corners!)

  • Wear eye protection and light the Bunsen burner.
  • Hold the envelope in the tongs and heat strongly in the Bunsen flame for five minutes. You will need to have the air hole fully open.
  • Place the envelope on the heat resistant mat and allow to cool. This will take a few minutes.
  • Open the envelope and compare the inside to the outside surface.

Teaching notes

The outside of the envelope will react with oxygen in the air and will turn black. This can confuse students who think that it is soot which has coated the outside of the copper. To help convince them otherwise, ensure that they use a roaring Bunsen flame and show them that a beaker (containing water) which is heated with the same flame does not get coated in black powder. Inside the envelope, the copper remains as it was at the start.

Copper, like many transition metals, only reacts slowly with oxygen in the air. When heated it forms a layer of black copper oxide on its surface:

Copper + Oxygen → Copper oxide

2Cu(s) + O 2 (g) → 2CuO(s)

This experiment could be used as an illustration of the likely reactions of other transition metals with oxygen, as they all have similar properties. It could also provide a contrast to the reactions of Group 1 and 2 metals with oxygen.

Additional information

This is a resource from the  Practical Chemistry project , developed by the Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Practical Chemistry activities accompany  Practical Physics  and  Practical Biology .

© Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry

  • 11-14 years
  • 14-16 years
  • Practical experiments
  • Reactions and synthesis
  • Rates of reaction


  • (i) the properties and uses of iron (steel), aluminium, copper and titanium
  • 2.1.2 describe the reactions, if any, of the above metals with the following and describe how to collect the gas produced, where appropriate: air; water; and steam;
  • Variable valency of transition elements (Cu, Fe, Cr and Mn only).
  • Comparison between metals and non-metals (hardness, lustre, malleability, ductility, heat conductivity and electrical conductivity).
  • Transition metal elements: general chemical properties (colour, variable valency, use as catalysts).
  • Corrosion of metals.
  • Relative corrodability of metals.

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cupric oxide experiments

Journal of Materials Chemistry A

Shielding effect in the synthesis of gd-doped copper oxide catalysts with enhanced co 2 electroreduction to ethylene.

Electrocatalytic reduction reaction of carbon dioxide (CO 2 RR) into ethylene can achieve efficient conversion and utilization of CO 2 , which also provides a new and sustainable way to mitigate climate change. Copper based catalysts exhibit special activity for CO 2 RR to C 2 H 4 , but limited by the low selectivity and high overpotential. The controlled doping of rare-earth metal ions into copper catalyst is supposed to modulate the electron density of Cu active sites and thus to promote C-C coupling reaction and enhance the selectivity of C 2 H 4 . Herein, we report a Gd-doped copper oxide catalyst (Gd-CuO) synthesized by a typical solvothermal method, in which the content of Gd doping and chemical state of Cu can be regulated precisely through the shielding effect of solvents used. The shielding effect is assigned to the modification of cation-anion and cation-solvent interactions, which affects the crystallization of CuO and incorporation of Gd in the solvothermal process. Under optimal conditions, the Faraday efficiency of ethylene product can reach up to 58.6% at −1.2 V vs. RHE in an H-cell. When applied in a flow cell, the Faraday efficiency of ethylene can reach 52.4% with a current density of 397.8 mA cm − 2 at the same applied voltage. In situ FTIR and DFT calculations demonstrated that the controlled doping Gd by means of shielding effect in synthesis facilitates the improvement of electron density of Cu active sites and promotes the C-C coupling and adsorption of *COCOH intermediates, thus enhancing the selectivity of ethylene. This work provides insights for design and development of rare earth doping Cu-based catalysts in the future.

