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IELTS band 9 essay: death penalty

Here you can find advice how to structure IELTS essay and IELTS model answer for death penalty topic. Question type: advantages and disadvantages .

Here is the question card:

Some people advocate death penalty for those who committed violent crimes. Others say that capital punishment is unacceptable in contemporary society.

Describe advantages and disadvantages of death penalty and give your opinion.

So this is the advantage/disadvantage essay. In this essay you're asked about :

  • Advantages of capital punishment
  • Disadvantages of capital punishment
  • Your opinion about it

Before writing this IELTS essay, you should decide what’s your opinion and then choose your arguments to describe pros and cons of death penalty. You don’t have to make up very complicate ideas. Even simple, but well-written arguments can often give you a band 9 for writing .

Some of the possible arguments :

  • Disadvantages of capital punishment :
  • we have no rights to kill other humans
  • innocent people can be killed because of unfair sentences
  • even criminals deserve a second chance
  • Advantages of capital punishment :
  • it prevents major crimes
  • it restores equilibrium of justice
  • it lessens expenses on maintenance of prisoners

How to structure my answer?

Surely, there are a lot of ways to organise this essay. But here is one possible way of structuring the answer to produce a band 9 essay :

Introduction : rephrase the topic and state your opinion.

Body paragraphs :

  • paragraph 1: disadvantages of death penalty
  • paragraph 2: advantages of death penalty

Conclusion : sum up the ideas from body paragraphs and briefly give your opinion.

Band 9 essay sample (death penalty)

Many people believe that death penalty is necessary to keep security system efficient in the society. While there are some negative aspects of capital punishment, I agree with the view that without it we will become more vulnerable to violence.

Death penalty can be considered unsuitable punishment for several reasons. The strongest argument is that we have no rights to kill other humans. Right to live is the basic right of any human being, and no one can infringe this right, irrespective of the person’s deeds. Moreover, innocent people can face wrongful execution. Such unfair sentences take away lives of innocent people and make other citizens lose faith in law and justice. And besides, sometimes criminals repent of their acts. In this case they should be given a second chance to improve themselves.

However, I believe that capital punishment is necessary in the society. Firstly, it is an effective deterrent of major crimes. The best method to prevent a person from committing crime is to show the consequences of his or her actions. For example, the government of Pakistan has controlled the rate of terrorism by enforcing death penalties for the members of terrorist organisations. Secondly, the governments spend large sums of national budget on maintenance of prisoners. Instead, this money can be used for the development of the society and welfare of the people.

To sum up, although capital punishment has some disadvantages, I think that it proves to be the best way of controlling criminals, lessening governmental expenses and preventing other people from doing crimes.

(257 words)

Useful vocabulary

capital punishment = death penalty

to commit a crime - to do a crime

deterrent of major crimes - something that prevents big crimes

to face wrongful execution - to be mistaken for a criminal and killed for that

to infringe someone’s right - restrict someone’s right, hurt someone’s interests

innocent people - people who are not guilty or responsible for crimes

to repent of something - to feel sorry for something

right to live is basic right of any human being

unfair sentence - not fair judgement

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Life in Prison or the Death Penalty

by Viktoriia (Ukraine)

What should happen to him?

What should happen to him?

Your essay was good, but I feel why should we give a chance or take a risk about criminals.

Criminals are not be trusted easily. A capital punishment in only when a crime is crossing the boundaries of humanities goes off. Crimes like murder, rape are not a kind of a mistake that a person one it bcoz he or she is may not conscious are u really kidding, it is a crime so for the crimes which are shameful to humanities and man kindness, so they should not b forgiven by just putting a person into a jail.

They have no right to live in a society, in a world bcoz they are not called as humans they are devils and w all know well where the devils from the world have to go. so, at last, i would say that the criminals must think before doing so an after the crime they not be forgiven and there must be a capital punishment for shameful crimes like rape and murder.........

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Capital Punishment

by Azam (Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan)

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? I thoroughly agree with the proposition, capital punishment should be made mandatory in our society, where crime ratio is being increased day by day because we live in a world where people are not even certain about how they are going to return, either on legs or on shoulders. There is a law of physics, which is known as "Murphy's Law", which states that "Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong". So whose duty is it to make it right again? To start with, the ratio of crime and terrorism is being so increased exponentially. People feel unsafe, even being at their own homes. Criminals show no compassion or mercy to those who are being held by them as captives. I do not know what they get by doing such heinous and diabolical acts. In my opinion, death penalty should be made as an essential punishment for those criminals and insurgents who love to annihilate the humanity or the society we live in, where people get massacred brutally just like flies in air. The good example of this is in most of middle-eastern countries where criminals get beheaded or hanged publicly for their wrongdoings, that is why their crime ratio is equivalent to almost zero. Crime is afterall a crime, irrespective of how big or small it is. By this i mean that, adopting such policy might frightens those criminals and make them to think at least ten times before bringing any kind of furor among citizen and annihilate them. On the other hand, many people or activists think that criminals are also humans so they also deserve another chance to rectify themselves to become a better citizen in future. From these facts, I would maintain that, no human-being happens to be an insurgent, criminal or terrorist by birth. It is just the time which plays as a best teacher for some and worst for some.