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cupric oxide experiments

Z. Cao, Z. Chen, H. Sun, S. Yao, Z. Liu, F. Li, X. Yang, W. Zhou, J. Fan, W. Hongzhi and L. Liu, J. Mater. Chem. A , 2024, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4TA05284F

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Exploring the potential of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) for sustainable environmental bioengineering applications

  • Critical Reviews
  • Published: 21 September 2024

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cupric oxide experiments

  • Togam Ringu 1 ,
  • Abinash Das 1 ,
  • Sampad Ghosh 2 &
  • Nabakumar Pramanik   ORCID: 1  

14 Accesses

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Metal oxide nanoparticles have emerged as a technological force, exhibiting rapid expansion in the realms of electronics, catalysis, medical science, and chemical industries now-a-days. Among those, copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) have pulled together a great deal of interest because of their diverse properties and potential applications in the fields of nanomedicine and biomedical sciences. The environmental protection agency in the United States approved Cu-based alloys to be used in humans, and reports have proven that Cu is a trace element in various regulatory and signaling pathways involved in humans, which clearly indicates CuO NPs are biocompatible in nature as well. CuO NPs can be synthesized by two methods: bottom-up and top-down approaches, respectively, and the synthesis method parameters have a direct impact on the morphology and biomedical properties. CuO NPs are developed and deployed in various biomedical applications, such as anticancer, antimicrobial, drug delivery, tissue engineering, and biosensors. This review summarizes and discusses all the lacunae found so far, such as molecular mechanisms of antimicrobial and anticancer effects of CuO NPs, surface or targeted therapy, and controlled and targeted release of drugs. It also highlights the recent advancement and current status of CuO NPs in biomedical applications. Although there are many research and advancement in the field still many research gaps and challenges are yet to be resolved before bringing it to the commercial level.

Graphical abstract

The graphical abstract describes the synthesis and formation of copper oxide nanoparticles. By e-ncapsulation and preventing nanoparticles agglomeration, the stability and cytocompatibility of nanoparticles including their biomedical applications like antimicrobial, antiviral, anticancer, biosensor, drug delivery, tissue engineering, etc. can be controlled.

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cupric oxide experiments

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cupric oxide experiments

Metallic Nanoparticles, Toxicity Issues and Applications in Medicine

cupric oxide experiments

Nano-metal Oxides for Antibacterial Activity

cupric oxide experiments

Bioengineered Metallic Nanomaterials for Nanoscale Drug Delivery Systems


Atomic force microscopy

Attenuated total reflectance


Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide

Copper nitrate

Copper chloride

Copper oxide

Drug delivery system

Dynamic light scattering

Differential thermal analysis

Energy dispersive X-Ray

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

Fluorescent light spectroscopic analysis


Histone deacetylaseactivity assay

Hyperbranched polyglycerol

Multi drug resistance

3-[4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide

Sodium borohydride

Sodium hydroxide

Newcastle diseases virus


Nanoparticle tracking analysis

Polyethylene glycol


Pulsed laser ablation

Poly vinyl alcohol


Reduced graphene oxide

Reactive oxygen species

Severed acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

Sodium dodecyl sulfate

Scanning electron microscopy

  • Tissue engineering

Transmission electron microscopy

Thermogravimetric analysis

Ultra violet-visible spectroscopy

World health organization

X-Ray diffraction

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The authors are grateful to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, for providing financial support. The authors also gratefully acknowledge to National Institute of Technology (NIT), Arunachal Pradesh, India, for assistance and support.

This study received financial support from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India (Project grant no. 22(0847)/20/EMR-II, dated: 10.12.2020). 

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Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Pradesh, Jote, Arunachal Pradesh, 791113, India

Togam Ringu, Abinash Das & Nabakumar Pramanik

Department of Students Welfare, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, Haringhata, Nadia, West Bengal, 741249, India

Sampad Ghosh

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Ringu, T., Das, A., Ghosh, S. et al. Exploring the potential of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) for sustainable environmental bioengineering applications. Nanotechnol. Environ. Eng. (2024).