Admin, Can you review/rate my essay please?
Apr 01, 2015

Thank you so much for writing essay for me it would be helpful for me in future.
Oct 07, 2015

Nice effort
Oct 12, 2015

Well u havent mentioned what are the side effect for capital punishment
Hundreds of more will stand
Ex.... Sadam Hussain

So sometimes it is not helpful infact it is harmful

IELTS Capital Punishment Essay

Capital Punishment Essay

Capital Punishment Essay

Please give some honest feedback. Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment in essential to control violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? With rising violence and ghost gun availability, normal people are more prone to danger now than ever. The whole judicial process consumes a lot of time and effort to punish the guilty. Furthermore, the lighter penalities fail to dither the culprit from repeating the crime placing the public in danger. I partially agree that capital punishment is needed to control violence and will try to explain the same below. Many criminals repeat their offending behavioural pattern as soon as they come out of the prison after serving the sentence as prison fails to bring any change in their basic nature. Plenty of criminals jailed in sexual assualt cases and robbery continue such behaviour once they are out again. Many racists and terrorists with extreme nature also follow the similar kind of pursuit. Also ghost guns without serial numbers and unexcepted attacks inspired from online videos mak it difficult to guard against vulnerable victims. capital punishment thus sounds good to deter offenders depending on the gravity of the situation as such people are too risky to be left out in to the society again. Nevertheless, awarding a death penalty to criminals cannot alone change their behaviour as observed in ISIS follwers who are prepared to die in their own attacks. Thus, death sentence cannot be a solution that reduces the crimes and secures public. Also, it assumes that perpetrators can never change rejecting the basic notion behind the punishment and legal process. Death is too severe and cannot be reversed in terms of penalty. Thus, capital punishment fails to address the cause of concern in reducing the crime rate but it is imperative in few cases of extremely grave crimes. Just like how one shoe doesn't fit every foot, one punishment cannot address all the uprising violence in the society alone. It surely does apply to few scenarios and some other measures are to be taken to address the elephant in the room.

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Death Penalty

by sadineni (Bangalore)

With Out Capital punishment (The death Penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Do you agree or disagree? Death is same for both good people and as well as bad people (criminals). Fear of death is the deepest and strongest fear in the humane race. Nobody raise hand aganist this point. But here the question is whether capital punishment is essential to controle violence in society? Can We use this fear of death to controle violence? Killing a person who was killed other person. How far it is correct? In Recent years, If we see some crimes. even death penality is not sufficient to punish the criminals of those crimes like Nirbhaya case in India, Terrorist attack on Taj hotel in India and famous attack on world trade towers. As i already mentioned inherited death will be there in all living creatures in this universe. We can user this fear of death to prevent crime in society by installing the fear in peoples mind by hanging the criminal in the crime like nirbhaya case in India. If some body ask the question, How far it is correct to kill a person with the name of punishment, then deffinetly my answer is "yes it is correct" Because we have to see the intention behind killing the person. A soldier killing an enemy is not at all a crime but a person who was killed other person for the sake of money is deffinetly a crime. Similarly killing a person who was killed other person is to prevent the crime and to make justice to the victim. Capital punishment is not a new concept to us, It is there from our ancient times. So i can conclude my argument as capital punishment is essential to controle violance in society along with efforts to chnage the idiology and way of thinking of criminals .There should be strong system not to misuse the capital punishment,other wise it may cause furthermore violence in society instead of decrease violence in society.

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Copy and paste your essay into a word document or similar and they should show up underlined so you can see them.
Mar 31, 2015

Could you please help me to know which band can i get for the above essay
Dec 20, 2015

Look Above

Death Penalty Essay

Some people advocate the death penalty for those who committed violent crimes. Others say that capital punishment is unacceptable in contemporary society. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the death penalty and give your opinion. It's always said that "forgiving and making people learn from the mistakes is the best solution".The death penalty is something that is given to the people who committed an absolute brutal or cruel crime. As it is known that every coin has two different sides and every aspect or decision has both advantages and disadvantages. In detail, the death penalty when given to the criminals the authorities hang them or kill them on a decided date. The death penalty brings fear in the people who think of attempting a crime and people will never have the audacity to commit a crime. Which results in clearance of the negatives in the society and keeping it safe. In other words, the death penalty brings awareness to people who commit an offense and force them to choose the right path. On the contrary, this causes a loss of human life and great grief to their friends and family. An innocent person may lose their due to this punishment. For an instance, many criminals these days use innocent people as a part of their crime, and later these people are caught instead of the original criminals. If these people are given the death penalty this results in taking away an innocents life. Also, this may lead to a revolt by the public on authorities. Moreover. killing someone is never a favorable solution, Teaching them the way of life and how to exceptionally use their ideas for a better living would be much more satisfactory and ideal. A punishment should teach someone how to go on the right way by following the rules and regulations, but should never kill someone. Therefore, I support the idea that capital punishment is unacceptable in contemporary society. Authorities should try to avoid death penalties to the maxing extent and should promote the ideology of changing the criminal's mindsets and thoughts and make them a better human being.

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Ielts essay # 26 - without capital punishment our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. capital punishment is essential to control violence in society..

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Updated on 20 October, 2023

Mrinal Mandal

Mrinal Mandal

Study abroad expert.

Mrinal Mandal

The capital punishment essay in IELTS   is one of the common topics for the examination. You should structure your essay carefully to maintain the minimum word count of 250 words while also sticking to the time limit of forty minutes to complete. Here are some samples that will help you practice the essay seamlessly.

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Question-  Without capital punishment (the death penalty) ,  our lives are less secure, and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? You should write at least 250 words. 

The death penalty's role can only be debated after pondering over the need for any punishment and the purpose it serves. If punishment is imposed to prevent the guilty individual from repeating the offense, then the argument tilts towards doing away with capital punishment. 

However, another aspect of the issue should be carefully examined, i.e., punishment is also useful when it impresses upon people about something wrong that has occurred and instills a fear of the law in them.

Suppose a young member of society, who has always been exposed to perennial violence and disruption and under the influence of older criminals, does not have any prevalent societal aim other than survival. This type of individual may be easily lured to kill someone for money or protection. Why would such an individual even fear the law and jail time? Life would be easier for such hardened individuals in prison. Penalties are often reduced in jails for good behavior and cooperation. Hence, this young individual should be taught that law is the guiding light of society.

Breaking the law may lead to serious punishment and even loss of life. From this context, it can be said that capital punishment helps in widening the gulf between petty offenses and violence and the act of murder. Abolition of capital punishment will reduce the differences between petty and serious crimes, leading to wholly unwanted consequences. 

However, even if the death penalty cannot be bypassed in some cases, it is not right to implement it for all serious crimes. If there is no past precedence or principle to justify the penalty, it is too stringent to be applied in many cases. Hence, to conclude, it can be stated that the law has a crucial role to play in the definition of scenarios and contexts which merit capital punishment while taking steps to instill the fear of the law itself amongst all citizens. 

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Crime rates have jumped considerably across the world, as per several reports. For controlling the spiraling crime rate, authorities should emphasize punishments such as life imprisonment for specific crimes and even the death penalty or capital punishment, depending upon the severity of the offense. The Government should implement such regulations to enhance social security and order. 

Many incidents periodically occur and shock society with their heinous nature. We have read about criminals killing their parents, siblings, spouses, and even children. We have seen plots to kill acquaintances, relatives, and friends. If there is no legal framework for stopping such incidents, it would negatively impact any society and its people. Capital punishment is needed for instilling fear amongst wayward citizens about the consequences of taking a life, i.e., the loss of life itself. 

The death penalty may be the sole mechanism for sufficiently punishing those guilty of gruesome and serious crimes and may help in the direct reduction of violence to a great degree worldwide. We have often witnessed instances where women have been brutally raped and murdered by a group of perpetrators. Capital punishment for such violators is the only way to create a deterrent and bring down future instances of such crimes. If society endorses and accepts capital punishment, the crime rate automatically reduces as a result. 

Capital punishment sends out a strong message that there are no second chances for severe offenses. The theme of reforming hardened murderers and allowing them to lead dignified lives does not hold water when they have taken the lives of their fellow citizens. Of course, there are some instances where the law has to take the responsibility of clearly defining the measure of guilt, i.e., an unwarranted accident or killing in self-defense.

To sum up, it can be said that capital punishment is highly necessary for lowering the crime rate in society while also securing the lives and livelihoods of citizens. Otherwise, without a serious deterrent to murder, such crimes would exponentially increase worldwide, putting the entire societal structure at risk. 

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capital punishment ielts essay

IELTS Writing Task 2 essay sample 3118 – Band 6.0

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

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The writing sample displayed here is the work of IELTS candidates and has been assessed by our team for guidance and practice purposes. These scores are not official IELTS scores.

Candidate’s Response:

While it is believed by some people that death penalty is advisable for hardened criminals, others consider that the capital punishment should be banned. In my opinion, death penalty should be kept as a red line for those who involved in committing serious offending but it is essential to consider carefully before providing a final verdict.