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Received : 15 March 2024

Accepted : 13 September 2024

Published : 21 September 2024


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  1. Reaction of Copper Oxide With Hydrochloric Acid

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  4. Experiment: The Empirical Formula of a Copper Oxide. Part 5/8

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  1. Reacting copper (II) oxide with sulfuric acid

    Stage 1. Add 20 cm 3 of the 0.5 M sulfuric acid to the 100 cm 3 beaker. Heat carefully on the tripod with a gentle blue flame until nearly boiling. (Be very careful not to knock the tripod while the beaker is on it. Consider clamping the beaker.) Apparatus for heating copper (II) oxide and dilute sulfuric acid.

  2. Finding the formula of copper (II) oxide

    In this experiment, students heat copper(II) oxide in a glass tube while passing methane over it, reducing the copper(II) oxide to copper. If they weigh the reactants and products carefully, students can then deduce the formula of the copper oxide. ... Copper(II) oxide, CuO(s), (HARMFUL, DANGEROUS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT) - see CLEAPSS Hazcard ...

  3. PDF Lab #6 Chemical Transformations of Copper

    Place 6 mL of 3M sulfuric acid in a 50 mL beaker. Using a spatula, transfer the black copper oxide and filter paper to the acid solution. Stir the mixture with a glass stirring rod until the black solid has completely dissolved. Remove the filter paper from the solution, as soon as it is clean, using forceps. Gently rinse the filter paper with ...

  4. Experiment: The reaction between copper oxide and sulfuric acid

    Mrs V is back in the lockdown lab with some acid reactions. Today we will be reacting copper(II) oxide with sulfuric acid.

  5. Extracting metals with charcoal

    Experiment 2: copper(II) oxide. Transfer one spatula measure of copper(II) oxide to a hard glass test tube. Carefully add one spatula of charcoal powder on top of the copper oxide without any mixing. Strongly heat these two layers for five minutes in a Bunsen flame. Allow to cool and then look closely at where the powders meet in the test tube.

  6. Reduction of copper oxide

    You can find instructions for this experiment at ...

  7. Copper-Oxygen Compounds and Their Reactivity: An Eye-Guided

    The following three experiments are proposed for undergraduate chemistry students: experiment 1, obtaining of yellow copper(I) oxide using hydroxylamine; experiment 2, reactivity of copper(II) sulfate in basic medium; experiment 3, reactivity of copper(I) oxide with sulfuric acid and identification of the final solid.

  8. PDF Experiment 11

    In the first reaction, copper metal is oxidized by nitric acid to form copper (II) nitrate, Cu(NO 3) 2. It is then converted to copper (II) hydroxide, Cu(OH) 2, by reaction with base. When this compound is heated, it is transformed to copper (II) oxide, CuO. Copper (II) oxide is then reacted with acid to form copper (II) sulfate, CuSO 4 ...

  9. Copper & Kids

    Please read all the instructions before you begin and record your results throughout the experiment. Then compare your results with a friend! Materials. 10 dirty pennies; 4 tablespoons lemon juice ... But when they join with other atoms, like oxygen in the air, they form molecules - in this case a molecule called copper oxide. The copper oxide ...

  10. PDF Reduction of copper(II) oxide with methane 45

    If wire form copper(II) oxide is available use a pea-size amount. If the powder form only is available, use about 10 pin-heads equivalent, spread out. The wire form yields the best results for gravimetric experiments. 1g is a suitable amount. Methane gas can flow around and react with the wire form copper(II) oxide which it cannot do with a ...

  11. Reaction of Copper Oxide With Hydrochloric Acid

    This video demonstrates the action of acids on metal oxides. The substances used are copper oxide and dilute hydrochloric acid. When the two are mixed togeth...

  12. PDF Let's Do Chemistry with the Penny!

    We can do a lot of cool experiments with pennies. Pennies are copper-plated zinc coins, with about 2.5% of copper (Cu) per coin. It is the Cu that gives the reddish color to the penny. ... Most pennies that have been around for a while have dark spots of a compound called copper oxide. Copper oxide forms when the copper is oxidized by its ...