There is little room for doubt that any crime committed by anyone must be punished in order to prevent others from offending. By providing punishment, it will ensure that people would be more concerned before being involved in any dodgy circumstances or human rights law in certain cases. Therefore, people who offended serious law abuses, such as a murder, inconsequentially should be punished by receiving a capital punishment. Thus, it will help others understand their overall responsibilities and prevent them, especially first-year criminals, from offending.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of providing death penalty. Firstly, in some countries, specifically in low-income countries, with high level of corruption this type of punishment might be used in personal purposes. As usual, these countries are presided over by a handful of corrupted people who have the ability to manipulate any activity to their own benefit and punish people in order to frighten them. Secondly, there is a high probability to condemn an innocent person and commit a penalty. In such a case, capital punishment prohibition would help authorities and people to develop a clearer understanding of criminals’ intentions and find a real offender.

In conclusion, while capital punishment certainly helps people understand their responsibilities, there are some circumstances where this measure might lead to the state of turmoil within society.

Presented By: Shahab Hosseinzadeh

Presented By: Shahab Hosseinzadeh

January 23, 2024

IELTS Writing Band Descriptors:

Thank you indeed for writing this essay. Your stance in favor of the death penalty is clearly stated. However, you mentioned that it should be kept as a "red line" and that careful consideration is essential, providing a nuanced perspective. While the essay touches on several key points, it should consider expanding on ideas for a more comprehensive analysis. Providing specific examples or evidence can enhance the persuasiveness of the essay's argument. Regarding sentence structure and clarity, some sentences are complex, and a few could be rephrased for better clarity. For instance, in the concluding sentence, consider clarifying what "state of turmoil" refers to. Although the vocabulary range is wide, there are some vocabulary issues. For instance, instead of "dodgy circumstances," the essay can use "illegal activities" for a more academic tone.

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Band 7+: Without capital punishement (the death penalty), our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishement is essential to control violence in society. To which extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (200-250 words)

There is no doubt that many people are in danger due to the presence of crime and violence. Although some people believe that capital punishments are necessary, in my opinion, those kinds of punishments are not as important a solution for crime as they think.

First and foremost, it is important to acknowledge that some innocent people can be convicted to death. This is a problem for both the people who will be punished and their families because those punishments usually cause irreversible harm to those people. Although the government may prove their innocence after their punishments and then try to compensate for the damage, they cannot bring dead people back. If they had not been sentenced to death, they would have been free. To make matters worse, if these innocent people are punished to death, the evidence they have may be destroyed at the same time, and proving their innocence cannot be possible because of that. For example, in the US, a man proved that he was not guilty after 25 years in prison. Consequently, killing people as a punishment may lead to a deterioration in society and decrease public belief in their legal system.

That said, capital punishments are incapable of preventing crime. This is because people who commit crimes have psychological disorders, such as a tendency to harass. This may be the reason why capital punishments are not able to discourage criminals from bad actions. Furthermore, the crime rates of countries that have capital punishment in their legal systems are higher than those of other countries. It may indicate that a conviction for death is an ineffective method to protect civilians from malicious attacks.

In conclusion, it is impossible to think that people can be preserved from crime if countries sentence criminals to death. I believe that while capital punishments may not contribute to a to a decreasing crime rate, educating people can be a much effective way than enforcing those punishments.

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IELTS Writing task 2 band 5.5 essay | Capital punishment

gallows, hang, penalty

Today, we will be looking at an opinion essay and giving it a rating from an examiner’s perspective. The essay in this IELTS task 2 rating would score 5.5 in the test.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

You should write at least 250 words.

Before talking about the essential role of the death penalty,  you  have to think about the meaning, and the purpose, of any kind of punishment. If  you   consider that the purpose is to prevent the guilty from  being nasty again, you   can be seduced by an  argumentation  in favour of the suppression of capital punishment.

But  you  have to think about another aspect of the problem: a punishment is also useful to   impress  people, to make them fear the law. In fact,   let’s   take the example of a young  misfit ,  which   has grown in a violent atmosphere, influenced by older delinquents,  etc .  He lives  in   the streets;  he’s   got no aim but to survive. This is the kind of person who could possibly kill someone for money, or even for fun. Why would he fear prison? Life would be easier for him there . In addition, in many cases, when you behave normally, you can benefit from penalty reductions .  This young misfit needs to be  impressed ; he needs to know that the law is a frontier. When you cross it,  you  can lose your life. That is why capital punishment helps keep a distance between robbery and murder. If  you   abolish it,  you  suppress the difference between these two types of crime, which are completely different.