  13. Making Salts

    To prepare a pure, dry sample of a soluble salt from an insoluble oxide or carbonate. In this experiment you will: react sulfuric acid with insoluble copper (II) oxide to prepare an aqueous solution of the salt copper sulfate; separate out unreacted copper (II) oxide by filtration; prepare pure, dry crystals of copper sulfate from the solution

  14. Reduction of copper (II) oxide by hydrogen

    Weigh the reduction tube empty. Place about 3 g of copper (II) oxide along the base of the tube so that it is spread out over a length of about 4 cm, centred in the middle of the tube. This is to ensure that it will not be necessary to heat too close to the rubber bung, and so that there is no tendency for the powder to be blown out of the hole ...

  15. UTA-803 Determining the Empirical Formula of a Copper Oxide

    In this experiment you will be given a sample of copper oxide and your task is to determine its empirical formula, CuxOy, where x and y are whole numbers. You will perform this task by dissolving a known mass of the copper oxide sample in HCl (aq) solution and reducing the Cux+ (aq) to copper metal (Cu0(s)) as shown in reactions 1 and 2.

  16. Activity 2.7: Reaction of Copper Oxide with HCl

    Explore the reaction between copper oxide and hydrochloric acid in this NCERT Class 10 Science activity. Learn about basic oxides, acid-base reactions, and observe color changes in chemical reactions. ... Perform the experiment in a well-ventilated area. In case of skin contact with acid, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Concept Mind Map ...

  17. PDF Determination of Empirical Formula of Copper (Ii) Oxide and

    quantity of copper (II) oxide powder in the center of the glass tube. 7. Weigh the glass tube with the copper (II) oxide and record its weight. ... to produce brown copper (Cu) metal. In the experiment, the flame is turned off when the CuO turns completely brown. H2 (g)+ CuO (s)→Cu (s)+ H2O (l)

  18. Extracting copper from copper (II) carbonate

    CuCO 3 (s) → CuO (s) + CO 2 (g) (This is a simplification as copper (II) carbonate is, as mentioned above, actually a basic carbonate: CuCO 3.Cu (OH) 2. On heating the copper (II) hydroxide also decomposes, losing water, and ending up as copper (II) oxide as well). Discussion of the nature of this change and the thinking behind the use of ...

  19. Cupric Oxide

    Cupric oxide reacts with carbon and forms the elemental form of copper. 2CuO + C → 2Cu + CO 2. Uses of Cupric Oxide. Cupric oxide is used as a pigmenting agent in ceramic compounds. It gives blue, red, green, grey, pink, and black glazes. Cupric oxide is widely used in laboratories for the preparation of various copper salts.

  20. Heating copper in air

    Inside the envelope, the copper remains as it was at the start. Copper, like many transition metals, only reacts slowly with oxygen in the air. When heated it forms a layer of black copper oxide on its surface: Copper + Oxygen → Copper oxide. 2Cu(s) + O 2 (g) → 2CuO(s)

  21. Shielding effect in the synthesis of Gd-doped copper oxide catalysts

    Electrocatalytic reduction reaction of carbon dioxide (CO 2 RR) into ethylene can achieve efficient conversion and utilization of CO 2, which also provides a new and sustainable way to mitigate climate change.Copper based catalysts exhibit special activity for CO 2 RR to C 2 H 4, but limited by the low selectivity and high overpotential.The controlled doping of rare-earth metal ions into ...

  22. Exploring the potential of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) for

    Metal oxide nanoparticles have emerged as a technological force, exhibiting rapid expansion in the realms of electronics, catalysis, medical science, and chemical industries now-a-days. Among those, copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) have pulled together a great deal of interest because of their diverse properties and potential applications in the fields of nanomedicine and biomedical ...