But there is also a limit to define: even if the death penalty is unavoidable, it would be a crime to apply it to inadequate cases. If there is no premeditation or past facts which can justify such a punishment, it is far too strict to apply the death penalty. That is why the lawmakers have to establish precisely the context in which capital punishment  car   being pronounced .   That is the price to pay to limit violence without using excessive violence .

The first thing you will notice about this essay is that there are only three paragraphs. The first paragraph does not read like an introduction but an unfinished body paragraph, it doesn’t clearly tell the reader what is going to be discussed in the essay. The last sentence mentions ‘the suppression of capital punishment ‘ but the next paragraph is about deterring criminals from committing crimes so there is no clear progression here. There is also a lack of cohesive devices, and on reading the full essay you will also notice that there is no conclusion, so the writer is not going to score higher than a 5 .  It may seem odd to start with coherence rather than task response, but inadequate paragraphing stands out immediately here, so it is easy to rate. Examiners would usually look at task response first.

  • Presents information with some organisation but there may be a lack of  overall progression
  • Makes inadequate , inaccurate or overuse of cohesive devices
  • May be repetitive because of lack of referencing and substitution  may not write in paragraphs, or paragraphing may be inadequate .

Task Response

The writer has not fully addressed the question for task response. The last sentence in the first paragraph is not clear at all and is a contradiction. If the purpose is to stop criminals reoffending or committing violent crime again it is not likely to be ‘supressed’ as the writer says. The second paragraph talks about deterring criminals and we can assume through that crimes of violence can be reduced. I have also underlined a sentence where the writer drifts off topic by talking about ‘penalty reductions’. In the last paragraph the writer talks about under which circumstances capital punishment should be given as a sentence which is not related to the question prompt. Also, the last sentence doesn’t really make any sense. The whole essay is poorly written, and it is difficult to come to any clear conclusions. An important point to note, the tone of the essay is inappropriate. The writer uses ‘you’ in the first two paragraphs as if speaking to someone. Writing task 2 is an academic essay and therefore requires a formal tone ie  Before discussing the essential role of the death penalty, the meaning, and the purpose, of any kind of punishment should be considered.

  • addresses the task only partially ; the format may be inappropriate in places
  • expresses a position but the development is not always clear and there may be no conclusions drawn
  • presents some main ideas but these are limited and not s ufficiently developed ; there may be irrelevant detail

There are quite a few word-choice errors, the most obvious being ‘you’ as already discussed. In the first paragraph ‘being nasty again’ could be changed to  ‘reoffending ’.  In the second paragraph the writer uses ‘impress people’ and ‘needs to be impressed’. It would be more appropriate to use  ‘deter’  and  ‘deterred’  here ie  ‘deter people’  and  ‘needs to be deterred’ . ‘Living in the street’ should be  ‘living on the streets’ . You will also notice that when referencing the male pronoun ‘he’ is used. It would have been more appropriate to just say  ‘young person’  instead of ‘misfit’ and then use the plural pronoun  ‘they’  to include both male and female. In academic writing nowadays it is inappropriate to use language that excludes one of the sexes –  ‘sexist language’ . We often use  ‘people’  or  ‘person’  to include both male and female ie  Man is a social animal – People are social animals.  In the last sentence ‘car’ should obviously be ‘can’ and ‘be pronounced’ are errors –  ‘can be given or used’  would be better. Overall, the vocabulary is adequate for the task.

  • Uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task
  • Attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy
  • Makes some errors in spelling a nd/or word formation, but they do not impede communication

There are some errors with contractions ‘let’s’ and ‘he’s’. In academic essays always use the full forms of words as we only use contractions in informal writing or speech. The use of ‘etc’ means the sentence in the second paragraph is incomplete. Avoid using ‘etc’ and ‘so on’.

The main causes of pollution are factory emissions, car exhaust emissions, discharge of waste into rivers etc.

We can change into the complete sentence below.

The main causes of pollution are factory emissions, car exhaust emissions, and discharge of waste into rivers.

There are quite a few simple sentences in the second paragraph, but punctuation is actually well controlled throughout the essay.

  • Uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms
  • Makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce communication

That brings an end to this essay rating. If you are preparing for your IELTS test and want to find out a bit more about task 2, check out our post giving five tips to improve your IELTS writing task 2 ! Our candidate would have scored a 5 for coherence and task achievement, with grammar and vocabulary scoring 6 each, giving an overall score of 5.5. Is there anything that surprised you about this essay’s score? Have your say, and comment in the section below!  Click here for the full public IELTS task 2 writing descriptors .

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IELTS Band 7 essay sample: Is capital punishment justified?

IELTS Band 7 essay sample: Is capital punishment justified?

Some people believe that capital punishment prevents people from committing gruesome crimes. However, others feel that it has failed to act as a deterrent. What is your opinion?

Student’s response

Capital Punishment has always been a subject of long and grueling debates amongst intellectuals and philosophers since the dawn of history. Supporters of capital punishment argue that such a method of punishment is very effective in deterring criminals from committing murder. Also, from justice point of view, capital punishment is regarded as the just and logical punishment for murderers. As for the victim’s family, it serves as an opportunity to take revenge for their murdered loved ones.

However, critics view capital punishment as immoral. Since killing as an act on its own is a condemned one, this exclusive right of the government to kill would spark many moral dilemmas. In addition, statistics have proved that capital punishment, regardless of the method, has failed to control the number of murder cases in many countries.

In reality, there has been no established pattern that would support the claim that capital punishment serves as a tool to reduce murder cases. For example, in Scandinavian countries, where capital punishment had been abolished, the number of murder cases per capita is one of the least in the world. Hence, it is hard to say that capital punishment was the reason for this astounding result. In a country like the USA, murder cases are numerous despite capital punishment.

In conclusion, Capital punishment has failed to serve its purpose. This established through facts and statistics. In addition to being an immoral method of establishing order, it portrays governments as criminals. It is rather prosperity that can control violence in the world. After all, humans tend to do the right thing; it is circumstances that compel them to commit the evil.

(273 words)

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Capital punishment must be banned, while others think in order to protect individuals.. Band 9 Essay

Updated: Mar 11

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people believe capital punishment must be banned, while others think in order to protect individuals, criminals committing certain crimes must be executed.

What is your opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

Task 2 Band 9 Essay Sample - Some people believe capital punishment must be banned, while others think in order to protect individuals, criminals committing certain crimes must be executed.

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Sample Essay 1

There is a group of people who argue for the abolition of death penalty, whereas, considering people’s safety, others believe that convicts of some heinous crimes must be brought to the judicial execution. However, I am strongly inclined to the view that execution is assuredly inappropriate in the modern world due to the possibility of mistrial and its futility.

A miscarriage of justice that results in putting an innocent person to death is one of the key reasons why capital punishment is impractical today. Instead of having the advanced investigation methods and a large number of efficient detectives, there is always a chance of making a mistake. For instance, Tom Chappell of Zimbabwe was given a death penalty in 1989, which was proved wrong after 22 years when his dependent parents and widow already passed away after a long period of poverty and starvation. It illustrates that a legalized killing cannot bring any justice for lay people, but it can definitely shatter someone’s life, which would have a knock-on effect on many individuals. Even if the jury realizes after executing the penalty that it was a mistake, no compensation on earth will be able to bring the executed person back to life. Thus, killing an innocent person in the name of justice can never be justified.

In addition, I would argue that anyone can make mistakes, and therefore, it is extremely important to give a lawbreaker a second chance for rectification. There are serial killers who are caught in the USA and in some European countries and, fortunately, as the above-mentioned countries do not have death penalty, it can be a salvation for the first-time criminals in these nations. For instance, the Norwegian terrorist Bravick killed 77 and injured 151 people, but he got a second chance, which was especially useful for this person as it allowed him to think twice about his life. Therefore, I do believe that the government should give perpetrators an opportunity for rehabilitation which is a proved effective strategy applied in many countries.

In conclusion, both jury and criminals can make mistakes; judges can give an unfair trail ending someone’s life, while a correction chance can gift a person a beautiful new life. Therefore, regardless of the extent of crime, I am firmly of the opinion that death penalty is inappropriate in today's world.

Sample Essay 2

The debate over capital punishment polarizes societies, pitching advocates for its absolute abolition against proponents arguing its necessity for safeguarding public safety through the deterrence of heinous crimes. This essay contends that while capital punishment may serve a deterrent function, its irrevocability and the potential for judicial errors necessitate a reevaluation of its application, advocating for stringent, but reversible, penal measures.

Proponents of capital punishment assert that it serves as a potent deterrent against grave offenses, such as murder or terrorism, thereby protecting societal order and safety. They argue that the fear of death is primal and universal, making the death penalty an effective tool in preventing individuals from committing acts that could attract such a punishment. For instance, countries with active death penalty laws often cite lower rates of major crimes, suggesting a correlation between capital punishment and crime deterrence. However, this perspective overlooks the moral and ethical dimensions of taking a life, especially in a judicial system not immune to flaws.

Conversely, critics of capital punishment highlight the irreversible nature of the penalty and the distressing possibility of executing innocent individuals. Judicial systems, albeit designed to be meticulous, are not infallible. The instances of posthumous exonerations through advanced forensic methods underscore this fallibility, revealing the grim reality that irreversible punishments can, and do, irrevocably harm innocent lives. Moreover, the ethical argument posits that the state should not engage in the same fundamental violation of life it seeks to prevent, advocating instead for life sentences without parole as a means to protect society while preserving the potential for rectifying judicial errors.

In conclusion, while the intent behind capital punishment - to deter heinous crimes and protect society - is understandable, its irreversible consequences and the ethical dilemma it presents cannot be overlooked. A more humane and reversible approach to punishment is warranted, one that safeguards society and upholds the value of human life, even in the face of grievous offenses. This shift not only reflects a commitment to justice but also to the principles of mercy and redemption, essential components of an evolved society.

The debate over the appropriateness of capital punishment polarizes opinion, pitting those who see it as an archaic, inhumane practice against proponents arguing it's necessary for safeguarding society by deterring heinous crimes. This essay contends that while capital punishment may serve as a deterrent, alternatives exist that can protect society without resorting to taking a life, focusing on rehabilitation and the effectiveness of life imprisonment as deterrents.

Detractors of capital punishment argue that it is fundamentally inhumane and unethical, violating the universal right to life. The irrevocability of the death penalty raises grave concerns, especially in light of judicial fallibility; wrongful executions are irreversible miscarriages of justice. Furthermore, studies have shown that capital punishment does not significantly deter crime more effectively than life imprisonment. Countries like Norway, which emphasize rehabilitation over retribution, boast some of the lowest recidivism rates globally, suggesting that transforming individuals into productive members of society is a more effective way to ensure public safety.

Proponents, however, maintain that the death penalty acts as a potent deterrent against severe crimes, asserting that the fear of death is paramount in preventing individuals from committing acts like murder or terrorism. They argue that certain crimes are so grievous that they warrant the ultimate penalty, both as a form of retribution and to prevent the criminal from harming society again. Nonetheless, this perspective overlooks the potential for rehabilitation and the ethical dilemmas posed by state-sanctioned killing, not to mention the psychological and social impact on the families involved and society at large.

In conclusion, while the intention behind capital punishment - to protect society and deter crime - is understandable, the evidence suggests that alternatives such as life imprisonment without parole and a focus on rehabilitation are more humane and just as effective. The ethical implications and the irreversible nature of the death penalty highlight the need for criminal justice systems that prioritize reform and redemption over retribution. Society must strive for a balance that ensures safety and justice without compromising human dignity.

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IELTS task 2: Capital punishment (the death penalty) in society

capital punishment ielts essay

mariasultana 7 / 13   Feb 25, 2014   #3 Hi eddies, This is a good essay in some sences and coherent. But I feel that it is not easy to understand, so you must use such sentences that can be easily understand

nigulina 2 / 3   Feb 25, 2014   #5 Essay is good competently written, but a little bit difficult to understand. I read it 3 times to distribute where is introduction,main body and conclusion. May be i'm not a native speaker, or u need more sentences.

KenNgo 2 / 3   Mar 7, 2014   #11 I think your essay is still not convincing. *For Introduction part: At the same time, this punishment can make criminals get intimidated. Then, it can prevent them for repeating the same mistakes. I think it's better if you finished it with your view point like that "In my opinion, it is quite difficult for people to decide whether to support or reject the argument above because choosing the right side still depends on several points as follows" *For the BODY part: you should give 2 opinions: support and against for 2 sides. Here i did not see you do that. avoid repeat a word many times. Just substitute them by synonyms Try more!! Good luck!!!

rairaichan0323 1 / 1   Mar 11, 2014   #12 THOUGHT WE GET GOOD REVIEWS. BUT DID NOT GET ANY REVIEWS.

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capital punishment ielts essay

IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Capital Punishment

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Without capital punishment our lives are less secure and there are higher chances of increased crime.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

With the increasing crime rates world wide, an appeal towards capital punishment is being made. Although some people believe that capital punishment is necessary for reducing the crime rates, opinions also exist claiming that we should get away with this form of punishment. In my opinion, the only way to reduce crime is by strengthening the law and order.

Arguments in favor of capital punishment surely provide valid reasons. Firstly, some crimes are so cruel that not punishing severely makes the victim feel insecure. For instance, the terrorist who get caught up after a bomb blast, if are not provided severe punishment could act as insult to injury for the thousands of people who lost their loved ones. Secondly, weak punishment often instigates the feeling that one can get away with whatever they want to do. For instance, if a person after raping gets bail, becomes an example for many criminals; they know that even after destroying someone’s life they will be able to lead a normal life.

capital punishment

However, human and his actions are very complex, defining simple punishments for all is not the most pragmatic thing to do. For instance, a boy who just stepped into adult hood, aged 20, if murders someone, capital punishment might not be the right solution. Because it might be possible that there were several other factors responsible for it. In my opinion,  government should be the responsible authority to provide a secure and better state to live.

Overall, serious punishment is surely necessary to bring law and order in the country but it is the responsibility of law to ensure that the wrong doer gets the right level of punishment.

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Essay 36 – Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society

Gt writing task 2 (essay writing) sample # 36.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

You should write at least 250 words.

You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Model Answer 1: [Disagree]

The topic of capital punishment elicits strong emotions and diverse viewpoints, and some opine that without capital punishment, our society is prone to more crime and violence. I believe that there are more effective and humane ways to address crime and ensure public safety rather than implementing capital punishment.

Firstly, the claim that capital punishment deters crimes of violence is not strongly supported by empirical evidence. Numerous studies have shown that the presence or absence of the death penalty does not significantly affect crime rates. Factors such as socioeconomic conditions, education, and effective law enforcement play more substantial roles in preventing crime. Therefore, relying on capital punishment as a means to control violence may be misguided and overlook more comprehensive approaches to crime prevention.

Furthermore, the application of capital punishment raises ethical concerns. The irreversible nature of the death penalty means that any errors or miscarriages of justice cannot be rectified. There have been cases where innocent individuals have been wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death, only to be exonerated years later. Such occurrences highlight the inherent fallibility of the justice system and the irreversible consequences of capital punishment.

Rather than relying on capital punishment, societies can focus on implementing more effective crime prevention measures and rehabilitation programmes. Investing in education, social support systems, and rehabilitation initiatives can address the root causes of criminal behaviour and help reintegrate individuals back into society. Moreover, a shift towards restorative justice approaches can offer a more compassionate and meaningful response to crime. Restorative justice focuses on repairing the harm caused by crime, promoting accountability, and facilitating the healing and reconciliation of all parties involved.

In conclusion, the evidence does not convincingly support the claim that the death penalty serves as an effective deterrent for crime. Moreover, ethical concerns, the potential for wrongful convictions, and the irreversibility of the punishment call into question its legitimacy. Instead, I believe that focusing on crime prevention, rehabilitation, and restorative justice can lead to more equitable, humane, and secure societies.

Model Answer 2: [Agree]

Many people believe that the death penalty is necessary for serious offenders to keep our society safe and for the country to function and advance. While such punishments might seem cruel and inhuman to some, I sincerely believe that without capital punishment, our society will become unsafe for ordinary citizens and vulnerable to brutality and crime.

To begin with, our society has laws and punishments so that ordinary citizens can live without fear and violent individuals are kept away from creating havoc. Thus when we talk about a burglar who has stolen more than once, we have a prison sentence for such crime and he is given an opportunity to repent and come clean after he serves the prison time. However, when we talk about a pathological criminal who is a serial killer or has an obsessive-compulsive disorder to rape a child, they are beyond correction and should never be allowed to be able to harm a single innocent soul on our watch. For such capital offences, we need to have capital punishment to make our society secure and safe.

Moreover, I believe that capital punishment is necessary as it is an effective deterrent to many major offences. According to many, the best method to keep crimes under a tolerable level is to show people the consequences of their misconduct and felonies. For example, many Asian countries, including Singapore, have controlled drug trafficking and drug dealing by enforcing death penalties for such offenders. The result of it was astounding and all of those countries have alleviated the drug trafficking and drug dealing problems to a staggering lower level.

To conclude, despite some sentiments against capital punishment, I believe that it proves out to be the best method to make our society a far better place to live in.

Model Answer 3: [Disagree]

Many people believe that the death sentence is necessary to counter the violence and maintain peace in society. However, I believe that there are better alternatives to curb the crime rates and the death penalty is inhumane in a civilised world.

According to many, the death sentence is the only way to make an example to deter others from committing heinous crimes. They believe that serious offenders are like worms in a righteous society and should not be given a second chance. However, for both ideas- in and against capital punishment, several research works have been conducted, and the findings indicate the contrary. It is interesting to note that countries that have implemented capital punishment still have a higher crime rate than those countries that have abolished it. Besides, I personally believe that we do not have the right to kill a human being as this would be another crime.

Thus it is only rational to suggest that counselling and educating criminals in prisons could be a great way to convert criminals into good human beings. Norway, where the crime rate is lower than most other countries in the world, is a great example of how proper counselling can change criminals. Moreover, we have to deal with the core factors of crimes and their backgrounds, give people economic freedom and tackle pressing issues in society to reduce crime rates. A society with a strong economy and educated members has lower crime rates and that is what we should be working on to achieve. Finally, we can replace capital punishment with life imprisonment for repeat offenders and heinous criminals who are beyond correction.

To conclude, persuaded by what has been discussed as well as compelled by what I have learnt and experienced, I would like to reiterate that capital punishment can not reduce the crime rate in the long run and it is inhumane to kill someone for his/her crime.

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

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  • capital punishment
  • death penalty
  • retributive justice
  • wrongful execution
  • economic costs
  • life imprisonment
  • human rights
  • rehabilitation
  • heinous crimes
  • judiciary system
  • penal system
  • legal framework
  • justice system
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